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Just need to talk to my friends (190)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Another beautiful day - supposed to be in the 80s and then turn colder ) the 50s Saturday evening.

    Marie, if it's your birthday - Happy Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day. Beth, if you're traveling in Florida - be careful. I heard they had up to 25" of rain north of where you probably are. Sorry but I'm going to make this a long paragraph - just not in the mood to have to redo everything on every paragraph. Thanks, Marie, for the link to the closet door things. I'll show that to Jerry. I do have the ones that were on the floor but I can't figure out how to use them. Joan, guess y ou're having the storm today that we'll get tomorrow. I think the little eagles are so cute, especially when they're being fed. Wonder how long it'll be before they can feed themselves. Thanks, Judith, for the information about editing. I decided I'd do another paragraph and all of this one shrank - but it came back. I had this enlarged but it reverted back to this size. I can enlarge things on my tablets but not on the computer. In the last format there was a place at the top where you could enlarge the print. Wonder what happened to that.

    Well, it won't enlarge again. Iris, why in the world would we want to compete with each other. Silliest thing I ever heard of. We're here because we've had losses and need to be able to talk with others who have gone through this. I have an idea - why don't the powers that be fix it so the type would be quite a bit larger - all the time - for those of us who are older and don't have really good vision - and make it bold all the time for the same reason I just stated. I certainly don't want to compete with anyone and I'm sure all of you feel the same way. Thought this was a forum for us - the people who post.

    Got some things done outside yesterday - cut all of the dead wood out of the knock-out roses and took it down to the brush pile created when I had a new fence built. Then thought about some 50 gallon barrels we had in the corn crib - emptied one of them and think I'll try to get it into the back of the Gator and take it down to put trash in the night before pickup. Our neighbor has a green one - ours will be red. Felt so much better just being outside and doing something. I need to transplant those little flowers so they won't be mowed but the ground is so hard and dry. Hard to believe. Sara, when are they going to take out your trees? Will they grind the stumps? When we had the big elm taken out last year they cut it back to about 3-4" of the ground and I had them sit one of the big pots on it - worked well. I love trees and it really bothers me to have them removed but sometimes it becomes necessary. I'm so worried about the magnolia - we'll see what happens a little bit later. All of the Heavenly bamboo have started putting on new leaves so there's still hope. Also a bit worried about the Royal Empress trees - they normally bloom in the spring but didn't this year - after the blooms it leafs out so, again, we'll see what happens.

    HB - I love forsythias but don't have one. When we lived in the MH we had a couple of them and one was so big you could stand underneath it and it made you feel like you were in sunshine. Is your cherry tree an ornamental or does it have cherries. WE used to have a Bing cherry and it had pretty blooms and the best fruit. Sounds like your mother doesn't wear her glasses all the time - probably takes them off, lays them down and forgets where they are. I do the same thing with my sunglasses. Have to wear them when I'm outside. I've had laser surgery for narrow angles and also have cataracts so the light really bothers my eyes. I don't remember in which State you live - sounds like maybe it's not too far north. Guess I'll stop for now - Iris, so sorry you got that response to your inquiry about the forum. Just wish they would have left well enough alone. I never heard complaints about it. Dollars to doughnuts the people who made the changes are much younger than we so they can adapt to things much easier than us. Speaking for myself - I get used to the way things are, understand them, and don't like for them to be changed. May be back later. Enjoy the pretty weather - before we know it, it'll be hot and uncomfortable.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Zetta, your email does not show up on your profile...you are safe from that at least.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited April 2023

    As per your questions, yes; I did refer the Bold and Font issues to Admin. and in the report referred to this specific Thread as there is so much good display of the issues. Admin. stated they would be referring the input on to those who deal with such issues. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

    Also, it appears that the initial plan to have the edit function be for only 24 hours has been scrapped which is a good development.

    Unfortunately, even with me using the Bold from my laptop control, I still lose the Bold when writing a new paragraph and have to put in the command all over again.

