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Just need to talk to my friends (188)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Zetta, I hope you have supplies and heat!

    I have a skittish cat too.  I've had her about 12 years already--still skittish.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Iris.

    I got plenty of supplies, and if the electricity goes out, I can go to the cabin out back and use the wood stove. My nephew is with me so he can get the wood stove going if needed.

    Will your skittish cat let you pick it up. Mine wont she has to be the one to jump on my lap and if I try to hold her, she takes off. I have had her since she was a baby, and she is almost one, so Iam not sure why she is this way.  Stay Warm, Hugs Zetta  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Oh my Zetta.  Snowed all day here but even what was on the ground this morning has all melted.

    The roads were great so no problems with all the driving.  He has been kind to our family over the years.  Helped us pick corn by hand.  No corn picker at first.  I sort of enjoyed doing it.  Said they are short staffed where his wife is and that he had been feeding her.  Think that is why he wanted to get there at noon.  Said his daughter told him not to be driving as she didn’t need another problem.  At least he listened. She is the one that doesn’t listen regarding that.

    Iris was the owl from Alaska a snow owl?

    Hope you guys get to see the eagles hatch.  We have eagles in our area.  I’ve only seen them once.  Never have lived in an area where they would hang  out.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Sayra, you talking about it snowing and be melted by the afternoon reminded me of when I was stationed at Fort Campbell KY. After Lou and I married we lived in Hopkinsville and I would put chains on the tires for the 20 mile drive to Fort Campbell and have to take them off that evening for the drive home.

    I had my ultrasound today and the technician didn't see a blood clot, but she hit two spots; one under the knee and the other in the calf that hurt like the devil, also she noticed about my leg swelling. She said something about some other type of test I might need but I dont remember it. I just know I'm glad she didn't see a clot but wish I wasn't hurting so bad, it even wakes me up at night.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, do you have a lump behind your knee?  It could be a popliteal cyst.  Has a doctor seen it? I don't remember if you said so.

    Zetta, mmm, the wood stove sounds so comfy!  And burning wood smells so nice.

    I don't know why my cat is still so skittish, after all these years.  She will let me pet her on the ground, but she does not like being held.

    Sayra, how nice of you to drive the man to visit his wife.  I hope the roads weren't too bad.

    Yes, Sayra, the owl was a snowy owl, normally living in Northern Canada and Alaska.  One had not previously been reported here.  Are you a birder?  I used to be, and I did count my birds on the east coast.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello from rainy SoCal!   Good news in that the state in almost all areas is now listed as being out of drought.  We shall see.  Rain heavier tonight and then much moreso on Tuesday into Wednesday.  I think we will all be growing webbed feet!

    Zetta, sorry for the snow - someone needs to tell Mother Nature that it is spring time in just a few . . . winter's last hurrah.  It is nice that you have an accommodating nephew who shovels and can help with the cabin stove if need be.  He is also blessed in having such a loving and caring aunt.

    Ron; sometimes ultrasound does not always visualize a DVT.  If that is so, considering the persistent symptoms, sometimes a venogram is done, or an MRI.  Do get an early followup appt. and  bestt to be detailed about the symptoms, etc. I am sorry this is happening and can imagine it is a bit depressing to not have it improve and go away.  Hang in there, you are doing the best you can under the circumstances.


    Sayra, truly lovely of you to help with that visit, you are a kind and caring person. And can also cook! 

    It is quiet around here what with the weather and all, most everyone staying indoors; no neighbors out and about.  Had to laugh; have all those cable channels and nothing worth watching!  This brings back memories of old days TV when there was no remote control and one had to get up off one's chair and turn the channel selector by hand for each channel change; over and over . . . and the horizontal and vertical holds often went wonkie, so one had to get up and use a tool to correct them, and no cable, and hardly any decent programming.  Remember Horace Heidt and his Band of Renoun? And Spike Jones?  Gads! Awful - but the grownups got to choose.  My father used to watch the Gillete Wednesday night boxing matches.  Oh how we kids hated that.  Talk about ancient history.

    I did some cleaning out of some drawers in the dresssing area where I sit to blow dry hair; omigosh, I threw away so many containers of products older than old; also lots of other things no longer needed.  Also found some lipsticks that were way past their use by date for sure, no longer usable.  So . . . off they went.  Didn't mean to start, but now I am on to the next thing.  How I wish I could wiggle my nose and the closets would clear themselves, but alas.  I know I have many things that need to go to better use somewhere else. 

    The mountains are still in danger.  Many main roads now clear, but side roads are still filled with snow. Roofs caving in and big concern because rain in the mountains is expected on top of the snow making the 12 feet of snow on roofs even heavier for more roof collapses and terrible water damage where roofs have already given away and also forming sheets of ice which is a danger.  Iris is right; to this point, 13 people have lost their lives in the mountain communities. Still some farther out areas not inspected as yet. One poor man needed diaysis three times a week and no way to get him out. Another lady at 93 lived independently; she had recently been diagnosed with dementia.  Her neighbors checked on her from time to time, but they found her dead; probably from cold.  Horrible. They finally got declared a disaster area so they could get some more help in whatever way that can be.  Now that main roads are open, the fire depts. and police depts, and others are trying to pick up prescriptions and bring them to people who still cannot get out.  Some still without heat. 

