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Just need to talk to my friends (190)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, it might be mating time for turtles. I wasn't sure so checked and sure enough spring is the time.

    It's cloudy and windy here this morning. Lots of really severe storms in central Oklahoma last night. Got as close as 15 miles from here, then veered north - they had hail the size of golf balls. We may get some rain this morning - hope so because we need some moisture.

    HB, I know it's hard but so nice of you to take your mother to her appointments. It would bother me to have something in my ears, too. Don't you love the smell of freshly mowed grass?

    The little cow was up and around this morning when I looked out - need to go give her some water. I think it's great that she's able to get up with her hip. Hopefully, this will resolve before too long.

    I'm going to take a nap this afternoon - didn't get to bed until almost 1 a.m. - didn't know if the storms would get this far or what would happen. Weirdest thing - we heard thunder when the storms were still near OKC and again a little later. I checked the radar and it didn't look like anything was near us. Back later today.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Here is a picture of the afghan that was raffled off

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Here disconnecting all bathroom and kitchen sink faucets in preparation for new countertops tommorow, will reconnect tommorow afternoon. Now to show my stupidity.......I filled up buckets and tub where I would have plenty of water to flush toilets. Guess what.......only water turn off was under the sinks. Duhhhh

    Be glad when all of this is over with! Next project is a carport and hopefully soon. No hail here but it has been all around us. Has been raining off and on the past hour and heavier rain suppose to hit us around 5.

    Still missing my baby littlebit, but sitter brings her small yorkie over and she has been loving on me.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Ron you will have to send us a picture when all done.

    Marie the afghan is very nice. Had wondered if you would share a photo and here it is. Was hoping the LMGs would mow my lawn today, didn’t happen. They’ll get here eventually. No tree guys either.

    My mom is really wound up right now. Seems like this happens every spring. Happens all year round but more sustained in spring.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi. It’s been stormy here this week, but no tornados. I’m so thankful we don’t have them on this side of the state. I hope you are all safe who live in the path of so many this week.

    The handy man got all my projects finished except for a few siding boards that need replaced. I like that he’s a very tidy worker and cleans up his messes.

    I’m also loving all the beautiful pictures you all are posting. Beautiful horses, pretty lady, travel pictures, and the flowers. All beautiful.

    Glad the cow is recovering and is in a separate space where she can rest.

    Hersh, that’s a lot of traveling back and forth for your Mom’s appointments. She is blessed to have you.

    Nothing much happening here, so I’ll wish you all a good evening. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    edited April 2023

    Marie, the Afghan is beautiful - thanks for posting the p icture.

    Ron, you'll be so happy when all the projects are finished. Worth the time and effort. Someday I'll be able to get mine finished.

    Sara, don't you hate to have to wait for workmen to come and do their work. Sometimes they just don't show. Sorry your mother is having problems,- maybe just the change of seasons.

    Joan, be happy you don't have to worry about tornados. Gets really scary. There were eight in Oklahoma last night, lots of damage and three deaths. More severe weather this afternoon in Southeast Oklahoma. We only got a sprinkle but it's going to turn cooler and there's promise of rain next week. We need it.

    The little cow is moving around so for that I am happy. Mike will bring feed for her and she has grass. Watched the newest baby running to keep up with his mother this evening when they changed pastures. The little ones are so cute.

    My internet has been out today, then pretty iffy. Seems to be working now. They put in a work order so may need to cancel it. Seems like there's a lot of optic fiber breakage,- people cutting it somehow.

    UPS delivered to the front porch today!!! So that may be improved.

    Sandy, I reached for something behind a table today and sort of hurt my ribs. Hurt a lot but seems better now. I do these things forgetting I shouldn't, then pay for it. Guess I'll never learn.

    Better get this posted and take a shower. Sleep well tonight. My goodness this is so small- didn't look like that when I was typing.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, Looks like I'm back to the big font. Looks like they could change it to where the font is larger and also bold. Maybe.... It's cool here today - 67 degrees which is about 10-12 degrees cooler than this time yesterday.