    NOTE: Have any of you been having an issue with your input jumping from the intended line to other lines or spaces as you are writing? I have been having that issue. Sometimes it will throw me out of the Comment space and I have to go back in again. If anyone else is having this happen as a new Platform issue, I will report it . If I am the only one, then it must be something peculiar to me.

    Marie, Happy Birthday! While this may be a bit belated, the wishes are as current as can be. May your "new year" be filled with many blessings both small and large.

    Judith, sitting on a committee for the writing of grants is enough to send one out to howl at the moon. I always thought such meetings if not abolished should be run with bottles of Ibuprofen on the table as well as some nice large bottles of wine. I am sorry to hear about the Tulips; if they had bloomed, they would have been beautifully dramatic. Sorry your crabby tree is still leaning over on the roof feeling more crabby than ever. Will probably feel good to get it taken care of. Being a tree lover though, I always feel sad when a tree is gone.

    Ron, I am glad you continued to advocate for your health information. Being that you will see the Pulmonary specialist soon is good and he/she will probably be able to give a bit more insight on the reports, etc.

    Monday will be the viewing and service with rosary for my DIL's father. The coroner's report indicates he died of a massive MI. It was a totally unexpected death and has taken his adult children by shock; it is very hard on them. He simply sat down for a rest on the sofa and was gone. The day after the services there will be a very large luncheon at a huge venue for a celebration of life. Expected attendees at church and the luncheon are projected to be between 300 and 400. He was very well known locally and others are flying in from all over the country.

    We shall watch the service on computer as it will be live streamed. Masks are not required by the service facilities. Our son, DIL and her siblings do not plan to mask. I do feel some concern for their safety and well being. With DH's health and joint issues, we will watch the services from home; the massive crowd is far too big to try and mill through. (My knees said thank you.) As it is, as we feel being in a crowd of 300 to 400 people shoulder to shoulder in close pews and mingling is still not desirable despite no longer being declared a, "public health emergency."

    Our county in the last five days has had 2,731 KNOWN cases of COVID identified. Many more unknown as testing is no longer being done unless someone is ill enough to need medical attention. And in the last five days, there have been 49 deaths from COVID - in the last ten days there have been 73 deaths in our county alone. A lot of hospitalizations in that number including some in ICU and some on vents. Better situation but continues to be an issue that needs some logic when being out and about. My friend who is an RN who worked in Infection Control in her career said she and her husband continue to mask when out; they are "mature" and her husband has some health issues.

    Guess what? I think I have just found a way to help the Bolding process problem until Admin. gets the issues addressed. I Bolded the print, BUT typed everything in one large ongoing writing. Then when done, I went back and broke it down into paragraphs. That way I did not have to continually re-Bold command again and again.

    Had a little soft rain last night and perhaps a bit expected today, but very light. NIghts are cold in high 40's to low 50's, but that beats winter. Soon will be summer and we will all be gnashing our teeth at the dreadful heat and humidity. Sigh; as I keep wishing - if Mother Nature would only give us spring and autumn and forget the dog days of summer and frozen winter, it would be good.

    Think I will have chicken and rice bowls with veggies for dinner tonight. Love them and it is so easy to clean. Instead of putting everything laid out on a dinner plate, I just put the cooked diced chicken, rice, a veggie and some diced avocado in a bowl, add salsa, fold it all in together and it is good to go and delicious. DH adds cheese to his, but I don't. I love food in bowls but mostly love casseroles; we should have them more, it always feels comfy homey.

    Time to mosey on, take good care and hope all is well for everyone today,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Marie, Thank You so much for checking that for me. It's a surprise when a person sees their email made public. And Happy Birthday to you and many more.

    Jo. Iam going to try what you said about bolding the whole thing they paragraphing when done. I like the way you do the chicken and rice bowls I'am going to try that. It sounds Yummy. And your idea worked. 😀

    Hugs Zetta

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Went and saw J this morning. Can’t remember if I told you she had a stroke several weeks ago. Every week when I go can see big improvements in her speech. Today her speech was good but a little trouble saying certain words she wants to say. This is really frustrating her. She wanted avocados today. She had not asked for any groceries for several weeks so that is a good sign too.

