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Just need to talk to my friends (190)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good afternoon,

    Judith it tends to rain here too when the peonies are in bloom. I often cut them if they are giving rain.

    Iris the autocorrect or makes me laugh too. Sometimes I forget to double check though.

    Lorita you are having a battle with your animals.

    I’m battling today, have my first kidney stone. So very painful.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, are you feeding that opossum? You know I saw a big cottontail rabbit in the yard the other night. I used to play with baby rabbits when I was growing up. Daddy would find rabbit's nests when he was working in the fields and bring them home to me. We even had three skunks at one time - never did throw their scent.

    I talked with Sarah this morning - she was going to call the ambulance to go to the hospital for some tests. Says Todd is very sick, too. Seems like they just pass things back and forth. She did talk with the nurse and they think she may have monkey pox (what next?) They checked the symptoms and they were all there. There's some kind of special test they can only do at the hospital. Maybe she'll call later and let me know.

    It's raining here but looks like you all are having quite a lot of heavy rain near you, even with flooding. We'll get more this afternoon.

    The big machine that chews up trees is here - or rather next section over. It's a noisy thing. They tried working with it in the area where there's so many trees to take down but got stuck so moved over toward the center of the section. I'll go down and see it work when they move back to the other 40 acres.

    Sheena seems okay this morning - took her vitamin and glucosamine and ate a little food - hope she eats it later. They went out for a while but are back inside sleeping. Yes, I know about keeping them cool so won't get rid of all of it. I need to trim her belly where I sprayed it the other night. She's even been letting me check her feet the last three or so weeks which is good.

    Judith, are you going to move or just downsizing on things?

    I waited until dark last night and closed the entry gate. The little heifer got out on the road mid afternoon yesterday. I happened to be down there but didn't notice she was gone. I was parked just inside the gate and this old car came by and stopped. A man got out and started toward the PU. Didn't know what was

    going on. He said something I couldn't understand but when he repeated he was asking if the heifer out in the road was ours and did I need help to get her in. I told him I'd appreciate it. So, he and another man got her back inside the gate. He said he had almost lost his voice from working with cattle all day. People are really good about stopping to get cattle in when they're out in the road. There was no reason for her to get out except the other cattle were closeby and she probably went out to see if she could get into that pasture.

    This morning I checked and the cookie dough was delivered yesterday - after dark for sure, so drove down to get it. I didn't see but two of the three girls I have up so drove back down to check - never did see her until I got in the Gator and tried it again. She had been laying down on the left side of the road under some trees.

    Sandy, the cookie dough is completely thawed and the dry ice is gone. I won't try again until maybe this winter when it's cold everywhere. The dough comes from somewhere back east on two day delivery but by the time it gets to Oklahoma it's thawed. I did all of the above in my gown and robe - still have it on and will probably wear it all day if I don't have to go outside. Haven't fed the girls yet but they have grass so may not. Did feed the birds and Rusty and they're eating now.

    Hope all of you are well this morning. Ron, what did you decide to do about seeing the doctor?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited May 2023

    Sayra, I hope you pass the kidney stone quickly!

    Sayra, do you know if these are oxalate stones? Dr Roach had an article in today's newspaper about eating a low-oxalate diet.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, so sorry to hear about the kidney stone. I know, from observation, how painful they can be. I used to work on a Urology Ward and I've seen big, strong men come in with stones and they'd be in so much pain they'd cry. Hope you pass it quickly. Do you know what kind it is? I've seen a staghorn calculus - doubt one of those could pass so hope yours isn't like that.

    I've been going through things I've stood up beside the table lamp thinking I'd read or go through this later - what a mess. I get so much junk mail it's unbelievable. Address labels - bet I have hundreds of them and I seldom send anything through the mail. Can't put them in the trash so I take them off the paper, roll them up so no one could undo them and throw them away - don't want to use the shredder for those.

    Sara, when you have animals, someone is always getting medications, not feeling well or something. When it stops raining I'll let the little heifer out. I'll keep the cow who lost her baby and Susie stay up. Penny is thin so maybe I can fatten her up some and Susie will have company, too. She was almost a quarter mile from the house yesterday so she's walking some better but can't be out with the others. If someone bumped her, she'd go down and maybe hurt herself even more.

    I have to get things together so I can make my will. Can an attorney be a executor? No one else I know to do that.