    I heard there were at least 12 tornadoes in Oklahoma night before last - lots of damage especially to the Baptist University in Shawnee (east of OKC) and to the little town of Coal (I had never heard of it).

    Where is everyone today? Maybe outside enjoying the pretty weather - it's really nice - no wind - but will get cooler with chances of rain next week and we need it. Still haven't planted the caladium bulbs left over from last year - I'll wait until May when the ground is warmer and wetter. Also need to transplant the Star of Bethleham bulbs. Okay, just discovered I'm about out of power.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited April 2023

    Good evening

    Our Weather wasn’t beautiful today. Not too bad though either. Cloudy but no rain so far, they’re giving rain tonight and hopefully will get it because we need rain.

    Went and got 10 bags of mulch. Took J a couple of things. Was lunch time when I got home so did not start the mulch today. It would make me too tired. Think it might be a few days before we have better weather, we’ll see.

    I try to be patient with the men I hire. Know from working all those years at hospital how impatient people can be. Many were very kind too.

    Got my new flannel sheet set. One of my sets was getting more and more holes, so had to break down and buy a set. They seem like they are nice quality, they ought to be.

    After I get my mulch down then I might be able to go get some kale plants, all the grow bags are ready. Would just like to get mulch down too, that will really be nice. Don’t think Ive ever got it this early before. Usually doing it when it is hot. So glad I didn’t mess with growing my own plants. I’m realizing that my body can no longer do what I use to. Have to start listening to my body and not push it like I did when I was younger.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, I think that's one of the hardest things to learn. Our mind thinks we can but the body refuses or complains afterward.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Talking about not being able to do what you use to do reminded me about myself. I still try............but my body says........you have to be kidding.

    This has been a hectic day with trying to get everything done; new countertops and faucets. Naturally there was problems but finally have everything in place. I'm a little upset with home depot and let them know I was. I ordered all this and paid last January and still need one more item. Backsplashes for the bathrooms were on the order, but not kitchen. I took a couple of pictures I'll post, but didn't think to take the picture before starting to put things back.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Your new kitchen and bathroom look snazzy, Ron!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, the pictures are so good. I love the square sinks in the bathroom - and you'll love the double sinks in the kitchen. I have those and really like them. Also like your new countertops - makes things look so spacious. I know what you mean - seems like nothing goes smoothly when you're having anything done. But, when it's finished we're really glad. Did the work doing the changes bother Lou? Thanks for posting the pictures.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Like it Ron, thank you for sharing.

    We got a little rain last night, less than 1/2inch. Giving a little today. We’ll see, if it doesn’t maybe I can get a little mulch down and go buy something to plant. Going to start mulching in my hot corner first as that is where I like to get things started. As it gets hotter then move them if they prefer cooler.

    Lorita I’m learning that it is a hard thing. My sister is three years younger than me but she told me Sara we can no longer get as much done as we use to. She said you need to make the to do list for each day shorter. If there isn’t time to make the bed one day you just don’t make it. I’m working on accepting this.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, your sister is right. I know how hard it is for someone who's always been active to pull back on what they do or are able to do. I'm living that right now. Doesn't always have to do with what age we are either.

    What are you mulching? Are you going to plant seeds in the ground this year and what do you think you'll plant? I've given up on gardening - had my fill of that when I was growing up and until about 17 years ago. When I was young my family always had a huge garden - raised everything we ate - then when Charles and I got married we always had a big garden, too. When we moved down to the farm house we gardened for three or four years but finally just gave up on it - too much work and we were older then.

    It's 50 degrees here this morning and there's a north wind so it's really chilly. The GPs stayed out last night until about 5 this morning. They were barking at something - probably a dog three miles away or wolves - then they got really loud and like they were about to get something so I got their leashes and went out and brought them inside. They were worn out. Since it's warmer they want to be out at night. I finally got back to sleep for an hour or so but feel like I could sleep a couple more hours.

