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Just need to talk to my friends (187)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    THank you, Day.

    I so understand about Keys.  He was part of your family and you miss him.  I say hi to Kitt when I go out to fill the watertank.  We do what we need to.  You know these three cats are acting differently since. Kitt has been gone.  They miss him,too.

    Glad Chucky is getting better.  We worry when they hurt.  I'm going through that with Stormy.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, what a great medical report!  I used to get an occasional nausea spell for unknown reason; I hope all is clear now.

    I still have some first cousins in my age group (70s) but I don't really know the children or grandchildren of the family, so I feel alone in that respect.  I don't know them and they don't know me, we are strangers to each other.  I feel sad about it, but there's nothing to do, they have their own lives.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Marie, the one I saw was a man telling what to do.  I found the recipe - it's 2/3 C. self-rising flour, 1/3 C. milk and l T. butter, grated.  If you use AP flour, you add l tsp. baking powder.  He said to mix it together to coat the butter, then turn it out on a floured

    surface.  You fold it over and over, then cut out the biscuits (makes three, 2 1/2" ones and a smaller one.  You have to put them in a cold non-stick skillet, covered.  Turn on the burner to medium low until steam forms on the lid, then turn it down to low.  Cook three minutes on one side, turn and cook three more minutes.  They looked so good.   The ones in the video you posted really looked good, too.    I may try these.

    There's so many videos of how to make bread.  I really liked the guy who had this one - said he had two others, for six and ten biscuits but I couldn't find them.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita  have not been watching the eagle cam.  

    Did see the video that you were referring to about the biscuits.  I tried it, and it did not work well for me. Maybe if you try it it’ll do better.

    Judith, joined you yesterday and decluttering. I got about a third of my pantry done. I’m making good progress and getting the whole house completed. When I get some sunny days, I hope to take quite a bit of stuff to the thrift stores.

    Made my own oatmeal  pancakes this morning and add an orange zest to them which is something I haven’t tried before with all the other ingredients that I usually use. They tasted good. I didn’t know if they would or not.  Have been saving the zest from all my oranges, so needed something to do with them.  Use them in my orange cranberry bread, but I don’t make that many loaves of it.

    Have a strawberry crisp baking in the oven right now.  They are strawberries I froze that I got at the farmers market back in the spring.  Don’t think I’ve ever tried making a strawberry crisp before.   It will be a lot less calories than a pie, so I hope it turns out nice and I like it.

    Hope each one of you have a nice day, take care 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Cloudy and windy again this morning but it is warmer.  Toad and Mike just fed and I've filled the bird feeder and just turned off the water to the water tank.  Girls have come back around to the hay.

    Didn't have a very good night's sleep.  Went to sleep while Barney Miller was on, then woke to the sound of Stormy licking his food.  I took off the cone which he had cracked again.  He tries to go through places that are too small.  Found the duct tape and fixed it.  Then thought/knew they wanted to go outside so let Sheena out and kept Stormy on his leash.  We got back in and Sheena was out so Stormy wasn't settling down.  He was nervous because I could hear his gritting his teeth - so went out and found Sheena and got her inside.  Sprayed his feet and went back to sleep.  He's been sleeping now under the dining room table, not licking.  Hard to know what to do - try to cover his feet, put on his cone or let it be.

    Sara - I'm not motivated to trying the biscuits today but may later.  Dread the doctor's appointment tomorrow.  Guess I'll get some groceries after I finish there.

    Better stop and find something for breakfast - think I'll have malt-o-meal and toast.  Sara - hope the strawberry crisp turns out well.  I should make an apple crisp before the apples go bad.  Do you use both brown and white sugar in your apple crisps?  Seems like the last one I made was too sweet.

    I'll be back later.  Did see that Jackie was on the nest earlier this morning.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita understand how you feel about going to doctor.  

    Don’t add sugar to my apple but you can.  Either one should be ok.  Put brown sugar in my topping but think white would be ok.   

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Quiet day here.  I did get my hair shampooed and trimmed about a couple of inches off the back and cut my bangs.  Jo, when you got your haircut, did the beautician. come to your house this time?   

    Sara - I've been listening to some of those recipes on YouTube.  Some are pretty interesting - lots of potatoes and onions - which I really like.  Seems like they add a lot of eggs to things, too.

    Stormy has slept a lot today and so has Sheena.  Guess they missed some sleep last night, like I did.  I read about his medication and one of the side effects is lethargy.  Guess that's okay because when he's asleep he's not licking his foot.  One of Sheena's eyes was red and she was squinting some so put a couple of drops of Gentamycin Sulfate in it - I used those for Kitt's eyes.

