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Just need to talk to my friends (188)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Zetta, who's on the nest?  I've been watching all morning and haven't seem but the one eagle.  Whoever it is is almost covered with snow - maybe that insulates them and keeps them warmer, especially with the feathers.  

    How much longer is this snow supposed to fall? 

    Nothing going on here except the usual.  It's cloudy and 45 right now.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Iris I have an iPhone but will tell you how I do it. Maybe it’ll give you enough guidance that you can figure out how to do it on the android.  Hopefully someone with an android can offer better help.

    1. Choose attachment at left bottom corner where you’re posting    2. This brings up a new page and tap on choose file.  3. Then options come up for me to choose where to get the photo from.  4. Choose the picture to post by tapping on it.  5. The picture tapped on will pop up and down at the bottom gives size of the picture. Tap on the size that it shows and change that to medium. If I leave the large setting, it will not post it. It’ll say it’s too large.  6. Then  hit use, which is up in the right upper corner of the picture. 7. A new page pops up and hit attach. If you are done, then hit close. After hitting close, it goes back to where I am posting and you’ll see your attachment down at the bottom.  Have never had an android phone, so really have no idea how they work.

    Someone asked what I was reaching for in my avatar. That’s a fishing pole in my hand, and I was reaching for the fish I had caught.

    Was referring to parking spaces Lorita

    We have had a beautiful sunny day. Nothing going on here either Lorita it’s been mighty quiet.  I’m kind of getting caught up pretty good with decluttering my house I feel much better about my house. So yesterday I did go out and ran around a little bit, but nothing has changed.  It’s very hard to find anything you need. Found a pattern to make a sling purse for carrying your iPhone in, sometimes I do not have pockets.  Went to the fabric store and it is pitiful. Looks like the same stuff that was there months ago. There is a much better one but it’s out in the country. Guess on a warm sunny day when I have nothing else to do, I will make a trip out there and see if I can find some material I like.  Miss the days when we had a nice places to go shopping here. Have no desire to go to Columbus to shop, too old for that anymore.

    Went to the thrift store. Didn’t find anything there either, so today went back to cooking. Made a peach crisp and  chocolate honey zucchini bread.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Jackie has been on the nest all day, about 20 minutes ago Shadow changed places with her. They say she stays warm when she is all covered with the snow. You can see how much bigger she is then Shadow is. When she left the nest Shadow did not fill the whole area, she was in. 

    The sun is shining at my house but it's really cold. We had snow and wind last night. Have been taking my nephew to work its way too cold for him to be bike riding. 

    Take care all and stay warm. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, do you like to fish and do you get to do so often?  What kind of fish did you catch?  Charles was a big fisherman - mostly big mouthed bass.  We stocked our ponds a couple of times and we fished in there quite a lot.  He liked to use a rod and reel but I preferred a cane pole.  I could put worms on the hook but not minnows and I couldn't take a fish off the hook if I caught one.  We have a big pond in front of the house and we used to have to go that way to the mailbox.  Daddy would set out a cane pole on his way to the mailbox and fish a little when he came back with the mail.  At that time it was mostly perch.

    I haven't been to a thrift or resale shop in a coon's age.  We used to go to Tulsa pretty often and there were several there we liked.  I always liked to look at the dishes - mostly bowls and pitchers.  You know, every time I cut a slice of bread I think of you and your bread slicer.  Do you still use it?   I'm glad you were able to get out and about some today - good to do that sometimes. 

    I need to declutter in the worst way but what to do with what I need to get rid of.  Not sure there's even a place now in our little town where I shop (not my hometown).  Years ago we took things to a couple of places in another town but not even sure they're there now.

    Zetta - I've watched the eagles off and on all afternoon.  It looks like it's about stopped snowing.  I felt so sorry for them this afternoon when they were covered in snow.  I'm really concerned about the eggs.  I think it's so sweet the way they interact with each other - just like a husband and wife (guess they are since they mate for life).  This afternoon when he came back to sit on the nest, she left and came back shortly with a fish which it looked like she ate all of before she got back on the nest he had left when she returned.  

