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Just need to talk to my friends (190)



  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    edited May 2023


    I am kind of chuckling at you watching Clarkson's Farm. I enjoy the show with my husband and son who landed on it because they watch Clarkson's other shows-- Top Gear and The Grand Tour. Many feel like his farm show has been educational and elevated the profile of the folks who engage in this vital work. He's kind of a controversial and impulsive character having been fired by the BBC and currently in hot water with Amazon for crude remarks made about The Duchess of Sussex (Meghan Markle). I do wish he'd behave, he has a knack for putting together great programming.

    Speaking of dirt, I bought some bare-root Hosta and Bleeding Hearts for my mom's front bed. It's a mostly shady space, so I expect they'll do well. I may bring her a couple peonies from my front bed for the one corner of her garden that has sun most of the day. I treated myself to 3 bare-root Itoh peonies as well. They were closing them out and they were only $12. I won't see much for a couple years, but they'll be in the bed near my Stewartia.

    I need to do some batch cooking today. I'm thinking a pot of chili I can share and freeze for an evening when I don't feel like cooking.

    Mom's little garden last year. We've since removed the dying Kousa dogwood and random rhododendron. There's a standard "Strawberry Vanilla" standard hydrangea there now. I so want to get rid of that "Bradford" pear. It makes her kitchen so dark and is just too big for the space. Our state has banned them.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Seems like it's been a coon's age since I've posted. HB, the hostas and other plants in your mother's garden are beautiful. I know she must really enjoy it. My peony came up and grew - but no buds - second year that's happened and I don't know why. I was afraid the girls would eat it but didn't - guess the rosebuds suited their fancy.

    I was tickled about the huge tractor that guy on the show bought - Lambergeni - had no idea they made a tractor. Bet it cost a pretty penny. Brought back a lot of memories from my childhood so I'll watch some more of it.

    Yesterday was a busy day here. The Directv guy came about noon and found that the cable from the dish had been chewed through - again. Rusty at work, I guess. This time he put some garden hose over the cable so hope that works. Really good to get TV reception back.

    Adrian called just after he left saying he could come and see what I needed done. He says it's not good at all to cut back an elm with leaves on it - guess something to do with the sap. But, he looked it over and decided he could trim it back enough to make it safe without anything bad happening - we hope. He's also going to take out a Box Elder behind the storage building in the yard. It still has a few leaves on it but the trunk is almost rotted away. Hate to lose it because daddy planted it using a sapling he got from a really wonderful neighbor - so it's probably 70 years old. There's also a mulberry close to it that's dying so it'll go. I guess I'll have him take down the Magnolia, too. There's a sprout coming out from the roots so I'll have him leave some of the trunk and hope it comes back. If he can take it down pretty far even if it doesn't come back, it'll be okay. I want to plant a forsythia in that corner. There's a crepe myrtle and a rose of sharon behind it that have died so maybe they can clip those off, too. He has a chipper so they'll leave the wood chips in the pasture south of the house where they'd done that before. He has a big crew so it shouldn't take too long. Said he has a new truck that'll reach over 60 ft. so that will be interesting to watch. Charge for all of that will be $3500 - so taking down three trees and trimming one guess it isn't too bad. They've done work for us several times - they're fast and do good clean up.

    Yesterday morning Mike called to ask me to open the barn so the girls could go in, then close the gates so he could move bulls, etc. last evening. He and Sidney came about 7 and it was an intense two hours of work. Had to get all of them in one side of the lot, then move a few into the area where there's four gates and separate them - heifers to the west pasture, bulls to the runway to load later and our girls out to the pasture. There was a brand new baby - born yesterday. If I'd known that it would have bothered me - the mom having the baby in the barn with all the cattle. Mom went out with the other girls who'll stay here but baby didn't make it out. They got him outside of the lot and he laid down. Worried me that mom wasn't around but Mike said she knew where he was and she'd come back and get him. He was so quiet and slow moving while he sorted them - keeping them calm. No loud voices, no rushing, just softly talking. I was happy, too, that he was able to get a good look at all of them. I spent a lot of yesterday looking for Susie and Penny (the two I've had up). Drove up and down the roads looking and didn't see them. Somehow I must have left a gate open long enough while I was closing others for them to get in the barn with the others. They seemed to have made it all right - no ill effects that we noticed. We kept them up and he brought more feed so they'll stay north of the house for a couple of weeks to further recuperate. We got the heifers in the west pasture and he left and came back with his trailer. It's huge - as long as the house. Finally got all of them loaded and with all the noise of loading the new mom came back and got her baby.