    Ron, I'm sitting in my chair talking to you all and looking out the front door at the rain and the pond. There's trees about 3/4 mile away on the next section that look huge - he's leaving all the big ones for shade for cattle. I've mentioned this before but there are some of the most beautiful trees this year I've ever seen. They're so full of leaves I don't think the limbs could hold another one. Hackberry trees make wonderful shadetrees, too. Sara, is there anything you can do to make the stone pass quicker? Maybe lots and lots of water? This post is out of order I think - somehow I missed some posts before I wrote the last one. Sorry about that. Back later. Need to find something for lunch.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sayra, I am so very sorry that you have developed a kidney stone, they are indeed horribly painful. I have had this happen to me out of the blue not that long ago. Many people get help from a lithotripsy. When I had my radiology study done, they found small stones I did not know I had in my right kidney, and a HUGE very dense stone in my left kidney that I was never aware of having; that was the one causing me really horrible pain.

    I had lithotripsy for the big boulder, but it was not successful. So; off I went to UCLA to their Uro Department. I had a ureteroscopy with laser and POOF! Stone pulverized and gone. Of course with either procedure, one is asleep so nothing was felt at all.

    Frankly, I forget to drink as much as I should and the best idea is to drink acidulated water in prevention, but that only lasts so long. Our son gets serial stones and he is helped by having oral potassium tablets even thought he is not potassium deficient. SO . . . they blast the stone and find out what it is composed of and then take prevention from there for type of stone formation. So hope you will be referred to Uro so you can be certain of the intervention and that you will be helped soon. Let us know how you are; we sure will be thinking of you.

    Lorita, did you find your tablet? It is so odd how something will suddenly disappear and elude our searches. Has to be there somewhere. Under cushions? Slid between the back of a chair or couch cushion down into the undercarriage of the furniture? Under the furniture? Behind a drape? Under or behind a table or upholstered furniture? Sure wish I could help you look. it will one day jump up and be visible if you have not yet found it.

    Ron; I am sorry about the lousy service at the VA; this has become an all to often problem with them, keep on being the best advocate you can and if you cannot get satisfaction, use their special patient envoys to do the noise making for you. Really just not acceptable; it is not like you are 20 or even 40 and have no complex issues. You just, just got out of the hospital as an inpatient, were the pencil pushers aware of that? Seems sometimes at the VA the now take the course of least resistance. So hope you can get satisfaction.

    Lorita, an attorney can be an executor; they will charge fees for their services from the proceeds of the estate. If you know what you want to do with the profits from the estate, like donating to a university, or Vet school, or person(s), that could be arranged up front.

    Oh heck, there goes the phone, off I go


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Good morning porch people.

    @Lorita I hope Sarah gets some answers and a plan to feel better soon. M-pox (they renamed it so as not to malign monkeys-- for real) seems like a long shot unless someone brought it to her as a caregiver. She lives in a pretty small world. I did enjoy your GP pictures. My parents had a St. Bernard when I was in college; that's a whole lot of dog. I can't imagine two of them.

    @Sayra I hope you are on the mend soon and that @ronald71111 is feeling better.

    I am waiting on a mulch delivery this morning. It's only 3 yards and I am regretting not ordering 5 but I don't want to get overwhelmed and have the pile hanging out in my driveway. I'll probably be kicking myself later when I am forced to haul more in my Accord when I decide to start on the back. I see the new dentist today. I'm not sure I like him; my old dentist is my age and moving into semi-retirement. I'm supposed to get a crown for a tooth that has a crack around a large filling. I'm probably grinding or clenching so he'll probably push for a $500 nightguard. Once I get the permanent crown, I'll do an OTC one.

    My mom's PCP talked her into some tests last week-- mammogram and bone density. She's 85 with a complicated health situation but quite independent. I wasn't in favor of testing, TBH. I don't know what she'd do with a positive result from a mammogram and she has sworn she wouldn't take any of the current meds for osteoporosis. The DEXA revealed that her osteopenia has progressed to osteoporosis. We have an appointment to discuss treatment options Wednesday.

