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Just need to talk to my friends (188)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

    Sandy you have a lot of energy. Would enjoy seeing all those places, but I like to be in my own bed when bedtime comes laugh out loud.

    Poor Sarah, she has it rough.

    It’s Monday did the same old things today that I do every Monday.  I’m caught up for the week and ready to do my two work days.  Use the other half of my avocado today, and made that dressing and had taco salad. That dressing is a keeper. 

    Looking forward to my flatbread for supper. Since I’ve been making it with buttermilk, it reminds me a lot of the pita bread that I used to get at a local Greek  Restaurant. There’s no pocket in it, but it seems like if I remember right, it’s been a long time, they didn’t have a pocket in the pita bread there. The meat was  just rolled up in the bread, which is what I’ve been doing. Maybe now I might work on making tzatziki sauce. Do any of you guys make it?

    Judith are you the same, better or worse?  Think about you.

    Ron you can’t blame me this time.  I did not mention the you know what  

    Take care

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sandymac!   Oh Sandy; reading your Post and knowing of all of your adventures, I found myself truly actually chuckling out loud - the two of you are awesome!  What a life of so much to see; your kids must be delighted for you.  Suitcases not unpacked for too long and traveling shoes always ready to go.   Have a wonderful time; when we very first met you so long ago, could any of us have foreseen all of this wonderment that was in store?  Hurray for our Sandy, along with a great big hug!   Autumn on its way to Australia while the rest of us are waiting for spring with bated breath.   Truly is an interesting planet.

    Ron, so glad you are cutting yourself a bit of slack, very wise man to be sure; hope you feel better soon.  We will hope the moon is not too bright so changes will not be too over the top.  Sh-h-h. won't say things too loud and scare the moon into turning on its full light to make Lou a bit more, well; "more." 

    Lorita, I don't think, (and I could be wrong), that you are having another bout of CMV or Epstein-Barr; each time you have had a downturn of energy over time, you do wonder that which is very understandable.  You have not had labs done with your health checkup, it seems to be time.  If this is to be ordered, ask the doctor to have an entire large lab of all systems done including magnesium, folate, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, B12, calcium,  iron and more done to chcck your systems since you are a complete vegetarian.  Want to be sure all is well.


    Also, not good to take supplements if we do not know how our levels are doing.  Sometimes too much of a good thing is just too much and that can cause symptoms.  I take supplemental Vitamin D as my levels had been low, and had that level checked with my recent health physical; thankfully it was normal.   Also since you are now 80 and nearing 81,, the vast amount of work you do which is strenuous for your body, may be just a bit too much for the bodies energy stores and no way to correct that all the way. It just is what it is when that happens; I have found my years have certainly become far different from other younger years.  (I want that back, but alas on that.)

     Lorita, oh my stars and garters!  As to the snow in the mountains and people being stranded, I try not to remember the Donner Party being stranded in the Sierras as mentioned as they resorted to cannibalism to survive.  Don't know how to log off that thought!

    Did not see any eagles on the nest today; wonder if they or one of them was there at all.   Nature is what it is.  Too bad they did not get a little eaglet. They have had eleven clutches, but only two eaglets have survived.  I was surprised to find out the nest is as far up as 126 feet in that tree.  For some reason, it did not seem to be that high.

    I was looking at some Yahoo news and found a link for 24 recipes using Cream of Chicken Soup as a base, I copied it. Some sounds good and a few are older recipes:


    Seems we like to talk about food, but that is one of the great joys in life amongst so many others. 

    I watched Bette Davis in that wonderful old black and white, "Now Voyager," yesteday.  Seen it before, but it is such a good film.  She did a bang up job in it.  The character, her mother in the movie, was such an evil old bat, what a film!  I do like Bette Davis.  They don't make 'em like that anymore - (actresses or movies.) 

     Well, time for lunch, off I go, take good care and treat yourself to something good - you all deserve it!



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Welcome back, Sandy!  It's great that you all are getting so much travel in now.  Alaska in June will have the midnight sun, it is really remarkable to experience!

    Jo C, I have a cookbook of recipes that all begin with one of the Campbell's soups as a base.  That was just what a non-cook like me needed to get started with cooking dinner, LOL.

    I heard on the radio that this winter has been the coldest winter in SoCal since 1978-1979.  I believe it.  Brrr!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, I looked up that recipe for the sauce and it really does sound good.  I may try that - what do you use it on?

    Which days of the week do you work and how many hours a day?  I know you've probably told us but the old memory isn't what it used to be.

