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Just need to talk to my friends (187)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Sayra, I'm sorry to learn of your neighbor's passing.  

    Ron, an air fryer is faster than an oven or toaster over, but slower than a microwave.  I would not want to get by without my microwave.  

      I don't watch football, and this year, I'm not even interested in the commercials.

    I had a Dr visit today.  I have to exercise and to lose weight.  It's so boring!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Like my SUV too because it sits up higher.

    Sorry you are in the osteo club Beth. 

    In any disease and treatment we have to consider benefit vs risk.  The answer to that question may vary with your circumstances, and may not be easy. There are very few things in life that are risk free.  Not sure if there is any drug that is risk free. Many drugs that help people live longer have serious side effects.  Know just in my small world Covid has caused  death and chronic disease.  Find long term Covid, diabetes, chronic heart conditions, chronic pulmonary conditions & death concerning.  These are risks when you get Covid.  We have no idea how 20 year olds having Covid now are going to be affected by it as they get older.  Epstein Barr has been associated with the type of cancer my sister died from.  Have reason to suspect that is possibly why my sister got it.  Just need to try and be sure when we listen to someone that they are truly in their lane and truly have accurate evidenced based studies to back what they’re saying, this can be tricky.  

    Ron sorry it’s a down day.  Ron if I could only have one of those two appliances for me would be an air fryer.  Love that thing, you can heat some things up in it too.

    Iris know how you feel.  

    Good night

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Sayra, I am so sorry for the losses and illnesses; this has not been a good year in your neighborhood of family, friends and neighbors.  I send a big hug your way.

    Yesterday was such a beautiful day.  It was 80 degrees with a soft breeze and the air was crystal clear.  When driving over a small hill, I could see the snow topped Mount Baldy in the distance and the hills to the north; it really was a pleasant day with all things in sync.

    Today we are falling back into the 60's with the possibility of some very light rainfall.  If we do get any wetness it is felt it won't be over 1/10 of an inch - almost not worth the clouds efforts

    Lorita; about your side of the bed not being firm enough for you any longer; rather than trying to get used to sleeping on the other side of the bed, why not have some of the workers or fellows who come to the property flip your mattress and as long as the mattress is going to be turned, they can also switch the box springs beneath the mattress and you will have the support you need. 

    Ron; you do so much.  Sure hope that you cut yourself some slack and when your son comes to visit that you don't go topsy-turvy getting ready . . . just put out his sheets and let him make his own bed and put up his own towels.  I finally got used to doing that as we had SO much company at once and I would run myself ragged having all together for them.  When I finally decided to simply put out the sheets, no one was upset and it sure worked well.

    Gosh; there goes the phone already,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Jo, I had the mattress turned not long ago.  I've thought about putting a board under my side so might do that.  All my linens are king sized so probably wouldn't be a good idea to change.  The folded towel is doing pretty well if I could keep it in place.

    Last night I woke up about 2:20 - Stormy was pacing the floor, then Sheena began.  They must have heard wolves and wanted out - so got up and let them outside.  It was time for Leave it to Beaver so watched that and then could not go to sleep.  Found Malt Shop Favorites music and started listening to that.  It took me back to my high school years. The music in the 50s was so good - you could actually understand the words.  And, there were songs we used to sing on the bus going to ballgames.  There were tears because there were also songs Charles and I listened to and liked.  I got up just after 7 so don't think I slept too much, if any.  Don't feel well this morning - ribs are hurting some.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Making two shorter posts because I lost two yesterday.

    Kitt is still not well and I'm worried about him.  The vet is only open until noon and they don't take appointments so the place is even more a madhouse than usual.  I found their number on my phone under contacts, then decided I'd wait a few more minutes to call.   Opened my phone and pushed the call button.  A man answered and I told him what I needed.  I wanted eyedrops, Baytril amox.  He asked if I wanted the Pharmacy.  I told him again what I wanted - then a woman came on the phone and I explained what I wanted and why.  Then, she said "this is the grocery store".  The contact thing had gone back to the top of the list and it dialed the grocery store I use. Talk about feeling stupid!  Probably had the two people completely confused - even more than I was.

    I did get the vet's clinic and they'll leave the medicine in the box at the back like they've done before.  I'll get over and get it this afternoon.

    The GPs are back inside, sound asleep - but they did their job.  Stormy went to the window a while after they were in and barked and barked.  About five minutes later I saw one of the trucks coming with hay, then the other one.  I think he must have seen Toad feeding behind the barn and was telling me.  They fed differently this morning so guess the mud is drying up some.   However, more rain forecast for Tuesday.  

    Sandy, I tried that hard restart and it didn't work.  At least I can use the laptop and when I feel better I'll call them but in the meantime I'll try some more.  So enjoyed our visit last night - always so good to talk with you.  It's sunny here this morning and already 40 degrees - hope it's a good day where you are.

