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Just need to talk to my friends (180)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, there's nothing wrong with you.  You just have a lot on your mind and plate.  You're caaegiving and that's a lot.  We all forget things so don't beat yourself up.

    I had an appointment this afternoon to get my booster - I called this morning to see if they had Pfizer and she said they usually have both kinds - but, their nurse got sick this morning and went home so no booster today.  Guess I'll go next week if they have a nurse. Carol just called and they got their boosters yesterday - got their flu shots at a drive through on Monday.  She didn't have even a sore arm from either.  I think I'll rather wait a week or more between them.   Still have to take Lilly over to the vet this afternoon.

    All's quiet here - supposd to be warm today. It's partly cloudy and the wind is from the NW,  Still no rain here - looks like they had quite a bit north of here early this morning. Guess our time will come - eventually.

    Allergies have done a number on my eyes especially the last two mornings.  I thought it was getting better before that.  Let Stormy and Sheena stay in the last two nights and guess they brought some pollen in.  I didn't spray them - guess I should have.

    I'll stop for now and see if this will post.  Still not used to the keyboard on the new laptop.  Need to get the other one out and see how using a different keyboard will work.  Hope everyone is doing all right this morning.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Mr. Ron, the forgetful dynamic is in all probability due to having far too much on your mind and far too little restful sleep.  I have noticed on nights that I get very little sleep, I am duller the next day; when getting a good night's sleep, all is much brighter and in tune and recall of this and that ever so much better as is my ability to work crossword puzzles.

    Judith, you asked about teacup size; in my understanding, a teacup is 6 ounces.  Today, I came across a recipe for Scottish Pancakes from guess who - the Queen; there it was on Yahoo when I checked out of my email.  It has measurements in the "teacup" size.  The Scottish pancakes really sound yummy; they are indeed different fromour more ordinary  pancakes.  Recipe:


    Well my goodness; about 3:15 am, I woke up to a HUGE clap of thunder, it was really right overhead . . . startling.  No rain, but about an hour later, we got some rain followed by more intermittent thunder with a bit of intermittent rain; a long unstable cell was over us.  We are supposed to get more of the same late this afternoon into evening; could do without the thunder as dogs get scared, but sure can use the rain.  Weatherman said we may have more on Saturday.

    Speaking of dogs; we had the canine musical again yesterday.  Sirens went by in the distance, and every dog in a several block area began to howl as one and sing when the siren started and then abruptly stopped when it passed.   Really makes me smile.  One of the dogs behind us really does sound as though it is singing. 

    DHs vision is pretty good for most things.  He has passed the DMV test perfectly; it is the coordination of the eyes when reading something long like a novel that is a problem.  He can read okay and does so, but not lengthy novels or stories, and he looks more carefully; it strains his eyes, problem with coordinated close focus.  This morning, unrelated to that, he somehow managed to not check and he opened and marked my voting ballot by accident and then signed my return envelope with his name at which point he caught himself; uh-oh!   Had to call the county/state board to find out, now what do we do as envelopes and ballots are numbered and read by computer.  Since we live at the same address, they informed me that I could sign MY name to HIS ballot return envelope; cross out his printed name below the signature line  and put mine in and he could do the same with the errored return envelope and ballot.  So hope this works well, I really take voting very seriously.

    As it is, I was able to know how I was going to vote on the propositions and most of the individuals who are running for office, but I have no clue about the judges; so now I have to look up names and see what's up with that so I can vote for some of the judicial offices but not all; otherwise I leave it blank as I do not want to be an unconscious voter.

    Disneyland prices have been increased once again, Yikes!   It is at a point that I wonder how in the world families can afford such a visit when there are multiple children.   The prices for food and beverages in the park are astronomical.  When our adult children and grandchildren came to visit, one thing Grammie and Grandpa always did was to buy the tickets to Disneyland for everyone; it was our treat and we went with them and had so much fun, laughter and making of memories.  Cannot do that any longer.  We would have a group of 11 or 12 kids and grandkids; far, far too expensive now.  Cost for one Tier One ticket for a weekday ticket in a non-premium period, is now $115; the Tiers One thru Six go from $115 to $179 per ticket; for Park Hopping between the two Parks in California, the cost is from Tier One to Tier Six at $179 to $244 per ticket.   For different Tiers One thru Tier Six the price goes up, up, up. Lots of restrictions, etc. If one wants to get a "Genie" ticket to help not to have to wait so long in lines, (still a wait though), it is an extra $25 per ticket AND lots of restrictions apply. Parking ranges from $30 to $35.  You would have to look up and see the Tiers to figure out the useage and restrictions.  Some tickets cannot be used during the peak days or peak season such as Spring Break, Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons and other times too.  Not a user friendly situation and many children will not be able to have the experience.

