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Just need to talk to my friends (187)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Day,  So sorry for your itching.  I know how that feels.  I was itching most of the summer and fall and could never find anything that helped.  My itchiness was mostly on my arms and hands and it almost drove me crazy  This lasted until the Johnson Grass was sprayed and died and the weather got cooler so I don't know for sure it was the grass.  I do know I'm going to drown that area with spray before it comes up again this spring.   I hope you can find something that will help - it's awful to be so itchy and not find something to help with it.  

    I now have both Great Pyrenees, two cats and me who are itchy - hope little Chucky doesn't get allergic to something.  Since you didn't have the allergy before the new pillow, it may be the pillow you're allergic to.  Have you ever noticed an allergic reaction to latex?  I know Sarah is allergic to latex of any kind.

    I ordered something from QVC that I think I'm going to enjoy using.  It's a set of two, one cup containers that has four sections with a lid.  They're made of silicone - you can bake, freeze or store in them.  Earlier I ordered some smaller containers to freeze ice in.  My ice maker works but it drips water and that freezes the ice together.    I got these bigger ones to freeze soup in.  A small can of Campbell's soup fits in one section.  I had four cans of tomato soup that needed to be used or frozen - one can fits exactly in each section.  I'm going to freeze it and may put the frozen soup in a plastic bag - then all I have to do is thaw it and add the liquid.

    Also just read about freezing potato soup.  It says it's best to blend it until it's smooth - put it in the individual containers, put it in the refrigerator, then freeze it.  I'm going to do that and then add the microwaved diced potatoes in it when I let it thaw, then heat it.

    I completely emptied, cleaned and added fresh kitty litter in both litter boxes this afternoon.  I took the old litter way up in the pasture and dumped it.  Took Stormy with me and we saw the girls - little ones were bedded down in the hay.  I couldn't recognize the cow who lost her baby but she must be doing all right - feel so sorry for her.  Then when we came back through the gate I trimmed his nails with him in the Gator -  no problem at all with him but Sheena will not let me do it.  I started trimming his when he was a puppy but she was a year old when I got her so it was too late.  We went on to the mailbox and then back home.  This spring I'm going to work on getting Sheena into the Gator so she can ride.  When we go to the mailbox, she walks and Stormy rides down there, then both walk back  That's quite a distance for her because I think she's getting arthritis.

    I'm watching Shark Tank and they just had the guys on who invented the Fur Zapper.  I saw this one several months ago and bought a couple of them and they really work!   With two, big, white GPs I always had hair on my clothes when they came out of the dryer - now there's no hair at all.  One of the best things I've bought that I've seen on Shark Tank.

    Still have to go out and fill the water tank in the garden for the night.  They'll empty it but the one in the lot has a float valve so they'll have water.  Supposed to start raining tonight and for the next two days.  We may get 3-4 inches!  That would be great.  The ponds have more water in them but still not full.

    Ron, we need to hear from you to see how things are going - miss you when you don't post every day.  The moon is still beautiful but know you're glad the full moon is over for now.

    I watched the news tonight - not one good thing on it.  The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria are horrible - it said there were thousands of people killed because it happened at night when people were asleep.  I saw the fireman who rescued one little baby carrying it out of the rubble - reminded me of 9/11 and the picture of the fireman carrying the baby he rescued.

    Hope you all are well today. It was 71 in Tulsa today and it's 61 here right now but there were wind gusts up to 40 mph and higher.  Winds were really sweeping down the plains.   Good night.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita wrote:

      Then when we came back through the gate I trimmed his nails with him in the Gator -  no problem at all with him but Sheena will not let me do it.  I started trimming his when he was a puppy but she was a year old when I got her so it was too late.  

    There is a grinding device used to trim animal claws.  I keep wondering if I should try it for my four cats. 

    I'm watching Shark Tank and they just had the guys on who invented the Fur Zapper.  I saw this one several months ago and bought a couple of them and they really work!   With two, big, white GPs I always had hair on my clothes when they came out of the dryer - now there's no hair at all.  One of the best things I've bought that I've seen on Shark Tank.

    I bought a Fur Zapper but I have not used it yet, because I still use dryer sheets for pet hair.  I'll have to try it the next time I wash.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Good morning, Iris,
    I've seen those grinders but I'm afraid that the noise it makes plus the time it would take to grind off the nail would be too much for my cats, at least, to tolerate.  I've never trimmed their nails and you can really tell it by the looks of my furniture (it looks like it has fringe).  

    I wish I could trim Sheena's nails but I can't hold her and trim at the same time.  The one time her nails have been trimmed is when I took her to the vets and the girls trimmed them.  I held her head and two of them worked on her nails.  Just shows a person should start trimming when they're little.

    About the fur zapper.  I keep it in the dryer all the time.  Last night I took it out and washed it - the edges were getting a little dark.  I wear a lot of black and before I used it I also used the dryer sheets but when I'd take the clothes out of the dryer.

    I use washer balls in the washer so don't use it in there but really don't need it unless it would be something you just hang to dry.

    It's rainy this morning.  I went out early to fill the water tank and Sheena and Stormy were in the storage building.  Stormy came back in with me but Sheena didn't.  When I went back to turn off the water she had left the building.  She was on the front porch ready to come in.  She was really limping so checked her feet and there was a big, wire thing (like the metal in a big, clothes pen) stuck in her foot and a cockleburr in the other front foot.  I don't know why she picks up so many things in her foot.  She has long hair on her feet so maybe that's part of it.  Stormy doesn't have the same kind of hair.  His hair is straight and lays down and hers is fluffy.

    All the girls are going around to the back of the barn where they feed grain.  I don't think they're here yet but guess they're getting ready.  They've had a rainy morning to feed - probably 10-15 pastures in this area.  Darwin told me once he had five pastures where he fed.

