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Just need to talk to my friends (187)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I just looked it up and it's called an egg tooth, it allows them to crack the egg from inside the shell.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I just got done working and turned on QVC - it's a garden show!  They're showing gigantic peonies right now.  Personally, I've never been able to have the results shown on TV with any plants I've ordered, I'd rather buy from a local nursery.

    I don't know if there's sunspots or what, but our systems were up and down all afternoon.  There was at least an hour where we couldn't take calls due to our reservation system being down.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Checked the Big Bear Lake site, but only saw that the pipping "watch: would begin on the 15th.  Nothing yet.  Early this morning, I had some writing to do, so I set the computer to the eagle nest . . . it was early, early and no eagle on it; two and a half hours later when I shut the computer, still no eagle on the nest.  Nineteen degrees, wind factor and no incubation happening.  I do not know enough about eagle eggs to know what this means, but considering risks, it certainly is concerning.

    It is interesting in how different eagle pairs do their nests and pairing. For two years I watched  the National Arboretum in D.C. with the eagles:  Mr. President and First Lady.  They built their nest walls so very high; no way babies were going to fall out.  Mr. P would get fish and bring some to Lady when she was on the eggs and vice versa. They did not leave ther eggs alone but for a minute or two and not often.  One day another bird attempted to storm their nest and boy!  Talk about rising up and taking care of business - that bird never came back again!

    One year at the arboetum, one of the half grown chicks got stuck offside of the nest getting its leg caught in the banches and could not get out; the leg was also appeared injured; he could have died if left as is.  The Eagle organization seeing the danger and eaglets distress went carefully up into the nest and rescued him.  A person had to climb at night, WAY high up into the nest which was not easy; then he had to get the eaglet out of  the trap with great care not to cause injury. The eaglet was taken to be examined and helped. They had him for less than a day to ensure it was okay. Then the eagle worker, a climbing expert, (video now in color), carefully, carefully arranged a climb back up inside the nest; it was not easy to say the least and it was raining. He placed the eaglet back in the nest and all was well.  Whew!  Really tense.  Amazing that the nest could hold the upright weight of a substantial grown man and look at how much rope the worker had to keep pullling up and up; that was how far off the ground he was.  Amazing.  The parent eagles accepted their baby back and he continued to grow to adulthood.  Here is a link to watch - when you do, there will be a small commercial break in the middle of the vdeo; very short; wait through it; it is worth it to see the end of the experience. At the end, when once again the little one is alone, he does a big poo and then lays down to take a nap.  Really an intresting watch and to listen to the tree climber talk to the eaglet as he set it free:


    First Lady is no longer with Mr. P; new lady is Lotus.  The arboretum is a beautiful setting.  In the spring under and around the tree are a myriad of blooming azaleas.  Right now their cameras are not online, don't know what that means.  It  is a very sophisticated site with great ease of use.

    Speaking of the price of eggs, at CostCo, the cost for a dozen is, $3.50, but one has to buy two dozen at a time.  Beats WM $7.00/dozen. Some places I heard on the news charged $10.00/dozen; can't imagine they sold many.

    So glad you have an appointment, Lorita.  That is good.  I would like to think he would order a CT Scan.  That is easy peasy and NO claustrophobia with  the CT.  I cannot do MRIs , but CTs are done swiftly and nothing like the MRI at all.  One is just slid through a narrow "donut" twice,  hold breath for a few seconds and done. 

    Gosh, that haircut I got is so good.  She really blended it beautifully. Now if I can blow it dry to look that nice, that will be a big plus.  So lucky to have found someone with magic hands. 

    Son's new rescue dog went to be spayed yesterday.  Poor little girl.  She keeps going to the front door and doing a bit of  a whine; she wants to go to the dog park - her favorite place to be. Loves to play with other dogs; she is very social.  She gets to go nearly every day, but she will have to wait for two weeks while she heals.  The other little old fur lady, sixteen years old, likes to cuddle and sleeps alot.  She loves son and wants to be right next to him or on his lap.  Vision almost gone, hearing very bad, legs arthritic but she loves her people and still has a bit of play left in her - she LOVES balls.  Sweet little being.

    Looks like salmon tonight; I think with a bit of couscous and some asparagus.   Just sounds good.  St. Patrick's Day is around the corner; that means himself wants corned beef, potatoes, carrots and cabbage.  Even though this is not a St. Patrick's dish for Ireland, it is what he enjoys each year.   Will have to make some horseradish sauce with sour cream that doesn't burn the hair out of one's nose!  Last year's batch had my eyes running and I was coughing like mad.  Holy horsefeathers!

    Sorry about those middle of the night wee runs, Ron.  Poor DH has a prostate issue and is up several times a night which the meds seem to contribute to.  Really fun getting "mature," a laugh a minute, (lying).  My friend has a list of new happenings when getting older:  "Everything is sagging, bagging, dragging, leaking and squeaking."  Had me laughing.

