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Just need to talk to my friends (191)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

Hi, Wasn't sure how to start another segment but it worked - I hope. Do you all think we'll ever get to 200? I bet we do as much as we like to talk with each other. I think I took a little nap this afternoon - woke up and a cat was laying on me - think it was Sammy.

I have on a caftan - just put it on when I got back from the vets and a while ago I noticed little droplets of blood on a part of the hem. I was afraid it was from one of the cats but then remembered I had it on when I was helping the newest baby out of the NE pasture to his mom so guess it got against the umbilical cord or umbilicus - it's bigger than usual - as big around as my thumb and about 5-6" long. If it's not better tomorrow I'll call Mike and tell him about it.

Jo, there's quite a few babies this year and they're so cute playing together. I fed Susie and Penny this afternoon when I got home and about two hours ago they were at the yard fence again - really antsy. I went out to the pasture gate and could tell they were ready to go outside so let them out. Gosh, it feels like I imagine it would feel to see your baby go off to school. Usually when cow is up for a while and you let them out, some of the cows want to push on them and I saw some of that going on - so hope no one got pushed down.

It's cloudy here this afternoon - there's a thin layer of smoke from the Canadian fires - looks murky at a distance. I'm looking out the front door and I can see the house almost directly across from us about 1 1/2 mile away. Sidney says she can see our house from that distance. I came home down that section line and couldn't see our house but I was driving. The section Mike bought is really getting to look pretty - all new perimeter fences and he said they had about 200 acres planted in crab grass - I saw, probably another friend - Raymond, either fertilizing or drilling seeds today. Still haven't been able to get the 40 acres of trees cleared - was too muddy and the big machine got stuck three times and had to be pulled out so the guy moved on to Texas to do some work. Left the machine here.

Jo, so glad your day went well. Sorry about your hand and arm. I've noticed if you have an injured finger, hand, etc., that's always the one you manage to hit against something. Be careful and let it heal well.

Ron, sorry about the luncheon - what Jo said is probably correct. I remember when it got to the point Charles and I couldn't go to a restaurant because of things that didn't go well. We continued to go to drive-ins which he so enjoyed. Really miss that man and guess I always will Carol told me yesterday that she and her husband will have their 45th anniversary this weekend - doesn't seem at all possible it could be that long ago they got married. Time seems to be going faster and faster each day. Guess what our mothers always told us is so true - the older you get, the faster time goes.

Jo, I used to love salmon but haven't had any in years - just can not do it. Hope you enjoyed it and your carrot cupcake. I think I'll make a wacky chocolate cake tomorrow. My crumb cakes from Jimmy the Baker has been mailed and will be here in a day or so. Need to get the gate opened so - maybe - UPS will bring them to the house.

I have some Heavenly Bamboo I want to transplant to the north side of the house but I think it may be too late so guess I'll wait until fall. If the Magnolia doesn't come out I'll plant at least one forsythia near it's stump which I had them leave - just about six inches so the sprouts would live. Somehow there's one big limb hanging in the Royal Empress yard in the front yard but I can't seem to get it down - it has wisteria vines wrapped around it - too high to reach. There's big patches of bare ground in the yard where the grass has completely disappeared - guess it's due to the drought. I understand it's the same way in the pastures but I haven't noticed it in ours yet.

Beth, I'm going to have to try to go back and see your pictures - for some reason they didn't go ahead and appear except part of the first one. The peony was beautiful - mine didn't bloom this year. Wonder what the reason could be? I'll stop for now and see if this will post and see if I can go back and try to see Beth's pictures. Rest well tonight - see you all tomorrow.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Got notified surgery will be 6/5. Yes they put a stent in night I was life flighted there. He said a tiny percentage of people they have to leave stent in but their hope is to remove it. He told me you have the hard part over with already. Hope he’s right, that would be nice. Your posts are comforting too JoC, thank you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, glad your surgery is scheduled. This time two weeks from now it will all be over and you'll be on the road to full recovery. Where did they life-flight you to - some other town with a bigger hospital?