    I've decided that I don't think life is much fun anymore.  Not much of anything to look forward to - life is just not the same after you lose your husband or wife.  Just too much to deal with alone.  Life isn't easy.  My cousin who passed away a couple of weeks ago told another cousin that she was just tired.  But, she was 93.  It'll be better when spring comes and people can get outside more - at least we can hope.

    I'll be back later.  Day, two hours of Garolyn this morning.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Poor little nervous Chucky is at the groomers and I picked up the order I placed at 2:00 a.m. at Walgreen's for Benadryl, cortisone cream, etc and then I stopped at Fresh Thyme grocery to get some unscented Dr. Bronner soap and balm for my lips.  I feel a little better since my shower, not so itchy - I just took the Benadryl (only 1 because I have to pick the dog up and 2 make me sleepy).  So I'm taking everything back to zero and I'll add things back very slowly to figure out what product is the culprit.  

    When I was a kid I had the worst problem with allergic reactions to things and I had eczema, I pretty much grew out of it but dermatitis is still a weakness I have.

    Lorita, Carolyn's on--why is Allie there?  Noooooooo.  Denim & Co is at 10 I hope it's going to be Gary/Carolyn and not Gary and Allie.  Allie just picked up the squirrel...yay it's Garolyn!  Gary looks so nice in that red fleece he's wearing.  

    I'm so sorry you're having not so much fun in life.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Day, I know you're anxious to pick up Chucky.  Hope he made it all right.  The first time I ever had a dog groomed was many, many years ago - my first poodle, Jacques.  When I picked him up he was still groggy so I know they must have given him some kind of tranquilizer.  Never took him back there.

    The Denim & Co. show was good this morning.  Gary and Carolyn are so good together.  I really don't like for any of the other hosts to be on with him.  Allie talk about her kids too much and the others try to be funny - doesn't work for me.  The Sunday morning show is on at 6 a.m. here - wish they'd be on together later in the morning instead of him being with someone else.

    It's cold and rainy here this morning.  Toad and Mike came and fed so the girls are happy.  I still have on my gown and robe - see no reason to change but will a little later so I can go to the mailbox.  FedEx is supposed to deliver a couple of things today and they may not bring them to the house.  I cannot for the life of me understand why they want to leave them at the gate.  I still have those two signs tacked up telling them not to do so but they still do.  I've called UPS numerous times and complained but they still do it - can't get in touch with the FedEx location they deliver from.  One of the drivers delivers to the porch but they change so often.  Guess it's that way with many companies - just can't keep employees.

    May make a peach cobbler today and might make the potato soup.  I usually have it for a few days so won't be freezing it probably.  

    Ron, still haven't seen a post from you.  Hope things are all right.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Been a hectic few days around Ron's place! Lou is doing ok, just cant remember eating and asking when we are going to eat and wanting to go to bed earlier and earlier. I'm like you Lorita; doesnt seem like it's much to look forward to, I haven't lost Lou physically, but feel like I dont have her anymore. If that makes any sense!

    Went to veteran advocate yesterday to have the paperwork Lou's Dr. filled out submitted for the aid and attendance. He didn't see any reason why they wouldn't approve it. Also today I saw my primary care Dr. She wants me to take my blood pressure morning and evening for two weeks and send the results to her. My blood pressure has been going up and down since my spells I had. She has also put in a order for heart echo and one for the blood clot.

    To top it off my hot water heater just started leaking! Gotta go!!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

    The sun just popped out. 

    Ron hope not too hard to get hot water heater replaced.

    Potato soup and peach cobbler sound good.  Here it was spaghetti, baked potato and salad.

    Take care

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, I'm sorry you feel life isn't fun since you became a widow.

    I was single for most of my adult life, married for only five years.  Life may not be as gregarious as in my younger days, but my life is fulfilling.  I often remind myself of my accomplishments in life.  I remind myself that I take care of  animals that would have been dead by now on the street.  I continue to participate on these boards to help people dealing with dementia.  This is very necessary because there is little help in the outside world.  Today I went to an in-person Spanish class.  I think it is important to feel fulfilled.  Lorita, you do so much for the cows and your dogs and cats.  Where would they be without you?  You interact with many people in your circle.  You are important to them.  And YOU ARE IMPORTANT to us on this thread!  Don't forget that.  I don't always post but I do read.  

    Perhaps you need a bit more rest.  How are you sleeping?  I feel bad when I don't get enough sleep.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Ron, that makes all the sense in the world - we've all felt like that.  They're there but they're not - at least not like they just to be and like we'd like to have them again.  Very sad to see something like this happening and not be able to do anything about it.  You feel so helpless.  All you can do is try to be patient - and I know you are - and just do the best you can each day, each hour and sometimes each minute.  It's very hard.

    Do hope it turns out that you can get A&A for Lou.  It will be a big help to you - at least financially.  It may be that now they can even help with finding someone to help you.  You're in a big city and there are many resources so hope you can find help.

    Sara, I made the potato soup and peach cobbler.  Hadn't meant to but got in the kitchen and thought I might as well.  I honestly think is the best Bear Creek soup I've had.  I made it, simmered it until done, then blended it until smooth and added the cooked, diced potatoes.  It's very thick and creamy.  I like what they call "stoup" which is just a very thick soup, almost like stew.

    I've been making the peach cobbler in the same dish and it's barely big enough.  Last time I tried a bigger dish - one that wasn't as deep and I didn't like it as well.  It's still in the oven, with the heat off, to try to cook the middle of it a bit more. Wish all of you were here to have a dish with me.