    I hope all of our fur babies who aren't up to par are feeling better today.  Seems like I'm always giving someone medicine but that's all right - just glad it's available.  

    I've watched the eagle cam off and on today.  Seems like Jackie's spending a lot of time on the nest today - wonder if that  means something is about to happen.  She really has a pretty view to look at when she's setting, doesn't she?

    Guess I need to go out and run some water.  Fed the birds this morning and saw a couple of pretty Cardinals around.  Haven't seen the squirrels in three or four days but they may be there when I'm not.

    I should only be gone a couple of hours tomorrow.  Takes about 20 minutes to get there and if I get in before I have to wait too long I should be out of there by 11:30 or so, then to get groceries - another 30 minutes and home.  I think I'll leave the GPs inside.  UPS is supposed to deliver bread flour tomorrow - probably leave it at the road but I don't want someone coming into the yard when they're outside - if they would.

    You know I was trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow and it made me wonder how in the world did I figure out what to wear five days a week for over 33 years.  Probably because I was younger then and everything was easier.

    Sara - I didn't try those biscuits today - maybe sometime this week.

    I'll stop and run some water.  It's 68 degrees here today - cloudy but no wind.  I think we're supposed to have more wind tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Had a great weekend with family! Hate to see them leave this afternoon, but will take DIL to the casino for a little while before they leave and let son watch over his mom. Made a great picture of grandson after church, think I'll put it on profile picture for awhile.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Two handsome men in your new pic!

    So very glad you had a good visit with your family, and were able to get out a bit as well.

    Hope you had good luck at the casino!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Ron...great new pic. Wish everyone here would post a photo of themselves!!!

    Just got back from ER. I have CPPD in my knees....right one was nasty enough for me to not get much sleep. Left with a brace and a Dr's appt this Wed. Door to door less than 90 minutes. 

    I will take the day to be a bad patient then back to normal...lol

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good morning Rockers.

    Lorita.  Shadow is on the nest right now, he brough a fish in for Jackie this morning. We are still all waiting to see if any of the eggs hatch. I have the nest and sounds on all the time, you would think I am the waiting father. I was this way last year when Spirit hatched.

     So sorry to hear about your cousin. Hopefully Stormey's feet are healing up. If it's not one thing it's another. I also like Mault O Meal.  I like Romal Meal also, but I have not been able to find it for years. Not sure it it's even made any longer. 

    Marie.  Sorry Smokey is not feeling well, it is so hard when they don't feel good. Alls Smokey needs now is your love and warmth. Thats the best medicine right now.

    Judith.  Sorry about your knee it looks like the time has come for you to stay off of it as much as you can. I hope the doctor gave you something to help you get some sleep. 

    Ron.  That is a good-looking picture of you and your grandson. You're a Handsom man. I am glad you had a good weekend with your family. And that you were able to get away with your DIL for a while. Hugs are nice I need one at times. 

    Jo.  I bet your glad the visit with the doctor went as well as it did. Sorry you got sick on the way home, your stomach was probably upset due to the visit and the curvy car ride home did not help. When I was a kid, I could never ride in the back seat because if I did, I always got car sick, especially going to my grandma's house there was a lot of curie roads going to the ocean from Sacramento. Have you ever heard of Jenner by the Sea?

    That video of the baby being put back in the nest was so precious. She looked at that man like she understood what he had done. 

    I need to go now I hear noises in the nest. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Judith had to look CPPD up.  Sorry you are having to deal with pain.

    Have the back seat issue too if roads are curvy.  It’s not a problem here in northern Ohio usually.

    Ron glad you got to enjoy your visit with your son and his family.

    Bought a small pack of organic strawberries at the store today. They are a Mexico product. They are the best tasting strawberries I have had in a long time. They are delicious. I’m glad they are because they were very expensive. It doesn’t seem so bad though since they are so good. If I would’ve had to throw them out, it would’ve been very disheartening. 

    Been thinking about you today Lorita.  Hope you are doing OK.

    Zetta enjoy your updates on eagles.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I'm back from the doctor - about two hours ago.  Worn out - had to put everything in the cart in those big, insulated bags, then onto the checkout thing, then in the PU and finally in the house.  I think I got everything wiped off and put away.  Prices have gone up quite a bit even from the last time I was there.