    I am not surprised; she has a history of steroid use related to vasculitis and has both lost height and had 2 minor fractures in the last 5 years. She's also a fall risk because of poor vision (AMD and blind in one eye), significant scoliosis and ridiculous footwear. She's fallen twice, that I know of, in the last 10 days. Both times wearing heels. After the first fall I tried to interest her in a ballet flat and she carried on like a dramatic teenage girl. I guess that's payback.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Still feeling a little congested in chest with mi productive cough and since the pneumonia, I've noticed frequent flutters left chest. Other than that, all seems ok except I guess tonight I'll have to cook since church ladies food has ran out. LOL

    Saw a note in the VA website which GB it my blood boiling again. I responded that I no longer have confidence in the quality of care received by my primary care and her staff and will be seeking another PCP through the VA or outside provider. I also questioned their decision on over a month follow up from hospital discharge for someone with copd and pneumonia.

    Started raining early this morning and scattered showers are expected all next week. Starting to get that time of year where it starts getting hot and iff and on showers.

    Lou has been fairly good lately which has been a big help to me. Dont remember if I've mentioned this, but I've also contacted the psychology department at the VA. They have helped in the past to facilitate what might be helpful for Lou and i.

    Hope all my front porch friends are staying healthy, wealthy and wise (dont know why that old saying popped up in my head).


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Ron it is challenging when you have lack of confidence in those providing your care.

    Understand what you are saying HB.

    Don’t know what type of stone I have. Do have a follow up with urology Tuesday. No pain today or nausea but very dizzy. That can be a side effect of flomax.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Sara, glad you're not having any pain today and hope that continues.

    Ron, I think you can change "teams" at the VA. They may not call them that now but it's like your PCP at the VA. Good luck - hope you can find someone you like and trust.

    It's a chilly morning here - cloudy. They had said it would be 90 today but they've backed off that but will be in the 80s the next few days - too early for that.

    Jo, I haven't found the tablet yet - it's here somewhere but the question is where. Probably will find it when I'm not looking. I feel like I've looked everywhere but guess not.

    Sheena seems fine - gave both of them their worm medicine, glucosamine, vitamins and food this morning. They went out earlier and are back in asleep now. I brushed Sheena last night and got lots of hair - she loves it and will let me brush five minutes or so.

    I haven't seen the three girls this morning. I was going to let the heifer out but guess they're down the lane somewhere - haven't even fed them.

    I'm struggling now with ordering dog foods, cat foods, flea medicine for cats, etc. They have autoship at Chewy but seems like I change mine almost every time I order. They ship within a day or so of ordering so I'll have to have the girls up and gate open so they'll bring it to the porch - that stuff is heavy. I've seen little Rusty this morning. He was eating sunflower seeds when I opened the door. Later saw him sitting on a brick on the bannister. So, got them fed. Seems like I'm always feeding someone but that's fine.

    Thanks, Jo, for the information about the executor. I'll donate everything to charities so will have to get account information before I go to see the attorney. If everything was in one place it would be easier.

    Doing a load of laundry and did the few dishes I had this morning. Trying my best to keep them done. Feels really odd now that I only have one or maybe two loads of laundry a week. When Charles was here I probably did a load every day - would be happy to do that again if I could have him back.

    Haven't heard from Sarah this morning so don't know what happened yesterday. I have a feeling she didn't go to the hospital. We'll see later today.

    Guess I had better get back to ordering from Chewy - so much easier to order their food and have it delivered instead of buying it in town and lugging it around like we used to.

    HB, we had a Saint Bernard many years ago - Hutch. He was beautiful and so big. At that time we had poodles and Charles went to the gas station about five miles away and came back with Hutch. Someone was at the station and wanted to give him away. When he got home with Hutch, he let him out of the car and Gidget, one of our poodles saw him and screamed. Guess she'd never seen anything that big before. Enjoy the rest of your day. Sara, hope that stone passes soon and easily.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good afternoon. The restore /repair guys are coming to redo the vanity tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed they get it right this time.

    Sara, I hope you pass that stone quickly. I’ve heard it is terribly painful. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

    HB, I need to mulch my flower plots too. I might have to hire help this year. I’m struggling with my back again. It’s hard for me to lift, carry and work it in the dirt.

    Ron, I’m sorry you’re having so many problems with the VA. Hopefully someone will listen to you and get an appointment set up. Does your doctor have a physician’s assistant that works with him? If so, they might get you in sooner.

    Lorita, good news that Sheena and the cows are all ok. Rusty is one lucky squirrel to live at your house. He knows who feeds him. I bet he’s cute to watch.

    Nothing grand going on here, so I’ll wish you all a good afternoon and finish my laundry. Joan

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, I'm so sorry about your kidney stone! Hope you pass it without further intervention.