    Sayra, your corn picking had me recalling.  With our youngest, we planted popcorn kernels and they grew!  We got pygmy cornstalks that grew tiny ears of corn.  They were really cute.  I ended up picking and drying them and using them in a centerpiece with those little mini pumpkins and Indian corn as well as a basket of same on the front porch for autumn. It did not take long for the stalks to grow and it was so happy, happy for the little one who saw actual happy results.  Thus our only corn crop two years in a row.

    Going to have some breaded cutlets and baked potatoes with steamed carrots and green beans for dinner.  DH ordered some carrot cupcakes with cream cheese icing from CostCo, and they are HUGE . . . I do not need that at all but may be seduced into half a one; still a lot,  so maybe not.  My good self is arguing with my bad self.  Wonder which one will win!

    My knees have been having fits with the barometer changes with all the rain; really painful and stiff. Wednesday, I actually have P.T. coming out to do an assessment and will see what is prescribed for interventions as well as building muscle and strength.  Have never had P.T. before; in that they will come to the house is a bit plus for sure. The P.T. company only does home care and they are very busy; good for them. 

    So; off I go, may everyone have a good night and later, sweet dreams,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Are you all having trouble posting?  I am - maybe it's about time for 189.

    Zetta, two feet of snow in one night?  My goodness gracious.  We had about 24" about ten years ago and was snowed in.  It worried me that if something happened with Charles we couldn't get out so sweet Darwin came over with his big John Deere and broke out our road and up the main road as far as where another neighbor was doing the same getting to the road where a bulldozer had cleared the road.  Kind of scary when you can't get out if you need to.  

    I'm glad you have all the provisions you need and a way to have heat if needed.

    Iris, is the awful weather going to get down as far as you?  It sounds really awful - from terrible drought to this.

    You all were talking about owls.  A few times when I've been out at the barn at night a big owl has flown out.  We have a window at the south end about the big doors and one time one of them flew into the window, fell to the ground, laid there a couple of minutes and flew away.  They look almost white - can't hear them fly at all.  We have some mockingbirds around and they're singing their heads off lately.  I love to lay in bed in the mornings and hear them sing.

    Stormy and Sheena stayed in last night and up until about midmorning - went out and stayed in the front hard a few minutes and back in.  A little later I went out on the porch and there were footprints in blood on the porch.  I came in and checked all their feet and there was no blood.  Later I was out and checked Thomas' feet and there were okay.  The only thing I can think of is the squirrel - the prints were small.  No idea what could have happened but I haven't seen him today.  I did have sunflower seeds on the front porch last night and they were gone this morning.

    I made another loaf of bread today and a quick peach cobbler.  I think maybe the yeast I've been using is getting too old.  I used a little more today and it made a taller loaf.  I've kept it in the refrigerator but may be time to change.  

    Beth, I've checked in a few times on the eagles.  Once this afternoon there were two cameras going - not sure if it was the same place or not.  Just checked and one of them is on the nest and looks like the snow is gone.

    Nothing much has gone on today so I'll stop for now.  Hope everyone has a good evening.

    Ron, glad there weren't any clots.  Do you sleep with a small pillow under your knees?  I've had to do that for years - under the knee I injured so long ago.  

    See you all tomorrow.  I dread the time change.  I heard today they think the amount and kind of sleep people get could contribute to alzheimers.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, thanks for encouraging Ron to continue his evaluation re: DVT.  That is more serious than a popliteal cyst.

    I know you eat healthfully.  I had discovered, personally, that losing just ten pounds of weight lessened my severe knee pain.  Losing forty pounds removed about 90% of my knee pain.  Ironically, none of my doctors that I had consulted about severe knee pain had recommended weight loss.  Perhaps they thought I would be offended.  I mention this to you, just for the record.  I don't know your weight.

    Lorita, I live in the city, far away from the mountains where the roads are blocked from the snow.  We don't have more problems other than leaking roofs and slick streets.  Rain is more of a nuisance for us in the city.  But we NEED rain, because we need water to overcome the extreme drought conditions we have been living in these past years.                                                                                             

    The newspaper has urged people in isolated areas to stock up provisions for at least three weeks.  That's a long time!  Don't expect to be rescued any time soon!           That was a reminder for me, I've been too complacent, I was down to my last can of cat food.  That's why I had to go out in the rain to stock up on cat food for my fur babies.                                          

    Has anyone noticed that no one seems to wear a raincoat any more?   I was out today and I only saw people wearing jackets.  I am in southern California, sp perhaps that is why.  Now that I think about it, I brought my own raincoat with me from the east coast, years ago.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita is taking a while to get on now. Don’t care for the time change in the spring either. Prefer to keep my hour of sleep.

    Ron, remember my dad using chains on the tires in bad weather. Always felt sorry for him having to get out in the terrible weather and do that. Used studded tires during the winter but now since we have all wheel drive and good all weather radial tires don’t have to switch tires in and out anymore.

