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Just need to talk to my friends (188)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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We had lots of rain last night.  Haven't been out to check how much but there's water standing everywhere.  We need it so won't complain too much.  The sun just came out here, Sara, so it'll be around 70 today - 30 degrees colder tomorrow.

You've been a busy lady this morning.  I had that much energy when I was your age - wonder where it went - guess I used it all.   I did go out and run some water for the girls - don't want them drinking out of puddles.

Iris, I think the hardest thing is to get going on a diet.  If there's potato chips or cookies around, I'm a goner.  I once kept a big sack of Lay's potato chips so long, all the grease had come out of them and collected in the sack.  Doubt I could do that now.  When I lost all of my weight many years ago I had oatmeal for breakfast, don't remember what I had for lunch but had popcorn as a afternoon snack (that's out now) and a baked potato and green beans for supper.  I didn't eat anything after 7 p.m.  I ate so many green beans Charles teased me and said I was going to turn into a green bean.

I'm worried about the eagle eggs.  It said it was 18 degrees out there with snow showers.  Someone will have to stay on the nest all the time or the eggs will freeze.  Guess they know what they're doing.  Zetta, I saw the review of the 20th when Shadow brought the fish to Jackie.  I think they are the sweetest pair I've ever seen - him bringing food to her and how they relate to each other, and taking turns sitting on the eggs.  Seems like they're on the nest more than they were a few days ago.  I hope they don't hatch while it's so cold - but, look at the penguins and how they keep their eggs and chicks warm in arctic weather.  Nature is a wonderful thing.

Ordered some things from Chewy yesterday and it will be delivered tomorrow and Friday - glad it's not today so the roads can dry out a bit.  I know there's water over the road down by the mailbox.  I'm looking out the front door and I see Petunia getting a snack from her mother, Daisy - backdoor way.  Daisy's busy grazing so guess Petunia thinks this is the best way. They do that often.

I'm going to have to get an allergy shot for Sheena.  I can't get her in the PU for sure so guess I'll ask Mike if he can bring the shot this weekend.  I don't want to ask when they're having such a hard time feeding in the mud.  

Watching the Pioneer Woman.  She has everything, (chicken) piled up on mashed potatoes.  I like a few of the things she makes but, like Martha Stewart, just keeps adding things to the dish - where would they be without lemon juice and parsley?  I think I'll grow a pot of parsley this summer.  I like to put it in the ranch dressing I make.

I thought it should start #188 because we've gone into "next" page.  Always feel like I'm starting the day with an empty cotton sack (I've said that before, I know).  Carol and I talked about cotton sacks a while back.  Her parents made her cotton sack out of a feed sack to pull behind her.  I never see fields of cotton anymore or fields of corn either - times are changing and not always for the better.  Maybe that's why cotton clothing is so expensive.

I'll be back later.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  I think today is the day Judith has a doctor's appointment about her knees.  Wishing her good luck.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi again,

    Where is everyone today?   It's turned out to be a beautiful day - just a bit windy but very warm.  I even took off my thermals but they'll be back on tomorrow for sure.

    Just learned something that really surprised me.  I decided it was time to do something with the Mercury so called a local salvage yard near where the car is and asked if he still bought old cars.  He does - so told him where it was and he said he could probably pick it up this afternoon.  I'll take the title down next time I'm down that way and he can pay me then.

    So, called the repair shop where it is and didn't get an answer - tried three times.  I always hate to call and let the phone ring several times, then hang up.  I always feel like they've gotten to the phone just as I hung up.   The grocery store where I shop is close by so called them to see if they had noticed if they were open.  She said they had closed their doors about a week and a half ago.  No longer open for business.  Really shocked me because the owner is such a nice man and they're always so busy.  I was down there two days ago and drove past but for some reason didn't even look that direction.

     Called Benny back and he was just going through town.  Whe n I described the car's color, etc. ,he said the car is sitting in their parking lot.  He'll pick it up without the keys this afternoon.  Good thing I did this today, I guess.   I can't imagine why they didn't call and tell me they were closing. I just learned that the owner isn't well so probably just forgot.  Anyway, the car is being taken care of.  Hate to lose it because it was such a good riding car.  Next step - lease or buy.  Still don't know.