    Just went out to fill the water tank - will have to go back in 20 minutes or so.  I think most of the girls have headed to the barn for the night - and they'll have water out there.   I have a bird feeder by the pathway in a black walnut tree and I filled it about noon.  I saw something on the feeder as I got closer and realized it was a beautiful, light gray squirrel - don't think it was the one I saw yesterday.  I didn't say anything and when I came back by he had gotten off the feeder and up on a tree limb. Wish I could give him something to eat - I will tomorrow.  So, we have at least three squirrels.  I've never seen a squirrel here until a couple of years ago.  Guess the walnut tree is appealing to them - don't know of any more walnut trees around except at the MH and I don't know if there's nuts up there or not  I need to check when the rain stops.

    Talked to friend, Carol a while this afternoon.  She has a new great, grandchild - that makes two little boys.  I think it's a great grandchild - the son of a granddaughter.  Is that right.  She has many grandchildren.  It's so hard to believe her girls are grandmothers and one a great grandmother- so would that make Carol a great, great, grandmother?    I'll have to ask her.

    Guess I'll watch the State of the Union Address tonight and see what he says.  The earthquake devastation is awful - they found a newborn baby in the rubble with the umbilical cord still attached to his mother - who didn't survive.  The baby is in the hospital and is surviving so far.  

    I'll stop and check on the water.  Ron, when Lou goes to bed early that is the time you can rest - please take advantage of it.  You need the rest.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron, I am sorry to hear about the water heater.  So expensive to have replaced.  Hope it can be taken care of soon so you will not have to wrestle with lack of hot water. 

    Lorita, we have a lot of deliveries too and it is always a mystery as to who will do what with packages.  I made calls to FedEx and also UPS and spoke to supervisors who told me that if a gate is closed, the delivery person by policy is not to open the gate.  Well, still the deliveries are all over the board whether or not the gate is open.  They also mentioned if there was a dog warning sign, no delivery inside the gate, but we do not have that.

    The front of our house has brick and wrought iron around a courtyard at the front of the house and there is a gate. However, the gate is most often unlatched - then there is an inside courtyard sidewalk up to the porch.   Many of the delivery persons put the packages on the front porch with most of of them ringing the doorbell. 

    However, we have had some doozies.  Some will actually leave packages outside the gate in the front yard on top of a brick planter directly facing the street.  Plain view to the street - anyone can take the packages - and the planters have automatic sprinklers; we have had packages soaked.   There is no call or notice the packages have been delivered outside the gate and we have no way to know they are there as they cannot be seen from the house.

    Funniest thing happened last week; a delivery person left the package outside the front gate on top of the planter facing the street, and then he went onto the porch and rang the doorbell and left.  So . . . anything goes it seems; at least we were aware to go and seek the package.

    Will say, those delivery people work so hard under steep scrutiny and hard conditions.  They have to load those trucks hurriedly themselves in a certain short amount of time and they are clocked for the amount of time making deliveries all day long . . . they have a lot of stress and as said are always running against the clock.  Penalties for not meeting expected outcomes.  During the worst of the heat and I do mean heat, they have no air conditioning; and of course no doors on the cabs; some actually get ill from the heat, I think that is terrible.  One female delivery person died from the heat and all the running last summer.

    Got some sugar free yogurt and it was about as anemic as could be - guess they left out the fruit and flavor along with the sugar.  I did not want any artificial sweetener. Guess I will look at other yogurts and see if "low sugar" really means low.  I can add my own fruit, but it was truly a flat yogurt and would be so even with fruit; did not even have that yogurt tang.

    Today there was a sign spring is not too far away.  Got some delicious sweet and juicy strawberries from a roadside stand.  That will be dessert tonight;I do a fruit after each meal and this will be a treat.  It seems so early to have strawberries.

    Weather temp going up in a few days to about 74 degrees. Wish I could send some of that back east to those who are under ice and snow.

    Lorita, I too have seen the news regarding the horrendous earthquake and horrific damage with so much loss of life.  My heart goes out to all and I pray for the affected people and for the workers who are striving to save lives.  LA County has sent a special worker team with special search dogs; they are experienced in this work; one more tiny bit to try and help. They are also sending some physicians and supplies.  I hope that Israel sends their medical teams with battlefield hospitals; they are nothing short of amazing in what they do and do it within an extremely short time upon their arrival.  I saw them on a TV report once and couldn't believe how awesome and effective they were.  May miracles be seen and may more lives be saved.

    Dear L; I am sorry you are feeling so down.  I send you my love and warmest of thoughts for the doldrums to pass soon; you are so isolated out there.  You are a person of so much worth and do so much.  There is no one with as warm a heart as you have, hoping that dear heart soon feels soothed.

    Also time to get that physical - I can say that as I have a complete physical pending in a couple of weeks.  Always wonder what will be found since I am more "mature" since my last complete exam.  Don't enjoy going, but for me, it is past time.

    Got to get the show on the road here, dinner time is near. Chicken and rice with veggies.  Whoopee.  See you all again soon,


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Chucky's back home.  His fur is so soft right after a bath.  Today I mostly slept because of the Benadryl, but the itching and redness is down a lot.  I got a generic brand of Cetaphil face wash, unscented, I'm just using a minimal amount of stuff and adding something back in once a week until I find the trigger for all this.  

    Tomorrow I'm working 3 hours - NO phones, just cases.  

    Lorita, I'm hoping the weather gets better and better and you can spend more time outside without the itchies.  

    Ron, I hope that new hot water heater is coming - usually when it's leaking that's the end of it.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Oh boy, how I need a little relaxation on Lorita's front porch this morning. Plummer came by late yesterday and looked at the hot water heater. The fitting would crumble as he touched it, so ended up leaving everything along until this morning. He turned the hot water off, told me to leave the towel wrapped around it and not to even breathe on it and left me his tool for shutting off the water to the house in case the fitting broke. 