    I left the barn open last night (it rained) and just now went out to check them. Seems so much better without all those extras in there. Saw the new baby and mom in the cowshed away from the others. He's up, walking around. I didn't do much except stand and watch but I was exhausted from the standing and probably stress.

    We had rain during the night and there was very little water in the rain gauge - I think it leaks so will have to get a new one It will be nice to have a quiet day tomorrow.

    Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou this morning - did you all go to Church? Hope you're feeling better - rest when you can.

    Sara, we need to hear from you - just to let us know how you are. I hope by now the stone has passed and things are going well for you. I'll stop for now - just fed the GPs and cats and they're all sound asleep. See you later today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    HB...those hostas are beautiful. My favorite is Sum and Substance. Can you just thin out the pear tree?

    Lousy weekend here...booking work. Oh, how I hate numbers.

    Dinner tomorrow at my daughters. I am going to pick up a deep dish apple pie to cook and some Bryers vanilla ice cream. We will eat @ 5:30. Her father-in-law is 93 so early is good.

    Rain every night it seems. It is a good thing but it does mean watching for tornadoes every night.

    Batch cooking. I did not know there was a name for it...lol

    Ron...you must continue to remember to pace yourself. If you go down the whole house of cards tumbles!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    HB, your mom's yard/house look pretty. I'm sure she appreciated you getting her some new plants.

    Lorita, I enjoyed reading about the cattle. I think you must feel good to have sold the cattle to Mike.

    Quiet day today, will close and get to work making lunch. Pizza for lunch, brats for dinner.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @Lorita said:

    I was tickled about the huge tractor that guy on the show bought - Lambergeni - had no idea they made a tractor. Bet it cost a pretty penny. Brought back a lot of memories from my childhood so I'll watch some more of it.

    Yes. There is quite the backstory to Lamborghini. He was the manufacturer of tractors first. He only got into performance cars after a dispute with Enzo Ferrari.

    The Story Behind The Lamborghini and Ferrari Rivalry (historydefined.net)

    Tree work is so expensive. My neighbors took out a bunch along the easement behind our houses because a man in the fancy new 55+ community behind us carried on and threatened to sue. They spent $8K. Yikes.

    I'm not sure mom's enjoying the work of her garden. The last couple years I helped or sent my son over. We were busy mulching and I figured she'd be OK with a single flat of annuals. I suspect I'll be finishing her bed off on Monday.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    On Thursday I went on a day trip with a two hour tour that involved a lot of walking. I was a little tired when I got home but was more tired the next day. So I realize it takes me longer to recover from exertion. I think this is just to be expected. We're not spring chickens anymore. I'm feeling better today.

    I always looked forward to feeling hungry before I went to bed. It made me think that my diet was working. In the past, I would have a bedtime snack, which worked against me losing weight. So now I try to not eat between dinner and breakfast the next day, and I try to make breakfast late. I have to start my weight loss project over again, so far I've lost eight pounds. I'm aiming to lose fifty pounds or so.

    Lorita, I don't know if your rural library has this system. But we can order books from the mobile library minivan that comes around. I don't know if they check out the DVDs, but they might.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Iris. I know what you mean about feeling your age. I did my first night at work last night. I worked from 5pm to 9pm. Iam working in the MC facility that Dan was in Iam doing the night dishes, cleaning up the kitchen sweeping and mopping the floor. The job itself is easy but for me it was very tiring. Iam, not used to being on my feet 4 hours doing physical work. I got home and felt so week I was like a wet noodle. I have been in my recliner all day today with the heating pad on my back. I go back again tonight. I only am working 3 evenings a week 4-hour shifts. Hopefully my body adjust to this. Iam enjoying getting out and doing something. My like was boring me, just sitting in front of the TV.

    Sara. I have been thinking about you it's been a while, since I have seen any postings from you. Please let us know how your doing.

