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Just need to talk to my friends (180)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good morning, Front Porch Rockers.

    Day.  I love the fact that you adopt the older dogs. They are so lonely. When my dog before Molly passed away, she was 14.  I told myself no more dogs for a while. I will just hold my 2 kitties tighter. One morning i saw on our local news that they were getting a lot of little dogs in our shelters. These dogs were all rescue dogs from kill shelters. I feel in love with these little dogs that were being unloaded off of the rescue plane. I had a friend that worked at one of the shelters.

    I called her and told her I wanted a small female dog about 1 year old. She said come on down. When I walked into the shelter out of the corner of my eye, I could see something in a cage jumping up and down I just kept walking. Little did I know that was the one she picked out for me.  Once she put that little dog in my arms, I never let her go. Her name is Molly and she just turned 8. You will know when the time comes it will find you.  

    Hugs Zetta  

    Lorita.    I miss you. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Well it took me awhile but I finally decided to make the beef soup. Wished I would have waited because I'm dead tired! Had one of those nights with lou,she was up at 11:30 needing to go to the bathroom, again at 1 confused, again at 3 thinking she needed to go to bathroom. After the 3 wake up I just stayed up and around 6 tried to lay back down and 10 minutes after i was in bed she's awake again, just stayed up after that.

    Now for the soup; grocery store i shop at has buy one get one free often on either rib eye or New York steaks. I always trim excessive fat off and usually end up with some smaller pieces. Last night i took the steaks and a small rump roast out of the freezer and put them in the icebox. Cut them into bite size pieces, flowered them a little and slightly browned before adding beef stock, tomato juice and water. Cooked for a hour and added potatoes another 30 minutes and added rest of vegetables. Cornbread will come later when I warm the soup back up, the cornbread never takes long. With all of that going on I still had breakfast to make, beds to make up and washing two loads of clothes. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    How dear of you Day to adopt elderly dogs.   I find myself loving dogs with their grey muzzles; so dear and so sweet; it is a loving kindness that you give.

    Sayra; I am saddened to hear about Bob from the Bob and Brad P.T. show.  Such very cool gentlemen.   Evidently Bob has an issue with his cerebellum which is affecting his movement and speech, but it leaves his mental faculties and strength intact.  He has no idea how this is going to go; his daughter is a Speech Therapist and is working with him.  Here  is the link where the two of them discuss Bob's condition - he wants to be in the open about it.  It really touches the heart:


    I can almost smell your soup, Ron.  Yum.  I am sorry about your night getting "Lou'd."  Hope tonight will be better. 

    Sure do miss our Lorita, it feels like forever since she has been able to come online freely and keep us up to date about how she is doing and how the ranch and cattle are doing.  Lorita, you are missed, big time and we are looking forward for your return, hopefully very soon.

    Zetta, thank you for the idea of donating all of the like new, intact games to a Children's Hospital if they will have them; it is likely they will keep them in good stead for multiple children to enjoy.  I shall look into that. The books though, I shall keep as the grandchildren wish to have them kept for when they have children.   One granddaughter just graduated with a Masters in Psychology, but no significant other on scene as yet; she is one who wishes the books to be saved.  I will try to do that and hope all the reading cuddles are in the baskets with the books too.

    Marie, what a way cool idea with the books you gifted and in such a unique way; awesome and I bet it was an absolute delight for the child.  Fond memories are made of just such things.

    I began to do the Bob and Brad standing up and down off a solid chair five times each time I get up; the knees began to bark, so I gave them a Tylenol and told them to cool it.  We shall see.  I will get to doing more here in the next week or so. 

    Have to get new pictures for our Passports from AAA; did not realize they had lapsed and wish to keep them current; have no plans in the pipeline, but one never knows what may pop up.  Just a good idea to keep them up to date.  Will try to do that next week when we go for our flu shots.

    Sayra, I am sorry about your GI tract giving you issues; that is so uncomfortable.   Had you been diagnosed with an IBS?   When the tummy gives fits, it affects so much.  So hope it improves soon.

    Got our voting information booklet in the mail yesterday; so spent some time reading all of the Propositions with both pro and anti messages. Actually pretty easy this time to know how I will vote.  It is the candidates for various state offices that can make it difficult.  Geeze.  I shall have that part figured out before the actual election.

