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Just need to talk to my friends (180)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good morning

      Iris glad your brother is ok.  

    Zetta glad you have a plan for the snow too.

    Suppose to be a cloudy, windy day.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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     It looks a little damp outside this morning.  Not wet, just damp.  Guess we caught a passing shower.  There was severe weather last evening southeast of us.

    Iris, how awful for your brother but glad he's okay.  When you leave your house you never know what will happen.  Guess as We get older we think about this more.  I know when Charles and I were young we never gave things like what might happen a thought. Which is better, who knows.

    When I woke up this morning I heard a bird outside my window and it took me back almost 50 years.  We lived in a little 8x30 travel trailer for a year or two and every morning there was a mocking bird who serenaded us.  Good times long gone.  How did those 50 years pass so quickky? Anyway I guess this was a bird or a baby mouse in the wall.

    Found out that Texas won by three points in the second overtime.

    Dr. Fauci is retiring.  Sad news for us but happy for him.  He's 81.

    I saw the little calf who had dust pneumonia last evening.  He looks great.  So glad I happened to see him and that he had a good doctor.  Lilly seems much better.  Little or no scratching.  In the mornings I give each cat half a can of food.  For hers I first give a quarter can and hide the pill and Amox in it.  She's hungry so eats it, then gets the rest of her food.  Glad that works.

    Dsy,  again missed Gary and Carolyn this morning.  Wish they were on later on Sundsy.  Ordered a Koolaburra shirt and got it yesterday.  Way too big so will have to return it.  It feels so fluffy and warm.  Would be good to wear in the house in the winter. Ordered cat and dog food yesterday so need to have the gate open the day it comes  with a big note saying "bring it to the house".  It's very heavy.

    Hope everyone is well this morning.  Feels like my allergies are here this morning - burning eyes.  I'm ready for that frost or freeze this week.  Nothing left for it to kill and maybe it will help allergies for everyone.

    Judith, are the trees beginning to turn pretty colors in OKC.  Always wanted to take a trip to the NE in the autumn to see the trees.  We used to go to Eureka Springs in the fall and the trees over there were pretty.  

    Enjoy your Sunday.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Jo, I wasn't ignoring your post, just saw it when mine was posting.  Everything is really slow this morning.

    I don't  know if they can drain the tank - might have to siphon it out but that would leave the stuff in it?  Not sure. Might have to take off the gas tank.  I really like both the car and PU. Not a lot of mileage on either even though they're old, like me.

    Darwin called and has the same problem with his feed truck. It was his dads but he used it for eleven years to feed.  Then it sat for two or three years and it acted the same as our PU.  He put a couple of gallons of good gas in it and he said it's better.  I have to figure out how many miles I can drive the PU to get rid of the old diesel but not run out.

    I'm sort of conflicted- would be nice to have a new vehicle but I like the ones I have.  Years ago there was an older man in our carpool (I was probably 22).  He always said you can't take it with you, so enjoy it.  Then, too, I may not be around too long and what would happen to it?  I don't drive a lot but want/need a reliable vehicle.  Don't want to be sitting on the side of the road waiting for AAA .  Need to do something before winter.

    I love trees, too, and hate to lose any of them.  OG&E sprayed the trees along our north fence line that were under their power lines and they're dying. Years ago I saw them trimming and stopped them.  Now they hire people to trim and spray and you don't know when they do it.  Makes me so angry when I drive by them.  The people they hire don't care about how they trim or spray.  Our power company did trim cedars on our eastern property line and they look good -  different company.  

    Did get the tax papers yesterday but haven't looked at them.  Talked to our post master yesterday morning. She said even if I had gotten them in the mail yesterday back to him, they wouldn't have gotten there tomorrow so still would be late.  Not really sure what I will do - probably return them to him and send in what I owe and wait and pay the penalty later when it is due.  I think it is awful that you sell something, then have to pay a portion of what you get in taxes.  A little person pays what they owe  and big companies  have ways to get around paying their taxes.  Something us wrong there.

    Enough of that.  Glad you got your flu shot.  Our health dept. was our of vaccine last week.  Guess I'll get my booster first, then the flu shot later.  I'm not around people much and always wear my mask even though others aren't.