    Saw the doctor - had to wait longer than usual.  He was uber busy - Monday, holiday so more people who usually work came in, etc.   He x-rayed my ribs - no big fractures.  He said sometimes a very small one won't show on x-rays.  Lungs and heart sounded good.  He said it was the cartilage in the two bottom ribs that hold the rib that's the problem - those two bottom ones don't attach to the sternum.  Just will take a long time so guess I'll try to be careful about lifting, bending and stretching.  

    Judith, I asked him about eating nuts and popcorn if you have diverticulosis.  He said almost everyone over 50 has diverticuli.  He said there are two schools of thought on eating those things.  He think you can eat nuts if chewed well, no big seeds like blackberries and absolutely no popcorn.   He's been in practice at this location for 44 years - more than half his lifetime.  I think he's a couple of years younger than I.If he ever retires that town will be i a bad shape - he's the only doctor there.

    Judith, what is wrong with your knees?  You know once you hurt your knees you never really get over it.  I still have problems with the one I hurt over 50 years ago - and sometimes the other one.  Glad you were able to get in and out so quickly.

    The PU did just fine.  I usually go the country roads to within half a mile of town - but, this time I missed the turn for the road that goes that way so went the longer way.  Looks like a fairly intelligent person could remember which road to take but they all look the same.

    Zetta, is that still Shadow who's on the nest?  I check every so often thinking maybe something's happened.  I bet that was fun watching him bring the fish to Jackie.  Did she eat it and then he got on the nest?  

    Stormy's feet seem a little better.  I'm spraying them with the comfort spray and he's not licking them very much.  He sleeps a lot so I think his medicine makes him sleepy.  I left both of them inside while I was gone and they did just fine.

    Just had a call from J.W.'s sister.  She'll be 83 in May and his wife will be 80 Thursday.  All of us are near the same age - makes you wonder where all those years went.  I'm glad Geri will have one of her daughters closeby (across the street from her).  Her other daughter lives near Tulsa and is a nurse and her two daughters are also nurses.  

    It's already 4 o'clock.  The day has gone fast.

    Ron, the picture of those two handsome men is really good.  Glad you put it on as your avatar.  So glad you had a good visit this weekend.  Now, you need to rest some.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, you and your grandson look great together!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Zetta, is that Jackie on the nest?  This afternoon whoever was there did a lot of housework, rearranging little sticks in the nest.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Thanks for the compliments on the picture with my grandson. I've mentioned in the past about the music Lou grew up with, the family on her dad's side gathering on the front porch, singing and playing instruments. Also, her with the accordion and playing in a band. Well, it seems like the grandson has inherited the love for performing. He brought his electric guitar and amplifier and gave us a taste of his talent. It was hard to believe at 14 he would be that good. Lou told him to practice everyday. I loved seeing her mind clear up enough to give her grandson advice. Also, as he was playing you could see her fingers moving as if she was picking a guitar right along with him.

    I love and miss my family!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Ron, how sweet that Lou still remembered music and could keep time to it.  Guess that's something we don't forget - those distant memories.   You look very nice in pink.  Charles liked pink and purple shirts, too.

    It's cloudy again this morning but warm.  I can handle winter like this.  The guys came and fed this morning and I saw the girls.  Heard something really loud this morning and thought maybe the huge machine had come to mulch the trees on Mike's south 40.  But the sound is gone now. He said the guy was supposed to come in March.

    I've checked on the eagles several times this morning and once during the night when I woke up.  Looks like they're sticking close to the nest now so something may be up.

    Judith did this CPPD come on  suddenly or did it build up?  Do hope it's better this morning.

    Day, watched Garolyn this morning.  They are perfect together - just a couple of good friends - not like the other hosts who try too hard to be funny or tell stories.  Didn't buy anything but things were pretty.  I bought a square neck, white top a few months ago and for the life of me I can't find it anywhere.   Do you remember when Maggie Sweet was one of the companies they had?  I really thought the clothes were pretty.  I bought a pair of white yoryu pants and later in a consignment shop found a white yoryu loose-fitting (guess they call it soft-suiting) jacket with tiny bouquets of flowers embroidered on it.  Really liked it.  I wore it once and a woman asked if I had done the embroidery.

    Doing a load of clothes and as they started washing I remembered I had my cell phone in the robe pocket so hurried into the bathroom and found it on the dresser.  Scared me to death.

    Not hurting this morning (knock on wood) or at least very much.  The GPs have been outside and had breakfast and are now sound asleep.  Max has been sitting on my lap all morning.  I know he misses his buddy, Kitt.  They were fast friends for so long.

