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Just need to talk to my friends (180)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Ground has a very light covering of white.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    32 this morning with expected highs in the 60s and suppose to be back in the mid 80s by Friday. Love this new wifi thermostat that came with the new air conditioner. It has a hot/cold setting where it will automatically switch from one to the other according to what you set it on. With our Louisiana weather this will be great.

    Lou enjoyed the singing and lunch afterwards at church yesterday. Had the opportunity to have fellowship with a great group of people. Yes, I messed up and ate what I should not have eaten, but the brownies and ice cream was talking to me (the devil in me wasnt suppose to be in church). Had to leave early because of my mistake!

    Feeling better this morning, hopefully the day will be good! 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Lorita, you need reliable transportation. Please get yourself a reliable vehicle if you can.

    Snow, Sara? Wow. 21 degrees in Iowa this a.m. Will be close to 80 on Saturday. 

    We got our laundry done post-trip and did get groceries. Will get more groceries on Friday; kids coming over on Saturday for dinner. I think we will grill since the weather is going to be nice.

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It was 30 at 8 am, probably in upper or mid 20s overnight.  Pretty and sunny.

    My arm is a little sore but small price to pay to be as safe as possible.

    Need to make some bread today.  The last two times it got really brown.  My bread maker is probably 35 years old but was used very little until two years ago.  If has had a workout.  I remember when one if the social workers was telling  me there was a machine that would make bread - all you had to do was add the ingredients.  Hard to believe, but true.

    Judith, did you make the challah?

    Ron, happy both you and Lou enjoyed the meeting st the Cburch.  Maybe she'll begin looking forward to going back.  I understand about the brownies and ice cream.  How good it sounds.

    Gave Lilly her mrficinr.  I give her a quarter of a can with the pill and Amox in it and she eats it, then gets the rest of her food.  Hope they're quieter today.  Guess the cold weather had them excited.  Sarah said her cats were rambunctious, too.  She has a mother cat and three kittens that are about five weeks old.

    Time for breakfast.  Beth, going to send the car in today to see what's wrong.  Did I mention the car dealership didn't have many new or used cars.  Not even one on the showroom floor.

    Sara, is this early for snow for your area?

    Beth, just had a call from the car salesman I talked with the other day telling me what they have.   Next time I'm doen that way may go by and look again.  When I was inquiring about them on their website I used my sister's name and he asked for her.  Sneaky?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Did I make the bread yet?....lol.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    You mean you haven't made it yet,Judith?  Someday I may try it in the bread machine.  Guess it doesn't have to be braided.

    Called to see if this was a good day for the car to go in.  They're very busy so if will go in next Tuesday.  That's okay because not feeling like fooling with someone.  Have a headache and sore arm from the shot.  No fever.  Headache probably not from the shot.

    Been looking for a pair of gray pants I wear a lot.  Found some things I had forgotten I had. Should not order anything else and just shop out of my closet.  I know they're hanging under something but for now I give up.  Need to go to the storage building and straighten it up some.  They put a lot of things in there from the utility room.  I think I put a box of robes and winter gowns  out there along with heavier tops.  Sandy, like you said I'm always looking for something.  I have turned into my mother.  I would call her and ask what she was doing and she was always looking for something.

    Looked up the trade in value for my car - just over $1200.  Hate to let it go for that.

    Very pretty, sunny day but still cold.    I miss calling and talking with Patsy.  She was always fun to talk with.  This had always been my favorite time of the year but also a sad time.  Guess it's because things are dying and others going dormant until next year.  

    Hope everyone is okay today.  Hear the girls bawling so better open the gate for them.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Stomach still not right! Seemed ok this morning and was planning on going out and pick some bananas and applesauce up after the neighbor could come watch Lou, but it hit me for no reason. Nothing was on my stomach but it started cramping bad. Neighbor went and picked me up bananas and applesauce and I had plenty of bread and rice already. Dont know if I can eat plan rice!

    I did see results of chest xray and ct scan of kidneys and bladder this morning. The radiologist said likely was persistent bronchiolitis and ct scan on left kidney was a couple of small stones and a small cyst. Dont know what my pulmonologist will do, but if antibiotic caused my problem I dont want anymore. The cyst I will talk to my Urologist about on November appointment. 

    Enough about me....I'll hold off on posting till I feel better, I've been talking entirely to much about my problems.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lorita...You do not need to braid the bread. Are you sitting down? I do not have a thermometer. 

    Ron...Good that you  are watching what you eat. Be careful. It is wonderful that both you and Lou had a good time at the sing-along. 

