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Just need to talk to my friends (188)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Okay, got everything read.  Jo, Darwin is another Southern Gentleman, just like Ron.  I told him to call me if he needed anything just as he's told me to call him for any reason.  I've done that when something would come up with the cattle that I couldn't handle alone (after Charles was gone) and he was always here in five minutes to help.  He said it bruised his knee and leg but it was getting better.  We had another neighbor nearby who had Alz.  He had cattle and insisted on going out to check on them and people have found him in ditches (Toad for example) and would have to get him out.  Sadly, he has passed away - his wife also had Alz. and she's gone, too.  Many people in this area have had Alz.  - maybe from sprays people have used - who knows.

    Day, really hope the problem has been resolved before you get to work in the morning.  Not something pleasant to look forward to.  QVC's prices are high and when they mention what will come in next year they say prices will be even higher.  Good I don't need any clothes but sometimes just can't resist.

    Beth, thanks for the information.  I think I have both.  The ones I have by my chair are probably daffodils - some fragrance and they have six petals.  I know some that are smaller are more fragrant.  I have several sizes from King Alfred to tiny ones.  Even found a little bunch of bright yellow crocus today.  Seems like the yellow flowers bloom first.  Also saw some winter jasmin blooming (also yellow).  I was afraid the drought had killed all of it which is on the north yard fence but some has survived.  I saw a bunch of tulips, too - purple I think and some of the roses have green leaves.  Spring is near.  Still nothing but foliage on the little, white flowers.

    Ron, looks like Shreveport is on the edge of really severe weather.  They just reported a tornado east of Dallas.  Spring is hard in the south.  We have a big cellar underground but I wouldn't want to go in there alone.  I've spent lots of time down there in my lifetime.  We'd go down - usually in the rain - and daddy would keep the door open and watch the clouds until he thought he better come down.  Mother and I sat on the steps a few years ago when a tornado passed three miles south of us.  Gets hairy out here sometimes.

    Jo - thanks for the information about the eagles in D.C.  I'll check on them.  I remember we watched them some a couple of years ago.  

    Good advice to Iris or any of us but the need to help sometimes outweighs the need to be safe.  I can understand.   Need may not be the correct word but you get what I mean.

    Going to stop and watch some more weather.  It's raining here and we're under a flood watch.

    Sleep well and stay safe.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, thank you for the telephone contact numbers.   I copied them to keep in my purse and in my car for the future.  I had to call the police department non-emergency number to learn about 211.  There is a winter shelter about 20 minutes walking distance from me, but he had left before I could tell him about it.  The security guard said he had seen that homeless man around for several days, so he is in this neighborhood.  Yes, I am well aware of the risk in personal contact.  That's why I vontribute to the Rescue Mission, to fund professionals to do this kind of outreach.  But this was so distressing that I felt I had to do what I could do.

    A large group of schoolchildren were stranded in the mountains, after an overnight field trip.   What a nightmare for all the adults concerned! Perhaps the children thought it was an adventure.  California is an odd state, people tend to think it is a paradise here, but there is too much disastrous stuff going on all the time!

    Ron, you are staying calm for two--good job!

    Day, for the past few years I have bought most of my new clothes from the clearance rack at Kohl's.  There are some great bargains there, and nice items.  I will pick up one or two sale items from the full price section.  I also have picked up some items at Aldi's, of all places.

    Lorita, I hope your ribs are healing!

    Beth, that's good to know about the daffodils.  They always say "springtime" to me.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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     Good morning

    Lorita do take a nap now and then but not very often. Seems as if gradually getting less tired since that issue with my thyroid medicine. Do  like to just lay down and rest a little bit in the after noon but not fall asleep.

    Iris, I have learned the hard way to do my very best to avoid lifting heavy things.  Once in a while, I have to though.  It really helps out if you tighten up your core muscles before lifting things.

    It is very hard to know how to help some people.

    Doubt, if we have jonquils here where I live, but not sure. At a different home did have something that might’ve been a Jonquel instead of a daffodil.  The variety name was pheasants eye and it had a nice smell. Remember that it bloomed much later than the other daffodils, which I considered an asset. 

    Hope each one had a safe night. They are giving a snowy rainy day mix here. Don’t believe there will be any snow accumulation as the high today is 44.

    My nephew came and visited with me for a while yesterday evening. He brought his new dog which is a bordernese.   A very pretty dog and very laid-back. So funny it loves to be petted. If you stop petting it, will take its big paw and pat your hand. Wants you to keep on rubbing it, laugh out loud.