    Wasn't happy with my weight at the doctor's office yesterday so need to cut back and get rid of the weight I've put on this past year.  During the pandemic I lost about 30 lbs. but at least half of it is back on.  Too much pop and crackers, I think.

    Hope all the fur babies are feeling better this morning and all of you are well.  
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.   Shadow is on the nest right now. If you put FOBBY Recaps and Observations on it tells you who is on the nest right now and gives you arrival and departure times. I don't know how to tell you how to do it I just accidently found it.   (:   it shows 9:59 Jackie out and Shadow in. I leave the link up all day and I refresh it each time I look at it. They have been coming and going a lot today. ??????? Let's hope for chicks.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

     Good evening,

    Very windy day.  See Thursday it’s going to be even windier.

    Ron, your story about Lou reminds me of when I was young working at the hospital. Went into a patient’s room and she had no yarn or hook but she was obviously crocheting something so I asked her what she was crocheting and she told me.  Think it was an Afghan or something like that.  Just thought it was the cutest thing, didn’t understand what was wrong back then.

    Had more strawberries and ice cream for supper, so good.  Will  get several more desserts out of them. Thanks JoC for mentioning that this is a good time for them right now.  That’s what made me try them.

    Also JoC you have mentioned several times about the low rates on CD’s.  May want to look into it, think they have come up a little.  

    Lorita hope you are feeling a little better today, you too Judith.

    Had a good day at work.

    Take care everyone

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, PWDs are very receptive to music and to singing.  Many can sing when they cannot even complete a sentence.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    The Eagles will be sensing a bit of unsettled feelings around themselves - a large snow storm is about to arrive; large amount of snowfall is expected, possibly about a foot and weather reports indicate wind gusts can get up to 85 mph in Big Bear surrounds. Sure do hope the wind does not get that bad in their specific area.  They have that lake effect though right near them where the wind can blast away across the large expanse of flat water and up onto land.

    Looked in at the nest about an hour or so ago,and both eagles were in it and the wind was rocking the tree, but not too bad.  There will be snow with wind for about three to four days, probably starting tomorrow, and then a couple days clearing with another storm arriving following that.  February is a month where we get rain/snow where we are; so we shall have a lot.  News said that the snowfall will be down about 1,000 feet, so lower levels will also get some white.

    Sayra; I really like your photo, it is adorable.  Yes; the strawberries have been wonderful this year. We have been buying them, grown locally - really good quality and delicious. How fun and how very good for us they are.

    As for the CD rates; thanks Sayra, yes; rates have been going up.  In the CDs at the credit unions we use, the rates are between 3.50 and near 4.0 percent for 24 month CDs.  Some same rates at 18 months.  Just saw a new inducement at one of our credit unions - special eight month CD at 4.5 percent!!   Short term, but my goodness, haven't seen that for some time.  Credit Unions are giving much better rates than are the banks and have been for quite some time.

    Ron; what a very cool photo of your with your dear, talented grandson; isn't it great to see him?  So glad the visit has gone well and hope Lou enjoyed it too. You so deserve some joy. Hope you had good luck at the casino - whoopee!

    Judith; I am truly so sorry for the pain you are bearing, how awful for you.  I actually had to look up CPPD as I was not familiar with the condition - OUCH!  For those who do not know, this is what it is from the Cleveland Clinic:


    I so hope that you get some relief soon.  I too am hobbled and also have been out of sorts; I do not feel like me, lots of mailaise and ick issues - found out I am NOT able to take Zofran for n/v, I managed to get a troubling side effect from just one pill of Zofran that plays heck on one's body - I had taken it on the 17th from that dreadful car sick drive - (residual from the earlier vertigo attack I think) - I have had that happen once before when I was given that pill in the hospital, so now I know for sure - only ONE single Zofran and it had a severe impact on the GI tract.  Others can take this med with no problem issue and it does indeed work swiftly to help n/v.  (It is the med for n/v most often used for chemo patients.)

    Of fuss and bother; getting older (did I say OLDER instead of MATURE?  I think I did!  That indicates how off I am feeling right now), is not a field of daisies, that is for sure. The body rebels and parts here, there and everywhere go awol from doing their assigned duties. Sigh.

    Glad you are doing okay, Lorita.  Too much heavy lifting and max doing so much on that mature body I would think, so hope you feel better soonest.  So wish you did not have to do all that carrying and lugging and pushing and pulling.  All we need to do is buy a lottery ticket and win big and we can hire some great big, burly fellows to do all and sundry for you!  (We would be sure they are good looking too!)