    Ron; hope that echo and ultrasound get scheduled soon.  Weird that they have not already contacted you for the schedule. Looks like you will have to make some noise to get said scheduling accomplished.  Terrible not to do this in a timely manner. Is it this weekend that your son is coming to visit?  I cannot recall, but think it may be.  So hope you get a little hands-on for the time he is there. I am sure every bit helps.

    Hard to believe that guy drove over your lawn and tore it up. I am sorry and hope he follows through with fixing it and does it right. If it isn't one thing . . . . . .

    Iris; knees have a "mind" of their own and when they can rise up and smote us down, the darned things do it.  Give it some rest, especially not climbng stairs if you can avoid that.  Perhaps a little Advil , and not doing big housework, etc. for a day or two should hopefully see it get itself better. What am I saying - you are a physician and know far better than me.  I hope it eases up soon.

    Off to the hinterlands of whatever; may the rest of the day be a good one for all,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Iris I can identify with knee pain.  Hope it eases up for you.

    Ron I know my body is worse at handling stress as I get older.

    I eat quite a few eggs.  I’ve been paying about $3.5-4.5.  They have those higher ones too.

    Nice day at work.  Fast food spaghetti, baked potato and salad for supper, pretty tasty.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Talking about eggs -- the last ones I bought were Egglands Best and the date was mid November.  I still  had the piece of carton in the plastic carton in the refrigerator.  Had three eggs left and I would not feel safe eating them.  But, before I threw them out I put them in a bowl of water and they stood on end which means it's time to use them but still are good.  Anyway, I took them out when I turned off the water and left them out there - guess birds or squirrels will get them.  i can remember Charles and I sitting on the LR floor washing eggs that needed it so we could take them to our customers at the hospital the next day.  Almost every time an egg would break in our hand - feels funny.  Have you all ever seen a soft-shelled egg?  Sort of translucent and soft leathery like.  You have to feed the chickens oyster shell to make the shells harden.

    That's right, Zetta, I looked it up, too.  I knew it was some odd thing.  Charles and I hatched guineas one year but I never saw the egg tooth.  Guineas are good watch birds.

    Jo, glad you're liking your haircut.  Always took me a few days to get used to it.  Sometimes I have the urge to cut mine shoulder length (but I won't) probably.  When it was very short it was so easy - I'd wash it in the shower and it would be dry in a few minutes.  In the mornings all it took was to run my fingers through it and it was done.  
    Reminds me - I haven't brushed mine today - and I'm still in my gown and robe.  I did put on the second pair of socks and thermals though.  

    I made another loaf of bread and some more muffins - already had a couple (to see if they were good)  they were. 

    Stormy's doing well - he's laying on his bed in the LR asleep.  I've sprayed his feet three times today.  I might put some Neosporin ointment on them.  If it was because I got his nails too short,  makes me feel bad.  I prefer to think it was allergies.  Sarah says her dog chews on her feet, too.

    Day - I'm like you.  I've ordered some plans from QVC and except for a couple of salmon colored knock-out roses none worked well.   Last year they had the prettiest perennial gerbera daisies. I love those so ordered them and I had one bloom and that was it.  They never came back the next year either.  Boggles my mind how they have such pretty flowers in the wintertime (hothouses, I know, but still).  I do enjoy looking at them though.

    I'm going to find a couple of shrubs this year to put on the north side of the house. The drought killed a huge Manhattan Euronymous (I can't spell that)  and the Golden ones so had Bryon take them out.  And, the grasshoppers ate all the leaves on the holly.  The Southern Magnolia also lost all it's leaves because of the drought (I didn't think about watering it).  Don't know if it'll come back or not - sure hope so even though it's never bloomed.   The good news is that I think/hope the spraying Mike and his nephew did has killed the prickly pear cactus - they loo gray - maybe it's the cold weather. We'll see.

    Let's hope the babies will be all right.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    From the newspaper: a dozen eggs ($7.00) cost more than a pound of meat ($6.40).

    I picked up a package of turkey sausage but when I got home, I see it's actually pork sausage.  I need to pay more attention.

    Ron, I used to get up 4, 5, even 6 times a night.  I have to make a concerted effort to limit fluids after 7 pm.  Now, it's once or twice a night. 

    Temp in my area of SoCal was 44 degrees overnight; was 33 degrees in the northern part of the county.  But that does not include the wind chill factor.

    My knee is a lot better today.  I read on webmd.com that cashews can cause joint swelling.  I ate a lot of cashews yesterday.   I usually get a big jar of unsalted mixed nuts, but cashews were the only unsalted nuts at the market the other day.  I ate quite a lot.  No more cashews for me!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Iris, I'm so glad  your knee is better.  I had never heard that about cashews.  Used to like them but my favorite nut was Brazil nuts.  I haven't eaten nuts in years.  I have diverticulosis and nuts are bad for that.

