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Just need to talk to my friends (188)



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Today is light bulb day!  Every major room has some which are not working because I hate having to change them.  All require me getting on small step ladder to change.  Even though I only have to go up one or at most 2 steps...it is not good for someone my age...lol.

    I always make sure to have the wireless phone positioned near the floor, just in case I should take a tumble.

    Of course they all take different types of bulbs.  The ones I dislike the most are the halogens where I have my computer.  They are so hard to get just right since they have 2 prongs and then turn to secure in socket.

    Never did like getting on ladders, and like it even less now...lol.

    Yesterday evening and night it just rained and rained.  No idea how much but am sure it was a lot.  Today temps in the 50's and sunny.  Saw some daffodils yesterday on my travels to take Mother to PT, so guess spring is here...at least for a few days...

    Hope all are feeling better from their health issues.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Betty, Thanks for the update on the cameras. I have been watching #2 all morning, so sweet how you could see the top of her head bobbing up and down. One time I could see her whole face and eyes. Isn't it amazing how many people are watching it was up to 17 thousand yesterday. 

    Lorita. Looks like the eggs will not be hatching unless nature has a surprise for all of us. It makes me sad I was so hoping for the eggs to hatch. I saw Spirit hatch last year and I fell in love with her and was sad when she flew away.  Jackie left Shadow on the nest all night, looks like she is starting to pull away.     ): 

    Ron.  That was so sweet when Lou prayed for you, I bet that brought tears to your eyes. She loves you and knows your there. Sorry to hear your helpful neighbor is moving, you will sure miss her. Is it possible to plan ahead with something like care.com in case of an emergency. Lou would be so scared going to the hospital with you on an emergency, and what would you do with her while your there. I would hope that the hospital in that case would have a plan for her. Maybe in that case your neighbor can come to the hospital and take Lou, home. Just a thought.

    Iris. I am glad you made it home safely after dealing with that hail. I was going to take my nephew to work this morning but its snowing so bad and I don't drive in the snow he had to call in and find someone to cover for him. He wanted to walk the 7 miles and I told him no way was I going to let him walk 7 miles in this type of weather. He is off for the next 3 days so hopefully things clear up a bit. 

    Barbara.  Enjoy your trip, you will make some friends who are also traveling alone. I took the train to my daughters once and it was a 5-hour ride. I was looking forward to the quiet time I would have on the train ride. I am not really a social person and I prefer not to talk to strangers. Well, I was next to a lady who talked all the way. I was so glad when the train got there. 

    Sara.  I bet your glad you got all the decluttering done. I need to declutter my closet and get rid of a lot of cloths I will never ware again, that's on my list of things to do. You are such a busy lady. J is so blessed to have you there for her. Sorry to hear she is having problems, but as we all know that comes with age.

    The wind is blowing so hard there is a white out at my house, it is blowing all the snow around. 

    Take care all I hope your all surviving the weather. Iam going back to the nest, it looks like Jackie is still there. Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'You know you're getting old when everything hurts And what doesn't hurt doesn't work Miss CoCo'
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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     Good evening

    Iris it’s not uncommon for that low tire pressure warning to come on when the weather is cold. I don’t think the car I have now has ever done it but my car I had before it did it quite often when the weather was cold.

    Not a fan of ladders either Marie especially outside.

    Hate that your neighbor is having to move Ron. No that is a big loss for you.

    Double Chocolate, honey, zucchini, bread /Celebrating Appalachia 

    1&2/3C flour,    1/3C cocoa,     1t salt,    1/2t baking soda,   1/2t baking powder,    2 eggs

    1/2C oil,    1/2C brown sugar,    1/3C honey,    1t vanilla,    2C zucchini,    1C chocolate chips 

    350 degrees,     Grease and flour 8x4 loaf pan

    In bowl, mix, flour, cocoa, salt, baking powder, and baking soda

    In separate bowl whisk, eggs, oil, sugar, honey, and vanilla

    Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and gently stir together til almost no flour remains 

    Fold in zucchini and chocolate chips still evenly distributed

    Bake 65 to 75 minutes, or til toothpick just has few moist crumbs 

    Cool in pan 15 minutes, turn out on cooling rack, cool completely before slicing

    I cut the sugar and honey in half .  Stirred in some walnuts along with the chocolate chips

    It was not very sweet this way, but with the chop with the walnuts in there, I didn’t miss the sugar 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Lou is turning into a lean....mean....eating machine! When we arrived at the Mexican restaurant they put a bowl of chips and salsa right in front of her, she came close to eating the whole bowl before the meal arrived and several of the second bowl. Right after coming back home she started denying eating anything. I am still full so will just fix her a sandwich, chips and salad for supper. Need to watch her are I'll be eaten out of house and home.

    Had the neighbor over to help with some of my cleaning and rearranging I wanted to do. Got finished with half the kitchen and even though I wasnt doing anything hard, I had to stop. Checked my oxygen and it was 91, took awhile to come back up but its 95 now. 

