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Just need to talk to my friends (180)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Yes. I had 7. When I got my 10 I turned it on and downloaded chrome. Everytiing was then in my 10 except my photos. I am not computer savy at all.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It was cloudy earlier but now the sun is out - still cool but to be warmer today.  I stayed in bed until 8 am. this morning.  Had the alarm set for 6 so I could watch Denim & Co. but decided I'd rather sleep.   Couldn't see Sheena when I went out but she was on the south side of the house instead of in front.  She's okay.  Girls are up in the pasture.  Mike came last evening and set out four old, old bales of hay.  It was so old and had been in the weather so long there was no string or netwrap on it but the little girls are eating it and he says it's not moldy so at least it will help to give them something to have in their stomachs.  Also brought two, 250 lb. mineral and protein tubs.  Even if it rains now it's not going to help the grass.  He says if he can make it until Thanksgiving it will be okay. He's more worried about water for the cattle.  So many ponds are going dry and they're having to haul water unless they're able to give them city water.  We're lucky in that all three ponds we use for cattle still have water but are getting low.  We can get city water to all of them.  Really hope we don't have a bad winter.

    Doing some laundry - trying to get pollen out of serapes and throws.  I was okay when I got up but now I'm itchy since being outside.

    I'm using the new HP laptop - quite different from my old one but will get used to it eventually.   Judith, Nilesh sent me a flashdrive (think that's what he called it).  I plugged it into the new laptop and he was able to copy everything from the old one onto the flashdrive and then into the new computer.  So, everything is still in the old one and on the flashdrive (I've heard them called thumbdrives- not  sure if it's the same thing) and also in the new laptop.  So, no chance of losing the pictures.  I have lots of them from many years ago and really don't want to lose them.  I don't know how he did it but there's a way.  Maybe your nephew can do it for you.

    One thing I need to find out is how to enlarge the print on the Add Reply Message page.  Of course there's lots of other things, too.

    The baby who had dust pneumonia seems okay.  He was nursing and eating hay with his mother and no salivating.  Every step they take kicks up dust so people are having lots of pneumonia in their cattle.  I kept them up night before last but let them out yesterday.  The newest baby is doing all right - will try to see him today.  I'm reluctant to drive out in the pasture because of the possibility of starting ai fire so will try to see them when they come to the barn.

    Desperate times in Oklahoma as far as grass, hay and water for cattle.  When I went to town the other day I came by a place with lots of trucks and pickups parked so knew they were having a sale.  Mike said it was one of the biggest ranchers in our county who was selling out, or almost.  He runs Red Angus and  has lots of land and cattle in our county . He sold 400-450 head of cattle.  He went to school with Carol so is in his mid 80s so guess he thinks he's had enough.  He has a lot of land just south of us.  

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Zetta, be very careful to not fall again.  Sandy I hope you're feeling better.  I had meant to call you last night and before I knew it, it was too late even though I knew you would probably be awake.  I'll talk to you really soon - do hope the pain has lessened.  

    Better stop and find something for breakfast.  Oh, guess I will eventually be changing internet providers.  I have it with our phone company and Nilesh says it's not providing what is needed.  Our electric company has this service and I did call them but it will be quite some time before they can do it.  Our neighbor has it through them and he says it's much better.

    Good to be back on the front porch.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Thanks for the photo tip. I will do that tomorrow!

    Yesterday morning I walked outside to move my car (two dead trees being taken down) and had to come back in and get a sweater.  It was about 55 degrees. It warmed up and the weather is glorious.

    Made a chicken casserole...it was awful. BTW Queen Elizabeth's recipe for scones is online. Anyone know how many onces in a teacup???

    Raising cattle is too dependant  on mother nature for me. Glad I did not get involved. 

    My mail in ballot has arrived so time to vet the candidates. I had one stop by the house. I invited her in. Wow....she was very misinformed. Frightening  that she won her primary. Goes to show how important to vote whenever possible.

    Today is definately upstairs day and if I get enough done I will treat myself to a bag of Creator's Caramel popcorn. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Very light frost this morning.

    Glad your calf is doing ok Lorita.

    That’s disappointing Judith when a recipe doesn’t turn out well.  Best I can find searching is a teacup in old recipes was  6oz.  Don’t take my word lol, you search too.

