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Just need to talk to my friends (180)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
Need to get 180 started.  Rick, welcome and please repost


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Day Keys looks like my sister’s Bichon.  She has had two and I like them.  

    Got a little more outside work done today.  Still have a bit to do.  Hope I can get it done Monday.  We will see.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Wanted to say WELCOME to Rick, great to have you join our thread!

    Hope everyone is having a decent weekend.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dear Day.   I was so sad to hear about Keys. He is a sweet looking dog. I know how hard it is to lose one. Keys will always be in your heart. Iam so sorry for your loss.

    Thank you all for your concern about my fall I am doing good a few days and Tylenol is all it took. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Days, I’m so sorry about Keys.  Pets are truly part of our family.

    I know I don’t post much, nothing exciting happening.  The bears are staying away since we took the bird feeders down.  Now that it’s getting cooler I think the hummingbirds are gone.  It’s been a couple days since I’ve seen them.  We had quite a bit of rain from Ian, we did need it but I wish I could send some to Lorita.  She called me tonight and wanted me to let you know that her internet is down so she won’t be able to post for a few days.  We all worry when she doesn’t post.  She did say she was having everything from her old laptop transferred to her new one so hopefully she’ll be back soon.

    Not really feeling well so I’ll close for now.  


  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hello to all my old friends….just popping in to the front porch to check in on you all.  So much going on and yet so much the same, glad to hear you are all doing well still, and coping with all that is being thrown at you.  I’ve bought a new phone, and for some reason my Alz thread has gone missing so haven’t been able to even read anything from you for a while.  

    We have just had 5 weeks in New Zealand, touring round.  We hired a car and motelled it in the north island for 2 weeks, then picked up a motor home and did our own thing for 3 weeks in the South Island   What a beautiful country it is.  I went there 11 years ago and did an 18 day bus tour, but this was another thing entirely, especially as Bob used to go over every couple of years so knows the country and it’s history well.  At the moment it is just coming into spring and the blossoms are just beautiful, and they have daffodils planted everywhere, alongside fences, around trees , in clumps, and just fields of them……reminded me of Wordsworth.  But of course the alps are still covered in snow, and for someone who has really not seen snow it was just mind blowing.  We even did a flight over the mountains in a small plane…...I was soooo excited.

    We returned from New Zealand on Friday , and brought back a lovely souvenir….Covid!!!   Bob caught it a week or so before, and I tested positive 2 days before we left, so of course we are now in isolation.   We are not sick, thank goodness, and thanks to our vaccinations I think.  We have both had 2 shots and 2 boosters 

    Cheers all.  Condolences to those who’ve had losses, and welcome to new porch rockers.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Sandy thanks for keeping us filled in on Lorita.

    Sandymac good to hear from you.  Glad you are doing ok with Covid.  Over here we are hearing that Australia had a bad flu season.  Is that your experience?  

    I’m not seeing Rick’s post on old thread or this new thread.  Welcome Rick glad others are seeing your post.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Live and learn. I did not know know that NZ was two large and then some smell islands. It is known by aqll to be one of the most beautiful places on this earth.

    I am again reasurred in my choice not to live in the country. No internet! I ust it everyday and if it goes down it is a matter or hours until it isup and running.

    Everyone sitting on their rocker? I took out a years subscription to America's Test Kitchen and ordered a scale from Amazon. I am going to make Challah. They made it look so easy. They stressed the need for a scale for baking and discused wheich kind of flour to use for what based on protein content. All of that I found very interesting.

    New grass is soming along nicely but sure is a lot of watering. 3-4x daily but just for 10 minutes each time.

    This afternoon I am packing up a box of Dick's good looking socks and Polo shirts to send to St Louis. New grandson-in-law is the first person the right size.

    BTW...the new med has really helped my neuropathy. I can feel my feet, wiggle my toes and my balance is better.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello on this Sunday morning.   Sayra, Ron's Post is on the old 179 Thread on October 1. 

    Day; I am very sorry to hear of  the passing of your beloved little Keys; what a sweet photo, it is a loss of great sadness; you held Keys in your arms as you said goodbye, a loving and caring person little Keys had to love and share life with.  I send my condolences to you.