    If the carpenter doesn't come I'll get an afternoon nap. I don't think he will - probably takes off the weekends. All he needs to do is put down the closet door glide and I want to have him check the cornice on one of the LR windows. The cornices have been there for probably 65 years and I think the problem is that one of the cats jumped up on a chair, then on the TV stand and then up onto the cornice and pulled down one corner a little bit. All it needs is a nail or screw but I can't do that - too high and in an odd place. I hope everyone's okay this morning - saw there were some pretty bad storms back east yesterday and last night - hopefully, no damage was done. I'll be back later - need to finish my second cup of hot tea.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Funeral for DILs father is now done; so very sad. Young 67, death so abrupt; completely unexpected, within just seconds he was gone. It has made things more complicated for his adult children, no chance to say goodbye in whatever way was important to them. Sure makes one think.

    I am using Bold to type as some of our Front Porch friends have mentioned issues with vision with regular type. If this is not desirable, just let me know and I will use the usual lighter type. Bolding still a problem with my computer where I have to type one long message and when done, then break it into paragraphs . . . anyone else still needing to do that?

    Ron; your kitchen and bathroom counters are lovely. It must feel good just looking at them. I too like the shape of the bathroom sinks; job well done!

    Marie; that afghan is really amazing; what talent you have! They raised so much money auctioning it off - it must feel great to see such results from your lovely creative work. Bet you are still smiling.

    As for bodies not being what they were - ah yes - sometimes irritating as the dickens but can no longer deny that it ain't what it used to be, and it ain't going to change and I must listen to my body as annoying as that seems. I have come to accept this and realize I am no longer who I used to be. Gravity has got to everything and if I get any slower, turtles will be laughing themselves out of their shells. Those darned stairs - my knees get to screaming every time I look at the steps even before they are traversed . . . BUT . . . I am grateful for so much and isn't it terrific that everything from the neck up is working just fine.

    Lorita and everyone, is it just me or are these many pages of this Thread getting a bit wonky for getting on to the most recent messages? Is it time to start a new Thread or are we fine as is? Perhaps it is just me feeling a bit off when I come onto this Thread space. See? There are changes - Ha!

    It was 95 degrees here yesterday; first day for using the air conditioning. Will be in high 80's today and then back into the 70's is predicted. However; I think this is a portent of things to come and the higher temps will be a bit earlier and stay longer this year. (Not a fan of deep summer.) So much rain has filled all of our lakes and reservoirs which was badly needed and we are out of drought. However that blessing also had a huge effect on big time growth of ground cover, shrubs, trees, bushes etc. which is a huge fire concern in some areas as summer arrives. The problem being in the heavy growth in hills and forests. Concern for the firefighters and people's homes who live in the hills and highly wooded areas. Sure could use some rain with the heat, but that never happens. We will hope for the best.

    Had that haircut as mentioned last Post, feels good to get all the hair shaped even if it got cut too short - one thing for sure - it grows fast, so no loss so to speak. Had enough hair on the floor to make a puppy and a bunny. Grateful it is thick, but the poor hair dresser is in state of fatigue by the time she is done. Joking; she does a fine job and is an excellent stylist even if I am not. Did you ever get your hair cut as you planned before summer, Lorita?

    Read a Julian Fellowes novel, " Belgravia," a really well written period fiction piece, wish he had written more novels. I think there is one more. One can get his writings for his "Downton Abbey" books but they are the scripts and I do not wish to read scripts. Love a good novel to have at hand, especially with summer coming. Well, in honesty, if I do not have a book waiting for me, I would be unsettled and undone. Been that way all my life. Did not have TV growing up, so the library was a friendly place. Despite being mostly outside and playing as a child, I used to check out up to six books at a time and roar through them at fast pace as they were so entertaining for me. I had sneaked a flash light from my Dad's tool box and would read under the covers with the flashlight at night so I would not get caught because I was supposed to be asleep. Not having a TV was a gift.