    As it is, Disneyland has lost much of its original charm; everything seems to be about bigger, faster, and more faster; so much goodness has been lost. Even the characters are no longer out and about as they used to be and the kids loved that. Ah well; for many, this is no big deal and I get that.  Just paying rent and buying groceries are a priority for many these days.  Who knew that some folks take out a loan or max the credit card to go to Disneyland . . .

    How wonderful you get fall color, Beth.  We do not get fall color out here; too warm.  Cannot grow lilacs either.  We used to go "home" to visit relatives in the U.P. of Michigan in the autumn to be in the color of the season; so beautiful.  Lots and lots and lots of trees, so it was like being enveloped in it. And it smelled so good.

    Still need to check our OTC cold and flu type meds for expiration dates, lay in a supply of good Puffs for the nose, make sure we have lots of disinfecting wipes, Purell, cans of "sick day" soup, applesauce and saltines for the pantry for a, "just in case" they may be needed, and put new batteries in our thermometer and pulse oximeter and we will be more or less ready for the duration for any flu or colds.  Plan to also have adequate number of masks and to wear them when out and will stay out of crowds.  I usually have such foodstuffs in the pantry for tummy upsets at any time of the year, but stock is pretty low, so will gear up.  I do this each year.

    Am reading another book, "Pachinko," it is a good read and a bit different as it takes place long ago pre and post WWII and is set in Korea and Japan; the characters are well done and the story also well done.  Lots of twists and turns.

    Lunch time, then some things to do, have a good day and see you soon,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    About 7:30am left to do grocery shopping.  Sky was such a pretty blue with lots of pink mixed in.  The trees are gorgeous.  May get 1/4 to 1/2 inch rain tonight.  That would be wonderful.  

    Have you guys heard of resistant starch? They had a video by someone today on Bob and Brad. Found it extremely interesting.  Had never heard of it.  It got me to looking elsewhere on the subject. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers.

    Lorita.    It is so nice hearing from you again, we really missed your postings. Good thing you called about your booster and found out it was not given today. I need to check and see when our drug store will be giving them out. I plan on getting my flu shot Friday. I don't think I want to get them both on the same day. I have not seen the moose yet, but my son says they have been here because the big pile of grass trimmings is gone. I have seen a lot of deer, they come right up in my yard. 

    I was pretty sore after my last fall but in a few days, it was gone. I am so lucky that I have not broken anything when I fall. I just need to slow down, my falls are usually due to clumsiness. Iam always in a hurry. Allergies seem to have been harder on me this year also. With coughing and my eyes burning. It also could be due to all the smoke we have been getting.

    Jo.   I am so sorry to hear about the trouble your DH is having with his eyes. I remember when Dan was also having issues with his eyes. I hope your son is feeling better and covid did not get to him too bad. It is so sweet of your DIL to care for those kittens. I could never be a vet tec I would be taking them all home. Pets bring a lot of comfort and love to the people who love them. I wish I had some of your rain. We are not really that far away so I am surprised we have not had any rain. 

    Sara.  If I was working, I would like the 8-2 shift. You will have the rest of the afternoon off to take care of things. Enjoy your new hours.

    Ron.  Don't let forgetting get you down. Once you get your sleeping under control that will help. As we all know sleep is important, especially when they have so many other things on their mind. I hope your sister continues to improve. 

    Alls well with me. The weather has been nice and warm I have been able to leave my doors open and enjoy the fresh air. I have a pet sitting job all day tomorrow and then Friday I will be going in and getting my flu shot. 