    I've never made flatbread - just what I make in the bread machine.  It seems like the crumb of my bread is not always the same but I really like it so guess I'll stick to it.  I used to get pita bread at WM - really made good cheese sandwiches with avocado.  I'm finally getting ready to use my last avocado of the three I bought.  Forgot about them until they got really ripe.

    Jo - it is time for my lab work.  He didn't mention it when I was there so before long I'll call and make an appointment after the weather straightens out.  I have to be there early so want the weather to be good.  I've had low vitamin D for years so I try to remember to take D-3.  Sounds odd because I've always been outside a lot - my doctor said his is low and he's outside a lot, too, when he's home. Wouldn't do any good to be tested for EBV or CMV again because it will always test positive.

    It's been sort of lonely here today without the girls being close.  They stayed in the north pasture until about 1 p.m.when they decided it was time to have some hay.  All but a few had gone through except one cow was standing at the gate looking north.  Her baby was still down there and she was waiting for her to come through.  Saw Billy the Bull come through - he is so big and sweet.  Decided I'd go to the mailbox to make sure everyone made it out and saw three or four little ones still coming up to the gate.  One was lagging behind and then I saw his mom had come back through the gate and was waiting for him.  I always worry when they change pasture - afraid everyone won't make it out and will get lost.  

    I looked at the nest a couple of times today and the nest was empty except for the two eggs.  I guess the ravens or squirrels will get them.  Doubt the squirrels will because I had three eggs that were too old to eat and I put them outside and the squirrel never bothered them.  Sort of sad to see the nest without the eagles in it  Shadow was really trying, wasn't he - just didn't want to give up.

    I think I've decided not to bring the cat into the house.  He's sweet and definitely is a house cat.  He laid on the back steps most of the day.  He's sort of aggressive and I don't think that would go over very well with my cats or the GPs for sure.  I'll ask Mike if he knows someone who wants a cat - he usually does.  When we had so many barn cats he would tell people about them so maybe he will know someone.

    Sorry, Ron, didn't think about mentioning you know what - but, you could tell it was coming I know.  We always did.  It is beautiful tonight.  Hope it isn't too bad this month.  What did you do about the cabinet?

    The Bradford Pears are gorgeous this year.  There's six or seven on the pond dump (dam) and they reflect in the water and are so pretty.  They're all down the driveway but those aren't completely bloomed yet.  Somehow OG&E missed one or two when they sprayed the trees so they're blooming on the north side of the meadow and there's lots of them all along the west side of the meadow and west pasture.  We have one really big one in the south side of the meadow that's always pretty.  And, the daffodils, I think, are prettier this year than ever and they smell so good - really brightens up the yard.

    I think three of the hollys on the south side in front of the porch are dead except for maybe one or two little branches.  I guess the combination of the drought and grasshoppers killed them.  The others aren't much better - wish we had never planted those or at least kept them trimmed.  Flowering almond is blooming - always pretty.  I'm going to have to do a lot of cutting out old, dead wood from the two red knock-out roses.  They are so thorny, too, so will have to wear gloves and use the loppers.

    It's been a quiet day but was nice.  I kept thinking about taking a nap but ever made it to the bedroom - did get a ten minute  nap in my chair.

    Hope all of you are well tonight - go outside and look!

    Oh, something odd and funny - on the news tonight this woman in Tulsa kept hearing noises in the fireplace and heard someone talking.  Guess she called the Police and they found a naked woman in the chimney.  How that happened, who knows?   It's an odd, weird world out there.

    Talked with Sarah for a minute or two.  She said at first they were going to send her home - said she should go to Waco to Scott-White but then decided to do the surgery.  She sounds groggy.  She does have a rough time, Sara.

    Enjoy the rest of the evening.  Day - Garolyn tomorrow!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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      Lorita work 6 hours on Tuesday and Thursday.  Use the dressing on taco salad.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Much cooler this morning with a north wind but kind of sunny.  Went out to feed the cat but didn't see him anywhere even when I called - left the food.   The guys came to feed so I went out on the porch to watch.  We have one cow who has somehow hurt one of her back feet so she's walking slower and I wanted to see if she made it up there - she did but probably didn't get much feed.   The cat was sitting on the porch railing.  He saw me and got up and I walked back out to the carport and he followed.  When we got close he remembered and ran to the food.  Later saw him going to the barn.

    Day - not Carolyn!  Oh, no - it's that fast-talking Julia.  I feel like I'm in a whirlwind.  Why don't they tell those hosts to not talk so fast.  We're not used to that down here.  We used to have a lot of relatives in Arkansas and when they'd come to visit they talked sooooo slowly.  You almost felt like you had to pull the words out of them.  People around here do not talk fast.