    Fixed salmon today, made just enough tartar sauce for one serving, was good.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I slept only two hours last night.  I'm not doing so well now.

    Welcome back, Lorita.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Goodness it was beautiful today, still in the 60s but dark now.  Gary's on now, Lorita, the whole hour is Denim & Co.  Nothing looks good to me so I'll just watch.

    The moon will be full tomorrow and you can tell by the calls we've had all weekend.  AND disgruntled about this or that, of course.  We're busy but it's about to get wall-to-wall as the end of the year comes. 

    Dog beds are still out but I put the toys away.  I've been looking online, but none of the dogs I see give me that feeling I had when I saw Keys online.  I remember thinking "That's my dog!"  I won't get another dog unless I get that feeling again.

    Hope everyone's doing good!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Iris, so sorry you're not doing well today.  I hope you were able to get an afternoon nap and felt better afterwards.  Maybe you can sleep tonight.

    Day,I watched Gary - didn't buy anything either.  I have one of those baby sherpa tops and like it.  Have had it ia long time - I know I didn't pay anything like what they sell for now.  Price have really gone up - guess part of it is because cotton is so expensive.  I watch Denim & Co every time it's on but just can't get up and watch it at 6 a.m. on Sundays.  I enjoy the Tuesday morning show with Carolyn.  They're quite a pair and have so much fun.

    Everyone, go out and look at the full moon.  It is gorgeous.  I bet you do have a lot of complains around this time of the months.  And, Ron, same with Lou.  I can remember years ago how much we talked about the full moon and had it affected our loved ones.  Didn't even have to look at the calendar to know it was full.

    Talked with our friend, Sandy, this afternoon. She isin't feeling well - too much pain and discomfort from the pleurisy.  That's one thing I haven't had but Carol did and I remember how bad it was for her and she was only about 30 at the time.  I guess rest will be the best medicine plus pain pills.

    Sandy, I sat out in the pasture watching mama cow for at least an hour. She's amble along, then stop to graze and look around, then go on a little farther.  The pond is lower than the land on either side so she went over to the other side and stood.  I couldn't see what was going on so drove over and baby was nursing.  He's about four days old so maybe this will be the last time she stakes him out.  She spent the day in the barn and that's why I wanted to see him to make sure everything was okay.

    Many years ago we had a cow named Freckles - she was red with a white face with red spots on it.  She was down in the meadow in the tall grass - we knew she had a baby so wanted to see it.  We would ask her where her baby was and she's look all aorund, then go in one direction.  We finally found the baby - not at all where she was looking or going. She was sneaky and didn't want us to find the baby.  Cows handle their babies in different ways.  This new mom has had lots of babies so she's very experienced.  I looked just before dark and I didn't see her so she had taen her baby to be with all the others.  There's lots of babies about the same age and there's very cute to watch.  I saw the baby who had been sick this afternoon and he looked all right - still moving ai bit slow but okay.

    I was busy today - made bread this morning did three loads of clothes, walked up twice to see the girls (haven't been doing that and it felt good to be out and about), then got the water tank in the garden ready to fill.  Stormy had ruined several of the metal water hoses so found another one and used it.  Put duct tape on it so maybe he won't chew on it - but I filled the tank, then took the hose off.  The water hyhrant is leaking and so is the one at the barn and the one by the hosue is hard to turn on so guess a plumber ewill be called for before winter - and he'll need to fix the pipe under the kitchien sink.  No idea what happened to it but there's an empty space about an inch wide between the pipe coming down from one of the sinks to the drain pipe.  Always something.

    Talked with Sarah - she said she wasn't feelign too well today - didn't sleep well last night so was going to try to take a nap.

    Judith, do you know how to enlarge the print in the reply section?  I have Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge - I think you're using Chrome so may be different.  I thin I'm getting used to the cursor or mouse.  It'll just take time to get used to the new laptop.  I may use the old one a lot - haven't tried the keyboard that plugs in.  There were a few letters and numbers that wouldn't print on the original one so they sent one that plugs in and he says it should work.  We'll see and hope it does

    I think the battery is getting low so better stop and plug it in.  Sorry, no time to proofread so please excuse the mistakes.

    Sleep well everyone.  See you on the porch tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Pretty, sunny day.

    Iris hope you had a better nights sleep last night.