    Guess what I came across during the kitchen work....a bread baking machine. I had forgot we had one and now with all the bread making talk my front porch ladies have been doing, I'll have to try it. One thing I did different than Lou, was she had everything put away in bags. I threw the bags away where I could see what we have.

    Need to rest a little....tired and still washing!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    That's good to know about the tires, Sayra.  I never knew that before.

    Funny cartoon!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Marie, where did you find that picture of me, even down to the blue robe.  The caption is so true and gets more so every day.

    Zetta, hope you stay inside out of the cold and snow.  Glad your nephew doesn't have to go to work.  On the news this morning I saw pictures of houses in Truckee - they've had seven feet of snow.  I can't imagine that much.  How much have you had.

    Sara, thanks so much for the recipe.  I'll get the ingredients next time I go to town.  I usually don't put as much sugar as recipes call for either.

    Ron, it's good that Lou is eating well and enjoying it.  What kind of bread machine do you have?  Did it have the instructions and some recipes with it?   I have a Bread Factory and I've modified a recipe that's really good and so easy.  Mine makes bread with two cups of flour or three cups of flour for dough.  The loaf isn't big but it lasts at least a week.  If you don't have a recipe, let me know and I'll post the one I use.

    Sara - what were you doing up at 1 a.m.?  I was up almost that late the night we had storms but usually go to sleep trying to watch Barney Miller (did that last night and the TV was on all night).

    When I got up this morning it was a pretty day - only partly cloudy and pretty warm.  I was outside with Sheena waiting for the water tank to fill and the front came through and now it's cloudy, windy and chilly.  Stormy was in the house while we were outside and he was really upset when we came in so won't do that again.  He was so upset he upchucked clear liquid. 

    Tried to check the eagle cam this morning but it doesn't show anything.  I saw a video that said something about the eggs not pipping but can't find it now.  Wonder if the camera is out of order.

    Watching Leave it to Beaver - it was made in the 60s, I think, and the cars are so pretty - big and a lot have fins.  My first car was a 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air and it had fins.  Really liked it - I remember when I bought the Mustang I gave the car to mother and she had it a long time.  Those cars had such an easy ride.

    Hope everyone is well this morning and is staying inside out of the snow and bad weather.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita it was 2:55 my time.  Get up at 3 and take my thyroid medicine.

    Today is beautiful here.  Don’t think the next couple of days are going to be.

    Went and saw J today as  was concerned about her. Something is definitely not right. It appears something neurological has happened, know that her son was here this weekend. Not sure if this change happened before he left or not. Don’t have a real good feeling about this.

    One of my mom’s many  problems is she appears to have dermatitis of some sort on her legs.  My sister offered to give her some medicine that she had, to try and then a different lotion to try. Of course she refused. She’s using olive oil and Castrol oil which is not working. We know she won’t agree to go to the doctor so wondering if any of you guys have had any luck with anything over the counter if she would ever become agreeable to that.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi again,

    Day, on your recent post you mentioned not wanting to have a colonoscopy.  Years ago the PA who was working with my doctor kept saying I needed to get a colonoscopy.  I asked my doctor about it and was referred to the doctor who would do it.  In my conversation with her I asked if anything ever went wrong. She said that occasionally a bowel would be pierced or punctured, in other words a hole would be made in it.  Asked her what she did for that and she said a lot of the time it healed by itself, otherwise, surgery would have to be done.  This did it for me.  I told my doctor and he suggested Cologuard.  I've had this two or three times, either two or three years apart.  If you're not having problems they're reliable and you do it all in your home.  The doctor orders it, the pkg. is sent to you, you do it and call and they have UPS pick it up.    This might work for you.

    Sara, sorry to hear that about J.  Hope she improves.  Do you think maybe the visit she had could have caused it?   I don't know what might work for your mother - is the rash like the rash you get under your bosom?   If it is, I have just the thing.  I had that a couple of years ago and do most summers.  My doctor ordered a cream for it and it works wonders with one application.  I'm not in the bathroom where it is, but if you want the name of it let me know.

    I moved the bird feeder closer to the front door so I could watch it a little bit.  I noticed one of the cats, Sammy, was standing at the front storm door watching something.  I looked and the squirrel (I've named him Rusty) was on the feeder.  It's close to the holly so he gets on it from the holly.  He watched and watched, then noticed both Sammy and his mother, Lilly, were on the back of the chair looking out the window.  They were watching Rusty.  Felt sorry for him having to hang onto the feeder in the wind so got a little tray and put sunflower seeds in it and put it on the porch on a boot tray I have out there.  It wasn't five minutes until the cats started watching again.  I looked and he had found the tray.  He's so cute - picks up a seed, nibbles on it, discards the hull and gets another.  I probably have created a monster.  I've seen him on the other feeder, too.  Another mouth to feed but I probably have been feeding him anyway - on the birdfeeder.

    I'm enchanted with the squirrels.  We've never had them until a few years ago we would occasionally see one but the last couple of years I've seen black walnuts broken open and empty so guess they've discovered the tree.  I've seen as many as three playing on the trees but only Rusty the last couple of months.