    Tomorrow I will check with Robert about the best day to send in the car and get that done and drive the PU around the country roads to use diesel.  I already have a hundred mikes driven on this tank.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Do know how to start for today; it's been bad and good. Started the day with stomach problems. After the stomach settled down I asked Lou if she was ready to get up and go to the church that nice couple stopped and asked us to come sometime. She was all excited about it and I had no problems with her on bathing and getting ready. We were ready a little early, so just relaxed for a little while. When it was time to leave the trouble started! I dont want to go anywhere, you cant make me do something I don't want to do, I'll call the cops and do on and so on. I finally convinced her to get in the car and when and when we get there if she wants to come back home we will. Got to the church and she was welling to go in. Once inside as people came in they would stop and introduce themselves to us and thanked us for coming.  Before the preacher was through, lou needed to go to the bathroom, not knowing where it was o asked a lady in the pew in front of us. Once I got to the bathroom I couldn't maneuver Lou and her wheelchair in and had to go back on the church and asked the lady for help. She held the door open for us and another lady came in and helped me with Lou getting in the stall. The lady that was so nice told me to bring her back Tuesday, they were having singing and lunch after it was over and we would have more time to get to know everyone. Stopped on the way home and got us hamburgers! About a hour after eating I started having diarrhea again. Guess I dont need to eat till this passes!! Lou and I have eaten the same food last night and today and she's fine.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Taxes...I filed out a form that allowere my taxes to be filed electronically. I guess with a docusign.

    When you are in the business of raising cattle to sell then the amount you get from sale is either a gain or a loss. Hopefully a gain which as a capital gain is taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income. That is the cost of doing buiness. I guess with your herd youn need to be abe to provide initial purchase price and that my be hard to do since you have had them so long. You also get to deduct the cost of keeping them alive. Hmmm...none of that may be true for agriculture whigh has it's own rules and regs.

    I had to learn a lot about depreciation etc with the flip house. It was interesting.

    I bought a bonein chuck roast at $3.99 a lb that did not cook well so turned it into a really good stew.  That and some fresh raspberries for dinner will hit the spot.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Yes mine are filed electronically too by CPA and I sign a form.  Had kind of forgot about that.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello on Sunday.  Lorita, you may want to contact your tax preparer, when I looked it up, it appears that the IRS does indeed accept electronic signatures and there are ways to go about it that the IRS recognizes. Whether or not the farm situation has any differences, I do not know.  You can look it up, but the tax preparer should have the facts.  He would have your tax return online and if it can be done, perhaps it can save you that penalty for late return.

    It is true; what would happen to the new vehicle if you are gone - but the biggest question is; what happens to the ranch if you are gone.   You have loved that land and it has been in your family for so long, I know how much it means to you and that you care what happens to it.  As families go; they would in all probability sell and pocket the money.  If that is what you feel is best, no big deal and perhaps a Will and even a Trust would ensure it goes to who you wish it to go to.

    BUT:  If you want the land to be sold and the proceeds to go to a worthy place whether that be a charity or university with an animal husbandry or veterinarian program, you can get that set up in your papers and put your mind at ease. Perhaps you can choose someone who would be willing to be your DPOA for Health and also for Finance should you need that.  Otherwise, the state will step in and whooosh!   They do not do that at no cost. If the state puts your land/ranch in probate it could be a couple of years to get it out along with steep lawyers fees and then there could be fighting amongs the shirttail relatives for whatever is left.  Would be really good if that could be avoided or at least some of it.  Most all of the Will and Trust can be done by mail and over the phone, it is not that difficult to do it; the attorneys know what they are doing.   Just an idea while we are talking about the worth of buying a brand new Jeep.  Attorney can also address who could step in as your executor to ensure your wishes are done to your standards.