    Got a wonderful and very sweet phone call from our granddaughter today - she had just received her acceptance letter into Oregon State University - psychology major - she is SO happy her voice was dancing as I am sure she was actually doing when she opened the envelope.  I am absolutely delighted for her.  Love her very much, she is a dear person.  She starts university in September.   Her sister just graduated this year with a Masters in Psychology and is already practicing; she plans to go back for her PhD. She said she will be in debt forever with student loans.  The two of them smilingly said wouldn't it be great if they decided to go into practice together; makes me smile, the two sisters are very close which is lovely for them.  The eldest works with women and teens, especially trauma, and the youngest going to Uni in September wants to work with children. 

    Iris and Zetta; as to the tests, I was simply relieved that the myriad of labs were on the sunnier side of the street as it had been two years since I last had a physical, and being that I too am a "mature" person, with lots of wear and tear, I was really a bit concerned that the labs had gone to heck in a hand basket.  I am not a sylph-like creature, so since I am abbondonza, it gave me a bit of a worry.  Try as I do and I do try, weight loss does not happen, (thyroid is normal) - truly; the lack of ability of doing sufficient exercise due to the knees which are beyond bad scuttles that losing - going down to 1,000 calories a day doesn't even cause any losses.  Registered dietician told me not under 1200 calories and one said 1500, but at any of the three levels, nothing happens over weeks and weeks despite weighing and measuring all food and keeping a food journal. I must be so deconditioned from lack of consistent exercise that a set points seems to be locked in. Drats!!!!   (But I am huggable!)

    Judith, take good care and so hope that Winda is with you; I hope that all gets set to rights very soon so that you are far more comfortable.  Big hug being sent your way without bumping your knees. Do you have to wear that brace only when up, or do you need to keep it on all the time?  Can't believe you got in and out of ER in only 90 minutes.  Last time we had to go to the ER, it was literally 13 hours!  Here's sending best wishes that it will be a swift recovery.

    Time to get some stuff done - I am going to order a very pretty blouse for summer that I saw in Damon and Drapers catalog, soft blue and white pinstripe  with daisies.  Hate to do that from mail order, but honestly, Macy's had not much of anything nor have the other stores as I checked online.  Nordstroms specializing in skinny fashion forward women, so that is out - they are so proud of their clothing - one could buy jewels for the cost of some of their "fashion forward" stuff. They have lost their way in a forest of their own making and can't see that due to the trees all round.  They certainly are not what they used to be, that is for sure.  Disappointing.

    Think I will go get a slice of plain toast; if whining and complaining would help the mailaise, I would carry on, but sadly I do not think it would do one whit.  Best to count blessings, mercies and loving kindnesses for all that has been given - I am truly very grateful.

    Be well,


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Interesting thing happened today - I was using the self-check at the grocery store and happened to hit my hand on the bag carousel with my left hand pretty hard, and I wear my Apple watch on that arm.  Immediately I got a message saying "it appears you may have had a hard fall" and gives you the option of calling 911 or touching "I'm ok" because it also detected that I was still moving.  If I was immobile, it would just call 911.  Pretty neat.  

    I spent over $100 on basically nothing, but I did have to get stain remover and batteries and a few other things I don't normally need which are kind of expensive.  

    I worked a couple of hours today and I'll do 2 hours tomorrow afternoon.

    I'm watching a Netflix series called "Flint Town" about Flint, Michigan police, filmed during the water crisis and lots of turmoil in the police department.  Good series.  I'm impressed with how many lifelong Flint-area people are on the force, that's always good.  Tough job, tough town.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Day, did you know your watch would do that?  That gives a person a sense of security knowing if you fell, they/it would know about it.  So, if you don't respond, they call the ambulance?  Just saw that Jane and Courtney are selling shoes - are you going to watch?  Just kidding.

    That's about the same thing my medical guardian does.  I always wear it or take it with me when I go to town.  Yesterday I had it on when I got home and was carrying groceries into the house and got something against it and it asked if I needed help.  I've fallen before (in the mud or snow) and it sensed that.  Sandy, really, I try to remember to wear it when I go out in the pasture but it's always the spur of the moment thing so most of the time I don't have it and would have to rely on one of the girls to dial 911 on my phone.  I know, you tell me they won't do that and you're right.  I hope you're okay.