    Back hurts today.  I lifted the cases of cat and dog food out of the PU into the wheelbarrow thing, then into the house so that's probably why.  The sacks of dog and cat food are still in the PU.  No hurry to bring them inside.

    Talked with Mike this morning after he fed and was on his way back to work.  He had forgotten Sheena's shot but will bring it Friday.  He was up most of the night as he is most nights.  We talked about the upcoming election to legalize recreational marijuana in Oklahoma.  He said he had recently treated three dogs who had gotten into their owner's stash.  All three survived.

    News is showing the snowfall in California.  This must be awfully unusual.  They said in some places there had been 15 ft. of snow.  The roof of the house of an 80 year old woman collapsed under the weight of the snow and killed her.  I can't imagine.   It was 79 degrees here yesterday - only 60 so far today and windy.

    I see a cow coming from the barn so the water tank in the garden is probably empty.  I have a float valve on the one in the lot so they go there when the other one is empty.  This morning when they fed and were coming back to the hay, the four tiny babies stopped in the garden and were licking the mineral tubs.  They are so cute and curious.

    Sorry about writing so much - but guess I always do. Back later. Ron, how are you and Lou today.  Looks like you all might have some rough weather later - be careful.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Well, Marie; you have hit the nail on the head with that cartoon and had me laughing.   Cannot remember the aging female movie persona who said that she had reached the years in life where, "everything is sagging, bagging,  dragging, leaking and squeaking . . . "   That too had me laughing.

    Sayra, oh dear.  Your mother may be making things worse, but her beliefs are of course cemented in and no arguing or trying to kindly make changes will come easy if at all.

    If one knew the cause of the rash she has, it would be easy to make a recommendation. Sometimes it is just as simple as applying nothing other than a Cortisone cream to the area twice a day.  Other times, one would wonder if there was a bacterial or fungal component or other cause.  If worse came to worse, if she does have a doctor she has seen within the last year, perhaps taking a photo of the affected skin area with your cell phone and sending it to the doctor's office after you have let them know of the circumstances will be helpful if the MD is willing to make a care approach using that information.

    Ron; sounds like Lou was delighted with the rich flavors in the salsa as well as the flavor of the corn chips and salt to accompany it.  Yum!  Well; she evidently enjoys her food which is one of the few things that is sometimes left when everything else is sliding sideways.  I am though, sorry to hear that Lou's helping person has had to move.

    I feel some concern on your behalf.  You must still do so, so much and are under serious persistent physical and mental stress when you have abundant and serious healthcare needs of your own.  I just wish that you had daily assistance since Lou will be staying home per your wishes.  I agree that making prior arrangements for Lou's care should you need to go to the ER would be best and be by far best if you needed to be admitted to the hospital through the ER. Lou being stuck in the ER should that happen would be an issue to say the least.  So hope you will be able to find dependable help for the various needs that are presenting themselves.  You are a very good and kind person; perhaps you need some of those good qualities applied to your own self.   So hope all wll work out well.

    That Eagles nest in Big Bear; camera one is not working - BUT the storm continues up there and the camera issue may well be weather related.  Just this morning they said that there will be another two feet of snow falling up there; in some areas it is now twelve to fifteen feet.  Cannot imagine that. As it is, there are NO roads in or out of Big Bear and it is now an emergency situation with people actually stranded.  Food and supplies have run out. Stores shelves are really and truly bare, cannot get the trucks up due to the weather.  Restaurants ran out of food days ago; cars are buried.  Cannot get meds and other serious/urgent  up needs up there.  It is a dreadful situation.  People are literally snowed inside their homes in some areas and cannot get out.  Some people and even kids were vacationing and not prepared for such a lengthy set of circumstancees.  School camps are stranded.  Two area school camps for kids are for over 100 children each.  Snow plows have worked 24 hours a day for days; however; the snow fall is too much and the slowplows cannot handle it and are no longer effective.  The road works are trying to get HUGE Equipment up close as possible to try and clear some of the road as much as can be, but it will have to be seen what actually can be done.  Some stranded people had initially been sleeping in cars as all hotels (only a few up there) were filled to and past capacity; do not know what happened to those people as it became impossible to continue to try and sleep in the cars. 

    The water issue for the drought is far less; however, should the massive amounts of snow melt too fast, it will cause catastrophic flooding below, so that is also a concern. 

    Barbara, it is good to hear from you, I too hope you have a wonderful trip and enjoy yourself on a well deserved bit of vacation. That area will be beautiful.

    Last week we had hail driven by high winds pounding the house. Last night I woke up at 2:00 am with literally pounding rain sounding like cannon balls; it came down mighty powerfully and relentlessly continuing non-stop until about 4:30 a.m. It was amazing and concerning.  So glad we do not have any giant trees in our yard.  The rain then continued off and on, but far less intense.  We are presently having a bit of a breather, but weather reports indicate continued rain off and on but not as harsh.  Supposedly, may possibly have more rain beginning of next week. During the worst of the rain last night, I could hear sirens from police cars in the distance; they must have been helatiously busy even at the wee hours of the morning. 