    Hello Sandymac . . . what a beautful trip you took.    You do get around and have the most wonderful times.  However, I am sorry to hear the two of you contracted COVID; hope it continues to be a light case.  How did it get diagnosed and are you on any meds to help deal with it?  Well; the isolation and down time can be time spent planning in your next adventure.   It is always smile worthy when you mention the onset of summer as we begin our onset of winter; strange planet in some ways.  Be well and take good care.

    Thank you Lorita for having us notified you would be off the Front Porch for a few days, we will not go worrying, that is very nice of you.

    The Weatherman giveth and the Weatherman taketh away . . .  his likely prediction of our weather back in the 70's next week has changed.    We will be in the high 80's or low 90's instead.  Well; that beats the triple digits, so that is good.  Hope we have those 70's soon.  

    I should not complain; those poor folks in Florida and Carolina; dreadful situation.  So hope that the recovery can somehow speed up and get the electricity and water supply as well as grocery stock get up again swiftly.   How truly awful; so many losses in so many ways.

    Crikey; just read an article regarding the arrival of a new COVID variant which is quite strong.  It is not at all susceptible to the vaccines, nor does it seem to be susceptible to the meds to fight the virus if one contracts it.    I suspect this will be an ongoing issue as this virus is quite strong in its ability to continue changing and morphing into new variants.  

    Got a newsletter update from UCLA Med Center; their top Infectious Disease MD in his article, stated that he continues to avoid crowded places and when he goes into a place such as a grocery store, he continues to mask.  Common sense.  We continue to do the same.  The Times evidently had an article stating the obvious, that winter is expected to see quite a significant increase in cases and a surge is in all probability going to happen across much of the country.   LA County has a lower number of IDENTIFIED cases, (not testing as before which skews that as so many go unidentified), but that the COVID death rate is creeping upward.  If cases will be seen to increase OR if hospital admissions begin to increase, the county will restore mandatory masking at indoor places again. Compliance may be a challenge which is an issue.  Well; if masking, that will also help to not catch the flu.  Guess I'd best check our mask supply.  Sayra will slap me, but the N95s bands badly twist up in my curly hair big time and affects the mask and is sometimes even a bit painful, so I have been making the head band into snug ear bands.  I ensure the metal nose piece is fitted well across the nose, and that the mask is snug around the face . . . yet; I know it is not optimal.  So hope it is "good enough."  If there would be a credible N95 equivalent with ear bands, that would be perfect.

    When in CVS getting our Bivalent Booster, a few of those who were actually wearing masks standing in line to pick up prescriptions were wearing them below their noses.  That still continues to have me shaking my head.  Why even bother with the mask.

    We have so many children's board games in perfect condition; I need to find a good place or someone to donate them to.  We acquired them as the out of state grandchildren came and stayed, so we have games for all ages from tot to teens.  So many lovely memories playing games with them.  Have a lot of wonderful hardback children's books, but I will not donate those. Granddaughters asked me to save them for when they have children; will do so.  As it is, I too love those books and so wish I had children to read them to, I miss that.   The library has a "reader" in the children's library, that is so nice for them.  I am a great supporter for reading aloud to children from the earliest age possible; there are SO many good books for all ages.   It certainly expands and stimulates their minds while entertaining, brings closeness and an interest in the written word that can carry on throughout life.   Fond memories of cuddling the little ones as we read together on the sofa.  Wonderful.  Each Christmas, each child got a gift, but also got a pair of new pajamas with a new book tucked in with the jammies.  They looked for that.  When giving a baby gift at a shower, I tuck a toddler book in with the gift.  

    Zetta, how is the weather faring up there right now?   Have the mornings got really cold as yet?  My brother in Bend got his snow blower primed for what is to come.  Son in Medford is not yet thinking that way, but will soon.  He had just redone his entire front yard which is rather large and is on a corner; he also built some new stone planters; he is wonderfully skilled with anything hands on and he even quarried his own stone.  He sent a beautiful photo of a yearling in his front yard; it had tiny antlers with velvet on them.  Just wandered in.  The wild turkey population is now far less where he is, but one can still hear them a bit up on the hill behind them.   When we often visited not long after he had just moved into his house years back, the deer would come down every dawn and dusk; most often the does with their fawns, it was lovely and the wild turkeys were a huge gobbling noisy chorus in the morning.  However, as housing got built and golf course got put in, well; that always happens at the cost of nature.   Rather sad.

