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Just need to talk to my friends (190)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    You were a sparrow being watched over. So very glad you are back on the porch. Now just sit back in your rocker and we will bring you anything you want, Then we can take a walk sown to the pond to watch the cows and sit on the branch that is not there any more. XOX

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    that sounds nice Judith

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    So glad to hear you feeling a bit better Sara.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    My goodness, Sara, it's so good to hear from you. I'm so sorry - what in the world happened? Was all of this because of the kidney stone or was it your heart? So many questions but the answers will come later when you feel better. Thank God that your sister came to your house when she didn't get an answer. What wonderful people you had caring for and watching over you. I believe as you do - that our days are numbered and we don't go until it's time. It just was not your time and we are so thankful for that. You were truly missed. I felt something must be wrong because you're faithful in posting. Did you get to go home today? I know you'll feel better when you're out of the hospital. Things just fell into order to get you the care you needed. I always worry when I'm not able to get in touch with Sarah and have asked for welfare checks several times. I know you have it set up to be in contact with your sisters several times during the day. Take your time and get your rest. Are you still in pain from the kidney stone? Enough questions from me for now. Will so look forward to more posts from you - when you feel better.

    Ron, glad you all made it to Church and that things went well for both of you. Glad your tachycardia didn't last long. Quite a few years ago I had something - not sure what it was - but my pulse would be regular for maybe 10-15 beats, then it hiccuped - then resumed regularly. It was doing that when I was at my doctors - she listened but didn't really comment. It finally went away with no ill effects. Strange things happen to our body. My mother always said that there are so many things that have to work perfectly in our body that we're lucky when everything goes well.

    It's been rainy here or rather north of here this morning - very humid here - it's 80 degrees and I bet the humidity is the same. I was worried about the little baby this morning so looked for the girls when I went out and didn't see cow one. So went to the barn and everyone was in there, way in the back where it was dark - away from flies and heat, I guess. I couldn't see the baby or any of the little ones so guess the moms had them way in the back. They still haven't some out.

    The tree guys didn't come this morning so guess with all the rain around they figured they couldn't get the work done - maybe they'll come tomorrow. I have to get Lilly and either Sammy or Max to the vet for their allergy shots. GPS need theirs, too - hasn't been quite six weeks. My hands are itching some this morning so guess we're all going to have allergies this summer. Better get this posted - sorry for bad paragraphing. I thought I had lost it completely. Prayers, Sara, for your continuing recovery. Also prayers going up for you, Ron.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita I believe I got an infection throughout my whole body from an infection behind kidney stone. This is called septicemia and claims many lives every year.

    Still waiting on test to be done. Probably will not go home today, getting too late to get drugs etc.have no pain at this time

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Dont rush anything Sayra, wait until they feel safe to release you. We all care for you and praying for you!

    Lorita, HR has been doing ok, but dealing with low blood pressure tonight. Guess I need Lou to find that last nerve, that always helps to get it up. I believe I've mentioned before that when I had the lightheadness and went to ER, my blood pressure was low. They took me off the deltizem and have me take blood pressure before taking the Atenolol in the evening. If the top number is under 120 I dont take the Atenolol. It was 110 so no ateneoll!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    thank you Ron. I’m not hurrying anything. My brain is not hypoxic and for that I’m thankful. I can wait as long as need to get test done and see if anything else needs to be done before I leave. Ron hope you and Lou get a little rest tonight

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Sara, so glad you’re improving. What a scare. So glad your sister got you the help you needed. Take care and don’t rush your recovery.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Iam so sorry what happened to you and very thankful you pulled through. We were all getting worried about you.

    I made it through my first week of work, my work week is only 3 days from 5pm to 9pm. I'm very tired and I used muscles I did not even know I had. But I enjoy getting out and having someplace to go. It's a perfect job for me.

    Take care of yourself, glad to see you back. Hugs Zetta

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, God was indeed with you! Did you pass the kidney stone?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    edited May 2023

    Hi again, Sara, all good advice offered. Hope you can get a good night's sleep which will help in your recovery. Septicemia is a very bad thing. Did you feel really bad before you became unresponsive or did it just happen all at once? So glad your sister checked on you when she did. Aren't you glad you didn't try to plant so many things this year to have to take care of?

    Zetta, you finished your first week and now you have a few days to rest. It'll probably take two or three weeks to get to the point where it doesn't tire you as much. I've found if I get outside and walk more than usual a couple of days in a row I don't get as tired.

