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Just need to talk to my friends (187)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.  My nephew rides his bike 7 miles each way. He is from Sacramento so all he did was bike ride. He realized riding his bike where he lives now in Oregon with me, is really not an option in the wintertime. He did try a few times. On a good day he can make it in 45 minutes on a bad day it could be 2 hours. 

    Beth.  I am going to try those chicken enchiladas they sound Yummy. Thanks for the recipe. 

    Take care all. Hugs Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    loveskitties wrote:

    I used to live in Florida, very near Plant City which is a big strawberry producer.  In March of each year the folks would come down and we would go to the strawberry festival.  Best strawberries ever.  Don't buy them much at the store unless they are buy 1 package get the second free.

    I remember the Strawberry Festival, we used to come all the way from Jacksonville for it.  A good time.  One of the things I loved about Florida was festival season was almost all year long and you could find some kind of festival almost every weekend.  Yes, they were the BEST strawberries ever!  Music, food, fun.

    Lorita, I'm sorry Kitt has left us.  I am glad he's not sick anymore but you're right, it's so hard to lose our friends.  

    No work tomorrow, working 3 hours Wednesday.  Chucky tweaked either his back or maybe a knee on his back legs yesterday coming down the stairs.  I am carrying him up and down now because he's having trouble going up stairs.  He's walking and running fine - just seems a bit of a labor going up so I'm keeping an eye on him.  He's still happy, eating, drinking normally.  He's getting a lot of back and leg rubs so he's in his glory.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Day, so sorry about Chucky's problem.  Hopefully, it will be well soon - but, he'll still want to be carried upstairs and I bet you'll do it for him - I know I would.  Good thing he's not too big.

    Kitt is well now and like I told the others he's out there watching the cows and calves for me.  He was a very quiet cat, probably because he didn't see too well but he was always there when I opened a can of food.  He knew his way around the house and could navigate getting places by using the furniture as his way to get around - tables, etc.  I think the other cats miss him because they're very quiet tonight.

    So you're off tomorrow and will be able to watch Gary and Carolyn.  I do not need to order anything but I do like to watch - the clothes and especially their interaction with each other.   Do you ever watch Dennis Basso?  About three years ago I was watching him and he had a really pretty faux leather jacket.  I ordered it and put it in the closet and have never worn it - in fact, I couldn't find it.  I found it yesterday and I think I'm going to start wearing it - it's a pretty tan color with a different kind of closure - not buttons or snaps - can't remember what they're called.  Really glad I found it.  Hate to think about something and not be able to locate it.   Enjoy Garolyn.

    Zetta, I just checked and it looks like Jackie is asleep on the nest.  I hope the eggs are good and will hatch.  Do you know when they might hatch?

    I know your nephew appreciates the rides.  Seven miles is a long ride.  There used to be a man who rode his bicycle to work every day but nothing like seven miles and it was in town where he rode.  Charles and I bought bicycles way back in the 70s and rode them some but out here you would ride downhill, get tired and then have to ride back home, uphill.  Needless to say we didn't ride them often.

    Had a long visit with Sarah this evening.  She's back home.  The doctor told her they couldn't do anything else for her.  Home health is coming out tomorrow to work out what's best for her.  We reminesced a lot.

    Hope all of you sleep well tonight.  See you tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    I would like to wish all the ladies on Lorita's front porch a very happy valentine's day. The love, compassion and understanding on Lorita's porch is beyond compare. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thank you, Ron, Happy Valentine's Day to both you and Lou.   You're right, this is a wonderful group of people who understand what we've all gone through or are going through and are there when we need help or just to talk.

    It's a rainy Tuesday here.  Rain will be moving out and the strong winds will move in this afternoon.  I don't know when it started to rain but there's water everywhere - not complaining though.

    Stormy and Sheena wanted out about MN so they slept in the storage building - they're inside now, sound asleep.  A lot of the girls were in the garden when I went out to turn on the water but they've all gone somewhere - this isn't feed day so probably either went to the barn or back to the hay.

    Day, don't forget Denim & Co. this morning.  Carolyn is on now with Miz Mooze Shoes - she's good on anything she presents.  I've never, and will never, pay the prices they have on those shoes.  They were showing a pair that was about $130 and this woman they were talking with on the phone said she had bought four pairs.  Guess that's fine if that's what you want.