    The storm that's been in their area is coming our way.  We're supposed to have severe weather tomorrow evening and night - mostly high winds here.  I worry every time they mention high winds because of the big elm outside the kitchen.  If it fell south it would hit the house and if it fell north it would hit the generator and propane tank - neither of which is good.  That tree is very old and tall - I remember it from when I was a little girl. I think I've mentioned it was sort of coming apart and daddy put a chain around it when it was young. The chain has broken but it's still embedded in the tree.  Last summer I had the tree people cut the limbs back that were over the house but there's still so much there.  I've found several big, rotted limbs in the yard that have fallen off.

    Jo and Iris, have you all had any problems with the storm that's been out there?  Were there any power outages?  I saw on the news there was flooding and people had to be rescued.

    I drove up to see the girls late this afternoon - several were out grazing but most were still around the hay.  I saw all four little, bitty babies - so cute, one was standing at the hayring eating hay.  Had to go to the mailbox to pick up things from Chewy that Fedex left down there.  Monday or Tuesday I have a big sack of dog food and 40 lbs. of catfood to be delivered. The woman I talked with at Chewy added "deliver to front porch" on my address and said it will be on all pkgs. from now on.  I have a good mind to go down and just wait for them to come.  Today the box which said "heavy" on it was sitting underneath the sign I have down there telling them to not leave it there but bring it to the house.  I'd say they can't read but guess they have to so they can get pkgs. where they belong.  Lifting those things this evening has made my ribs hurt again but nothing else to be done about it.

    Stormy is walking better - not limping very much.  I'm putting Neosporin on his right foot a couple of times a day - he probably licks it off as soon as he gets out of sight though.  Mike will bring an allergy shot and medicine for Sheena when he comes to feed Monday so she'll be glad of that.

    I've written too much - I always do.  I have Windows 11 installed on my computer but don't know what I'm using now- 10 or 11 - doesn't matter as long as it works.

    Hope all of you have good weather the next few days and the storm doesn't impact you badly.  Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the baby eagles.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I just drove home through a hailstorm!  The sky was clear when I left home 30 minutes ago.  Then the skies opened up.  I had to wait in my car for a few minutes before the hail stopped, so I could get out of the car.  I took pictures of the hail on the grass.

    Sayra, thank you for your picture instructions.  When I post, there is a area on the lower left that says "Attached Files" and "Valid file extensions".  But it is not a link, so I cannot bring up my photos.  I have tried different methods of attaching a photo, but no go.  The Senior Center has Tech Days, so one day I will go there and perhaps one of the young people can help me in this area.


  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
    Hi Lorita…I’ve been watching the Big Bear eagles too. Have watched them for several years now. A few of the officials that run the site have compiled videos that answer many of our questions and are so interesting to watch. This one shows the differences in appearance and some behaviors between Jackie and Shadow.
    It’s about 10 minutes long. If you search for these 2 names on YouTube their videos are listed. One I really enjoyed was of Jackie laying the first egg this year. The names to search for are David James and the other is Cali Condor. This can really enhance our viewing pleasure and understanding. 

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
    P.S.  It’s helpful to note the date the video was made…some are from previous years. 
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Iris, I have the same problem with attachments and not able to figure out why. Several years ago I was able to post attachments from my phone, but fir some unknown reason it stopped working. I've tried to figure it out but finally stopped trying.

    Having more trouble sleeping with leg and hip hurting. I take a tylenol and rub ointment on my hip. It helps fir awhile, but not long enough. Just helped Lou to the bathroom and gown and pad was wet. Put some depends on her and have the pad in washer now. She is so much more comfortable in her panties, but I just washed the sheets yesterday and dont want to go through that again. I'll wash her gown after church, caught up all washing yesterday but this is her favorite gown and I try to keep it clean. 

    Sweetest sight yesterday was when I showed Lou how much my left leg had swollen up. She gasped and noted how much bigger it was than my right and immediately put her hands together and started praying. She doesn't comprehend much anymore but that was so precious to see her praying for me. I know I'm suppose to keep my legs propped up, it's hard to do when taking care of a dementia spouse. Hopefully when I start bringing the neighbor over more I'll do better.

    The aid and attendance for a spouse is different than for a veteran. For your spouse the money is added to your disability benefits your already collecting and called a enhancement. If someone is taking care of a veteran its much more. 

    Wishing and praying that everyone in the storms path stay safe.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Seems like the whole forum is quiet today.  People in this area of the country are getting ready for the storms tonight.  Dread that.