    Iris, you're the only person I know who has leased a car so just wondering - when you leased it was there a payment up front besides the monthy payments?  What else did you have to pay.  I imagine leasing may be different in California than it is in Oklahoma.  I think it might be best for me to do that because at my age who knows what will happen and there would be no one to leave a new car to whereas a leased car could just be returned.

    I am really shocked to learn they've closed, however, was told the two men who previously owned the shop are probably going back into business.  We did a lot of business with them, too, so that will be good.  The little town needs that garage.

    Still worried about Shadow and Jackie.  Someone (Jackie?) is sitting on the nest but it looks like it's snowing when I look at cam 2.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.   That is Jackie on the nest right now. She was on the nest all night long and did good through the storm They say eagles are used to this and do fine. Shadow relieved her at 639am and he left at 10:42. That wind was really blowing the tree last night and they said it will be bad again tonight. I watch camera #1 and #2 and I also watch the recaps. This keeps me busy. Thats good it keeps me out of trouble.  (: 

    Sorry that that garage closed, and it was a good thing you were able to get your car. Enjoy your nice weather. Mine is nice right now but the weatherman says more snow tonight. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I leased a Chevy (I can't even remember the model) years ago, I just had to pay the first month's payment and took it home.  Leased for 2 years, gave it back at the end of the lease and purchased my next vehicle.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Zetta, Jackie is almost covered in snow!  I'm really worried for her.  Isn't it awfully strange to have snow that far south in California - I know it's in the mountains, but still...

    Thanks, Day, I haven't head anything negative about leasing.  Just have to be sure I get something that Sheena and Stormy can get into.  Will probably have to get a set of those steps.

    It's been a beautiful day here.  We got another inch of rain early this morning - Carol said they got 1.5".  The trees are budding and I see green on a crabapple tree in the garden.  Daffodils are blooming and she said her forsythia is in full bloom.  I bet I have to get all new shrubs - everything looks dead - no leaves on shrubs - Heavenly Bamboo or Glossy Abelia.  Sure dod hate to lose all of those.

    I dread the next three days because it's going to be so cold and will be twice as bad since it's been so very warm.  It was 74 today which set a record.  Right now it's in the 20s in the Panhandle.

    I wonder if there's somewhere the eagles go to get out of the bad weather.  Also whether Jackie will continue to sit on the nest tonight or if Shadow might relieve her - at least for a while.  Surely don't want to get any snow around the eggs.  Hope they don't hatch until the weather improves some although it's supposed to be bad for two or three more days.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Update on weather:  Concerned for the Eagles.   As awful as it looks with the nest right now, today's snow at Big Bear is not the big storm that is expected.   TV news states that Friday will be the biggest storm we have had since 1989; it will commence Thursday night with the very heaviest/weather on Friday.   Those poor Eagles and all creatures enduring. 

    News stated that in some of the mountain areas the snowfall may be as much as seven feet!!   Hard to believe.  Whatever it will be, they expect a lot, as in multiple feet; some areas will be hit harder than others; some will get only three feet of snow.  Hard to tell what is what at this point.  So Friday will be the most dreadful day for the mountains and all of the rest of us.  Hazardous storm alerts have been made.  Sure hope all will be okay with the eagles.

    As for us flatlanders such as Iris and myself; we will have the biggest hit for storm same as for the mountains; starting Thursday night and biggest on Friday.  It is very windy today; gusting and blowing - the wind will die down when the big part of the storm arrives.  Homeless shelters are fully open and with increased accommodation.

    Southern California Edison stated blackouts are expected and advised people to be sure they are using surge protectors for electrical items and if gas is needed for cars, they advise getting it before the storm arrives.  I would imagine that is beause of expected power outages and if lines go down, who knows how long it will be before repairs are able to be made and gas pumps need electricity.   Saturday, the storm is expected to have passed and will travel east across states.

    We have canned foods, but also have a freezer in the garage as well as the side by side freezer and frig in the house - a prolongd outage would be very costly.  There are gas fireplaces downstairs and in master bedroom, so hopefully that will be helpful if the power is out - our forced air furnace needs electricity to kick on despite being a gas furnace.  Also have electric stove; so in outage only heat for food will be the fireplaces or bbq if it isn't raining.  Have to remember to charge cell phones and Kindle and keep them charged.    