    Need to stop and find something for breakfast before 9.  I've had my juice and am working on my hot tea - only been up about an hour.  Still in robe and gown - see no reason to change until noon when I should get a couple of deliveries (hope they don't leave the things down at the road).

    Enjoy the day.  Happy Valentine's Day!

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I have Garolyn on right now.  Cute things but it's getting to be spring around here and everything looks a little to heavy for my mood.  I do enjoy them, though.

    I saw the shoes - I have no reason to spend that much money on a shoe like that.  What, to wear around my house?  They looked cute on the ladies but it's just not me.  I have been known to spend $130 on a pair of trail sneakers with a big tread, very grippy when it's wet/muddy/freezing out but I wear them practically every day.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Happy Valentine's day to all!  

    When my grandmother was a young lady, they traded Valentine's which were like calling cards...but with pictures and good wishes printed on them with the giver's name on the back.

    We were fortunate enough for her to have saved about a 20 of them.  After she died, I mounted them and framed them in two picture frames which I gave to my mother.  They are on the wall in the family room and are admired by all who come in.

    It is a reminder that being a significant other to someone does not have to be romantic...it only has to be friendship and caring.

    May each of you and those you care for have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Valentines to all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Love the picture, Judith.  Will have to show it to Sheena and Stormy.  Might give them ideas.

     Marie, how sweet of you to do that for your mother.  I know it meant a lot to her.    I remember those little cards.  Wonder if they still have them.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Looks like it snowed or is snowing in Big Bear but Jackie is faithfully on her eggs keeping them warm!
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I am sorry for the loss of Kitt.  Imagine what a good life Kitt had due to your kindness and loving ways.  So many years of being cared about.  Really a heartache when we lose a beloved pet.

    I had to smile at that photo of the dog and cow. I wondered if the dog was saying, OUCH!because the cow's head was so heavy, or was he thinking about a nice big steak in the future - my imagine works overtme sometimes.  Lorita, what is that collar for around the cow's neck?  I have never seen a collar like that on a cow, but then I no longer see any cows.

    Ron, your time at church with Lou sounds lovely and loving.   You are an amazing person and such a caring gentleman.  How lucky we are to have you on the front porch with all of us.  So hope your dental work is easy and healing is swift.  Let us know how you are doing. 

    HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to everyone.  You are all such sweethearts and lovely people, wish I could send a nice valentine to all.  Tonight for dinner, will have lasagna and with it, a savory salad with Bibb lettuce, gorgonzola, walnuts, prosciutto, pickled red onion and very thin crispy onions dressed with some ranch dressing.  A copy of a local restaurant salad.  That's us; "mature" and thinking of food far too much.  Or it should be, fat too much. Ha!  Just one day, but that is what I said about Christmas too and I think I am still recovering from the Christmas cookies DIL sent.

    Haircut tomorrow and it sure does need it.  Hate the process but always happy with the outcome and it does feel much better afterward.  Then on Friday is my two plus hour physical.   Had lots of labs run for the physical, always makes me a bit nervous to see what the labs have to say.  Up to this point they have been good, but I am older and I wonder if this is the time I will have to pay the piper.  Hope not; but we shall see.

    I had not seen the Big Bear Eagle Nest Cam before, so I did  take a peek at it a couple of times yesterday and was a bit startled at the eggs being left for quite some time with neither parent eagle sitting on them to keep them warm.  When I  used to watch the Arboretum Eagle Cam in D.C. over two seasons, the eggs were never left not covered for more than a few minutes; each parent also rotated the eggs before they settled down on them; did not see that yesterday; perhaps I just missed it..   I understand it takes one month for the incubated eggs to hatch.  I do not know when these eggs were laid, so don't know where the time line is.  I hope they will be okay.  The lake in  the background appears to be Big Bear Lake.  I have been there quite a few times, but not for a long time now.  I do not do well with high altitudes. Still freezing cold up there and still some snow falling. 

    Lorita, it would be good to have that physical you have been saying you will do, and dear friend of ours, it would also be best to see a podiatrist re the feet.  Your primary care doctor is not a food specialist and you need to be assessed by a specialist who will be able  to make an accurate diagnosis if there is anything quirky going on with or besides the Neuromas.  Not good to be injected with something that cannot help and may cause further tribulation.  So far, with all the pain in your body, etc., it has been all guessing and imagining what is going on; I can get caught up in that too, but it really is time to be seen. As soon as the roads are passable, it seems time to get in asap and get those labs done for a full head to toe exam and also may need x-rays or even a CT scan, but best to know what is up and get it taken care of once and for all so you can feel much better without all the recurring pain. Now if jfkoc sees this, she will remind us of what we are not doing and she is always right on spot; she is our conscience if you will.