    Thanks, Betty, I've been watching some of those videos this morning of Shadow and Jackie.  Saw the one where the ravens were attacking her and finally he came to her aid - and the one where he stepped on her head was funny.  I think they're so sweet together and watching over their eggs.  Looks like it's a beautiful day out there after all the snow.  I heard there was about 3 ft. of snow in that area.

    Iris, I hate hail, especially driving in it.  We don't have hail here too often but many years ago when Carol (not the one I talk about all the time) were coming home from work we ran into a terrible storm - we were almost home but the road we had to drive on (country road) was flooded so we stopped at a neighbor's house and called for someone to come and get us.  We were in a car and we needed a higher pickup.  While we were in the house the hail began and some of them, I know, were as big as baseballs.  If someone had been hit with one of them it would have knocked them unconscious.  Glad you made it home all right.

    Ron, do you know why your leg is swelling?  Is it because of the blood clot?  You really need to stay off of it as much as possible - keep it elevated every time you sit down.  I know how hard it is to have to take care of someone who isn't well and you do a wonderful job - but, you also need to take care of yourself.  Maybe the neighbor would come over and take care of Lou for a few hours so you could get your feet up.    How very sweet of Lou to pray for you.  They're in there and sometimes their old self and personality come out.  I always talk about a movie called "Folks".  Don't remember at the moment who was in it - Don Ameche and Tom Selleck maybe?  Anyway the father had dementia and from time to time he would become his old self for a little while.  It was so funny - not sad like The Notebook.    Just take care of yourself - so wish I was close enough to be of help to you.

    I've gotten the trash together this morning to take down in the morning.  I have a couple of big boxes in the back of the PU I should get together and put smaller ones in them but sounds like we're going to have wind and they'd be blown everywhere.  It was very foggy here this morning - just looked out when I turned on the water and it had lifted but it's still cloudy.

    I think it's time to turn off the water.  A lot of the girls and boys are off grazing but just saw Samson, Billy and some others come up.  It's getting green around the hay so if we get some warm weather, grass will grow.  I drove up late yesterday around the hay to see everyone and it's unbelievable how muddy it is.  They have to keep going down a terrace to get to drier ground to put the hay.  The terraces are higher and if they put the bales of hay on them it stays out of the wetness, somewhat.  

    Enjoy the day - Ron, maybe the worst of the storms will be north of you.  Sounds like OKC may get some really bad weather - we're in the moderate area for storms and possibly tornados.  Dread spring because of the storms.  You'd think I'd be used to it having lived here my whole life but I don't think we ever get used to them.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening 

    Ron I’m so very sorry about your leg.

    Has been a quiet day on forum and at my house.  Makes it a long day.  

    Think the weather where you guys are having is headed our way tomorrow. So switched my grocery day to Wednesday when the sun is supposed to be shining.  It has been a beautiful day today. Tomorrow they’re giving quite a bit of rain and high wind. Didn’t sound like a good day to go grocery shopping. That’s one good thing about being retired. We can use the rain, so I’m not complaining about that.

    Went and got mom a few bananas this morning, and took to her. She eats a lot of bananas, and I didn’t want her to run out before Wednesday.

    Joydean I’ve been rebooting moms phone every time I go over there which is usually weekly but sometimes twice a week. So far that’s keeping the phone working when I call. Thankful for that, such small things become so challenging.

    Always pack my lunch for work. We are provided a free lunch when we work. So I always check and see what they have, few days ago they had salmon. Got a piece of it and froze it, had that for supper tonight.  They actually have very nice lunches there. Just that my food intolerances make it hard for me so that’s why I pack.  

    Judith, I hope your pain is maybe easing up a little.

    Hope everyone has a good night and that the weather doesn’t get too bad anywhere 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    ronald71111 wrote:

    Having more trouble sleeping with leg and hip hurting. I take a tylenol and rub ointment on my hip. 

    Ron, if you can use a non-steroidal medication like ibuprofen,  you can apply Voltaren gel topically to the area.  I used it on my knees and got good pain relief.  It may not be as effective in the hip area because the hip joint is deeper in the body.  But you can try.  The generic name is diclofenac.


      I know I'm suppose to keep my legs propped up, it's hard to do when taking care of a dementia spouse. Hopefully when I start bringing the neighbor over more I'll do better.

