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Just need to talk to my friends (187)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


Thought it was about time to begin 187 because it was taking so long to be able to reply - at least it has been for me.

I saw something on the evening news I wanted to tell you all about in case you didn't see it.  It was a warning for people NOT to use Ezricare Artificial Tears.  It didn't give the name but I looked it up.  Seems that it can cause really bad eye infection and has even caused death.  Scary stuff.  I have never heard  of that kind - hopefully you all haven't either.

Ron, we used to have patients come to our hospital from way down in the SE tip of Oklahoma - the town of Tom comes to mind.  Many years ago Charles worked for the ambulance company located in the town where our hospital was.  When we had a patient that had been discharged and had no way to get home the doctor would order a hired car which was provided by the ambulance service.  We had a man from Tom, Okla. who had been discharged with no way home so a hired car was ordered and Charles was the driver.  I went with them - had a packed lunch for the patient - we ate on the way home.  So, I've been to Tom.  Have you ever heard of it?  Seems like I remember it was way back in a wooded area - guess that's probably where the swamps are with the alligators.

When we'd get a patient from far SE Okla. who had an appt. they often had to come the day before and were lodged overnight so he'd be there for his appt.  Our hospital is no longer a medical hospital - behavioral science now mostly, so if a patient has a medical problem and has an appt. he has to travel to Tulsa or to Shreveport which is probably the nearest VA Hospital.  I'm sure some of our patients will go to Fayetteville or Little Rock.  Nothing in Texas closer than Dallas.  Didn't mean to get so long-winded but it's a shame we won't have our VA Medical Center anymore - a shame for the patients.

I just watched a really good show on Nature.  Sandy, it was a good nature show - no big animal killing another - just a bird getting a fish or two.  It was called The Elephant and the Termite.  It was about the seasonal and lifetime of a water hole in Africa - how it was formed in a roundabout way by termites, then finished by elephants.  Too long to go into detail which I usually do.  If you all get the chance and like nature shows this is worth watching.

Day, I'm watching In the Kitchen with David now - missed the first hour or so.  

It was warmer today - didn't make to freezing though.  The ice storm is almost to the southern part of our County - it's 28 degrees now.  We still have lots of sleet on the ground - not much melting today except a little off the roof.

Talked with Darwin.  He had to go to town for groceries and medication for his wife.  Got home and realized he had left her medicine in the cart - called WM and had to go back to town to get it.  He said the country roads were still ice-covered but the highway was all right.  He was so exasperated about leaving the medicine and having to go back.  Sara - he said the only people he ever sees wearing a mask is elderly people - like me.  He stopped wearing one about a month ago.  He and his wife are fully vaccinated with all their boosters and the flu shot so he feels fairly safe - she doesn't go to town.  He's like me - can't afford to get the virus.

Sorry, I've written too much.  Hadn't planned on posting tonight but wanted to let you all know about the eyedrops in case you hadn't heard and might be using them.

I've filled the water tank three or four times today - those girls do like their water.  I think after tonight I can hook up the float valve on the other water tank.  Wish I could figure out how to put one on this tank - but, Stormy loves to chew on the metal hoses.

Sleep well tonight - looks like this ice is going all the way to the NE - freezing rain is the worst so be careful.

See you all tomorrow  - Lord willing and the Creek don't rise!



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    21 this morning.  Looks like way colder tomorrow then warming up.

    Thank you for letting us know about ezricare.  Never heard of it and glad I haven’t.

    Here see elderly and young wearing them but we are as scarce as hens teeth.  Rarely see a middle aged person wearing them.  Also see more Asians and blacks wearing them.  My nephew has Covid right now for the third time.  He is very sick with a fever, very sore throat, dizziness and nausea.    Girls at work except for one told me I was so sick.  Would love to ditch my mask but I hate being sick, don’t want to carry it in on mom, so I endure.

    Talked with my cousin in Kentucky and they have had the ice too.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, there's still sleet on here and it's cloudy but they're promising a little bit of sunshine this afternoon.  We've had 98 hours below freezing up until now - too long.  I didn't even have to pour warm water over the hydrant handle this morning and the water left in the tank wasn't frozen.  Girls are scattered everywhere this morning.  Some were up by the gate where the guys come through - guess they got mixed up on feed day -it's tomorrow.

    I feel like last year's bird nest with a hole punched in it this morning.  Two of the cats (Lily and her son, Sammy) started running and playing and knocking things off this morning about 5:30 so that woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep for the noise.  I got up about 7:15 and fed them and hooked up the water and now you wouldn't know there was a cat within 50 miles.  

    Beth - I don't know if you watch QVC or not or if you might be interested in more plants for your garden (where you'd put them I don't know) but Carolyn Gracie is on right now with her gardening party.  They're selling all kinds of beautiful plants.  Makes a person want to order all of them - but, I'm going to refrain.  I've bought some plants from them and very few have done well.  But, I still like to watch.  I'd like to have some butterfly bushes but not sure where I'd put them.  I dug up bee balm in the meadow a few years ago and had them by the gate but only had one come up last year.  Anyway, I like to watch.

    Made pumpkin-spice muffins with chocolate chips yesterday so had a couple of them for breakfast this morning.  Really nice to have something that's easy to just warm up and eat.

    Joydean, I hope the ice is over for you all this morning.  The weather said you all had three days of icing - way too long.  Did you lose any tree limbs or power?

    I'll stop and be back later.  Need to take an acetaminophen and wring some cats' necks.  (wouldn't do it of course but I threaten them).

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good morning, all.