    Time to get off to my oatmeal; simple meal tonight - chicken with rice or couscous. Just saw a couple of recipes for "Million Dollar Casserole" and another which is topped with cornbread - being a casserole lover, I will have to think about it. The million dollar one has both cream cheese and sour cream in it along with a lot of other goodies including tomato sauce and oh my; lots of cheese too! I think my arteries hardened just reading the recipe. Reading does not add cholesterol or sodium, so I am still good. On that fat note, off I go to the oatmeal box . . .


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    The goal is to mulch all my beds. The sun is starting to shine a little but people walking their dogs are bundled up pretty good I notice. Depending on how I feel may just load a tub up in garage and then take outside and dump it. Even if only able to get one bag done today , that’s one done.

    Will probably plant zinnia seeds for sure. Not sure what else. Just going to pick out plants when I go looking. Will probably have more flowers this year. Not messing with onion or garlic. Only two or three tomatoes.

    My sister and BIL went to Kentucky to see our 92 yo aunt. She said it stormed bad there about 1:30 this morning. Cutest thing, they took my Aunt to get her hair done. A 91yo man came over and held my Aunt’s hand and told her they went to school together. He was getting a hair cut and still driving. Ok lunch is over guess I’d better get back to work.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    You are a wizard with yard- a true textile artist. I am not surprised they were able to auction it at a premium. That is amazing.


    The new countertops are a beautiful update to the kitchen. You chose well.

    Lovely weather at the moment. I need to run to Target and Talbots to return some things and will check on my mom in between. She took a hard fall when we went out for a birthday celebration at an historic inn overlooking the Delaware River. She missed the last step and went down on a stone floor. I had gone down first to break her fall if needed but was out of her way when she went down. Between her poor vision and 3" heels, it was a disaster waiting to happen. She seemed fine and enjoyed her outing, but I just want to check to see she's alright.

    A dear friend's mom had a bad fall last night with her walker which ended up gashing her leg and bruising her nose. She's been confused lately and my friend fears dementia as that's what killed her dad. Mom's 95 so it's a distinct possibility. We were hoping on a UTI but that's negative.

    Dinner with friends tonight.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Jo and others...don't know how it works on tablet or smart phone as I use a desk top, but here is how I do the bolding and font size change.

    First, I type it just as the site makes it...paragraphing as I go.

    Next, I highlight the entire comment.

    Next, I click on the heading sign on the left of the comment box and pick my desired size...and click on it.

    Voila, all is highlighted and font size changed.

    Just don't forget to hit the post comment button...lol

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Thanks for all the kind comments about the afghan. I was certainly shocked about the amount made, as daughter and I don't charge anywhere near that amount for an individual customer. Just very glad that it was a success for them and the great work they do.

    Ron, you certainly have some very nice upgrades to your home. I know you will enjoy it.

    Have been doing lots of crocheting...lol...daughter and granddaughter are participating in a local craft fair tomorrow, so I have been helping with building their inventory. While there will be a couple of afghans, most of the things are stuffed animals. I did some tiny octopi which are infant friendly, some nice sized jellyfish, two different size dinos, a couple of puppies and other assorted things. This is a trial run promoted by a local elementary school. We will see what sells and what doesn't. Anything type item which is not a seller will be donated to one of our many options. May try to do a fall/holiday fair later in the year.

    Weather here has been so so. If sun is shining, heats up the house enough that need a/c, but then cools off at night to need some heat. Not much rain but lots of pollen which is a good reason to stay inside. The cars all have a green tint to them there is so much.

    Best get to doing some things around the house which have been ignored while crocheting...lol.

    Hope all have a great day and better health.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again, HB, I hope your mother's all right but will probably be sore for a while. Sometimes the day after or the next day is the worst. Falls really shake us up. What kind of store is Talbotts? We surely don't have one but maybe Tulsa does - hadn't heard of it before.

    Jo, I'm still doing the paragraphing after I write my comment - just an extra step that takes time, however, it does give me a chance to proofread before I post. I really appreciate the bold type and the larger font. Would be nice if they could make it easier to do - just have all of the posts in bold and larger font. I know they said the font was enlarged but I couldn't tell the difference.