    Lorita, sorry to hear about the car.  It even made me wonder a little bit if the repair guy could not fix your car because he was not completely competent to do so, or if he was already in the process of knowing the loss was about to happen and not a lot of effort was put in as much as could be.  Really not good that you were not notified and they left your car sitting there for so long with keys in the ignition.

    So much for the "weather report," poor folks across many states are in the throes of monstor big snow storms, seems we shall have to wait for spring to be sprung to get relief.

    Be well, stay safe and snug,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.    Everyone is worried about Jackie, I read all the chats and have learn a lot. Jackie is always the one on the nest at night and Shadow sits in a tree close to the nest and protects. If you look at recap you will see he relieves her around 6am each morning. She looks so cold under all that snow. Her chick last year hatched in a lot of snow, and Jackie kept her covered the whole time. 

    I thought about leasing a car a few years ago but I really don't do a good job keeping my car cleaned and Molly goes everywhere with me, so I always have a lot of pet hair in my car. I would be afraid I would not pass inspection when the time came to turn it in. I have had my car now for 2 years and it would really need a good deep cleaning to pass any inspection. 

    Sara.  I love that picture of you, what were you reaching for. 

    Jo.  I hope your feeling like yourself again, I know dieting is a drag, I have tried so many times and fail each time. I really don't have good will power. I love popcorn and that is my go-to food. Is popcorn not good for a person? 

    Marie.  How is Smokey feeling?  It is so hard when a fur baby is not well. 

    Lorita. I just checked and Jackie, shook the snow off and laid back down and is getting covered again. In chat they said she loves this kind of weather. I worry about that tree falling down. 

    Stay Warm Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    We had heavy winds in the LA area last night, with rain.  Snow in a lot of areas.  It is clear but cold today!  I am taking the AARP Driver Safety class at the senior center, 4 hours today and 4 hours on Friday.  It's very informative. 

    Jean Neidich, the founder of Weight Watchers, had a good suggestion for when you are still hungry after eating your allotted meal: eat raw green beans!  I ate plenty of green beans and they did hold me until the next mealtime.  But I cannot abide raw green beans now, in fact, I cannot abide anything healthy.  Woe is me!  I've got to get over this mental block!

    I ate a fish sandwich today, since today is Ash Wednesday. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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     Good morning,

    Hope the snow doesn’t get too bad for all of you that are having snow. Is the snow helpful for summer droughts? 

    My fried rice didn’t turn out so good it’s a little soggy but I’ll work on that. 

    Sorry you lost your mechanic Lorita.  Know it would be very disappointing if I lost my mechanic.  One did pass away, wasn’t that old but his son worked with him so he is still there.

     My niece sent me a video of spring peepers last night. She lives in Virginia. I love hearing them. Where my mom lives you can hear them but not where I live. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Lorita, I leased two Camry's in the past before I realized I had nothing at the end of lease to bargain with. No trade in, nothing to sell, just hand over the keys as long as it was kept clean with no damage. I then bought one that I kept for 21 years till last year and got another one. The lease to buy didnt cost me anything except the monthly payment!

    I hope the storm about to move in doesnt make it to hard on any of my front porch friends! Please stay safe!!

    Been in the 80s here past couple of days with off and on rain showers yesterday. Expecting cold front and back warm and rainy again. Dont know if it's the weather or what, but hip hurt so much last night I couldn't sleep. I've got to rubbing a pain relief cream on it at night and it helps some. 

    I noticed another addition to my checking account that looks like Lou has been approved for VA aid and attendance. I'm waiting on the letter to make sure on the amount before deciding what to tell our neighbor or whoever I use, how much time I will use them. Mainly to watch after Lou and keep the house dust free. With my lung problems dusting the house is hard on me! I will be trying to get out of the house more!!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Dear Zetta, thank you so much for asking about Smokey.

    He has rebounded some...at least eating and drinking more so that is good.

    Like those of us with some years behind us, he moves slower and has a harder time getting up on things but he doesn't seem to be in any pain, for which I am grateful.

    Took Mother to initial PT session on Tuesday.  Her PCP had ordered it to help her with her gate and balance.  They have scheduled her for 2 sessions a week for 5 weeks.  Thankfully my daughter has said she will be able to do one trip a week to help me out.  The distance between Mother and the rest of us is becoming a real issue, but she won't consider moving closer.  The round trip plus doctor visit (regardless of which doctor) makes it about an 8 hour day for us.  I guess we will just have to deal with it the best we can.  