    Lorita    I know exactly what your mean about ringing the cat's necks. But they are so cute when they do the things that irritate us. My two cats Sammy and Emmy, run and play at night, so each morning when I get up, I have to put all the blankets back on the couch that they have knocked off. Sammy has taught Emmy that as soon as my coffee pot starts making coffee at 6am that I will be getting up soon. So, then they both get on my bed meowing at me to get up and feed them. I know I could set my coffee to start brewing later but I like getting up early. I am sure I would miss them if they did not do that. 

    I made the potato soup yesterday and added the potatoes, it was so good, I have enough for lunch today and I will freeze what's left. I probably have enough for 3 more lunches. 

    With all the bad weather you all have been having I feel bad saying that my weather has been nice. It's been very cold but not as much snow as we usually get. 

    Sara.  Sorry to hear about your nephew getting covid. You say for the 3rd time, has he not had any of his covid shots? 

    Iam sending you all wishes for a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
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     I am so sick of ice! Started Monday and here it is Thursday and ice is still everywhere. Today it was a slow rain with some ice pellets mixed with it. We have some really old big oak trees that are close to the road, and they are so pretty in summer, but right now they are loaded down with ice. Several limbs have broken but not all the way . When all this thaws out I’ll have to get someone come help me because there’s no way I can get a ladder tall enough for me to cut them. Just one more thing. 

    I know some of you like in much colder weather and honestly I don’t know how you do. I need sunshine.

    Lorita you asked if I was close to Dallas. We are east of Dallas and it’s about 1 1/2 hours away. From my house to Durant Ok is about 2 hours. Don’t know if that helps any. 

    Sayra I wanted to tell you thank you. 

    Hope everyone is warm and safe. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Joydean, if your 1 1/2 hours east of Dallas, you must just be a hop, skip and jump from me. Rains over here, suppose to be in 50s and 60s next several days. Will be sunny until middle of next week and rain moving back in by Wednesday. 

    Haven't talked to my Dallas son yet but I hope the weather there is better. Saw some videos where cars were slipping and sliding in the Dallas area!

    Oh it's so nice to be on Lorita's front porch with all the rockers! So peaceful here with all the rockers sharing their stories.

    Stay safe all my friends.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning joining you on the porch Ron.

    13 right now, predicted to continue to drop a bit  more before heading back up.  Giving a chance of a little snow.

    No Zetta my nephew has not had any vaccinations.  He is starting to feel better.  

    Joy hope it warms up a bit for you soon.  I have family in the Dallas Fort Worth area.  Understand how you feel about the tree limbs, hope to get several trees cut soon.  Tired of constantly picking up limbs and they are big and close to house.  I will miss them too.

    Hope I can stay in all day and cook lol. Made my weekly supply of oatmeal pancakes.  Hope to fix some sloppy joes and creamy taco soup for fast food supply.  Hope to try making some oatmeal crisps too.  It’s an old recipe, just saw someone making it.  Usually prefer soft cookies. Think I remember these though and liked them.  Good with a cup of tea.

    Lorita I enjoy just being able to heat something up too.  Also enjoy not having to do a bunch of dishes.  Seems like I’m forever doing them.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    We have sunshine but it's still below freezing.  Supposed to be in the upper 30s today.  Still a little wind though so it'll feel cold.  I went out and filled the water tank but forgot to feed the birds.  I have enough feed for today but FedEx is supposed to deliver 40 lbs. plus 10 of sunflower seeds today.

    Ron, I'm so glad, too, that we have this safe place to come when we're lonely, feel sad or just want to talk a little bit.  I do more than my share of that.  The porch needs to be painted and will have that done when the weather's better.  I think I'll paint the porch swing this spring, too - maybe a bright color.  Porch is always Battleship Gray with a blue ceiling.  For the 80+ years I've been here that's the colors they've always been.

    Sara - oatmeal pancakes?  Sounds pretty good to me.  I love pancakes.  Daddy used to make them often - he's the one who always fixed breakfast.  Mother and I were both working out in the public so he was up early and got us off to work, then he went to work in the fields.  Gosh, guess you never get over missing your parents.  I remember when Carol's mother passed away - she commented that she was then an orphan.  So true.

    So sorry about your nephew but glad he's improving.  Wonder if he'll get the vaccinations now.  I always feel like it's better to be safe than sorry but others have their own ideas.

    Joy, my grandma on mother's side was born in Texas.  From your description of where you are, you may be close to her birthplace.  It was a little town called Ferris or Farris, not sure.  I've never been there - only got as far south as Dallas and in the Panhandle.  

    Really hope your weather is improving.  Nothing much worse than hearing those beautiful tree limbs breaking from the ice on them.  Really makes a mess to clean up and damages the trees so much.  I can remember big ice storms we've had and it took years for the trees to get back to looking normal.  I worry about the big Elm tree just outside the kitchen, too.  This past summer I had all the limbs that were overhanging or close to the roof trimmed back and it's better but if a tree goes over there's still damage.  

    Iris, I think you've mentioned leasing a car.  How did that go and what was your responsibility - did you have to take care of repairs and insurance?  At my age I sort of hate to buy a new car - seems like it might be cheaper and better to lease.  We've never done that so don't know much about it.  Not even sure there's a place neareby that leases.  Just wondering.

    There's a story on the news now about a girl who had to clean out the house where her grandparents lived aftre they passed away and how hard it was - trying to decide what to keep, donate or get rid of.  I know it was hard when my parents passed away - they'd lived here since 1936 over 60 years so there was a lot to do.  I wonder sometimes who'll do that when I'm gone.  I'm sure all of what's in the house will go in a trashbin.  But, that's allright.

    I hear the girls bawling so they must hear the feedtrucks north of us.  Last night, just about dark, I drove up near the MH where quite a few of the girls had been during the day.  I was afraid something was wrong but they had dropped - or lost - a bale of hay and they were up there eating it.  Not sure where they were getting water.