    My daffodils finally opened up today. Now they are giving clouds and rain til Wednesday.

    Was able to empty a compost bin so now can quit throwing my scraps away. Hate putting them in the trash. Was able to freeze a few but didn’t have a lot of room. Love making compost, it’s amazing.

    JoC I don’t know if this is what you were referring to or not but when I go into the comment section and click to start typing and realize I need to enter one of the H numbers, when I enter the H number, the cursor and top of the comment screen go up underneath the headings I have to pull them down. This happens consistently. It definitely is a challenge to post right now. Hopefully they will be able to work out the kinks. Thank you for trying. I am trying your method right now so here in a second I’m going to try breaking up my paragraphs if that works thank you because it is definitely easier.

    I would not be comfortable at that funeral either. That is a lot of people in a fish bowl. If the building is well ventilated they might be ok, if it’s not, well time will tell. Just depends on how many little SARS CoV11 germs are in their midst.

    It worked great JoC

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Jo, thanIs for checking with administration regarding our concerns. Hopefully it will help. I just got some kind of badge awarded to me for posting 100 times. I’ve also moved up a level, whatever that means, and I’m sure none of us care how much we post. That must be the gaming part. Do we get cash rewards? Lol

    Lorita, we got rain and a good snow storm this morning. It’s cloudy now, but not storming. Be careful with that barrel. It’s really heavy. Maybe your yard guy could move it for you. Bright red would be really pretty.

    The baby eagles were on top of the nest today. They seem to be growing really fast. I finally had a full day at home today, so got all of my chores done. I think I’ll fix fish, a sweet potato and brussel sprouts for dinner. If any of you are looking for exercise videos, go on UTube. There are several that are good.

    Happy Birthday Marie. I hope your day was relaxing.

    I’m envious of all of you working in your yards. My flower beds are still too wet. The grass is greening up, so I’m sure the trees will be leafing out soon.

    Have a nice rest of the day. Joan

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Marie, Happy Birthday and hope your day is filled with joy.

    Was disappointed in my pulmonary visit today! Everybody was real nice and pulmonary results were acceptable, but didn't get answers to concerns I have.

    First after over 40 years of taking blood pressure medicine and all of a sudden not needing it with no lifestyle changes; when I asked why, was just told it happens sometimes. Also, he was not concerned with echocardiogram results that showed; mild concentric left ventricle hypertrophy, impaired of relaxation and left atrium mildly dilated.

    Guess I just need to stop looking at the web!

    Prepared lou her fish, corn, roll and salad and she is happy for now. Problem I'm having more and more is she is wanting to eat 30 minutes after eating. Not that she's hungry, just doesnt remember eating.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Ron, my husband wanted to eat all the time too. I think he forgot he had just eaten too. I would give him a little bowl with goldfish crackers or grapes, or other small things to munch on, and a drink, and that seemed to keep him occupied. Maybe you could try that.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Happy Birthday, Marie!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Thank you all for the birthday wishes.

    Was a quiet day, which isn't always a bad thing.

    Good night all...sleep tight and awake refreshed for a new day!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Good night, everyone. Sleep tight.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    My cherry is strictly ornamental. I have a lot of issues with deer as it is; I don't want to encourage them to come browse.


    Thanks for the reminder to ring my peonies. I need to dig mine out of the garage before the plants get any taller. My early bloomer is already 2' tall.

    Mom's appointment with the new optometrist went well. The new doc confirmed my suspicions about mom having dry-eye. My mom's one eye has been watering nonstop for months and she's been insisting it's allergies (like only the one eye is allergic). She also has ocular rosacea and is doing a course of doxycycline for that. We'll recheck in 3 months. We stopped by the optometrist to order the new glasses and while she was there she ordered 2 other pairs as readers. She is a happy spender.

    Busy week for me coming up. I have to drive DH into the city for a follow-up colonoscopy Monday, Mother has a fasting blood draw ahead of her PCP appointment next week, pedicure and visit with her psychiatrist Wednesday and I see the dentist Thursday. I expect the 3 new pairs of glasses should be ready sometime next week, too.