    My parents used to make their own sausage.  I've never tasted any that was close to it in good taste except Blue and Gold that our FFA sells in this area.  Don't know if they do that anywhere else.   When we'd get that sausage Charles and I always had sausage gravy over biscuits.

    It was in the 30s here today with WC much lower.  I went out a while ago to fill the water tank, check the barn and then drove up to see the girls.  They were beginning to come into the barn at that time - about 6 p.m.  A few were getting a few last licks of the feed.  One little calf was determined he was going to outrun me in the Gator - and he did - running back to the girls.  I brought the hose inside tonight.

    When I went to the mailbox yesterday I saw tracks around it and they were as big as my hand.  I don't know of anyone around here who has a big dog, except us, so it must have been that big wolf I've seen.

    I'm watching "The Day After Tomorrow".  I saw it years ago so thought I'd watch it again.  

    Just gave Stormy his antibiotic for the night.  Have to give Sheena a bite of cheese, then him and then his medicine and another bite to Sheena.   I'm thinking about getting in bed and watching the rest of the show.  I think it's pretty long.

    Just checked the eagle cam and Jackie's on the nest.  Does anyone know how long she's been setting?

    Hope everyone has a good night's rest.  See you tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Okay - here's a challenge for someone curious.  The following is a recipe from way back in the 1920's, and it was used a lot during the 40's . . . .  Tomato Soup Cake:


    If someone does try this, please let us know how it turns out . .


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    Jo, no thanks to the tomato soup cake! Although I did make black bean brownies (you couldn't taste them).  lol

    I'm making an oatmeal cake with coconut pecan icing today - kids coming over tomorrow. I'm also making pumpkin muffins that use melted coconut oil - yum! My TX grandkids couldn't leave the muffins alone when they were here. 

    Does anyone use protein powder or collagen powder? I discovered a new hack. Vital Proteins collagen powder, chocolate flavored. Mix 2 scoops in with large cup of coffee and you have a mocha! Voíla!

    We had 5.7" of snow overnight Weds into Thurs, and most of the day Thursday. The snow melted underneath then re-froze so there are lots of icy spots. 5 degrees F this a.m. Supposed to be 40 tomorrow. Weather whiplash.

    Enjoy your weekend.       Beth

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Iris....one owie knee here and then two. I was told it was shin splints so I am trying to address that.

    Lorita....please ask  you Dr about this and please take a list of all of your aches and pains including the depression;


    My Dr said to wear Orthofeet shoes and not to go barefoot!

    Ron...Valarian root is my sleep aid. This too was info from my Dr.

    Jo....The Ordinary Hyurolic (sp) does not cause me any irritation. It has very few ingredients. The Cera ve has many. Take a look at them to find out what is bothering and take a look at; https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/beauty/anti-aging/g31136198/best-hyaluronic-acid-serums/

    Grandson finished painting the floors...at least the base coat. It looks so much better. Now he is  in Utah skiing. Daughter is in St Kitts and son and granddaughter will be here in two weeks.

    Today's target? The yellow bedroom. Nothing to throw out but a lot to organize.

    Hold tight you snow people. Spring will come this year.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita have never seen a soft shelled egg.

    Think I’ve heard guineas eat ticks.

    My aunt is getting through her second week of Covid ok, usually if you get through second week you do ok.  She is testing negative now. 

    That was interesting about Cashews Iris.  Like them but Brazil nuts are my favorite also.  Don’t eat too many though and mainly eat them in my salad.

    Coconut pecan icing was always one of my favorites.

    Gray  day, fine Snow, very light accumulation.  Day is going to get colder instead of warmer but tomorrow we’re back in the 40s and it’s supposed to be sunny so we’ll see.

    I’m entertaining myself by washing clothes and Cooking as usual.

    Beth your muffins sound good. I need to find some recipes using coconut oil as I have some but I don’t really have any recipes for it. I got it to make those black bean brownies but that didn’t work for me. My belly had trouble tolerating all that fiber lol.  It’s nice how you get to see your family so much. Something your grandchildren will always remember.

    I’ve been dictating my posts here lately. I just learned how to do it. It works pretty good and it’s easy to correct, definitely faster. Funny, sometimes what words they use, instead of what word you said.

    While back I told you guys, I got some hibiscus tea and I couldn’t drink it. It was too perfume tasting for me and had to throw it away. Tuesday a lady I work with gave me a stash brand wild raspberry and hibiscus. I fixed it this morning and drank half of it hot and that was OK and so I saved the other half and drank it cold with lunch. That was a nice way to try it out.  I like it, that will be something I can drink this summer besides water and black tea.  Think it will be refreshing when it’s hot out.  Hate buying something and having to throw it all away.