    Are you on a blood thinner?  Does the doctor advise you to wear support hose?  



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Iris, the Dr. had prescribed me diclofenac, but after I read about side effects on your liver I questioned her on using it. I have had a liver biopsy in the past and diagnosed with NASH. I was switched to menthol/m-salicylate 10-15% top cream. It helps a little, but doesnt last.

    I am on a blood thinner apixaban and dr has not suggested stockings. I tried those years ago when I was having problems and couldn't get them on, now that I'm older I know I couldn't. Guess after ultrasound on the 10th I will know more.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi cobbers

    I know I haven't posted in a long time, but read every day, so follow all that is going on. You probably find it hard to believe, but I have never seen snow , so am fascinated by all the reports. Sorry about the nasty downsides of snowstorm, though.

    Lorita, I understand how frustrating it must be to have to collect deliveries from the roadside. I have a suggestion. Could you take some smaller boxes with you, and open the big box there? Then transfer some of the contents to the empty boxes? That way you would have a number of lighter boxes, instead of one heavy one, to bring home.

    I am leaving on Friday morning for a short holiday, my first since DH went into residential care in 2016. I have to be at the airpport by 5.00am on Friday!!!!!!!! Just afraid I will sleep in and miss the flight. I am joining a bus tour of Tasmania, the island state off Australia's southern coast. It's the only state I haven't been to, and I have always wanted to go there. It's a long time since I travelled alone, so this is a sort of trial run, to see if I can still do it at 80+ years. Wish me luck!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi Barbara,

    So good to hear from you.  Glad you're reading and know what's going on with all of us.

    You are a much braver person than I - traveling alone.  I've never done that and at my age, almost 81, I don't think I could.  But I do hope you have a good time.  Maybe you'll see a Tasmanian Devil while you're there.  I've always heard of them but, of course, never have seen one.

    Thanks for the suggestion.  I do something like that.  I open the heavy boxes and put the things in the PU or Gator and then when I get home I put them in a wheelbarrow type thing to take to the house.  But, I have 40 lb. sacks of catfood and litter and heavy sacks of dogfood so can't do it with them.  I do hope it can get straightened out but doubt it.  We used to have good delivery guys and a girl - always brought everything to the porch but they get reassigned or quit and new ones come on that aren't so good.  

    We're waiting for the storm - supposed to be in OKC in a few minutes.  The Weather Channel just said the Thunder is playing with about three minutes left and thousands of people will be on the streets about the time the bad weather gets there.  I have things in the bathroom which is in the middle of the house in case we have to go in.  I've been as careful as possible to not let the GPs and cats know what I'm doing so it doesn't bother them but guess I haven't done a good job.  Just now there were two cats on my lap and one on the chair arm.  Stormy knows something's up - Sheena's laid back but I bet she knows too.  Guess they can sense my anxiety.

    I have a BIL north of Amarillo and it says the storm is still going on there so I won't call him - will tomorrow.  He's probably like Charles who wasn't a bit afraid of storms.  My grandma and mother were and I guess it rubbed off on me.  My sister was afraid of them, too.

    Barbara, how has your summer been going?  Has it been hot and dry or nice?  Still seems odd to me that as we go into spring, you're going into autumn.   Have a good time on your trip and let us know how it went.  We'll be looking forward to your post when you get home.

    Take care tonight if you're in the path of the storm.  Tomorrow should be a beautiful day.  I've been watching Jackie and Shadow today and it looks like it's been pretty there, too.

    Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, you asked about Jimmy Carter on the last Friends thread.  He had brain cancer and had brain surgery for it a few years ago.  I believe he is 98 and Rosalynn is 95.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Nice to hear from you Barbara.  Use to travel quite a bit by myself.  Not comfortable with that now.  Hope you have a nice trip.

    Raining but fairly light  so far and wind fairly light.  Things may pick up a bit this afternoon.  Hope each of you are ok.

    Called J to get her grocery list yesterday, no answer.  How it often is now.  Often does better if I text.  Tried that, no reply.  At 2am this morning she texted me and it was gibberish. At 5:30 she called me and asked if I got the text.  Hated to tell her, but I did, told her it was just letters, no words. Really couldn’t understand a lot of her reply, she seemed distressed a little. But I did understand that she didn’t want any groceries and she wasn’t going to say anything more and she hung up.