    I checked on it before going to bed, again at 1 this morning and have been up since 3:30. So far no problem!

    Watching one of John Wayne's real real old cowboy movies. It's funny to see him with a guitar and singing. Guess that was right when the singing cowboy movies became so popular. I still enjoy watching all the old cowboy movies. Dont care much for most if the newer movies with all the blood and violence. Dont mind a little of the sexy scenes as long as they dont go to far, but I've seen enough violence in my life and dont care to see anymore. Now the old movies you almost laugh at how they try to make the fights seem real.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'll add a "delivery" story.  I've spoken before about how much I've enjoyed ordering my groceries through Shipt and how great the shoppers are...I guess eventually something has to happen, so Sunday night I ordered for delivery Monday morning and I've noted for a couple of months now I never get any of the people I've designated as my Preferred Shoppers (these are people who are awesome and they are supposed to be offered my orders first.

    So again I get a new person and okay, fine.  She gets done shopping and says she's on her way.  I get a message that they were delivered.  I go downstairs to get them and there's nothing at my door, nothing next door.  I notice in the picture showing the delivery it's not my door at all.  So I go walking the street to see where they could be and they were delivered across the street.  I got them and went home.

    That is the first "bad" rating I've given anyone - I gave 2 stars out of 5 and lowered the tip to 20% (it was 35%) because that's the only way you can be sure that person will not be able to get your orders again.  

    Anyway, that's my story.  I finished my 2 hours this morning and I have another hour this afternoon.  In the meantime, I'm praying that one of my guests receives his refund today that he's been waiting for because I need to call him today to see if he did.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It's raining and looks like it will be all day - we  need every drop we can get but everything gets so muddy.  I didn't go to the mailbox yesterday and had two deliveries - I checked and one said it was left at or in the mailbox - hopefully, the other one is inside the mailbox, too.  So glad we have a big one.  I don't think I'll go down this morning either so maybe the mailcarrier can get whatever there is today in the box.  Don't know if I mentioned this or not.  Our mailcarrier went to school with Sarah and Eric so she's in her early 50s.  Drives over 300 miles on muddy roads every day to deliver mail - one time Charles and I were on our way to town and found her changing a tire on her PU.  I ordered stamps last week (put a check in the orange envelope and in the mailbox).  I didn't go to pick up the mail for three or four days and found that I hadn't left enough.  She had added the extra $3.20 to buy the stamps and didn't say a thing about it.  Of course, I left that amount in an envelope in the box for her.  On a few occasions when I hadn't picked up the mail, she's called to check on me.  Really a sweet lady.

    I ordered some metatarsal pads to see if they would help with the Morton's neuromas and I have to return them.  There's a good pad on the bottom and I think it would help but there's a part of it that fits around the great toe and it's too tight.  I wore them all day and when I took them off it felt like something was still around my toe.  I didn't know I had a bigger than average big toe (still don't think I do).  Anyway, called Amazon and they arranged to have UPS pick them up today to be returned.  That won't happen!  I know all the country roads are muddy, muddy and so is our driveway.  If he won't come to the house when it's dry, he surely won't in the mud.  Really ticks me off.

    Jo, why in the world would that delivery guy leave the package at the gate, then walk all the way to the porch to ring your doorbell - doesn't make a lick of sense.  I guess we just can't figure them out.  We've had several really good delivery guys, both UPS and FedEx but the turnover is so great we can't seem to keep them.  Guess I shouldn't complain because the deliveries have really helped.

    Ron, I bet it's raining at your house, too.  Stormy and Sheena went out (for a minute), then right back in.  I saw the girls standing under some trees - guess they're hoping this is feed day (it isn't).  

    So sorry about the hot water tank.  They're not inexpensive and you've had so much expense lately.  About ten years ago ours started leaking.  Luckily, our neighbor was here doing some work and he was able to get it shut off.  I went into town and got a new one and he installed it.  I think the lifetime of one is from eight to twelve years so guess I better watch it.  I don't use much hot water - just to shower and shampoo and dishes.  I do all my laundry in cold water.  When I had the work done on the house they took the water heater out of the room and I had them flush it - only time that's been done.  They say you should do it every year.

    I'm still waiting for the electrician to check the breaker and wiring in the attic.  I'm sure the rainy weather gets him behind in his work so I'll be patient.  Maybe I can.

    Day, that was awful to have to go hunting for your groceries - glad you found them before someone else did.  It would be so nice to have delivery service for all kinds of groceries.  I can order everything except vegetables and dairy products.  There used to be a Schwann's delivery truck out in this area from time to time.  A SIL out in the Texas Panhandle used to buy from them.  I think it's frozen things.  They have several places around Tulsa that delivers vegetables from farms but not here.

    Last year FedEx or UPS delivered a big box and left it on my front porch (this was before we had the main gate closed for a few months and they faithfully delivered to the house).  I was gone so found it when I got home.  I saw the address and called the person and left a message that their box was here.  Never got a callback.  Called WM and told them and they said to keep it - they'd resend to the other address.  So I opened it and there were two scooters, a couple of footballs, a couple of soccer balls and a couple of other things.  Whoever ordered it must have had two boys so they ordered two of everything.   I had no use for those things so gave them to Bryon - he has a boy about 13.  The son has a friend about his age so they had a good time with them. Several times I've gotten things I didn't order and they said to keep them.   A few months ago I received a box of graham crackers from someone north of here.  I called and she said UPS delivered them to her so she sent them on to me (at her own expense).  Strange things happen with deliveries.

    Day, hope the guy gets his refund so you don't have to worry about that anymore.

    I'm okay this morning.  These feelings just come for no reason.  I do much better when I can get outside.  