    Saw the full moon Lorita.  Glad you are getting some comfort from watching the cattle.

    Went and got my flu shot today.  Got it where I work, that way don’t have to bring in any paperwork.

    Take care

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I slept 6 hours yesterday afternoon, so basically the entire day.  I took a sleeping pill last night so I slept all night.

    I didn't a chance to see the moon.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It was cloudy this morning and we actually got a shower - enough to at least wet the rocks in front of the steps - helped settle the dust a little bit.  It's only partly cloudy now.  Radar is showing some rain north of us.  Every little drop helps. Took down the trash - it's still dark at 7 a.m. so took it after daylight.  How in the world can one person have so much trash - packing boxes and pet food cans, I guess.

    Sara - glad you got your flu shot.  Have you gotten your bivalent booster yet?  I called the health department this morning to see if they were giving them this week. They are on Wednesday so made an appt. at 2 p.m.  U guess I need to take Lilly to the vet that day, too. She has some scabby places around her neck and some of her hair is shorter than usual - scratching a lot.  I put some peroxide around her neck this morning, then read it's not good for cats so washed it off.  I won't get my flu shot for a couple of weeks.

    Quiet day here.  Funny, when it started to rain the girls headed for the barn.  Guess they had forgotten what it was.

    This is silly but just wondered if any of you had heard these childhood poems.  Something last week reminded me of one and I couldn't think of the words - I was mixing two of them together.  One is - Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.  Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.  Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?   The other was - Ooey  Gooey was a worm; a little worm was he.  He crawled upon the railroad track, the train he did not see.  Ooey Gooey.  I called Carol to ssee if she remembered them and she looked them up.  We had a few laughs about them.

    Sandy, Carol said it too 2-3 months for her to recover from .her pleurisy so guess it'll take a while.  Just rest all you can and take it easy.  Hope you are able to sleep.

    The news is doing a piece about the drought and how it will affect the holidays.  They're showing a Christmas tree farm.  The owner is watering every week but says if  he doesn't get rain soon, trees will begin to die.

    Stormy came in this morning and is fast asleep on the divan.  I've been spraying them with water before they came in so Sheena doesn't want anything to do with it and won't come in.  

    Hope you all are well.  Wasn't the moon pretty last night?  Ron, hope things are better with Lou today.

    Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I think that reply adjustments are limited to what is on the reply dashboard.

    Yes, The moon was beautiful. Since we are affected by circadian rythms the moon cycles would certainly effect us. I know I was awake later than usual.

     Iris...hope your sleep is back on track.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Moon was beautiful Lorita.  Am not going to get bivalent at this time.  Might later depends on what I see.

    Do remember fuzzy wuzzy but not the other one. Itsy Bitsy Spider is one I really like.  

    Got furnace and AC maintenance done today. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Why are you waiting, Sara?

    Thanks, Judith.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    definately remember both and also Olly Olly Oxen Free...........
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello, all, You Front Porch Rockers. 

    Ron.   Your veg beef soup sounds so good. Iam starting to think about soup now that it's getting colder. I hope soup is a comfort food for Lou. I love a mug of tomato soup on a cold day. 

    Sandy.  So sorry to hear you still not feeling better. I have never had pleurisy I don't even know what it is. I hope your pain pills are allowing you to be able to get some rest. Thanks for the updates on Lorita. 

    Beth.   Speaking of frost, I had some this morning. It was pretty cold when I got up. I took Molly outside and she was not too sure she wanted to go. I could see the frost on the ground. Pretty soon it will be snow. 

    Sara.   I also love salmon, I will be grocery shopping tomorrow and I have that on my list. I also remember Itsy Bitsy Spider, my kids loved for me to tell them that, and have my fingers crawling like a spider. 

    Iris.  I am glad you got 6 hours of sleep. I try taking sleeping pills at times, but I have never found one that worked. I have tried a lot of them. I can usually get 6 hours then I get up go to the restroom and I can usually get a few more. So, I have no reason to complain. I just wish it would not take me 3 hours to get to sleep. 

    Lorita.  It's so nice to have you posting again, we have all missed you. I love hearing about all your girls and rest of your babies. I missed them as well. I do remember fuzzy wazzy but not the one about the worm. What is dust pneumonia, is it when they breath in a lot of dust and it gets into their lungs?  