    The picture is my DH's library/my sewing/Pilates studio. You can kind of see my pretty cherry with the forsythia behind it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    First of all I need to ask a question; what are cakes, badges and points? I was reading another thread and they mentioned them. Are we in competition with each other to get more points, etc.? Lots of frustrated and unhappy people with the new format. I'm going to try this - I'll type the whole thing and see if I can paragraph, if not, sorry.

    Joan, I went ahead and took the barrel down to the road. It wasn't nearly as heavy as I thought it would be - the only problem was finding a place to load it where it would be a little higher than the bed of the Gator. Stormy went with me and when we got back I went into the barn to check to see if anyone was left inside. At the same time Penny, a big, black cow with lots of hair on her head, came in to check. I figured she had left her baby in the barn and came to get her. I had checked and no one was there. She came out, then went back in to check again - then on up toward the MH where they've been feeding hay and grain. We went on up into the pasture and I was able to see all five little babies. As we left I saw Penny coming from the MH so stopped to see what she'd do. She got closer to the herd, called her baby, baby answer, Penny said something else and here came the baby and latched on from the back for her supper. She's nursing the two back quarters because the front ones are really big. I had mentioned that to Mike and he said as the baby got bigger she'd get on them - so far she hasn't. Same thing happened last year.

    HB, sorry your mother has dry eye - I have it in both eyes and it's miserable. I use Gen Teal ointment at night when I think of it and mostly Refresh during the daytime. What did the doctor recommend for your mother? I had also worried about the eyedrops recall so called WM to ask about it. The guy in the pharmacy I talked with said he checked all their eyedrops against the recall and they didn't have any of them. Sort of worries me though.

    The carpenter didn't show up so maybe Monday. I'll have to call Darwin to get his number if he doesn't come Monday. This morning I checked the wild violets again and transplanted what I found into a big pot I keep in the yard. Last year the pot was completely filled with violets that I didn't transplant. There was a huge area of violets last year and I only found about six or eight clumps this morning. Deadnettle (I think) has taken over. That's about the only thing that's in the yard for now. I think there are three hollies that are dead - the others are beginning to leaf out so I think they'll be okay to leave. Still nothing on the magnolia.

    Girls have gone down to the NE pasture to graze this morning. I saw three babies (one was the youngest - about three weeks old) running together. They're like little kids - getting together to play, then to lay down and rest.

    Called Sam's office this past week to see if he had finished my taxes. Melissa said he hadn't and would call when he did. He sends them in electronically so guess when he sends the papers to me I'll send in my check. Maybe this year I won't owe as much since the only extra income was the lease money.

    Stormy and Sheena stayed out again last night and are back in sound asleep now. Just finished giving them their Prednisone, vitamins and glucosamine. I think I have about three doses of the medicine for the cats - I'll be glad when it's finished and so will they. Now Sammy is scratching some - he's the biggest one and if I have to give him medicine there will be a fight. Cats are not easy to give medicine to.

    It's a beautiful morning - already 71 but a front is just north of us so it will be in the 40s in the morning. Joan, this is the front that came through Colorado - did you get more snow?

    I discovered something else a while ago - while I was typing this I wanted to check another thread and couldn't find a way to get to it without going through the whole process again. There are just some really odd, weird, strange, idiotic (to use a word used by someone else) with this new system. I didn't realize until a while ago that Musings was gone. There has to be an easier way. Jo, did they ever tell you why they felt there was a need to make this change? Guess I'll stop and see if I can paragraph this. If not, it's going to make hard reading for you all. Sorry. I'll be back later.

    Well, it worked but it's just another step we have to go through to get our comments posted. I guess we'll adapt but I'm afraid it will cut down on the number of people who post.

    Enjoy the rest of your day - really hard to believe it's the middle of April already. Before we know it, we'll be into hot, humid weather again - not looking forward to that.