    Glad I don't have to cook today.  The soup was so good.  I should make some cornbread to go with it.  Always make it in an iron skillet.  I have a divided iron skillet - where the pieces of cornbread are in wedges and browned all around.  Usually use an 8 or 9" one though.  Just remembered I also have a pan that makes cornbread that looks like an ear of corn.  

    I've written way too much.  I need to get my juice and hot tea and some Malt-O-Meal.  Already fed the cats and the GPs are asleep.  We all stayed in bed until 8 this morning.  

    Enjoy the day.  Spring is getting closer and closer.  Then I'll probably complain about the hot weather.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita I make a lot of stoup for fast food.  Made a pan of cast iron cornbread to go with lunch too.

    A little sunny today.

     Never had my groceries delivered.  Have done pick up.  Can see where delivery would be helpful. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi again,

    Sara, sounds like we may be having the same things to eat today.    I've ever done the pick-up thing.  The little store where I go has just about everything I need, it's smaller so I can get what I need and get out and never many people there.  And, I can usually, park right by the door.  

    It's still raining and supposed to rain all day and some of tomorrow.  I went out and filled the water tank and saw something on the bird feeder.  It was a squirrel!  The little thing was on top of the feeder eating birdseed.  It's a birdfeeder that has a long roof that open upu and he was sitting there.  I watched him a while and he's hang upside down on the feeder getting seed out of it.  When I went back out to turn off the water I took a lot of sunflower seed and put in the side of the feeder.  Guess I'm now feeding squirrels, too.  Really cute.  I'd never seen that before - always heard people talk about squirrels getting into the birdfeeders.

    Just watched Leave it to Beaver.  It's dark and dreary outside and everyone here is asleep except me.  Looks like a good day for sleeping.

    Something I've always wondered - I watch a lot of old westerns and am always amazed at how many people are in town and the women wearing long dresses and hats.  Just seems sort of odd to me.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Didn't have to buy a new hot water heater, but it did cost me 245 dollars to fix. If I get another leak I'll probably just buy another one instead of paying more to fix. That's what happened with my refrigerator, I kept paying to fix when I realized I was paying out more in the long run to fix it than a new one cost. 

    Believe I'll fix baby Lima beans, pork chops, greens and cornbread tonight. I started soaking the beans a hour ago and usually do it overnight, but hopefully I'll still get them done on time.


    Pork chops aren't thawing out quick enough. Desided to put them in refrigerator, let the Lima beans soak overnight and steam some zollie hot tamales and a salad for tonight. Two foods in this area that are good is the nactocheses meat pies from Nactocheses, Louisiana and zollie tomales from Zollie, Louisiana. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Ron, glad you didn't have to buy a new water heater - but keep an eye on it.  I made a mistake several years ago.  We had a Maytag washer that I really liked but had to keep having work done on it so finally decided we were putting more into an old one than a new one would cost.  So, got rid of it and got a new Maytag.  Every time I do laundry I fuss at that washer - I do not like it.  I can't control the water level and it takes forever to do a load.  And, if I wash pants with other things the legs get all wound up into the other clothing.  Wish I'd kept the old one - but you never know.  At least it cleans the clothes. That reminded me of something I saw on Shark Tank last night.  It was a square, flat piece of plastic with holes in each corner.  You put each corner of a sheet in each hole and it doesn't get wound up with other clothes.  Bet they make millions from that thing.

    I just went to the mailbox.  Talk about muddy - it is muudddy.  The road at the mailbox is covered in water in several places.  Someone has dug out the ditch where it leaves our farm and goes into the ditch on the road.  No idea who did that.  I did see a man's tracks.  Our driveway has water on it but it's not bad.  I talked to Mike about gravel.  The man who has always hauled ours is selling his dump truck and the quarry closest to us is closing.  Mike knows a couple of guys who haul from another quarry so we'll get gravel from there when it dries up some.  Charles and I spent hundreds of dollars to get that road made so don't want to lose it.  Funny, the day they hauled the stuff to make the road (about 30 dump truck loads), the liquid feed guy and the propane guy both came but couldn't deliver.  There were huge piles of the material all up and down the road.  Kind of scary to  me.

    Drove on up to see the girls.  Several are in the garden and a lot around the hayrings.  Everyone looked okay. Came back by the barn and decided I'd better check.  The lot is soooo muddy I thought I was going to get stuck so closed a gate to help me get through the mud - had it follow me across the muddy part until I got to the barn.   Several were in there and all looked okay.  Then, to get back to the Gator.  Used the gate and walked it around to get me out of the mud.  We've had 2.2" of rain but can't describe how muddy it is.  I don't know how they're going to feed in the morning but the girls will need feed - only have hay in two rings - about halfway up.

    I'm thankful for the rain - now that we've had slow rain we need some hard rain to run off into the ponds.  It'll take a long time for the water on the road to run down because the ditches are full.  Darwin's pasture across the road from us looks like a lake.  Hazards or rewards for living in the country, I guess.

    Now if that wasn't a post from a country girl (old lady) I don't know what would be.    Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It's a beautiful day - mid 40s and sunny.  But we had 2.5" of rain the last two days which makes about 4" for this month.  Ponds still not full but getting there. The weatherman says we may haved a little snow tomorrow.    I saw that OKC had a lot of accidents thsi morning because of black ice.

    They came and fed this morning but were a little late - I guess because of all the mud.  They made it all right but I could tell it was really  muddy.

    Quiet here today - may do some laundry and watch the water tanks.  The one in the lot was running over a little this morning - so something must be wrong with the float valve.

    Stormy has been having some diarrhea and we thought it might be because he sneaks and eats the catfood the cats leave but last night I thought about the glucosamine I'm giving him.  I read about it and it mentions the possibility of diarrhea from taking it so I'll discontinue giving it to him for a week or so and see if that helps.  Gave Kitt his medicine (Amox.) and eyedrops.  He's so thin but eats well so don't know what the problem is.  Mike says he has a respiratory problem.  Will need to get more medicine for him soon.