    It sounds like you have learned a lot about computers. I sure hope mine don't go down I would be clueless. At lease my son would know what to do. I had to laugh when you said Sheena did not want to come in, she knew she was going to be squirted. Thay are so smart. 

    It has been so cold in the mornings I finally turned my heater on just to warm the house in the mornings. I am trying my best not to fall for some reason falling has happened a lot lately. All for stupid reasons, I just need to be more careful. I had a fall a few days ago I just tripped over the step when I was going outside and down, I went. I had an arm load of stuff, so you see its always something stupid. I think I would be safer just staying in my recliner all day watching westerns. Lorita, I am watching Gunsmoke right now. 

    Hugs To All, Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Hugs to you too Zetta.  You be careful walking.  

    Lorita it’s just a decision I have made for myself.  If I was 75 or older, had comorbidities or severely immune compromised would take it now.  I’m not and so that is my decision for now but I still keep an eye on things and if I see hospitalizations and deaths increasing will reconsider.  This summer even when our community was high risk very little hospitalization or death.  No where near like last summer.  Think they need to quit looking at antibodies and look at  tcells and determine are they still doing their job.  Guessing they are, that is why people are getting sick but unless you have the risk factors I previously mentioned they are doing ok.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    We've had two short showers and even thunder once and there are still chances the next day or so.  Supposed to be pretty chilly next week.  Maybe the little rain we've had will settle the pollen.  Allergies are better anyway.

    Just watched a really good football game KC Chiefs and Las Vegas Raiders.  KC won by one point.  Charles and I saw them play years sgo when the Raiders were in Oakland- brought back memories.

    Didn't see a post from Ron.  Hope things are allright.  Sleep well everyone.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, it is so good to see you back and to catch up on the animals and how they are doing.  As for verses, I recall some old ridiculous ones:

    This one was sung . . .

    "Playmate, come out and play with me; and bring your dollies three, climb up the apple tree; jump in the rain barrel, slide down the cellar door, and we'll be jolly friends for evermore . . .

    I'm sorry Playmate, I cannot play with you, my dolly has the flu, boo-hoo, hoo, hoo. hoo, hoo; ain't got no rain barrel, ain't got no cellar door, but we'll be jolly friends forevermore!"

    Then there is another old one that has a myriad of different verses depending on where one learned it . . . it starts:

    "Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps; cross mosquitos and bow-legged ants; I now stand before you behind you to tell you something I know nothing about . . . Meetings at two, be here by four, admission is free, pay at the door; pull up a chair and sit on the floor . . . . . . "  Some different variations of additional verses are really not so nice, but the one we kids heard was not that way but I cannot recall the rest of it.

    Then another that  needs two people and is not only sung, but has an entire set of hand motions with ongoing clapping in a specific sequence and crossing clapping of hands, with the other person . .:  "I am a funny little Dutch girl, as funny as funny can be and all the boys on the baseball team are crazy over me, me, me . . . my boyfriend's name is Nony, he came from the land of baloney with pickles on his toes and a big red nose and that's the way my story goes . . .  I woke up Monday morning and looked upon the wall, the bed bugs and mosquitoes were playing a game of ball, ball, ball . . . the score was six to nothing, the cooties were ahead, then the bedbugs hit a home run and knocked me out of bed, bed bed."

    Gads, 'nuff of that for sure.  Actually loved poems as a kid and learned to love Robert Louis Stevenson's children's poems very young; they are sweet and create wonderful word pictures.

     We actually got some dinner from the Olive Garden last night.  Not my favorite restaurant; I got Chicken with Kale and Mushrooms and Marsala Wine Sauce over noodles, it was actually good and had a lot of chicken and mushrooms.  I love Marsala Wine in sauce, really lovely and tasty.  Added some vegetables and a fruit and that was it.  I got Pasta Fagioli as the included side rather than having salad and used it for the next day at lunch.  No cooking and not much cleanup at all.

    Still pretty warm out here, mid 80's today.   Perhaps we will move toward lower temps in a couple of weeks.  Would like that.