    I think Ron's post was on 190 but I'll comment here - Ron, I don't watch The Voice but I can see what you mean. It's little things that bring tears unexpectedly - sometimes a sound or just a thought that brings tears to my eyes. Guess it'll always be like that after you lose the love of your life. Right now, just concentrate on being with Lou and showing her how much you care - and I know you're doing that all the time. Life is a precious thing and it's so fragile so we have to make the most of it when we have it - others and ourselves, too. By the way, I heard that Reba McIntire is going to be on the next season of The Voice - I think taking Blake Shelton's place? Not sure about that last comment but I think that may be right.

    Enjoy the rest of the evening - girls are out front wanting into the NE pasture but not tonight.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Jfkoc, on the prior Platform, the older numbered Thread also stayed on the page under the newer numbered Thread until it finally fell to the bottom of the page and went off screen to older page settings through age. Will see how that works here. I will put a message on the old number 190 Thread re going to Thread number 191, that may be helpful.

    Ron; my heart goes out to you, so much has changed; I am deeply sorry and so wish there were a way I could be helpful. Consider yourself hugged and cared about by all of your Front Porch "sister's" here. We sincerely care.

    Hurray, Sayra; it will be on the 5th! Soon it will all be behind you. I had a stent for several months and it was not comfortable; mine caused spasms from time to time which were pretty uncomfortable. Happy to have it gone. I have a vivid imagination both for good things and worrisome things. It leads me to creative writing, but it also leads me to over worry about everything I ever saw while a practicing RN. Not being in control was part of that I guess; I had to give in and leave it up to others. The reality of it all was that it was a very easy day with very good care, strange though it was walking into the hospital and getting admitted. My big worry was that I was about two hours away from home in dreadful bumper to bumper traffic using multiple freeways to get home and the traffic was horrible any time of the day and my imagination had me worried I would get sick while being driven home, but that too went well. I seem to have inherited my beloved grandmother's ability to worry at times. How blessed we are to be in a time when medicine is able to do so much with those rocks; that laser is amazing in how it makes small sand out of a stone and most of it is gone at the time of the procedure and no pain. It will be wonderful to have that be old history.

    Those rollicking new babies must be fun to watch, Lorita. They grow so fast. Will crabgrass be planted in your fields too? Must be pretty in its greenness. Yep; had that naughty cupcake with that yummy cream cheese frosting; that is it for the year. I enjoyed it, my arteries were probably shouting, " EEEK! OH NO! " Really loved that salmon and I do understand your not eating any protein coming from such a source. I do wish I were a vegetarian, but I am not as good person as are you and I applaud you for that; you are an amazingly kind soul to all in God's kingdom from humans to animals including fish and fowl. We all love you for who you are.

    Geeze, if the politicians don't get a grip and approve the budget, there will be a mess - but of course it is all making hay for the politicians for the next election that is looming. So much will be affected and many elderly depend on their Social Security checks to be timely, as well as the VA and military pay and so much more with Medicare and Medicaid and the SNAP and WIC programs potentially to be affected. Federal employees will not get paid. There is absolutely no precedent for a default, so much of the effect is unknown. It is a huge disappointment that the value is not what is best for the country and its people, but what is best for politics. Sorry; enough about that; we do not by choice discuss politics on the Front Porch, we just need to be prepared that we may have some impact for awhile and try to plan if we depend upon some of the programs that are in the impact arena.

    It is another good weather day today. Clear air and in the 70's. Wish that were the temp range all seasons . . . will enjoy it while it is here. What is surprising to me is that I do not hear hardly any birds at all. Wonder where they are; they are late in their arrival. Nothing going on in the trees, they must be hiding somewhere. Perhaps on vacation?

    I'd best get going before I go over the allotted amount of characters permitted by the new Platform. I have been forbidden to Post twice now as I went "over" the allotted number of "permitted characters" . . . anyone else have that happen? Lorita? That can be changed by Admin, but as for right now, it stands as is. Everyone take good care,


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    P.S. I will not put any message on the old Thread, number 190. It has already begun to drop down going toward the bottom; if a message gets put on it, that will cause it to rise to the top again, so best left going away. This new number 191, is at the top, so all is going well just as it did on the prior Platform.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited May 2023

    Did you see this Orangutan asking to see a human baby? Scroll down just a little bit. It is very dear . . .