    Northerners....please,,,no more snow yet!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, no, you haven't.  We want to know how you are.  You don't have to eat the rice plsin.  Add some sugar and a little butter.  Maybe mash the banana and combine them.  It's just something to be bland.  Keep us up on how you feel.   If you need more antibiotics, they can give you a different one.  I took Clindamycin earlier this year for something, maybe my toe, and it was awful for two days.  My list of things I can't take is growing. Guess that's part of aging.

    Judith, you don't have a thermometer?  I can usually tell if I have a temp by feeling of my forehead  or how my eyes feel.

    I guess braiding the bread just makes it prettier.  I can smell my bread baking now.

    Girls are all laying down in the warm sunshine - same for the GPs.  Bathroom is the warmest room in this house.  

    Afraid we may have a lot of snow this winter.  I remember maybe ten or twelve years ago we had about 20" of snow on the ground and it drifts out here.  We couldn't have gotten out until Darwin broke out our road with his big green tractor.  He  told me he was going to sell both of his tractors.  Did sell one but saw the other one at his place yestetday.  Hope he keeps it.  No one else has one closeby.  When our roads used to be bad and people got stuck, they'd come here for daddy to pull them out.  Carol says her daddy did the same thing.

    News just said the flu may be bad this winter.  Barbara, has it been bad in Australia this winter?  Haven't seen a post from you lately.  Hope all is well.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers,

    No snow yet but very cold mornings. This morning it was 25 and now it is 74. Weatherman says snow on Saturday. I am not ready for snow. I have a bowl of water on my front porch for the birds and every morning it has been frozen solid. I finally had to turn my house heater on, it has only come on a few times. 

    Lorita.  Sounds like you have done a good job making all your plans for your property. I have done all my plans as well. After Dan passed away, I made sure everything I needed done was done. You have a good plan with Mike it is nice you were able to make a plan like that. Sad about the 4 men I bet that was shocking news for everyone close. 

    I have not got my warm throw out yet but pretty soon I will do that. Right now, it is on my recliner in the bedroom and my kitties love sleeping on it. So, when I move it out to my front room recliner they will have to sleep on my lap. I have a lot of throws but only the one that heats up. I have not had my flu shot yet. I am scheduled to get my booster this coming Tuesday and my flu shot a week later. 

    Sara.   Looks like I will be seeing snow soon as well. Probably not a dusting probably a few inches. Weatherman says Saturday. It's hard to believe cause its 75 right now.

    Beth.  I bet your glad to be home and its nice hearing you had a good time. Enjoy dinner with your kids on Saturday. I wish I was having company for dinner. 

    Day.  I also have paw prints of my last 2 dogs that have passed away. They came with symphony cards signed by all the doctors at my vet clinic, and I also got the ashes of one of my dogs. It is sad but I have a little place for these memories in my bedroom. It has helped. 

    Ron.   It was so sweet that Lou enjoyed her time at the church singing hopefully this will be something she looks forward too and becomes a weekly event. I also have a big Blue Jay who makes a lot of noise and gets into my bird feeder. My other bird feeders he can't get into them, but I thought it would be nice to put one out for the bigger birds and wrong I was. I do not plan on filling that feeder again. I hope you're feeling better, and your stomach has settled down.

    I hope your all have a restful day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, was that big pileup on the road in Oregon near you?  The news said it was because of  fog.  

    It has been a pretty fall day but will have summer in a day or so- all four seasons in less than a week.

    Went to the mailbox and to pick up my crumb cakes left down there.  Will be glad when we can get the fence built so they will deliver to the house.  Girls were coming down to try to find a blade of grass to eat.  I feel  so sorry for what they are having to go through. Makes me cry for them. Normally we would still have green grsss.  Even after a freeze there would be green grass under the dead grass.  They won't have any green grass this winter so will have  to depend on hay and even less of that.  I heard some people who have hay are charging up to $150 a bale.  Making money on other people's hsrdship.  I saw three babies having a snack when they came out of the barn.  Cows are such good mothers.  I think I told you all that years ago Charles and I were feeding and all the cattle came except one cow whose baby was nursing.  She wouldn't move to get her feed.  Of course, we took feed to her.

    The rocking  chairs have been busy today and that's good.  Always nice to hear from everyone.

    Shirley, did you and Bill have damage from the hurricane?  I bet you all went back farther north.

    Mike said he is going to give the girls more hay and minerals and they will be ready.  At least they have plenty of water.  The float valve is doing it's job.  Some people have been hauling water to their cattle for a month already.  The man I talked with last week said the lake is really down.  I know our ponds are.

    Sleep well tonight.  Ron, hope you are better tonight.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Do the cows get into your driveway???