    Zetta - did you like the potato soup with pieces of fresh potato in it?  It's good without but I think better with the diced potatoes.  I'm wondering how the packets of soup fared during the sleet after UPS left it down at the gate.  I may go down this morning and get it and all the mail from this week that I haven't picked up.

    I hear the trucks outside so I'll stop and see what's going on.  Enjoy the sunshine if you're lucky enough to have it today.  Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita will attach pancake recipe.  I make it, eat what I want, cool rest, freeze them.  Run them through my toaster twice straight out of freezer.  Cinnamon, apples and dates are optional.  They were my addition to recipe.  Blueberries would work too.  If you need me to interpret any of my abbreviations let me know.

    Joy I’m having to turn mom’s wireless home phone box off and turn back on fairly frequently.  She starts not being able to place or receive calls.  I reboot it and then works ok for awhile. Have you had any trouble with this?  

    Have any of you guys frozen potato soup?  Would like to make some if it can be frozen.  I freeze potatoes in things and they are fine so thinking it would be but not sure.

    Talk with you later

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thank you Lorita, for the information re the significantly infected eye drops, Ezricare - these eye drops were being sold across the counter in many different stores including WalMart and also on Amazon.   The FDA put out a warning - it appears they are contaminated with pseudomonas aerugenous.  In one person, the infection went systemic and sadly that person died.  The infection has caused some persons to lose vision permanently; truly a tragic situation.  Very difficult to treat.


    Zetta; had to smile at your smart cats; they have it all figured out to their benefit; really cute. So playful at night when no humans are around and know when it is time for breakfast.  Glad to hear your weather is getting better.

    What a frustrating thing for Darwin to have to turn around and drive all the way back into town for the forgotten prescriptions; that must have been really difficult and tiring for him to say the least.  Glad he was able to get them.

    Was talking with my friend on the phone yesterday; she is pretty much at the same point I am.  Things have become so "down," that it has become distressing; neither of us watches much extended news programs at this point.  Also, many of the TV shows are also pretty dark with negative stories.  She laughed at me as I told her the other night, wanting to find something non-dark and reasoably peaceful to watch, I ended up watching old Walton's re-runs.  Honestly; these days it would be such a relief to have programming not be violent or dark in content more often for relief.   I understand from reports that many people are expressing being on the same wavelength of overload of all and sundry.

    I am truly continuously being impressed with Sayra; what an amazing and dedicated cook!  It seems there is always something baking or stewing or simmering in Sayra's kitchen and I can bet the house smells wonderful.  Wish my knees would let me do all of that, but alas at this point. I loved cooking and now am, due to knees, really sidelined.  My friend I spoke to the other night has the same issue. She just had two knees replaced. First one done several months ago did well; second one has some issues so standing in the kitchen is not doable. She did a lot of cooking too.  That's what we get for stopping tinting our hair - we think that is it - once we went white our bodies realized, "Hey; you are OLD," and then decided to give us problems. Should have kept on tinting. Ha.

    Our son's newest rescue dog is doing great.  A few weeks ago when asking him how she was doing he said, "She's doing great until she isn't!"  Puppy behavior.  Well a few weeks make a big difference and he shared she is doing beautifully well.  She is cuddly and lovable and a joyful dog.  He takes her to the dog park which is her favorite thing.  However, she does not by her own preference go to play with the other dogs until she lovingly greets every single human in the doggie park THEN she goes and plays with the other dogs; it makes my son chuckle watching her do that.  As said, a very happy, joyful dog.   She had been another street rescue in sad state and unwell but now is thriving.

    Weather has ranged from high 60's to 72 degrees today, mid-day.  Really nice. May have some small rain on Sunday which is okay.  We are doing really great with snowfall in the Sierras for water storage which is great. We shall see how it goes.  Heavens!  Don't know if I mentioned it, but our gas bills out here have abruptly all gone sky high to triple and even more from what is usual. We got one over $300, and it is projected this month will be $400!!  We keep the heat very low and do not use much gas, our stove is electric; don't use much hot water.  Turns out that across the state the various gas companies have all done this with various excuses as to why.  The state is supposed to do a study as to the reasons and etc.  Greed is probably not a category in the study.  People are outraged, but no power so to speak to make a change at this point.  Really difficult for so many to manage to pay such outrageous charges amongst so much else.

    All of our big rain has all  the trees and shrubs looking very happy and bright.  Lots of deep root watering for those trees for sure.  We shall see what the summer brings, hopefully not too bad this year. 

    Sayra, we are noticing here also that people are just not masking and still so many without vaccinations.  Guess some folks do not understand that vaccination also protects other high risk people from them . . . elderly, overweight, diabetic, heart disease, asthma, lung disease and on and on. Vaccination protects others too and the message does not get out there much. Only rotten thing is that vaccinations including our bivalent boosters wane over time, so masking remains important. Need to find some better KN95 masks. Ours we bought are too close to the face and are not very comfortable. Just hard to know which ones are better yet effective and best place to buy them. Fake masks always a concern.

    Sorry to hear about the tree limbs freezing and cracking off. I remember when a ice storm hit Portland when we were visiting Oregon; one could hear the cracking of tree limbs near and far; it was surreal.

    About leasing cars; it is a good idea to do a lot of online research; there are many things to think about if one is considering that as an option. 

    Lorita, 50 pounds of bird seed - lucky birds to be near your home!   How many feeders do you have?   I remember when the cub scouts years ago made bird feeders with empty toilet roll and paper towel roll cardboard tubes - they covered them with peanut butter and then rolled them in a bird seed mix. I did not think they would work; but they did - the kids were so happy; but there was no rain to ruin the tubes; just cold weather.