    LA County Public Health Dept. follows the sewer counts for COVID.  Count had been decreasing for quite awhile, but the Chief Epidemiologist is concerned as for the last several weeks the count has stayed stable with a small increase; that is supposedly what happens right before an increase upward. However; that is expected for the winter.  Flu is increasing quite a bit. Glad we are getting our flu shots tomorrow so they can get to work within the next couple of weeks.  Every year . . . glad that we have the vaccines; wonder what the future will hold for even better preventive dynamics.

    Sure do need the outside of the windows washed; they are really dirty, especially the ones upstairs.  Time to get them tended to.

    DH is having trouble with his eyes; he doesn't say much and keeps things inside, it is his way. However, he is having enough difficulty that he finally mentioned he can no longer read books due to the focusing issues due to the eye surgeries he has had to have.  He is worried about long term and frankly, so am I; he has a small hole in one eye's macula and it is being watched carefully.  He is such a good person.  I think he is worried about losing vision altogether as he continues to age.  He is a Type 2 Diabetic.  Love him dearly, been my best friend since we were 14; we have built so much and shared so much together.

    DIL, the vet tech, took seven kittens home to keep until they could be placed, otherwise the only option was a kill shelter and the kittens needed a LOT of 24 hour care seven days a week.  So; she bottle fed them round the clock; they went to work with her in the morning and came home with her at night. Four of the seven have found adoptive homes and the others still need a bit more care. It is a lot with also having their three rescue dogs, she is exhausted due to the 24 hour routine, but she could not bear the idea of the kittens being put to sleep.  They were unable to have children, and I wish they had adopted, but they are doing what is best for them and that must be up to them. They nurture little animals and that seems to be their mission.

    Glad you have a little rain, Lorita.  We sure could use a little out here too.  Will be awhile until we see enough to count.  Here we are, waiting for rain and the poor people in Florida, it is a nightmare for those in the way of the storm.  It has been horrible for everyone; especially the elderly.  I can only imagine trying to care for a LO with dementia in such a situation. 

    I just re-read, "When The Crawdads Sing," what a wonderfully written book, I enjoyed it as much as the first time and actually picked up more from it.  That woman sure can write.  I would not advise seeing the movie before reading the book. As it is, the movie has not been well received and no way could they pick up so much of what was in the pages of the book.

    Sleep well and see you all again later,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning.  50F

    Lorita hope you guys are blessed with more rain.  We may get some later in week.  I hope so as I put fall fertilize down and it needs to be rained on.

    JoC I’m so sorry for your DH and you. My uncle lost his vision when he got older.  When he was in hospital last time , my dad was helping him eat and he related to my dad how vulnerable you feel from loss of vision.  I’m glad he did because it helped me to try and be very aware of this and to try and decrease that feeling  the best I knew how when taking carebof someone with vision problems.  Did my best to be their eyes.  

    Going to change my hours at work to 8-2 at least til spring.  Will be there through more of their busy hours and will be lighter out by then.  

    Take care each one

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Jo. Hear is the variation I learned!

    "Ladies  and gentlemen, hobos and tramps, crosseyed mosquitoes and bowlegged ants. I come before you not behind you, but to address you and not to undress you, but to tell you a story I've never heard before. One night when the sun was shinning bright two dead boys came out to fight. They faced each other back to back drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise, came and shot the two dead boys. If you dont believe this story true, ask the blind man he saw it to." 

    Lou has been sleeping good at night, bit I haven't. Drs have prescribed me medicine to help me relax but I'm afraid to take anything that might keep me from being able to know when Lou is trying to get up. I'm a light sleeper, so when she starts stirring around I know it. Guess when my sister recovers enough where she can come back, I'll go back for the sleep study they've wanted me to have again. My sister had a spell as she was recuperating from surgery at her son's home and had to be taken to the ER by ambulance. Her Dr. is having her go through reabilitation to strengthen her legs before releasing her. 

    A couple from one of the local churches came by Sunday afternoon to invite us to their church. After talking to them outside for a few minutes, I I desided to invite them in to meet Lou. Her eyes lit up and she just talked up a storm. Guess I've just been to protective of her since covid with her refusal to have a booster shot. It might be helpful to reestablish ourselves in a church community, but I'm still a little concerned about crowds. 

    Go in Thursday morning for my four implants to hold my lower dentures in place. I was told they will snap in and I will not have to worry about the dentures making my gums sore. Just hope I dont bleed as much as when I had the teeth pulled.