    Hope all goes well for everyone, and so hope we have Lorita back soon; she is missed.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, just saw your Post, I am absolutely delighted that the new med has worked so well for the neuropathy issues; I am truly very happy for you; it must feel wonderful and I can see you smiling in my mind's eye.

    Enjoy your new magazine, I have been thinking of getting Southern Living; will have to think about that as I have not actually seen an edition in years.  It used to have the best recipes and decorating ideas with traditional rooms which I really like. I am not a modernist when it comes to furniture and decorating, but really like the traditional; stuck in the mud me, but for me there is something gracious and relaxing about it.  



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C. wrote:


    , so I have been making the head band into snug ear bands.  I ensure the metal nose piece is fitted well across the nose, and that the mask is snug around the face . . . 

    Jo C, how do you make the head band into ear bands?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi everyone

    Very windy day.  Wind is suppose to calm tomorrow, so hope I can finish cleaning up my yard.  My house is a disaster and I can’t wait to get it straightened up.  Will take awhile but plan on doing a deep cleaning.

    Let us know how the Challah turns out Judith.  I like it.  Have never made it though.  So glad your new medicine is helping, that is wonderful.

    Guess the flu is starting to go around here.  Mom told me she went to someone’s house today and they didn’t let her in because two people were very sick with the flu.  I feel my mom is deteriorating a little more physically and mentally.  If she gets the flu or Covid guessing it may be hard on her.

    Her 92 year old Sister is not doing well.  She is not eating but very little and they are feeding her that.  That is not my independent aunt.  She has shingles and a small bed sore.  This is nothing new, she weighs about 90 pounds and has for years so bed sore has happened very quickly.  Her daughter is an only child and this is hard on her.  I mentioned hospice as she says she looks like she is having pain even when sleeping. C Told me she is thinking about it.

    My bone density scan was positive as I assumed it would be.  Anyway will not be adding a pill. Found a physical therapist who is considered an expert in osteoporosis and she has osteoporosis.  She has several videos in Bob and Brad.  She has at least three where she is just talking with them.  Then she has a series of 20 videos on there where she show what she does in her program.  I’m learning with these videos.  This will be my plan for now.  Think if you have osteopenia or osteoporosis you might enjoy hearing what she has to say.  I’ve listened multiple times and learn something new frequently.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Iris; it would be of no help to try and describe; but you can find videos as to how to do this Google; it also depends on whether your mask has metal fastenings or not.  As it is, I am not certain that I am doing the right thing and may end up saying getting knotted up in my hair is not that big an issue, being safe is the most important thing and I do not want to be like the folks that do not cover their noses.  

    Sayra; do you know the links to the Bob and Brad and other videos you mention with the other person?   Would be good to get their input. 

    Now to get my DH to put his mask in a paper bag and wait five days before using it again, rotating it with others instead of putting it in his pocket and wearing it as soon as he needs it; often within a day.  No input sways the bad practice.  Sayra, you are our resident expert, you good Respiratory Therapist you; if you have any new input on masks, loops, multiple uses, it would be appreciated; or just a reminder for us dear teacher.  Things change and I seem to miss a lot and you are very good at catching things.

    Got to get our flu shots and are due to get them in a week, I look forward to that.  Of course it will take two weeks for it to be active in the body, but just getting it is the goal right now.

    Was it Australia that has been having a huge problem with influenza?  I cannot quite recall, but it was I think.

    Got to go and get some more cards in the mail to send to my friend and aunt who have been ill and in the hospital.  Aunt is improving and is home at her ALF again, and friend still struggling with the fractured sternum with hematoma along with a fresh post-op knee replacement surgery.   So wish I could make it better.