    No, I haven't gotten my hair cut. At the rate it comes out when I brush it, I need to keep all I have. I remember when Jack had his hip surgery and Patsy and I went over to be with him she commented about how thick my hair was. That was maybe six years ago. At that time I pulled it back on each side to the back and used a barrett and another one lower down. Had to because one wouldn't hold it. Now the same barrett almost falls out. Two of my SILs used Bioten (or something like that) and said it really helped keep their hair. I tried it but couldn't tell the difference.

    Sara, I love zinnias. Mother always had a couple of rows of flowers in the garden and always had zinnias, marigolds and cosmos. Those three do the best in our hot, humid summers. Also had a bed of red salvia, lots of roses and usually a ring of sweet peas. I used to always had salvia because she did - once she told me she always had one because her mother did. Haven't had many cut flowers in years. I can't have bouquets in the house like she always did because the cats play in them and pull them out of the vases. Can't even have house plants anymore - but that's okay. When I go to town I want to get some geraniums, vinca and maybe a Boston fern for our front porch. I used to always have two or three hanging on the porch but the house faces east and the south wind coming through really burns them even with misting everyday.

    Ron, I have a rose blooming - I happened to see it on the knock-out rose north of the house when I was coming in from the barn. Lots of buds - now, if the cow doesn't eat them. They seem to love roses and their buds.

    The GPs are still fast asleep - guess they wore themselves out last night. Carpenter didn't come so guess he will Monday. I just ordered glucosamine, vitamins and milk bones for Sheena and Stormy. Sheena's nine and Stormy's eight so I want them to have the glucosamine for their joints. Reminds me - I should take mine, too.

    Sara, be careful doing your mulching - don't want to hurt or strain something. I've been thinking about making some vegetable soup because it's going to be so cool next week - it's only warmed up two degrees this morning - in fact, I have the stove going but it doesn't stay on very long.

    Today Charles and I would have been married 52 years. It doesn't seem possible that it's been that long - time goes so fast. I remember I made two or three trips to our duplex that day taking things there from home - he worked that day. Mother got home from work and I kept hurrying her - we were supposed to pick him up at the apartment and them go to the Church. It was a pretty day but rained like the dickens while we were waiting for the Preacher. How fast the time went while we were together. Still think it would be best when people were together a long time for both to go at the same time and not leave one behind but guess it doesn't work like that. We're here for a reason and our days are numbered so that can't be changed. Guess my reason is to take care of Stormy and Sheena, the cats and to watch the girls.

    I saw the little cow (guess I'll call her Susie) this morning grazing. I hope he brings her some feed this weekend so she can have a supplement to the grass. He thought he might work the cows today and move the heifers to the west pasture and take the bulls away but said Toad was off this weekend so it won't be done today - maybe next weekend. I've written far too much so I'll stop and give you all a rest. Jo, I haven't had trouble getting on but I'll be glad to start another installment. I do have a question - when someone posts on any thread, does that move it to the top of the list?

    Hope you enjoy the weekend and stay safe.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    May your memories continue to be comforting, Lorita.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Amazing afgan. What is the WV for?

    Counter tops are beautiful as are the sinks and faucets. Isn't new wonderful?

    Lorita, yes, a new post ,oves the thread to the top. Now re the font. I fear your cataracts are telling you something. If you would board your animals you could get at least one done here at Dean McGee, stay with me and visit Sarah.

    Mulch, grow pots etc. Makes me weary. I think I will just get a pot of basel and maybe one of mint for the summer. Thinking of artificial ferns this year. No yelling please.

    The "plunge pool is finished and looks even better than hoped for. Every one is shocked except me. I know you could make a silk purse out of a sows ear...lol.

    A special friend died this morning. He was 99. A fall, hospital, rehab and death. The important part? Do not fall. He was a Major General, a pilot credited with shooting down the last German plane in WWII.

    Everyone...keep the pics coming. They bring us even closer.

    Oh, BTW, I cooked. Made Bolognese meat sauce. Enough to eat this weekend and to freeze.