    Keep those rockers rocking. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hello HB and welcome to this thread. I've seen your posts on other threads many times and appreciate your wisdom. Hope you will continue to share on this fun and encouraging thread. 

    Sara, I am thinking of using alfalfa pellets on my raised (vegetable) beds. It's either that or compost. I have used all of the compost I made myself already this fall. Even though I seem to have A LOT of garden waste, it breaks down to a much smaller amount as compost. We also refrain from putting certain items in our compost bin and send it out with the yard waste bin. For example, weeds with seeds and items that do not break down readily. I saw alfalfa pellets on Chewy.com, 50 lb bag for $33. I wonder if I could get it at a lower cost at a feed store. I would have to purchase more compost if I go that route.

    For all who need rain - Joydean, us, the Oklahomans and Californians I am praying for you. I read where it is drier in OK now than it was during the dust bowl in the 30's.

    Lorita, so glad that you are up and running again! Your newsy posts have been missed. 

    Day, hope you are doing well and that your job is going well. Busy travel season, and it'll probably just get busier from now to year end.

    Sandy, hope you are feeling better. Thanks for keeping us informed re Lorita. We are glad she is back. 

    Iris I hope you are sleeping better.

    Ron, hope your implant surgery goes well. The miracle of modern dentistry! 

    Zetta, Jo, Judith and others - thinking of you all and hoping you will have some beautiful fall color. We have some, should peak in a week. Only my tulip tree has turned (yellow). I have 2 maples that should turn red and one orange and look forward to seeing them.

    I am putting the garden to bed - trimming back plants. I still have  lot of annuals blooming and will not cut them back until the frost claims them. Going to a cross country meet today for our granddaughter. 

    Hugs, Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Welcome to our thread, HB.  Somehow I missed your post -  sorry.  Guess too much was going on with my posting problems.

    Day, watching Gary and Carolyn for two hours.  You may be working but they repeat it.  So far haven't bought anything.

    Allergies are awful this morning.  Maybe because the GPs were in last night or maybe the shower we had.    Thought a little rain would help.  Haven't checked but if we got .1" we were lucky. Tulsa got rain this morning but not here.

    Ron, glad Lou is sleeping wish you could.

    Will be back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    for Lorita;

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    That's really pretty and so inventive.  Prettier then a big, black tub with a hose.  Thanks for posting it, Judith.

    I just called my CPA about my tax return.  Not finished yet but says he should have it done in time.  I have to mail them in by Monday. Dread doing it because will probably have quite a bit to pay because I will have the lease and cattle sale as income this year.  This next year I will get them in by April!!  Ya think?

    Tomorrow I have a 2 pm appt. to get my booster,then on to the vet with Lilly.  Checked my journal and found I got my flu shot last year Nov. 4.  They're saying we may have a bad flu season this year.  The last couple of years it been mild and I bet it was because of mask wearing.  I will be wearing my mask.

    Allergies are getting a little better this am.  Eyes are burning.  Guess the uber dry eyes plus the pollen is too much today.  Will be glad when we get a frost.

    HB, I also take D3 or try to remember.  Vit. D level is low even though I'm outside a lot.  My doctor has the same problem.

    Zetta, are the moose showing up yet?  Hope you're feeling better.  Are you still sore?  Takes a long time to get over a fall.

    Iris, are you feeling better today?  Glad you got a lot of sleep yesterday and hope you slept well last night.

    Beth, have you noticed that late fall flowers are even prettier than in the summer?  Guess they're trying to make good seeds.  I have let my caladiums go except for one big pot and a few small ones in the bathtub and one on the porch.  When I carry water to them it hurts my costo and the water hose is hooked up to a float valve so hard to use.  Still hoping for rain!  Thanks, Beth, good to be back.

    Sandy, hope you're feeling better this morning and the pain is less.  Take it easy.

    Enjoy the day!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening 

    Has been a beautiful sunny day.

    Beth I do get alfalfa pellets at a feed store.  The brand they sell here is Stanlee and comes in 40 pound bags.  Organic $26, nonorganic $20.  Very picky about what I make compost from too.  Last year I had enough to add some to most if not all my bags.  Don’t know if I will this year or not.  Have lots of worms in my bins.  They came on their own.  In winter once I start having some room I put stuff that can be composted in the freezer and when spring comes have a bit of a head start.  Shred a lot of paper that I’m comfortable composting.  To me it is so satisfying making dirt.  Really almost unbelievable to me that I can do it.