    Hope everyone is OK 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, sorry to hear about J.  Hopefully, she'll improve soon.

    We had stormy weather last night - 15 tornados in Oklahoma, 12 severe thunderstorm warnings and four tornado warnings in our area.  We had some high winds but not too much rain although there was quite a lot of water in the road when I took down the trash this morning.

    Last night during the storm I opened the refrigerator and the light inside flashed off and on so closed it - at the same time one of my security lights went out.  This morning I tried to call the electric company to let them know and I didn't hear it ring but the automated system answered, then cut off.  Tried again later thinking their phones were out of order - same thing.  Tried calling some other place and the same thing happened.  Somehow I had gotten a text message from J.W.'s sister so tried to call her - same thing.  She's called back a couple of times and I can't get her to know what's going on.

    Called the phone company, Consumer Cellular.  He said because of the tornados their phone service is out of order and it may be 24 hours before it's on again.  Always something, I guess - but we were lucky not to have any kind of damage.

    I'd better stop before I lose this again.  Hope everyone in Oklahoma survived the night.  Judith, did you have bad weather?

    Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Just got a message from my cousin, Joanne.  Glad she got my message because she said she was worried.  Knew she would be.  You know Carol, my friend I talk about, worked with Joanne when they were in their early 20s.  Quite a coincidence.

    We had dust in the air this morning and the weatherman just said it was from a duststorm in west Texas.  Beth, this bad weather may have gone through your State, too.  Looks like it's up around Chicago now.  It's almost 70 degrees here this morning and beautiful.  Windy earlier but calm now.

    Need to check in on Jackie and Shadow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Sounds like maybe your storms weren’t too bad Lorita.  Thankful for that. We’ve had a nice rain all day but I doubt if we’ve had an inch yet. So far we’ve not had any of those real high winds  they gave but they’re still giving them tonight, so I guess we could get them yet.

    Had a nice day today. Got my regular housecleaning done, then after lunch, I cleaned the basement that made me happy. I have all my decluttering done,  my pantry looks so nice.  It had  been such a mess ever since the pandemic started.  

    Don’t know if I mentioned that made a chocolate zucchini honey bread  past weekend.  I really like it.  Will be a keeper.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    Glad you are ok, Lorita! We just had rain here - some thunder and lightning and just over an inch. It's very windy today.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Chocolate zucchini honey bread - my goodness, that sounds good, Sara.  I really like zucchini bread, honey and chocolate so that would hit the spot.   When you have zucchini do you ever cook it with onions and tomatoes on the stovetop?   I like it that way with - what else, brown beans.

    Just came back from the mailbox.  I happened to look out the window and saw the FedEx truck at the entry to the farm.  He was in the gateway, sat there a minute, backed out and left.  I went down and there were two big, heavy boxes - two cases of dog food, one of catfood, 40 lb. of catfood and a sack of dog food.  Got them all in the PU and they'll stay there until needed.  I think I'll send an e-mail to the CEO of the company but will call customer service again and get the name of the person so I can tell him who I talked with.  Probably won't help but I'll try.

    Sara - you put me to shame - doing all that housework.  I need to organize my pantry - I stick things in there and have a hard time finding them again.  Should get rid of things that I never use - there's a cappacino maker, yogurt maker, juicer and who knows what else.  But - that's for another day.

    After my phone started working again or rather when the company got their problem fixed I called my cousin.  She was at therapy and was waiting for a call from J.W.'s daughter.  She took his wife to the hospital this morning thinking she was having a stroke.  Thankfully, she wasn't but they may put in a paceaker - so she was waiting to hear about that.  She was 80 last week.

    It's been a beautiful day, about 75 degrees and is supposed to be warmer tomorrow.  The news has shown the devastation the tornados caused last night - in Norman, Cheyenne and Shawnee.  One person was killed.  So, guess we just missed it because it weakened some as it moved east.  Bad enough anyway.

    Looks like it's snowing at Big Bear again.  Zetta, what's everyone saying about the little eagles?

    The storm last night zapped my security light, electric blanket and heating pad.  How that happened I don't know.  The heating pad was plugged in the same outlet as the weather radio and it's okay.  Guess I'm lucky nothing else was ruined.