    My rib is really bothering me this morning.  Seemed all right when I was in bed but when I got up I really felt it.  Took a couple of Ibuprofens ad am leaning against the heating pad.  I'm really getting tired of this - always seems worse in the mornings.  Guess it's a good thing I'm not trying to feed the girls.

    We're supposed to get heavy rain late today and tonight - don't need it now but no choice.  

    Sara - I used to love taco salad.  Some places had the edible bowl which was also good.  You mentioned that last half of an avocado - I have one I need to eat.  Love them but they don't last too long.  I always try to get one that's ready to eat and a couple of harder ones.  I envy Jo having that avocado tree next door that deposits them in her yard.  Wouldn't it be nice to have an avocado tree, a banana tree, a mango tree - and potatoes.  We'd be set for life!

    I'll stop now and finish my hot tea which isn't very hot.  Will be back later.  Dreading the time change this weekend.  I think I'll turn the sound down and just watch.  Where is Carolyn?

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, if you haven't heard yet, after 19 years with QVC Carolyn is no longer with them.  Dan Hughes has also left and he's been there 33 years (he does all the gadgets and home stuff like ladders and flashlights, etc).

    Apparently they've been laid off.

    QVC Hosts Carolyn Gracie And Dan Hughes Are Leaving The Network (today.com)
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thanks for telling me, Day.  That's the pits!  I had not heard.  I thought it was odd this morning when they didn't say why she wasn't there.  A few days back when Carolyn was on with Gary she mentioned she had a line of clothing coming out soon.  

    Did she retired or was she forced out?  This may mean that I don't watch as often.  I also liked Dan and watched his shows often.  I have often said that I do not like changes.  Many times they aren't for the best.  They have lost two good hosts - I don't really like some of the newer ones.  Still do like Mary Beth, Leah and Jane Brown - guess they'll be the next to go.

    Well, that ruins my day.  Always looked forward to the Denim & Co. shows with Carolyn.  Wonder if this was a sudden move - she hadn't said anything about it or, if she had, I missed it.

    I don't  need to buy any more clothes so guess I won't.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It's a beautiful day except for the wind.  It's in the  high 60s here but in the panhandle it's much cooler.  I picked up the one gallon gas can I didn't think I could get the top off of and got it off, washed it out so now I can fill it and the two gallon when needed.

    Decided I'd pick a bouquet of daffodils - they are absolutely gorgeous this year.  I think the prettiest they've  ever been.  I remembered that a couple of years ago there was a clump of white ones with a pale yellow center - found it and the blooms are 4.5" across.  So I have three bouquets of daffodils in the house.  So wish they'd last all year.  Still no sign of white blooms in the front yard.  The wild violets are coming up - only about an inch high so far but it won't be long before they bloom.  Such a pretty time of the year until the hot weather gets here.

    Day, I read all of the link you posted.  I don't think Carolyn or Dan retired on their own - Carolyn, at least.  From what she wrote she didn't mention retiring - just said she was no longer with QVC.  Why they'd get rid of two of the best hosts I don't know.  They've brought in several new ones that aren't nearly as good.  Wonder if they just told them without warning that they were out?  Guess we'll never know for sure.

    I don't see the little cat so guess he's still out at the barn - maybe he's finding some mice.  Girls are coming down to the pond to drink.  It really is lonesome without them down here close to the house.

    Already I'm beginning to see an ant or two in the kitchen.  I don't think I can handle going through all those ants again this summer.  Guess it's time to put at traps in the generator, too.  They inspected and sprayed it in January but won't be back until July so traps will have to work.

    Carol called and had a nice visit with her.  She's still improving but not yet back to where she was before the fall.  I don't think they have a meal at home more than a couple of times a week.  She mentioned that someone on TV said with the price of groceries it's cheaper to eat out.  They eat out all the time and says that is not true.  I remember when I was a Senior in High School we toured Oklahoma and ate at an Italian restaurant in OKC.  Of course we ordered hamburgers and they were $2. each.  We thought that was awful.  She said her husband orders hamburgers quite often and they're around $8.  I feel like I've been under a rock!  I don't know the singers, songs, movies or much of anything anymore.  But, I'm okay with that.

    Better stop before I lose this.  Hope all of you are well today and enjoying the pretty weather.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Regarding the cost of food: I saw a dozen eggs for $8.99!  I pay $5.49 for my eggs from free-range hens.   Where I live there are regular supermarkets, premium markets, also lower cost markets, so we have a choice.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    Sunny beautiful day here to Lorita but we have that cold North-wind also.  Sorry, that rib is being such a nuisance for you.