    I'll stop for now and think about getting dressed.  Still have on my gown and robe - or I might take a short nap.

    Jo, sounds like you had a beautiful drive yesterday.  I just can't imagine looking into the distance and seeing snow-capped mountains.  However, there was snow 30 miles south of us late yesterday.  I don't want anymore - already had enough for this season.

    Had a call from Sarah a while ago - she's going back to the hospital this morning.  It sounds like an intestine is coming through the ileostomy.  Can that happen?  I could tell she was really in pain.  She saw the nurse yesterday and she told her she needed to be hospitalized.  I talked with her last night and she wanted me to thank all of you for any good thoughts and prayers.

    Ron, when you feel like that - go ahead and go into another room or outside and have a good cry.  It will help a lot - and, men do cry.   It will be a good release of stress.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    My old car was a Nissan Maxima and I could not see the traffic well when making a turn.  Here, cars can park at the end of a street, which blocks visibility.  In New York, there is a law preventing parking past the building line.  I had never heard of this and I got a parking ticket.  I went to Traffic Court and told the judge that I was from California and he reduced my fine.  But now I feel more secure sitting higher up.

    I rode the Metro to Los Angeles the other day with a senior group called "On the Move".  Part of the trip was on elevated tracks, so I had great views of snow-capped Mount Baldy. The air was so clear!

    Tomorrow when the Super Bowl is on, I will go to shopping for some shoes.  Hopefully the stores will be empty.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    ronald71111 wrote:

    Might have used just a tab to much of the Tony castirino on the pork chops, but my belief is if your nose and eyes are watery, its good. 

    That's my motto!

    I think I figured out what the rash came from.  Wheat Thins.  Hadn't had them in years, saw them in the store and got a box.  They were good.  Bought another box last week (it's been a few weeks I've been eating them).  The rash didn't pop up overnight, my neck had been itchy for that same amount of time, it was just getting worse every day.  And every day I was having a handful or two of the Wheat Thins.

    Day 3 after taking the Benadryl, etc. I was thinking what is new in my life.  My skin care stuff I've been using for months, my latex pillow is a few months old.  What's new....what's new....the Wheat Thins.  Still had some left, threw them out.  That was 4 days ago.  No more itch, the rash is gone.  I don't think it's wheat I'm allergic to, maybe something in the crackers.  Who knows.  My lips were a little swollen this whole time too.  Didn't have any trouble breathing, though.

    I'm thankful the itching is gone.  I'm still going slow as far as what I'm washing my face with or any lotions just to make sure.  

    I'm working tomorrow - it remains to be seen how busy we'll be.  I was reading that a lot of the AirBnB owners were slashing prices hoping to get their homes booked - the demand is less than anticipated.  Our hotels have been booked for months (non-refundable), so won't be any last-minute rush on rooms.

    Iris, the stores probably will be empty, happy shopping.  Lorita I hope Kitt gets to feeling better.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, about your question on the ileostomy...

    The stoma (opening on the stomach) is actually a part of the small intestine which has been brought thru to allow for intestinal output to drain externally.  The intestine is actually sewn in place.

    It is possible that the intestine is protruding more than it should and can be due to a lot of things.  I have a colostomy (uses part of the large intestine not small like ileostomy) and  I have to be careful about the weight of things that I lift, otherwise it could cause issues.

    Usually the stoma is attached to nearby muscle to help stabilize it and provide support.

    So very sorry to hear Sarah is having more issues.  Love and prayers to her and her hubby.

    Weather here has been pretty good...warmer during the days and just above freezing at night.

    I am with Lois about shopping.  My mother had a number of watches that were my Dad's and was wondering what to do with them.  I picked out 2 for my grandson and need to take them to get batteries.  I am so glad grandson was interested in having them.  I also picked out one for myself that has a really big face on it...nothing special except I can read the numbers without my glasses...lol.  I will also look for a different band for that one.  Haven't been to the mall in years, but guess that is my destination for these things.  Used to be able go to Walmart for getting watch batteries put in, but with help the way it is today, would not trust that there would be anyone there to do the job correctly.

    Have you considered the portable steps for the GP's to help get them in higher vehicles?  While you can get side steps attached to vehicles like PU and Jeep, they are not wide enough for the GP's.

    Hope all have a safe and warm Sunday...

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood - sunny, very little wind and supposed to be around 60 today.  

    Iris, good luck with finding some shoes you like.  I haven't been to a shoe store in I can't remember when.  I order shoes from QVC and even from Amazon.  I found a pair of Clarks sandals on Amazon just like the ones I ordered from QVC but about half price.   I bet there won't be many people in the stores so it shouldn't be crowded.