    Take care, everyone 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Cold here - 38 degrees - but sunny.  Got up early because it was feeding day and Mike was going to bring another cone for Stormy.  The one I had split and I've taped it together.  They were out of  the 30s so he brought a smaller one thinking it might fit - not sure it will but the other one is working okay right now.  I think I'm going to take it off and put neosporin on his foot, then gauze and maybe a sock and tape it on.  The cone is bothering him.  If he needs to go outside I can put a plastic bag over the sock to keep it and his foot dry.

    Thanks, Judith, I will ask the doctor about eating nuts and popcorn.  I really don't want another bout of diverticulitis - it was horrible and the medicine was worse.  

    I have trouble going barefoot - I wear two pairs of socks all winter and usually at least one pair in the summertime.  I used to love to paint - not anymore.  I want Bryon to paint our porches and steps this spring and the front wall of the house (back wall of the porch).  We didn't put siding on it so it's white .  He has a power washer and that should work.  He can wash it one day and paint the next day after it dries.  Also got to have all the shrubs trimmed back.  I used to do that but can't reach up and use the loppers any more.  Darn this getting old anyway.

    Judith, I have pills for depression that he gave me last year (second time I've gotten some) but I haven't taken any.  Many years ago a different doctor gave me some and I took them.  My hands started shaking, told  her and she said to increase the medication.  I did and still had shaking so discontinued them.  There probably is one out there that would work.  I think part of it is SAD so it will be better in the spring and summer.  Probably why I feel so much better when I get outside.

    Sara, I don't find washing and cooking entertaining anymore - guess I never did.  I don't like housework - much more of an outside person.  My sister was the opposite - strange how siblings can be so different.  I bet you've been looking at seed catalogs and ordering seeds for this spring and summer.  I think you said you were going to cut back on growing things this year.

    I was looking for tape a while ago and found a package (unopened) of pads to put under the ball of the foot - in shoes - that stick to the shoe.  I probably had some of those a long time ago when I was still wearing heels.  This might help some.  I returned the metatarsal pads because the part that went around the toe was too tight - might could have clipped the thread some.

    Feeling okay this morning - no pain anywhere.  I need to go to the Credit Union when I go to town but they'll be closed Monday - also no mail.  When I was working I think we took off the real President's Day instead of Monday.  Always like it when we had Mondays off though - made a three day weekend.

    Does anyone like hominy?  I do, so ordered some last week.  When it came it was a huge can like they use in restaurants - 110 oz.+.  I did the same thing with peaches a couple of years ago.  I guess I can open it and freeze what I don't use.  I like it cooked with pepper, low and slow until there isn't much juice left.  We used to eat hominy a lot - good with brown beans.

    About that tomato soup cake.  I guess the tomato soup just provides the moisture like the pumpkin does in the muffins I make.  I think I prefer the chocolate cake (wacky cake) you make without eggs.  I saw that advertisement again last night about substituting an egg for a ring when the guy asked the girl to marry him.  Can't believe eggs are so expensive.  They could have let this half a billion chickens live to provide eggs instead of using them for hot wings.  Our neighbor has a few chickens - I hear the rooster crow from time to time.  I imagine the feed for chickens is pretty expensive like everything else.

    Joan, haven't heard from you in a long time.  I hope you're well and enjoying your grandkids.  Have you had a lot of cold weather and snow?  I know you're busy all the time but maybe you could find a few minutes to visit us on the front porch.

    Ron, is the reason you have to use services outside the VA because your hospital doesn't have those services?  I remember  when that began at our hospital - it was called fee service. Charles was diabetic and needed the services of a podiatrist which our hospital didn't have at that time so he was fee based to a podiatrist in Tulsa.  Also for some services we didn't have the patients were transferred to OKC VA or NLR VA. 

    I've been watching the eagles off and on this morning.  Someone's on the nest most of the time.  I heard the guy talking about what happened the 15th and 16th and he said they weren't pipping yet.  Wonder if there's another eagle cam somewhere else - anyone know?

    I'll stop for now - written too much.  Stormy is comfortable and sleeping now so I'll wait until he's awake.  He was even able to eat with the cone on this morning.  Took it off when we went outside.  

    Enjoy the day - supposed to be warmer here the next few days - after tomorrow.  Up in the low 70s Monday and Tuesday.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lorita...by barefoot the Dr meant to always wear shoes with proper support.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers.

    Lorita.  There are other eagle cams, but not at Big Bear. I have heard them talking about some in Florida. There are more out there I just never have looked for them. If you want to see who is on the nest, there is a link you click on, and it brings up FOBBV Recaps and Observations. It tells you who is on the nest at that time it also gives you updates of each change time when J arrives and leaves and also when S arrives and leaves. The only way I know how to get that link up is when you see the link in chat that ends with Sz click on that. I saved it and I refresh it throughout the day. 