    Good evening wishes being sent for everyone,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Thanks Jo C, I was just curious.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC I think I may have figured out how to do a link.  Going to try.  But don’t seem to be able to put more than one in same post.  Still wear my masks and maintain them same way.  Not going to fix what isn’t broken lol.  It’s did me well since 2020.

    Ok proud of myself.  First time I have been able to figure out how to do a link.  Had to make all four separate because when I tried to do in same post the new one kept replacing the one before it.  Maybe I’ll figure that out someday.

    Anyway first 3 are her interviews with Bob and Brad.  Last one is playlist of her exercise videos.  There are 20 of them and will play one after another or you can pick which one you want over on the right side.

    Notice when she talks about the Marodyne LiV in one of the interviews.  Looked it up, very interesting.  Costs around $3000.  Thinking about it.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Thank you for the continuation of the kind thoughts about Keys.  I am concentrating on what a great friend he was and thankful that he was not in distress except for his last day and definitely not distressed when he passed.  

    Ladyzetta, I was so upset a few days ago I forgot to wish you speedy recovery.  Anyone else I missed I do apologize - I was a mess up until today and I feel like everything I heard and read is all a blur.

    Lorita - I hope all the internet/tablet issues are being taken care of because I miss the long posts with what's happening with everyone on the farm (and the visitors to the farm)!

    Sayra - I just love Bob and Brad - I had a frozen shoulder a few years ago and their exercises helped to regain function in it.  Their advice is not crazy or extreme - good and common-sense and real help with a lot of a body's mechanical issues.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Yes Day, they have helped me many times.  Like having a physical therapist any time you need one.  Have recommended them to so many people.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Goid morning front porch rockers and welcome Rick.

    I've thought about this for some time now and decided to just post my thoughts. 

    Wouldn't it be nice if the rest of the world could join our porch! 

    I dont know what skin color you have and I don't care!

    I dont know your religious beliefs and I dont care!

    I don't know your political beliefs and I don't care!

    All i know is I'm sitting in my rocking chair with a bunch of friends who i care about and who cares about me. We sing, we dance, we give out recipies,  we talk about sad times and good times, but most important of all, we are supportive of each other.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world was just one big front porch!!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, what wonderful thoughts about our front porch friends! You are such a kind, caring person. I'm glad to rock on the front porch with you and my other friends.

    Sara, thanks for the osteoporosis playlist. I haven't yet had a recent DEXA; my last was two years ago and I would not be at all surprised if my osteopenia has worsened. I may just go ahead and start the exercises prophylactically. Can't hurt, and very well may help. I will still take calcium supplementation and vitamin D. I've decided against going back to algae cal after reading the info about strontium. Also, it is $109 per month! 

    Lorita, we miss your newsy posts. Hope you get your internet and new computer working soon.

    Judith, your daughter's trip to Scotland sounds like a dream!!! I have been watching YouTube videos of the Queen's (now the King's) royal residences with inside, outside, and garden videos as well.  Balmoral, Sandringham, Windsor - pretty amazing! What a lifestyle. As you know, Balmoral is in Scotland as is Holyroodhouse.

    We went to a grill your own steakhouse last night. It was just wonderful! NY strip, baked potato, salad, baked beans.

    The garden clean up has begun. Pulled the tomatoes - there were over 100 green tomatoes on the vine; some I brought in to ripen on the counter and some to try fried green tomatoes. I did not bring in 100 tomatoes! Way too many to deal with at this time. I already have tomatoes and tomato sauce in the freezer. 

    Have a good week!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dearest friends; dear, dear Ron:  What a wonderful piece of writing and so very true.  I am going to copy and keep that, it says so much to me.   Thank you.

    Also, deep thank you's to Sayra for those links with Bob and Brad.  I just love that PT who is brilliant and also a great teacher and personality.  I would love to have her for my PT; I would be a big challenge as I have been far too sedentary for far too long and all due to the knees that cannot be replaced, but somehow I think she would format a program to regaining so much.   Bob and Brad I really enjoy; they are delightful and teach so much.  Only problem is, that I wish I had a disk of their different programs as I cannot always recall all the different exercises and instructions for each.  They are a wonderful source. They even talk about how to choose a wheelchair or recliner, etc.  They cover it all.  I have noticed them getting older in appearance now, and so hope they keep it up for a long, long long time. They have been of great help to many.