    Weather here has been more like the end of March rather than end of February, but I can't complain.  I just have to wonder what the impacts will be from having such a mild winter and no snow to speak of.  Hope that the rest of you stay safe in the bad weather approaching.

    Lorita, so sorry about your car.  When you talk with dealer about leasing, make sure to ask what needs to happen after you are gone.  They may not forgive the remaining lease fees and you would have to accommodate that in your estate disposition.  You would certainly need to leave instructions for whoever will manage your estate.

    I hope that all who have been feeling poorly recently see improvement soonest.

    Hugs to all.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Just lost a post so I'll try again and abbreviate it.  Think I can do that?

    I was watching TV just now and woke up and another program was on.  Max was asleep on my lap and everyone else was asleep, too.  I think we all missed sleep last night - I kept the bedroom door open and the cats invaded us.  When I woke up Lilly was sitting on top of my grandma's antique clock.  

    Stormy's foot must be a little better this morning.  He's not limping too much and went outside without any problem.   It's cold here - 39 degrees but it's sunny.  The weather looks so bad everywhere else - thankfully, the snow is north of Oklahoma.

    Is that still Jackie on the nest?  I've been watching off and on but don't know if they've changed or not.  She may be afraid to get off because snow might get against the eggs.  I feel so bad for them.

    Thank you, Marie, for reminding me to ask that question.  I should make a list so I won't forget things.  I'm a big list maker.  I called this morning to cancel the insurance on my car and the woman I talked with said her son's car has been in the garage almost two months and they can't find what's wrong with it either - are thinking it must be the computer.

    For those of you who have leased, do you provide the insurance on the car and who provides the maintenance?

    Marie, so glad Smokey seems to be feeling better.  It's so hard for them not to feel well and for us to not know what to do to help.

    Sara - the man I talked with yesterday said he understands that the people who owned the garage before this man is going to take over again.  We've always done business with them so it'll be okay.

    Jo, I don't think it was that the mechanics weren't good - they put in all new wiring and went over everything on the car with a fine toothed comb.  It started and would run but if you turned on the lights or pushed the brakes the motor would cut off so couldn't drive it that way. They've done work on our cars before and were good.  Just some odd thing with the car.  Even if they had fixed it, I doubt I would ever have trusted it.  It was running just fine until I parked it and went back two days later to move it and it wouldn't start.

    I'm going to post this so I won't lose it again. Hope all of you are well today.  Judith, what did the doctor say yesterday?  Hope your knees are better.

    Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    What town is Big Bear Lake close to?  Jackie is almost covered in snow!
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, I have been thinking of you and hoping that you will get medical assistance that will relieve you swiftly; that has to be so hard. 

    Ron; I had just read about a Pulmonary MD; she said that whenever she dusts her house, she puts a mask on.  Perhaps a plain surgical mask would be helpful for you.  You could always get one of those N95 masks that contracters use; they have a valve on them - nothing can get in, but it is easier to breathe in them.   Just an idea.  With VA; do you have to use one of their agencies for assistance aides or can you choose your own person; that would be good to know.

    Gosh; I looked at the Big Bear nest this morning and feel terrible that the snow has covered the nest and the big storm has not yet hit.  I find myself reaching out and patting the screen as though I can comfort.  Used to be that I could see the respirations of the eagle's chest and back, but do not see that now; perhaps this is  kind of like a semi-hibernation type action to preserve energy for warmth.  I do see the eyes open and close.  If the eggs are still viable, it may be good that the eggs would not hatch until after the worst of the storms for their well-being with lower risk.

    The weather report has been updated; what we are now getting is supposedly the least of the storm and the change is that the far worst day will be Saturday both in the mountains and across SoCal. Beteen four and seven feet of snow is predicted for the mountains.   It has been described that Saturday will be "relentless" rain for us and snow for the mountains with no let up; that is not great news especially in burn and slide areas in the hills as the ground is already saturated.  Some mountain areas have been declared avalanch risks.  Big Bear has already closed schools due to the snow they already have had.  Sunday and Monday are expected to be clear of falling rain and snow, but there is another good sized storm expected on Tuesday.  Sure is unusual for California.  Some towns at lower levels are getting snow which is not seen, most of the children interviewed have never seen snow and they are so excited. Very cute listening to them.