    Molly chews on her feet a lot too. One time she bit one nail off. The vet says its due to allergies. Can you tell me what allergies would cause her to do that. She has been doing it for as long as I have had her. 

    Jo. Thank you for the video of the man saving the baby chick. It was sad in the beginning when the baby got stuck and the mama stayed with her. When the man showed up the baby knew she was rescued and it was so sweet when he kissed her on the head as he left, the chick was not afraid of him. My daughter also takes her dog to the dog park and the dog runs and plays and remembers her doggie friends. There are a few dog parks in Bend, one day I want to take Molly to one of them.

    Beth.  You sure did get a lot of snow, we got snow a few days ago but only about 6 ins. We have not got as much snow this year, as in the past. It was cold at my house this am it was 7 degrees. 

    Sara. It's nice hearing that your aunt is recovering from covid. Hopefully she has no lingering side effects. At times I dictate my text and your so right how some words are interpreted. I have learned to re-read everything before I hit send. I also enjoy doing laundry, I love the smell and how the warm cloths feel coming out of the dryer. I fold things right from the dryer. Cooking is not my thing. I wish it was so I could cook and freeze things like you do. 

    Have a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Jo., sounds to me like somebody in California had to many tomatoes and tried to figure out ways to use them. Tomato cake....no thanks!

    Lorita, care in the community is a program the VA started a few years ago to help with the clinics that are always overbooked. You still have a choice of using the VA. I have found sometimes it's just as hard to get in to see some of the community providers. GI was easy but pulmonary was just as much wait time as VA. I finally received a call for echocardiogram and eaelies is middle of March. Ultrasound of leg I haven't heard from, guess I'll call next week after company leaves. I know primary care said the 21st, which I believe is 3 months after finding the blood clot. Ultrasound is usually easy to get in to see, I'm wondering now if I'm not suppose to just show up. Will call Monday afternoon! In the past I've also been prescribed antidepressants, but didn't take because I was afraid it would interfere with my care for Lou. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Zetta, I didn't see the video about the baby chick.  I see videos on the news often about police saving baby ducks..
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita Judith cares about you and had a lot of good thoughts.  

    I haven’t even looked at a seed catalog this year. I gave all my grow lights to my nephew. He is raising micro greens. I gave them away, so I would not be tempted to try and raise plants.  The volunteering,  taking care of a mom and J is about all the stress I can handle. I enjoy volunteering but it really has taken a lot of free time away. I’m just going to buy plants this year in the long run. It’s probably cheaper even, I can get very good plants at the Mennonite places .  Hope to plant flowers, herbs and a few veggies.  It was just very hard on all my muscles last year I’m not going to plant near as much stuff and I’m hoping that I can enjoy it more instead of it kind of being stressful and a burden.  I enjoy preserving things, so you know if we are blessed with a good growing season I’ll be able to get things from the farm markets to preserve, which I already did a lot anyways. I may plant some seeds that I can plant outside. I did that last year and that worked well but I won’t even do too much of that.

    The only time I ever ate hominy was when I was in first and second grade at school I didn’t like it.  

    If I understand right, most chickens raised now  are either for egg laying or for meat production. They aren’t suitable for both. Even a lot of homesteads do that. 

    Yes, I cook a lot because I try to stay on my feet. I feel better if I’m up walking around.  Sitting if I do it for very long, makes me stiff.  Also better for my osteoporosis .

    Judith I’ve never had shin splints but understand they are not much fun.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.  The video I was referring to about the baby chick, was the one that Jo had in her posting to us yesterday at 3:26.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Hominy with gravy and a side of apple sauce was a good meal when growing up.

    I fix it sometimes even now.  The brand I get has no water on it.

    I did some checking and yes you can freeze it, just be sure to drain off any liquid before putting in freezer container.

    Weather here has been dull, and rainy for several days.  Really messes with one's prospective on things.  Temps have not been too bad, but some heavy winds which make it seem colder.

    My sweet Smokey (last of my 2 kitties) is not doing well.  He is not eating or drinking as much and is sleeping lots.  Not looking for him to recover at his age.  Hard watching him waste away, but at least he does not seem to be in any pain.

    Hope that all of you are feeling better and have good weather...come on Spring!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Marie, I'm so sorry about Smokey.  I just went through that with Kitt.  It's very hard to watch and not be able to help.  I'm glad he doesn't seem to be in pain, neither did Kitt - he just slept and quit eating the day before I lost him.  My thoughts are with you during this hard time for both of you.

    We had hominy a lot - mostly with brown beans.  I think I grew up on brown beans.  We usually had them every day - didn't seem like a meal without beans - except for breakfast.  Thanks for the information about freezing it - I'll have to because I couldn't eat that much in a week.