    I've been hearing some kind of noise across the road and I'm as curious as heck.  To me it sounds like some kind of machine or Gator - heard it pulling something that made a lot of noise a while ago.  It's dark so don't know what they're doing.  This morning I thought it was that tree crusher but it's too close for that.

    Jo, I'm not really lifting nearly as much as I used to - no 50 lb. sacks of feed but occasionally 40 lb. of cat litter or food or something like that.  I try not to especially right now with my rib thing.   It's been better today until this afternoon.  I got sleepy so we all went in to take a nap.  I think I was laying on my side (not the injured one) and drifted off.  Since then it's been hurting.  Just rubbed it with Theragesic and am leaning against a heating pad.  The rib or carilage thing along with my costochondoritis doesn't make a good combination.  I do have to pull the empty (I hope) water tank back.  When it's empty and I turn on the water, the girls pull it toward them to get water before there's enough in there and I have to straighten it so it will hold more water.  They have a big pond not far from them, two, in fact. and there's always water in the lot tank.  You should see the trails from the hay to the water tank and they know when they see me coming out there that I'm going to fill it.

    Twice today when I went out the little squirrel (well, not so little) was on the birdfeeder.  He gets very still and I don't look at him as I go by and he'll stay on it until I leave.  He's so cute.  I had three "old" eggs (two months) and I took them out close to the feeder a couple of days ago thinking he might eat them.  This afternoon I found one of the unbroken ones out in the front yard.  Guess he took it out there - surely he could break the shell - he breaks ope the black walnuts.  So, don't know.

    Jo, losing weight as you get to be our age is hard.  I'll write more later.  Power is about gone.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I knew it could detect falls, but I didn’t know what happened if it did.  Apparently, if I was immobile it would do a 30-second countdown and call 911 if I didn’t stop it.  The watch has a GPS so they know where to send paramedics.

    Snow coming tomorrow.  They’ve already announced a snow day for most of the schools.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It's charged but I don't have much more to write.  Just wanted to say I have to only eat 1000 calories to lose weight, however, when I lost the 30 lbs. I didn't count calories so guess I don't have to - just watch what I eat.  My downfall is crackers - of all kinds.  Stormy and Sheena love them, too, so we can eat a whole sleeve of them.

    Day, it looks like the weather is going to be really bad up north - we'll only get some rain and 30 degree colder weather for a couple of days.  It's already pretty bad with snowfall.  You should have seen the US weather map on our weather this evening - every color you can think of - all kinds of weather.  Be careful if you have to get out. 

    Denim & Co. is on again - rerun of this mornings so I  may watch a little of it.  Finally tried on all the things I'd ordered the last couple of months and they all fit - some a little snugly so I need to get on it.  One thing I wish they hadn't changed is the length of the regular pants.  Used to be 29" but now it's 31", I think.  The jeans I tried are too long and they're a little wide legged so don't know if I can roll them up.  Funny, when I was in school the style was to roll up your jeans - now, they think it's something new.

    Jo - have you ever watched QVC?  They have gorgeous clothes, not just Denim & Co. which is pretty casual.  I bet you could find some pretty blouses to order.

    See you all tomorrow.  Maybe they'll be some more news on the baby eagles tomorrow.   Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita et al, I'm trying to lose weight, again!  I reached my goal in 2021, and promptly regained.  I was on a vegetarisnish DASH diet.  I just don't have the motivation for that now.  I'm very disappointed!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Dark and rainy.  We’ve had a little thunder.  Nice rain and I’m thankful as we needed it.  Very little rain this month and no snow.

    So had to entertain myself.  Did my exercises, one load of clothes and cooked all morning.  Made a small pan of cornbread and biscuits.  Made some flatbread which I have never done before,  it turned out nice.  Fixed a small pot of stew and a stir fry.  Haven’t done stir fry in awhile so that will taste good I hope.

    Have lost a good amount of weight and kept it off for about a year now.  Didn’t intend to lose weight just made lifestyle changes that have allowed me, so far, to have way fewer bellyaches at night. A side effect of that was the weight loss.   I eat my last meal at 4pm and it’s best if it is a fairly small supper and on the lighter side.  I eat nothing again til 7am.  I have a meal around 7, 11 and. 4.  In any recipe that calls for sugar, use half the amount and go from there.  Still been pretty amazing to me.  Began to wonder if something was wrong with me, but felt fine.  At some point though it stabilized and have been the same weight for about a year.  Wish you guys luck.  Know it isn’t easy.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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