    JoC since my neighbors with the teenagers moved my neighborhood is extremely quiet. I miss them.

    Iris, I was a  birder for a lot of years. Challenges with my mother, ticks and pandemic, sort of removed it from my life. Miss it, and when I hear a bird sing, and I know I used to know what bird sang that song it makes me sad. Have lost that knowledge and don’t know that I’ll ever regain it. Life curves have unmotivated me some what.

    Saw snow owl, many years ago with my parents still lived on the farm. Was a cold sunshiny day and the sky was pure blue. Saw a big white bird with brown on its feather tips sitting in a tree. Thought it looks like an owl it must be albino. Looked it up and saw it was a snow owl.  The only time I’ve ever seen one. They wander this far south, sometimes when the weathers rough, and they run out of food in their normal habitat.

    Probably will be a quiet day here today. Thinking about trying a new meatloaf recipe. Haven’t made one in quite a long time. It had a lot of good reviews and calls for Panko crumbs. I just made up my croutons and I’m going to crush them and use them because they will not have soy in them. 

    Hope each one of you have a peaceful day 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    I posted this morning around 2:30 addressing all of your concerns about my dvt and rain and snow everyone has been having, but its disappeared. 

    The severe pain I had when the tech was doing the ultrasound was below the inside of my knee, right below the fold and also at the calf where the blood clot was previously found. After Jo mentioned it I remembered, the venogram is what was mentioned by the tech. I will probably wait for the radiologist report on the ultrasound and my echocardiogram next Thursday before following up with my primary care physician. The technician did notice how much my left leg is swollen. To me it looks bigger the two inch difference Lou's home health nurse checked last week. 

    I had trouble sleeping last night and Lou nor my prostate problem was the cause. I kept waking up with leg and hip pain and finally got up a little before 2 this morning. Lorita mentioned a pillow under my knees, but that doesnt work for me. I'm a side to side sleeper.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Ron, when you lay on your side, put the little pillow between your knees - it helps so much to keep your knees from being against each other.

    Glad there's no clot.  Did they use the doppler when they checked?  Charles was having leg pain years ago and they used they to determine if he had a deep vein thrombosis.  His dad died from a blood clot so he was always worried when he had leg pain.

    Beth, I've been watching the eagles this morning - saw one fly back to the nest.  There's several live cameras - are they all  on the same eagles but from different angles?

    I saw Rusty, the squirrel, this morning hanging on the bird feeder so the blood footprints weren't from him.  I have no idea but some critter was injured.

    It's cold, cloudy and windy here this morning - supposed to have bad weather later today - hail is the most likely thing so I need to get the PU windshield under cover before that.  Just checked and the GPs vitamins are in the mailbox so need to get down there before long.

    Quiet here this morning - hope Jimmy is able to get here so I can have hot water without having to wait for it.  Just hate to have to wait to have things done but everyone seems so busy anymore.

    The weather is so bad in California - but, the good thing is that the drought is over.  Same for our part of the state, however, it's still severe in the panhandle and western part of the state.  Our ponds can still hold more water.  Always good to go into summer with full ponds.

    I wrote one long post and it disappeared - screen went black and it was gone so I'll stop and post this one.  Enjoy the weekend.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good morning 

    Gloomy day, not complaining just how it is.  A skiff of snow that has almost disappeared now.  See they are giving an inch or two over next day or two.  Suppose to be sunny Wednesday so hopefully if we get it won’t stay on long.

    Quiet weekend as usual.   Haven’t done a lot.  J called me a little bit ago.  Guess she is doing a little better.  Said she is having tests this week so not going to get any groceries.  Some of the stuff that goes on with her medical care seems a little odd to me but maybe she doesn’t have all they tell her straight.

    Take care everyone,  still thinking of you Judith

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning,

    A little Gloomy here as well. I'm not snowed in any longer my nephew shoveled the drive out to the road, so now I can at least get out. A littler snow and some rain are predicted for the next few days. Its gloomy out right now maybe the sun has not caught up with the time change. 

    I will be taking my nephew to work soon, not much else happening today. 

    Lorita.  Where are you? 

    Good day to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    I'm enjoying a cup of hot cinnamon spice tea (Harney & Sons) now. Soon it'll be time to start lunch. I'm making tater tot casserole. 

    We got 5.9" of snow yesterday - great big flakes. It was very pretty. A neighbor did snow removal for us yesterday, then I worked on it some this a.m. Staying home from church today due to weather. 

    I saw a fun video this a.m.: "Shift change" of the Decorah eagles. It's here if you'd like to view it:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0ctHwUxqn0

    I am looking forward to spring. I like to be outside,  but not in winter. I am trying to be more active, exercising to YouTube videos in the house. Just sitting is not good for a person.

    Lorita, we have a yellow and white cat that comes around here too. Yellow, white chest and 4 little white paws. Very pretty. He's scared of me, though. When I talk to him he does meow but I cannot get near him. 

    Enjoy your weekend! Lots of college basketball games being played. 
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Beth, I work out with YouTube videos too. 

    You guys have got a lot of snow, suppose to be good for ground.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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