    That enchilada recipe sounds delicious. What do you do with the left over broth that the chicken was cooked in?  Must be really mouth watering yummy.  I can imagine the delicious smell wafting from the kitchen.

    Getting some more strawberries today at the roadside vendor spot.  They are GIANT berries, California grown, great and solid all the way through without those empty white spaces in the middle that some berries have;  they are as sweet as sugar and taste wonderful.  Makes a very tasty dessert alone.  Doesn't need sugar, cream or cake, just too good to do that to them.  Pricey, but still very early in the season.

    I am sorry to hear about poor little Chucky's stair climbing kerfuffle and hope he heals well soon.  Poor little guy, but he is lucky to have you and you care enough to carry him up the  stairs.  He must be very content in his new forever home with you.

    Marie, the framed valentine's sound lovely; that was so thoughtful of you to do; wish we could see them too.  The old fashioned valentine's were very special.  I love the old fashioned lacey types; it's not the same today.

    Well, time for me to go, and get some things done.  Still trying to find a housekeeper cleaner but no luck.   I sure miss the sweet lady who used to come to help; she was with us for over 22 years.  Would love to be able to find someone even a little bit like and as dependable as her. 

    Happy Valentine's Day once again and a big Valentine hug is being sent to everyone,


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Jo, your lasagna and salad sound wonderful. Mmmm! Lasagna is one of my favorite foods. One of the local Catholic churches begin their Fish Fries this Friday. It will be held for 7 consecutive weeks. They serve baked fish, fried fish, baked potatoes, mac and cheese, green beans, cole slaw and bread. Desserts are available for an additional charge. We go to as many of their fish fries as we can. 

    Jo, you asked what I do with the leftover broth that the chicken cooks in (for the enchiladas). My bad....I discard it! 

    I noticed some daffodils poking up by the front of the house today. They'll be covered with snow Thursday.  

    Marie, the valentine collage you made for your mom sounds amazing. I remember those old fashioned valentines we kids got and traded at school back in the day. Fun times.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Just heard on the weather that there were wind gusts up to 78 mph in Guymon, Okla.(panhandle) and 52 in the town 25 miles NE of us.  The wind is awful.  I just went to the mailbox because I saw FedEx had delivered (darn people anyway) - good thing I went because there were several things and one in the mailbox.  When I came back I checked the barn.  When I go in I always say "is there anyone in here" and you can tell by the sound if there is.  I had the flashlight and kept looking - didn't see anyone but kept hearing some sounds that a cow would make.  I turned around and there she was, right behind me. Guess she wondered what I was doing.  It may have been the little cow who lost her baby a week or more ago.  Makes me sad.   We had .5" of rain and there's water over the road down by the mailbox.

    Darwin called  just before I left to see if we had electricity.  His was out - again.  Said he saw a power truck go by and when I was at the mailbox I saw flashing lights down by his house.  The wind was so strong a week or more ago that it blew a big tree down across the line and broke a pole.  May have happened again.

    He told me that two of our neighbors have been in the hospital with covid (at least one of them but two have been in the hospital).  The one who he said had covid was a man about l l/2 miles north of us who helps him some.  He's back home but still not too well.  Darwin said he saw him a couple of days before he went to the hospital but guess he's all right since it's been two weeks.  He said he had to go back to the hospital to be checked and Darwin will take him.  I cautioned him to be sure to wear a mask.

    Jo, I'm sure it was a pet calf who had on the collar.  I've never seen a cow with a collar on and the head was too small for a cow.  I know cows sometimes wear a bell around their neck and we've had cows who had to wear a yoke to keep them from getting out through the fence but never a collar.  

    Just filled the water tank again - several of the girls are in the garden licking feed.  I always say hi to Kitt (his grave is close to the water tank, inside the yard) when I go out there.    He was a sweet, little cat - quiet and calm.  I've talked to the others today about him when they've been sitting on my lap.  They're still very quiet.  When I ask Max if he misses Kitt he slightly opens his mouth like he's says "yes".  Now, that's just me and the way I interpret things.