    Okay, so I know some of you get tired of my cattle stories but even as long as we've been running cattle I still see things that blow my mind. You know last Thursday when Mike sorted cattle we found that a new calf had been born. Got him out of the lot and he laid down by the corral fence - mom had already gone up into the pasture. Mike said she knew where he was and would come back. She did and took him with her but the next day she had him back inside the barn. I've checked a few times and when the girls were out, the baby was still there. He said she'd leave him there until she knew he was ready to travel so I backed off - but still checked. Late this evening, before dark, I heard a cow bawl so got up to check. It was a lone cow down by the pond - then I saw the baby getting up (had been laying down in the grass). I watched and he went over and she stood so still while he nursed - he walked around and around her then wandered off. She stayed there and grazed a little while he explored. After about 20 minutes she started to go up where the others were and he followed. Such patience she had with him. It's amazing to me how patient they are with babies even though they make them mind. So, after four days, she felt he was ready to be out with the others and the herd is complete.

    I remember when we'd come down to see mother sometimes she'd say she heard a cow bawling and wondered what was wrong. Silly me - I said "mother, cows bawl, that's what they do". She told me they bawl when something needs to be checked. Since then I've followed her advice and have found it to be very true. They are such good mothers and take such good care of the babies. If they're leaving the barn and the baby lags behind, they stop and wait for them to catch up. The things they do sometimes amazes me. They're not just stupid cows eating grass. Ours are a family again and last night I told Mike I could almost hear them breathe a sigh of relief when the bulls and other heifers were gone and they were back together by themselves. He laughed.

    Adrian called to see what our weather was like and we decided they'd come in the morning so I'll have to get up early - they may be here by 7 a.m. I'm going to have them take down dead limbs up in the tall trees so they won't fall on me. That happened once - a dead limb fell on my shoulder and knocked me down - lucky it didn't hit my head (probably wouldn't have bothered me at all though).

    Ron, try to relax and sleep tonight and get your HR back to normal. Do you take anything for anxiety? I've found that helps me when my pulse rate is high.

    Sara, so happy you're back on the porch with us again - you're loved and we all missed you. See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning.

    Im still here waiting on repeat echo. That is fine.

    I have no idea if I passed stone as for four days approximately I have no memory. My sisters tell me I had some severe pain in ER and after surgery.

    Lorita never tire of the cattle stories. Have mentioned several times they are one of my favorite animals.

    Yes Lorita glad I don’t have a bunch of plants back at house. The unresponsiveness hit me quickly.

    had a good nights rest

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning everyone coming to Lorita's front porch!

    Well, last night went good for me! Came a storm right after falling asleep around 9:30, thunder and lightning woke me up. Finally went back to sleep and around 11 Lou needed to use the bathroom. After getting her back in bed and going back to sleep, was once again woke up arond 2:30 hearing Lou sitting up, pulling cover up on her, tossing and turning. Finally just got up at 3 and she's been peaceful ever since.

    Lorita, many, many years ago I had a bad spell with tachycardia. They discovered with a 2 week monitor that my heartrate was at 180 at rest sometimes. They tried several different medications and tenorman (generic ateneoll wasn't out yet), was the only one that lowered it. I had been on tenorman/ateneoll since late 70s and probably around the 90s put on another high blood pressure medicine along with the Atenolol.

    Lorita, I also do not get tired of your cow stories. My only problem is I love a good steak and feel bad about eating it now (might need to be a vegetarian).....sorrrry, I'm still having my steak.

    Zetta, I'm glad your enjoying getting out and working some. Just give it time and those muscles you had forgotten you had will wake up and be like spring chickens again.

    Sayra, could have easily passed the stone when you was out of it, fir your sake I hope so. I've had 5 of them; fished one out, zapped them twice and passed two times on my own. So, I know how they feel and that's not fun@


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Hope you are right Ron and know that is possible. I still love a good hamburger or roast.

    Zetta I agree withRon given a little time you will adapt.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    edited May 2023

    My medical doctor here just in. Said there is no way I’ve passed the stone it is too large. Apparently first measurement a little off. My sister said ER physician that life flighted me said it was wedged and cause of sepsis.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara and Ron, you are in my prayers.

    Zetta, glad to hear you like your job. I hope you can get some good shoes and they help. I like Asics shoes with gel insoles for walking. Not sure how they would be with prolonged standing, but probably ok.

    We bought 225 bags, 2 cubic feet each, of cedar mulch. We finally got it spread. We have about 10 bags left. Will put them in the shed for later use. The garden with the mulch looks really nice! I'll take some pics and post one later. I have seeds sprouting: zinnias, nictotiana (flowering tobacco), radishes, lemon boy cherry tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers and green beans. I also have other veggies I purchased as plants: Cherokee purple tomatoes, Jet Star tomatoes, parsley, rosemary and basil. I also have many perennials coming up. I am a lover of lupines; I have planted them from seed over the years and I do have much self sowing of little baby lupines. Yesterday I dug up about 11 of them and moved them to one area. When they grow and bloom together, it'll be a gorgeous sight to see! Blooming now: Tulips are done; camassia, creeping phlox, re-blooming lilac and Dwarf Korean lilac (old fashioned lilacs are done); pulsatilla, columbine, foxglove, Virginia bluebells, bleeding heart, honeysuckle, clematis (so far just one of my 18). Peonies will bloom very soon. A little later I have black-eyed Susans, coneflowers and daylilies to look forward to. And, of course, the lupines.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Showed Lou this picture early morning and asked if she recognized them? She said no! I asked if they were a good looking couple? She said no! I showed her again this afternoon, she still didnt recognize us but this time she did think they were a good looking couple. I'll take whatever I can get!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, I agree - what a good looking couple. How old were you all then? I have a picture of Charles and I on the refrigerator when we both had dark hair - wonder what happened to those people.