    Day, glad you found what's been causing you rash and itch.  You wouldn't think about a spice on crackers that would bother you but I found I can't eat seasoned frozen french fries.  There's some spice or herb on them that I can't tolerate.  

    Bet Chucky is still enjoying his haircut and bath.  How often will you need to take him?   We used to have poodles, a dozen sometimes, and we'd bathe all of them and I'd give them puppy cuts.  Lots of work.

    I learned something new this morning - the shingles vaccine is now free.  Maybe that's not something new but I didn't know it.  A few years ago I was going to get one and paid over $40 plus what my insurance paid.  I didn't get it because I had had a cortisone shot in my knee a couple of weeks before.  I may rethink it.  I've had shingles twice in my left back/shoulder.  But I caught it in time and it was a light case each time.  Bad enough anyway.

    There was also something on TV about pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for I think Ivermectin to treat or prevent covid.  Quite a discussion about that.  I didn't know it came in pill form - guess that's just for humans.

    I'll stop before I lose this - just hit some wrong key and lost a long one.  Watching QVC with Alberti this morning. Guess David took the day off to watch the game.

    Marie, thank you so much for the information about the ileostomies.  I hope they can do something to help Sarah with what's happened to hers.  She was admitted to the hospital and Todd was going to stay the night with her so he could talk with the doctors this morning. 

    I've always gotten watch batteries at WM, too.  I don't wear an expensive watch anymore so it's almost as cheap to get a new watch instead of the battery.

    I'm not sure the GPs would use the steps.  On Dr. Pol I saw where someone had just used a board for them to walk up into the back of the SUV.  Doubt they'd do that either.  When I went to get Kitt's medicine yesterday there was the cutest, blue, Jeep Renegade parked at the Clinic.  It looked like the back of it was  a little over kneehigh so don't even know if they'd do that.  They could if they wanted to but therein lies the rub.

    Better stop.  Enjoyed the visit.  Hope everyone is well and having good weather.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi again,

    Wanted to let you know that Kitt is cold - his body is cold.  I remember when we had poodles and some of them got some kind of tick disease that came up from Texas - before we'd lose them, they body would get cold.

    I just had a little cup of pudding with whipped topping on top.  Every time I have put the topping on something the cats would hear it coming out of the spray can and all of them would come into the kitchen to get a bite.  I just did this and Kitt didn't come in but when I came into the living room he had his head up.  I had brought him some on a piece of paper and he ate just a tiny bit of it.  I'm not going to bother giving him more medicine,   I want him to pass away as comfortably as possible. 

    I'm sorry, just had to let someone else know.  I hate this.  He has been such a good little guy.  Seven years ago when we had so many barn cats and I'd go out to feed them I saw him and his left eye was so swollen and red.  I had never been able to touch him but was determined I had to get him to the vet so got the carrier and picked him up and took him - no problem.  When he came home he was a house cat.  The year before the same thing happened to another barn cat and I left him outside.  He didn't live very long so I always thought something slipped up on his blind side and got him. 

    It's 62 degrees and sunny - a beautiful day for Kitt to leave this world, I guess

    I'm not good at this...

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Iam so sorry to hear about Kitt. Poor Kitt, he's been loved, and he knows that. It is so hard to let one of them go, but he is there with you and resting. Sarah and her husband are also in my prayers. 

    The weather in my neighborhood has been nice. The snow is pretty much gone I am hoping no more is in the way. 

    I have been keeping busy watching the Bald Eagles in their nest. The mama (Jackie) has been sitting on 2 eggs due to hatch soon. The website is Big Bear Mountain. The cameras take you right in the nest. I have just fallen in love with them. The Papas name is Shadow, and you can watch them 24/7 if you want. If I remember right, I got the information about this website right here on the front porch a few years ago. Waring its Addictive. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

    Beautiful sunny day here.

    Sorry about Kitt Lorita.

    Zetta and Marie nice to visit with you on the porch today.

    Zetta the eagles would be interesting to watch.  I don’t have time though lol.  Seems there is always something to do.

    Made hamburger gravy for lunch, meat, flour and beef broth.  Turned out good.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It's halftime and the Eagles are ahead.  Been a good game so far.

    Kitt's still alive.  He wouldn't eat any supper and for the last hour or so he's been sleeping with Sheena on her bed.  Thank you Zetta and Sara.  He'll be missed for sure.

    Stormy and I drove up and sat among the girls for a while this afternoon.  I think we both enjoyed just getting out because the weather was nice.  The girls were curious so surrounded us.  Stormy growled two or three times - don't know if he was protecting me or what.

    Zetta, thank you for telling us about the eagle.  I looked at the website and watched a while but the two eagles weren't there, just the eggs.  Which camera do you watch.  I was Camera #1.   I'll be watching off and on - interesting.