    Goodness; I spoke too soon.  It was not bad, but both my DH and I did indeed get some side effects from our Fluzone vaccinations; onset was a day after the vaccination.  Really, really tired, sleepy, bit weak, bit chilled off and on; some vague muscle aches, a low level headache for a few hours for DH, but not me.  We kept falling asleep over and over again throughout the day.  Not bad, but we do not have to go to work which was good.  If I worked, I would have taken that day off as it was enough to lay me down for the day.  BUT; so glad we got the vaccine. Now to wait two weeks for it to be kicking in.

    As for the leather shoe sole slip and airflight fall on the polished stone floors outside Macy's, it was really embarrassing more than anything with all the shoppers walking past me and looking.   Was young and supple enough back then that I was able to get up okay by myself. I did learn a lesson. When I buy shoes with leather soles, there are small oval shaped self adhesive thingies one can buy to put on the front sole of the shoe; no more slipping on shiny floors.

    Ron, I am sorry you are having a GI upset; that is so uncomfortable.  Wonder if it is from the stress you have been experiencing which has been a lot.  If you have had an antibiotic in the last month or so, if the problem continues or increases, it would be best to make a call to your doctor; you would want C. difficile to be ruled out amongst other causes and you would not want it to continue and have more problems crop up from the effects.  Hope it is under control soon. 

    Got a lot of thunder last night, but only a small amount of fleeting rain.  Still; better than nothing.  Supposed to get some more rain later in the week; we shall see.

    How shocking to hear about your brother being hit by car, Iris.  I am glad he did not sustain serious injury and he is alright.

    Need to get going; there is a memorial service this afternoon for a man from who was active in the church we had attended.  Unusual to have a church memorial service on a Sunday, but that is probably what fit the extended family best; hope it goes well for the family, it can be so difficult as most of us here know all too well.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon, Rockers.

    My critters and I are just hanging out having a lazy day. Its 76 right now with a clear blue sky. 

    Lorita.  What makes me think that Molly has allergies is she will tip her head back and swallow a lot like she has snot running down her throat. I am glad she does not itch. You're so lucky to have Mike so close to you so you can always stay on top of things. 

    Iris.  Sorry to hear about your brother but happy to hear it was nothing serious. It could have been so much worse. I hope your sleeping better.

    Ron.   Sounds like Lou will like going to church and making new friends. I hope your able to take her there Tuesday for the singing. It will be a nice thing for the both of you. Church families can be very helpful and refreshing. 

    Jo.  I hope you and your DH are feeling better today. I will be getting my flu shot on Nov 1st and my covid booster this coming Friday. I will plan it being a quiet day just in case I have any reaction. What are they calling the 3rd covid shot? Is it just the 3rd booster? 

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, there is a big olive tree outside my balcony and years ago, I used to be serenaded every morning by loads of chirping birds. Nowadays I don't hear any birds in that tree.  Once in a while a hummingbird will come along.

    It's chilly here in SoCal, we truly are in autumn.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Iris, I don't see as many birds as I did in the past.  We used to have lots of barn swallows who would make nests on the porch,,- but no more.  They moved to the barn and hardly ever see one now.  We loved to watch the little birds fledge.  So sweet.

    The other evening when I was in the barn making sure none of the girls werr there, I saw a beautiful, huge, white owl fly out.  We used to have mocking birds and loved to hear them sing.  Sometimes there are swarms of  birds.  They are in the trees and cover them - looks like a bird tree.

    I think the sprays the ranchers and farmers use are part of the problem along with wind farms.  Sad it has come to this.  Man is not always kind to birds or animals, all in the name of progress.

    Did the olive tree have olives?

    Sleep well tonight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning front porch rockers! Hasn't been a good time in Ron's place!! Still having stomach problems and believe I will gi to the VA as soon as I can get Lou's sitter to come over. Was up several times during the night but seemed better this morning. Tried a cup of coffee with a dunking stick and in a little while ran to the bathroom. Stomach seemed better again and took my medicine with some water and had to go to bathroom. Seemed while I'm sitting it is a little better, but get to moving around it starts hurting. Always something.....guess I didn't pray loud enough yesterday!

    Speaking of birds; we have a bird bath in our front yard and some of the prettiest cardinals would come. We started putting bird seeds out for them and even more showed up. It wasnt long before the blue Jay's found out and took over the yard. I tried to keep them away and they would purch on the electricity wires waiting for me to go inside. Just stopped putting bird seedout!