    Also got the new, "Medicare and You," book for year 2023 and have been reading the entire thing to refresh my memory and also to see what is new.  What a tome to slog through, but so much of importance.  It is in some ways disappointing but good to have it in place; otherwise, what would people do.  The enormous cost if one has to actually pay for Medicare Part A and Part B is mind boggling.  That of course would not cover deductibles and co-pays.  It is scary out there in healthcare land as most of us know from experience.

    For crying out loud, when you get this book if you or a LO is covered by Medicare, be especially sure to read and understand the difference between Inpatient and Outpatient status when actually admitted to the hospital.  They make it sound so simple; it is anything but.  We have had Members here whose LOs were kept Outpatient for 10 days and more despite being in a bed and cared for as an inpatient.  This of course makes it impossible to get Skilled Care Rehab as one needs three 24 hour inpatient days to meet criteria for that.  Unconscionable.  Just be sure to be up to date on that and to remember to check each day you or a LO is in a hospital as the Inpatient status can be changed to an Outpatient status any day that  one is in the hospital.  I have no postive feelings about this "gimme" for benefit of the hospitals and it should be taken down.  One 24 hour observation day should be sufficient; not many days and not midstream reversing the status of the hospital days.  The cost to the patient is significant. If coded as an outpatient, one only gets Medicare reimbursement for those things that are "outpatient," as in Part B Medicare, such as labs, x-rays, doctors visits, but the actual daily fees for Inpatient billings are not covered and will come out of the patient's pocket along with co-pays and deductibles which by the way are renewed each admission, (not once a year), if one has more than one admission.  Read about Benefit Periods, that is all part of it too.  Really outrageous and that outpatient status debacle was another political item to get to this sad state of affairs.

    Today it is 87 degrees; feels like summer rather than the beginning of autumn.  I remember when we had to bundle the kids up to go trick or treating because it was cold; today, it is still quite warm and no bundling needed; the children even get overheated.  Lots of change in our weather.

    It is 1:30 PST; I have not yet had lunch, so guess I will get down to it.  Have a good rest of the day and so hope your soup is delicious, Ron.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron hope you and Lou have a better night.

    JoC I actually have had a very good GI summer lol.  Last winter had a rough time for awhile.  I’m eating dairy now and using lactase and doing well.  That is why I’m wondering if I got inaccurately labeled lactase, may have been original strength instead of extra strength.

    Think Bobs speech is quite a bit better.  He mentioned on a recent video about playing golf.  I’m glad everyone is encouraging him to keep on keeping on.  

    Had a good day at work.  Starting to really feel like part of the team and that I’m earning respect.  Was very busy today.  Learn something new almost every day.  More people speak to me and know my name.  I know more of their names.

    Hope you are back here soon Lorita.  You are missed.

    Good night everyone

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Missing Lorita more as each day passes and we have not heard from her directly.

    Sure hope that internet and computer issues are resolved soonest...not only for us, but also for her sake.  Without them she is more isolated.

    Wishing best day for all here on the front porch.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, we miss you! Just to let you know; you are the glue that keeps these rockers rocking!! Without your farm life updates the rockers dont have a whole lot to talk about. Yes, we still go to your created thread and post, but the activity is not the same without you. Hope your back soon!!

    I have a weekly service from orkin and learned a important lesson yesterday. During my sisters visits Lou's sitter discovered some type of insects in a ziploc bag and also in the box of dry food. Yesterday the orkin guy found some in a open box of dry foid she left on her last visit. When he showed it to me I told him I needed to tell her not to buy that brand anymore. He said it's not the brand it's the store not taking outdated  boxes off the shelf. He said one way to tell is to shake the box and if a powdery dust comes out of the bottom dont buy it. 

    Hope all is well today!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    Sayra wrote:

    Good evening

    Beth I have taken D3 for quite awhile.  My level is normal.  

    I have taken D3 for several years. My endocrinologist has his patients over 50 take 2000 IU because absorption isn't 100%. I've take thyroid hormone for over 50 years, so osteoporosis is a big risk for me. My mom has it. 

    Have been getting 700-900mg of calcium a day by food.  Think that is pretty good, using lactase.  See things that say you only absorb about 35% of supplement intake.  Also things out there about possibly increasing risk of stroke and heart attack.  Asked God to help me with it because I had just gotten scared to eat dairy products.  Seemed like lactase wasn’t working any more.  Wonder if it’s possible if the lactase got labeled  as extra strength when it was actually original strength.  That would surely be possible

    My husband is lactose intolerant. He's also a PhD chemist with experience in pharma. He feels that sometimes the pills don't work as promised because of mixing issues. He feels this is an issue with all of the brands he's tried. Generally, he sticks to products that have the lactose removed through filtering- Lactaid brand milk and dairy products as well as Breyers Lactose-free ice cream. On the very rare occasion he consumes food he knows could be a problem, he takes several Lactaid pills-- I've seen him take 6-8 ahead of a bowl of NE clam chowder. 