    On local news, the reporter stated that Edison company related that here were several large power outages and if any other reports were made of new outages, not to expect to receive any feedback on the report that was made for two days, and to expect that any repairs would take longer than that.  Oh boy; not good news.  Some areas have been without power for days.  One knows what one hears from back east and feel bad for those people; but so much of this, especially snow in Southern California; it is really strange.

    Am thinking of some chicken breast with a bit of bbq sauce for dinner and pretend it is summer. Ha.  Just would like a bit of pizzazz flavor. 

    Judith, how are you feeling and how are things going?  I have been thinking of you and hoped you got good feedback and treatment from the doctor.

    Take good care and happy first day of March to everyone,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi again,

    I just cannot imagine that much snow - that you can't get out of the house.  I know it happens and is just awful.  When I was very young we had big snows and out here the snow drifts.  When Charles and I were both working at the VAHospital it snowed while we were there.  We spent the night in town knowing we couldn't get back to work in the morning.  That evening we decided to come home.  We tried one way (on country roads) and ran into a wall of snow so back to the highway to try another way.  Same thing happened.  We finally tried the road three miles south of us and made it but the snow along the sides of the road was as high as the top of the PU.  

    I also worry, Jo, about snowmelt this spring.  This has helped your drought for sure so we hope for the best.

    Had a call from Darwin.  Said he hadn't heard from me for a while so was checking.  He said he went fishing in one of his ponds a day or so ago  and there was a little tree on the pond dump- he stepped over and there was a hole on the other side and the side caved in getting him down in a hole almost waist deep.  He managed to get out but sort of banged up his knee and leg but says it's better.  He keeps his phone with him - told him to call me if he needed help but he said I would never have found him.  He also has Toad's number to call if need be.

    Well, there's another wrinkle here - Stormy cut his foot about three months ago and since then and the trouble with his allergies and foot, the cats have been aggressive with him.  Today, for unknown reason, one jumped on him and of course he reacted, then all three jumped on him.  He was defending and they were pursuing.  I yelled and yelled and finally got them separated - only getting a scratch  on my thumb.  I have no idea why this is happening.  Always something.

    Just heard on the news that there are bald eagles in Bartlesville, OK laying eggs.  Bartlesville is north of Tulsa.  The lady eagle has laid her third egg.  There's a link for a live feed at KTUL.com.  I'm going to see if  I can find it.  Guess this is the time of year for eagle egg laying and hatching.

    It was almost 20 degrees colder today than yesterday with storms tomorrow, maybe a bit south of us.  But we may get up to 2" of rain.  Right now we don't need more but we take what we get.  The ponds still are not full but everything is muddy.  There was water over the road at our mailbox yesterday.

    My ribs and back have hurt quite a lot today so I've been leaning against the heating pad which really helps.  Still have those sacks of cat and dog food in the PU to get inside.  I think I'll split the catfood into two sacks, 20 lb. each - that should help.

    Zetta, are you okay?  Hope you're not snowed in.  White-outs are not much fun.  We've had them a couple of times years ago.

    Enjoy the evening.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita my back would be hurting bad I lifted all that stuff like you do.

    JoC the last time my mom saw a doctor was in March 2019 when she had her stroke and was in hospital.  Took me five days to get her to go.  She acted terrible there, accused them of making things up, not agreeable to anything.  She has not had a family doctor would say for around 19 years.   Wanted to get a DNR put into effect when she was there, but didn’t happen, they just wanted her out the door. I understood.  If I ever have to take her somewhere, guess we will go to ER.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita wrote:

    Hi again,

    Day, on your recent post you mentioned not wanting to have a colonoscopy.  Years ago the PA who was working with my doctor kept saying I needed to get a colonoscopy.  I asked my doctor about it and was referred to the doctor who would do it.  In my conversation with her I asked if anything ever went wrong. She said that occasionally a bowel would be pierced or punctured, in other words a hole would be made in it.  Asked her what she did for that and she said a lot of the time it healed by itself, otherwise, surgery would have to be done.  This did it for me.  I told my doctor and he suggested Cologuard.  I've had this two or three times, either two or three years apart.  If you're not having problems they're reliable and you do it all in your home.  The doctor orders it, the pkg. is sent to you, you do it and call and they have UPS pick it up.    This might work for you.

    I had the Cologuard a few years ago and supposedly it was "positive" but they don't say whether it was for blood or for cells, so the colonoscopy is the next step.

    I'll go see the GI doctor and again bring up the anesthesia and see what they say.  
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    This old man is sore....sore....sore! Past two days Linda and I have been pulling everything out of kitchen cabinets and throwing away some things and rearranging others to a more sensible way of storing. Lou had saved everything, if it was needed or not. You should see my right arm with all the bruises. I knew I would bruise easier, but not this bad.