    Had a nice day at work too. A lot of people coming in going to ER and they looked like they were sick. Seemed to be respiratory type issues. It was all all ages, more elderly though, not children. Could hear a lot of them wheezing. Don’t believe it was Covid. Sure hope not. The level has been very low in our county . Our sewer levels went down even more last week so that’s been looking pretty good and hope it stays that way.  Quite a few of them had home oxygen on and I’m guessing they probably had COPD. A few were younger looking, but they may have asthma that’s been aggravated by an upper respiratory infection. Don’t you like how I diagnose these people laugh out loud as they come through the door and talk to me.  Have been having some allergy issues myself so that could be part of the issue. 

    Eggs range in price here from $2.50 a dozen to up a round eight something. I get organic pasture, raised eggs for about $4.49 a dozen. They are cheaper because they are local. We are fortunate in this area to have a lot of egg farms  and spread out over a pretty large area.  In our area, a lot of them are Mennonite Farms, and to the south of think there’s a lot of Amish. The eggs are so much better looking than those that are $2.50 a dozen.There is one local meat, chicken producer. That’s the only chicken meat I will buy, but it is not cheap. It might be higher than the other chicken. I don’t even look at the other chicken cause I’m not going to buy it. 

    Local beef fairly easy to get too. As long as we are blessed with good growing weather pretty easy to get vegetables to fix up for winter also. That is one advantage of living in a more rural area.  They are disadvantages too, as we don’t have access to certain types of health care.  Somethings we have pretty good access to but other things we don’t hardly have any you’ll have to go to Columbus.  Used to I didn’t mind driving to Columbus but anymore I just can’t hardly stand to do it. I don’t have the tolerance for that traffic anymore.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning from the peaceful front porch!

    Had a good night's rest Monday night and head was clear enough to get my taxes done Tuesday. Had made a mistake and was getting back much more than I should have. Had to go back over it several times before realizing it was something as simple as a decimal point. On line taxes is so much simpler to do, but easy to make a little mistake like that.

    Speaking of eggs going up, Lou and I eat eggs every day and sometimes have a big supper with eggs as the main course. I have gotten to the point that on some items that we purchase frequently, I dont even look at the price. My aunt and uncle use to have a egg farm and I use to enjoy visiting them. My cousins and I use to get up at 4am, gather eggs and take them to the wash room. Breakfast would be ready when we made it back to the house. They had a long kitchen table and it was full of everything you could imagine. Fried eggs, scrambled eggs  fried chicken, gravy, biscuits, jelly, homemade butter, fruits, and probably other items I cant think of at the moment. Later when my aunt would be in the washing/sorting room, she would pick out the double yolks for my mom. We always came back with a couple cases of eggs for us and other family members.

    Had a bad night last night, but at least I had a good one Monday where I could get the taxes done.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Quick note with link re Big Bear Eagles Nest.   The eagles are long gone from the nest and have not returned now that they realize their eggs would not hatch.   HOWEVER; the ravens have showed up and "cleaned" up the nest.  The video link from David is excellent.  It appears the eggs were never fertilized or . . . . ?  When the ravens opened the eggs, they were just regular eggs as we would see with any egg.  The video is a bit long, but by the end, even the shells are out of the bowl and it appears even some of the shell has been ingested.  Interesting how careful and watchful the ravens were, especially the first one at the tree that kept watch to see if the eagles might return.  Now; with the nest clear, it is a possibility that the eagles could return and lay another clutch of eggs, but that will be a hopefull guess:



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    My goodness, I've been trying to get onto the forum and it took forever.  May be time for a new whatever we call it.

    Thanks, Jo, for the information about the eggs.  I've been reluctant to check - too softhearted, I guess.  Glad the eggs weren't fertile and that's the reason they didn't hatch.  Mr. Shadow fell down on the job this time - he'll do better  next time.  I do hope they have another clutch this year.    I'll watch the link later today.

    Ron, good for you getting your taxes done - I need to get mine done - maybe this afternoon.

    All the talk about eggs brought back so many memories of when I was growing up.  We had a big chicken house - hot like the commerical ones, but big.  It faced south so the chickens could get the breeze in the summer.  It had big shutters that opened up with screen behind them to keep the chickens in at night.  The stacks of nests were at either end of the house with the long roost against the north side.  It opened up to clean it out - that was my job a lot of the time.  I can still remember gathering the eggs and putting my hand under a hen on the nest and getting pecked - she was setting and didn't want anyone bothering her eggs.