    My side hasn't bothered me much today.  I read that it can take up to 12 weeks for a floating rib to get better so I have a few weeks to go.  If it's not better by then I will see my doctor.  I'm overdue for bloodwork so will do it then.  I have a seborrheic keratosis - well, two or three, on my back and one is bothering me - kind of pulls.  It's a genetic thing - daddy, one or two of his brothers and my sister had them.  They're benign so nothing to worry about as far as that goes but they're ugly.  The one that bothers me is just below my bra line on my back so at least that's good that it doesn't rub on my clothing.

    I actually took an afternoon nap, a short one but a nap.  The GPs went in with me and took their naps.  I got up, quietly, and they continued to sleep for a while.  I sit most of the time in a high, wing-backed chair facing the door, awy from the bedroom.  When Stormy comes in, he always looks in the chair to see if I'm there.  I think they're going to have to have allergy shots again - it's been two months since their last one.  I'm beginning to wonder if it might be their food they're allergic to.  It's the same canned food Stormy had when he was a baby so it may be the dry food - Beneful.  They really like it but I may change.  

    Jo, your supper sounds wonderful.  How nice to live close to things where you can get good things to eat without driving 50 miles.   We used to grow buttercrunch lettuce - it was so good but I never see it in our store.  I don't care for romaine.  Karen did and I always told her it was hairy lettuce.  Really miss her - we practically grew up together so it was a loss for me and everyone else.

    Saw a clip of Masoula, Montana on the news - they've had a lot of snow.  I write to a lady in Masoula and have for years.  Patsy got me into that and I'm glad she did.

    When I was going to the mailbox the sun was low and it looked reddish in the west.  Later I heard about all the wind in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles and the weatherman said it was blowing dust from there to us.  That red dirt in western Oklahoma.  So glad ours isn't red.

    I don't know anything so I'll stop and warm up my mac and cheese and pork 'n' beans.  Need to make bread tomorrow.  Sara, I have been meaning to ask you - have you ever used AP flour instead of bread flour when you make bread?  I've ordered some but it hasn't arrived yet.  Guess I'll have to go down and pick it up, too.  Really aggravating - and they leave the things close to the sign telling them not to leave it there.  The problem is there are so many different drivers - might have three different ones in a week's time.   I'll stop complaining and get on with what needs to be done.

    Hope all of you have a good evening.  Beth, I keep watching my daffodils - no buds so far.  There are buds on the Maple trees though.  We have two elm trees and there's miseltoe growing in them.  I noticed one big bunch of it has blown down.  When I was working, around Christmas time the Engineers would bring misteltoe around to the different services - guess they got it down in the park.

    Enjoy whatever you do tonight.  I imagine the restaurants will be crowded beyond belief tonight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Jackie's on her nest.  Someone on live chat said something about pip watch tomorrow and hatching the 18th.  Isn't that a long time between pipping and hatching?   Still some snow on  the nest.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I have learned so much in the last 2 years watching Jackie and Shadow. I have learned it all by reading the chats. They say once the piping starts it could take 3 or 4 days maybe longer for the chick to appear. I will be glued to the nest for the next few days. Today there was over 8000 people watching. People from all over the world. Jackie will be there all night. Sleep Well Jackie. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Always have used bread flour Lorita.

    Looked up green enchilada sauce and salsa verde.  Looks like I can find ones that I’m comfortable with using.  Maybe I’ll try it some day.

    Got my taxes picked up and taken care of for this year.

    Wind is howling

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, glad you got your taxes done and now don't have to worry about them.  I'll try to get mine done later this month or next.

    You're getting the wind we had yesterday - it was awful. Today is sunny and supposed to be about 72.  In the 30s tomorrow.

    Zetta, looks like Jackie's back on the nest.  When I checked in earlier this morning she wasn't there.  I found something on that website last night that was interesting.  It was a review of the last several days by David James, I think.  Told all about what was happening.

    Not feeling very good today - back and side were hurting but Ibuprofen has mostly taken care of that.  Guess I will get an appt. in the next couple of days and see what's going on.  Today I'm going to have to try to get Stormy into the PU and to the vet.  Something's wrong with his front feet - he keeps licking them and is limping on the right one.  He won't let me look at it which is very unusual.  Last night and early this morning I did get to feel of it and didn't feel anything unusual.  I don't feel like pulling or pushing on him to get him in there.  He's only been in the PU once and I don't remember how I did it.  When we left the vets that time he jumped into the PU - wanting to go home.