    Pork chops and baked potatoes tonight; just sounds good.   I have found half a baked potato is enough for me, and I stopped using butter on them ; I use salsa on the potatoes instead and it actually tastes good and I do not miss butter.   Going to try some low sugar fruited yogurt today for lunch, hopefully it will taste good without being overly sweet.

    Watching the PBS new season, "All Creatures Great and Small."  In the episodes, the vets are having a hard time getting dairy cow owners to permit TB checking of their herds so to avoid the organism getting into the milk which evidently can transfer to humans.  If positive, that cow and sometimes nearly whole herds had to be put down.  I wondered if there is a need for cows to checked for that any longer; I would imagine not, but then I do not know a thing about cattle; Lorita is my teacher.

    It will be a busy day today - off I go and hope all are doing well,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon, all

    Lorita.   I don't think the soup packages will freeze and if they do, I don't think it will hurt them. Yes, I did enjoy the potatoes I added to the soup. I had a roast the night before, so I just used the potatoes that were left from the roast.   It's pretty cold at my house today with the wind blowing and rain being predicted. 

    Sara.  Thank you for the pancake recipe Iam going to give it a try. I think I can read all the instructions, if not I will check back before I make them. I did freeze some of the potato soup I made yesterday. I have not tried it yet but as soon as I do, I will let you know if it tastes just as good. I hope your nephew has started feeling better. 

    Ron.  You are so right this front porch is a very relaxing place to be. We have a lot of good people to share with and get advice from. Lorita is going to paint the porch as soon as the weather clears up maybe we can all get a paint brush and help her. I think I will even paint my rocker. 

    Jo.  The dog your son rescued has a very loving home. They bring so much joy to your heart, especially after you just lost one. My daughter and her husband have a dog she is just a year old, and they take her to a dog play yard, it is so cute how the dogs are so happy to see each other. There seems to be dog parks pretty much everywhere. We have one right here in Bend, Oregon I think I will take Molly to check it out one of the times I am in Bend. 

    I hope your all having a good day my fur babies and I are saying inside keeping warm.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I made homemade potato soup tonight and it was very good. I cooked up potatoes, carrots and garlic, mashed them a bit, and then added in/stirred in a white sauce. Here is the recipe: https://thefoodcharlatan.com/easy-potato-soup-recipe/#wprm-recipe-container-30881

    Of note, in this recipe it was recommended not to freeze it as the potatoes texture would be altered and they wouldn't be as good.

    Just a quick note!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Beth, potato soup sounds great!

    Lorita, I'm thinking every car dealership will be willing to lease a vehicle, if that's what you want to do.  I leased mine for three years.  Routine maintenance, such as oil changes and tire rotation was included for the first two years for free.  My payoff at the end of the three years was noted on the contract from the beginning.  I had no complaints.  I kept the car clean.  At the end of the three years, it was inspected before I was to turn it in.  

    If it had been damaged I'm sure there would have been a problem.  But I chose to keep it.  If you wanted, you could lease a new car again, so that you would always have a new car.  In my case, after four years, I still have not broken 10,000 miles, so my car is still relatively new.

    Or you could get a low mileage pickup.  Ask around.  But get it checked out first!

    The weather is cool in the mornings, due to being overcast.  But once the sun is high and the cloud cover burns off, it gets comfortable, even warm, here in soCal.  Some people are wearing shorts, tee shirts and flip flops!  Not me, though!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, I could read the recipe just fine - you have pretty handwriting.  I may try those when I get some quick oats - I usually use the old fashioned kind.  And, I don't have eggs at the moment but there is an egg substitute that works.

    Jo - Darwin was so mad at himself for forgetting the medicine - that was the main thing he went into town for.  He says he stays away from town all he can - I think he probably goes once a week.

    I'm not watching as much news as I used to either - there's nothing good on it - and now, the spy balloon.  I heard this morning they've spotted one over South America now.  They should just shoot them down and let people watch out below but the information they've gathered is already with them but there's more to be had.

    You mentioned your gas bill going up - my water bill was over twice what it had been.  That comes from keeping water out for the girls - and, of course, my negligence in letting it run over.  If I can figure out a way to keep Stormy away from the hose (so he doesn't chew on it) I'll put a float valve on the one in the garden.  This summer I'll let the girls drink from the pond.  I heard on the news that people in Oklahoma are going to be paying for the natural gas and electric used during the big, ice storm we had in February 2021 for 28 years.  

    Charles and I used to try new recipes all the time.  We didn't eat out often because we both enjoyed cooking and eating out when you're this far from town doesn't come easily.  Now, I cook what's easy and fast.

    About freezing the potato soup.  It seems I tried it and it was watery but not really sure it was the soup or something else.  The packet of Bear Creek calls for eight cups of water so if you didn't want to make that much you could easily make half - just 4 cups of water and half of the packet.  I'd always made homemade potato soup until I found this.  I don't like to peel potatoes so have gotten lazy in my old age.   Zetta, the potato soup packets were fine.  They were in a big envelope and the driver put that in a plastic-type one (however, with the sleet it came open.  I think (not sure) that I got two shipments of it.  I can't find how many I ordered - too long ago.  Beth, I've never tried carrots in potato soup - always just used onions and potatoes.  It's Julia Child's recipe (modified).  She used leeks and potatoes.

    Jo, I ordered some of the really good masks but have stuck with wearing the blue, paper ones.  If I'm going to be near someone - like a doctor - I wear two and it has worked pretty well.  No matter what anyone else does, I will continue to wear mine.