    Take care, everyone 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    It's not quite spring yet here although we are having quite a few nice days (50s). My daffodils and tulips are up just a few inches. It'll be at least a month and maybe longer before they bloom. I used to have around 800 daffodils - I haven't counted lately so maybe more, or maybe less. Daffodils multiply freely here. I also had around 450 tulips, an area of pink and the rest are red, yellow, orange and red/yellow combination. Tulips don't multiply. Instead, they tend to die out over time. Pella, Iowa, and Orange City, Iowa, are Dutch communities that have Tulip Festivals. Thousands and thousands of people visit to see the tulips and enjoy the entertainment such as Dutch street dancing. Many people dress in authentic Dutch costumes. Bakeries sell thousands of Dutch pastries, most notably Dutch letters which are a flaky pastry shaped like an 'S' and filled with almond paste - delightful! According to Pella's website, 130,000+ tulip bulbs in 80 varieties are planted in city parks and along city streets. It is truly a glorious thing to see, and to photograph.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Beth sounds like we are at about the same stage of spring. Those tulips would be beautiful.

    Didn’t snow, but started raining a bit ago.  Think may wait until tomorrow to do errands.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Gosh, Beth,how I would love to see all those tulips.  We used to have some called parrot tulips and some other kind that were very full.  I'm anxious to see if the little cluster I have will bloom and if they are purple.  I know what you mean about daffodils multiplying.  They show up in parts of the yard where they weren't planted - don't know how that happens.  The rain we had last night has most of those that in bloom laying over but they'll straighten up.  Our weather has been in the high 60s and 70s but will be colder next week.  Our Bradford Pear trees along the driveway are budding and will bloom soon. We also have a Crabapple tree blooming in the garden.  Daddy used to make crabapple jelly or preserves from them and it was so good.

    We had 1.6" of rain - everything is covered in water.  The men came to feed this morning and came in a different way because they wouldn't have been able to come across the pasture.  Talk about the creek rising - it has - they weren't able to get to Darwin's Red Angus cattle because they couldn't get across the creek.  That's the creek Charles and I crossed in the PU and drowned out many years ago.

    He wasn't able to get into the west pasture to feed the eight that are in there so carried a bucket of feed to them - they didn't need hay today.  It was entertaining to watch the girls this morning trying to decide which way they were going to come to feed.  Penny and a bull and her baby stool out in front of the yard for at least 30 minutes waiting until they were joined by more calves and another cow.

    I hope everyone made it through the night safely.  This storm is still moving east.  Sara, they mentioned Columbus a while ago - is that close to you?  Looks like Texas really had a lot of storms.  We may have a really bumpy spring this year.  Amazing that it's already the third of March - this year is going fast.

    I need to work on my taxes.  Each day I think I'll do that but decide I'll wait until tomorrow.  Before I know it, it will be past April 18.  It's just getting to it - it wouldn't take half a day to get the papers together and ready to send to Sam.

    Sandy, the weather channel is showing the east coast and it looks like you may be in the northern part of the storm as it goes through.  Be careful.  

    Enjoy the day if the storms are past and if you're in the path of the storm, stay safe.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Had not realized the tornado situation; so hope they pass everyone by and all are safe and sound. That must be really frightening to be near or in the path to say the least.  Mother nature is sometimes not such a loving mother. That would scare me silly.

    The mountains are now able to get a couple of helicopters in to drop goods and meds in only some areas.  Vehicle capability continues to be severely hampered; still a dire situation.  A few got out or got up, but only a very few.  One younger man dug his way out of the cabin and began to try and walk for 13 miles in the snow to try and get critical medication for his mother and himself. Fortunately, he was found by a fire department contingent which was able to help him.  Snow chances in the mountains Sunday night, but not expected to be a huge amount. Still, on top of everything else . . . it certainly is not a positive.

    We are to have clear weather this week, so hopefully it will lend itself to better conditions to get in and help the people, and get some out as much as can be, but some will, according to the news still be a week or two from such assistance.  So hope for the very best and soonest.

    The flowers sound beautful; I would love to see all of those tulips in full bloom.  I remember when I planted tulips for the very first time using my new tulip digging tool - I somehow managed to plant the bulbs upside down!  So much for hoping for blooms.  The bulb flowers do not last very long at all here; quick bloom and quick gone where I am,  a bit disappointing, but so pretty while they last.

    Lorita, unfortunately there is no eagle watch in the DC Arboretum right now since the eagles abandoned their usual tree and nest and moved to a different new tree.  There are no cameras in the new tree, so there sits the big, strong beautiful nest fully camera'd with no eagles.  I wondered if other eagles or other birds would use the nest, but it doesn't look like that will be.  Really is too bad as that was a wonderful place to eagle watch with three cameras; two for the nest and one for the long view.  The eaglets born there did well and it was such a wonderful and well managed site.  Hopefully that may possibly be recovered somehow. Guess it is up to the eagles.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita Columbus is a hour south of me.  Has been raining since lunchtime but nothing terrible. Did notice that both neighbors garbage cans have been blown around but that’s really nothing unusual here, we have that type of wind quite a bit.