    Hope you all have a good evening.  See you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Glad your phone is back up Lorita.  Would you like the recipe for the chocolate zucchini bread?

    I do like zucchini cooked with tomato.

    Hate that the storms were bad some other places.

    For supper fixed the flat bread but added a little olive oil.  Liked it a little better.  

    Wish each one a good nights rest

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Rain/sleet mixture all day, a sheet of ice outside.  Have tomorrow off all day, 4 hours on Wednesday.  Nothing much happening here - just the rain.

    Barbara, if you want to see snow, I've attached a picture of our last now storm outside Detroit.  I don't have anything from this storm, it's just ice.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Day, the snow looks lovely!  It can be soothing to look at snow, especially falling snow,  from inside.

    We had brief rain here in SoCal, temp is still cold with mild wind.

    I had two problems today.  My smartphone had a notification for a low battery app; I call the company and they straightened that out.  Then I went to pick up my neighbor from her car shop in another town, and my low tire pressure icon came on.  Fortunately, the car mechanic was nice enough to check it out for me, even though I was not a client.  He said tires can have low pressure when it's cold, but can warm up while driving.  I'm glad my two problems were easily solved!

    Barbara, enjoy your bus trip to Tasmania!  I travel with a travel club by bus, in November I went to a glamping site in Utah, probably about 400 miles from me.  Glamping is glamour camping, camping without the dirt, and with electricity and indoor plumbing.  Later on in March, I will travel with them to Laughlin Nevada, which is like Las Vegas for seniors.  There will be 5 or 6 ladies in my little group, but overall about 40-45 people will travel together.  Everyone is friendly.  You will probably meet some very nice people to hang out with.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I hope everyone is still staying safe during all the storms we've had lately. Our next chance of severe weather isn't until Wednesday and Thursday and really dont know how bad it will get here yet.

    Received the emiril 360 airfrayer yesterday, bow to figure out how to use it. Looks fairly simple, will be trying simple things ar first. Not sure yet what to do with the microwave popcorn bags I have since I no longer have a microwave. 

    Going to eat at a Mexican restaurant today with a group from church. Lou gets excited about eating out and there are two different church groups that eat together once a month. One is held in the church gym and the other met at different local restaurants. 

    Still having trouble sleeping, dont know why. Some is due to leg pain, but not all the problem. I still go to sleep shortly after laying down, just cant stay asleep. Guess I get what I need because I dont doze are sleep any during the day.

    Neighbor that helps with Lou told me her son has sold his house and she will be going back to her home. She says that she will still help with Lou, but if a emergency happens it will take her 40 minutes to get here. It was so convenient having her next door! I know if a couple of occasions I needed to go to ER that she came right over, now I'll have to take Lou with me.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Wrote a long post, got my little finger on the wrong key and it vanished - saw it one time but not again.  This will be short.

    Hope everyone's okay.  It's a beautiful morning - already 49 degrees - birds are singing and sun is shining.  Babies are in the garden licking the mineral tubs so all is well in the world.

    Day, glad you're off today and don't have to get out.  Enjoy Denim  & Co. - two hours today.   The snow picture you posted was beautiful.  I love to see trees with snow on their limbs.

    Ron, enjoy your Mexican food today.  Nice that Lou enjoys going out and being with people.  Do it as long as you can.  Hope your leg and hip are better today. Just take it easy.  Sorry your neighbor is going to be moving but good she'll still help you.  Having her next door was the best.

    Sara - I'd love the recipe - it sounds so good.  I like quick breads - really miss the banana bread Darwin's wife made and kept everyone supplied.  When I was in the store the other day they had a basket with plastic bags filled with overripe bananas for $1. each - probably several pounds.  She would have loved that.

    Zetta - hope you're well.  I watched the recap of yesterday with the eagles.  Strange that they're bringing in more branches - do you think they're fortifying the nest to make it better when the little ones hatch or if the snow has damaged it a bit.  I wonder if these eggs aren't viable - 47 days for the first one and 44 for the second - if they ever lay a second bunch.  Guess we'll see.

    Going to stop before this one disappears.  Hope all is well with everyone.  I hear machinery on the section east of us so wonder what they're doing - maybe taking advantage of the pretty weather.   My daffodils are blooming like crazy - so pretty and springy.  I need to get up to the MH to pick a bouquet.  The ones up there are really big so get my bouquets up there and keep these blooming in the yard.  Need to check on those little white flowers.