    Busy day today. Made "Lunch Lady Brownies," which were probably the best brownies I've ever had!!! Went to 2 nurseries for plants: bought 30 Supertunia Vista Bubblegum (pink trailing petunias) for pots, Cherokee Purple tomatoes, Jet Star tomatoes, basil, Thai basil, rosemary, parsley, and 3 foxglove. Plus some other items to go into pots. I planted most of it this afternoon. Also cleaned 2 bathrooms and will make homemade pizza for dinner. The pizza will be gluten free crust topped with Italian sausage and pepperoni and cheese. We're getting a nice rain now - so glad I got the plants into the ground. Also this week, went and got my hair colored (highlighted), to a track meet and to a Ladies' prayer group meeting at church. Also bought a mattress this wk which will be delivered next week, and 3 pallets (225 bags) of cedar mulch. A productive week!

    Hugs, Beth

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    how do you make lunch ladies brownies?????

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hi all,

    Ron, I hope you can get some answers and help soon. I also have problems with my blood pressures falling very low. I’ve collapsed several time because of it. I was taking medication for high blood pressure for quite a while then suddenly I didn’t need it anymore. I was given a prescription for a medication that raises my blood pressure when it falls low.

    Sara, I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like the garden you’re planning will be more manageable for your needs this year. When I was home (in Illinois), I planted planted tomatoes and cucumbers along with a herb garden. That was plenty for me. I did have a hanging tomato plant each year. It was just like the flower hanging basket and was a wonderful producer. Beth, you make me tired just reading about everything you are doing. I remember seeing the pictures of your beautiful gardens. It’s a lot of work but the reward is beautiful. Joan, I hope your workers can finish your project this time. It’s frustrating trying to get good workers now.

    This is a busy month here, my son will be doing two antique shows this month, my daughter-in-law has a conference in Orlando, three granddaughters are graduating college and four granddaughters will be coming here to visit before starting their summer jobs. One will be working at Glacier National Park and one has an internship at Argonne National Laboratories, she is studying chemical engineering. We’ve had some very cool temperatures this past week but the warm weather is starting and I think it’s here to stay. The pool was opened for the season but I’m sure no one will be interested for quite awhile. The landscapers are here cutting back excess growth along the fence line. We’ve been here a year but we have 17 acres to maintain. Many of the trees have excess shrub growing around their trunks. It all need to be cut away. My son will have to mulch everything when they get done.

    We have 3 horses that were rescues. We got them from Maryland at Gentle Giant rescue. They are older and are not to be ridden. I’ve mentioned that 1 was an Amish plow horse, 1 was a dressage show horse and the 3rd is and untrainable horse that no one could manage. His name is Chaos. The first two are large draft horses. Chaos was a friend of the dressage horses, so we took him too. Dixie, I’ll talk to you soon, I’ve rambled enough today. Take care


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited May 2023

    Sandy, the horses are beautiful! I'm glad you all take good care of them.

    Lunch Lady Brownies

    1 cup butter, melted

    1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

    2 cups flour

    2 cups sugar

    4 eggs

    4 tsp vanilla


    1/4 cup butter, softened

    1/4 cup milk

    1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

    3 cups powdered sugar

    Oven 350. Combine butter and cocoa. Blend until smooth. Add flour and sugar. Beat. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix until just combined. Pour into 9 x 13 pan and bake 25-30 minutes. Remove from oven and let stand 15 minutes before frosting. You want brownies to still be warm when you frost them.

    Frosting: Beat all ingredients until smooth. Pour and spread over warm brownies.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Sandy the picture of your horses is beautiful. They are gorgeous - so pretty and fat from being well fed and cared for. They have found their forever home for sure. Will be looking forward to our next visit.

    The recipe for the brownies sounds so good. I bet they are delicious.

    Just a short note right now. I have to go down and open the main gate so FedEx can bring things from WM and Chewy today - not sure what time they'll come.