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita was life flighted to Ohio State University in Columbus.

    JoC I understand what you are talking about. You have more overall knowledge than me. But, as a RT I spent a lot of time in ICU, ER and open heart. Always said as RTs we saw the worst of the worst. I have always absorbed all I was capable of absorbing from a doctors and nurses I worked with. Loved learning and giving the best care I could give. Liked having a wide knowledge base as possible. I would ask questions. It has its advantages but also its disadvantages. For awhile now, even before this event, thought as I’m getting older all this knowledge may not be a good thing. I see people my age, with all kinds of health issues that are serious. They are so innocent, clueless I might say. At the same time they are free of the knowledge I have. As I know where their future is headed , otherwise what they will be dealing with next as one thing wrong eventually leads to another thing going wrong. What I have been through lately, hope it helps me to have the strength to not worry about what I can’t control and to realize that God will take care of me how he sees fit. Know when I woke and slowly gathered the pieces and parts realized the only reason I made it through. If a concern tried to raise in my head I just dismissed it. Would think God didn’t bring me this far to kick me off the cliff and be at peace. I have no clue what happened from evening of 5/5 til morning of 5/10 except for when the surgeon talked with me and it is as clear as clear can be. Knew what he told me he was going to do, knew he told me I would get worse before I got better. When he got done talking some lady, guessing a nurse, looked at me and said what do you want your code status to be? I told her I do not want to be intubated, if I get to that point let me go and I was at peace. Remembered immediately thinking I want to tell my sisters that this is my decision so they do not blame the health care workers. In a little bit I was able to tell two of my sisters my decision. My sister backed my decision when questioned by nursing, my sister told her Sara has worked a lot of acute care, she knows the whole picture, her and I have had many discussions about this so we will follow her wishes. My sister told me she said lord it looks like my sister is slipping away but I’m putting her in your hands. One day will be my day and he will take me by the hand and I will be at peace then too. Hope to keep this focus. Thank you for letting me mull this over

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, Sara, I feel as you do about being intubated or extraordinary measures being taken to save me. I think when it's my time, it's my time to go. I need to make a Living Will or advanced directive - guess an attorney can do that. The thing I wonder about is how would anyone know about it.

    I know it doesn't do any good to worry but like Jo, I inherited guess you'd say the ability to worry and not the ability to not worry. My grandma and mother were both worriers and now I worry about everything. Sarah is also a bit of a worrier but don't think my sister was or at least she didn't say much about it.

    Jo, what allotted number of words or characters. I write way too much but have never heard anything about that.

    It's cloudy here this morning - there's some rain around but none here so far. This morning I got up at 6 to watch Denim & Co. - missed part of it yesterday while we were at the vets. The girls were out front so went out and walked among them to make sure the new babies were with their moms. Saw Clifford - maybe he's old enough now to stay with her or at least with others. The newest baby was laying down with his mom standing by. He got up and his cord has not dried up yet. They wanted to go down to the NE pasture but I didn't open the gate - may do that tonight. I did go into the barn before I checked them to make sure everyone was out - they were. Then decided I might open the back doors later today so unwired the big doors and rewired the panel I have across the door. I keep that across the back door in the wintertime so they don't lean against the back door.

    After I'd been inside a while I thought I should have kept them out of the barn today - if a new baby lays in the muck inside the barn the naval can get infected - hardly ever happens but is possible. The baby was in there a while later yesterday so maybe it's okay. Years ago we had a baby who got infected - you all may remember - Stormy was his name. Seems like I like that name. He was a bottle baby and every time I fed him I put a lot of medicated powder on his underbelly and he got better, however, when he urinated it was in the wrong place. He was well and lived a long time and grew to be a big bull but we did lose him. So, I'll worry about this until I make sure the baby is okay. A friend of ours once told me that I had to have something to worry about - guess he was right. I'll go out later today and open those big doors so air can go through and hopefully dry out the barn some. It needs to be cleaned out but it's so hard to find someone to do that.