    It's been a beautiful day here with sunshine, no wind but it was cold.  It was 12 degrees warmer today than yesterday.  Supposed to be cool tomorrow, then up in the low 70s the next three days.  We've had seven inches of rain this year and the ponds are looking better - not full, but better.

    Sara, I know Judith cares.  I care very much about her and about all of you.  I worry when someone doesn't post in a couple of days.  Guess that means you all are family.

    Stormy seems better.  He's slept quite a lot today.  Took off his cone for a long time this afternoon.  He can eat with it on because his food bowl is elevated on a wrong-iron stand.  I did put his cone back on when he got a little too interested in his foot.  Tried to get him to go out in the yard to tinkle but he didn't want to get off the porch - probably will a little later.   I think by tomorrow or Sunday I might be able to put a soft pad on the bottoms of his feet, then wrap them in gauze and vetwrap and maybe put a sock on.  Mike said that would be okay.

    Zetta, for some odd reason I didn't get that post from Jo. Can't imagine what happened.  

    I haven't done diddlysquat today - just filled water tanks after I hooked them up again and sat and watched TV and Stormy.  Did talk with Sarah a while.  Didn't even go to the mailbox.  I think UPS delivered some tuna I had ordered for Kitt.  I had one can in the pantry and when I first opened it he seemed to like it so ordered some more.  It's down at the mailbox.  Guess I'll keep it in the pantry in case someone else feels bad.

    Sleep well tonight.  Hope there's something good on TV tonight.  See you tomorrow.  I need to check on Jackie and Shadow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi again,

    I just had a call telling me that my cousin, J.W. passed away .  He had had surgery last week and never recovered.  He was four months younger than I and had had Parkinson's for years.  That's six cousins in less than two years that I've lost.   He was such a sweet man, always so cheerful.  I hadn't been able to talk with him for a while because with the Parkinsons he had gotten almost unable to talk.  The last time I did talk with him he was very hard to understand.  

    I feel sorry for his wife but like I told her the only thing that helped me a bit was to know that he is now well and no longer in pain.  

    Just wanted to let you all know.  The services will be Tuesday at the cemetery where all of our relatives are.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I am so very sorry for your loss.

    This is one of the things that folks don't talk about with aging...you out live many, most or all of your close family.  I see it in my own.  My mother has lost all her close family except for a sister-in-law.  The sister-in-law is the only survivor in her close family.  Of course they both have children, grandchildren and even greats, but it is not the same.

    We carry on, because that is what God has chosen for us.

    Hugs to you.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, I'm sorry you could not talk with your cousin one last time.  Please accept my condolences.

    Marie, I understand about Smokey.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I’m very sorry about the loss of your cousin.

    Marie I’ve been aware this will happen in life but just now beginning to realize how it effects us.  Kind of wears us down, but we try and press on.  God is truly the only one we have.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita,  I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin, my prayers are with you and family. 

    Marie, I know how you feel about smokey. My 18 year old littlebit is hard to watch the changes in him. He has seizures, arthritis and going g blind, but still eats good and goes outside to do his business most of the time. It's so hard to see him suffer, but still let's us know he loves us.

    Son, DIL and grandson made it in around 12 last night. I had gotten up for one of my bathroom trips and they were just unloading. DIL hugged me soooooo tight......she has always been the daughter I wished I had. Dont remember if I ever told this story, but if I have, here it is again. After our second son I asked my Lou if she wanted to try one more time for a girl; her response was, "if we do, you will have to be the one to have it". Needless to say, i didnt feel up to the task after seeing what you women go through.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I'm so sorry for the loss of your cousin.

    Marie, I am saddened about your beloved Smokey.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I want to thank all of you for your condolences.  I didn't see J.W. often but I knew he was there.  He used to have a barber shop where Charles had his hair cut.  He was a big cut-up, always saying funny things.  He has two daughters so Geri won't be alone - in fact, one of them lives across the road from her and will be a big help.  When I ordered flowers this morning it happened that they had just been in the florist shop.  The woman told me both girls were with Geri and that she was using a walker.  

    Marie, what you said was so true - reminds me of  what the man said about waking up every morning and checking the obits to see if his name was there.  It's sad to keep losing family.  I have one cousin on daddy's side, J.W.'s sister and one cousin on mother's side, Patsy's brother.  I think that's all I have left.  Daddy had four brothers and all the kids were my sister's and my ages so I know all of the ones her age are gone.  Life gets hard sometimes but like you all said, God is with us and he will see us through.

    It's chilly this morning but sunny, mostly.  Gave Stormy his medicine and he went outside to take care of business.  We all slept in this morning - nothing going on so no reason to get up early.  Sheena got up after all of us and ate and went outside. The girls are confused this morning - they hear a truck in one direction and go that way, then hear one in another direction and there they go.  Just went to the mailbox to mail a card and get the mail.  The tuna I had ordered for Kitt was down there.  It'll stay in the pantry until someone needs it.  