    They just fed the girls up at the MH and one little calf kept bawling and bawling. Thought about driving up to check on him but he's stopped now. Guess he lost tract of his mother for a while. It's warm and muggy here - going to have to find my patio dresses pretty soon. Hope everyone's okay this morning. I'll be back later.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    We got 0.6" of rain yesterday. Definitely good for the garden! A few garden pics attached. Picture 1: Flowering crabapple Picture 2: Dogwood tree

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    A couple more: #1 Jack in the Pulpit #2 Shade (Hosta) garden. The story on this garden area is that we had 3 large hackberries and a mulberry tree shading this area. We lost one hackberry when it just fell over - it was rotten inside. We lost 2 hackberries and the mulberry when we had a bad storm. Currently in the area, no really large trees so this garden looks nice till it gets hot, then the hostas burn. (We have a good sized tulip tree, 5 young maples and a small dogwood tree in the area now.)

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    2 more: #1: Virginia bluebells (a perennial) and foxglove. I just bought the foxglove yesterday. #2 Trillium grandiflorum I have several "woodland" plants: Trillium (yellow, red and white), Jack in the pulpit, Shooting Stars. I did not harvest them from the woods; I purchased them.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Your Hutch's origin story is very like my parents' St. Bernard's. My dad had been making noises about getting a "big dog" for years. They'd recently moved to a bigger house with a larger lot. My father's SIL heard of a St. Bernard that had been abandoned from her kids. He'd been hanging at the local 7-Eleven for a week subsisting on junk food and decided to prank my dad. She lured "Fred" into her Oldsmobile and left him in the unlocked garage with a note saying she'd left dad a gift. Dad was delighted although the dog was much more bonded with my mom and my sister's cat who was clearly the alpha of the group.

    DS and I have worked our way through 1 1/2 yards of mulch. I think he'll wrap it tomorrow. I need a shower and then run to the hardware store for some deer repellant. Mom's out since it's been raining nearly daily for a month. The deer have been at her hostas and she's not a happy camper.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, HB, Hutch had been living with two people in an 8x30 trailer and they just couldn't take care of him anymore. He was a wonderful dog - very protective. Glad you all got most of your mulch down. Always something to do when you have gardens and flowers.

    Sara, I've been thinking about you today and wondering about your stone. Is it giving you much pain or, hopefully, you've passed it? Just take it easy and don't be doing anything you don't have to until it does pass, if it hasn't.

    Sarah went to the hospital and they've decided it is Monkey Pox. They wouldn't touch her - guess they were afraid they'd get it - but the blood work showed that's what it is. They gave her some ointment to put on the blisters and told her to stay in bed. Home Health will come out to see her. Todd got overheated and has been really sick - vomiting and dizzy. I told her he needed to go to Urgent Care but I doubt he will.

    It's been pretty hot here today - too hot for this early in May. I have both air conditioners on and Sheena and Stormy have been in all day except for a while this morning. I'll take them out before bedtime. I have to keep Sheena on a leash or she'll get under a bush and I can't get her. She likes to stay outside.

    WM delivered some things today and I just now got them in the house and put away. I left the main gate open and Susie and Penny only went down about halfway and stayed in a shade so guess I'll do the same thing Monday when the things from Chewy comes. So glad FedEx is bringing things to the house. He had a truckfull of things to deliver today so looks everyone's ordering.

    Ron, haven't seen a post from you so hope you're doing all right. Let us know. We like to hear every day from our friends on the porch.

    Didn't see Rusty today and the sunflower seeds and peanuts I left in a paper plate are still there so he must not have been around today.

    Sandy, it looks like those horses were posing for the picture - so pretty and it looks like you have a lot of green grass. Are they still feeding them hay or is there enough grass for them?

    Hope everyone sleeps well tonight and stays cool if it's hot where you are. I'm not ready for summer and the humidity. See you all tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning from Lorita's front porch!

    Sara, I hope your stone has passed by now, I've had 4 occasions in the past with kidney stones and they are no friends if mine.

    I'm feeling better, ni wheezing but cough still lingers on. I've noticed when I talk, eat or drink, I cough more. Another problem I've noticed since the pneumonia is my oxygen level doesnt recoup as quickly after exertions as it use to.

    Suppose to gave scattered showers today, hopefully it will be in between church time. Yesterday I told Lou we were going to church and she started smiling real big. I asked if she was going to point out her boyfriend to me, she replied...no. I asked if she had told him she was married and she said.....HELL NO. LOL Dementia has a world of it's on sometimes!

    I'm lucky she still eats good but her ability to eat with utensils are slowly diminishing. I try to give her a good diet and let her fed herself; dont really care if I have a bigger mess to clean up or not.