    If anyone has any ideas, let me know please.  I might be able to put a tub by the side of the PU and see if I can get him up on that and in the PU.  Getting him back in at the vets won't be a problem because there will be other people around to help.  Seems like there's always something to contend with.

    Hope all of you are well.  

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, can you call and get an appointment for yourself this afternoon (the call) for ASAP?  I think you're going to need to feel better before you can tussle with Stormy getting into the pickup.

    You haven't been feeling well - do you think possibly 911 or going to an ER might be appropriate?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Day, I'm better this afternoon - got my mind off myself.  I may get an appt. for later tomorrow or Friday morning - he closes the clinic at noon on Fridays.

    I had decided I had to do something for Stormy.  So I called and got an appt. for him - to be worked in.  I tried to fix it so he could get up in the PU and thought if he wouldn't get in, I'd get an appt. for myself.  

    He got up in the PU all right and got him over to the vet.  I don't know whether he got too hot in the PU (had his window down some) or whether it was trying to get him out of the PU or him knowing where he was but almost as soon as we got inside he had a seizure!  Never had one before.  He came out of it pretty quickly and seemed okay.

    Mike said it was probably from stress.  Good thing I took him.  Something had made him starting chewing on his front feet and he has them to the point they're raw.  I trimmed his toenails a few days ago but when he asked if he was doing this before that I couldn't remember. I may have gotten them too short but I don't think so - he never flinched when I was trimming them.

     He gave him an allergy shot - said it could be from allergies and an antibiotic shot with meds to take at home and comfort spray for his feet.  He said to keep his feet as dry as possible so he'll have to stay inside most of the time because it's muddy and wet outside and will be more so tomorrow.  Also has to wear a collar to keep from licking or chewing on his feet.  I had one but when I tried to put it on it had been fixed and was too tight.  I got some pliars and pulled the velcro off and I think it'll work now.  

    Mike said he didn't worry about one seizure because he thought this was from stress.  He's been there before and that along with the allergies probably caused it.  

    I'm okay this afternoon but if I don't feel well in the morning will get an appt. - usually I can get in the same day or sometimes the next day.  

    After we got home and I changed clothes and went out and turned off the water I came in and the three cats ganged up on Stormy and was jumping and growling at him.  I sprayed them with water and he's in the bedroom on the lounge now.  I have to spray his feet 3-4x a day and try to get him to lay still until it soaks in or whatever it does and have him wear the collar.

    Believe it or not when we started to leave I told Mike I didn't know if I could get him in the PU so he had one of the girls go out with me.  I opened the door and he crawled in - first time he's ever done that so I know they can.  One time when I took him over there and we came out to come home he jumped in.   So glad that's done.  He also said if I could to soak his feet in epsom salts water for a little while, then dry them off.  Don't know if he'll let me do that or not.   I felt so sorry for him during the seizure.  Cathy, one of the girls, held his head so he would hit it against the tile floor.  

    Gosh, when you wake up in the mornings you never know what the day will bring.  It is a beautiful, warm day but tomorrow it will struggle to get to 40 degrees.  It's was 32 in the Panhandle at noon and 71 here so the cold front is close.  Supposed to be heavy snow out there and in Kansas with rain and maybe some storms here.

    I was lucky - only met one car on the muddy roads.  People out here are good - if they see a car coming, they'll find a gate or road to be able to get over to let the other car pass.  Guess everyone has been stuck.

    I didn't go out this morning when they came to feed so Mike called me on his way back to town to check on me.  He is really a good person.   Need to stop and call Darwin.  I saw his lights on last night but saw a Coop truck down by his house later.

    I'll be back later.  Need to check on Jackie and Shadow.  Zetta, you're right - watching them is addictive.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I hope Stormy's paw gets better quickly!  A seizure--poor doggy!

    The temp here in southern CA was 55 degrees at night, 60 in the day, although it felt much colder to me, with the wind. 

    I don't blame Chucky for having trouble with stairs.  He sounds like me.  Does he pant going up or down stairs?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Jjust put the cone on Stormy and he does not like it.  I think I can put Neosporin on his feet and then some vetwrap.  I still have some pain pills so may give him one before bedtime.

    Jackie has been off the nest a long time this evening or maybe I check at the wrong time.  Sort of worried for the babies.