    The weather here has been really nice. The snow is all gone, and it's been in the 70s the past few days. Right now it is 78, with a nice breeze.

    I am loving all the pictures you're all posting.

    Good evening to all of you, Hugs Zetta

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    edited May 2023

    Zeeta...in adition to age your shoes will make a difference...I learned that the hard way

    any news about the monkey pox ???

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Thanks Judith, what is a good type of shoe?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Zetta, you threw me for a loop on your new job when you was talking about online courses you had to take. I didn't realize there was such a thing for washing dishes. You do need a comfortable pair of shoes, that would help. None if ys are spring chickens anymore and aren't I one to lecture.

    Been washing today so except for breakfast, cooking wasn't on my list. I ordered domino's pasta bowls and garlic bread sticks fir supper.

    I had a sad spell earlier today and still not over it. I miss my littlebit and got me to thinking ever since I took him to the vet Lou to this day hasn't missed him. It made me start thinking if something happened to me it would probably be the same, someone else would care for her and I would be lost in her mind. I know she isnt the same person and it's sad. I'm crying just writing this! Sorrrry!!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Zetta...I wear shoes from Orthofit

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Anyone heard from Jo C? Haven't seen her post in a while.

    Hope all is well for her.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again, Ron, Lou would miss you and know you weren't there. I know how sad it can be sometimes thinking about these things and you can't help but cry. It's different about pets - we lost one when Charles was really not doing well and he never noticed. I asked you earlier today if you went to Church - see how nuts I am - thought it was Sunday.

    Judith, Sarah says the Clindamycin ointment and medicine seems to be helping the places on her skin some so maybe it just takes time. Thanks for asking.

    Zetta, I know you're at work right now - maybe as you get used to the work you won't feel so tired afterwards. I know with me if I'm up walking outside I get tired easily, much more than I did when I was feeding the girls. Guess what they say is true - use it or lose it.

    I've had a busy afternoon. Adrian called and said they had storms this morning on the job they were going to do before they came here. They didn't get to start that job until 11:30 a.m. - then about three pm.. there was another storm so it was too late to do this one. He asked if they could come tomorrow or Monday - told them Monday would be fine - tomorrow's Mother's Day and I know he'd like to be with his wife and so would his crew. I found some more dead limbs I'll get them to remove while they're here so they won't fall on my head when I'm outside.

    Stormy and I drove up in the Gator and spent over an hour just sitting with the girls - really nice but it was so humid and we got hot even though there was a breeze. I didn't see the new baby anywhere but did locate the mother. She has white on her udder - remembered that from last night - and she has six teats - several of our cows do. When we came back down to the house I checked the barn and sure enough the baby was in the cowshed - she had left him there all afternoon. I tried to call them down by honking the horn - that's the way we called them. They were too interested in grazing so decided I'd fix the lot so the baby couldn't get out. About 7 I decided I'd try again so drove the PU up to them and honked and they followed me - if you can get one to move, the rest usually follow. Got down to the corral and the cow went to the gate and called her baby and I heard him answer so got her in with him.

    The others drifted off quickly - back to the grass. Went back in the barn and the baby was still laying down so got him up (darn, forgot to check to see if he's a boy or girl). He went over to her but I had to check again so got the flashlight and went back and he was nursing or in the right place. I'll keep them up a couple of days. She knew where he was but I didn't know she did for sure. I have the corral closed so they'll be in there tonight and out north of the house tomorrow.

    Well, I saw a snake! I came back to the house and a big water moccasin was draped up the three front porch steps. I have a shovel but he was on it so hurried to the back of the house and when I got back, of course he was gone. I wonder if snakes eat sunflower seeds - maybe he was coming up on the porch to eat some. Going to figure out another way to feed Rusty and Connie. Need to call Bryon to mow the yard - I've gotten three ticks off me today - walking through the grass, I guess When I got back in I was really hot - it's so humid. So, that's been my afternoon.

    Zetta. I haven't seen a post from Jo lately either and I'm really concerned about Sara. She was having problems and pain with the kidney stone so hope everything's okay. Somehow we need to figure out how to get in touch with each of us if we don't post for a while. I have a couple of people who can get in touch with me and I with them. We talked about this a long time ago.