    Stay Safe All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, never heard of resistant starch.  What is it?  Nice that your trees are pretty.  Fall is my favorite season.  There will be no pretty trees in Okla. this year unless they have poured water into them.  There's nothing green here except weeds and they look sick.  The leaves are either brown or have fallen off.  Think the Hack berry s are doing better than some.  No autumn clematis this year either.  Still trying to find out if the holly leaves will return.  Grasshoppers have eaten all of them.

    Since I couldn't get my booster took Lilly to the vet anyway.  She has allergies like Sheena, Stormy and I.  He gave her an allergy shot, antibiotic, Prednisone pills and Amoxicillin.. This will be fun getting the Prednisone down her,- guess it will be crushed.

    Mike called this morning to see if I was okay. Said they didn't see me last night and was worried.  What a nice person he is.  His parking lot was full and so was the waiting room with lots of people and pets.  I checked in, then sat in the PU until they came to get me.  PU did just fine.  I hadn't been out in the country for three or four weeks and what I saw was so sad.  Cows trying to find something to eat and very little to be had.  I'm 80 and don't remember it ever being this bad.  I remember years when it would be dry and the corn stalks would turn brown from the bottom up.  No corn around now. Over 40 of our 77 counties have a burn ban but Mike said our County Commissioner has cancelled it for our County.  That's crazy!  People are so careless about throwing cigarettes out car windows so when the wind is from the north I get worried.  We're over a quarter from the road on the north and east sides son I really when the wind is from the north.  Tomorrow is supposed to be windy.

    Had thoughts of going by my pharmacy to get my booster but it was too hot for Lilly.  Will do that next week and flu shot the next.  Sort of reluctant to get both at the same time even though they say it is okay.

    Jo, glad you got some rain and hope you get more - same for you, Sara.

    Stormy was so happy when we got home after being gone less than two hours.  He's asleep on the divan now.  Girls are leaving the barn to eat a little hay. Didn't see the new baby yesterday or today but don't hear a cow bawling so guess he's okay.

    Iris, did you sleep last night?  Hope you did. When I lose sleep it bothers me the second  day.  I have never taken a sleep pill but did take Nyquil years ago and felt like climbing the walls all night.

    Sara, did you say Brad and Bob have a video on getting better balance?  Carol and I both need that.

    Time, almost, for the world news.  All bad news but still watch sometimes.

    Hope everyone has a good evening and a good nights sleep.  See you all on the porch in the morning.

    Hi Zetta.  Glad you're over your fall and didn't break anything.  When Carol calls, the last thing she says is "don't fall!".  Saw a news clip on TV about some people who had rented a cabin and saw a loose and two babies in the yard.  The babies were so cute all babies are!!  Thank you it's good to be back with my friends.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Resistant starch is not absorbed by small intestine but does feed some good things in large intestine.  This helps with blood sugars, weight loss etc.  Its found naturally in some foods.  What I found interesting is that some  foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta have less after they become cold even if you reheat them.  That is just it in a nutshell.  Can get a better explanation if you Google it.

    Bob and Brad do have some balance videos.  If you go to you tube and search, balance Bob and Brad they will pop right up.

    Hope each and everyone has a good night.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Jo...I have seen where the Queen's drop Scones are called Scottich Pancakes! Could you possibly post that source you found.

    Ron...wen a day early to the museum...came hame and read your post...made a postit for every "app" left this month and put on the frig!!!

    Shots....my PCP and the pharmacy both say two weeks apart for the shots.

    Finishing The Firm (netflix 22 episodes) tonight. It is pretty good.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Judith; I am not certain what you are looking for. The drop scones that were made for the Queen are also called, Scottish Pancakes.  The recipe link listed will give more information I would think.   After checking out of my email bin on Yahoo, the Yahoo news and related stuff came up; this is where I found the recipe and the history re said recipe.  So; just look at the hyperlink and see what you glean.