    Sara, is the beef gravy like chipped beef on toast?  One of my uncles was here once and made that for us.  I think they used to have it in the Army a lot.   

    I'm watching halftime of the Super Bowl.  I guess I'm too old for that kind of stuff.  Doo Wop is more my speed.  The best commercial so far is the Jeep one with all the animals.  Thought that was cute.

    See you all tomorrow.  Rest well tonight.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I have been watching both cameras. #1 and #2. #2 gives you a wide view the nest is in the  top of the tree to the left. You can see when the birds come and go. They are on the nest now. Jackie the mama spends the night on the nest. They trade on and off during the day. Like I say it becomes addictive. Give Kitt a hug from me. Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Is Kitt a cat?  I thought my Simon was on his way out but he turned out to have hyperthyroidism and hypertension and kidney disease.  He is on thyroid medicine and blood pressure medicine and a kidney diet.   He sleeps most of the time but he does wake up to eat and to walk outside once a day.  He is 18 years old.  Tonight he didn't take his blood pressure medicine.  If he keeps refusing it, he won't live too long.  I'm trying to keep him comfortable.

    I buy my shoes at a sports store.  I always buy the same brand and I bought two pair.  I was surprised, there were about the same number of people in the store.  But  the mall parking lot looked light.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    I'm so sorry to hear about Kitt, I know our littlebit doesn't have a lot of time left, but all we can do is love and care for our pets. They can surprise you sometimes, I remember when I thought littlebit's days were numbered and he surprised me and got better. Now even though he's almost blind and arthritis makes him walk slow, he still eats good. 

    Church went well yesterday with Lou, during the singing I held her close to me and we sung together, she missed most if the words but still carried the tune. We did have one elderly lady get sick during the service and they had to call 911 for her. After the service was over she was being helped in her car for someone to drive her home. I asked about her and they said she was given some oxygen and got to feeling better and said she was dehydrated. 

    Have a dental consultation this morning for the lower implants. I asked my primary care and she said just stop the blood thinner medicine 3 days prior and 3 days afterward. I still haven't heard from anyone about the echocardiogram and echo on the leg where the blood clot is. Primary care said she wanted them alone with my list I keep track of my blood pressure by the 21st. 

    Pretty day yesterday, but more storms moving in later this week!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Ron, glad Church went well yesterday.  Sweet that you held Lou close while you all sang.  It's good for both of you to get out and about a little bit.  I need to do more of that.

    It's going to be a pretty day here, too, with rain and storms tomorrow and winds up to 45 mph.  Dread that - I don't like it when the wind blows so hard.  We have wind here most of the time.

    Just took down the trash and filled the water tank.  Girls are waiting for Toad and Mike to feed.  Saw all four little, bitty babies - so cute, two of them were at one of the feed tubs licking it, another one was at a tub with a couple of cows and that time didn't see the other one.

    Zetta, I'm going to watch the eagles as much as I can.  Last night I looked at camera 1 and Jackie was on the nest.  I think I heard a wolf in the background.  Where is this located?  I remember a couple of years ago Jo was watching a pair in Washington DC, I think.  Last evening I saw something that told how you could sort of tell the two apart.

    Iris, Kitt is a cat, a tuxedo cat.  He's seven years old.  We used to have a lot (30+) barn cats and he was one of them.  I'd go out and feed and water them every day and I kept seeing him with a terribly swollen eye, looked so painful.  I had never been able to pick him up but was determined I had to get him to the vet.  I got the carrier and surprisingly he let me pick him up and put him in.  I know he was in pain so guess he knew he needed help.  Mike enucleated his eye and he became a housecat.  If I remember correctly he was the only inside cat I had then but Max thought he should be inside, too. Kept climbing the screens so I ended up with two housecats.

    Kitt has always eaten more than the others but a couple of weeks - probably longer - he started losing weight.  About three weeks ago I took him to the vet and he gave him Baytril, Amoxicillin and an injection.  He said he had a respiratory problem.  He's breathe really hard after exertion but then it would calm down some.  He kept getting thinner and thinner but was still eating until a couple of days ago.

    He didn't eat yesterday and last night he laid on the bed with Sheena a long time, then went to the chair where he liked to sleep and tried to get up in it.  I put him up in the chair and covered him some.  I talked to him and petted him but he didn't move.  This morning when I first got up I felt of him and thought I felt him breathe.  Took down the trash and when I got back I wasn't able to feel him breathe so guess he's gone.    I'll wrap him in the towel I kept in his carrier, put him in a kitchen bag to keep him dry and bury him.  Glad the ground is softer - don't think I can dig too much.  He will be missed by all of us.  I hate losing pets/friends.  He was a very sweet cat.