    If my cough isnt better when I go to the VA Wednesday I will probably go to the VA quick care. I would like to make sure I have no lingering effects from the pneumonia and primary care want see me till the 8th of next month. Cant wait to get the form turned in for change of primary care.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    edited May 2023

    Hello Front Porch Friends.

    Lorita. Iam glad they are finally delivering things to your porch. Its nice to hear that Sheena is starting to feel better. The heat was probably the problem. I took Molly in for her yearly checkup and the Vet said she needs her teeth cleaned, so she has an appointment next week for a teeth cleaning. The vet said her type of dog bring a Chihuahua has problem with teeth. She is lucky her teeth are as good as they are, Shes a chewer so that helps her teeth.

    I love all the pictures you all have been showing, I will need to figure out how to do that so I can show pictures. This front porch has so many friends Iam having a hard time keeping up with all of you.

    Ron. It's nice to hear your feeling a little better its also nice to hear that Lou, loves going to church. You have a good church family.

    Sara. I hope you're feeling better and have passed that stone. I have never had one, knock on wood, but I hear they do hurt. Does the doctor give people something to help with the passing of stones. You're such a busy lady I hope this does not slow you down much.

    I went to MC/AL facility that Dan was in I just wanted to go visit with the caregivers, I miss them, they were so good to me when Dan was there. They were all so happy to see me, they want me to keep coming back so I was offered a job. I was so surprised I accepted their offer. I am now a Dietary Aide. I spent 6 hours there Friday to start my online computer training, I am now finishing my training at home. All my classes are online for me, so yesterday I completed two out of 7 and today I am going to try to get the next 5 done. I will be working 3 days a week for 4 hours a day. This is what I needed to keep me busy and have people to socialize with.

    I had my nephew with me, and he was offered a job as a Med Aide, he is being trained for the graveyard shift. He has a lot more training to do then me. I will start as soon as I finish my online training that will probably be tomorrow.

    I better stop now and get back online, After I review each class, I am given a test, I passed both of them yesterday, one I had to retake but I did pass it finally.

    Wish me luck. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, Congratulations on your new job, Zetta. How great that you'll be among people you know and make some money at the same time. Is the place where you'll work very far from your house? Nice, also that your nephew will be working there, too. I'm sure you'll do great.

    Ron, did you get to meet Lou's boyfriend this morning? Isn't it odd that so many people with alzheimers think they have boyfriends or girlfriends? I've heard that so many times. Hope you're doing better this afternoon and won't have to have more treatment for the pneumonia.

    Sara, have you passed that obstinate stone yet? I surely hope so. I saw a show on TV a couple of days ago about someone having a kidney stone and they said it was from eating too much spinach - can you imagine that? Part of what they had to do to pass it was to drink lots of liquid - I know you're doing that.

    It's been hot here today - in fact, I didn't realize how hot until I took down the trash a while ago. I made some of the pumpkin spice muffins this morning and filled the pie plate Darwin had brought cookies to me on and took them over to them. First time I've seen Donna in quite a while. Good to see her. He's having trouble with his Mule (like a Gator) so it's in the shop and they're having problems getting parts. Also problems with his chimney - seems the bricks are disintegrating so he's going to have to find fire bricks to repair it. I think he's lived there maybe 20 or so years. I remembered I had some fire bricks from the time we had two chimneys and flues (don't know how to spell that) so I called him but they're the wrong kind. These are extra heavy and big - he's needing smaller ones.

    Zetta,Sheena seems okay - I'm sure it was the heat that got to her. They were out a while ago for maybe 20 minutes and she was hot when they came in - so got in front of the fan - and I have the ACs on, too. I didn't realize it was so hot either but it is. I think we had a wind storm last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and the wind was really blowing. This morning there's a big limb that broke off the old elm outside the kitchen window. It's the one Rusty would run down and jump onto a Rose of Sharon to get to the ground. I saw him today so he's okay.

    Beth, the pictures of your flowers are beautiful. What a lovely garden you have - so much to enjoy but also so much work. I have enough caladium bulbs to plant one container but haven't done it yet - maybe this week. Also got a few packets of seeds in the mail from some place I contribute to - pretty smaller flowers so I may plant them in the bathtub and one other container. I have two kinds of clematis blooming on the gas lamp we have in the yard - so pretty but I don't think any of the others survived the drought and winter.

    Judith, did you order anything this year from Florida Boys? They have such pretty things but I didn't order this year. It was really hard to keep the few things I did water taken care of last year. Hopefully, we won't have another drought - so far this year we've had 15.2" of rain with chances this coming week.