    Lorita the breadmaking machine is sunbeam brand and has a clear window in front that allows you to see it working. The best I remember we do have a receipe booklet but I did not take the machine out if the box yet. I want to have my new countertops installed, than figure out where I want certain items.

    Jo, I contacted my preacher and informed him about the neighbor's son selling his house. He had given me a list of names and phone numbers of church members that lived close. I asked him which ones would be able to watch Lou on a moments notice if a emergency occurred. The neighbor would still be able to help but would take her about 40 minutes to get here. She also is still going to come for the 20 hours a week I proposed to her. Even though I'm only receiving 186 dollars a month aid and attendance, I can afford the extra money and have reached the point I need help if I'm to keep Lou at home.

    Forgot to mention that I was just watching local weather and the first round of storms coming in tonight is expected to stay above us and the second round mainly tommorow evening will be scattered and include us. Both rounds is level 4!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Almost bedtime - in fact, I'm in bed watching TV.  I got the pet food out of the PU and it wasn't so bad except had to pull the dolly up three steps to get it into the house so I've been hurting, still am, but it will be better.  If I could go several days without lifting or bending much I'd recover faster but not to be.

    Ron, good that you contacted the preacher and let him know what you were up against.  Hopefully, he can be of help to you.

    You need to rest when you get this finished.  Maybe you're almost finished so you can.  I know how you feel though - just one more thing, then one more.  Just think how glad you'll be when you get the new cabinet tops in.

    The weather doesn't sound good for this part of the country the next two days.  We will be okay until at least noon tomorrow, then downhill from there.  There's something wrong with the weather - it shouldn't be like this in February and March.  Really reminds me of that movie.  Everyone talks about the weather but no one can do anything about it so here we are.

    I saw the three eagle eggs in Bartlesville once this evening but can't get it again.  I'll work on that tomorrow.  If the ones don't hatch in California, guess we can watch the ones in Oklahoma but the third one was just laid and it may be a month or more before hatching.  The camera is above this nest so doesn't seem as good to me.

    Rest well tonight.  Tomorrow's another day.  Sara, do you go back to bed after you take your medicine at 3 a.m.?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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     Lorita I don’t go back to sleep I do stay in bed for a bit longer. Usually I go to bed around 8 PM so I get enough sleep. Last night though my sister called me at 8 o’clock and her and I talked for two hours, so tonight was a short night. But I’m glad when she calls me because she works full-time and she’s busy so I don’t get to talk to her a lot.

    Hope that the weather out there were you guys are stays relatively calm 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I saw a homeless man sleeping on the sidewalk in front of a vacant store.  I went home but it kept bothering me.  I thought about buying him a blanket, but then I thought about my new, unused sleeping bag, good for down to 25 degrees.  I got it and gave it to him.  I also gave him $20 to get some food.  I asked if he wanted to go to a shelter but he said no.  I call 211, the county Help number, was on hold for 43 minutes, but I did learn how to get him transported to a shelter.  I will tell him and help him get transport if I see him again tomorrow.  I was uncomfortable transporting a stranger in my car, plus I didn't know where the shelters are located.

    There is help for the homeless but how to get them to it?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Iris how very kind of you.  Do you Remember in Matthew chapter25 Jesus was talking and said to the people when I was thirsty and you gave me a drink etc..  They asked him when did we do this.  Jesus answered  when you have done it to one of the least of these you have done it unto me.  Sometimes I wonder if I’m merciful enough to people.  Know you have to be careful though, because they started a homeless project in our city a while back.  The social workers had to go out with a police officer due to they are at risk when they approach people who are homeless.  Think you handled it well.  Am trying to become more merciful, we never know what someone else has endured or is enduring.  Thank you for helping him.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Iris, I am so impressed by what you did.  The GPs wanted out last night and when I got back to bed I checked in and saw your post.  You have indeed earned your wings and crown.   How kind of you to give him your new sleeping bag - just think how that made him feel - so good, I'm sure.  Also giving him some money to buy food.   You know a person never knows when circumstances can put them in the same situation.   I've heard many of the homeless people don't want to go to shelters because they're afraid - for some reason they feel safer on the streets.

    Just this morning the news told about a couple who were panhandling on the median in Tulsa.  A woman who had been drinking ran into them and killed the woman and knocked the man into the bed of a PU that was sitting at the traffic light.  I imagine they were homeless and trying to get some money for help.   You did the right thing not trying to get  him into your car and calling someone who could help.  

    Sara - glad you're getting your sleep - do you ever take a nap during the daytime?

    It's cloudy and cool here this morning.  The big front comes through later today with possibly severe weather and lots of rain.  Maybe all that water will run off and help fill up the ponds for summer - I don't think the ground can hold anymore.  Where Toad and Mike come across the pasture to feed is at the south end of the pond and there's usually water there.  I don't think a car or PU without 4WD could get through.   I have a lot of daffodils at the MH and usually go up and pick a bouquet or two of them but I think I'll just enjoy the natural bouquets that are in the yard.   I did pick three or four and have them in a cut glass vase by my chair.  I think they're my favorite flower.  