    Made red beans and rice w/o andouille. Just not right with ham hock.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    The ones who were ours can't get into the driveway but the 29 heifers can.  When Peter can build the fence the heifers  will be confined to two pastures/meadows and then I can leave the gates open.  The way it is  I have to get out, open the first gate, go through, get out and close it.  Repeat with the main gate and it's a very heavy pipe gate on a gate wheel but still hard to open.

    Getting harder to get up  into the tall PU. Need to use a stool, I guess.  I did when I was feeding because had yo get in and out several timed.

    Your supper sounds good-spicy?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    No, bland, ugh.

    I do need a step stool to get into grandson's truck. Other vehicles are hard too.

    My Volvo (2013) XC60 is perfect. I can get one leg over the door "hump" and then slide in. 

    Remember when we did not have to figure out how to do things????

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    Lorita, we went to our house in SC and guess what the huricane followed us to Charleston, SC. We had wind 60+ and heavy rain at our house in Columbia.

    Our place in Fla had heavy rain and wind. So we had limbs to pick up when we got back.

    remember a diesel vehicle has to be ran or the diesel will mold. My son is a certified mechanic and he has to repair diesel engines all the time because people let them sit or use old diesel in their vehicles. All the filters have to be cleaned and the old diesel drained so tank can be cleaned.

    Cold here tonight in Fla. It will be 39 before morning with a high of 67.

    Only will last this week then Saturday back in 80.

    Bill can not walk alone, his leg are not very strong and his joints pop out of his socket in his hips. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    That pile up was about 200 miles from where I live it was close to the Portland, Oregon area. We can have all 4 seasons in one day. Its 75 today and we are looking for snow on Saturday.  Yuk!!!  Good Night (: 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Shirley, so good to hear from.  Sorry about the storm damage.  Ian was after you  all, wasn't it?

    I know with Bill not being able to walk makes it harder on you.  He's so lucky to have you with him.Thanks for telling me about the diesel.  Sounds like that's what happened to the PU.  I never emptied the tank.  Would use maybe five or six gallons, then fill it up.  They may have to drain or siphon the diesel out before it runs right.  And, the big tank we have for the tractor hasn't been used except to charge back rubbers in six or seven years.  I would be afraid to use it.  Anywsy, it's red and can't use it in the PU.

    Shirley, post occasionally so we will know how you and Bill are.  Be careful and don't fall..

    Judith, I can remember when I would go down stairs at the VA two at a time.  Now when I go down our porch steps I hold onto the railing..  Times do change. I need to get something that's easier to navigate.

    I can get out of the car all right and can slide out of the PU- it's just getting into it.  The hardest entry and exit from a vehicle was when the PU gas gauge didn't work and I ran out of gas.  The tow truck came and I had to get into it but the worst was getting out.  Two guys at the shop had to help me out and it was so hard One told me to just jump and he would catch ne.  Right!  Didn't do that.  Those trucks are high.  Oh, another time I got up in Darwin's John Deere and that was hard to do.

    Zetta, that wreck was awful.  Never heard if anyone was killed.  

    Your weather sounds like ours.  So cold, then up to almost 90 in a couple of days.  It's going to be very windy this weekend and there will be very high fire danger.  Guess we will deal with that all winter.  I didn't get out the heated throw but did wear a long tone all day over my clothes.  Felt good.

    I've written way too much today so will get off for now.Sleep well, everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    How is everyone?  Beautiful day-  much warmer today with hardly any. wind.

    Went down early and opened the entry gate so FedEx could bring cat and dog food to the house..  It will be heavy so hope they do.  Seems it's impossible to reach the place where they deliver from to tour alk with them about it.

    Have a sore spot on top of my head and a headache.  Last week I was taking something out of the bottom of the shopping cart and hit my head on the handle and repeated it when I put it back.  Seems like my head gets in the way a lot.

    Enjoy the day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Well, that's different!  I went down early and opened the gate for Fedex.  Just now went down and the gate was closed and the Chewy boxes were outside the gate.  I guess someone came by and saw the open gate and closed it.  The heifers may have been closeby.  If they were it was nice of them.  Mike said Toad checks ponds every couple of days so it may have been him checking the west pond.  Anyway, I opened the boxes and put the things in the PU bed and brought in what I need for now.

    I called the service dept and will take the PU in next week to get the diesel pumped out and the tank checked.  They were booked up tomorrow.

    Getting pretty warm out.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    No diarrhea but enough gas to feel up Lorita's truck. Stomach is still not right, just like its asking me to put more in it, but I'm afraid to. Eating a lot of bananas and applesauce and tried some boiled eggs tonight.