    Need to stop and find something for supper. Susie and Penny are doing well but it's going to take a long time for Susie to fully recover if she ever does. Hope everyone's okay tonight and can have a good night's sleep.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Lorita, spinach can be a source of oxalate kidney stones. A shame, because I love spinach.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, I love spinach, too. We used to raise a lot of it. I like it cooked just until tender and also really like creamed spinach. WM used to have small, frozen boxes of creamed spinach but the last time I looked they weren't carrying it. How are you doing? Are you still playing bunco?

    Our weather here is beginning to get really warm - it's almost 10 p.m. and it's still 76 and it's over a month until summer begins. Today was really humid so guess the GPs will have to stay inside this summer. Amazingly, such big dogs are really great house dogs - very quiet. Stormy and I take turns laying on the divan - sometimes he lays in the chair if I'm on the divan. Right now he's laying on his bed in front of the fan and Sheena's asleep under the dining table.

    How is Simon - haven't heard you mention him lately? I know he's a lot of company for you just as my cats are. Max (eight years old) sleeps with me most nights and when I lay on the divan, he lays beside me on my arm.

    This afternoon when I went over to Darwin's, I wore my mask as I always do. I hadn't seen Donna in a long time so hugged her but changed clothes when I got home and have them in the washer to wash tomorrow. She seemed pretty well - took the muffins to the kitchen and brought back their pie pan. I told her it was theirs and she said "good". When I called later about the bricks, she answered the phone and after we talked a bit, she called him to the phone. He's looking frail - says he's kind of wobbly and tires easily. Told him I give out pretty quickly and he said it doesn't get any better. A person couldn't ask for better neighbors. Hadn't mean to write much - just checked to see if anyone else had posted - glad to see your post, Iris. Have a good night.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, Simon is still holding his own. I had a big scare today. I could not find my cat Adam all day. He is a big guy and hard to overlook. I thought he might be hiding under the furniture, where I can't look. After several hours, I finally heard him meowing outside. Somehow he had gotten into my downstair's neighbor's patio! I tried to get him to climb up and over the fence, but he wouldn't jump, he is too big to jump. Fortunately, my neighbor's son was home, and I was able to retrieve him. I hugged him up real good! What a scare! Right now he's on my lap. I still don't know how he got into the patio, it is fenced but there is no gate.

    Tomorrow I'm going to have some blood tests drawn before my cardiology appointment. I have not eaten any meat in hope that my cholesterol won't be too high.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, isn't it scary when you can't find them? A couple of times when I've been letting Sheena and Stormy inside - or outside - one of the cats sneaks out onto the porch. If one of them got out in the yard and the GPs were outside, they'd be goners. They don't want anything in the yard. I think I've mentioned the time I heard them barking and barking - went out and they had a raccoon standing on it's hind legs against a tree. I got them away and inside and went I went back out to check the coon was on top of the house. I doubt he'll come back in.

    It's a pretty morning, fairly cool right now - 69 - but supposed to be hot and muggy. The GPs have been outside and are back in -I fed Susie and Penny and will go down and open the gate later this morning. FedEx is supposed to deliver things from Chewy today. The girls have been swimming this morning - when I went out I saw three getting close to the other side. They do that two or three times every day in the summer.

    Guess I'm not the only one keeping a big dog, or dogs, inside. When I was over at Darwins a big dog came out - as big as ours. I remember him telling me they were letting him stay inside.

    I'm glad Simon is doing okay - I know you worry about yours just like I do about mine. You'll probably never know how Adam got out onto your neighbor's patio - but they find a way.

    I'm watching our local news and they're talking about snakes and what to do if you see one. I hope I don't see anymore - had enough of that. It's funny - even after two or three years, everytime the cats go into the bathroom, they look under the dresser and in the corners. Guess they have memories like elephants.

    Zetta, do you start your new job this week? I bet you're excited. It'll probably do you good to get out and among people for a while. Seems like as we get older we tend (speaking for myself) to stay at home more and sort of isolate ourselves. At least we seem to feel more comfortable in familiar settings.

    Ron, hope you're doing well today - when do you go back to the VA? Does Lou talk about her boyfriend?

    Goodness, the weatherwoman just said it's 34 degrees in Durango this morning. Joan, it may be cool at your house, too. Hope you're okay today - take it easy.