    They have had chicken pasta salad at work but no ingredients listed.  Have not tried it because of that. I’ve been around people eating it and it smells good so today decided to make some myself.  So that’s what I’ll be having for supper.  So that’s what I’ll be having for supper.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Well I have a bunch more bruises on my arm trying to put that cabinet together. Finally got disgusted and told the neighbor to go home and we would work on it again next week. I know next time I'll pay the extra to have my items assembled, just hate not being able to do what I use to.

    Growing up around here I'm use to storms, but this last tornado did come close. Really dont worry that much since I've always been told the good lord looks after babies and fools and I'm no baby.

    Everyone still in the path of this storm please stay safe.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Thank goodness the email I sent to the hotel worked and when I came in this morning, the problem had been solved.  I was so relieved because I ran out of possible solutions. 

    No spring here - snowing like crazy and they say maybe a foot of snow coming.  I have plenty of food in the house, I'll have to walk in front of Chucky to make a trail for him to walk in - it's going to be taller than he is.  He's started carrying this stuffed hippo around and when he's really happy he goes to look for it and walks around with it.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Day, Chucky is so cute with his hippo.  I know you're so happy you adopted him and bet he's so much company.  I don't know what I'd do without Stormy and Sheena.

    Glad the e-mail worked out and you didn't have to work on that problem today.  

    Be careful in the snow - remind me, where do you live?  I know it's up north because of the snow you have.

    Ron, good idea to quit working on the cabinet today and to let your mind rest a few hours.  Charles and I put quite a few pieces of furniture together.  The one thing that I thought would be so hard was a metal baker's rack - it had a shelf close to the top and one at the bottom and a wooden one with drawers in the middle.  It had dozens adn dozens of pieces.  We let is sit for weeks until I finally decided I was going to put it together.  Wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be - one piece at a time.

    Do you bruise more easily than you used to?  I think as we get older our skin gets thinner and we do bruise easier.  I know I find bruises and have no idea when they happen.

    Jo, it's a shame that good eagle's nest is empty this year.  Maybe each couple has a certain way to put their nest together or that might be part of the mating game - putting together their house.  I've wondered if the lights at night might bother them, too. 

    Sara, I bet your chicken and pasta was better than they had at your work - and you knew what was in it.  Plus, there probably will be leftovers.  When I cook I make enough to have several meals so I don't have to cook every day, especially with pasta, beans and soup.   Next week will probably be soup because it's going to be a cold week.

    Hope you all have a good evening and sleep well.  Ron, get ready - full moon next Tuesday.  Seems like they roll around awfully fast, doesn't it?

    See you all tomorrow.Oh, what about this new thing they're going to be doing with our forum?  I think it's working pretty well as is.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I went back to the shopping center to check on the homeless man, but I couldn't find him.  The weather has been warmer, I hope the sleeping bag is keeping him from hypothermia.

    It's nice to see animals being happy and contented; I'm glad Chucky likes his hippo!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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     Ron, Ohio has its share of tornadoes too. Some years much worse than others. Not sure you ever truly get use to them.

    Day, I understand that feeling of relief, it makes your day. 

    Lorita the pasta salad was good and I have leftovers. There are some issues with the forum. Specially, if you try to look up things, at least it has been for me I’m hoping the new form will improve on that and nothing else will worsen you never know with a new platform.  

    It started raining heavier about 4 PM yesterday evening. We ended up getting 2 inches for the day. Think there is some minor flooding just due to the amount in a short period of time. Not bad. Our area has seen much worse.

    They say it will turn sunny later, but the winds gonna be kind of high. I still have to get out and do the errands. I need to do though today. Hope each one of you have a peaceful day.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sayra, I can imagine how good it must smell in your house most of the time; you are such an excellent cook and seem to enjoy all the foods and making of them.  What a happy, lovely person.  We will all be over for a visit soon . . .

     I am sorry that things are so difficult with your mother in so many ways.  I certainly understand having long term dynamics that were similar.  It was often frustrating and sometimes when it involved dangerous possibilities it was beyond pretty awful having to let go as there was no other way.  You are a very loving daughter, your mother has truly been blessed with having you to care about her and for her.