    Judith, where do you get those shoes? They sell a shoe on QVC called Vionics that's supposed to have really good arch supports. I know the shoes I wear around the house aren't good - they're Dawgs that I've had for three years at least.

    I'm watching Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet. She's out with covid but they're treating a Great Pyrenees who has a porcupine quill still left in him and has an infection. Her daughter is going to become a vet - going to vet school in Perth, Australia.

    Reminds me, Barbara,haven't heard from you lately. I saw a really good show today about Australia and how dry it is. They said all or most of he animals there are marsupials - guess the babies need that protection from the heat. The only one we have in Oklahoma is the opossum. Hope you're doing well - maybe you could post and let us know.

    I better stop for now but will be back tomorrow. My computer is acting up a bit so if I don't post, you'll know why. Still haven't found the tablet and my 7" one says I need to sign in. Did we have to change our password with this new format? See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Zetta, you MUST wear supportive shoes when you are working on your feet all day, or even for four hours. I wear ASICS but there are many brands. I believe HB wears Vionics.

    Jo C posted on my thread on 5/11, two days ago.

    Another snake! Ugh!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Happy Mother's day to all front porch rockers! There is no way anyone could describe how important a mother is in our society, but one song comes close. If you haven't heard it, google "no charge " by Milba Montgomery. I believe every boy and girl should be required to memorize the lyrics.

    All of you are the best!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Do you need to wear a special shoe? My bestie's church is sponsoring a family from Afghanistan; the dad works at a large CCRC in the kitchen. They require a non-slip work shoe; bestie's took him to DSW where he picked out a pair from Skechers he likes a lot. Some of the people he works with wear Crocs. His first pair weren't great. If you need arch support Vionics or New Balance are good options. (I don't wear Vionics myself, the arch isn't in the right place for me)

    My son needs a non-slip shoes for his railroad gig. When he's in uniform, he likes Clarks.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    A quick FYI for those of you wondering about Jo C. She has been reading the posts but it's almost impossible for her to type. She has something going on with her left hand, arm, wrist. Possibly a tendonitis, I'm not certain. One handed typing isn't fun.

    She's round, just unable to post much, if at all.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    edited May 2023

    I would not feed any Critters lest they become dependent and because they entice more critters. Yes, snakes eat seeds...especially sunflower seeds. Leaving seeds out will tempt mice which is a snake delicacy. I would stick to birds and hang the feeder from a limb with fishing line. You do not want to encourage squirrels. They are not cute...they cause expensive damage.

    I only wear Orthofit shoes...you buy them online and there is free return. I have no more problems with Morton's neuroma or plantar fasciitis. They are expensive but worth every penny.

    Thanks for the update on Jo. Wish we had one for Sayra.

    @Ron...somedays we cry...hug sent

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Feel better, Jo C! I use a stylus to type and my right hand cramps every night. I have to massage it and soak in warm water.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Jo C, hope that you are feeling better soonest.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy Mothers Day. 😀

    Lorita. I am so glad you're getting outside more. Stay away from those snakes. Sure is a strange thing about your tablet. I hope there is no way the snakes can get into your house. The only little critters I have around here is gophers and they tare my yard up.

    Ron. Thank You for the Mother's Day wish, Happy Mother's Day to Lou. Iam sorry you're missing Littlebit so much but I know how hard it is when you lose one of your fur babies. I agree it was strange I had to take the online courses for the job I have. I also had to get a food handlers card and a cpr certificate. I don't plan on coming into contact with any of the residents, but I was told everyone had to have these. I guess it makes sense if I ever have to help in any way. I only had 7 courses to pass my nephew who is also going to work there had 25 courses he had to pass. He will be a care provider and a med tec, back up cook and dishwasher. He will be working from 10pm to 6am. He starts tomorrow.

    Jo. I am so sorry you're having a hard time tying, we are all missing you. Is it something that will get better or is it something you just have to learn to deal with.

    Thank You for all the info on shoes. I have a pair of ( SFC Safety Shoes for Crews ) I got these when I was working at the resort because on winter nights we were walking on ice and snow. They are still in good shape and are very comfortable.