    Iris, I saw an ad on TV this morning - it was about leasing Jeeps.  A Grand Cherokee leases for $399/month and the website says they enroll you in a three year program that covers all maintenance.  Sounds pretty good.  I'll check with our local dealer next week or when I go back into town.  Sounds like leasing would be a lot less than buying.  Problem is I have to be sure to get something the GPs can/will get into.  I did get Stormy into the PU a year or so ago to go to the vet.  He got a shot and when we got back to the PU he jumped in - no problem.  So, he can if he will.

    Hope all of you are well today.   Sara, was the train wreck near you?  I think it was in northern Ohio.  Also, Ron, what about the tornado weather yesterday - hopefully it was south and east of you.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

    Lorita had never heard of that little town.

    My 81 or 82 yr old aunt in Atlanta now has Covid.  So does her early 90s year old house mate.  The other lady got Paxlovid but my aunt couldn’t get in to MD so it’s too late for her now.  Told me she is very sick.  Suggested Urgent Care or an ER but she don’t want to set and wait.  We’ll see what happens.  They are vaccinated but think they may have some comorbidities.  Have no clue if she wears mask when out and about.  I’ve had a lot of family with Covid past month or two. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Interesting, Judith; Suzie Orman the Financial Advisor one sees on television from time to time strongly recommends against leasing and part of her input mentions what you have Posted.  One size does not fit all, so whatever works for an individual   . . .

    Also had to smile, I too am so short I absolutely cannot get into such vehicles.  We have a normal height bed and due to my being very short, (and also bad knees), DH made a small platform about 3 inches high to step up on that makes it ever so much easier to access the bed; it certainly makes a difference.  You should have seen me in furniture stores when we were looking at new bedroom suites - standing next to those VERY, VERY high beds; you know the ones I mean, one could get a nosebleed from the altitude in them.  Anyway, when I stand next to one, the top of the mattress comes up to over my bustline - made my husband break out in laughter;  I would have needed a ladder, boots, pitons, and grappling hooks.

    Lorita, that sounds like a monstrous amount of mud!   Must be really hard to work in.  Gosh; one could lose a boot or shoe if one stepped wrong.  How do the little calves do in such situations?  Good thing they are not sheep who are wont to fall over on their backs and then need help to get turned right side up again!  Evidently when a sheep is pregnant or has a hefty amount of wool, they easily fall over and cannot right themselves.  It can be fatal, so they need help to be turned right side up.  I had not known that until recently.  Here are some actual instructions from Wales if one sees an upside down sheep:


    I understand what you are saying about the washing machines, Lorita. I too had a wonderful, long term dependable Maytag set, but the machine was quite a few years old and needed repairs a few times.  So; DH insisted we get a new set rather than possibly continuing to have to repair the older machine. BIG mistake!   Like you, the new set was not at all user friendly and I so wish I had kept and continued to have the old machine even if it needed other repairs.  (The Maytag company sold out to another company and the machines are no longer the same; really sad.)

    First, with the new machine, one could not control the heat of the water, nor the amount of water; maddeningly when the machine starts to fill, the lid automatically locks itself. If one finds an odd sock, kitchen towel, etc. that needs to be added to the machine even if it only started to fill, no can do unless the machine completely empties itself of all the water and detergent first and stops all operation. THEN the lid unlocks and one can add the odd piece and refill the machine all over again, but who would want to . . .  and then the really bad twister:  the wash cycle takes forever and ever because it must vastly prolong the wash cycle in order to get the clothes clean due to the lack of adequate amount of water to clean the laundry properly.  Govenment mandates and we used SO much electricity with doing a load of wash which took forever and ever.  Really loathed that new machine. 

    To my happy surprise, found that the Speed Queen machines at that time did not have the same governmental mandated restrictions and they were highly rated.. I gave away the other machines and bought the Speed Queen set.   No locking lid, can set my own temp and water level and short cycles rather than using a mega amounts of electricity for very prolonged cycles that seemed to go on forever.  Speed Queen was licensed differently.  Well; so many people found this wonderful opportunity and the Speed Queens sold like hotcakes.  Government found out and then put the same restrictions on the Speed Queens. Sure glad we got ours before that happened. They have been very good machines and so far so good and truly hope it stays that way. 

    Hope your skin condition is doing better, Day.  Chucky must be glad to get back home all nice and fresh.  Bet he was glad to see you and settle in safe and sound.

    Hope your water heater continues to do well, Ron.  That was a savings for sure.  Your dinner sounds really delicious; you are lucky we did not all turn up at your house to eat!

    We do pretty much all pickup at our grocery store as well as WalMart and Target.  Our grocery folks have been excellent in their shopping with nothing missing and no bad veggies or fruits.  We do get free delivery from CostCo as when we buy, we go over the amount for free delivery. Same thing, excellent results from the shoppers.

    Sent a valentine to my 102 year old aunt - she is still fully intact both mentally and physically; exercises daily and takes loooong walks each day; she does her own housework and laundry and is very active in senior settings.  She is awesome; I wish I were more like her.  Amazing woman and has been so all of her life.

    I like to watch old movies too, Ron; glad you are enjoying your John Wayne films.   The "oldies" seem so much better with no gratuitous violence or gratuitious sex for that matter.  I do not enjoy cowboy or war movies, but sure do like most of  the old black and white movies from the 30's and 40's.  So much ugliness today and I wonder if  the present looser, gratuitous  "sorts" of music, shows, etc., reinforces increased negativity in some ways. Sensationalism rules at all costs in so much it seems.  I sometimes even wonder if it even inspires a bit of the ugliness in behaviors that have become so common.  Sure do miss a kinder, more caring way of it all with people being much more so.   I really enjoy much of what comes out of England. Some very good film. They seem to use real people in most of the roles without all the plastic fillers, lifters and mouths looking like they are filled with chiclets. Ha.