    Your pasta salad sounds good. I saw a recipe for chicken salad in the CostCo mail magazine which looks so good, but actually makes far too much; I would have to make a half recipe and perhaps (maybe not) adjust the mayo in the dressing as there seems to be an awful lot:

     Chicken Salad Recipe (Using rotisserie chicken from the store but can make one's own):

     - six cups chicken, shredded

     -  three cups red grapes, sliced in half lengthwise

     -  two celery ribs (about one cup) sliced thinly

     -  one cup walnuts toasted and chopped

     -  1/2 cup blue cheese, crumbled

     -  two cups mayonnaise  (per me: not low fat as it would not taste the same at all)

     -  two Tablespoons sherry vinegar

      one Tablespoon fresh thyme leaves

     -  two teaspoons lemon zest

     -  1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

     -  1/2 teaspoon kosher salt (or to taste)

    Combine chicken, grapes, celery, walnuts and blue cheese in a large mixing bowl.

    In a medium sized mixing bowl combine, mayo, sherry vinegar, thyme leaves, lemon zest, garlic powder and salt together  

    Fold the dressing into the chicken/grape mixture and combine well.  Adjust seasonings if desired.   Serve in Bibb Lettuce cups or as a sandwich filling. Makes six servings.

    I love salads of every kind; especially the summer salads and of course, oh dear, the mayo, etc. dressings - why must fats taste SO good and be so bad for us.  Drats.

    Lorita, the eagles do not see any light from the night cameras; it is infrared light, so there is no light or brightess at all; for the eagles it is still dark night.  As for the nest being abandoned; it is curious because the two eagles (with the new Mrs.) had been using the older nest, but then later abandoned it.  Sure miss that site.  I do not think that the cameras, etc. will be moved, but we shall have to see. The cost would be tremendous to do all of that a second time.

    Glad you are giving yourself a break, Ron.  You know; you are still that hale and hardy man inside your head - you are still who you always have been with all your marvelous attributes and all - it really is still there defining who you were and who you are BUT despite all of that, we have to pay the piper with our bodies when our bodies need our help.  Kind of like having a machine we cannot over abuse and need to take some care of when parts are wearing down and there are no replacements, so we are careful to help the machines ability to continue on by providing careful use.  Hard to do, but it does not change the man you are.    Lou needs a live and loving husband and we need our friend we enjoy so much.  So . . . nag, nag, nag cuz we care a heap and a bunch. You are not a foolish person or lacking in intelligence; I have faith you will think a bit and do what is best for your body and the health challenges that are risky.   I will henceforth stop nagging at you.

    Iris, I like to think that the needful man you assisted was curled up snug as could be in the sleeping bag you gifted him.  Sometimes when I was assisting with persons who lived in such circumstances, I would look at them and think that they used to be a beautiful little baby, a toddler and child; I wondered what their earlier life was like, but always with the thought of them as infants when all was new and fresh into the world.  Tragic.  There are also significant predators amongst that population and for those, that is another dynamic altogether.  It is a huge problem and far worse in the warmer states for obvious reasons. 

    Getting a little heavy here, but one of the big areas of impact was the passing of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act meant for such persons which was enacted to end indefinite and involuntary commitment of persons with mental health disorders, developmental disabilites and chronic alcoholism . . . it eliminates legal disabilities . . . it also was to, "protect public safety," and mandates prompt evaluation and treatment of people with mental health disorders or chronic alcoholism that impairs a person by safeguarding individual rights . . . it was supposed to provide placement services into a conservatorship program for persons who are "gravely disabled," and to have publc funds to accompish this AND to prevent duplcation of services AND unnecessary expenditures. (Really?)  Especially mentioned was the provision of such services to be in the least restrictive setting.  That has done irreparable damage to providing care to the most needful and the long term ill leading thus to the present homeless popultion.

    When I was in nursing school and was in my psych education, my group was placed into a maximum security double locked men's unit at a state psychiatric hospital, it was in a different world; almost an alternative universe feeling when first encountering it.  The patients were so damaged, they would never be better; the hospital grounds were on many acres with all sorts of housing. What was evident was that for the larger number of those we directly worked with, they would never be able to function safely if not in a protected setting.  Well; here we are.  There are those who are homeless by outcome secondary to drugs and/or alcohol, and those who are and have been so mentally ill that they have no compass capability for themselves, that is the population that is at the worst.  It has always bothered me mightily and it feels so impossible.  When the weather is bad in winter or summer I especially think of this population.  Sorry; I will stop now. 

    Looking forward in this month, St. Patrick's day will be popping up soon. Even though it is not Irish, the corned beef with potatoes, carrots and cabbage will be on our menu. My DH loves that and it is his annual pleasure.  Instead of doing it on stovetop, will be using the crockpot.  I did keep that recipe from the southern lady for bacon fried cabbage, one day I would like to try that, it sounds good.  I love cabbage.  My mother used to make the best meat stuffed cabbage rolls, tied with string and cooked.  I made them a few times but long ago; very labor intensive.