    I've been reading about slipping rib syndrome and it says it can take 4-12 weeks for it to get better.  It's been seven weeks.  Nothing can be done about it, the article says, except a hooking treatment where the doctor hooks his fingers under the ribs and pulls.  I don't think I can stand that.  The other time this happened I don't remember that it took so long for it to get better.  That with my costochondritis makes my left side not so good.  I'm not short of breath so will continue taking Ibuprofen, applying heat when it hurts and try to take it easy.  Seems like everything I need to do involves bending or reaching.

    Zetta, finished the potato soup last night during the ballgame.  It was so good this time.  The ballgame was sooo good - right up until the last few seconds it was tied, then the Chiefs made a field goal (kind of scary because the kicker had missed one earlier in the game).  He also made one that let the Chiefs go to the Super Bowl.    The only ad I liked was the Jeep ad with all the animals - no Clydesdale ads this year - always think they're so pretty.  Also didn't care for the halftime entertainment - didn't know the person who was singing.  Just heard that was the first appearance for her in seven years.  They also said having all those people on the field made it slippery for the players.   Second Super Bowl win for the Chiefs in four years.  I read the tickets sold for from $5,000 to $36,000 each and the stadium held about 64,000 people - about the size of Arrowhead where the Chiefs play.   Still thinking about those half a billion chickens.

    Back later.  Ron, good luck on your dental appointment today.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    The Super Bowl was pretty good. Of interest to me was the strategy for the Chiefs' last plays. The score was tied. Jerrick McKinnon had opportunity to score a touchdown with around 1:30 to play. He stopped himself at the one yard line. That way, the Chiefs could let time elapse and go for a FG with very little time remaining - that meant the Eagles did not have 90 seconds to go downfield and score. Someone in my neighborhood shot off fireworks after the game.

    I watched the halftime show. Being "older," I didn't know any of Rihanna's songs. The choreography of the many dancers was good. The special effects were pretty amazing. Must have cost a boat load of money to produce. 

    Lorita, I am so sorry about Kitt. He was awfully young. We love our pets so much it is hard to see them ill and to lose them. You are so good to your animals. We had a cherry tree and there are 3 pets buried beneath it. One is just ashes in a wooden box as the ground was frozen when she passed. I hope Sarah is doing better. She has been through so much. I cannot even imagine. 

    Ron, I am glad you and Lou enjoyed church yesterday. You are an amazing husband for Lou. Best wishes for your dental appointment this week. I am supposed to go to the dentist Thursday but we expect 4-8" of snow, so I will re-schedule. I don't like to drive when roads are bad. 

    What kind of shoes do you like, Iris? I like Asics and since I've had several pairs of them, I know what size to buy and I just order them online. The most recent ones I got are running shoes and they have a lot of gel in them - very spongy. Love them! 

    Hi Zetta. Glad you are getting nicer weather. We have had some nice days (will be 57 today) but winter is not over yet. It will be colder mid week and snowy. I googled "Decorah eagle cam" and it came up with not only the Decorah eagles nest but also  "Live Puffin Cam." Kind of interesting! 

    Sara, hope your week goes well. Not sure if we are sending our Iowa weather to you via the jet stream, but if so, watch out...goes from nice to not so nice in a few days. 

    Jo, fresh strawberries sound good. They have strawberries at the stores now but imagine they are from Central America or Mexico. Yours are fresh Californian! My daughter lives in TX; imagine they are or soon will be picking berries at a local berry patch. 

    Marie, did you get out to the mall? I don't go to the mall often although once in awhile I will to pick up some items I can't get online (or don't want to pay shipping).

    Day, is work pretty busy for you? Are you enjoying your new job? I know interacting with customers has its ups and downs. 

    Judith, miss hearing from you. What is new in your neighborhood? How is the flip house project going?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita only had chipped beef gravy one time that I can remember of many years ago.  Think it’s a bit different than ground beef gravy.

    Ron reheated a salmon patty this weekend.  Was good but not crunchy like first time of course.  I’m reheating them in air fryer.  Have one left and when I reheat it going to try and remember to put a real light coating of oil on it before putting in air fryer to see if that will bring any crunch back.  By far my favorite salmon patty recipe of any I have tried.

    Lol Beth here we say if you don’t like the weather just wait a bit it will change.  Not always true though.  Think a lot of places say that.  Know they are giving strong winds to come back, not sure about wet stuff.

    The strawberries at store today were from Mexico.  Rarely buy them as they get so much spray. I understand as they are trying to make a living and strawberries are not an easy crop.  Use to quite a few Amish sold them in spring, but not any more, assuming just no consistent money in it for them.  They don’t come in here til around June 1.  They are a lot of work and so weather dependent.  We raised them and sold them for a few years when I was a child.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Haven't bought strawberries in a long time.  We used to get them three quarts for a dollar - can you imagine?  Daddy got some strawberries plants from Carol's daddy many years ago and they were really good ones.  We used to have a variety called Cardinal - they were big and red all the way through.  Now, or when I did buy them, they were white in the center.