    Daddy sold eggs in Muskogee.  So after they got a few cases he and I would go to town to sell them.  A case is about 2 1/2-3 ft. long and about l 1/2 ft. high.  There were probably 8-12 flats of eggs on each side with probably two dozen eggs in each flat - lots of eggs.  Raising chickens and selling eggs is a lot of work - Charles and I did that for a while, too.

    We had another inch of rain last night - things are uber muddy.  I might have mentioned that Stormy and I drove up to see the girls yesterday afternoon - it's higher up there with sort of a slope and on the higher part they have the feeders and hayrings so it's not muddy - probably is this morning.  Saw all four tiny babies - they are so cute standing at the hayrings eating hay - just like the big girls and boys.

    Still not decided about the new cat (I'm going to have to name him - can't keep saying "the cat").  He was on the back steps this morning but when I started out to put out his feed in the carport, he followed.  He's a nice cat - no signs at all of not being well - he's well fed and looks good and is friendly.  Stormy and Sheena went out this morning but guess they didn't get to the back of the house to see him.

    Sara - I wanted to go to bed last night at 8:30 but toughed it out until 9:30.  Watched TV a bit and went to sleep but woke up around 2:30 for a little while.  Then, we stayed in until about 8 this morning - no need to get up early today.

    I've heard about  a lot of respiratory problems in Oklahoma - so best to stay away from people.   

    Watching Leave it to Beaver.  The mother, Joan, is always either cutting up things to cook in the kitchen, making breakfast or supper or dusting.  She wears heels, pretty dresses and jewelry.  I think all the shows filmed in the 50s and early 60s were like that.  

    Hope everyone's well this morning.  Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Thanks for the update, Jo, I was watching when the ravens landed and praying that there would be nothing in the eggs as they were pecking away. My daughter just told me she saw where the story about Jackie and Shadow will be on TV this Monday. It will be on March 13th at 9pm on CBS. It is an episode of NCIS. Jackie and Shadow have become movie stars. Good day to all, Hugs Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, Carolyn and Dan didn't decide to leave on their own, the word is they were laid off.  I'm not too happy to hear that, as it's funny they take 2 of the more tenured people to choose to lay off.

    I would expect David, Mary Beth and the other old timers will make decisions to retire or end up laid off as well.

    I worked 3 hours earlier and have another 2 hours in a bit, so I'll sign off for now.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Pretty day, probably cold but haven’t been out. Know they were giving a cold north wind.  Mail will  come in a few hours and I’ll see. 
    Just doing same old things, nothing new.
    Chickens are a lot of work and nasty. We never had chickens, dad’s parents always had them and he said they are too nasty. My dad was a hard worker and he shoveled a lot of cow manure but guess that is where it stopped. They can be mighty mean to one another too and I would have had trouble accepting that. Have always had trouble watching things being cruel to one another. Have to turn my head and do my best not to think about it. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, during my time being around chickens I didn't see that they were mean to each other except when one was sick or hurt - then, they're fair game - just like when you raise hogs.  If one of them is hurt or sick, you better separate them. I can't stand cruelty between animals either.  If I'm watching a nature show and think something's going to happen like that, I change channels. 

     Raising any kind of animal is hard work but there are rewards if you're willing to put in the work.  Our neighbor must have some chickens - 1/4 mile away - because I hear a rooster very often.  We used to have two roosters that we kept - one was a white Leghorn - we called Hoppy.  He was mean - when you're go out to gather eggs he's come across the chicken yard toward you sideways, hopping.  He had big spurs and when he jumped on your leg they would go through your jeans.  The other one was a big, black one - his feathers were so black they looked purple.  His name was Rastus and was a good guy.  Chickens can be made into pets, too.  If you pet one, she'll crouch down and spread his wings for you to pet her.  My uncle once said "even chickens need to be loved".

    Day - I am so aggravated at QVC.  They brought in all these new people who rattle all the time and interrupt the people who are presenting.  Those are the ones they should have gotten rid of.  I do like Steve, the guy who's with David on Wednesdays. Guess they don't have a union of any kind. I can imagine the hosts who have been there quite a while are pretty nervous right now.  I'm so surprised they picked on Carolyn and Dan.  I know she wasn't expecting that because she had been talking to Gary about both of them wearing shorts in an upcoming show.  I think I heard her say she was bringing a line of clothing of her own out soon.  Guess that's out.   It must have happened the end of February - I think her last show was last Tuesday.  I haven't head any of the other hosts mention them at all, imagine they've been warned not to mention it.   I think they've made a big mistake - but they didn't ask me.