  • Havasumom
    Havasumom Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I’m new here. My husband was diagnosed in April of this year with Alzheimer’s. He’s 70. 

    He had a mild stroke at work 3 years ago. He retired. 

    I started noticing his forgetfulness and daily struggles so I made a appointment with Mayo in Scottsdale for him to be evaluated. That is when we found out he had Alzheimer’s. 

    At this time the neurologist did not recommend medication. But later I asked if he could be on a antidepressant as he seemed to get mean and upset easily. So far it seems to help. 

    His forgetfulness is getting worse as he doesn’t remember what he just ate for lunch. Won’t remember to shower. Or make himself something to eat. At this time I feel I can’t leave him alone.

    He still wants to have a few beers or wine before dinner and I don’t want him to have it but he will get upset if not. 

    Nevertheless I’m worn out mentally and feel like I don’t have a life. 

    So much for the “ Golden years”.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Good morning,

    It's bright and sunny only 40 degrees.  Hard freeze predicted for tonight very early for us.   Maybe it will take care of the nasty pollen.  Really itchy this morning.

    Welcome Havasumom, you're right.  The golden years are not so golden.  Sorry you're dealing with all of this It's hard but all of us can empathize because we know how it is.  I've always said you have to take it day by day and sometimes hour by hour.  Rest when he does.  Try to get him on a daily nap schedule.  This will be good for both of you.

    Called and made an appt. for by third booster,-9 am tomorrow.  Probably have to wear a jacket.

    Our power went off a couple of nights ago and the security light didn't come on.  I had ours taken down because it had been off three nights, then came on so was afraid of a short.  Called the electric company and wss told they don't wire them into a generator. Asked if we could and they prefer we don't.  Called and left message for Steve, our electrician.    Also left message for the carpenter about the barn.  No one is answering this morning.

    Ron, sorry you're not feeling well.  Have you tried Porto Bismol?  I've also Bern having some problems and it seems to help.

    Hear cows bawling do better check.  Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It's cold this morning.  Had to wear a jacket.  My CPA will transmit taxes today so no penalty.  Good news. 

    I mentioned our magnolia has lost lots  o f leaves so have the water hose on it for water.  Hope it's not too late.  It's very tall and several years old but has never bloomed.  

    The girls are North of the house looking for food.  They're reaching up to get any leaves they can reach.  I would let a couple in the yard but have had not so good luck with that. They're eating the dried leaves.  So sad.

    Jo, I will sell the land to Mike. He's ready when I am.  I trust him and know he will care for it like we have.  It's leased to him now so part of the way there.  I need to get another will done so what I have will go to seven or eight charities I Contribute to will be listed.  They're charities that mean a lot to me because of my family.  My grandmother was blind, Scarlet had MS,etc.  Alz is included, of course.

    Last year when I had my flu shot I had a slightly swollen and warm arm the day after not nsd.  I'll wait a week or two to vet it after the booster. This morning when I called for my appt. she said they get in a few at a time.  She actually knew my name - remembered my voice.  Didn't think it was that distinctive. 

    Hope everyone is well this morning. Beth, you probably had a freeze while you were basking in the Texas sun.  Hope your trip home was good and that you had a nice weekend.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Sell the land and buy a vehicle. Buy two. You are sitting on a boatload of capital. You should enjoy the money!!! The land will be cared for and I feel certain your family would want this for you.

    Ron...coffee is not a good choice when you have a stomach issue. Hopefully you are better now...please update.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Went to ER this morning after washing underwear (mom always said have clean underwear when you go see the dr). After all the test I was told that the antibiotic I recently took was probably the cause of my stomach issues. They gave me some medicine to take and so far I'm ok. Now I'm anxious to see results of test when they post them on line. Went to ER for diarrhea and ended up with EKG, chest xray, ct scan of kidneys, bladder and lower pelvis and blood work. About all they said about the other test was chest was still having problems with bronchitis and to let my pulmonologist that I might need a different antibiotic. 

    I'm worn out now and hope I can get a good night's sleep.