    I just read, "Winter Solstice," by Rosamunde Pilcher.  That was a good book.   She is an excellent writer, some of the descriptions of rooms made me want to step into the book and into the room.  She is Scottish and this fiction book is in that setting.  Very good with words and building the characters and a good story.

    Well, it is 8:30 am here.  Time to get going and get doing.  May this be a good weekend and may weather not be a danger.  I have not watched the news as yet, so do not know the weather predictions.  Stay safe and snug,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Beautiful Saturday morning here in Louisiana, a little cool, but nice.

    I had planned on doing our taxes this morning after a clear head but didnt work out. Lou had a restless night and soiled her panties and gown, that alone with other clothes meant washing for the third time which use to be weekly. Guess it time to bite the bullet and insist she either wear a pad in her panties or depends. Also neighbor showed up and insisted on starting back on the storage cabinet. I couldn't stand her being in there working herself and went in to help. Within half a hour my oxygen was down to 90 and chest started hurting. I told her that's it, I didnt want her working on it anymore and will get a handyman. As much as I hate to admit it, like Jo. and everyone else has been trying to tell me, I need to start taking care of Ron where Ron can take care of Lou.

    I'm better now, but taxes will have to wait!

    Talking about the homeless reminded me of a story I believe I might have already told. One time when Lou's brother visited us we were out and he stopped for gas. A neighbor of ours from down the street approached him. When he got back in the car we asked what he wanted? He told us that him and his family were in town and had his money stolen and didnt have enough gas money to get home. Brother in law gave him a few dollars! We told him he didnt have a wife and children and lived down the street. I guess I'm mentioning this story because individuals like him make it hard on the ones that really need help. I will not give a individual money, I will buy them food or help in anyway I can, but money....no.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Morning - barely,

    Slept in this morning - until 8:30 - saw no big reason to get up.  The GPs awakened me at 12:30 to go outside and Max was in the bedroom with me so watched four episodes of Leave it to Beaver.  Then, Sammy began rattling the doorknob - guess he was hungry, so got up.

    It's a beautiful day, sunny and pretty warm with some wind.  I've filled the water tank and fed the birds - and squirrel, had breakfast, fed the cats and GPs, and put ingredients in the bread maker for another loaf.  

    I have some liles in the kitchen that have come loose - after all they are about 25 years old.  I know I have part of a box in the storage building but probably would never be able to find it (I have tried).  I checked on the WM website and they have the same file so I'll order a box of it and fix the floor.  It's called forest marble - green and white marbled, same as the counter tops so that's another thing to get done.

    Sheena slept well last night - no scratching.  When they get the allergy shot it's almost like flipping a switch - from itchy to not.  When I can I have to get her to the vets to have her nails trimmed.  She will not let me do it.

    Jo, thanks for the information about the lights in the eagle's nest.  I didn't think about that.  At night you can see the lights from the far view cam so had no idea.  I asked Alexa this morning and she said the eggs hadn't hatched yet (does she know?)

    The daffodils have straightened up and look lovely.  I wish they could bloom all summer.  I like the four seasons - gives you something to look forward to in the springtime.  Still no blooms on the white flowers.  I'm afraid the drought and cold weather may have killed the buds.

    Iris, that's a good thought you had about the homeless man.  I can see him curled up, warm and snug, in your sleeping bag.  You did a good deed for sure.

    Talked with J.W.'s wife yesterday.  She's home, didn't have a stroke but her BP is all over the place.  She and J.W. were married 60 years so it's not surprising.  His sister sent me the obituary thing from the funeral with his picture on front.  He was a good man.  So thankful she has two daughters to be with her when she has the need - one lives across the street.  

    Talked with Sarah late yesterday.  She was having a lot of trouble with gas pains - pills didn't seem to help so she was thinking about going back to the hospital. The ileostomy stoma had prolapsed again.  Don't know what she did - she was getting ready to call the nurse to see what she thought.  She has an appt. Monday with a new PCP so she may wait for that.  I could tell she was in pain by the way she talked.  

    Watching an episode of Rosanne when they were on vacation in Las Vegas - some pretty songs by Wayne Newton.    I remember when he first started out in show business - he was on Carol Burnett's show, I think.

    Ron, hope things are all right with you and Lou today.  Looks like there was quite a lot of damage in Shreveport from the tornado.  It's amazing what those winds can do.  Have you all ever watched the movie "Twister"? I saw a tornado many years ago on the "mountain" (just a big hill) west of our town.  It was probably 15 miles away.  Mother said when they hadn't lived here too long a tornado formed over the pond in front of our house and went north to the town where Carol lives and tore up the School for the Blind.   Our little town was thriving in the early 1900s but a tornado came through in 1917, I think, and tore up most of the town.  Sadly they didn't rebuild everything.  When we had some remodeling done in the late 1990s they removed two walls and on the little narrow strips of wood used to hold plaster there was the name of one of the lumber yards stamped on them.  Amazing or terrifying what those winds can do.