    Zetta, I'm glad I didn't see the part where the ravens came in but am so glad there was nothing in the eggs except the usual thing.  I wonder if Jacki and Shadow were watching - hope not.  I want to listen to David to see what he says - he's really good and funny. 

    There was a train derailment in Oklahoma last night or early this morning.  Seems to be a lot of those lately along with so many airplane incidents.

    Sara - it's a gloomy day here, too.  Cloudy and chilly.  But, the darker weather really makes the Bradford pear blooms pretty.  I wish you all could see eall of them - just beautiful.  I usually pick a few branches of them to bring in but they don't last long so there's petals all over the place before long.

    From what I see and hear on TV seems they've decided that Covid was caused by some accident in a laboratory in Hunan.  Can't understand why they even have those lethal germs in labs.  Just think about all the deaths it caused.  Now they're worried that China is going to provide weapons to Russia.  The world and weather is in chaos.

    Happy Woman's Day, everyone.  Ron, congratulations on getting those taxes done.  I used to do ours and my parents but when we started running cattle and had to do a farm return, I stopped.  I never get anything back except maybe just enough to cover the amount of federal tax they withheld - haven't had that in the last few years.  

    Oklahoma had elections yesterday - one thing was whether to legalize recreational marijuana.  They've changed the place where I vote so didn't go.  I was happy with the voting results. I'm so dumb about those things I even thought it was the leaves they smoked.  There are so many grow houses in Oklahoma - I think it's become the main crop here.  There are a lot of those houses north of here, Mike says, and even a couple on the way to town and so many places in town where you can buy it with a prescription.  

    I think I'll do the dishes and then start compilation of my tax papers - I want to get them in this year so I won't have to have the time extended.

    Enjoy the day.  We've had 10.2" of rain so far this year and all of Eastern Oklahoma is out of drought conditions - all of our County.  You all should see the mud  around the barn and outside of the yard.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    I would like to thank all the remarkable women that have been on Lorita's front porch with this old man. On this day of celebration of women around the world, I cant think of any that could be more deserving of recognition than the ladies on our front porch. Thanks to all of you for the great advice you've given me these past 8 years and for being here on the porch supporting me.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    This is the first I've heard of this day.  Happy Women's Day!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    It's snowing here. I'm over it, but the weather will do what the weather will do. 

    I took a look at the Decorah Iowa eagle cam just now. There are 2 eggs; they were laid on 2/25 and 2/28 and hatch expected around 4/3. Here is the link if anyone is interested. https://www.explore.org/livecams/birds/decorah-eagles?gclid=Cj0KCQiApKagBhC1ARIsAFc7Mc4ip37isH9WBgAfvWtL9YlY4z2ASGW_ywWb1Yi5qVySw9vkEU4_EF4aAqT5EALw_wcB

    They are such magnificent birds. So beautiful!

    Hope everyone is well today. Lots of basketball these days; Iowa boys' high school state tournaments and Big 10 and Big 12 tournaments; I think NCAA tournament starts next week. I enjoy basketball and will watch my team and maybe some other teams play as well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    What sweet things to say, Ron.  I think we're lucky that you've decided to join us on the front porch.  It's a very wet porch today.  We had some rain late last night and quite a lot this morning.  When I went out about 10 or we had half an inch but heavier rain since then.  All of the cow's tracks are filled with water out in front of the house.  It was raining cats and dogs when they came to feed.  The girls are confused about where they're going to be fed - they were all behind the barn, then had to go all the way up to the MH for feed- doubt some of them got grain but there's plenty of hay.  There's a few coming back down to the barn now.  Some of the little calves were in the barn out of the rain but came out to go with their moms.

    I've been working on compiling some of the tax papers.  Do we ever get to quit filing taxes?  That would be a good day.  I've gone through check registers, bank statements and still have the book to go through where I keep deductibles.  Had to quit for today - dry eyes  are bothering me.  I've changed to some different glasses that i got a couple of years ago - they're the same prescription as my old ones and now I can't find the old ones - can't seem to get these adjusted quite right.

    Beth, thank you for the link.  I will watch them.  I think I read that people built the nest but eagles have been using it.  Have they named the pair?  It's much better weather where they are but are you expecting snow?   You're right - they are beautiful birds.  There's quite a few in Oklahoma around the lakes north of here.  We've seen them flying around up there. There's also a pair setting somewhere near Bartlesville, Okla.

    Put birdfeed in one of the feeders and left a plate of sunflower seeds for Rusty.  This morning when I went out to feed Thomas (the yellow and white cat) something was making such a fuss - looked up and it was Rusty in the tree by the carport - guess he was fussing at Thomas.    He knows where he's going to be fed and since Stormy got after him yesterday I don't think he's been in the yard.  