    One other thing - there's on way to delete a post. Occasionally I write a post, then decide I don't want to post it. Guess we'll just have to keep hitting the delete button until it's gone. Has anyone figured out that problem?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    edited April 2023

    I meant "no" way to delete a post or make a correction you've missed before you posted. I think Judith said you could click on the three dots at the top left to edit but I was afraid to do that thinking I might lose the whole thing. Maybe I'll try it on this one. We need the old edit option. I'm sorry to be so negative about this - if there was a need that we knew about I might feel differently - maybe they'll tell us. I'll leave a mistake and see if I can correct it using the edit button.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It worked - but you have to repost again. Guess that's all right. Do you all see a need to go to #191?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, your forsythia tree is lovely! How nice to gaze upon it while you sit at your desk.

    Lorita, I want to start a Musings thread, but I feel too demoralized to write anything uplifting now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, is it because of the changes on the forum? It seems to be bothering many of us. I'm sure a thread on Musings would be well received and it would help you, too. Just take the bull by the horns and start one. You're well respected so it would help others, too.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning Rockers.

    Lorita. I totally agree with you I do not like this new format. I was very comfortable with little bit I did know about the old way, but not comfortable with this new way at all.

    I have learned, thanks to Jo, about doing the one paragraph then breaking it up at the end. But its still a pain in the butt!!!! and if a person forgets then I guess we have a long paragraph.

    I also don't see how the question-and-answer thread is helping I'm thinking it's just there to pacifier (sp) us.

    This is probably the only thread I will feel comfortable on, if I make a mistake so be it on another thread, I would probably be criticized.

    Iris. Please don't be afraid to start a Musings thread, we need a place to share our thought to others and I treasure your thoughts. You have a lot to share, and I have learned a lot from you. Will I better cut this short before I mess something up.

    Where are those 3 little dots at the top in the left hand corner I have been reading about.?? I better stop and separate this paragraph before I forget. Maybe my badges will be taken away if I forget. 😁😁

    Hugs Zetta there all separated.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    So after days of trial and error I can say that I actually like some of the new features. We asked for a like button and got one. We asked for a font change and got it so the powers that be are responsive. If this new type is still unreadable then change the size of the font on your browser.

    Cakes, badges etc....just ignore them...they mean nothing to us...but I think they are here to stay.

    Lorita...I don't think you need to start a new thread since it now goes up to 134 pages...lol

    OK...tree is down biw the birds are flying around looking for it!

    Tulip report: there h as been foliage for weeks...now one tiny dead bloom.

    Grant stuff over...will never do again.

    Flip house; what we have is a "plunge" pool. One could float in it or sit around the built in bench all along the sides. Grandson has retiled and will now replaster. It is looking ever so much better. Next week I will attempt to attach a photo and maybe a before and after.

    Peonies at the ready. This year I will pick the blossoms and enjoy inside.

    Also at the ready is something called Vetch. Has anyone had to deal with that plant?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Judith. Thank You for pointing out the good changes you are seeing. I am not a computer minded person so some of those changes need to be pointed out to me. I think I will catch on to all of this, but Iam afraid it will take me more time than others. Iam not a patient person so all the changes will take me some time. Thanks Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith font size? You mean the h2, etc? As you said, guess we don't need more segments but would be really hard to find something written before. How big is the plunge pool? I remember vetch from when I was growing up. Daddy called it purple vetch,- had little purple blooms and I think i was sort of vining and sticky. Don't remember if it was in the meadow or fields, also think it was pretty tall. Leave your tulip foliage in place and plant the impatiens between them. The foliage will die this year but produce beautiful, white tulips next year. Are you going to have caladiums this year? I'm not going to order any but had a few left over from last year so will plant them in one big pot. Glad you got the tree off your house - did it damage your roof? Poor little birds - you took away their play house - no nests, right?

    I just dug up the Star of Bethleham plants that had gotten out in the lawn away from the big mass of them and planted them in a pot on the front steps until the lawn is mowed, then will replant them near the bigger bunch of them. Funniest little things - the bulbs are clusters of tiny, round bulbs. Wish I could remember where I got them - probably came with seed orders years ago.