    Not going to do much of anything this afternoon - might sit in the sun a while before it turns cold again next week.  Hope all of you are well and safe from the storms.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    JoC Most recipes make way too much for me. If I think I would like it, pretty good at cutting them back.  Like grape and nuts in chicken salad, also like pineapple.

    Tonight made taco salad with my leftover steak from last night.  Seen where a Mexican lady made a dressing With avocado, jalapeños, jalapeño brine, Sour cream, salt and water that she used in her taco salad.  Turned out real good, will make that again.  Also, made my flat bread but traded in buttermilk for the water, Much tastier .  Glad I tried that experiment.

    When my nephew was here the other night explained to him how to make fried potatoes.  He went home made them for supper and again later for a snack.  He is making them again this evening and sends me a picture every time laugh out loud. Says his roommate likes them too.  

    Hope each one has a good nights rest.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, I see that the city will be sending an outreach van around town to access homeless people in order to offer services.  I hope that guy can get some help.

    The weather is calmer today overcast but not raining.  I read thst the south was hard hit by weather.  March comes roaring in like a lion, I hope the lamb weather will come soon.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good morning, just a quick drop in to give those who are eagle watchers, the link to an amazing Big Bear Eagle Video of March 3 and 4th from "Dave."   It is filled with so much of interest in current live video'd - includes an intrusive crow; coyotes in a howling pack, but moreso with fascinating behavior by the two eagles . . . it appears the eggs are in the process of abandonment, BUT  the male keeps coming back to sit on them . . . much eagle "talking" back and forth and a poignant scene at night where the male appears to be bothered and a  bit confused about whether he should sit on the eggs and looking and wondering why Jackie is not coming to the nest for night duty as always.  Try to stick it out to the end; it has been the best of the eagle nest dynamics so far:



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Jo, thanks so much for the link.  I watched it all the way through - it's so sad and sweet at the same time.  I feel sorry for them, just like I do when  cow loses her baby.  They grieve just like people.  Poor Shadow just can't give up.  I wonder what will happen to the eggs - ravens? Maybe there's time for another clutch.  The eagles in Bartlesville just got all of their eggs laid (3).  I've never seen little eaglets just hatched.  Would be nice to watch.

    Ron, I hope your night was better and  you're feeling better today.  Taxes aren't due this year until April 18.  I need to get mine done.  I'll just have to decide which day to do it and do it!

    You're right - I've heard a lot of the homeless people use money they're given for alcohol - not all but how do you know which is which. 

    Sara, fried potatoes?  I haven't had those in a coon's age and I used to love them.  I like potatoes fixed any way.  Daddy used  to cook potatoes and onions together - so good.  I had hash browns for breakfast and a baked potato for supper last night.   

    It's a pretty, sunny, pretty warm today but very windy and supposed to be even windier tomorrow.  I don't like it when the wind blows so hard.

    It's really muddy and the guys are having a hard time getting feed and hay to the cattle so Toad moved the feeders up by the MH where the ground is a bit higher and this morning Mike moved the hayrings.  He tied them together and pulled them up by the MH.  The poor girls were so confused - didn't know where to go or what to do.  I remember it used to yget really muddy and Charles and I would have a hard time feeding but we used the tractor to feed hay.  One time it was so muddy we had to divide the sacks of feed in half and carry them out to the feeders.

    Don't like for them to be so far away (quarter mile) because I can't see them but there's only about another month of feeding and they'll see them every other day.  I imagine they'll come down thisi way occasionally or I'll drive or walk up there.  Still not too comfortable being on foot with Samson and the other little bulls.  Don't worry about ours.

    I need to go up to the store and get some diesel in the PU - not sure how much is in there and don't want to run out.  I need to take Lilly and Max to the vet.  Both have allergies and are scratching and I want him to look at Max's eye.  It's not red but he does't open it all the way.

    Hope you all are well this morning.  Zetta, I saw on the weather that your part of the Country is having bad weather.  How much snow do you have?

    Enjoy the day.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Jo, Thank you so much for that video it was so heartwarming it brought tears to my eyes. Shadow and Jackie will be safe. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Beautiful day here, saw a crocus blooming.

    Went and saw J.   She was not well but much better than last time. No mumbling, could understand her. She smiled and laughed a bit.  Still acted like she was in a bit of a   Told me she had a bladder infection.

    Potatoes are one of my favorite foods.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Me  too, Zetta.  I get really emotional about animals.  They'll be fine and will raise lots more babies - hopefully, this year.