    Forgot to mention that I was told that i didnt need coffee and dairy products till my issues were better. Sure am glad ice cream is not a dairy product, oh well, if i believe that i need to have diarrhea. Coffee stopping will probably be harder than the ice cream.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    43 degrees, very windy, cloudy & cold

    I’m with Judith, sale that land to Mike, buy yourself a dependable vehicle, get your new will made, will the new car to someone.  You would feel better, getting all that worry off of your mind.

    Well two months later the chimney repairman got here today.  He says I have a strong chimney.  Good to hear that.  Nothing wrong with my flashing either.  The crown of chimney has had a little repair in past.  They are going to put a sealer on masonry and brick.  Will put a custom made cap on, that will keep animals and rain out.  Takes about  six weeks for it to come in, made in Indiana.  Has a bottom on it that covers the crown and the top extends out post chimney a bit so water falls on roof not onto chimney.  Isn’t cheap but not terrible either.  Hopefully no more chimney issues and can move on to something else.

    Nice to see you in a rocking chair Havasumom.  Mentally is the toughest for me now too.  My mom can be quite challenging.  Hope you find help here on the forum as I have.

    Hope you get to feeling better Ron.  Probably best to stick to a bland diet for a bit.  

    Giving a chance of snow or rain this evening.  No accumulation though.  Has been a few years since we had any snow in October.  This year has been more like years I remember when younger.

    Don’t remember if I told you guys I went on a Atorvastatin about three months ago.  My numbers have always been on the lower side of high for years.  Now that I’m 65  their little formula says I’m over the edge when in reality my numbers were a little less than year before. Well I’ve been taking lowest dosage every other day for three months.  My numbers are beautiful the best I can tell.  Have to take them into my NP as they were having a health fair where I work and got it done for $30.  Worked out beautifully.  They will have to scan them in , I don’t have a way of doing it.  Told my NP  it was a little discouraging as  I don’t eat a lot of things I like to try and avoid statins.  She said Sara your numbers would be much higher if you didn’t.   I’m thankful this dosage is working and maybe the effort has been worth it.

    Hope every one gets a good nights rest

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, I had forgotten to mention antibiotics can cause stomach problems but don't know if I knew you were taking them.  Sara's right-bland foods for a while is best.

    Awful thing happened in a town West of us.  Four men in their early 30s went bike riding and never came home.  They had been looking for them several days when someone saw body parts in a nearby river or lake.  It was the four men who had been dismembered.  They have a person of interest but haven't found him.  Says that person is suicidal and on some kind of probation for assault.  Glad I have Stormy and Sheena and closed gates.

    Surprisingly, the weatherman is showing pictures of pretty leaf colors northeast of here, close to Arkansas.  Freeze warning for most of the area.

    Called Directv about the bedroom TV.  I turned it on and there was a picture (surprise)!  I had moved the receiver around so maybe something made contact.  So they won't have to come out.

    Girls are north of the house, or some of them.  A year of so ago Toad put s bale of hay in a hsyring out there and girls are eating some of it.  Saw the newest baby.  Looks good.  Walked down to the hogpond because I saw someone laying down.  Just a baby resting while mom grazed.  I should walk everydsy.  Had to move the PU out of the parking area, on the north side of the gate.  Figured I wouldn't be able to get through the gate in the morning.

    Not ready to sell yet; when I do will have s lifetime estate so I can live here as long as I want.  Think that's what it's called.  He and I have talked about that.  It will be awfully hard! My fsmily has been here for 86 years.  Best time to.buy a new vehicle is Oct. Through Dec.  

    I heard they think there will be a  surge of the virus this winter and may be more than one variant that is very contagious.  Sounds like mask-wearing time.  

    World news is on so will stop for now.  Porch is going to be cold in the morning- coats will be needed.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Back from balmy (80 + degrees) Texas to chilly Iowa! Had a good time visiting our family. Lost my credit card in the airport - cancelled it immediately - it could have been worse; better to lose that than my wallet, driver's license or phone. Looking forward to getting my new card so I can order some things I've been needing (wanting). ha ha ha

    It is to get down in the 20s overnight. 40s for high today and windy. Peak fall color, they say, although there is more to come. Waiting for my maples to turn bright red and bright orange! Will water my trees and perennials all in once or twice before winter. Hope to finish many garden tasks this week.