    Zetta, you and I are in the same shoes - I don't know much about technology of any kinds - just kind of muddle along. That's why it's so hard to make changes once I get used to something. We'll get used to it, eventually. We can't give up - the "family" as Marie (I think) said is too important to let it go. We have become sort of like a family - caring about each other, visiting and sharing our lives with each other.

    I think the front has arrived. It was sunny when I went outside but now it's mostly cloudy and it feels a bit cooler. Glad I got the plants moved - was worrying about those and the violets. The girls have already started going into the barn to get out of the heat - not sure they're in there today but they spend most of the days in there in the summertime. I have to stop - beginning to ramble.

    been watching Dr. Pol. Just wanted to mention he was called out on a farm call because a cow had calved (stillborn) but the owner thought there were twins. He finally was able to pull the calf and it was alive after 12 or so hours of labor. Reminded me that my parents had white, twin heifers when I was little - then Charles and I had a cow who was calving - we were closeby and she had one calf, got up and cleaned it up and got it breathing, laid down and had another, got up and cleaned it up. First time we'd had twins. We called them Pat and Mike. The cow didn't have enough milk so we bottle fed them until they'd drink out of a bucket. We also had a calf without a tail. The other day I asked Darwin if he missed interaction with his cattle. Said he did and so do I even though they're here and I still talk to them. Gotta go - power is gone.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Ha...not everyone here will remember "Pat and Mike".

    The font you are reading now is the default.

    If you want to see earlier posts scroll up. It will end at the beginning of that page. If you want to go back further you must select an earlier page. It is pretty easy to get the hang of it.

    To get back to the forum I go to the top>discussions>forum I want. Also pretty good and I think it is not more complicated than the old way. We just have to re learn.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Agree...we are afamily!!!!!

    Each one of you is special to me.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    EDITING: After you Post, look above the Comment writing box on the RIGHT, (not left), and you will see three black dots. Click on them; then click on the word, "edit." You can then go in and edit what you wish. Lorita, I have no "in" with the system; I have to report problem issues same as everyone.

    If I wish a Post to be completely Bolded, I now write all of my Posts in one long, unbroken ongoing message with no breaks; then after I am done with my message before Posting it, I break it into paragraphs. That way there is no need to Bold over and over and over when making a new paragraph and the font does not change.

    It is in the low 70's today and no rain with none on the horizon which is good. A pot of sausage and tortellini vegetable soup is in the making and smells good. Will serve with a nice warm crusty bread.

    Made an appointment for a haircut this week, isn't if odd how hair seems to do just fine and suddenly, in the blink of an eye - POOF! It is absolutely out of control and needs a good cut right now!

    The gardens are all in good shape, the back yard is happily perky and restful. The lawns are green and looking good. As for bedding plants that will be done in about a month. I envy all the big properties some of you have for so many different flora types. Lovely. Really sorry about those tulips, Judith; at least you got something to pop up above ground even if it was only the green parts. When I first planted tulips I inadvertently planted the bulbs upside down and of course, nothing came up. Blush! I seem to learn the hard way.

    Love having a pansy bed with only bright colored pansies with large faces. They seem to smile and be happy; perhaps I will do that again this year in front of other plants across the long brick planter above the lawn in the front yard. Once I put some Johnny-Jump-Ups in along a long a brick planter with other things . . . could NOT get those things to stop taking over. AARGH! They are tiny but have minds of their own. We have night blooming Jasmine growing up sections on a tall wrought iron fence between tall brick pilasters down the side of the front courtyard. It nicely separates our property from next door and also gives privacy. It has grown like topsy and needs a trimming back. Smells good when blooming but sometimes it is TOO much perfume and wafts into the bedroom windows and is a bit overwhelming.

    We have a long line of Lilies of the Nile across the backyard, I LOVE when they bloom their beautiful tall blue flowers. The Azaleas are doing well, but I could not seem to get camellias to do well no matter how I tried, so finally gave up on those, but they sure are pretty in bloom.