    Well, Adrian and the guys came - got here at 7:30 and left about 12:30 so they had a full morning. They took down three trees and several dead shrubs, trimmed up the big elm and cut out a lot of dead limbs so they wouldn't fall on me. So glad that's done. He said the big elm looked healthy so that's good. There was one big limb hanging high above the electric line and they took it down so it's safer. All the noise really had the girls upset - and the GPs - and me. We're all used to quiet.

    Beth, all those beautiful flowers. Do you sometimes just go out and sit in the garden and enjoy them? I know I would.

    Sara, sorry you won't be able to pass the stone and so hope you don't have a lot of pain until they can do something about it.

    Zetta, hope you're resting today and enjoying being with your fur babies.

    Glad you all enjoy hearing about the girls - I've talked about them so much you probably feel like you know them. I just went to the mailbox and they're all down in the NE pasture. Checked the barn when I got back to see if the baby was in there He wasn't so guess mom is keeping him with her. He'll be running and playing with all the other little ones in a day or two. They're a lot of fun to watch. Mike says when he's driving on country roads he sometimes just stops and watches them play.

    Ron, hope you can get a good night's sleep and Sara, hope you're not in pain and can rest, too. Enjoy the evening.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Friends.

    Thank You all for my concern. Iam enjoying my days off I go back on Friday for my 3 days. Iam feeling better and this is something I really needed. My nephew started his shift last night he is a care partner, and he works from 10pm till 6am. He is also being trained as a med tec. He had to help with a cleaning issue in MC last night and Iam glad he felt comfortable doing that. I was afraid if that happened, he would say No Way. Iam proud of him.

    Lorita. I love hearing about the cows. I do feel like I know them. I miss hearing about your girls and only the girls I felt closer to them, mixing them with the guy cows I miss you talking about going out and sitting with the girls. And being a little leery going into the barn if the guys were there.

    Ron. That picture of you and Lou shows a handsome couple. Lous face now looks like it did then. You are handsome but you have grayed a bit. Haven't we all????

    Sara. Is there a way they can remove that stone, so you won't have to pass it? It sounds like it is in a hard to pass area, is the right? You're in my prayers, please get a much rest as you can.

    Good night to all my friends on the front porch. Hugs Zetta

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Sara, I’m so thankful your sisters found you and got you the help you needed. The Good Lord certainly took perfect care of you. I have no doubt he will restore you to complete health. What an event you’re going through. I will continue praying for your recovery. Take good care and I’m thankful you’re back talking with us.

    I got my flowers planted today. I just need to plant two pots for the front patio and I’m finished. The kids who live near me came here for dinner. We had a nice afternoon and evening. The basement is finally finished except for a good cleaning. I’ll get to that soon. It’s mostly just dust. It’s very nice to not have people here working all the time.

    We are having nice weather now. The trees are leafed out and flowering trees are in full bloom.

    I hope you all have a good week. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Thank you Beth. Cardiology has not come and I’m leaving in a hour. But, my heart meds are only ordered for 15 days guessing my echo was normal. When the tech left she said to me hope you get out of here today. Felt she was telling me it was normal. Believe more so now. Remember when cardiology spoke with me in ICU asking them if I would have to be on the heart med the rest of my life and he said yes. I was so very tired getting home see I forgot to post it, this was from yesterday eve.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita had a good nights rest. Fell asleep instantly.

    Ron you were a nice looking young couple.

    Zetta thank you for your earlier hug. So happy for you and your nephew. My understanding is that you only have pain when it is moving. My understanding is it moved quite a ways but is now wedged. That is what caused me to get septic I believe. My antibiotic will be done Sunday morning. May have procedure done next week. See I have a my chart appointment to make, that may be it. Will get my techie sister to help me with this. See I have new test results. Guessing that will be the echo.

    thank you Joan I have no doubt either. Glad you got to spend time with your family and basement getting settled.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, are you considering getting a Medic Alert type button?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Sara, glad you're home and I know you are, too. No place like home, is there? I hope you might be able to pass that stone without having anything done. Have they said what they might do to help? Rest and drink lots of water.