    Our granddaughter and her husband and two children who lost every thing in the hurricane have just moved into a house they managed to purchase.  They were grossly underinsured and it has taken them a long time to get to this point. It is a small three bedroom house that needs much re-doing and they have been working hard at it.  So hope they are not getting into financial woes with all they must do.  I wish them the very, very best.  The family is together and looking forward. I am very happy for them.

    Gosh, at end of week already; this one seemed to pass very fast.   Take good care and may all be well with everyone.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Will be having the beans and pork chops tonight. Might have used just a tab to much of the Tony castirino on the pork chops, but my belief is if your nose and eyes are watery, its good. Cant take the heat like I use to, but still like a little spicy. 

    Lorita, you were talking about old westerns and how the women were always wearing long dresses and hats. Maybe it's a man thing, but I notice how low cut some of the dresses are and you know that wouldn't have been allowed back then. Something else I've just recently picked up on was how many westerns Spock of Star Trek was in. I've seen him playing a mexican, a Indian and just a normal bad guy.

    Youngest son and his family will be here this weekend for just a couple of days, but guess anytime at all is good. It's been years since we've seen them.

    Just rain here yesterday and suppose to be turning cold again and then more rain next week. Nothing can dry out around here before the rain comes back. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt being so sick.  I hope she improves quickly.  Good the other lady was able to get the medicine to help her.

    I seems like I'm hearing about a lot of people who have covid now, almost as many as before.  I did hear, too, that the number of flu cases is down.  

    I feel so sorry for all those poor people in Turkey and Syria.  How sad for them.  Amazing they're still finding survivors after four days. 

    There's so many bad things going on in the world right now.

    Jo, our bed is high, too.  I have to stand on my tiptoes to sit down on it and I'm 5'6".  I have two step stools, one from a neighbor and the other one I built.  I need to get one of those out.  I remember Charles and I went to see one of his cousins years ago and her bed was so high - it seems like I remember there was something built all around the bed for it to sit on and with steps.  That reminded me of beds I've seen in movies.  I'd like to have a full sized bed instead of the king.  My side of the bed makes my back hurt but I fold a towel and put it underneath my lower back and that helps.  Guess I could sleep on the other side.

    I'll have to think about leasing or buying.  We've bought new vehicles and never had any tax deductions so not familiar with that.  If I bought there would be excise tax which is pretty high.  The guy at the dealership told me they had some kind of Jeep (don't remember if it was the Grand Cherokee or another kind) that had a little over 400 miles on it.  The man who bought it passed away and the family returned it.  I've always thought I needed a 4WD but with the PU which has it, guess I really don't. One of the main things is I'm going to have to get something the GPs can get into.  When we had the Cherokee it wasn't hard to get into but I know the Grand Cherokees are higher. It's getting harder to get up into the PU without hurting my ribs.

    Carol once told me something I'm thinking about - they have two cars and she won't drive his because she said she wasn't going to drive a car that was smarter than her.  I bet I'll feel that way, too.

    This evening I went out to fill the water tank and the girls had moved it so I needed to get it as level as possible.  So, walked out in the mud and pulled it to a more level place.  There was water in it (not much) but it was heavier than I thought so then my back and side hurt.  Better now since I took Ibuprofen and leaned against the heating pad.  It had been better the last two days.   Jo, the mud is horrible especially where the cows have walked or someone has driven.  UPS just came to pick up the metatarsal pads and it sounded like he was really tearing up the road.  I like to keep people off of it when it's muddy but with them feeding can't do that.  We'll get it smoothed out and gravel put on it when it dries up some.  Weather says we may have a little snow in the morning and lots more rain next week.

    Ron, nice that your son and his family will be visiting.  I know you'll have a good weekend.

    Have you ever wondered why there are so many people in town, walking around?  Looks like they'd be on their farms or ranches working - but that's just me.  I've noticed the low-cut dresses and how tight they are.  My grandma was born in the 1800s and there was no way she would have worn something like that.  And, they wear the same dresses in different shows.  Have you noticed that?  I was watching some western yesterday and they were in a saloon and it was the Long Branch but it wasn't Gunsmoke I was watching.    So guess they use the same things in lots of the westerns.

    I've also noticed Leonard Nimoy being in some of the old westerns and there's a lot of other actors who were in them and just starting out.  

    Stormy's outside and barking to come in so I'll stop for now.  Haven't had supper yet - potato soup and cornbread is on the menu  Ron, I'm not familiar with the hot sauce you mentioned but I do like Louisiana hot sauce in lots of things.  Also used to like pork chops.  Enjoy your supper.  Hope Lou is better since the moon is waning.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    I'm definitely getting old......just found out its next weekend son from Missouri is coming, not this weekend. Mentioning the high beds reminded me of the problem Lou has. I bought a new bedroom suite for her when we bought this house and her 5 ft 2 inches had problems. I ended up moving the side rails out; since it was a double I had no problem, then I put the box springs on the floor.

    Just got her in bed and hope to relax a little before I go. Goodnight.....sweet dreams!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    The reason I leased my vehicle in December 2018 was because I did not know what I wanted in a new vehicle, and my old car's registration expired on January 2, 2019, so I was up against the clock.  If one decides to buy at the end of the lease, you get a depreciated price.  On the other hand, some people like to always have a new car, so leasing might be cheaper.  I don't know.  To be certain, one would have to run the numbers. 

    My new vehicle is a small SUV, I cannot reach the top to wash it without a stool.  But I wanted a vehicle with a higher seat so I could see the traffic better.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Dark, dark day.  Not to bad out though, dropped taxes off to CPA.  