    Got our taxes done several weeks back, always nice to have that done and out of the way. Soon yours will be done Lorita, and can be one less thing you do not have to think about. I can imagine how complicated ranch and farm taxes must be to get done. Great to have a professional to take the reins and help get it done well.

    Joan, it is good to see you and I have been following you; hope you are feeling better. Zetta, how is the weather up there now? I would imagine, (I think), that the snow is all melted (?) Sayra, it is lovely of you to keep up with J; she must really enjoy your contact. AND . . . Iris: Why not create that Thread titled, "MUSINGS," in all caps . . . . it can be an ongoing Thread like Lorita's. On your first Post in it, simply state what it is for and then let Members do their thing; I think it would have activity. Worth a try. Judith, I am looking forward to seeing photos of your flip house and the plunge pool. HB; you are a wonderful carer for your family - had to smile at the description of your mother being a, "happy spender." Little things do mean a lot. It is already lunch time on a lazy and sleepy day. An apple and a little bit of cheese sounds about right. Off I go,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lily of the Nile. I thought I might have one but no, it is a Naked Lily. Not very interesting but extremely healthy.

    Today I got 8 Container Store large sweater boxes re-organized. Mostly bedding from another home and they went into either the window seat in my bedroom or into under the bed boxes.

    Ony one more room to straighten out so that I can put up xlong twin beds. Still books to rifle througt. Last week I found one that Dick had actually read cover to cover!

    Anyone care to explain how they attached a photo???

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    HB thanks for sharing picture. Forsythias aren’t in bloom here yet. I have ocular rosacea too. I had never heard of it until I found out I had it. Understand the happy spender mom, have one too.

    Lorita I just ignore all the fluffy stuff they added. Don’t even look at it, no value. Don’t let it bother me either. If you can, just tune it out. Lorita and Zetta to edit just hit those three buttons in right upper corner of your post, that has worked well so far for me, not the left. They will only show up in your posts.

    Just saw that Judith just ignores the fluff too. That’s funny the birds looking for the tree, glad they got it down. Like to bring peonies inside too. Think they are really pretty too when the bud is just getting ready to pop open. Have never dealt with vetch. In Kentucky they use it along road for erosion control I believe. Think it can be invasive.

    The only thing I find irritating about the new system is posting. I’m doing it JoCs way and find that much less irritating. Don’t have to keep reentering the print size and everything capitalizes as it should.

    Ok Judith just attached a picture to see if it worked. Down at bottom of comment area hit the icon to right of smiley face. It will bring up a list for you to choose where you want to get picture from. It will take you there. Select picture you want, choose size, and hit add or save whichever it says. Comes right over, find this much simpler. I used the medium size. This is my nephews two dogs, Cash is in front and Sadie is behind. This picture so shows their personalities. Cash is very smart and alert. Sadie is so laid back and thinks she is a lap dog. Loves to be petted and when you stop she takes her big paw and pats your hand, wanting you to continue.

    Hope each one has a good nights rest. So nice hearing from each one today.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    edited April 2023

    Sara, thanks for the instructions on photo posting. When I did mine before, I used the paper clip, and it provided a link, not a photo. Your nephew's dogs are adorable! I see you still cannot attach a heic extension photo (iPhone). Has to be a jpg, etc. Attached is a photo of my peonies from a prior spring. Nowhere near blooming now.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon. Jo and Sara, thank you for telling us about the 3 marks. I thought they were on the message you were typing at the time. But I guess you can correct before you send. Now I have learned another thing, thanks to you guys.

    Sara. I love those dogs they are so sweet I wish I could give them a hug. Please hug them for me.

    The snow has pretty much melted away it was 65 today so I went out and swept my porches, Iam getting ready for summer. I have my front door open right now letting in the good fresh air. I love having my doors open. Molly, Sammy and Emmy are all laying in front of the door. I will learn how to send pictures soon, so I can show you all my 3 fur babies.

    Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, what smiley face?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I think I just discovered something. I went into the box that said Search, and I put in bed wetting, and I got a July 2021 post about nighttime confusion. A lot of you probably already knew this but it made me feel not so helpless that I found something. 😄

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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