    I have two bird feeders - one out by the water tank and the other on the end of the porch.  I haven't been filling it but when I get the feed (hopefully today) I'll put some in it.  I sprinkle some of the feed on the ground along with putting some in the feeders.  I think the birds watch for me.  I don't see any when I go out but when I put the feed in and start back inside, they're all over it.  I wish I had a place to put a feeder where I could watch them.

    I've never heard of checking cattle for TB but back in the mid 90s someone south of us thought they had a cow with Bangs (Brucellosis) so all the cattle within a certain range had to be tested (ours included).  I never heard that any Bangs was found so it may just have been an aborted calf.  However, while the vets were here they vaccinated ours and dehorned three of them.  I couldn't watch the dehorning so came inside.  Charles told me, afterwards, that he'd never have that done again - there was blood everywhere and bawling to boot.  Mike has dehorned a couple of ours and there was no blood so those vets didn't do a good job.  We have two or three now that he probably will dehorn later.

    Iris, thank you for the information.  I think I'll check into that - it would be cheaper than buying a new one.  I don't want another PU because I can't get Stormy and Sheena up into it, at least the one I have now.  It's a 3/4 ton and really high.  I'm beginning to have trouble getting into it, too.  I need to use a stool.  When I was feeding and had to get in and out of it so much I did use a stool and it helped.  I need something lower to the ground they can get in but still high enough to navigate the muddy, country roads.  I was wondering about maintenance so good to hear they do free oil changes.  Do you have to lease for three years?  I so hate that my car can't be fixed.  I liked to drive it - such a comfortable ride, lots of room and the GPs liked it - but all good things must come to an end, I guess.  

    Had another run-in with DirecTV this morning.  It's an auto-pay and I just happened to look at the statement - it was $20 higher than last month.  Finally got that straightened out and I will stop the auto pay and probably change to DISH.  Just hate to have to learn something new.  When I was younger I enjoyed trying new things but not so much now.  

    It's in the upper 40s today - was sunny earlier but cloudy now and pretty windy.  Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer and Monday even more so - but higher wind speeds.  It is so muddy from the sleet melting and the ground being frozen - still not enough to add water to the ponds.

    My dry eyes are really bothering me lately.  I use a humidifier at night and have started using the one in the LR again - that and the drops help some.  I've seen a new dry eye drop advertised so don't know if it would be better.  I use Refresh mostly and Gen-Teal drops and tears at night

    I think rescue dogs know they've been rescued and are so happy to have good homes that they make good companions.  We've rescued many and living in the country people put dogs out.  They see a farm house and think they'll go to the house so they put them out.  Cats, too.  That's what happened with Lilly.  When she was a very young cat, I'm sure someone dropped her off and she was trying to live among the big bales of hay.  Luckily Darwin saw her and rescued her.  She's a very sweet cat until she and her son start running and playing.  Kitt is getting thinner and thinner and he eats twice as much as the others.  He can be in another part of the house and still shows up when I open a can of food.

    Bird feed was supposed to be delivered yesterday along with some other things but there was an e-mail saying they had been delayed because of bad weather.  Wonder if they'll make it today. 

    Hope all of you are well today.  Ron, I went outside late last night and saw the moon - I think it will be full tomorrow so hold onto your hat.  Maybe this month it won't bother Lou so much.  Are you feeling better? When we get older it takes a long time to recover from anything.  Reminds me, Darwin told me when he was in town he was putting his groceries in the PU and his feet slipped out from under him but he said he caught himself on the PU door before he fell to the pavement.  I bet he was sore the next day, too.  A fall can change our life forever so, everyone, please be careful.  When Carol calls, that's the last thing she says to me "be careful and don't fall".  It took her a full year to recover and she still can't walk in open spaces. 

    Need to go check the water tank.  Will be back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, not all car dealers may offer free maintenance with a lease, you may have to negotiate.  I have another alternative.  I don’t remember what is wrong with your truck.  I know a mechanic who works with older cars, and he can replace an entire engine or other part, whatever is defective, rather than trying to repair it.  You might look into that if you can find such a mechanic.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi Iris,

    The only thing wrong with the PU is that it hesitates when you accelerate. The mechanic says draining the fuel tank and injectors should take care of it.  It has fewer than 70,000 miles on it so barely broken in for a truck like that.

    I did call the dealer in our town and asked him a few questions about leasing.  He didn't seem to know too much about it but answered a few questions.  Seems to me it would cost less to lease per year than paying $35,000-40000 for a new one.  The mileage thing wouldn't be a problem - he said 15,000 miles per year and over that it would be by the mile.  I never drove that much when I was commuting.  Do you pay a certain amount when you do the begin the lease, then a monthly charge and another bigger amoount when you end the lease?  If I bought a new one, what would happen to it when I'm gone?  

    FedEx delivered most of the things I'd ordered from WM = but, he left it outside the yard.  I do have a "Beware of Dog" sign.  It was a 40 lb. box of cat litter plus the 50 lb. of birdfeed.  The birdfeed was inside a big box with potato chips and cereal.  I called WM.com and complained.  Won't do any good - I've done it many times.  They need to teach their employees how to package orders.

    I managed to get everything inside and fed the birds but I think they were off finding seeds elsewhere.  Drove up to see the girls, stopped by the barn and checked it.  Found a cow inside laying down.  She had a hard time getting up - seemed really weak.  I gave her some hay and closed the gates and called Mike to tell him.  They feed in the morning so he'll check her then.   Then, on to the mailbox and back to check the water.  That's been my afternoon.

    Time to settle down and find something to watch, then fill the watertank before bedtime.  I did see they had shot down the spy balloon when it was over the water.  They're trying to recover it now.  This will be interesting.

    Ron, the moon is beautiful - isn't it a shame it causes so many problems with people?   Maybe this time will be better.

    Good night.  See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I have never leased.