    Took out some bird feed and sunflower seeds for Rusty.  He finished every one of the seeds I put on the porch for him.  There were two little calves wanting a drink of water so turned on the water to fill the tank - two others were licking minerals.  The girls are trying to graze as much as they can - some fescue is beginning to grow so it won't be too long before there's grass for them.

    Hope all of you are up and at 'em this morning.  Tried the eagle cam and got a green screen.  Zetta, what's going on with them?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Lorita.  The cameras are offline I guess it's due to harsh weather conditions. I keep looking hoping they will come back on. Iam not going into any other camera sites, I am addicted to this one, and I spend too much time on it. I will even watch them when Shadow and Jackie are not on them, then I will be able to see all the little creatures that enjoy the nest.

    Fiona and Fast Freddie are the little squirrels that come up on the nest at night and Jackie wing slaps them. At least Fiona does. So, when I watch the nest when Jackie and Shadow are off, I look for Fiona and Freddie. 

    Ron.  Please take it easy and don't overdo it. It is nice you will be able to get some help with Lou. You need some rest. 

    Iris.  You are a very sweet lady to help the homeless. I'm glad you did not take him in your car and hopefully you were in sight of others when you took the sleeping bag to him. You can never be too careful. I will help the people standing on the corners if I have a few dollars to spare.    

    Day.  The last colonoscopy I had done was one the doctor sent home and I did it myself and took the tube back to the doctor. I was glad because I did not want to drink all the stuff and go through the outcome. hahaha  Good luck with the outcome. 

    Sara. You are so sweet and caring Iam so sorry your mother is not more helpful when you're trying to care for her. But you can only do so much and your way above that so much. You're a blessing to J, please don't let them stress you. 

    Jo.  I hope by this time the weather has cleared up a bit for you and Lois. The weather has been strange for all of us. The winter here has been mild maybe colder but not as much snow.

     I drove to Bend yesterday to do some shopping and roads were beautiful, the day before that the roads were bad. Bend is 20 miles from where I live, and the weather can be so good in one place and so bad in the other. The elev in Bend, is 3600 and my elevation is 4100 but the elevation going over Lava Butte is 5000. Lava Butte is between where I live and Bend. Sometimes people have to chain up just to get over Lava Butte, that's when I stay home. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Zetta,  I should have read your post about not overdoing it, before I overdid it. I had ordered a real nice storage pantry for the kitchen and the box was heavy bringing it in the house. Our trash pickup day is today and I noticed they hadn't came yet so decided to unload the box. Got everything out, took the box out by the trashcan and was worn out. Blood pressure up, heart rate up and oxygen level down. I'm now in my recliner recuperating and will wait until tomorrow to put it together when I'll have help.

    Did go get a haircut this morning and went to the casino for a little while to help pay someone's salary lol. Lou's home health care came today and found out from her there was someone that can come take care of her feet at home. Hope it goes well, she gives me a fit when I try to clip her nails.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Zetta, I haven't been able to see the eagles in Bartlesville today either. They have three eggs, last one just laid a couple of days ago.

    You're a brave lady driving in bad weather.  I did that when I was younger and working but wouldn't want to now.  Glad you got what you needed so you can stay in.  Your elevation is high - the elevation where I live is under 700 ft - we're flatlanders, I guess.  Elevation in SE Oklahoma is higher where there are mountains.

    They're already issuing warnings - severe thunderstorm warning and also a tornado watch - all counties south of us - hope they don't move north.  It feels like rain and is pretty dark.They've mentioned hail so put the PU in the carport as much as I could - at least the windshield is under cover.

    Day - I've just watched two hours of Denim & Co. with Gary and Monifa.  I feel like I've been in a whirlwind.  Where in the world do they find these women hosts who talk so much?  She talks really fast - I feel sorry for Gary.  He starts to talk and she takes over.  Pretty clothes but I didn't order anything.  Have you ever ordered one of those oversized t-shirts?  They look very comfortable but I wear patio dresses at home in the summer and probably wouldn't wear a t-shirt to town unless I had something over it.

    Ron, take it easier!  But, I did what you did.  I picked up and emptied that 40 lb. of catfood into a container, moved the water tank.  If it's there, I do it - no one else to do it.  I sometimes feel like I'm having an EBV flare - just not much energy and get tired easily.  It hasn't been that long ago since I was lifting 50 lb. sacks of cattle feed - well a year and half.   Darwin tells me he can tell the difference in just six months - and so can I.   I lost my mother when she was 81 and she could still sort of run and play with her dogs in the yard.  She could sit in a porch chair and bring her knees and feet up in the chair with her knees almost under her chin.  I haven't been able to do that for years because of my knee.  Guess I need to get out and walk more - and lost some weight, too.