    Sara - we used to make salmon patties and the next day we'd have salmon pattie sandwiches.  So good.  I think the spray of oil on the patties before you reheat them would make them crunchy.

    Beth, I try my best to take care of all the animals but sometimes I fail - guess that's to be expected but doesn't help my feelings.   I just buried Kitt.  Wrapped him in the towel I'd put in his carrier and them in a kitchen bag to keep him dry.  I found a big hole the GPs had dug out by the water tank (inside the yard) so I put him in there and covered him - I'll put rocks over him later.  I didn't feel like digging so the hole I'd fussed about came in handy.

    This morning when Toad and Mike fed I watched them.  There was one of the little, bitty ones in the garden by herself when they all went to eat.  I watched her and she would lick on the feed, then sort of wander around but never left the area where she was.  The cows kept coming back and she'd watch but never left.  I walked out behind the barn to see if there were still more out there and one by one they came back to drink.  Finally, one big cow drank and then started up to the hay.  The baby watched her and I imagine the cow said something to her and she ran to her mom and they walked on up to the hay with the baby walking beside her touching her.  Amazing how the cows make the babies mind.  Charles and I had some experience with trying to move a baby when the cow had put it down.  We'd get it up and take it a little ways, then the calf would get away and go right back where it was originally - where the mom had put him down.  A baby can stay staked out where the mother puts him for hours.  It stays there and the mom knows where it is when it's time to nurse.  They really are amazing animals.

    Sara and you ladies who were in the medical field - what kind of breathing exercises does a person use?  I was reading about slipping rib syndrome and it says you should do breathing ex

    ercises to help prevent pneumonia.  I guess taking deep breaths and moving around?  I'm not short of breath any more than usual - just the pain.  I'm leaning against a heating pad now.  From what I read there's nothing that can be done except breathe, move around and rest when I can.

    Need to find something to cook.  I have frozen broccoli, cauliflower and carrots so may steam that and make some ranch dressing to put on it.  Or, might cook some pasta. I bought some alfredo sauce so that would be good on the pasta.  I like farfalle but seems like WM.com is always out of it.

    Time to turn off the water so I'll be back later.  Good to see posts from all of you.   Beth, are your plants beginning to come up yet?   I have daffodils but it'll be a couple of weeks before they bloom.  I drove up yesterday to the MH with Stormy to check on the big ones up there.  We had them all across the front of the yard by the road.  They're up but probably won't feel like digging up any to transplant.  I love daffodils.  Wish I had a forsythia.  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Spent over a hour for dentist appointment and about 5 minutes with dentist. Wasn't their fault, parking is terrible and office is always backed up. They want to wait until after my ecocardigram and echo on the leg with blood clot. If echocardiogram comes back positive they will wait for clearance from cardiologists and if its negative they will get clearance from primary care due to the blood clot. 

    I feed Lou strawberries every morning along with grapes, slices of apple, boiled egg and bagel. One brand is always good, but others I've tried not as good. Around here the really good ones are seasonal. 

    Rock away you rockers!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning Rockers.

    I woke up this morning to sun and it is now snowing. Looks like we will be getting snow for a few days.  

    Lorita. Sorry about Kitt, he is resting now. He knew he was loved. 

    The Eagle Cams are located in Big Bear Valley, San Bernardino, California. This area is protected during this time for the Bald Eagles. There are other cameras, some being in Florida. I only watch this one, because it takes a lot of time, especially for me. I have fallen in love with Shadow and Jackie.

    I got to go I will be back later I need to take my nephew to work. I won't let him ride his bike while it's snowing. Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Didn't make it to the mall yesterday as the weather was freezing rain, but did go today.

    Because the watches needed lithium batteries they were expensive...$20 each.  If it weren't that they were my Dad's and my grandson was interested in having them would not have paid that price.  Guaranteed for a year so when they stop again, will leave it to grandson to decide what to do.

    I used to live in Florida, very near Plant City which is a big strawberry producer.  In March of each year the folks would come down and we would go to the strawberry festival.  Best strawberries ever.  Don't buy them much at the store unless they are buy 1 package get the second free.

    Lorita, am so sorry about Kitt.  I know you will miss that sweet fur baby.  It has only been about 2 months since I lost my Sweetie, she too was a tuxedo kitty.  

    Ron, I hope medical things get squared away for you soonest.  Hate the waiting for much needed appointments.