    Ordered 2 cases of San Pellegrino. I got them inside but now I have some appreciation for those cases of pet food left at the gate.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Thinking of you on your anniversary. A happy marriage is one of life's greatest blessings.

    Talbots is a womens apparel store. The clothes tend to be classic with a kind of New England "preppie" or a kind of breezy Southern charm. They carry sizes from petite 2s to a plus 24. They're ideal for woman of a certain age who wants some style and wants to avoid mutton dressed as lamb as my dad used to say. I like that my niece, my mom and I can all find things we like there. Mom especially. The staff at the one I shop is all women in their 60s and older who seem to work there for the discount and love of clothing. They took very good care of me today. There is one in Tulsa.

    My mom's a little stiff this morning and has a couple nasty bruises but otherwise fine. She didn't want to discuss giving up her 3" heels. She has her annual physical with her PCP on Tuesday; perhaps we can revisit it then.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, Thanks, HB, it was a happy marriage and I'll always miss him but am grateful for the almost 44 years we were together.

    Does your mother actually wear 3" heels? I couldn't wear those in my best year - well, one pair, but the secretaries wore heels to work, then changed into what we called pixies back then. When we went to the canteen or lunch or going home the heels came back on. Now I wear wedges or 2" heels on my boots. Talbotts sounds like a good store to shop. I haven't been to a department store in a coon's age. When I need something I order from Blair, or QVC. I shouldn't order anything more - still have things I haven't worn. Often thought I should wear those things around here. I tend to wear something I like, then wear it again the next time. I had an aunt who only had about four dresses and she didn't hurt for money. She had one to wear every day, one for Church, one to be ready to wear and one in the laundry. Said that was all she needed.

    Just went out and gave Susie some hay - felt sorry for her trying to find grass to eat but guess she's satisfied with the grass - didn't even come over to the hay - but may later today. She has a hard time walking but will improve - just will take time as healing does for everyone.

    Glad your mother didn't have more problems with the fall. I fell a year ago this past October - no bruises or breaks or much soreness but it has had it's problems for me. Haven't had as much strength since then. I had an x-ray and everything was okay - doctor said it'd just take a long time to get better.

    Decided I'm make that soup - it should be ready before long. It's cold out there and still windy and cloudy - not a pleasant day to be outside. We may get some rain - up to 3" during this next week.

    Judith, thank you so much for the invitation - so very kind of you. Will keep that in mind. I won't have the cataracts extracted until it progresses. I think a lot of my problem is dry eyes - seems to be worse in the mornings and oddly enough not too bad some days. So Dean-McGee is still there. When I worked for the eye surgery in the early 60s we used to send patients over there - great place with good doctors.

    Guess I'd better stop and check the soup - don't want it to stick. Thanks, again, Judith, you're a dear friend. You've done so much for my family over the past few years and I appreciate it so much.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    edited April 2023

    jfkoc, the "WV" is for West Virginia...I live real close to the border between VA and WV.

    So very sorry for the loss of your special friend. Not many of the WWII vets left. We did a veterans bugle and gun salute at graveside for my dad last year. He was also a WWII vet.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Forgot to wish all of you a Happy Earth Day! Judith, also sorry for the loss of your distinguished veteran friend. Falls are often the beginning of the end for many of us. Marie, do you use a pattern for your afghans? You must enjoy making them. Patience is required, I imagine but not so much when you love what you are doing.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Anniversary Lorita.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thank you, Nicole. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, please accept my condolences in the loss of your dear WWII veteran friend. What a hero! I visited the Normandy beaches and other WWII sites. All of those soldiers and airmen at the front were so brave!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    HB hope you enjoyed dinner. My elderly cousin just reminded me that the most important thing for an older person is to avoid falls. He always has his cane. Have decided to only wear a complete shoe. Have never worn heels but love sandals. Don’t get as good of support with sandals though.

    Judith I’m very sorry about the loss of your friend. No yelling from me. Just do whatever your body says is ok, I’m working on that. You are doing better than me at it.

    take care

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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