    Took the two, big, dog beds and heavy rug out and shook them out and sprayed them with Febreze.  They didn't have anything to lay on so when I brought one in, Stormy got on it immediately.  I need to change the bed linens - just hate the sheets I have on it - think I'll throw them away and also get rid of that so-called electric blanket that doesn't work now.  But, like you, Ron, making a bed or changing linens is hard work!

    Girls have been done trying to find a little bit of grass but I think everyone's come back to the hay for the night.  I think the storms will be north of you, Ron, and, hopefully, south of us.  Hate for it to rain hard because it'll ruin the daffodils that have bloomed out.      Beth - can you tell me what the difference  is between daffodils and jonquils?  I used to call them Easter lillies but those are the big, white ones.  

    Weather radio just said there's a severe thunderstorm warning for the eastern part of our county so maybe it'll all go east of us.

    Stay in and stay safe.  Ron - REST!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    There was a security guard at the shopping center where the homeless man was sleeping, and I told him what I was going to do before I did it, so he was watching me.  It is terrible to be wary of helping people, but these are the times we are in.                                                                                                         

    Zetta, do you drive with chains on your tires?  I only drove in these mountain roads here once, at night.  In the day, I was surprised by how steep the drop-off was, I would have been scared if I had known beforehand.

    Your area must look so lovely now!

    Why do you (you know who you are) lift heavy things and risk hurting yourselves?


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Iris, 

    I don't drive with chains I don't even know how to put them on. In the winter months I have studded tires put on my car, then change them over the end of March. It was nice they had a security guard at the mall. It is a shame to have to be so cautious of people. I hope your weather is getting better, and its safe for you to go out in. Take Care, Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Iris, what a loving and merciful act that was to provide the homeless man with a sleeping bag.  We have had experience with homeless dynamics both personal and professional;  it is a very difficult situation with no easy answers even when kind and merciful help is available.  I agree, it is very unfortunate that we must always be on guard for our own safety.  I am not criticizing you in any way at all; just some information for the future:

    Far too many times a caring person who is trying to help becomes a victim without warning in a split second.  However, there are safe ways to help someone in such a predicament; here are some numbers you can call for the City of Long Beach that help with the homeless including those who go to the street for those in immediate need:

    Street Outreach For The Homeless is part of the homeless support in Long Beach as are the Multi Service Center services:

      Street Outreach (for homeless only):  (562) 570-4672  my understanding is that they go right out to the street where the compromised person's reported place is, to assess and assist.  When calling, if needing to leave a message, they will ask the address of where the homeless person is at if you have it; BUT if you do not, the cross streets will help them locate the person. 

     The Multi Service Center can be reached at:  (562) 470-4500.  They have multiple different services in an expansive range for the homeless population.  

    You can also look up these Long Beach services online. 

    Sadly, the majority of the population we are addressing who are the most needful, often refuse and reject assistance.  It is a difficult feeling to be able to help and wanting to help and have it refused or even later, tossed aside.

    When seeing such a situation and wanting to help, rather than approach, please use the Street Outreach people who will respond to the homeless person's need:

    Do not ever put the person in your vehicle to drive them anywhere, even to get them to help. That would be extremely dangerous.

     As kind and merciful as you are, it is by far best not to directly approach the homeless person even with kindness with a comfort item or food or money.   Even if a security guard or someone is "watching," it only takes a split second with the flash of a knife to seriously wound or kill which has actually happened several times in our county in the last year with disasterous results. That is no exaggeration.

    Money is almost always used to buy alcohol or drugs.  If someone seems hungry, it is best to buy food in a meal and not give cash.   Often comfort items given will be sold to get cash for alcohol or drugs.  (I actually personally have had such things happen.)

    Those who work wtih the homeless and homeless outreach such as the Street Outreach listed above, are the best to call and who can do the best.  If someone is mentally impaired or highly compromised and the weather inclement, the homeless outreach programs deal with that.

    Bless you Iris, you have a very good and caring heart; may that man actually have benefitted from your kindness.

    Weather finally dry and expected to be so for the next week.  Hurray.  Wind was strong all yesterday into the night, but today it as calmed and the windows no longer being rattled.

    State of emergency called for the multiple mountain communities.   Outlying cabins and houses may not get assistance for up to a week or two per law enforcement for that area. That is a dreadful thought.  Some folks rented cabins for a holiday in the snow and are trapped in houses covered over the doors and windows in snow some up and across the roof and no electricity.  Food has been running out for people, so it has become very dire for many. The one little town, Crestline, has one small grocery store; it had been running out of food BUT it had its roof collapse due to snow weight making all worse; they are out of business. The next grocery store is miles away and no cleared roads.  Some of these communities will be able to get help a little sooner, others will not be as fortunate. Of concern are those with health conditions and the elderly who live up there and are unable to provide much of their own heavier needs. Some folks have or are running out of their medications.  I can only imagine the diaper situation for some with little ones.  Talks are underway about sending up the National Guard, but without the very heavy equipment stronger than the snowplows which are not large enough to do the job right now in heavily hit areas, they cannot get there or do much.  Lots of prayers for everyone to do well.