    Hope everyone has the weather they need and want, and have a blessed day.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Beth, I wear Acics too!  A long time ago, a podiatrist recommended a list of shoes to wear for plantar fasciitis.  Acics was at the top of the list, so I bought a pair.  Within one hour of wearing, my foot pain was gone!  So I have been wearing them ever since.  Unfortunately, I have begun to have foot pain again, but I have also gained weight, which I believe is a significant factor.  I had not thought of purchasing online.  I got two pairs this time so I wouldn't have to go back to the store when I need a new pair.

    Lorita, I'm so sorry to learn about Kitt's passing.  You gave him a good life!  

    My Simon did not climb up to his bed today, he is sleeping on the floor in front of the heater.  He seems to be getting weaker.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita do not know name of variety we raised.  They were so good, nothing like what you buy today.  

    Had a salmon sandwich too.

    You didn’t fail Kitt, was just his time to go.

    Here’s the breathing exercise I used with my patients.  Take a breath in deep as you can, hold breath and count to 5, exhale.  Do every hour during waking hours.  If it hurts anywhere when you take a deep breath, can splint where pain is with your hands or a pillow so you can take a deeper breath.

    Zetta hope you don’t get too much snow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thanks, Sara.  Do you do this just once an hour or several times.  I just did one and it didn't hurt.  I will do this for sure.

    Iris, I hope Simon gets better and can get up on the bed.  We worry about them when they stopped doing something they've been doing.

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words about Kitt.  Sammy has been sitting on my lap a lot today.  I think they know someone is gone.

    Do you all know of any kind of shoe that helps with Morton's Neuroma?  Like I've mentioned I can't wear anything like a loafer or strap that comes up on the back of the foot.  But, I can wear boots just fine because they don't press on the back of my foot.   I've never heard of that brand of shoe.  I do like Clarks and Earth Origin.

    Marie, guess we never get over missing our fur babies even if we have others.

    We have a big strawberry festival in Oklahoma in Stilwell.  The berries from there are really nice.  I think Charles and I went one time - probably in May or June?

    Zetta, how nice you are to take your nephew to work.  Is it very far?    I know he appreciates - riding a bicycle in the snow wouldn't be much fun.

    I haven't watched the eagle cam today but I will.  I've been going back and forth giving water to the girls.  Gosh, they can drink water fast - as fast as it goes in the tank.

    It's really a pretty day here - clouding up a bit and rain tonight and tomorrow.  We still need more even though it's still muddy.

    Ron, the breakfast you have for Lou sounds so good and healthful.  You're such a good Southern Gentleman.

    I know what you mean about parking at VA Hospitals.  We used to have a lot of good parking at ours - the Five Tribes Indian Museum is just north of the hospital and we used to be able to park there.  At that time we had almost 400 patients - now there are fewer than 100 - mostly outpatient now.  We have a big lot in front of the hospital and just past the quarters another big one that we called the gravel pit.  Now, I understand they have parking in a big lot about a mile away near Saint Anthony's Hospital.  They have little buses that take patients and employees back and forth.  I would not like to park that far away.  Our hospital grounds used to be beautiful.  Pretty flowers and many Southern Magnolia trees and pretty lawns.  Now almost everything like that is gone except for a rose garden.  Nothing good stays the same.  Parking at the VA in OKC is not good either, especially if you have a big PU - narrow spaces.  But, North Little Rock is the worst of all.

    Sorry you didn't get to have your dental work done today.  I hate to have to wait for things but Charles said in the Army it was always "hurry up and wait" and it seems it's gotten to be that way everywhere.

    Day, yesterday I watched Denim & Co. later in the day and it was with Gary and Rachel.  Almost drove me crazy - she talked and talked and talked.  Poor Gary couldn't get a word in.  I know he was frustrated. He'd start to talk and she'd just start talking.  It was on again today and I just could not watch it.  

    Haven't been able to talk with Sarah today so hope they've figured out what to do to help her.  

    I did a load of laundry and dried it - things Kitt had slept on.  Need to do another one but don't think I will today.

    Alarm is going off for me to turn off the water so I'll stop for now.  Lots of posting on our thread today - that's good.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    The little bit of snow I was getting this morning has now turned into a wind/snowstorm. Nothing severe it's kind of pretty. 

    Lorita. Please don't think you failed in any way to care for Kitt. He was loved and he knew it. You are an animal lover, and all your pets are lucky to belong to you. Iam glad you enjoyed the game yesterday. 

    I did freeze some of my potato soup and when I reheated it, I had to add some salt and pepper to make it taste as good. 

    Iris.  Simon is also a lucky kitty to have you in his life. I have never heard of a cat living to be 18. He must be living a very healthy life. I had a dog once that lived to be 17, she was spunky right up to the day she passed. 