    Boy is it a challenge being sick and taking care of Lou, but she's worth it.

    Hope all is well on the porch!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, sorry you're still not feeling well.  For sure care giving is hard enough even when you're well.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.  Hope Lou is well.

    It's been warmer today and this weekend will be near 90.

    Sleep well, everyone.

    Just heard on the weather that the Mississippi is lower than it's Bern in 100 years.  Supposed to be warmer with less rain through winter.  Wonder who ticked off Mother Natute?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    A cool 54 with expected high close to 90 at Ron and Lou's home. Louisiana weather for you, was 32 just a couple of days ago!

    Feeling better this morning, I might try to put a little fiber in my diet today. The experience I've been having the last few days is something I'm not use to. My stomach has always been like a iron skillet and nothing bothered it. Guess age changes things!

    Hope all the rockers have a good day today. Friday is always good for us because RFD TV starts at 1:30 with a lot of good country music; some old and some new.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Same thing here with with the weather, Ron.  Going to be around 90 and very windy this weekend.  Always worries me when it's dry and windy.  Looks like the whole State is under a red flag warning.

    Woke up to the girls bawling. I left the gate open to the parking area and someone discovered it so guess they thought they might find something to eat.  There  s a partial bale of hay so they will finish it.  Mike ie going to give them some but hard to find time.  I hate this- but guess all the cattle are going through this.  So sad to see pastures without grass when there should be a lot.

    Ron, glad you're feeling better this morning.  Be careful what you eat.

    I woke up this morning thinking of you, Joan.  Hope things are okay with you.

    Need to do a load of laundry.  Should take down the curtains and wash them.  Then wash the windows and put up the sheers and clean curtains.  Just so hard to get them down and back up. Doesn't seem like it used to be so hard.

    Ron, they have a 2019 Grand Cherokee for sale st the dealership but it has 125,000 miles on it.  Sounds like a lot of miles to me. I'll look at it next week when I take the PU in.   Doesn't that sound like a lot to you?  I think the average mileage per year is 12,000.  Probably better to go with a new one.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    That car was rode hard and put up wet. I would not buy it. 

    I have been driving Volvos for ages. They are good cars and my service people are wonderful.

    Huge tour yesterday and they wanted to see everything so I was walking on marble floors for 90 minutes. It took a toll...lol

    Dinner with family tonight then nothing on tap for the weekend. Maybe I will pull together more stuff for Goodwill. 

    Caladiums still OK. I will winter them this year. My Google will tell me how.

    Red bean and rice with ham hock...no! I ran to my meat market and picked up some andouille. All the difference in the world. They make their own and it is wonderful.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lorita, if you have the funds go with a new one. Anytime you buy a vehicle with that many miles, you will have problems sooner than later. I almost made that mistake with the Camry, now I love my new one and with the warranty I dont have to worry for awhile. 

    I believe that i need to lay off the applesauce and bananas for awhile. My stomach is so gassy i could join a band and not have to bring a horn. 

    Waiting to hear back from my pulmonary Dr., I've never had problems with antibiotics and dont want to go through what i went through, but i need this cronic bronchitis cleared up.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Both apples and bananas cause gas!!!!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith and Ron, thanks for the good advice.  I agree.  We have bought several used cars with good luck but none with that kind of mileage.  They have several Jeep Renegades  but their wheelbase is pretty short. The Grand Cherokee has a longer one.  I think I need to have a 4x4.  

    I got curtains down from the two LR windows and washed them. Washed windows and put up sheers and an drying the drapes.  Don't think I will tackle the double windows today.  Amazing how much lint and dust accumulates in places that are sort of hidden.

    My arm is just about back to normal, only had some soreness.  I think Zetta is getting her booster today.

    The south wind is blowing and it's pretty warm.  Glad it's from the south instead of north.

    I think after we have some rain- if we ever do, I'll dig up my bulbs and store them.  The shorts ones on the porch had begun to grow but something ate them again.  Guess almost everything edible is fair game now.

    Drapes are dry so will get that finished.  Thanks again for the advice.  Hard when you don't have someone to talk things over with.   I miss that.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    50F, say sunny and very windy

    Have been picking up sticks for months.  Got my leaking chimney estimate, pricey but not terrible so will start looking at getting trees cut when able.  Good news my chimney is good just need a different type of cap.  Need one to not only keep animals out but rain too when there are straight line winds.  Pricey due to need a custom built cap.

    Lorita even if no new cars on lot you should be able to order one.  Varies how long it takes for it to come in.

    Ron be careful for awhile, stomach usually gets upset easily for awhile after episodes like you had.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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