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hi,  I spoke with Lorita today.  Still having problems with allergies.  Still no internet.  Suppose to be out today.  She still has to finish getting her laptop transferred. She is missing everyone.  I’ve been calling her to keep her some what up to date.  

    I’ve been out of commission fighting a case of pleurisy. Now I’m running a fever so I’m just sitting back in my rocking chair on the porch, just listening to everyone else.  I did get my booster and flu shot.  No side effects.

    Take care all, hopefully Lorita will be back soon.  I know she misses posting.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    HB  Thank you so very much for your thoughtfulness.  I really appreciate it.  I do drink lactose free milk and choose cheeses with no carbohydrates.  I still take one extra strength lactase lol, my security blanket.   Can also drink buttermilk and eat yogurt with one extra strength.  Have always tolerated those two things better, maybe because they are cultured.  Will have to check out Breyers.  I have tried the Lactaid brand and did ok with it.  The brand So Delicious makes a frozen Salted Caramel bar from oat milk that is delicious and to me is every bit as good as an ice cream bar.
    Sandy thank you for the update.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Earlier this week I made Lou and I a big pot of homemade beef vegetable soup. Had it with cornbread and gave Lou's sitter a bowl full. Tonight I'm going to warm some of it up, add flour and have beef stew over rice and freeze the rest of the soup. I'm glad that cooler weather is around the corner it motivates me to make soup, gumbo and any other meals I can fix and freeze the rest for later.

    Lou was restless again last night but seems to be sleeping a lot more in the 24 hour period. Try to keep her on a schedule but its getting harder.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Internet working so I can read.  Laptop tomorrow, I hope.  Missed you all.  Thanks to Sandy I kept up.

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Lorita, so very happy to see you back!! You have definitely been missed. Hope your allergies are getting better.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    So very glad to see you back Lorita!  You have been missed much.

    Hope you are doing good and that things on the ranch are improving...any rain?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    What a nice surprise to see Lorita had been in her rocking chair!

    I cant win! Lou sleeping good and I'm waking up at 10, again at 1 and staying up little after 2. Dont know why, just one of those nights!!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron I have never eaten beef stew over rice.  Will try to remember to try that.  Usually eat it over biscuit or noodles.  Hope you get a better night of sleep tonight.

    Nice to hear your voice again Lorita.

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
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    Ron hope you can get a good nights sleep tonight!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day! I sure hope and pray we can get some much needed rain soon. The cracks are sure getting bigger and wider. Sometimes I’m almost afraid to let my dog outside because when she takes off running she could get a foot caught in the cracks and break her leg! 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Sandy, thank you for keeping us updated on Lorita, and please make sure if you don't feel much better in a few days you see the doctor....and LORITA!  We are glad to see you!

    Ron, thanks for the Orkin guy tip!

    It's clothes on QVC tonight - I'm not buying.

    It's 46 degrees - fall has arrived!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hi everyone,

    Guess I'm back.  Nilesh worked on both computers three or four hours this afternoon transferring everything from the old one to the new one.  The cursor on the new one is very fast so please excuse mistakes.  Couldn't get all the letters on the old one to print so sent another keyboard.  That's going to be something to learn.  As you all know I am resistant to change.

    Going to take some time to get used to it.  Worn out right now and still have to go out and give a cow some hay that I have up.  Her calf has dust pneumonia and Mike has been treating him.  I had them up and he just called to check on it - thinks baby will be okay since he's nursing.  We had a new baby a couple of night ago - cutest little thing - our biggest cow and baby had lots and lots of curly, black hair.  I'll write more tomorrow.

    Thank you all for missing me - I missed all of you, too, even though I was able to read.  And, thank you again, Sandy, for letting everyone know I was okay but having problems.

    Nilesh is a very patient person - had to be working with me.  He's going to set up my new printer and fix the two tablets in a short while.

    Ron, hope you had a nap this afternoon, but if not hope you get a good night's sleep.  So good to be back.  I have had so much to write about but have forgotten most of it.  Hope all of you are well.  Zetta, hope you're feeling better.  Sandy, I hope your pain is better today, too.  I'll talk to you soon.  