    Iris,I felt so bad for Stormy he was so scared.We used to have a poodle, Jellibeene, who had seizures and had to take medicine every night.  Hopefully, this was caused only by stress.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    The cold weather is moving in.  The wind is blowing and i just heard thunder.  Girls are going to the barn - moms calling babies to catch up with them.   There's a couple of tornado warnings south of her.  They just talked to a storm chaser who was in Calvin, OK.  - reminded me that years ago Charles and I drove around the State to different areas and lakes and we had the best breakfast we ever had in Calvin.  It was a little building with trucks around it - didn't look too good so thought we'd have a cup of coffee but when we saw other people's food we decided to order.  Really good - just never can tell.

    Stormy has his cone on and he doesn't like it.  He's already cracked it.  In the morning I'll take it off and cut off the excess where the crack is.

    I've been watching Jackie off and on - she's sound asleep on the nest.  Zetta, when is the piping watch supposed to begin?

    Just now hearing rain beginning - already muddy so this will just add to it.  I did notice that the water is really up in the pond - we've had about 4-4.5" of rain in the last couple of weeks but still in a very dry area.

    Stay safe in the storms - supposed to move on toward the NE.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Another lovely day today; crystal clear air; about 68 - 70 degrees in the afternoon.  The air was so still; no breeze moving and no bird or other outside sounds; just deeply, quietly still.  We were able to open the sliding door in the family room and it felt good to have air coming in.  The rain has made the trees, shrubs and lawns beautifully perky and happy. So pretty. Soon will be time for some bedding plants.

    Had my hair cut today.  LESSON:  Do NOT mention that your, "hair sure has got too long," when getting it cut . . .. the end result is getting a much shorter cut than usual from what you wanted.  When will I ever learn.  No matter, it is a really good cut and it grows fast.  I have very thick hair and the floor was really covered with it afterward; I think the beautician could have made a puppy from it.

    I tuned into the eagles nest and it was empty of eagles yet again.  I had the laptop on the nest for about two hours and the nest was still empty when I turned the computer off.  Not good.  It is very cold up there.  At one point I could hear another nearby bird:  Caw,Caw,Caw . . . eggs need to be protected from predators including other birds.  I looked up how long bald eagle eggs can be left without incubation:


    Sure do hope the eggs will be okay and will hatch.

    Got more strawberries; gosh they are huge and hugely good.  The aforementioned salad was also really good, but sure is expensive.  Bibb lettuce, gorgonzola cheese, pickled onion thins, walnuts, crunchy onion, prosciutto, yum.  Way pricey ingredients, but really tasty.  The lasagna was good too. After all of that, now I have to be good for a few days to make up for it all.

    Oh boy. As we had discussed earlier, I took the adivice and was looking forward to the hyaluronic acid for dry facial skin.  I got highly rated Cera Ve hyaluronic acid serum.  Well; I noticed a bit of redness; two days use and I was calling the doctor for direction - red, red, red on cheeks and across nose. with bumps appearing.  Little itchy, but also a bit puffy.  Cortisone ointment and Bendadryl and it is much better and boy did I ever sleep last night from the Benadryl.  Was really disappointed.  Will have to find another way to moisurize dry skin.   NO!  - no Crisco!

    So glad you will get to the doctor, Lorita. It has been far too long.  Need to know for certain what's up and also to agree to x-ray or even CT Scan if recommended so you can get it fixed. because there is an adequate proven diagnosis  Getting "mature" sure can bring a lot of stuff we don't want and mysterious happenings to our bodies.  I have many a mystery going on with me. Will see my doctor for a full physical on Friday and am just a bit skittish.  I had not had a complete physical in a few years, (shame on me; but time flies.)  Now concerned lest something wicked pops up.  I sure am slower than I used to be. Really slow. Lorita, I do not know how you do all you do and am amazed and impressed; you are really a strong person.

    Need to get photos for our Passports which have lapsed. Not planning to go anywhere, but we like to have Passports; one never knows.  Just have to get to AAA to get photos done. Last Passport,, there I am with dark hair - now I have glow in the dark white since I stopped tinting during the worst of the pandemic.  Prefer the dark hair, but will embrace the shiny bright - so much less fuss and bother in the salon. Also save a lot of money on tint and highlighting.  Our Oregon son was down for a visit last month.  When he first  saw me, he abruptly stopped, looked, went gobsmacked and stunned - he could not get over me with white hair; it was really funny.