    I'll be back later. Still looking for my tablet - just can not figure out where it could be. Seems like I've looked everywhere several times but I guess just not the right place. When I find it, I'll wonder why in the world I didn't think about looking there sooner. Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Lorita. The facility I will be working in is where Dan spent the last two years of his life. It is in our small town just a few miles from where we live. It is Prairie House. It is an AL/MC facility.

    I completed all my online training and passed all the test. I will be called sometime today and be told when my on-the-job training will be starting. I have my phone on mute right now, I really don't want to go in today.

    I want to know a day ahead so I can wrap my mind around what I am doing. For my sanity I really need to do this, because all I have been doing is sitting in front of my TV if Iam not pet sitting. I will still be pet sitting when needed. I only will be working Friday, Saturday and Sundays, from 5pm to 9pm. Just till I get the dinner dishes done and the tables cleaned and wiped off. It's a small facility so I don't think there will be many dishes, at least that is what I am hoping for.

    Iris. Strange how Simon may have got down to your neighbors patio. Could he have jumped down from your patio to theirs? I worry about my cats getting out. My older cat Sammy if he got out, he would not go anyplace but my younger one Emmy is still so skittish Iam afraid she would run in fright and keep going.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi. My basement project is finally coming to an end. Workers were here finishing up and moved furniture back into place. The paint touch up and finishing crew will be here this afternoon to finish in the bathroom and they will be finished. Hallelujah! This has been going on since January 15th.

    Lorita, it was 34 here this morning. Our afternoon highs are in the 60’s. We had rain for a couple of days but expect nicer weather the rest of the week.

    Beth, your pictures are stunning. Your flowers are already beautiful. I loved the horses too. They’re such beautiful animals.

    Iris, glad you found Alan. Now, if Lorita can find her tablet.

    Sara, I hope you’re ok and have passed that kidney stone.

    Ron, it’s good you see the humor in Lou. My husband used to tell me he wasn’t married and had no kids. He just wanted to go home.

    Zetta, enjoy your new job. That sounds like fun

    I uncovered the deck furniture so guess I’ll get out and clean it.

    Have a good afternoon. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, Joan, so glad you're finally getting everything finished. It's been a long haul. Reminds me of my long one last year - but, at least your guys put the furniture back and did touch-up painting. The ones working for me at least got the furniture back inside, put it all in the middle of the utility room and I had to get it back in place. Paint touch-up still not done. I just try not to look at it or I'd get mad all over again.

    It's been a very warm day here - feels like summertime. We're supposed to have lots of rain this week and then a bit cooler. The girls are all standing in the south end of the pond. I was thinking I'd go down and close the main gate but Susie and Penny were closeby so I gave them a little snack of feed and closed the gate closer to the house so didn't have to go down again.

    I haven't done much of anything today except some dishes - I'll wait until after some rain to plant the bulbs and seeds. Still haven't found that dratted tablet - may never find it - but I know it's here. My 7" one was beside me in the recliner this afternoon and slipped way down - just checked and the other one isn't there. I cannot figure out where it could be. You know if you ever move something from it's normal place, you have a very hard time finding it - at least I do. But the tablet didn't have a normal place. The last place I can think of that I saw it was leaning up against a back cushion on the divan - don't remember if I decided to take it to the bedroom or not.

    Guess I'll go ahead and order another TV for the bedroom and have them change the standard receiver to another HD one so I can watch TV in there at night. I think I hooked this one up but that was about seven years ago and it seems like I could do more things back then.

    Joan, 34 is pretty cold for this time of year - about how hot does it get ot there in the summer? It sounds like you're feeling better - so glad for you. I know when you're used to doing what you want to, then can't, it's really hard.

    I have an e-mail that I'm reluctant to open. It says something about a core claim and it's incripted, it says. I don't know if it has something to do with the claim filed by our electric company when we had the electrical damage or not. I'll call them tomorrow to check. I don't open e-mails from someone I don't know or even answer a phone call from a number I don't recognize.Seems like I get lot of calls from number I don't recognize.

    Sara, how are you this afternoon. I imagine you're not able to work with the kidney stone. Have they told you something to do to help it pass?

    Zetta, are you really excited about your new job? At least you'll have most of the day to do what you want to before you go to work. Probably doesn't take you very long to get to the MC. Bet your fur babies will miss you while you're gone ethough. See you all tomorrow.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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