    Gosh, this laptop is smart.  I start to type something and it types it for me.  

    I have so missed talking to all of you - but, I've been on the porch reading  Good to be back.   You all have had a reprieve for a while from all my writing

    It was a bit cooler today and mostly  cloudy - Central Okla had a few showers.  None here.  I'll write more tomorrow..  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Sayra, I grew up eating rice with meals; beef stew over rice, gumbo over rice, baby Lima beans and rice, round steak and brown gravy over rice. Almost forgot one of the favorites, mom use to cook a beef and rump roast together with onion and garlic seasoning and the natural gravy of the two together was delicious over rice.

    Lorita,  what a treat to come out on the front porch this morning and see that your back. I know what you mean about these computers typing the word for you before you have. Sometimes I believe they think they are smarter then you......wait......they are smarter with all the resources they have to pull from. Lord help us......they are taking over!

    Hope everyone is in their rocking chairs this morning enjoying the weekend.

    Yes, I slept better with my normal 5 hours!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Lorita, so great to hear from you! Glad Nilesh was able to help. Is he someone who did this online for you, or did he come to the house? I know where I live Best Buy has what they call the "Geek Squad" and they will come to your house, or you can bring your computer into the store for them to work on.

    Brrrrrrrrrrrrr  this a.m.! Frost on the grass and rooftops, but plants look ok still. I have cut back many of my perennials except for the ones still in bloom. Many annuals are still blooming. Did major watering this week - all my trees and shrubs. It has been dry, essentially for 3 summers and it's hard on the trees, even the established ones. Have 2 with borer (insect) damage; I was told the trees if drought stressed are less able to "defend themselves." Have 3 trees that will be removed in the near future. I have 29 trees in the yard and will want to do some replacing. Removed the fig tree as it never produces; too cold here I guess. 

    Have a good day.    Beth

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Beth, when you mentioned fig tree it reminded me if the two we had when I was growing up. Everytime Grandma visited during the season you would find her standing by one of them picking the ripe fig and eating it one after another. Last year I was at a produce place and I saw a sign with figs in a jar. I started to buy one when I noticed they were green figs. The owner told me that was how some peopleiked them. Nope, not me, give me some ripe fig preserves to go with my breakfast!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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     Trouble with internet posting from laptop.  Will try this.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Think Lorita has mentioned chili over rice.  The only thing I have eaten chili over is a hotdog.

    We haven’t had frost yet Beth.  Have all my beds cleaned up. All my grow pots cleaned up except for dahlia.   Have put alfalfa pellets in all my bags except the one with dahlia.  It breaks down over  winter and acts as fertilize.  Did this last fall and worked well.   Found suggestion on some You Tube channels.  Have several beds done too.  

    Made chicken veggie soup today. My kale and chard still growing.  Put some kale in soup.

    Had never eaten a fig til a month or so ago.  Bought some dried figs at store and enjoying them.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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     It posted from the tablet.  Will try the laptop again.  Wrote a long post and it wouldn't post.  Everything is well here.  I've never eaten a fig except in cookies.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Well, that worked!   No idea what was wrong.  Watching the Red River Shootout - Oklahoma playing Texas in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas.  I'll be back later.  Happy that posted - some kind of glitch, I guess.  

    Sara - I've been thinking about making some soup - it's cooler and I have onions that are going to go bad if I don't use them.  Sounds like you're getting things ready for winter - it'll be here soon.

    Baby who was sick is better.  I have he and his mom up until Mike sees them this afternoon.  He's going to set out some old bales of hay for the girls - not much of anything in he pastures to eat - feel sorry for them.  Ponds are getting really low but we have city water if I can keep them away from the pond if we don't get rain soon.

    Now, to see if this works.  Hope everyone is well this morning.  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Never had chili over rice either! Had it on hot dogs, chili and crackers and frito pie.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    How do you all cook rice?  I like rice with a mirepoix and a little soy sauce.  Also gummy rice with butter and sugar.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Steak and Shake...chili 5 way served over pasta...fabulous!!!

    Bad day at the Cotton Bowl.........

    How to change mouse speed using Settings

    To adjust the mouse speed on Windows 10, use these steps:

    1. Open Settings.
    2. Click on Devices.
    3. Click on Mouse.
    4. Use the Cursor speed slider and change the setting to the desired speed (slow or fast)
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Judith.  Do you have Windows 10?  OSU ,Texas Tech game is much better.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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