    Zetta, I am so glad you are doing okay after those falls.  It seems that a fall happens so abruptly we are taken by complete surprise and it feels really weird.  Once, I was at a mall with arms full of packages; I exited Macys, and did not realize the inside mall had just waxed and polished their high sheen stone floors. I had on shoes with leather soles . . . . WHEE!!!!   I slid big time and was soon airborne; I remember feeling astonished, then I hit the floor:  Ouch!  Packages and pocketbook went flying.  Ir hurt like the dickens; as I lay there before I got up, scores of people passed me by and not a single person stopped or even acknowledged I was lying there. Got myself up, slowly gathered the packages and handbag and limped to the exit and my car.  Weird.  Falling is scary and how I would get up now with bad knees I do not know.  Will watch myself more carefully after the discussions here. My balance is good, but it is easy to fall for a variety of reasons.

     Glad the cattle are doing well, Lorita. Those allergies, now with the animals.  Is there anything that the guys may have brought in or sprayed the pastures with that could b causing much of this?  Just wondering as it seems to be just this season and so persistent and now with the animals too.

    Didn't get more rain last night; maybe on Saturday; we shall see.  Temp in low 80's, waiting to get into the 70's; that will be nice.

    Hope that this will be a good day for everyone with only good things happening,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Jo, the weather was so wet in the spring that no one was able to spray.  Stormy and Sheena have had allergies for several years so guess they are just like people.    Some days my allergies seem better, then bad again.  Maybe a frost will help.  Sarah told me yesterday she has allergies, too, and she hardly ever leaves the house.  Same with Carol -  not out except to get into the car.  Now this morning I have the dreaded d....  Carol's sister in Tyler, Texas and her SIL in Enid have it, too, so it's going around.  I think I ate too much Nutella.  Wasn't close to but three people yesterday.  While in check in line visited a bit with a man who had a GP.  This one was smaller than ours and was sort of reddish beige.

    Pretty day, sunny and cool with some North wind.  The vet gave me Prednisone pills and Amox for Lilly.  I out them in her food and she didn't eat all of it  The pill is little so maybe it can be crushed.  Think I can get the Amox down her.  She is strong and I don't want to get scratched after all Sarah went through with her scratvhes.

    Since I didn't feel too well I stayed in bed until 9:30.  Can't remember doing that except when I had the concussion seven years ago.

    I like scones but never have made them.  Judith, did you make the Challah  bread?  If you did make it did you do the intricate braiding they did on the show?  Guess you could make it without braiding but it is pretty.

    Jo, I can't imagine that someone didn't  help you when you fell - how awful.  Charles fell once coming out of the bank and two women came to help.  Another time he fell in Wal-Mart and several people got him up and to a bench.  Fell once getting out  of the PU in the WM parking lot and two young men helped him up and one went inside and got one of those carts for him. Glad they dud because it was hard for me to get him up.

    Better go see if Lilly finished her food.  At least only one small pill each day.

    Hope you all are okay this morning.  Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Received a call from the CPA that my taxes are done.  But, he has to have the signed forms back before he can send them in.  Therein lies the rub- If he mails them to me and I mail them back they won't get to him in time ,(Monday) so will have to pay a 5%'penalty on what I owe.  Because of the cattle sale and lease it's quite a lot.  Not sure the PU will make it over there and back ,(50 miles) without stopping on me.

    Called the dealership and will go in at 9 tomorrow to get it fixed if they have the necessary part.  Then I can take the papers to him Monday.  May have to pay the penalty.  Sandy, this is what I get for procrastinating all summer!  May look for someone closer to do them next year or get them done on time.

    Made my first Bear Creek potato soup and a fresh loaf of bread.  Really good.  I dice a couple of potatoes and cook them, then add to the pureed soup.  I don't like the little pieces that are in the soup.

    Been a beautiful day.  Stormy is sleeping on the divan and Lilly is sleeping on my lap.  Sheena's still outside.  Sweet little Kitt is sound asleep on the hassock.  He only has one eye and not good vision in it but he has learned where things are and gets around okay.  To get to my chair, he climbs from the hassock to the end table and then onto the chair arm.  Smart little boy.

    Called the Health Dept. about the senior flu shot.  They're out of them but will get more.  May get it at the pharmacy.  Takes two weeks to be effective.  I usually get it in late Oct. or early November.  Not sure, guess it depends on how tomorrow goes.

    Where is everyone?  Out in the beautiful weather, I guess.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita hope you are feeling a little better this evening.

    We got around 1.3 inches of rain yesterday.  Thankful for the rain and hope others get some soon.