    Today, we have had rain at intervals, sometimes blowing sideways from the wind, pounding at the windows on the west side of the house and I could hear thunder in the distance . . .portents of things to come on Saturday.  As long as power does not go out, it will be okay - but if there is an extended power outage it will of course be a different story.

    The side effect I had from the med with the "car sickness" on the 17th, appears it was probably overtreated for two days - now left with the cure causing issues that are very unfriendly.  Sigh.  It is so strange how the body reacts to things, and as we mature it is much easier to have side effects to a lot of different items.  

    Never did get to AAA to get our Passport Photos. I understand one can now take them at home if one follows instructions, I shall have to look that up. I will not be able to stand in front of a totally white wall with my white hair - I would disappear.  All that would be seen would be two eyes and my lipstick. 

    I looked up the Clinique Hyaluronic Acid that was mentioned here = oh my; they must be very proud of their product; it costs $165!   How silly; that is not for me and more than likely not for a lot of other women who look, gasp and then laugh.

    Not much cooking; soup sounds good but will be Progresso. They sure have some good quality soups.  Remember the old days when it was one can of product and one can of water that had uber salt and not much flavor?    When I was a child, my favorite soup was Campbell's Mushroom Soup. 

    Marie, it is lovely that Smokey has rebounded a bit, I so hope he continues to do well.  That trip to P.T. wth your mother sounds like quite a lengthy effort for you and your daughter.  I wonder if there is room and she is tolerable, if she would consider "visiting" at one of your houses for some weeks while she does at home P.T.; they do make home visits.  If it is a "taxing effort" for a patient to get to a P.T. outpatient setting, and if the doctor documents that in the record and orders it, Medicare often pays for at home P.T.  as long as medical necessity criteria is met and it appears she meets that criteria since she is already getting P.T.  Just another idea.

    Iris, for me, I find that if I have a mug of Earl Grey tea, it keeps hunger at bay.  The brand I like and use is, Stash's Earl Grey.  As for dieting, I used the professionals and kept up with it - doctor and Registered Dietician and have also done Weight Watchers (that is where that pumpkin and cake mix recipe comes from); I am diligent and weigh, measure and journal what is eaten and plan ahead; it is not a problem for me at all.  However, no way is there any success over months and I do not cheat.  On Sunday, I can add something or a bit more of something but NOT overdo it.  Dietician idea and it is a good one if there is a yen for something - it keeps one from going off the rails.  What I need is exercise and lots of it, but the knees et al do not permit the intensity I need.  That does not keep me from eating a healthy diet which I do and still write down what I am planning for meals.  My lab results show that it is doing a good job with that, but I sure would like to pare down. 

    Another Weight Watcher easy "recipe" for a dessert is for an angel food pineapple cake:

    Take one box of angel food cake mix

    Stir in a regular size can of crushed pineapple with juice

    Stir.  That is it.

    Pour into a 13 x 9 pan lightly sprayed with Pam and bake.  Cannot remember the oven temp, but I think it was either 325 or 350.   Keep a watch on it - depending on oven it can be done in 20 minutes or 30 minutes. (Our oven was for 20 to 25 minutes and for my oven, it did better in a metal pan rather than glass.)

    NOTE:  Do not try to cut the pineapple angel food cake with a regular knife, iit will not work as it is angel food.  Use a plastic picnic knife and it will cut easily.  (I often wondered if one could put the mixture into cupcake size for baking but I never tried it.)

    My friend made it and she called it, "Company Cake/"

    On that note, off I go to put on some socks and warm up my feet  . . .


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon Rockers.

    Lorita,   I looked on google and it says that Big Bear Lake is about 100 miles from Los Angeles. Right now, Shadow is on the nest he came on at 10:25 this morning and Jackie left at 10:29. The people in chat say all's well that they are used to this type of weather. Jackie was on yesterday most of the day. It showed that she came back on at 10:42am. I looked in recap and did not see Shadow coming in till 10:25 this morning. I guess they know what they are doing. There have been times Jackie yells real loud, and Shadow comes, I don't think he gets too far away. 