    It's cloudy and chilly here today - not a pleasant day at all.

    Guess what - FedEx delivered some things this morning that I'd ordered from Walmart.  He delivered it this morning - usually it's in the afternoon when they run.  I ordered a box of floor files to replace some that have lost their glue in the kitchen and some PetTabs for the GPs - they're due to arrive Saturday.  We'll see if they deliver those.  At least that's some progress.

    Day - I happened to find two hours of Denim & Co. this morning - Mary Beth was on with Gary and I enjoyed it.  I do like her.  She said she's been with QVC for 30 years.  I wonder if all of the older hosts are worried that they'll be next?  So far I haven't heard one person mention Carolyn or Dan - probably been told to not mention them.  Even the things Gary and Carolyn joked about (like wearing sleeveless clothes) he hasn't mentioned when they show sleeveless blouses.  

    Sara - I woke up about 3 (our time) this morning and thought about you.  I know it was 4 a.m. there.  Stormy thought he had to go outside.  I went back to sleep and didn't get up until 7:30. Next week it'll still be dark at 7:30.  I can't understand why people say there will be more daylight with daylight savings time - it's the same number of hours - just at different times (evening instead of mornings).  I think this may be the last time our time will change - not sure about that.

    Hope all of you are well today and are having good weather.  Ron, you're a Southern Gentleman for sure and how lucky Lou is to have you.  You sort of remind me of Darwin (he's a Southern Gentleman, too)  always ready to help in any way he can.

    Guess I'll go out and see if the water tank needs to be filled - doubt it because the girls have to cross really close to the pond to get back to the barn.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Beautiful sunshiny day, but cool. Think it may be the last sunshiny day for quite a while thank best snow is headed our way. Looks like we have the possibility of snow for quite a few days in a row. This is normal in Ohio.

    Hope your Eagles get to hatch and have little Eagles.

    Good day at work, but I’m ready for bed sort of have a sinus headache.

    Take care and have a good night’s rest

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    We are having a beautiful clear, sunny day here in SoCal, temp 68 degrees.  But we are expecting an "atmospheric river" by the weekend.  Why can't they just say rainstorm?

    Lorita, are you dealing with ants?  In the Heloise column there was a suggestion.  Spray a mixture of half vinegar and half water where you see the ants.  It will kill the ants and erase the scent trail that they leave behind for other ants to follow.  This was printed on 2/30/23 in the newspaper.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi again,

    Beth, there's snow on the eagle!  How much snow are you all supposed to have?  Looks like there may be another storm on the way after this one, too.

    Sara - I used to have a sinus headache every morning when I got up.  I found that wetting a washcloth in very warm water and holding it on my forehead until it cooled helped a lot.  They are already talking about allergens - probably trees and Eastern Red Cedar (quite a few of those around).  Hope your sinus headache disappears quickly and you can rest well tonight.

    Went out to check the barn and two girls came in to see what I was doing.  They're scattered all over the east pasture.  Left sunflower seeds out for Rusty and he hasn't found them, so far.   It's been cloudy and rainy almost all day.  Very early this morning the sun came out briefly, then disappeared.  The weatherman just said places in SE Okla. have had 17" of rain - we've had 10.7" and our panhandle hasn't had any.  All of the rain has been SE of Tulsa.  So sad about the storm that's going to hit California - they said up to 8 ft. of snow.  What's going to happen when it warms up and all that snow melts.  Heard they had found 12 people who passed away during the storm - some inside their homes.

    Iris, thanks for that tip about the vinegar and water.  I have seen a few ants already.  I hate to have to go through all of that again this summer so I will use that.  It seems that Judith said she used it last summer.

    It's chilly in the house.  I have an electric heater on in the bathroom and it's warm enough in there - also have one in the LR but it's not doing the job so guess I'll light the heater for a while.   Sara, I'm thinking about going to bed and watching TV in the bedroom.  My SIL used to do that - she said there wasn't any use of her staying up in the LR when she could go to bed and watch TV in bed.  She's the one we lost to covid a year or so ago - lost the other one a few months ago.  

    I heard on the news that Oklahoma has 200+ cases of covid diagnosed each day and there's over 100 people in the hospital.  We've lost almost 1900 people to that virus.

    Hope all of you have a good evening and can rest well tonight.  Beth, Okla. State University has made it into the NCAA Tournament - I may watch some of it this year. Sad to hear that the University of Oklahoma and one of the Texas teams are leaving the Big 12 going to the SEC.  Can't understand why they'd want to do that.