    Got a call from snow plowing company today.  They are offering me a contract.  I’m so thankful, that is a burden lifted.  It is a reasonable price.  My BIL use to own a snow plowing business and he told me it shouldn’t be over a certain amount even at todays gas prices.  That is exactly what they are charging.  They are shoveling the stoop too which I told them I was willing to do so that is a bonus to me.  

    Hope all get a good nights rest

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    58F, very windy.

    Got my last grow bag fixed for winter.  Had one dahlia getting ready to come out so brought it in house and cleaned rest up.  Only thing left is kale and Swiss chard.  Put their alfalfa pellets on and will leave them til next spring.  Maybe will still have greens for a while.

    Everyone rocking quietly today and that is ok.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Got on an early flight this a.m. and now I'm in Houston to visit my daughter, son-in-law and 3 grandsons. Weather is beautiful here. It was chilly when I left Iowa. Glad to be here, but as I get older travel just gets more stressful. "Everything" (boarding pass, car rental agreement, etc) is on a QR code on my phone. For me, working with a person and getting paper is nice...

    Just here for the wknd, back home Monday.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Beth, glad you had a safe trip.  Bet Houston weather is very different than Iowa.  Enjoy your weekend.  Were there lots if people in the airports and on the plane?

    Sara, you've worked hard this summer so nice that things are winding down for you so you can rest.  You have someone to get rid of the snow so know that's a relief for you.  Did you repot the dahlia?  I think I will dig up the caladium bulbs and see if they'll be good next year.  Funny thing - my tablet has changed caladium to every word under the sun.  Finally dawned on me to put it in the dictionary.

    Have had a Tiring day.  Made my 9'am PU appt. and was there 2 1/2 hr.  He changed the fuel filter that collects water and found the diesel is old.  I mentioned the gas gauge doesn't work so every other time I would to town would fill up the tank so it has gotten old and the place I buy it uses a lot of additives that aren't good.  It still does the same thing but he says it won't stop running.  Still bothers me.  Guess I'll drive around in the country to use the old fuel. I asked about the gas gauge and was told they'd have to change a lot of things because of the age of the PU.

    It's A Jeep Dodge dealership.  The showroom was empty so I waited there.  A little man cane in and we visited a bit.  He was really interesting.  He lives on the Lake and has a job looking after multi million dollar "cabins".  No one is there except on some weekends and holidays.  He bought a Jeep Renegade a year ago and likes it.  They didn't have many vehicles, only about half a dozen Jeeps and that many Dodge pickups - just can't get them.  I looked at the Jeeps and they are cute but not very big.  I'm used to something bigger but may change.  Price is not too bad about 32,000 for a 4x4 which I would need.

    I hadn't been to the grocery store for about a month so stopped and got groceries.  I have most of them inside and put away but I am worn out.  I have to go more often so there won't be so much.  I buy a couple of most things so I'll have them.

    Stormy was so excited when I got home.  He and Sheena are inside sound asleep.  Kitt is much better not scratching but wants to lay on my lap or in the chair with me which is fine.  Glad she is better.

    Where is everyone today. Posting has been scant the last few days guess everyone us enjoying the nice weather.  Sara, so glad you got rain.  The man I talked with said he got about an inch a couple of days ago.

    I'll stop and finish watching Tuna with Clint Walker.  Ron, is everything all right?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    What does that mean "the deisel is old" The PU is old right? And what is bad at the gas station? What has been added to the deisel fuel to make it bad? What is a 4x4?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, the PU is old, 2001, but has fewer than 70,000 miles.  Since the gas gauge stopped working I fairly often top off the tank. I keep a record of the mileage when I add diesel so I won't run out.  So, the diesel, or most of it may be 2-3 years.  Maybe the additives settle or something so not sure. Didn't ask what the additives are.  I have a diesel tank at home we used for the tractor. Probably 150 gallons in it but it's dyed red- for farm use.  Illegal to use it in PUs. 

    A 4x4 is 4WD ( four wheel drive). When you change into that all four wheels pull.  I have to have that out here.  I hit bottom on a road in the PU last year and couldn't get out even in 4WD.  The ground had frozen and that caused it to be very soft.  We say the bottom falls out.  Roads can get hairy  out here.