    As for those exercise walking poles that the PT spoke of, years ago I had some and used them in my morning walks, it is true; you sure do get some cardio using them.   I used to walk every morning at about 5:00 am and had time for a little over a mile before needing to get ready to go to work.  Then I would walk the longer hallways at the hospital on purpose as well as needing to work.   Tennis when younger and a volleyball team when younger; strenuous water aerobics sweating like crazy on water  up to my bosom for an hour each weekday; and also rode my ten speed.  Now . . . . all to a screeching halt for several years due to the pain of the knees and other issues.  This recent discussion has been an inspiration and I am going to start the journey little by little and get me going much more again being wise in doing so.

    My friend bought a CUBII JR2 compact sitting elliptical machine and swears by it for leg strengthening and building.  One uses it when sitting; she even uses hers at her desk when on the computer.  She feels the results but I want to do a little research first as they are pricey; perhaps will be on sale with Amazon's big Prime Sale Day in October.  Anyone here used one?  It does no weight bearing, but I imagine it does burn some calories and may increase endurance.  It is over $300.   I need to know it will do some good.  Friend has used it for over a year and states she notes many benefits, but that is one opinion.  She stated that her P.T. and orthopedist both recommended she use it as her knees are somewhat compromised, so I imagine that is why the positive slant from them.  Well; we shall see.

    Sayra, you will have to let us know if you decide to buy that vibrating machine.  Pricey little thing, isn't it.  Always, those items that are good for our bodies and can help always seem to have a monster of a price tag. 

    Oops, phone ringing, off I go,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    62F, sunny.  Very nice day.   Got everything cleaned up but dahlia pot.  All I have left to do now is put alfalfa pellets down on beds and in pots.  It fertilizes them.  Also need to spread fall lawn fertilize.  Then clean garage up a little. Then will attack the house.  It isn’t dirty, just cluttered, and I don’t like that.

    Hi Lorita if you are able to still read.

    Ron all the rockers rocking would be a very peaceful sound.  Find the sound of a rocker relaxing.

    Beth I have taken D3 for quite awhile.  My level is normal.  Have been getting 700-900mg of calcium a day by food.  Think that is pretty good, using lactase.  See things that say you only absorb about 35% of supplement intake.  Also things out there about possibly increasing risk of stroke and heart attack.  Asked God to help me with it because I had just gotten scared to eat dairy products.  Seemed like lactase wasn’t working any more.  Wonder if it’s possible if the lactase got labeled  as extra strength when it was actually original strength.  That would surely be possible. 

    JoC hope even if Bob and Brad retire that their videos will still be available.  Bob is not well.  He has developed ataxia so Brad now does most of the talking.  Sometimes his words come out clearly but sometimes not.  Feel really bad for him.

    I’m doing the big majority of Sara Meeks stretches and exercises.  Find them easy to do and feel good afterwards.  Did her bridge movement today and found it easy to do which surprised me.  

    Don’t have the foam roller or thera bands yet.  The ones I’m doing require no equipment.  Hope to get a roller and Thera bands by end of month.  Last month had a lot of extra expenses and could possibly this month too.   The chimney guy is coming Friday and I have no idea if it will cost $300 or 3000.  Those foam rollers are expensive.  Will start with half roller since I’ve never used one before.  Then I wonder if I should skip the soft roller and go to firmer one as I have no difficulty lying on floor to do exercises and think it might be a waste of money for me. Something else to store and my goal is to declutter..

    Hope everyone has a good night.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good afternoon Front Porch Rockers.

    Ron.  You are so right it is a comfort to be able to come visit with all the rockers on the front porch.  We have so much to share with each other. Good or bad, big or little we are here for each other. I find that very comforting.

    Lorita.  We all miss you and your adventures. I hope you are finding time to get a lot of rest. Give all your babies a hug from me. Thank You for having Sandy letting us know how you're doing.

    Sandy.  Thank You for updating us on Lorita, I hope you're feeling better today. 