    Hugs, Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Glad you're home safe and sou d and had a good time.  Always good to get home.

    Going to be freezing here the next tonights,then back to  80s.

    I heard there is up to a foot of snow way up north. When your  trees turn, maybe you can post a picture.   I watered out magnolia for about three hours, slowly and also the maple that was so beautiful last year.  Hope they live.

    Sleep well tonight you'll be in your own comfy bed.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, I forgot to suggest something to you that might help your stomach.  Next time you go to the store you might want to buy a carton or two of yogurt.  Be sure to get the kind with live cultures.  I don't eat anything with gelatin and Yoplait originals doesn't have it.  I really like 

    Dannon Natural but my store no longer carries it.  It's thicker than Yoplait.  I've eaten yogurt for years but could never get Charles to even taste it.  Won't hurt to try uit.  Lou would probably like it.

    Almost time for bed. Have to get up early to get  to my 9 am sppointment.  I'll be glad to have my third booster.  Then, the flu shot.

    Sleep well, everyone.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Ron, you might want to try the BRAT diet for gastro upset.

    BRAT stands for Banana, Rice (white), Applesauce, Toast.

    I have also found that sourdough bread is very dense and helps me. 

    Hope you feel better soonest.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Havasumom, welcome to the front porch! Get comfortable in one of the rockers and get ready to visit with a great group of rockers. Senior years tend to have it's up and downs just like the younger years, you just have to make the best of it you can and seek help and advice when needed. Two years after I retired the journey with my wife's dementia began. Each person has to decide what's best but in my case I decided Lou would be kept at home. After eight years it has been harder; not knowing we are married, outbursts of hateful words and not even knowing me, but the few times she shows appreciation and saying she loves me makes up for all the bad times. GREAT BUNCH HERE...ASK QUESTIONS...VENT...JUST RELAX.

    Stomach is better this morning, bo ice cream last night, just some chicken noodle soup with crackers a d did have just one cup of coffee. I did open the freezer this morning and my blue bell ice cream looked like it had a sad face on it. The pills the dr gave me for diarrhea was loperamide.

    Church lou and I went to Sunday is having singing at 11 and lunch after. The lady that talked to me about it said we would have more time to get to know everyone. Just hope I dont have the same problem with Lou as I did Sunday. Being excited about going, complaining about being made do something she didnt want to do, threaten to call cops on me and after getting there being excited about it again.

    Lorita, buy your new truck with a trailer, let's load some hay on it and get out of the rocking chairs for a hayride.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I made my 4th attempt to get my labs drawn before my doctor appointment tomorrow and bailed after I had been there 45 minutes, they had just called the first person since I got there who was #31 and I was #42.  Nope.  I'm not waiting 2-3 hours for labs.  I need to go outside this hospital system.  They seem to have no shortage of people working because I counted at least 7 of them, but only 1 drawing blood, the rest - I don't know.  

    I'm also up about 10 pounds since my last visit, so I'm back on the bike, no more carb-y snacks like I've been indulging in.  I expect my A1c will be a teeny bit above 6 due to the weight gain and no exercise.

    I stopped on the way home to pick up Keys' paw print.  A company called Faithful Companion did his paw print and it was in a bag along with the Rainbow Bridge story on a bookmark, a condolence card, some resources for pet grief and the paw print is lovely and came with a stand.  

    Gary and Carolyn are doing Denim & Co on QVC right now, so I'm just watching.  I have 4 hours of overtime this afternoon.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day, how sweet that you have Key's pawprint.. Not that you'd ever forget him but this is something you can see.  

    Don't blame you for not wsaiting.  I'm not good at that either.

    Only got yt see Gary and Carolyn for on my a few minutes.  It will be repeated later tonight so will watch then.

    Went in for my third booster.  Didn't do anything else.  Will go back for flu shot in a week or two. I was the only one there until two people came in. Thought there would be more.