    Looks like the Cherokee is the next bigger Jeep.  We had a Jeep Cherokee Laredo we bought used in 1995 and loved it.  But, they don't have one and it seems it's hard to get new ones.  I'll call tomorrow to see what the other black one is.   We have only had one black vehicle, a 1949 Dodge Wayfarer.  It was a pretty turquoise but Charles had it painted black and it was pretty and shiny.

    Finally got everything in and put away.  Sandy, thanks for the call to check on me.  I have rested off and on  afternoon and will the rest of the evening.  Do wish you get over being SOB.  I get like that if I push it do too much- like bringing in groceries.

    Reminds ne, do the States where you all live tax groceries?  Oklahoma does.  I have a tax exempt number and saved $21. in taxes today so it adds up.I think there's going to be a bill to stop the tax.  Should be.

    Saw the newest baby following his mother out to the pasture this afternoon.  The little ones are so cute following their moms.  It was supper time for some of them before they went out.

    Enjoy the evening.  See you all tomorrow..  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    In Iowa, at the grocery stores, food is not taxed but non food items you buy are taxed.

    Lots of people at the airport and the plane was full. Last night on the local news, they reported that there was NO airport parking....so I had to worry and worry about not being able to find a parking place this morning. Well, several large planes come in in the evenings normally, and I assume they did last night too as there was plenty of parking available.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    53F, giving 55 as high, sunny and windy they say

    Lorita hope you feel refreshed when you wake up.  When I dug up the dahlia bulb it was beautiful.  Had planned on throwing it away.  Instead I put it in the garage and if it survives winter will repot it outside in a warm area and see what it will do.  Plan on keeping things very simple this spring if I can.

    Leaves starting to fall quite a bit.  Hope my yard boys get here and take care of them.  Told them I was turning them over to them.

    Ohio does not tax groceries either.  

    Beth glad you made it to Houston safely.  Hope you and your family have a nice weekend.

    Put a roast in crockpot before I went to bed.  It is smelling good.  I’m thinking about fixing some potato pancakes and egg for breakfast this morning.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Just wanted to let everyone know all is well here. Just taking time out to try and get my head screwed back on right! To much floating around up there and need to delete unwanted information!!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Maybe 40% of leaves in Iowa have turned - some oaks, some maples, and some trees that turn yellow in the fall. Our crabapple has turned brilliant red. Our dogwood has turned deep red. Our tulip tree is beginning to turn yellow. We don't get a lot of leaves in our yard. The only large tree we have is the tulip tree. We previously lost 3 hackberries and a mulberry; they were big; we replaced them with a red maple and a sugar maple - they are  maybe 15 feet tall and they do turn beautiful colors in the fall, but haven't yet. We have a half acre lot and 29 trees but most are small to medium sized and have several evergreens. Anyway, regarding dealing with leaves,  my husband mows them up and bags what he mows and puts them in the compost or sends them out with the yard waste. We don't rake. When we moved to our current home, 30 years ago, there were 2 huge soft maples in the back. We had to rake then as they dropped a lot of leaves. As it is now, most of the leaves that fall on our yard are from the neighbors (and there aren't that many). 
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Have always loved trees; even as a small child.  Blush to say I used to hug the trees which caused a lot of washing of my coats and jackets for my poor mother.  We do not have such lucious trees here in Southern California.  We have a small park on the street behind us; they have multiple big olive trees that were put in about 1971,  They are full grown and beautiful with their big, expansive twisting trunks.  Really interesting and olive tree gorgeous.

    Well; we went and got our Fluzone shots yesterday.  Did not get any side effects; we do not even have sore arms. Now to wait two weeks for it to kick in and become effective.  Glad to have it done.  Not a single person other than my DH and myself and the pharmacist had masks on. I had a KF94 on and it just did not fit well; I could still feel a bit of air coming out around the nose and sides no matter how I adjusted it. Guess I will be using the N95s as they seem to do better on my face. 

    We are supposed to get a bit of rain later today into the evening, so if we do, that will be welcome.