     Gosh, I feel like the voice of doom today.  Ron, dear Ron, no joking; what you describe is a recipe for a significant stroke. PLEASE do your body good and cease and desist from such heavy work and constant having to run and do, run and do.  Hire someone in if you must, your body needs far more rest for you to do well and to avoid causing disaster.  You are such a good person and used to being hale and hearty, but your body needs for you to be much easier on it so you can recoup from all that has hit you lately much of which is very serious.   So wish there were an easy answer or I could wave a magic wand, but alas on that. We care.

    Poor Darwin, I am so glad he was able to pull himself out of the hole he fell down into, that must have been terrible for him. 

     The very best eagle's nest for watching was in the Arboretum in D.C.  It had lots of funding, so their cameras were the best and they had two cameras in the nest.  They also had a very professional site with clarity of communications and excellent input from the professionals with everything dated and run smoothly with clarity . . . I watched them a bit for two seasons . . . The female eagle did not come back after the last vacation from the nest after the eaglets were grown and had flown away.   The male eagle returned and took a new mate . . . BUT . . . egads; all that money poured into the big nest year after year after year, (it is the nest on the link I gave regarding the eaglet rescue); this year the two eagles abandoned that nest and moved into a new tree not far from the old one and commenced to build a brand new nest!  I can hear the support people now:  AAAAARRRRGH!!!!!!!


     Naturally, that is the prompt for me to exit stage left,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Just a short note to the front porch friends! Lou and I are ok, tornado was to close for comfort, but missed us. I moved Lou to a safe place right away since it's not easy to move her quickly. I monitored the local weather and made sure she was ok. I usually down play everything to keep her from being hysterical. 

    I hear everyone about my health.....not easy for someone that has never been one not to do things hisself. I will try my best to do better! Maybe!!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    Here is info I found about daffodils, narcissus and jonquils. I thought they were all the same but I guess not!

    Narcissus, Daffodils, and Jonquils: What are the Differences?

    Often used interchangeably, daffodils and jonquils do have unique characteristics. All daffodils fall under the botanical name Narcissus, but a jonquil indicates just one type of Narcissus, Narcissus jonquilla and its hybrids. Daffodils and jonquils are spring blooming perennial bulbs best planted in fall as soil begins to cool. 

    Narcissus covers thousands of hybrids of both daffodils and jonquils. While regionally jonquils may be called daffodils, this is botanically inaccurate. Here are a few differences between daffodils and jonquils:

    • Daffodil flowers are typically lightly scented while jonquils are highly perfumed.
    • Jonquils are predominant and hardier in warmer southern regions, USDA Zones 8 and higher.
    • Daffodils prefer the colder winter temperatures in Zones 3-8 before blooming in spring.
    • A jonquil will feature 1-5 golden yellow, fragrant flowers per stem. Each flower’s petals are spread around a small center cup.
    • Daffodils have distinct trumpets surrounded by six petals with slim-tipped, sword-like foliage. Colors range from bicolored to white, pink, yellow, and orange.
    • Golden yellow jonquils display slender leaves that are dark green with rounded tips.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I've never ordered the oversized shirts - and honestly, the prices on QVC are SO high!  I can get similar at Nordstrom for less!

    I ended the day with a call where someone just didn't follow up with one of the guests and now it's a big problem.  I'm hoping an email I sent to one of the hotels offers a solution  when I come in tomorrow or it's gonna be a pretty rough Friday.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Ron, I just turned on the Weather Channel and they were broadcasting from Shreveport.  Scared me.  I got on the laptop to see if you were okay and saw your post.  So glad you were watching.  I'm glad it wasn't right over you.  The power is out in that part of time - hope you have yours.

    Don't let down your guard - keep watching and listening.  There's a line of storms all the way from San Antonio up into SE Okla. and it just said you would get some more really rough weather in a few hours.  Be very careful.

    I just heard thunder and I think it's raining but I think all the bad weather will be south of us tonight.  Really makes a person worry about tornados this spring.  Oklahoma has already had several - up to 12 a couple of nights ago when we had the severe weather.

    Iris, I'm like Ron.  Charles and I always did everything from building fences to putting down new floors to pulling calves.  Now that he's gone, it's up to me.  The nearest neighbor is a mile away and he's older than me.  I know I could divide the loads but it takes time and if you do it all at once, it's over, except for the hurting which would probably happen anyway.  When I was feeding 200 lb. of feed every other day to the girls, if my back was bothering me or I didn't feel good I didn't lift the 50 lb. at one time - I'd divide it into four buckets but it took so long to do that.  It'll be all right - has to be.

    I haven't read the other posts - just wanted to let Ron know I'm glad they're okay and that there are more storms on the way.  Seems like the line that will get to him is around I-35 now (around Dallas).

    Be safe, Ron.  I think you're dealing with Lou the right way - best not to get her excited.  No comparison but I do the same with the cats and GPs.  I get things we might need in the bathroom and then would have to get them in there.  Not easy - I've done that before.

    I'll read and post again later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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