    Rob, I like the idea of a hayride - sounds like fun.  I drove on country roads except for about two miles each way.  The PU does fine until it goes into high gear, then sputters.  They said to drive it and get rid of the old diesel.  It has a 30+ gas tank capacity and by my records have only used about five gallons  This is about the amount I would put in each time.

    Looking at the slick pastures is sad.  So many trees are already bare.  There's a really good pear tree on the next section east of us.   I came home that way and there are no pears.  Also no persimmons on the road east of us.  Mike said several people have told him there's a spoon in them which means snow.  Bad summer and snowy winter is not a good combination.

    It was cold this morning low 30s and tonight is supposed to be colder.  Not ready for this but maybe it will help the pollen problem.  Sheena was in the storage building when I got home so guess she was cold, too.

    Going to take it easy today - maybe an afternoon nap.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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     Hello to our new Front Porch friend, in Havasu.  The Front Porch welcomes everyone of all ages. We have rocking chairs NOT because of any age range, but because they are comfortable for relaxing and look good on a front porch.  The amazing thing is; not only do we have open, frank discussions and sharing on the Front Porch, the magical part is that the weather is always perfect when on the porch.  It can be raining, freezing, or hot as the dickens off the porch, but we are always comfortable at a perfect temperature.  Glad you could join all the rest here.

    Ron; had to grin at that Bluebell ice cream carton looking back at you.  You do have a way with words.  Yep; no caffeine and no dairy, no fats when one has the green apple two step.  Glad you got something to help. If it continues or returns when not taking the med, do let your primary doc know; they may want to get stool samples to be able to determine if there is an organism causing the symptoms.   Usually, sips of water to avoid dehydration and sips of gatorade or like product if tolerated, some clear soups, all taken in slowly and avoiding the above offenders, and then . . . when the gut is calm, one can slowly begin to add things and get to the full BRAT Diet; if that is tolerated, one can advance slowly to keep the gut calm.  So nice when the full diet can be resumed.   It it ain't one thing . . . . well; there's always another and another.  Sigh.

    We had a few days in the 70's and it was lovely.  However, Mother Nature may have been in a bad mood; we are once again at 90 degrees.  Supposed to be lower temps by Sunday, that will be appreciated.

    Good that you have your plans Lorita.  We did our Trust and Wills with our DPOAs a few years ago and were SO relieved to have it done. We should have done it much sooner.  What bothered me was to be totally bare with nothing put into place AND if we had a fatal car accident or otherwise abrupt situation occur, everything would go into probate and be up for grabs by the legal system and state stepping in where they would not have been wanted and at great cost out of the estate.  Anything can happen very unexpectedly; the universe does not wait for our personal plans, things just happen.  So, the paperwork is in place, there will be no risk of probate, and our wishes are known and will be carried out.  The attorney recommends having the Trust, POAs and Wills, (done at the same time), reviewed every three years as laws change and sometimes situations change.  Will do.

    Saw the strangest article on the Yahoo News site when coming off my email account.  Entire long article about what to do if a nuclear bomb blast occurs  - how to protect oneself and to try and avoid radiation and on and on and on.   Honestly; if it is not for sensational news and news to cast more fear, what would happen to keep us stimulated in the most negative of ways.   Well; our Lorita would do well way out in the countryside with no big cities adjacent.  It was a bit strange to see that.  They also had a photo of students underneath their desks covering their heads.  I recall that from waaaaay back when I was in school; we'd have those drills each month and the city would test their air raid sirens at the same time - it was truly scary for the kids.   Anyway; just odd to see that.

    Ron; hope Lou enjoys the church programs once you get her there.   Know what?  If she refuses to go, why not have the neighbor lady step in for an hour or two to be with her so that you can go; it would be lovely for you to make some good ongoing social contact to catch a little breather respite. With the holidays coming up, I am willing to bet they will have some wonderful programs as they sound quite active.

    Had to chuckle at your clean underwear mandate when seeing the doctor, Ron.  My grandmother used to always remind us to never use a pin, not even a little gold pin on our slip straps or bra straps; not ever because one never knew if they would get hit by a car or something and end up at the hospital and heaven forbid we would be seen with pins on our straps.  She was such a love, at my age, I still miss her so much; and I indeed never did pin any slip or bra straps. 