    Lorita, being that you are a very "mature" lady, would a brand new highly expensive Jeep be worth it, considering how many years it would actually be needed?  Would the Jeep place not drain the tank on your present vehicle getting rid of the old gasoline tainting?  I have heard that being done, I think.  You could take it in when the level is lower.  Once drained, the new gasoline will not have all the gunk in it.  Just wondering; I have absolutely no knowledge or skills re motor vehicles.  I could be wrong.  Did you get your signature sent for your taxes okay so they are on time?  Would the IRS accept an electronic signature?

    Ron; delete, delete, delete; I can almost hear you doing it.  Clean as a whistle and a nicely fresh outcome I will hope.  Now if we could get Lou to delete some of her tapes . . . ah well.  Caregiving.  The "giving" part sure is true.  Wishing you softer, easier days Mr. Ron.

    Great you have a contract with the snow plow company Sayra; won't be long now and what a relief to have that burden settled, I am sure.  May it work out beautifully.

    Got to get going to make a few early calls, be well;


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Morning, beautiful this morning - warm and sunny but severe storms predicted for tonight, then cool weather with possible freeze or frost next week.

    Ron, if you figure out how to get rid of unwanted or unneeded things in our head, let me know.   I have a few things to delete.  Glad you're okay.

    Sara, I feel pretty good but back hurts.  I went out on the porch just now to see what was happening and I could tell the pollen is flying around.  Of course when I went to the end of the porch Stormy came and put his feet on the railing to look at his girls.  There are several little babies in the garden and he's watching them.  Probably got pollen from him.

    When I come out if the bathroom in the mirning, Mitt us standing on the arm if a rocking chair and the others are at the door all waiting for breakfast.  I was able to get both meds down Lilly in her food.  

    All of our trees are about 75% defoliated except the Hackberries.  The leaves are everywhere.  They warn people to keep them away from buildings because of fire danger.  I should let some of the girls north of the house to eat them.  Think I will.  We have Bradford pear trees around the meadow and they usually turn reddish but not this year.

    Not sure about my taxes. I called the post master to ask if the tax papers come today and I mail them back today would Sam get them Monday.  She said no, so will have to decide to pay the penalty or take them to him Monday if they get here.  It would be around $200 I think.  Our post office closes on Saturday at 10:30.  I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually completely is closed.  

    Sandy, did you say "booster"?  Hope you're feeling better this morning.  Is it this weekend when your son and DIL go after the horses?  That will be fun to watch them grazing.

    Weatherman just said there may be quarter to half dollar sized hail tonight with 60-7O mph winds.  Just hope it rains and before the lightning.  Years ago before we moved down to the farmhouse we had a thunderstorm. We came down right after it and lightning had struck a tree in the front yard and started a small fire. Scary stuff!

    Sooner play the Kansas Jay Hawks at 11 today so better get my things done before then.  They've lost their first three games.  So very unlike them.  They have a new coach.

    Sara, I'm going to do the same thing you did with your Dahlia with my caladiums.  Hope it works for us.

    Enjoy the day.  Back later.  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Spectacular day today. No brown and down yet.Looks like at least another good week for the caladiums then it will be garden clean up. 

    No reaction at all to the flu shot. 

    Going to figure out how to get photo from windows 7 Picasa to windows 10. Should be very interesting today....ha ha.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, I bet you watered your caladiums all summer.  I watered mine until I hooked up the float valve.  I have one planter that still has some pretty ones.  Are you going to try to over winter your bulbs?  I have a few short ones I never planted so hope they'll be okay.

    Good luck on transferring your pictures.  I wouldn't know where to begin.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I saw a car with OK plates and I thought of Lorita and Judith.  We don't get many OK cars out here.  I tried to wave.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers.

    Lorita.   I hope you're feeling better today and giving your back a rest. I love my heating pad when my back hurts. The Bear Creek soup sounds good. I have not made any since last winter, I guess I like soup when it's cold outside. Also, no tax in Oregon on groceries. 

    What are the signs your GPs have allergies?    I think Molly also has allergies. When I get up in the mornings both of my cats are at my ankles meowing to be feed. My coffee pot is set to go off at 6am so when I get up my coffee is ready. They have learned that when the coffee is being made, I will soon be up, so they are waiting. Molly stays in bed and sleeps for a bit longer. I am glad she does that, so it gives me time to have my first cup before I need to take her out. 