    Jo and Iris.  I hope the weather has not gotten too bad for you guys. Hopefully you have not been without electricity. The weather has been so strange for all of us. We have gotten a lot of snow but not as much as in the past. It's snowing right now with more on the way.

    Ron.  It sounds like you may have some good news and will be getting help for the both of you. You have taken such good care of Lou, its time you need to take good care of yourself. 

    I was able to get out for a little while this morning to go to the store and I got home just in time before it started to snow. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thanks, Zetta, for that information.  It doesn't seem that it would matter if they are used to the snow - if they're sitting on a nest and not moving, imagine how cold they'd be.  I just hope they don't hatch until the storm is over.

    I just saw something on the news from Oregon - there was snow everywhere.  Stay in and stay safe.   I guess we dodged the bullet this time because everything except rain and cold weather went north of us.  We got our awful February weather two years ago.  But, it's so awfully  muddy - I can only imagine how muddy the pastures are where they have to feed.

    Just checked a while ago and saw that FedEx had delivered some pkgs. from Chewy - 40 lb. of cat litter and a heavy case of canned dog food - 22 oz. cans.  They left it at the road - again.  So, me with my damaged rib cage had to go down and get it into the PU, then onto the dolly and into the house.  I called FedEx but, of course, you get someone in a foreign country and they can't/won't give you the number of the location our delivery comes from.  Gave the poor girl a good piece of my mind.  I don't often get angry but this did it.   I called Chewy on another matter and while we talked I told her about FedEx and she added to the address label that they were to deliver to our porch.   I'm due for another delivery Saturday but it's already shipped so I'll probably have to pick it up. I have a mind to drive down and wait for the truck and see what their problem is. 

    Iris, I like green beans but not raw ones.  The thing that helped me when I was losing weight was eating popcorn but can't eat that now with diverticulosis.  My doctor said that was the worst thing you could eat if you had that malady.

    Sara, I also like your new avatar.  I love fried rice.  We used to make it so often.  I could make a full meal on that.  I think you can judge a Chinese restaurant by their fried rice - if it's good, other things most probably will be.   I have some frozen, cooked rice so I should make some - maybe tomorrow.  I thawed out some brown beans I'd frozen. They had a couple of potatoes in them which weren't very good but the beans were.

    I have one big container of AP flour and another of bread flour and when I emptied a sack of bread flour I accidentally put it in the AP container.  Probably 2/3rds of it is now bread flour so I'll have to remember that (I wrote it on the container - don't trust my memory anymore.

    Jo, the last question on Jeopardy was who said they had a can of Campbell's soup and two cans of milk for lunch each day - Andy Worhol was the answer.  I use half a can of water and half a can of milk plus oregano, hot sauce and a pinch of sugar.  Wish I'd gotten that recipe for homemade tomato soup today on the news.  Tomato soup is so good with a grilled cheese sandwich.

    I think my fresh loaf of bread is ready.  Sara, have you noticed how  many recipes for bread of all kinds is on YouTube - many not using yeast. One was only flour and water.  Don't know about that but it looked okay.

    Better get the bread out of the bread machine.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Do you have a trailer or something that fedx might be able to leave your stuff on and you can just hook it up to your PU and pull it to the porch. You want to be careful not to hurt your ribs more and do more damage to your back. It seems with senior citizens they would be more helpful. Take Care. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Tried flat bread on Wednesday, Lorita which just had flour, water and salt.  It’s good initially but not much after it sets.  So I’m going to cut recipe back so just make a couple pieces at a time.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    "Blizzards" are predicted for the upcoming days.  Temp was 29 degrees @ Big Bear, probably lower at higher elevations.  I saw a beautiful huge rainbow. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Last post from me tonight - Zetta, I don't have anything like that.  This evening I had to lift it up into the floorboard of the PU and that's high but not as high as the PU bed.  Then had to do all that other stuff to get it into the house.  My ribs have hurt but they're okay now - Ibuprofen did it's job.  I don't know what to do about it - just drives me nuts.

    Sara - this recipe was just flour and water, maybe a little salt and they put it in a loaf pan, I think.  I've watched several so I think that's what they did.  I can't find the video again.  Never had flat bread - it's just unleavened bread, right?Did you make sandwiches out of it or how did you eat it?