    Needed some relief from all the dreadful news and ugly TV programs.  I have my Kindle library and re-read a couple of Binchey's better novels; "Scarlet Feather" being one of them.  She was an amazing author and the characters and stories are so rich; all set in Ireland.  Some of her books are almost like short stories which I do not like, but the full novels are excellent and are respites from the ugliness in what has become our nearly daily reality newswise and violent gratuitous TV fare.  March starts new TV season and some new PBS programs, hoping for some good fiction shows for the evenings.   I just love a good story.  Wonder if David Suchet will be back with new Poirot shows; he plays that character to an amazing "T."  Such a good actor; he really becomes his characters.

    Heavens, it is just about 10:00 here, time to get myself ready for bedtime.  A good night's sleep and sweet dreams wished for everyone,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Unfortunately, I have to join the Front Porch pain club.  My right knee hurts a lot when I bend it.  I didn't injure it, this just started today.  I stayed inside all day.  The doctor told me last week to exercise, but I never got a chance to take even a short walk, but I have a spontaneous sore knee.  What's going on with me?


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning from Lorita's front porch! Lorita, it's time to stop talking about getting a appointment to get checked out! It's not going to hurt you and might even help with some of the aches and pains. 

    Bad night for Ron........after putting Lou to bed I always look outside to make sure everything is ok. Saw a neighbor's truck with a trailer behind it blocking my driveway. Went and knocked on the door and the guy was very apologetic and told me he had someone on the way to help get it moved. Seems like he decided to come across my drive to get to his and the truck started sliding back. The trailer ended up blocking my driveway and his truck stuck in the yard. I informed him my biggest concern is being able to get out if I have a emergency and he insured me it would be moved shortly. He did get it out and yard is torn up  but he told me he would fix it. I dont know why he even attempted to go across the yard with all the rain we've had.

    Now to my sleeping problem! Got in bed around 9, had to pee at 1030, woke up again at 12, dozed back off, up again at 2 and said to heck with it I'm wearing myself out trying to go back to sleep, so have just stayed up. Might try to lay back down later but dont feel sleepy now. Was having a little chest fluttering and maybe that's what kept waking me. I just cant seem to handle being overly stressed anymore. Funny how age works on you, my entire working life, stress was part of it and I handled it well.

    Still haven't heard anything from the VA on my test so sent primary care a secure message. The nurse's response was, scp has requested a echocardiogram and ultrasound of left leg and veteran will have to wait on call from those clinics. I just dont have the patience for this anymore and went through the hurry up and wait during my military time and hate it.

    Suppose to be raining by now but hasn't happened yet. After this morning its suppose to dry out for a few days and rain again next week.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Ron, if it isn't one thing, it's two others, isn't it.  What was that guy thinking with all the rain you'd had.  Glad it got it moved.  I felt the same way you did when we were snowed in thinking what if I had to get out with Charles.

    Okay, I just made a appointment with my doctor for 11 a.m. Monday.  He's only there until noon tomorrow and it's going to be warmer Monday, I hope.  I know, I know, I just need a push, or two, or three.  Charles used to do that and now you all do it for me. Thank you.  I like my doctor - he's just like a friend - but for some reason I just hate to go.  Carol says she feels the same way. Guess we're just afraid of what they might find.

    My ribs are only hurting a bit this morning - just began about half an hour ago.  It may be, or at least part of it may be, the way I sit in this chair.

    Just took Stormy's cone off and he ate breakfast, then we went outside and he tickled - poor guy, he was about to bust.  He's back inside, dried off his feet and sprayed them and put the cone back on.  He hasn't gotten the hang of judging how wide a space is and if he can get through it with the cone.  We had a little poodle, CiCi, who used a canine cart (he had back surgery and his back legs didn't work so he used the cart).  He'd come to a space, stop and look and then proceed if it was wide enough.  He was so good with it - even went out in the pasture with the girls.  I had some Veleeeta cheese so put Stormy's big capsule in one little piece and his Prednisone in another little piece and gave that along with giving some to Sheena so he got his morning meds.  

    FedEx just came!  It's one guy who brings things to the house.  I was still in my robe and Sheena was outside but he wasn't afraid of her.  

    Weather just said it's 24 degrees colder right now than it was this time yesterday. We had rain during the night but it's sunny now.

    Day, I just changed channels and Denim & Co. was on - with Rachel, again.  I feel sorry for Gary when she's on with him.  He tries to be patient but I know she gets on his nerves.  Gets on mine, too.