    Day.  No need to apologize to me for missing something I said, there is so much going on at times with all of us rockers it is hard to keep up. I feel bad at times when I don't wish someone well, but we are all here for each other. It's going to take you awhile to not feel bad about losing Keys. They are part of our life. 

    Sandymac.  Your post brings me a lot of pleasure reading about all your travels. It sounds like it's time for the both of you to stay put for a while and rest up and plan your next adventure. Iam so glad you both found happiness. 

    Sara.  How is you sister doing? She has been in my prayers, living to be 92 she must be pretty healthy.

    Judith.  It is really nice of you to send some of Dick's socks and polo shirts to you grandson-in-law I bet he really enjoys them. It's good to hear your feet are feeling better. 

    Jo.  Sharing those children's books is like sharing your heart with these children. Have you thought about giving them to a Childrens Hospital?  I bet you have thought about everything and everyplace. Our mornings have been cold. I have not had to turn on my house heater yet but it's getting close. I do have an electric fireplace I turn on in the mornings to warm up my living room, because I know it will warm up during the day. I am not looking forward to the snow. I plan on staying in all winter long. Your brother in Bend will be getting snow Bend's elevation is 3600 feet our elevation in LaPine is 4200 feet. Sometimes we get a lot more and at times less. Between Bend and LaPine there is a pass to go over that's where they get a lot of snow. I try my best not to go to Bend during snow time. The pass is Lava Butte. I am glad I have 2 young men at my house to shovel the snow. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Zeeta ...only sending the unusual ones and one Tommy Bahama.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Talking about children's books reminded me of what I did as a Christmas present for one of my great grandsons who lived far away and enjoyed getting mail.

    I went to several thrift stores and bought dozens of children' books for little money.  Tried to get ones themed for different parts of year and birthday.  Wrapped in 2's or 3's depending on size ...packaged in brown paper and addressed to him...placing a month indicator on each.  Sent all to the Mom and asked that she have them "delivered" each month.

    He loved it and had new reading material all year long.

    JoC,  I too hold on to the older books...in fact I have some Golden Books which I received as a child many many moons ago.  They never go out of style and will have value to those who eventually get them.

    Unlike many of you, I don't have a garden, so when I am stocking freezer it is with quick meals for one.  Just finished making mini meat loafs  (get about 5 out of a pound a ground meat), beef stew, chili and pasta sauce.  For the more liquid items, I freeze them in plastic containers, then remove them to a plastic freezer bag.  None of these takes more than a few minutes in the microwave to have a good meal ready...also means I don't have to keep eating the same thing for days!

    Lorita, hope that your internet and tablet/laptop issues are fixed soonest as we all are missing your posts.

    Wishing all the best of days and health.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Zetta thank you.  She is doing better today.  It’s my mom’s sister.  She s lowly leaving us though. Use to talk with her several times a week.  Now she has trouble using the phone. 

    Marie my garden is small.  I freeze a lot of meals for one too.  Have spaghetti, beef veggie soup, chili and shredded chicken in there now.  Love having things prepared and quick.  Made mini meat loaf’s a couple of weeks ago, they are all gone.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    I'm up pretty early today - well actually I've been having trouble sleeping and I just decided to get up since I woke up so early.

    Today is oil change day, I'm not expecting anything drastic but they'll rotate the tires and do a general exam of the car too, so fingers crossed!

    I'll stop and do some shopping on my way home and I need to remember to pick out a nice frame - I ordered some photo prints of Keys that will be coming in the mail and I will put him in my little pet picture corner in the house.  I usually adopt older dogs so I lose them more often than average, but they have always been such ladies and gentlemen and have added so much to my life.  I still have Keys's dog beds and toys laying around, not really wanting to put them away - it'll happen when it happens.  Heck - another dog might find his or her way to me, who knows.  I'm not actively looking, but whenever I've lost one, another pops up in need of a home.

    It's 39 degrees right now - but will warm up into the 70s today.

    Ron, what a beautiful post about the front porch.  Last week when I had decided that I couldn't let Keys suffer, one of my first thoughts was that everyone on the front porch would understand even if people at work might not.  It's been a comfort to me for sure.

    I'll be back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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