    Iris, I'm glad you saw the rainbow.  Were you able to see the end of it anywhere?  I was thinking about the snow and the eagles.  Snow is an insulating thing so maybe that keeps the cold air out as long as it doesn't get against the eggs.  I just checked the video and it's snowing.  They said it was the worst weather you all have had in 30 years.

    I'm about ready for bed so I'll close for tonight.  Hope you all sleep well.  The GPs are already asleep.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, I don't think we can ever see the end of a rainbow, otherwise we would be able to find the pot of gold ! 

    Can anyone tell me how to post a photo? I did take a picture of the rainbow.  I am on my android phone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Wouldn't that be great, Iris, to find that pot of gold.  I bet people have looked.

    Sorry, I don't have any idea about posting pictures from phones.  I bet someone knows how.  I'd really like to see the picture.

    It's cold and cloudy here this morning - not a pleasant day at all.   I've been sitting in my chair with a fluffy throw over me and a cat on my lap with a jacket that's made from the same stuff as a fluffy throw on with the hood over my head.  I fell asleep like that and now I feel like heck.

    Just turned on the news - never very good news but still like to watch in case there is something good.Judith, how are your knees this morning?   What did the doctor say about them?   This morning I was channel surfing and stopped on QVC - the man who was host said a while back one of his knees swelled up for no reason - might be the same thing.

    I can't seem to get going this morning - paid a couple of bills, straightened up the kitchen after breakfast so I can do the dishes later and that's it.  Oh, did go out and feed the birds and hooked up the water.  Didn't run water because it was over half full of water.  Guess they didn't drink much last night because it was so cold.  

    Stormy is asleep on the divan and Sheena is over by the door. She's really scratching - allergies so she has to have a shot pretty soon.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Looks like it's going to be a quiet day here and on the forum.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Zetta, I think you're the eagle expert so I'm wondering who's on the nest.  Looks like it might be Jackie.  I was reading some of the posts and someone mentioned Shadow had brought her a fish.  Was that today - also wondering what that is on the far side of the nest - is that the fish?
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Lorita.  I am in no way a expert on Jackie and Shadow. I watch the cameras, and I also have the FOBBV Recaps and Observations up and it tells you who is on the nest and departure and arrival times. It looks like Shadow left the nest at 9:49am and Jackie brought the fish in at 9:50 and yes that is the fish on the far side of the nest, she only ate part of it. If you have the full screen, up go back to 9:50, then you can see her coming in with the fish. Then they switched one more time and Jackie is on the nest now. I just accidently figured these things out. I learn something new every day. It keeps me busy, I love watching them. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good evening,

    Cold windy day.

    Yes Lorita it is unleavened bread.  You can eat it however you would eat it like a slice of bread or a wrap.  Like a tortilla but add a little oil and either baking powder or soda, forget which, to tortilla.  Tortillas store much better though.  Flat bread much quicker to roll out though.  Think I can easily just make two.  Too tired to try tonight, but hope to try soon.

    Rainbows are beautiful.

    JoC and Iris hope the weather doesn’t get too bad. 

    Made a Chai latte today.  I turned out pretty good.  A little weak, will have to work on that part.  

    Take care everyone

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I just finished the 8 hour AARP Safe Driver class.  There was good information.

    It has rained heavily all day, with wind, but not as much as two days ago.  6-12 inches of snow is predicted for interstate 5, the main route north.  That will probably close the interstate for several hours.  I plan to stay home.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Good you finished the course, Iris. Did you go somewhere to take it and was there driving involved?  Why did you decide to take the course? I know driving out there is very different than here.

    Is this weather very unusual for Los Angeles?  Sounds like a good idea to stay home and be safe.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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     Good morning,

    Iris I took that driving course several years ago. The one thing that I got out of the course that I have not forgotten, is when you park, to always try and pull in so that you can pull out that it’s much safer. I can do this probably at least 95% of the time. Now and then I have to park somewhere where there’s no option but to pull in. I really dislike that because I realize how much safer it is to do it the other way. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to take it again. With volunteering now though I don’t have a lot of extra time.

    Hope each one has a good day 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning from the front porch!