    Iam really enjoying my new job. I work tonight then I don't go back till Friday. So, working 3 night is good for me I enjoy having some place to go. The first night when I got off, I felt like a cooked noodle my body was so limp I did not know if I could make it out to my car. Then last night was better so I think tonight will be a lot better. I don't want to get to fooled about this, the dining room has been closed it has been put under quarantine due to a flu outbreak. So, all the meals are being delivered to the residents' rooms in paper plates and plastic silverware and paper cups. So, I have not really seen how it will be when the dining room opens. But I am enjoying being there.

    I hope you have all had a good day. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    edited May 2023

    Hi, Happy Mother's Day to all of you including fur baby mothers (I'm one for sure).

    Jo, hope your hand gets better soon. Years ago when I was still working one of our poodles bit my finger all the way to the bone. I couldn't type one-handed so the secretary at the Tulsa Outpatient Clinic had to do my typing. Also I remember Scarlet (my niece) had MS and she said it hurt like the dickens to type with her hand. So, hope it gets better - we miss you.

    Judith, I think squirrels are so cute. When Adrian was here he found a hole in the elm tree, about headhigh, and said there was hair in it - bet that was a squirrel's nest - or maybe a bird. I guess I should start using the birdfeeder that's out by the water tank instead of the one on the porch - I've had my fill of snakes.

    I didn't know you had had Morton's Neuroma - and the shoes helped it? Where do you get Orthofit shoes? I have MN in both feet - doesn't bother me until I sit down or lay down or flex my toes - then it feels like there's something around my toes, especially the great toe on my left foot and tape or something on the sole of my foot. Doesn't bother me when I walk, thank goodness. Do you wear those shoes all the time?

    Been a quiet day here - talked with Sarah and Jeri, my cousin's wife and watched TV and the new baby. I had the baby and her mom up north of the house - just now let them out and they went into the barn. It's been raining some so not sure if they'll be able to come and work on the trees tomorrow. Judith, he's going to trim the tree a little, enough to take some weight off. It really bothers me to have to have work done on a tree - trimming is okay but taking out is another thing unless it's beyond help which the Box Elder is.

    I wish we could hear something from Sara - it's been several days. Sara, if you're reading, just post a sentence or two if you feel like it. Wish we could have a way to get in touch with you.

    Eagle, thanks for the information about Jo - much apprecited

    . Ron, did you and Lou make it to Church today? I bet you really pampered her on "her" day and rightly so.

    Just shampooed my hair so I'll stop and try to get it dry. See you all tomorrow. Rest well.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I have 3 lace ups and 2 sandles. Shoe company;


    So no monkeypox...thats good...did they say what Sarah's rash

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning.

    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of the death I shall fear no evil for thought art with me. Thy rod thy staff they comfort me. God watched over this little sparrow.

    I use to have a patient now and then with a good outcome and I would say it was not their appointed day to die. I now am one of those patients. As I lay here in Doan Hall OSU medical center realized that there were a group of people out there probably very concerned about me. For all who prayed thank you. I’m over a week behind in reading will get caught up as soon as I’m able and hope to be back with you on a regular basis. Had not even thought of you all til this morning. Wondered will I be able to remember my password as have only had the new one a short period of time. Had no trouble remembering it.

    Wednesday the 10th I believe, I went to my new PCP. I had no fever. Next day I developed pain from kidney stone, that would have been Thursday. I did not go to work and visited ER. On Friday pain continued. My one sister called and talked with me at 2:30 pm. My other sister tried to contact me 2 or 3 hours later. I did not answer her and she tried again then came to my house. She found me basically unresponsive and called 911. The only question I would answer was to tell her her name. They took me to nearest ER which is where I volunteer.