    Marie, I hope Smokey feels better this morning.  It's so hard to see them not feeling well.     And, Ron, also hope Little Bit is better, too.  I know he's a big part of your family.  I know you and Lou will enjoy being with family this weekend.

    Checked on Jackie this morning early and she was on the nest.  A while ago either she or Shadow was there.  I so hope the eggs are good and will hatch.  

    I saw a recipe last night when I was watching Jackie for stovetop biscuits.  Sounded good and very easy. I think I got all the ingredients because I couldn't find it again.  I used to make biscuits in the food processor (many years ago) and it was easy.  

    Started to dry some furniture covers a while ago and they were full of water - guess the machine stopped so I set it to drain and spin.  Guess I'd better stop and dry them.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  I think I've mentioned this to you all but when I was a medical secretary we'd occasionally have a patient who had no next of kin to notify in case he was seriously ill or had passed away.  I always felt so sorry for them - never once did I think that would happen to me - but it's almost to that point.  We never know what life has in store for us but God is with us and will take care of us.

    See  you all later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I extend my heartfelt sympathy at the loss of your dear cousin, J.W.  As we become much more, "mature," as someone mentioned, losses become more frequent.   When someone leaves who has lived a long life, for me it is also like a history book being lost; so many memories and such unique personalities.  Now here I am, at life's point, going down the "other side" of the mountain.  All those years happily and energetically climbing the sunny side, working hard and engaging in all that life brings . . . (and when young, not always smart enought to realize the upsides); then cruising at the top of the mountain for awhile . . . then as must be, stepping down the shadier side until it is time, however long that is meant to be. 

    Marie, I am also sorry to hear about your little fur baby.  I know you are taking every step for the little one's comfort; such a long time companion. 

    Well; yesterday was that long two hour physical which actually went longer. Labs on four pages.  Whew!  Had thorough memory mental testing - passed - hurray!  Had hearing tested and was able to hear all; oh, good.  Labs were interesting as I had been worried as last physical was in 2021, (shame on me).  Glucose and A1C excellent - so glad considering Christmas and thought that would still show on the A1C.  All else well within normal ranges except for one thing.  Cholesterol overall was good with nicely high HDL  (good cholesterol); Triglycerides excellent;  however, my LDL (bad cholesterol) was slightly over where it should be.  That was a surprise considering my diet being very careful.  So, I will repeat the LDL at end of May and we will see if it was a fluke or a lab blip.  What I think may contribute to it is my being hobbled for exercise by those really very bad, bad knees that cannot have surgery which makes me fight weight which is a losing battle.

    Doctor is such a very nice person;  it was a good visit.   HOWEVER, a few weeks past I had that dreadful severe benign vertigo attack that kept recurring for a couple of days, (hadn't happened for three years.) Since that recent "attack," I have had intermittent lightheadedness (not enough to have to grab onto something or to make me lose balance; but just there.)

    It takes about 45 minutes driving to get to the doctor's office; lots of twists and turns with the car. Anyway, at the end of my appointment I was feeling rather queasy.  Well; got to the car to return home (thank goodness DH was driving), and omigosh - sick at my stomach in the worst way ALL the way home, over and over. We keep an medical quality bag and paper towels in a plastic bag in the glove box and boy was I ever glad it was there.

    Miserable and so relieved to arrive back at home.  No temp, nothing else going on; just think it is the middle ear thing and the car ride back and forth.  Anyway; sure hope that passes REAL soon as like right now, as have to travel around town for so many things such as the dentist first of this next week.

    Hominy; I never knew what it was for or how to use it, but like it. Used to treat it like regular corn on the plate - you can see I am not from the South.  Have not had it for years, but it for me is tasty.

    Yes; wasn't that an amazing color video of the rescuer placing that baby eagle back into the nest?  How in the world he managed to climb as high as that nest was and then to be able to stand upright in that big nest and have it be safe; he was not a small man.  I would be scared to be that high with nothing to hang onto, even though he had his safety line.  It is one of the most interesting videos regarding the eagles I have seen.

    Ron; so hope your visit with family is a really good one. Nice that your DIL gives such lovely hugs, if we could package those and sell them, we'd make a fortune! 

    As for the high cost of eggs; it is evidently said to be tied to the millions of chickens that had to be put down due to bird flu.  Evidently that flu passes quickly in the birds and there is no other way to manage it.

    Good day today; up in the 70's, but saw on the news we will drop into the 50's later next week and have some rain again; maybe as much as an inch.  Here we go, February is usually a rainy month for us, so it is adding to the stores which is good considering how bad the drought has been.

    Best wishes for everyone to have a good weekend,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    The news just reported that President Carter has entered Hospice care.  Does anyone know what's wrong with him?  I'll listen and maybe know some more.