    Received the confirmation letter yesterday for aid and attendance. Wasnt as much as I had hoped for, but it will pay for about 12 hours a month. I was confused at first since I saw a nice amount go into my checking account, but after rece6the letter I realized it was retroactive pay back to March when the program began. 

    Caught up on housework yesterday and washed the sheets and pillowcases. The washing didnt bother me; even folding and hanging up clothes, but when I made up the beds I was about to fall out. Isnt it something that just spreading out the sheets after a night's sleep isnt bad, but making up the beds after washing will wear you out. Even though aid and attendance wasnt as much as hoped for I still believe I'm going to ask my neighbor to go on a 20 hour weekly schedule. Beside needing to go out for appointments, groceries, haircuts and anything else that comes up, I have lots of projects around here I could use help with.

    Legs are hurting more every day! Even though the blood clot was in the left calf my right leg is also hurting. Where the blood clot was found was below the left knee, I'm having pain all the way up to the left hip and swelling in left knee. My hip had been diagnosed with arthritis some time ago, but yesterday I had one occasion where it tried to give out on me and I had to catch the side of a chair. Once I straightened back up I was able to walk. I've always said getting old is not fun but the alternative if getting old isnt either. 

    Hope everyone has a safe weekend!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    Jo C. wrote:  

    I looked up the Clinique Hyaluronic Acid that was mentioned here = oh my; they must be very proud of their product; it costs $165!   How silly; that is not for me and more than likely not for a lot of other women who look, gasp and then laugh.

    I mentioned The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid serum. I think someone else here was a fan as well. I get it at my local Ulta for a whopping $8.90. I think it works. My derm thinks it's a good product.

    There's also a Matrixyl 10% (peptide) and HA Serum that can be combined with their Argireline 10% for even better results (around $20 for both bottles). I have yet to do this. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Cloudy and cold here again this morning.  Storms predicted for tomorrow night - the storm that's now in California.  Our chance for severe weather is minimal but that can change with a line of storms.

    I've been watching the Eagle Cam and poor little Jackie's sitting on the nest.  She shakes off the snow and is covered again in a few minutes.  Where is Shadow?  It must be about 8 o'clock out there so he should show up soon.  It makes me cold to watch.

    Sara - pulling in to park - is that parking spaces you pull into instead of parallel parking?  I don't like to parallel park and for the life of me I can't understand how a car can do that by itself.

    Ron, 12 hours a month doesn't seem like much.  It seems to me I vaguely remember there is a way to get more hours.  I think Charles may have been approved for A&A but too late to take advantage of and I think I might have been told we could get more hours - or maybe that was home health.  Check with your social worker.  They can be the best friend you have in the VA system.  At any rate 12 hours will help to let you have a little "me" time.

    Sorry about your legs.  The reason your other leg is hurting is because you're favoring the other one and are putting more strain on it.  Occasionally I'll be walking and my right knee/leg gives down - not too bad but I can really feel it.  

    Making a bed after washing the linens.  That is hard work.  When there were two of us it wasn't so bad because I didn't have to walk around the bed half a dozen times.  It wears me out, too.  I hate to fold sheets so usually wash the ones on it and put them back on after the bed is sprayed with that spray and airs out some.  I don't like the sheets I have on the bed now.  Those along with that "electric blanket" thing bunch up and slide around.  

    For you all out there who are using computers, are you using Windows 10 or 11?  I have 10 on this one and they want to download Windows 11.  I'm getting used to this and even though they say there's not much difference I don't know if I want to do that right now.  I'm very resistant to change.  When I was younger I'd hear older people talk about not wanting changes to things and I didn't really understand why - now I do.    Did learn a couple of good things yesterday about correcting things I didn't know what to do about.

    Jackie just shook the snow off again.  Where is Shadow?

    Mike and Toad fed this morning - didn't see him feed the nine little heifers in the other pasture but guess he did.  I see they're down in the meadow trying to find a blade of green grass.  Yesterday a lot of the others were out foraging - the green grass looks so good.  We've had 8" of rain so far this year and it is muddy, muddy, so the grass should start growing before too long - usually mid March which means they have about 20 more times to feed which means about 80 bales of hay.  Hope he doesn't run out.

    I have daffodil buds all over the yard - many are already blooming and they look so pretty.

    Battery is low so I'll stop for now.  Enjoy the day.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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