     Really a shocking news story Lorita about those poor four men who were simply out for a bicycle ride, I did not realize it was not that far from you; horrible.  I am glad you have those two big protective dogs too; they sure would let you know ahead of time if anyone was near the property.  You have put in some security lighting and other bits which is good.  

    How is Darwin's wife doing; has he had anyone come in to help him as yet?  It must be a comfort to be able to speak to someone like yourself who understands completely what he is experiencing as well as you knowing all the bits about ranching cattle.  We all need someone to talk to in such circumstances if we can find that support.

    Sayra; long ago, the doctor put me on a statin even though all of my numbers were excellent; it was thought to be a preventive that everyone should be on no matter what.  However, my gut would not tolerate them which was a surprising outcome. So, no statins; so far so good, but one never knows.  I should probably be re-evaluated again as statins are still recommended as one grows more "mature."  It is wonderful that your numbers are now in such a good range.  Hurray for that. 

    Be well and blessings wished for one and all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Jo, about that awful murder- they found that "person of interest" in Florida.  His car was found a day or so ago in a small town near us.  How he managed to shoot those four guys I don't know - ambush, I guess.  No idea what he had against them.  What a shock for the families.

    I guess Putin has brought all of those things you mentioned to the forefront.

    Thinking about the will.  Need to call the attorney and ask a few questions.

    Darwin said his wife is in bed 18-20 hours a dsy.  Not always sleeping.  I told him I would be happy to sit with her when he needs to go to town or needs a break but the jealousy reared it's ugly head.  She's over that now but he still doesn't want to rock the boat.  He gets out in the pastures when she sleeps. Cuts their firewood and watches his girls, I imagine.  He said he has enough wood cut for the winter.  We have another neighbor closer to Darwin,but I know him,that has had the virus and isn't doing too well.  His wife left him so he is alone.  He works for our rural water district and is working in the office now so is able to do that..

    It was cold in the house so hooked up an  electric heater.  We have four cats and three are now huddled around it.  Lilly is on mg lap where she has been staying since our trip to the vet.

    Am anxious to be my flu shot.  Never took one until I had a terrible, three week bout of the flu probably 40 years ago.  I have taken it every year since.  My tablets won't print flu shot you can imagine what it thinks it is.

    Potato soup and cornbread tastes good on this cold dsy.   I but cornmeal mix and lately it seems to.be a much fiber grind.  Didn't used to be that fine.  Another change I don't like.

    Called Direct yesterday for them to come out and region up the bedroom TV.   I turned it on and there was a picture but I don't get local channels on it.  But, I can watch Barney Miller in the bedroom now.  I did disconnect one cable before I called.  No idea what that was.

    Zetta, will be glad when you get your booster.  Have you had your flu shot yet?

    Dsy, hope you enjoyed your four hours.  Did you order anything this morning?

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

    Very cold, windy day.

    Did snow a little last night they say.  I was sleeping, none on ground this morning.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Too early for snow, Sara.  Our persimmon seeds are predicting lots of snow for us this winter.  Guess we'll have to make snowmen.
    Called a lawyer about a will.  Had a couple of questions before I went in.  I'll have to meet with the owner of the firm.  Many years ago Jellibean, one of our poodles,ran down our driveway and he hit her.  He stopped and did pay her vet bills.  It dislocated her shoulder and she was fine. I used a different person in his firm a couple of years ago but she felt he should do tbis. Do wish Joe was still in business.  To avoid probate, may have to sell first.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ten hours out my arm is only slightly sore.  Hope this is all.GPs are in for the night.  I have both of their beds outside becauseof pollen.  Stormy is on the covered divan.  I brought a big throw rub to the LR, put it on the floor and Sheena got up and laid on it.  She knows what is soft.

    Zetta, had forgotten I bought a heated throw last year.  I won't break it out tonight because it's going to be much warmer in a day or so.  Bet you're using yours right now.

    Rest well, everyone.  See you tomorrow.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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