    Potatoes freeze fine in some things such as my veggie soup.  Think it might be the milk that causes issues in potato soup.  Milk gets a little funky when frozen, why I wondered about it.

    Enjoyed my day.  My sister and I went shopping for me a smart phone.  First time I’ve shopped with anyone since pandemic started.  It was nice.  Got surprised, she showed up with a mask on.  She is my vaccinated sister, but really hasn’t worn a mask since vaccinated.  It’s her son who just had it, and he was very sick.  She said I do not want to be sick.  This is my first smart phone.  Would prefer a flip phone but look forward to having gps and thought I should do this before I got too much older.  My old flip phone is still in very good condition so can use it for mom if she ever agrees and can use it also for calling 911 if something happens to my smartphone as long as I have it.  Going to buy a couple of burner phones too as have been seeing how it’s good to have one or two of them just in case for emergencies.  Had never thought about that.  Gonna try it.

    Good night everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sara, what is a burner phone?  A disposable one?  I have a flip phone don't think.I could use a smart phone.  I do have an extra flip phone in case I lose the one I use now.

    Glad you had a good day shopping.  Also glad your sister wore a mask.  Know it made you feel better.

    The moon is beautiful.  Sorry, Ron.  Hope Lou is up to going to Church tomorrow.

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    We finally got sunshine and it has been wonderful. My husband has been doing the sundowning so having the sunshine has been a great blessing. We still have ice in places but it’s supposed to warmer the next few days. I did lose a bunch of limbs but will drag the ones that fell all the way down to the back area and burn them when the weather permits. One great surprise, as I was looking all around at the damage from the ice and wind, i noticed in one flower bed I have several daffodils blooming! They were covered in ice but they survived. Was a beautiful surprise. I have a lot of tulips coming up too. 

    Lorita, Ferris Tx is about 20 miles south of Dallas. It’s a nice little town but like everything else now it’s growing. 

    Sayra I have to reboot my home phone too. I seldom use it but I had kept it in hopes that in emergency my husband might use it. But he’s pass being able to use any phone. Like you I liked my flip phone, but about 2 years ago my daughter got me a smart phone. Didn’t think I would really like it, but I do enjoy it now. My kids are glad I have it because they can track where I’m at.  I’m going to try your pancake recipe too, it looks so good. 

    Beth I’m going to try your potato soup recipe. I have never put garlic in mine, always used onion but I do like garlic. I also like the white sauce. I bet that makes it richer. I use the white sauce in scallop potatoes. 

    Ron I really am a hop skip and jump from you! I hope Lou is doing good. Is the VA you go to having a hard time keeping doctors? I take my husband to the one in Ft Worth, because it was the one we started with when we lived close to that one. But they have had a change his PCP 4 times in the past year. They can’t seem to keep doctors very long. The VA in Dallas, tho it’s not really in Dallas but it’s a scary part of town and has a horrible parking problem. It can take longer just trying to find a parking place than it does to see the dr. Hope all your tests go well this week. 

    Goodness didn’t mean to talk so much. I saw a receipt for orange juice cupcakes and it really looks good so I can make some and bring them to the front porch. 

    Hope everyone has a great evening. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita wrote:

    Hi Iris,

    The only thing wrong with the PU is that it hesitates when you accelerate. The mechanic says draining the fuel tank and injectors should take care of it.  It has fewer than 70,000 miles on it so barely broken in for a truck like that.

    My Maxima had a problem like that (hesitation and cutting out), but it turned out to be related to the computer system.  I got a new used computer and the problem was resolved.  Do you want to spend the money on fuel tank draining plus injectors?  Is he sure this is the problem?

    I did call the dealer in our town and asked him a few questions about leasing.  He didn't seem to know too much about it but answered a few questions.  Seems to me it would cost less to lease per year than paying $35,000-40000 for a new one.  The mileage thing wouldn't be a problem - he said 15,000 miles per year and over that it would be by the mile.  I never drove that much when I was commuting.  Do you pay a certain amount when you do the begin the lease, then a monthly charge and another bigger amoount when you end the lease?  

    I don't remember if I paid a down payment.  My monthly bill was $330 . I would owe nothing at the end of the lease if I did not go over the mileage limit.

    If I bought a new one, what would happen to it when I'm gone?  

    It would be part of your estate to will to whomever you wanted.  Of course, it would have to be paid off.  Or return it to the dealer, I suppose.  I really don't know.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good Sunday morning rockers!

    I just took littlebit out and the full moon is shining bright. Hopefully Lou will be ok when I get her up for church. Going to let her sleep till the last minute! Neighbor told me if I have problems again that she will come stay with Lou where I can go to church. Dont bvb believe I mentioned this, but the neighbor's mom also has dementia and is in a nursing home. 

    Jodean, your right about Dallas VA parking. When I had my first surgery for achalasia of the esophugus they did not have the expertise here and I had to go to Dallas. My brother drove around the parking lot for 30 minutes until someone pulled out, he had to rush to get the space before someone else that was circling. The surgeon was good at Dallas, but I didnt care for the inpatient care. We dont have much trouble keeping primary care but use to be hard to get in for specialist. Since care in the community started, all VA care has been better. I chose to stay with VA primary care but could use community primary care under the care in the community program. Have you considered local primary care? When I was going through radiation for prostate cancer I met several veterans from east Texas. The VA would put them up in a motel for the week, they would go home on weekends and come back the next week. 

    Hope all on the porch are able to relax, its going to be a nice sunday here weather wise. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Yes Lorita they are the disposable phones.  Hopefully I can get it all figured out.

    So nice to hear that daffodils and tulips are springing up somewhere.  Would ask my uncle to let me know when the daffodils are blooming in Kentucky because I lived four hours north of him and usually in about two weeks ours would bloom.  He is gone none but talk to two cousins down there so will have to ask them.