    Hope each one has a good night

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, somewhere in one of your Posts, I think you asked how to change the size of things on the screen for Explorer.   If this is what you are asking, it is easy.   When using Explorer, just go up to the right side of the top of the screen where you see the round "gear" and click on that . . . .

    See where it says, "Zoom," just go to that and it will give you a variety of numbers to choose from for larger or smaller sizing. I use the one that works best on my computer; it is number 175 for me.

    Our son who had Anka Vasculitis has tested positive for COVID.  He has a very light case of it, he said he does not even feel sick.  He was vaxxed and boosted, so that is good.  He said he knows where he got it from. He works installing and repairing big radiology equipment in hospitals. One of the hospital radiology workers had a very bad cold with coughing and congestion. Both that person and son were wearing N95 masks and both were vaccinated.  A few days later, the worker contacted son to inform him that he had tested positive for COVID, so son tested.  Per his company policy, son must be out of work and then tested twice. If he is negative he can return to work.  He said he doesn't feel sick at all.  Had two days of a mild sore throat and tiny sniffles which are gone.  He is outside working on his lawn . . . geeze, would rather he not tax his body and relax inside instead, but he never stays still and has a gorgeous lawn and garden which he tends to very nicely himself and he just built some new planters.  So hope he continues to do well.

    Interesting in that I came across an article regarding a study that was done and published in the Journal Of The American Medical Assn., (JAMA), exploring the percentage of people who intentionally lie about being COVID vaccinated or who lied about breaching COVID protocols; the study was done in 2021, and the number of people who admitted to lying was 40%. 


    Really a bit stunning the lack of ethos and moral responsibility toward others.  It brings back the horrible action by my friends adult daughter; my friend could do nothing except express her dismay.  The daughter is an adult, has a Masters Degree and is a high school counselor.  She and another professional female friend are both non-vaxxers; no vaccinations for anything at all and never intend to do so.  They got blank forms looking like the original COVID cards that indicate vaccination.  The two women were going to fly to an out of state concert. They filled out the fake vaccination cards as they needed to show them for the flight and also all those who entered the concert had to show their cards.  There they were, in a huge crowd of people in the thousands, shoulder to shoulder singing and yelling, not to mention their foray across busy airports and flights in crowded planes.  Astonishingly irresponsible and of course in all probability, not the only ones.

    Worse than them were the two nurses, a NP and an LVN in New York who had a VERY busy and also very lucrative practice in providing false COVID cards to people who refused to be vaccinated, but needed to show cards for work and other purposes.  They not only gave the false cards and falsified the medical records in the office, they also sent the false information for each person into the state data bank records that tracks vaccinations.  The practice included not only adults, but also did this for the right age children of non-vaxxer parents.  They earned 1.5 million dollars doing it.   Both are being prosecuted, and of course lost their nursing licenses.  Another pathetic side of it is that they got vaccine and syringes free of charge from the state to provide vaccination to patients and they simply disposed of the vaccine.   Lost everything for greed as well they should; unconscionable when one thinks of the potential negative consequences to others.

    Gosh Ron; sorry you are not sleeping well.  My DH has been having trouble with insomnia for quite a time.  He takes so many meds, three of which have the potential side effect of insomnia.  When I reviewed them, one stood out; Flomax has quite a record of causing insomnia and he takes that pill at night after his supper meal.  Wonder about that.  Flomax can cause dizziness to the point of loss of balance and falling when going from sitting to standing in some persons.  If that is an issue, then it is usually taken at night. However; if it is not a problem, then it can be taken during the day.  So, it would be good for DH to discuss this with his physician.  He also has sleep apnea and cannot tolerate a CPAP or anything similar; he has no patience with it.  Insomnia is not pleasant when it becomes chronic.

    So hope you can regain your sleep soon, Ron.   If you use the computer or other blue light device in the evening, that too can be an issue for insomnia.

    Had to chuckle, last Post, just after I had mentioned wishing we could get some rain out here even in the small amounts like Lorita, it started raining unexpectedly!  We had about an hours worth of big drops that came down hard. We also may have some more over the next couple of days. Would be nice if we did.   Some areas also had thunder, but we did not get that where we are.  So now I have to start wishing for rain on Lorita!