    Jo - glad you got your haircut.  I don't know why it is but beauticians seem to love to cut hair too short.  I went to one for many years who was so good - never cut it too short.  She worked for my cousin in her later years but sadly developed Alz. and he got Parkinsons so sold his shop and retired.  I haven't been to another one since then - 8 years ago.  I used to wear one of those really curly, short hairstyles in the 70s, then switched to just short hair.  Mine's a bit wavy when it's short but lately it's been long and straight.

    Iris, sorry about your knee.  Have you hurt it before?  Just try to stay off of it and rub it with TheraGesic.  I think they quit making it but there's a good substitute.  I have trouble with one of my knees I hurt over 50 years ago doing exercises.  I can't bend and put weight on it so have to be carful.  

    I'm worried about the baby eagles, too.  I checked in early and the nest was empty but about an hour later Jackie was on the nest.  I think if the eggs weren't viable they would have completely abandoned the nest.  Guess we'll see.

    Guess I'll get some groceries when I go in Monday.  Don't really need anything except vegetables and dairy and a couple of frozen things.  I saw an ad on TV last night that was cute - about eggs.  It showed a man giving a little gift box to a girl and when she opened it, it was an egg.  I don't know what was being advertised but Darwin said eggs at WM are about $7. a dozen.  When Charles and I sold eggs we got fifty cents a dozen and they were jumbos.  I still have three in the refrigerator but wouldn't use them so need to throw them away.  I eat very few eggs.

    Enjoy the day -   Jo, your weather sounds beautiful.  I'm so ready for Spring.  There are buds on the maple trees and I saw my first daffodil bloom this morning.  Spring is near.

    Back later.  Thanks, guys, for the push.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning Rockers.

    Lorita. Pipping started on the 15th I surly hope we see some babies, but with nature being like it is who knows. Jackie laid 2 eggs last year and only one hatched. They named him Spirit, so when you hear about Spirit that is who they are referring too. I read a lot of the chat and have learned from the chatters. It makes me sad when I don't see Jackie and Shadow on the nest as much as they were last season. Last season it was like tag and go on and off all day long and Jackie stayed on the nest all night.

    Maybe when you try to get Stormy in the PU again you can put a piece of his favorite food in the seat and hopefully, he will jump in for it. I hope his feet are getting better. His Seiser was probably due to stress, too many things happing at one time and he hurt. My cats hiss at Molly whenever she comes in from the vet or the groomers. There are a lot of strange smells on her.

    My daughter got a cone for her dog it was a donut, it looked like a frosted donut, it was just round so she could not chew on her spots but allowed her to still be able to eat and drink out of her bowls. 

    How is Sarahs home health doing? Hopefully it's all working out well for her. 

    Ron.  Your ups and downs sound like mine at night, every night. I am happy that I have no problem going back to sleep. I just need to stop drinking anything in the evenings. 

    Day.  How is Chucky, doing? Iam sure he likes for you to carry him up the stairs. We love and spoil our fur babies, Thats what they are for. 

    Marie. I do remember the little valentine cards we had in school. I am not sure if the kids do that anymore, I hope they do. That was a real nice thing you did with your grandmother's cards. You will treasure the picture for years. 

    Jo.  I also have white hair, I bet you get compliments on your white hair. I used to wear mine real short but during covid and I was not able to get my hair cut it grew long enough for me to put it in a ponytail. I still keep it short but long enough for a small ponytail. I think that's called being lazy. And yes, that is Big Bear Lake where the nest is at. It's nice that your able to go visit. Do you live pretty close to Big Bear?

    I envy you for being able to leave your doors open to let fresh air in. I always love having my doors open.

    It's still very cold at my house, we still have snow on the ground, but the sun is shining right now. I need to go back to my nest watching I can hear Jackie making noise and yelling at something. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Jackie and Shadow really have a beautiful view.  Zetta,have you seen any kind of little hole on  either egg? What is the little thing birds have on their beaks to make the hole in the egg called?
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.  No, I have not seen any hole in either egg. My daughter was telling me a few days ago that someone said there was, but so many people are saying so many things. There was over 10,000 people viewing on the web site yesterday. A lot of people waiting for the outcome. I don't remember what that thing is on their beaks that helps with the breaking through. They were talking about it a few days ago. I guess whatever it is goes away shortly have hatching. Jackie was yelling at the ravens a few minutes ago. Jackie is a tuff old bird.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It might be egg beak,not sure.  It does go away. We used to have setting hens but I never saw it.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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