    Glad you have sunshine today Joy.  Cloudy here but hazy as sun is trying to peek through so not so dark.  Thank you for answering my question.  Going to try and remember to reboot each week when I take groceries over so maybe I won’t have to make a special trip to do that and mom won’t be without a phone.  Going to try and get her to take one of the disposable phones but only the Good Lord knows if she will cooperate with that.  If she doesn’t at least I tried.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sounds like everyone's up an at 'em this morning.  When I got up it was uber foggy - couldn't see much of anything but it lifted pretty quickly.  I didn't even light the stove this morning.  Did check the propane tank and looks like we've used a little over 10% since he filled it so guess there's no leak - just can't figure out where that 30% went.

    I was anxious to see if the little cow was all right this morning so saw her out in the lot.  Shortly after that Toad and Mike came to feed and Mike went out to check on her.  When he came out he called and said she had had a calf during the night but it was stillborn.  He said another cow probably bumped her side and caused the umbilical cord to break.  There was no blood in the cord.  The little cow is all right - he said she was eating the hay I gave her last night.  I went out and gave her some more and she was eating that when I left.  He'll be back tonight or in the morning to take care of the calf.  I think I'll leave her up for a few hours.  Hate to have lost the baby but glad the little cow is all right.  It could be Sally (remember her last summer - jumping the fence?) but not sure.  

    I have to take down trash in the morning - I've missed two times so put the empty boxes in the back of the PU and have the trash bags in the house.  Dread lifting them but I did make the lighter this time.  While I was out around the PU I kept hearing something - couldn't recognize the sound so kept looking.  I heard something moving around and a little later saw a beautiful, big, gray squirrel on top of the carport.  I think the one I saw a couple of days ago was red or brown.

    Heard this morning they shot down the spy balloon - after it had travelled across our Country.  Also heard this had happened three or four times before during the last administration.

    Haven't heard from Sarah for a while. Friday when I called she was on hold and said she'd call back - but she didn't.  Guess I'll never get over worrying.

    Day, I'm watching David Venable.  They're showing peelers.  For the life of me I can't do a good job using the kind they're showing - they're the wide ones.

    Iris, the diesel mechanic thinks this is the problem with the PU since I've been buying diesel at this place he says puts too many additives in it.  The last two or three times I've driven it, it didn't cut out but I was on country roads and not accelerating very much.  I may get into town this week so we'll see what it does.  I imagine a computer for a car or PU is pretty expensive.

    Joy, how great to have found those daffodils - bet that just made you feel so good.  We've had them bloom in the snow before.  So far no blooms but I have them up everywhere about 6-8" tall - so it won't be too long.  And, those little white flowers will be blooming, too.  I'm so sorry I don't have tulips.  Used to have yellow ones out by the red knockout rose and the daffodils but one year the cows ate them so they're gone.  I did have one purple one on the south side of the house.   You can actually see a little green tinge between the house and pond.  I'm so ready for spring.

    I took the beds I have for Sheena and Stormy outside this morning and shook them out and sprayed then so maybe they'll smell better.  Poor little dogs, they're having to lay on the wooden floor now.

    Enjoy the day - Ron, hope you got to go to Church this morning.  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I think cars are just like people "use it or lose it". I have to go out and drive my car around for at least 30 minutes every week to keep the battery up etc.

    Cooked again last week...chicken breasts with butter/lemon/capers and brown rice. I have decided capers are underrated.

    Great day...everyone out walking, lots of strollers and dogs. Everyone is so glad to get out. Trader Joe's was jamed by 8:30. Picked up lox and bagels. They had trouble getting trucks in las week so there were lots of boxes getting unpacked.

    Spilled coffee on my keyboard. Flipped it over immediately to dry for 24 hours and all is well...whew

    Last week's task....clean out 4 junk drawers. I now have only one!!!!

    This week's task? Hall closet. Anyone care to join me???

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes

    Oh boy, that old full moon, the people were unbelievable today, something else.

    Lorita, there's an article about David's weight loss (70 pounds!) here:  QVC’s David Venable Debuts 70-Pound Weight Loss Amid Health Journey - E! Online (eonline.com)

    Chucky's going to get a bath/nails clipped Tuesday, I'm not working that day at all.  I'll work a few hours Wednesday.

    At work we're having twice-weekly Zumba by Zoom where whoever isn't working can join in and start moving.  I like Zumba anyway - the only session I can attend is on Wednesdays at 5 pm, so I'll do that.  The Friday one is while I'm working.  Looking forward to it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    The full moon is beyond beautiful tonight.  It's almost like daylight.  I can remember when I was in high school a couple of girlfriends spent the night and we were up all night.  It was a full moon and I remember we went walking in the pasture.  Not sure I'd do that now because of all the critters that are around now - cougars, wild hogs, etc.

    I used to always call Charles out on the porch to look at the full moon - I still do.  Just call me silly, or worse.

    Day, it is amazing how the moon influences people.  I never really thought about it until alz. came along - but it really does.

    How does Chucky act after he goes to the groomer?  Tiffany, one of our poodles, and Barclee acted to different - just like they were proud of the way they looked. 

    I looked at the pictures of David - quite a change - and he gets around a lot better, too.  He eats hardly any sugar and what else is it that he doesn't eat - carbs?  I don't think I could do without sugar.  I remember when I lost 84 lbs. in the late 90s - I didn't deprive myself of anything - just a tiny bit of whatever it was.  I always had oatmeal for breakfast, can't remember about lunch, popcorn in the mid afternoon and a baked potato and green beans  for supper and water, water, water.  After I lost the weight I developed gallstones (probably had them all along).  The doctor I went to said drinking all that water and losing the weight is probably what brought on the cholelithiasis attacks.   I need to get back on that regime again - now, o GB.