    Can you believe we are near Thanksgiving just weeks from now?  And we know what comes after that . . . . in fact, some stores already have Christmas decoration stuff out which I do not find very pleasant.  It take away the feeling of the season for me.  Well; tis that time of the year for stores.

    Going to get going, have a good rest of the day and sweet dreams tonight. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Funny you should say that about making dirt, Sara.  Just the other day Carol was talking about buying dirt and how odd that was.  She also grew up on a farm so there was dirt everywhere.  There's dirt everywhere here but it has been covered with grass so hard to get to.  Glad you've mastered the art.

    Jo, I was talking about how to enlarge print in the reply section.  I'll check tomorrow when I use the computer.  Today I have only used the tablet.

    You know anyone who would make and use fake cards should be reported and prosecuted.  They have no regard for other people or for themselves.  I can't  understand them.

    Hope your son continues to feel well.  I think people are dropping their guard.  I will continue to wear my mask even if I'm the only one.

    Mike and Sydney just left.  They came and gave the girls several old bales of hay.  Sydney came to open gates so the little girls wouldn't get out.

    Today I saw a cow laying down at the south end of the pond so drove up and she was babysitting six or seven babies while their moms grazed.  As I was coming back another cow was coming up to get her baby.  They're so sweet when they babysit and have babies laying around them.  I think I have mentioned  that even the bull will take his turn watching the kids. Haven't seen Samson doing that though but did see Jasper doing it.

    Eyes are burning again since I was outside.  Thought the few drops of rain we had might help.  The only thing in the rain gauge was a leaf and dust.  Glad you got a little rain, Jo.  Every drop is precious.  We are in the longest stretch of having no rain in 100 years which includes the dust bowl years.

    Time for more eyedrops.   May everyone sleep well tonight and feel better tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Wrote a long reply and if wouldn't post.

    Hope everyone has a good night's sleep and feels well tomorrow.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Jo, so sorry your son is ill and also about your husband's eye problems. Those persons making the fake vaccine cards are despicable. What some people will do for money!!! I heard on the news this a.m. that if people get the new bivalent vaccine it's estimated it could save 90,000 lives and a million hospitalizations.  I got mine 2 or 3 weeks ago. My first 4 vaccines were Moderna. #4 made me feel ill, so I got Pfizer this time (It's also all that was available at the time). I felt fine with this one, only a sore arm.

    Sara, thanks for your response about the alfalfa pellets. I am sure I can get it at our local garden/feed store. It's a place that sells plants, eggs, honey, straw, compost, mulch, birdseed and feed for all sorts of animals. I also like making compost. I have a 5 gallon bucket in my garage that I place my kitchen veg/fruit scraps in and then I take it out and dump it in the composter. When weeding or trimming plants, I carry 2 buckets: one for items that go in the compost and one for the items that go in the yard waste bin. I empty my stuff into the compost all year round; of course if doesn't process during the winter. Our waste management company takes all the yard waste they receive and make compost and sell it. There piles are just huge; you can see them when you drive by. They get really hot so they supposedly kill the weed seeds. I have heard it is lovely compost. 

    Lorita, I am so glad you are back. I hope you get along well with your new computer.

    We had a little rain overnight and this a.m. Happy for it, but could use more. Seems like a lot of the nation is in drought. (Google U.S. drought monitor - or for your state, google Drought Monitor Iowa for example.)

    Have a good day.     Beth

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Jo., I'm glad your son's COVID isnt a severe case and him being able to work outside proves the vaccine works. Hopefully he want over work himself and have a relapse. 

    Well dang if you do and dang if you dont! Lou was resting good this morning and I thought I could lay back down for a little while. I wasn't in bed 10 minutes and she was sitting up. Oh well!!!!

    Slight chance of rain, we sure need it!


    Just received a call from VA informing me I missed my 8:30 appointment! Crying like a baby!! I'm 76 years old and have never been late for anything in my life and for sure have never missed a appointment. What makes it even worse is I have Wednesday at 8:30 marked on the calendar plus I have had two VA reminder emails. I'm afraid something is wrong with me that I get a date stuck in my head and ignore all the reminders I have. This bothers me!!!!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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