    The wind is awful here, Sara, but it's nice and warm and will be tomorrow before we have two weeks of cold weather.  I think I could survive on potatoes - maybe that's from growing up with lots of them.  We put them in the cellar and they were good all year until the ones were ready the next year.

    Okay, I need to talk to you all about what to do about something.  It's bad when you don't have a person in the house to talk things over with - but I have you all.

    I mentioned a couple of days ago that I saw a big yellow and white cat outside - running like the wind the first couple of times I saw him.  A day or so ago I heard him out at the barn - he came to me and was very gentle.  Either someone put him out or he left home for some reason.  He is an inside cat - very beautiful and very friendly.

    Probably did the wrong thing but I couldn't help it.  I took a can of food and some dry food out to the carport where I always fed Tom and Jerry and called him.  This morning I did the same thing but didn't see him anywhere.  A while ago I went out to the PU and checked and he'd eaten the canned food and some of the dry.  Then he saw me and came and started meowing.  He followed me to the back door.  I didn't let him in -  not sure how he'll be with the three I have or the GPs.  Now that he's come into the yard if the GPs go outside and see him I'm afraid they'll kill him.  I took Max to the door and showed him and he didn't react.   

    I don't know whether to let him in the house or what.  If I leave him outside Stormy or Sheena may get him - they don't want anything in the yard.  Guess they haven't seen Rusty yet.  What do you all think.  He looks very healthy, well-fed and very friendly.  I wouldn't mind having another cat - always room for one more.

    I think I'll wait until I take down the trash in the morning to go on up and get some diesel.  May wait until Tuesday to take Lilly to the vet.  I know he's always uber busy on Mondays.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Lorita.

    Maybe if you decide to bring him in you can put him in a room by himself for a day or so to see how he reacts to being inside, then try introducing him to your other cats one at a time, then if they all get along then maybe Stormy and Sheena will be fine with it. Just give it some time so they can all get used to each other. I know how hard that must be. Good Luck. 

    The weather here is very cold, we got a mixture of rain and snow this morning. Weatherman says it will be this way all week. 

    I hope your all safe and staying warm. Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, I am not surprised that you want to help another animal...it is your calling.

    I would suggest that if you really want to consider bringing it in the house that you take it to the vet first.  Just to make sure you are not importing any disease or infection...even those who look healthy can be sick.  Rabies shot for sure would be needed.

    I would think that the cat would have a better chance of getting away from GP's if outside than if in the house.  Who knows, the GP's may not care that he is there since they were ok with Tom and Jerry.

    Weather here has been mild but lots of wind, but not bad for the beginning of March.  My prayers go out to all those stranded in the snow out in Cali.  It is a terrible feeling to be without the basic necessities and not know if help will come in time.

    Hope all of the front porch friends are well and have a good week.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    If the cat has been in the front yard for a few days, his scent should be around.  Do the dogs run around and sniff the ground, as if they're searching for prey?  Dogs always sniff me, and I tell their guardians that the dogs know that I live with cats.  Warren Eckstein of The Pet Show talks about "scent swapping" beforehand introducing a new animal.  Can you get some cat hair and let the dogs sniff it?  Or rub your hands over the cat, and then let the dogs sniff your hands.  Yes, that sounds like a lot of work.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thank you all for your suggestions - all are good and I'll think about what to do.   Zetta, good idea to keep them separated for a bit.  Max didn't seem to even care but Lilly and Sammy are different.  Marie, I had thought about taking him to the vet before I brought him inside.   I really don't want to bring anything in to the others.  He looks so healthy and energetic.  I've never seen a cat run so fast.   Iris, he hasn't even been in the yard - that I know of - until this afternoon when he followed me in after I went out to check his feed.  

    I decided to go up to town and get diesel.  Got $75. worth - almost 20 gallons.  It would have been $129 if I would have had to fill it up - it still had about 14 gallons.  When I got home the cat was outside of the yard and took off like a turpentined cat (that's a saying I've heard forever - sounds awful, doesn't it) - just means he ran fast.  Went to the barn.  Iris, when I let the GPs out Stormy immediately went to the gate and smelled.  The cat had rubbed against the post coming in and going out.  Tom and Jerry never came into the yard so the GPs didn't bother them but now anything that comes into the yard, they kill or try to.  They had a raccoon up against a tree a year or two ago.

    He seems to have a very sweet personality - like Kitt and he is beautiful.  Don't think I've ever mentioned this - when Charles and I lived in the MH a black cat (Midnight) came to live with us - then all at once it seemed we had a lot of cats - all yellow and yellow and white.  When we moved down to the farm house those cats stayed at the MH. They were all feral except for one or two inside cats.  After we were down here a while cats began to show up and almost all of them were black or black and white except for a couple who were calico and one that was black and brown.  Tom and Jerry were tabby cats.