    Ron.  You are so good to Lou. What a precious thing for you both to be holding and singing together in church. A lot of love there. 

    Lorita.  I just saw some bad news about the eggs. They are being left longer and more then should be, the viewers are thinking these eggs may not hatch. It's sad but nature is nature. When you're looking on camera #1 you can see the viewer comments, under chat on the right-hand side. This makes me sad I just get too wrapped up in things like this. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    Lorita, I don't have any plants up yet. A Facebook friend from here has snowdrops. Our grass is still somewhat green, though. I have raised strawberries in the past - but never got enough to make it worthwhile. One kind I raised was Ogallala (named after city in Nebraska). 

    When I was growing up, I'd ride my horse out on country (gravel) roads. From time to time I would pick and eat wild strawberries. They were tiny, but sweet!

    Lorita,  Asics shoes are "athletic shoes" (tennis shoes). That may be why you haven't heard of them. I had Morton neuromas in both feet. Podiatrist injected them with something that was supposed to "kill" them. (Not cortisone). It worked for some but not others. I had one or two removed surgically. Still have a numb toe but really not a problem for me. I did not buy the Asics for the neuromas. Just really comfortable athletic shoes. I do a fair amount of walking.

    I made chicken enchiladas yesterday. 10 small corn tortillas, 2 large chicken breasts, 10 oz chicken broth, 10 oz green enchilada sauce, 4 oz diced green chiles, cheese and 1/2 jar salsa verde. 

    Cook the chicken breasts in with the broth and green enchiladas sauce. Shred and stir in cheese till it melts and also the green chiles. Put this and a little more cheese onto tortilla and roll. Pour on salsa verde, add cheese, bake at 350 for 30 minutes. So yummy! You can dress them up with things like sour cream, black olives, cilantro, more salsa verde etc.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I have never eaten the green sauces. 

    Lorita do 10 breaths each hour while awake.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thank you, Sara, I'll do that for sure.

    Beth, what do the Snowdrops look like?  That may be what I have in the front yard.  I don't remember where I got them.  They bloom early and the leaves are sort of like wild onion leaves, kind of round and slender.  The flowers are white and  have a little bit of green on them.

    I've never made enchiladas.  My SIL used to make green enchiladas and they were delicious.  No wild strawberries here but we used to have lots of dewberries and blackberries along the roads.  I don't see many now - guess it's because they spray - also don't see the wild onions either.  They were so good but a pain to clean because they were so tiny.  You cut them in small pieces and cooked them in a skillet with water, then drained off the water and added eggs and scrambled them.  Really good.

    My Morton's Neuroma started in one foot, then spread to the other one.  Patsy said she had it in one foot and it went away on it's own.  No such luck for me.  It bothers me most when I go to bed or in the daytime when I flex my foot.  I ordered some metatarsal pads and tried them and I think they would have helped but the piece that went around your great toe was too tight.  I had some others but they fit over the toe and that's all so they moved around too much.   My doctor told me a podiatrist could inject Cortisone but I never had it done.  I told him I thought he could do it as well as the podiatrist.  He injected my knee and I didn't even feel it.  That was probably three years ago and it's still working.  Did the surgeries work for you?

    Zetta, I just looked at Cam #1.  Jackie was sitting on the nest.  Such pretty country.  What body of water is that behind them?  I saw another one that showed her running another eagle away from the nest and another one from 2019 that showed the little eagles hatching.  Last night or sometime yesterday I looked at it and she wasn't on the nest.  I don't know how long they can be off.  I remember when we'd have a setting hen but don't know if she sat on the nest all the time - probably not.  I hope the little eagles can hatch.  Do you know when they're supposed to hatch?  Also, does Shadow sit on the nest, too?

    Just cooked some tiny shells and added some cheese to some of it and had that with pork 'n' beans for supper.  I sometimes buy the mac and cheese with the cheese (not the powder) in a foil patch.  I don't like a whole lot of cheese on the macaroni so I use about half of it and then use the other half when I cook plain mac.  I like farfalle with a little bit of ranch dressing and salt and pepper.  I've tried to order it and they're (wm) is always out of stock and our little store doesn't have it.  

    It's getting cloudy here and the wind is cool.  Supposed to be uber windy tomorrow so there's fire danger.  Maybe we'll get enough rain so it won't be so bad.  Haven't seen the little squirrel today.  I fed the birds and most of the feed is gone so he's probably been on the feeder.  

    Shoot, forgot to watch Jeopardy.  Just turned to it and looks like they have a new champion.

    Zetta, I'm going to watch some more of the eagle cam this evening.  Looks like it's really windy there.  Is there one that shows the whole nest and where it's located in the tree?

    Back later.  Just saw the time changes again in about three weeks.  When are they going to stop doing that?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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