    On arrival there my sisters tell me I was in severe pain, very low blood pressure. I was placed on levophed there . Then began the search for facility with a room. There in was a miracle started. OSU accepted me even though they had had a massive shooting in Columbus and every OR room was full. This was so much easier on my family than having to deal with Cleveland. I remember nothing about the ER where I worked except the ceiling, a little odd. Remember none of the pain, none of the people . Next thing I have a memory of is if I looked I felt like I was in outer space. I saw a big black circle with all these red lights. So that was my life flight. Every once in awhile I would look to see if ceiling had returned to normal. Finally it did. Then very clearly I understood what the surgeon said to me. He told me he was going to place a stent in my kidney and that I would get worse before I got better. Then a lady looked me in the face and said what do you want your code status to be? I very much with a clear mind told her I do not want to be intubated, if I get to that point let me go. Thought very clearly to tell my sisters of my decision, wanted them to know it was my decision totally not to blame any doctor. An OR room opened up for me somewhere in the early hours of Saturday morning. I remember going into OR and thinking I’ll be glad when they put me to sleep. Spent most of Saturday I’ve been told in horrible pain which they kept trying to control, very low blood pressure for hours, on levophed, which medical people know you are in trouble on it. They were very concerned about what my mental status would be. Had warned my family that I would need extensive rehab. Found out yesterday my sister had resigned from her volunteer job anticipating that she would be caring for me for a long time.

    I remember nothing once falling asleep til Wednesday morning, the 10th I believe. I woke up discouraged lol. The nurses told me how good I was doing, my family was excited, I was clueless. Over the next 2-3 days I began to realize I was one of those patients who it was not their appointed time. Began to realize what wonderful care God provided for me. I enjoyed talking to all my caregivers, all levels. The pulmonologist talked to me about an exciting program she is getting started where A RT can receive a doctorate and work like a CNP would. Not sure she was a believer but don’t think she’ll forget me. Hope I helped her in some way. Her and I was talking. I looked at her and said I’m a miracle. She shook her head yes at me. I said I use to say about certain patients it’s not their appointed time. She looked at me and said it wasn’t your appointed time.

    Remember the medical PCA from ICU telling me and sort of wincing and saying Sara I don’t think you are going to qualify for rehab. We will be sending you straight home. So then on Friday moved out to my regular floor. Was afraid I would not get care here. Wrong God provided me good care. Friday I sat up a lot but didn’t walk. Realized on Saturday morningSara you need to start walking. So got my walker and headed out. Did that each hour from 5a-5p. Sunday same thing except left walker behind. This morning I will get a repeat ultrasound of heart and heart care will precede from there. Once I complete antibiotics kidney stone will be dealt with. Hopefully I go home this evening.

    Have made many friends here. Have enjoyed all I’ve met. Believe they have enjoyed me too. So good to be back on porch. Will have many questions to find answers to and mull over in future with you all. So good to talk with you this morning. Love you all


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Sayra, My God bless you and watch over you! As I sit on Lorita's front porch I continue to pray for you! You have gone through a lot and should remind all of us; especially me, that others go through so much more pain and heartache than we could imagine. God bless and thank you for sharing!

    John C., hopefully you will be back typing soon, we miss you. I know how hard it is to not be able to use your dominant hand. When I was younger I was playing football, went to tackle someone and knocked my thumb out of joint. Yes, it was my left ha d and I'm left handed! After recuperating from it I was throwing a football back and forth with a neighbor, went to catch a long pass and went on the grass with my left hand landing on a broken bottle. Cut to the bone, stitches and splint. Now, being left handed my writing wasnt that neat anyway so you can imagi6how my test in school looked.

    Yes Lorita Lou and I we t to church yesterday. I guess our preacher is a little long winded and she kept asking me how much longer. They had a real nice mother's day program. Had the gym set up where mothers could have pictures made with children, snacks and gifts for all the mothers.

    Lou has a follow up primary care visit at 8:30 this morning. I dont know why I made such a early appointment Lou is not the easiest person to get up and dressed early morning.

    Had another little spell with tachycardia yesterday, but as bad as last week and did get back to normal quicker. Guess I need to take .y porch friends advice and slow down more.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Have got caught up on reading. Enjoyed all the beautiful pictures. Zetta that is a type of job I would enjoy. Hope it works out well for him too.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron hope you start improving soon, has been a long, burdensome haul for you.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, so glad you are getting better and sorry for what you have gone through. It sounds like God used you to witness about his mercy and power to those you came in contact with. Hope you gain strength very soon.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, may you improve more and more each day. God certainly was watching over you and placing good folks in your path for care.

    Ron, please rest as you can...know you are a determined caregiver, just remember your health is important to be able to do that job!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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