    Jo, glad your physical came out all right but so sorry you were nauseous on your way home.  Did it go away when you got settled in at home?  Maybe it was just the curvy roads that caused it and being jostled around for all that time.  When we used to go to Arkansas a lot there were very curvy roads around Tahlequah.  Once I was drinking a bottle of pop with peanuts in it while Charles was driving and I got as dizzy as a loon - guess holding my head back trying to get the peanuts out of the bottle.

    President Carter has had several bouts of illness and he's decided to spend the rest of his time at home with home hospice care.  I think it said he was 91?

    I won't have bloodwork this time because my appointment is at 11.  Will have to do that later.  My cholesterol (bad) is always high and also my triglyceriedes but better than they used to be.  

    I hope you're feeling much better by now.  Did the doctor have any idea what caused your vertigo? That is such an awful feeling - hope I never have that again.

    I bandaged both of Stormy's feet this morning.  Think I got one too tight so he was hobbling around so took that one off - just now took off the other one and put his cone back on.  He was so patient as I did it until it hurt and he whined.  He's doing well with the cone - can even eat with it on.  He and Sheena are in the bedroom now sleeping I guess.

    I just watched three eagle videos - one of them rescuing the little one that fell out of the nest; another where a baby got his leg stuck and couldn't get out; and a third where the father eagle had a broken wing (think it was in Sweden?)  They had to let him go to sleep. It said the father is the one who hunts and brings food back to the nest and feeds the eaglets.  They rescued the two babies and decided they would feed them until they could reintroduce them back into the wild.  Amazing what extents people will go to to save animals in trouble.  Wish everyone was like that.  We often see videos of people rescuing little ducks that were washed into water drains, even crawling down into the sewars to rescue them.

    When I went to the mailbox this morning I saw a little dog along the road, then hee went over into the pasture.  Not sure where he might have come from.  Darwin's a mile away and he has one but I'm not sure what it looks like.  Another neighbor, closer, has one, I think but he was in the wrong direction.  Really hope someone hasn't put him out.  That happens quite a lot - especially when your house is close to the road.

    My ribs have been pretty good today - until I fell asleep watching Planet Earth - leaning over the arm of my chair.  Better stop and rub it with Theragesic and check the water again.  I'm about ready to find something for supper.  

    It's been cloudy and cold today.  I think it's supposed to be 70 the next three days - really hope so.  I've decided I don't like cold weather - but I don't like hot weather either - but do like the four seasons.  My one little daffodil is blooming and looks so pretty.

    Sara - when you watch the eagle cam there are lots of videos underneath.  Have you ever watched any of those?  I saw one today - Hillbilly Kitchen.  Interesting.  I watched a couple of them last night - one about making biscuits cooked in a nonstick skillet on the stovetop.  I left out how much milk to use and can't find it again.  He said he'd made two others.

    Jo, I guess all of this is just a part of life.  Some people are blessed with big families while others aren't.  I think about Carol - she has three daughters within a few miles of her plus grandkids, great grandkids and even a couple of great-greats.  She deserves that after the hard time she had raising those four kids.  It's kind of hard though when everyone's about the same age and start to decline.  I'm so happy for Geri that she has a daughter across the road from her and another nearby that have been so good to she and J.W.  Though, it will still be very hard for her to be without him.  Life can be very hard sometimes so we should be thankful for the small things that are good.

    On that note, I'll stop and check the water and eat something.  I think the cats are ready to eat.  Funny, since Stormy came home from the vet, they hiss at him sometimes - even all three got after him when we first got home.  Guess the smelled the other animals on him although he wasn't near any of them except one little dog. Heard on the news that canine flu is going again. I bet I'd play hob getting him back into the PU.  That car lease is looking better and better - but not Monday.

    See you all later.  Enjoy the rest of the day and stay well.

    Jo, we ate a lot of hominy - always as a side dish, usually with brown beans. Never have eaten hominy gravy - guess that's gravy that has hominy in it?  I cooked some tiny shells a couple of days ago and had some with cheese - tonight I think I'll use some alfredo sauce with avocado oil in it and english peas.   (sorry for some reason this last paragraph got out of place - should have been much nearer the top).

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Lorita, I'm so sorry for the loss of your cousin.

    Marie, I'm sorry to hear about Smokey.

    Not as serious, but I know I'm understood here.  On Valentine's Day at 8 a.m. my phone pinged and reminded me it was Keys' birthday (I picked Valentine's Day because I got him in February and all I knew was he was 8 years old when I adopted him) and I thought "oh, he's been gone 5 months already."  I decide on a birthday and put that as a reminder in my phone and also when one of them has passed I have that anniversary on my phone.

    Work was full of weird problems that people had, busy all day long.  

    I need to fix Chucky's supper, his back seems to be getting better with rest, he's been staring at me since 6 waiting for supper!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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