    Got a couple of loads of wash done.  Made up a couple of dressings and some tartar sauce to have with things.  Hope they are good.

    The lady across the street from me died.  I will miss her.  She had a stroke is my understanding, before I moved in here.   Never responded to me if I said something to her.  But her caregiver took her for a short walk every day when there.  If I was out she would say hi and wave.  I will miss that.  

    Always felt sorry for family.  Figure they are wore out.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, sorry for the loss of your neighbor.  I remember how Charles and I felt when we lost our neighbor - sort of leaves a hole in us.  Nice that you were friendly to her (you'd never be otherwise) and that she knew it even though she didn't respond.

    It's dark, cloudy and cold here this morning.  It's 37 degrees but the wind just goes through you.  Just came back from mailing some things and picking up the mail. I went in the barn before I checked the girls and Gray Lady came in as I was leaving so had to go back to see why she had come up.  I was afraid her baby was in there and I'd missed him.  But guess she just heard the Gator and came to see what I was doing.  Drove on up to see everyone and they all looked okay.  Saw the two little brown babies and one little black one but saw the other one laying by the fence.  I had turned on the water in the garden and when I went to turn it off I saw the baby was up so I imagine it was Gray Lady's.

    I heard on TV this morning that there will be over a billion chicken wings consumed this weekend at the big game.  That means half a billion chickens will lose their lives.  With all of that chicken it should be cheap enough to almost give away at the stores - but I bet it won't be.

    I did find some bread flour on WM.com that was under $4.00 so will order a couple of sacks of it.  Seems like you need to check almost every day to find things that aren't out of stock or can be shipped.

    Nothing going on here today.  Talked with Sarah last night.  She had an appt. with a new PCP yesterday and when she got there he wouldn't see her because they don't accept Sooner Care.  She's trying to get her SS straightened out and get on Medicare but it's taking forever.  For the life of me I don't see how she's being able to carry on.  Guess it comes from a strong stock of ladies.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Last night the moon was up and shining in the pond - looked so pretty.  Strange to me that it never comes up in the same place - moves from north to south every month.

    Iris, being higher up and able to see things is why I like to drive a PU.  When I drive a car it seems like I'm sitting on the ground.  For sure many years ago when we were in a carpool with a girl who had a VW.  My goodness, how low down we were and how rough was the ride.

    Hope everyone's well this morning.  Sara, I used to like to make my own tartar sauce, too.  Also used to make mayonnaise.

    See you later.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    The weekend is almost here. A big one for NFL fans. I'm not a huge football fan but will be watching and cheering on the Chiefs. Not making any special food - got groceries today and saw Mexican dip that was $13.00. I thought that was kind of pricey!

    Hi Ron, glad you got your hot water heater fixed. We had a leak not long ago at the spout/tap. Hubby put a piece of hose on it and directed the hose to the laundry drain - cheap fix. I'm hoping the Aid & Assistance works out for you and Lou. I'm sure you could use a break from time to time.

    Day, I hope your skin has cleared up. Sounds miserable!

    We used to use Instacart, just a few times, during the early days of the pandemic. We more commonly did the drive up/pick up but now we go in and shop. I enjoy doing my own shopping. 

    Sara, I am sorry about your aunt and her house mate. Also sorry about your neighbor. It sounds like her family took good care of her.  I'll bet your homemade salad dressings are good. I have made some too - healthier for sure. wellnessmama.com has a great deal of health info, beauty info and recipes on her website.

    Found out I have osteoporosis in my femoral neck - osteopenia elsewhere. I've done a lot of research and joined some Facebook groups for information and inspiration. I found you need "impact" on the bones to stimulate bone growth - so just strolling along won't be helpful. So far my impact includes heel drops, jumping, one legged jumping and jogging. I have several exercise videos that I am doing now and I'm trying to improve my diet. Unfortunately there is a lot of conflicting information online so you have to be careful and do your research. Sara, I think your vibration plate is wonderful and I'm happy you were able to get it. I think I can get the same benefits with specific (impact) exercise, so that is how I am choosing to handle this. Starting this exercise program has given me hope and happiness. (It's not good to sit around, and I'd been doing too much of that!!!) 

    I bought a new stationary bike on Amazon. It's my 4th one. The first 2 were cheapies that I actually wore out! The 3rd is too heavy! We move it from basement to first floor when winter is over, and it is getting way too heavy for hubby to carry it up and down stairs. So the plan is to put it out on the curb when they have large item pick up day this spring. When we have that day, there are many people driving around with pickups and trailers, cherry picking items off the curb. Too funny. But it does save things from going to the landfill. My new bike is 32 pounds and it folds up. 

    Speaking of jogging/running, I used to do it a lot. Even ran 23 miles of a marathon in my 20s. In 2008, I was jogging around a local lake on the fitness trail and all of a sudden had a severe pain in my right knee. My meniscus tore. That was painful for awhile, then it quit hurting but I had it surgically repaired. I have sometimes wondered if I had let it go, not had surgery, would there have been a problem later. ???

    Lots of info out there about MRNA vaccines resulting in some issues. Do your own research. I have had 5 and won't have any more.

    I made cut out sugar cookies, heart shaped, and frosted them with pink icing. The grands will enjoy them I'm sure.

    Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Blessings to all!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Don't know why, but feeling all blah today. Just one of those days I guess, want to go in another room and cry, but got to much to do. Need to wash bedding, clothes and towels but believe I'm going to wait and do it tommorow.  Just one of those days........just one of those days. 

    Well, microwave us now broke! Guess it was time, I believe it's about 15 years old. I'm thinking seriously about replacing it with a air fryer to make my life a little easier and healthier. 


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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