    Back later.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Hello all, I've got Denim & Co. on and enjoying it.  I'm over all the long sleeves though - although the sweatshirts are cute.

    Ron, sorry your neighbor is moving and won't be available for emergencies right away.  A good thing to start in the air fryer is simple and quick - I don't know how you feel about Brussel sprouts but if they're cut in half, season with salt and pepper and a tablespoon of some kind of oil - 15 mins with 1 shake halfway through they're delicious.  Until I had these I didn't care much for Brussel sprouts at all.  Now I eat them a lot.

    Lorita, I took the picture because at the time I was outside it looked so pretty and it was really quiet.  A nice moment where you couldn't hear anything, not even the birds.  Most of that's gone and we've got ice covering all surfaces (I'm walking like a duck to keep from falling) and every branch in the trees encased in ice.  

    I have to go to the grocery store.  I thought about just ordering but I want to see if I'm inspired to make something new with what's available in the store.  After that, I'm done.  Chucky has everything he needs so no pet store or Chewy coming.  

    I have a mammogram next week, so at least when I have my doctor appointment in April and she asks what on my list I've had done I can say I had the mammogram and lab work.  I keep avoiding the colonoscopy - I hate the prep and it's likely they'll find IBS because everyone else in my family has it but I've learned to live with it.

    Truth is I'm scared to have it because when my mom had one, although she had symptoms of dementia before, she fell off the dementia cliff after the colonoscopy and I blame the anesthesia (it was just Versed, but still).  So I have an aversion to anything that might affect my cognition.  I've explained this to doctors, but they pooh-pooh me and never offer an alternative so I just duck and dodge.

    I'll be back later - going to head out and see what culinary inspiration comes to me at the store!

    P.S. to Lorita - If I had a vacation planned I'd buy one of those bathing suits - they're cute and flattering!.  I didn't catch the price, probably expensive.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    They were cute, Day.  I think around $70.  I haven't had or worn a bathing suit since high school days - and won't.

    I saw some shorts on TV yesterday - Anybody, I think, that had wide legs and were pretty short (not too short).  Reminded me that when I was little mother had the pattern for a pair of shorts, mid thigh, that had wide legs like the beach pants.  I loved those.  I don't wear shorts anymore - wear patio dresses in the summer and long pants (don't wear the shorter pants).

    Be careful going out to the store.  You really don't want to fall which is so easy to do especially on ice or snow.  I have to be careful walking out to the water tank because I'm walking on black walnuts and tree roots.

    Zetta, did they turn off the eagle cam? I got it early this morning but have been trying the last few minutes and get a green screen.  I read where the experts said they don't think the eggs will hatch.  So sad.

    Day, do you like comfy knit pants?  To me, they seem too heavy - and don't like denim shorts.  Sounds like most of the shorts are sold out.

    The electric company men just came and fixed my security light.  Really upset Stormy and Sheena for someone to be outside with the noise.  It has been so dark at night since two of the lights are out.  Still have one on the south side of the storage building so provides light on the south side.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita...the Nest cam is being worked on, it says. If you want to see something go to the eagle cam 2 and you can see the top of their tree and the camera setup. Can see coming and going from the nest and a head peeking out. Here's the link to cam 2.

    Big Bear Bald Eagle Wide View - Cam 2 - YouTube

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thanks so much, Betty.  I felt like I'd lost a friend - silly, isn't it?  Maybe one of those big sticks they were bringing in did something to the camera.  I've wondered how in the world someone got that high up in the tree to even install the camera.  Interesting.

    Ron, try frozen french fries first.  I don't have the brand you do - I have a NuWave which is like the first ones we had which were Jet Stream.  Mine is round with a clear top. We used to bake biscuits or rolls in it and you could watch them rise.  Not sure about yours but we could cook frozen pork chops or steak in just a very few minutes.  I cook pizza in mine, too.   Hope you like it.  I bought an Instapot a few months ago and it's "stored" in the pantry.  Never could figure out how to use it - someday...

    I went through the kitchen a while ago and smelled the bread baking - just took it out and rubbed butter over it to keep it pretty soft.  

    Thanks, again, Betty, for the information.  Really appreciated.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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