    See you all tomorrow.  Hope you don't get much snow - anywhere.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    We had 2.3" of snow yesterday and expect more on Saturday. Most of it melted from yesterday already. 

    I found a more direct link to the Decorah eagle cam. This one tells the history of the eagles/eagle cam and yes, humans did build/rebuild eagle nests. https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/decorah-eagles/

    It also tells how to distinguish between the male and female bird. Their names are HM (Hatchery Mom) and HD (Hatchery Dad).

    I hope all of you enjoy your weekend.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    We just have a skiff of snow so far. I’m glad we didn’t get too much or the freezing rain that they said was possible so far. A lady asked me to take her dad to visit her mom in the hospital. Then she’s going to pick her dad up on her way home from work.  It’s about a half an hour for me to pick him up ,then 20 minutes or so to get to the hospital and then another half an hour back home so I was going to have to back out if the roads were bad and I didn’t want to do that.  She battles a lot of the same battles that every one on here does.

    Saw a Junco this morning so they have not went north yet.  We refer to them as snow birds.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, how sweet and kind of you to take your friend's dad to see his wife.  You'll forever be remembered in her thoughts for doing that.  Never hurts to do something kind for a friend or for anyone.

    Beth, thanks for the link.  I clicked on it and it was just like looking at the eagles in California - snow everywhere.  I think it was raining really hard last night when I checked in.  The mom stood up and shook really well to get the water off, then got back on the eggs.  I so hope these will hatch so we can see the little ones.  

    This morning on our local news they showed a picture of a horned owl and two of her little ones.  Guess this is the time of year.  We used to have a lot of barn swallows and they'd build their mud nests on our front porch walls.  It was fun to watch them and see how they managed to get their little ones to fledge.  For years now they haven't nested there - we came home one day and a snake had crawled up to one of the nests and either got the eggs or little ones.  By the looks of places on the side of the porch next to the ceiling and the light globes on the porch you'd think they were everywhere.  They build the little rows of mud, then never finish.  

    It's cold here this morning - 42 but sunny.  Miss seeing the girls when I go out.  I went out to feed Thomas and he was sitting on the back porch.  He followed me out to the carport, stopping and looking to make sure I was following.  I have a big mineral tub out there I had filled with hay a few weeks ago and I think he's sleeping in it.  I guess I'll have to bring him inside.  I don't think anything is wrong with him - he looks and acts healthy.  We all slept in this morning and Stormy and Sheena are still asleep.

    Be careful driving, Sara.  What a nice lady you are.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    It is overcast and gray here, with a soft rain where I live.  In the mountains, more rain is predicted, enough to melt the heavy snow that still remains, so as to cause flooding and possible mudslides.  At least 13 people have died due to being stranded by the snowfall, away from food and water and medicines and heat and electricity.  Very tragic!

    We had an owl here a few weeks ago, from Alaska.  Birdwatchers came from miles away, even from states away, to see him.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Everybody.

    Iam snowed in. We got about 2 feet of snow last night and it's still snowing. We are under a weather watch till 10pm tonight. I don't even think the school busses ran today, they were on a 2 hour delay this morning.

    I could not even get out to take my nephew to work this morning, I guess Taco Bell will have to get by without him today and probably tomorrow. Hes out shoveling right now, he has built a snowman I will try to send a picture of that when he shows me how. I don't mind being snowed in I don't want to be out in it anyway. There are a lot of crazy drivers out there. 

    Beth.  Thank you for the link to the eagles nest. I might go into it later. I was and am still addicted to Jackie and Shadow and I spent way too much time watching them I don't know if I want to get addicted to another nest. I watch their nest all year long and see all the other little critters that visit it. Jackie and Shadow will also visit it at times. 

    Lorita.  I wish I had all the animals you have I guess if I had the room I would. But I am sure if one came up on my porch and adopted me, it would have a new home. My last cat I got named Emmy, is so afraid of anything I have never seen a cat so skittish. She is almost a year old and Iam the only human she will even get close too and that's on her terms. She loves Molly (dog) and Sammy. (cat) The wind has been blowing so she has been under my bed. Poor Baby. 

    Ron.  Thank You for the compliments I enjoy your gentlemen wisdom given on the front porch. You are a very loving caregiver to Lou. She is so blessed to have you as her husband. 

    Take care all of you front porches, there is a snow plow out on my road right now the funny thing is after they are through, I have a 6-foot snowbank at the end of my driveway.

    Iam watching Gunsmoke and I have some cranberry muffins in the oven, so I am all set to be snowed in.  Hugs Zetta 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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