    Judith, I bet you moved like the wind when you spilled the coffee.  How lucky you were that the keyboard still worked.  I'm always drinking water or something else when I'm typing so it's a wonder I haven't done the same thing.

    Sleep well tonight.  See you all tomorrow.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    I would guess this is mainly for Lorita and Day, as they are fans of QVC and David Venable. I ran across his weight loss journey today. Go to qvcplus.com. Then enter David Venable's Health Journey into the search area. To access videos on this website you'll have to enter your email at some point. The video is about 35 minutes long. I was interested because I'm on my own "journey" at the present time and have lost my so-called Covid weight (25 lbs) using Weight Watchers on-line app on my smart phone...not going to meetings. I love technology so the app is fun for me and has been successful. I had to have Cardiac Ablation for Afib....a total of 4 cardioversions lasted less and less with each time. That was one of the reasons I was determined to lose the extra weight...and the fact that my clothes didn't fit anymore! So anyway, I hope you enjoy the David Venable video if you decide to watch it.


    Oops...I see now that Day had noted David's video previously. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Thanks, Betty, for the link.  I'll watch it later today.  I did look at the before and after pictures of David - quite a difference.  

    Congratulations on your weight loss.  I know it isn't easy.  I need to do the same thing but the will power is not there right now.  Maybe later this spring.

    It's a pretty morning.  Took down the three weeks' worth of trash.  I bet the guys feel like passing it by when they see it - mostly boxes but three big sacks, too.  Glad that's out of the house.

    Nothing going on today, I hope.  I'm feeling really bad about the little calf.  I had no idea she was trying to calve but from what Mike said the baby had been injured before the birth. I didn't look at the calf but he said it was little so somewhat premature, I guess.  She's a young cow so there will be more babies for her but I still feel so bad about it. If I can locate the cow I'll talk to her today as I always try to do when a baby is lost.  Probably doesn't help the cow but it helps me a little bit.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Ron, how did things go yesterday?

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Judith think I mentioned I’m decluttering this winter.  Slowly getting it done.  Kitchen almost done, then have a pantry and book case left.  Agree with the car theory, the best thing for a car is to drive it.  This is true for most equipment.

    Been cloudy here for awhile.  Have only been able to see the moon a few times.

    Betty did the ablation work for you?  Just wondering my brother-in-law thinking about having one.

    Got Monday chores done.  

    Take care

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hi Sara...so far , so good. I had it a little over 3 1/2 years ago. Prior to the procedure my dr. put the Medtronic Reveal LINQ Insertable Cardiac Monitor in my chest...between the breasts. It's about the size of a small memory stick. It was an office procedure. It gathered data that was transmitted every night via a device on my nightstand. So I had that and it was a confidence booster for me, that my heart was being monitored. The battery has been exhausted now and he's satisfied that my heartbeat is on an even keel. There was only one time that he called me about an irregularity and asked me if I'd felt faint, etc. I hadn't at the time that he had specified. He said, when I saw him last fall, that he didn't see a need for the monitoring now. There are irregularities rarely. He said that it's mostly when I'm sleeping and they are not of a dangerous nature. It was an adjustment for me that I wasn't being monitored but I've adjusted to it and am no longer afraid. Prior to the ablation I knew exactly when I was out of sync. So asked him why I couldn't tell anymore. He said that's a result of the ablation.

    Prior to the ablation I was on Sotalol but it wasn't successful at regulating my heartbeat. The first cardioversion lasted about a year but the fourth only lasted a short time.

    I hope that your brother-in-law gets treated successfully. The actual ablation was painless, and the recovery was also painless. I know several people who had to have it done again. I wouldn't hesitate to do that if necessary.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Seaside wrote:

    I would guess this is mainly for Lorita and Day, as they are fans of QVC and David Venable. I ran across his weight loss journey today. Go to qvcplus.com. Then enter David Venable's Health Journey into the search area. To access videos on this website you'll have to enter your email at some point. The video is about 35 minutes long. I was interested because I'm on my own "journey" at the present time and have lost my so-called Covid weight (25 lbs) using Weight Watchers on-line app on my smart phone...not going to meetings. I love technology so the app is fun for me and has been successful. I had to have Cardiac Ablation for Afib....a total of 4 cardioversions lasted less and less with each time. That was one of the reasons I was determined to lose the extra weight...and the fact that my clothes didn't fit anymore! So anyway, I hope you enjoy the David Venable video if you decide to watch it.


    Oops...I see now that Day had noted David's video previously. 

    Betty, I actually hadn't watched the video yet and went back to view it.  It was great, common sense advice and had a couple of really good-looking recipes in it - I might try the chicken pizza one and the eggroll in a bowl one.

    Lorita - Chucky prances around after coming back from the groomer - I think he enjoys being bathed and he loves the attention he gets.  

    I don't know what I put on my face and neck that I'm suddenly allergic to, but I am being driven crazy by itching and a rash all over my neck and a lot of my face.  I haven't used anything new, nothing new to eat.  My pillow is a month or two old and made of latex, so I am taking it off the bed and going back to my old one to see if maybe that's it.  No new laundry detergent, soap, nothing.  Claritin does NOT work to stop the itching and I need to get some Benadryl.  I washed my face with a gentle cleanser and nothing else on my face but SO itchy!  I'll get some Benadryl tomorrow morning and if it's not better by tomorrow I'm going to urgent care.  Tried putting a cortisone cream on and it expired in Dec 2022 - it's evident it no longer works.  Have to get that too.  Grrrr.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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