    Jo.  It surprises me that no one helped you when you fell. How sad people could be that way. I have never fell when around other people, but I would really be shocked if no one helped, me. Your so right falls happen when not expected. The last fall I had I was bending over to plug in my computer and stupid me I was carless and tried to squeeze between my chair and a table and that's when I lost my balance. If only I had moved the table, it never would have happened. 

    Sara.   It is nice you have a snow and a leaf guy. I know what worrying about snow is. Now that my nephew is also living here with my son and I that solves any snow problems I will be having. You keep so busy and it's not safe for you to be out shoveling snow. 

    Beth.  I am glad you got to go spend some time with your family. I love airports and all the people. I get lost because I don't know what to do but as long as I am with my daughter, I just follow her around. Four years ago, my daughter and her husband and I went to Amsterdam, I had more fun on the long flight going both ways. I also enjoyed the airports, and the flight changes we had. That was before covid so there were no restrictions. 

    I have tried for the last 2 days to get my flu shot and each time I go to the drug store there is a 3 hour wait, the second day they told me to call in and schedule a time, I wish they had told me that the first day. I go in for a Dr visit on the 1st of November I called the doctor's office and they said they will give me one then. It's strange when people are told to wait 2 weeks between the flu and the covid booster. My drug store said I could get them both the same day. I prefer waiting the 2 weeks. 

    Well friends it's time for me to go. I have a TV channel with western on all day, on Saturdays its time now for The Rifleman. Take care all of you rockers. Hugs Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Watching the American League Division Series between Seattle Mariners and Houston Astros, which is almost over and next is the Yankees vs. the Cleveland Guardians.  I can't get used to that name, I'm used to the name we can't call them anymore.

    Southeastern Michigan is at peak foliage right now or at least 90%, gorgeous reds, oranges, yellows.  I have a doctor appointment this week, kind of afraid to step on the scale, as I've been doing a bit of comfort eating and less exercise since Keys is gone.  I've probably put on probably 10 pounds.  

    Pretty foggy it looks like in Seattle, it's hazy or it's misting because in the shots from the mound to the batter it's a haze.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Jo., I'm like everyone else, it shocks me that no one would stop and help when you fell. I believe if it was me I would tell someone get their butt over here and help me up. Your incident did remind me of my fall that I had mentioned before, but when I was clearing out the unwanted items floating around in my head I came across it again. It was my last radiation treatment for prostate cancer and the wheelchair ramp was a little wet. I was pushing Lou in her wheelchair and yes, I had leather sole shoes on. I went down and making sure Lou didnt go flying down the ramp, I pull her and the wheelchair down on top of me. We both layed there for about 10 minutes yelling for help when I was finally able to maneuver around enough to  get my cell phone and call a neighbor. Only thing that came out of it was my legs being  bruised, which I still have discoloration in one spot a year and half later. I still tell people after 55 years of marriage I had never had Lou on top of me with a wheelchair between us until that incident. 

    Hope the front porch rockers are having a good weekend. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Did anyone happen to watch the Texas Christian University- Oklahoma State University football game this afternoon?.  They were in the second over time with OSU ahead by three and TCUon the three yard line and my electricity  went out! I think Okla.. Won but not sure.

    Zetta, my GPs scratch all the time with their allergies.  The vet can give them a shot and pills to take and no more scratching- same with Kitt.  No idea what the allergen is.  Barclee, my Shih Tzu had allergy to grass.  Usually three shots about six week s apart does the trick for the GPs.

    No rain here, just thunder.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, many years ago I fell in the driveway of a Las Vegas hotel, in front of the bellman, who did nothing.  Two passersby did help me up.  I had scraped my knee.  My cousin who is a lawyer later told me that hotel employees are forbidden to help a fallen person because it might look like an admission of fault.

    My brother called me last night, he had been struck by a car while he was in a crosswalk.  Fortunately, he was not hurt badly.  Paramedics came and attended to him on-site.  The driver left the scene but the police found the car, because she lived two blocks away and she had gone home to put her groceries away, so she said.  It's dangerous out there!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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