    Marie, I do love animals and this cat needs a home - he is certainly or has been an inside cat.  I'll continue to feed him at the carport - I think he's staying in the barn and probably can catch mice.  I think of sweet little Lilly - she had been dropped off and Darwin found her trying to live among his big bales of hay, half a mile from his house and from ours.  He took her home but they had another cat or two and they didn't get along so he called to see if I'd take her.  Of course, I said.  I didn't think about taking her to the vet and she fit in just fine with Kitt and Max.  In a few months Max and Lilly had seven kittens, one of which is Sammy.   But, that won't happen again.

    The road - about three miles - have been bad - there's still water on it in three or four places.  The water runs out of our meadow into the road so it floods anytime it rains.  I did drive the section line east of us to see the girls and to see what Mike's people had done to that section.  The new fences and gates look really nice.  The big machine that will mulch the trees on the south 40 is supposed to be here this month.  Darwin and I - and Mike - really want to see how that works.  Supposed to start mulching at the top of the trees and work down until it's gone.  So sad to see the house all of the people have lined in these past 80+ years.  I don't think I can stand to see it torn down or burned.

    Again, it's sad about the eagles.  I thought it would be fun to see them take care of the babies - but we can another time.

    Thanks again, for your help.  I so appreciate it. 

    They're showing the snow in California on the world news.  I can't imagine that much snow.  Feel so sorry the people.  One woman said they were running out of milk and she'd have to hike four miles roundtrip to the store.  I always think about the Donner party story.

    Back later.

  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hello my friends…I know it’s been a long time , I really don’t know how long, but I do remember all of you, and glad to know you are still all here.  So much has happened in my world since I last spoke to you all,  I think,  we went on a great holiday to Turkey, Greece , then cruised home to Australia. At the moment we are in our caravan for a little ten day trip away from home between doctors appointments.  I’ve just had a second spinal surgery in twelve months, I think this time it has worked.  The last few months has not been fun!!!apart from the holiday    Barbara, enjoy Tassie…I’ve been there three times. Love it 

    We are going to Canada and Alaska in May/June so really looking forward to that, maybe Thailand in August, and Antarctic in November….at my age have to do things before I get to old because of travel insurance ….

    Jo …. Sydney has a webfeed like yours with , I think, sea eagles.  I saw it last year 

    HAPPY SPRING to all of you. We are moving into autumn, which I hate!   Blessings to all

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Full moon........yes.......you can guess the rest! I love my front porch ladies fir giving me the strength to carry on!!

    Sandy, great to hear from you again, your trips sound great. Thailand was one of my good memories during my Vietnam years. I took R&R in Thailand spring if 66. Buddy of mine and I hired a taxi driver to be on call during our stay and he took us places of interest that we never would have gone ourselves. I just wish I wouldn't have been a young 19 year old and could have enjoyed it more than I did. Still had a great time!

    Had my two cups of coffee, now to try and rest a little before the next round.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sandra, so good to see a post from you.  Glad you're feeling better after your surgeries.  Sounds like you two are keeping the roads hot travelling.  Nice that you're enjoying those wonderful trips.  Be careful and enjoy the fall and winter as we go into spring and summer.

    Ron, sounds like you had a good time in Thailand - all those great memories.

    Yes, that full moon is upon us again - rolls around fast.  Good that we all have each other to give us the incentive to carry on.

    It's already 62 degrees here this morning - hardly any wind so it's really nice.  Girls have come down from the hay to graze.  If we have another week of warm weather they'll be grazing most of the time.  It is supposed to be a bit cooler with more rain this week.

    I'm beginning to think I have a flare of EBV and CMV.  Just don't seem to have energy  - like it was when I initially was diagnosed with it.  I did get up early and took down the trash and mailed a couple of things.  I had planned on taking a couple of cats to the vet but won't today - maybe tomorrow.  He's always very busy on Mondays.  I did talk to him about the new cat and he said it would be good to bring him in to be checked.  I'm sure he's okay.  When I went out this morning he was sitting at the back gate meowing so fed him.  Hope he doesn't come in the yard.

    Sarah just now called.  She went to the hospital Saturday night and they did emergency surgery Sunday morning.  The stoma or ileostomy had prolapsed about a foot, she said she's in a lot of pain but at least they took care of the problem, we hope.

    Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night - always good to talk with you.  Hope you rested up last night after all the company.  I know you're looking forward to seeing your granddaughter today - enjoy the visit.

    Leave it to Beaver's on so I'll stop for now.  I did call Jimmy about the breaker and he'll be out in a day or so to check it.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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