    Joan, glad that basement is all finished and I know you are. I hate to have things disrupted to have other things done but after it's done, we're always glad. I planted the few caladium bulbs I had but they're not up - may take a while. I have a few flower seeds I think I'll plant by the gate and maybe when I do get into town I'll get a few bedding plants if there's any left.

    The trees look so much better. They took off a big limb on the elm that was overhanging the electric line to the house so that's much safer. I was worried about how the NE corner of the yard would look without the magnolia but it's okay. There was one little sucker that had leaves on it and they left that a few more that might come out and a little more than usual of the stump - we can hope. If it doesn't come out this summer, this fall I'll plant at least one forsythia in that spot by the stump. I haven't had a forsythia since we're been in the farm house. They got rid of all the dead limbs in the trees so it's safer to be outside. Also some dead limbs on the big hackberry by the carport (think I posted that yesterday).

    When Adrian moved the PU he commented on how good the motor sounded. I told him what they said about draining the tank and the injectors and he said with it idling as good as it is and only cutting out a little it's probably a little water in the tank so he put some liquids in the tank that he uses in his trucks. Said there's no need to empty the tank - just add those things every so often. So glad he moved it and I found that out.

    It's so much quieter here this morning and all of us are happy about that - girls included. They came into the barn about 8:30 this morning even though it's cloudy and cool. The flies are bad on them. Last evening I thought for sure the new mom had left her baby somewhere south of the house because of the noise and then came to the barn. They were all way down in another pasture last evening and I couldn't find the baby - I asked where her baby was and she looked west of where she was. That's what they usually do but the heifers were in that area so I wasn't sure. I kept telling her to find her baby. Later I went down and the baby was with her - going over to other cows to get acquainted with mom right behind him. This morning I saw all of them, including baby, going into the barn. I worry too much about them, I guess, but that's just me.

    Just put a Meier lemon cake in the oven to bake - sounded good to me. Never have tried that - it's a Krustez mix.

    Stormy and Sheena are scratching - allergies - so this morning just after 7:30 I called Mike and as if he'd come and give them their shots when he was out this way and had time. He was working horses before the clinic opened. He'll be here when he has time. No way can I get Sheena in the PU and I'm leary of taking Stormy over there because he had a seizure when I got him in the PU and while he was in the clinic.

    Question: Every time I read and get down to the comment section I see one of my old posts written just after we heard from Sara. Can't figure out so I delete it but it's there next time. Are you all seeing it, too? Better stop and check the cake. Hope all of you are well this morning.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited May 2023

    Ron, that's a great photo of you and Lou! A great looking couple indeed! You still are, just a little grayer.

    I do love to sit in my garden. Often, when I'm sitting, I see something to do so get up and take care of it. I have bird feeders and love watching the birds. My current favorites are the Baltimore orioles.

    The mulching is done. Attaching 2 pics. The bare ground areas (no mulch) are where I have seeds planted. I planted about 700 zinnia seeds! Also some flowering tobacco.

    Note the horse in the bottom photo. :) The bottom photo is the hosta area. We used to have big trees there for shade; hostas like shade. Unfortunately, we lost the trees and just have young, smaller ones now. The hostas look great now but when it gets hot they will "burn."

    Glad you are home, Sara. Take care. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Sara, I'm glad you home and as I know being home is a great medicine. What will they do about the kidney stone? Will they zap it and try to break up enough to pass? I know Lou had one that they kept bringing her back and after the third time she said that's it, I'm not doing anymore. Guess they broke it up enough to where she passed some and whatever is left doesnt bother her.

    Lorita, all I see when I come to the porch is threads I haven't read yet. I love that new feature. I'm having the porch ramps repainted. I found a painter that can put down a paint that will be slip proof. I dont know if he mixed it with some type of sand or what, but the strips my nephew put down isnt very substantial.

    Beth. I love your garden, wish I was still healthy enough to work in the yard. Talking about my gray hair, I started graying in my mid 20s and by late 40s was almost completely gray. Also, lou's blonde hair never really grayed, she's never put any type of coloring on it. Another thing about her is at almost 85 her skin is still as smooth as the day we married.

    Hope I dont get any of the paint fumes in me! Got the doors shut and fans on!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    How do you delete a comment? Every time I read the last post down to the comment section I see an old post from me. Need to get it out of there. Do you all see it?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    edited May 2023

    Got rid of it. I had to post it, then I could delete it. There was some kind of glinch a couple of days ago and guess that comment got caught in it. Anyway, it's gone. Beth, it took a while for your second picture to appear but just now saw it. Is that your horse? It's such a peaceful, pretty place. If I had that I'd spend my whole day out there but I know it's a lot of work. Thanks for posting the pictures.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    This is me, officially retired 😁

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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