    This morning I had to give Max his Prednisone and Lilly Prednisone and Amoxicillin plus giving Prednisone to Stormy and Sheena. Easy to give it to the Pyrenees - just wrap the pill in cheese and they take it. However, the cats are a different matter - so it was a battle but I prevailed this time. Will have to figure out a better way tomorrow. My laptop is out of power so I'll stop and be back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    JoC and Beth probably have much more knowledge about this. For me I did get living will done through an attorney. Thinking it would be good to have copy on file at hospital you would be taken to if possible.

    Do you have anyone willing to be over your healthcare. My sister is and that was done through an attorney.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, I'm glad you are feeling better and have your surgery scheduled.

    Ron, I am sorry that Lou didn't want to eat out or go to church after you had made plans and got her ready to go. I hope your pneumonia is clearing up and you are getting your rest.

    Lorita, you can have your advance directives on file with your dr and your hospital. As Sara mentioned you will need to designate a power of attorney. I'm sorry it is so complicated for you.

    Jo, glad you are able to post again. You were missed! Did your husband cook your birthday dinner? If yes, you are blessed. Mine doesn't cook other than on the grill.

    Hope you all are doing well.

    My wisteria is blooming profusely!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I strongly urge us to continue with #190. At least we can go back 21 pages

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited May 2023

    Beth, what I wouldn't give to be able to sit quietly in your back property with the beauty all around from what you have created. Must feel like a bit of heaven for one's soul.

    When we visited the vast sunken gardens in Butchart Gardens in Canada, it was fully blooming all around; even above us and we were the only ones there at that time. It was deeply touching and did feel like a bit of heaven. It was breathtaking; it seemed it was a prayer made by a garden. I love being in the outside in nature. My favorite place is in the forest in the U.P. of Michigan; no one else around and the tall trees rustling; seeming to be talking to one another with soft small breezes sifting through them. It is a sound and sight that brings me great peace, but I do not have that any more. As a child, I had huge trees not far from my bedroom window and they cast leaf shadows that moved softly on the bedroom wall which always lulled me to sleep. Would that we had that now, but the property is far, far too small, SoCal style.

    Lorita, the first time my writing actually refused Posting was on another Forum; a Member needed all sorts of information which I dug up and provided. I could not shorten it without losing some of the important information, so I had to actually break it down to Part I on one page; and then had to start a new Post for Part 2 in order to continue. NEVER had to do that on the prior Platform.

    This happened again, day before yesterday here on this Thread. It told me it would not Post as I had 461 too many characters. Had to go back in and prune it down. No big loss, but as said, the prior Platform did not do that. I do not know how many characters one can have. Admin. can choose to change that IF they feel it is necessary.

    Sayra; tendency for some worry often comes with much personal history in each person's varied experience, but hopefully not over worry. For me, my "thing" is about being thankful. Daily, I remember to be consciously and spiritually grateful for all that is in our life; the blessings, mercies, healings, loving kindnesses and more. I also know that when it is time for me to exit this world, it shall come. (I simply hope it is peaceful.) I have fought hard for many in many different ways and circumstances and I know we are supposed to do our part rather than waiting for it to come unbidden as though entitled, all by itself. I am basically a very laid back and calm person, I am not easy to anger or upset, but the one thing I have learned from my experience and education; especially experience - is to, "anticipate and prevent problems," as much as can be, and not everything is a problem. (Made me very good at my job.)

    Ron; have you given thought to being able to go out to lunch or activities at your new church or other activities more often while the nice lady is in helping with Lou? That is an option and it may go a way in lowering your stress levels and give you some lightness of being in your life. Just an idea that can be done without guilt and will also help Lou to be able to stay at home in her comfort zone in which her world has become smaller and smaller; home seems to be where she feels most secure and at peace. I so hope you give that some thought.

    As for dinner; yes, DH did indeed cook. BUT, my secret is: I always make a choice to be very simple on purpose. The salmon comes in lovely cut prepared pieces and has knobs of herbed butter on top of each one - pop them in the oven and it is quickly done; no fuss, no muss. The couscous? Chicken flavor - boil two cups of water in a pot, add the couscous and herb packet, stir; turn off the heat and in five minutes it is done! A veg that needs a little heat, and a pre-made cupcake for birthday dessert. I would not want him to have to go through any fuss and muss. He has health issues and I try to be as easy as much as I can and he wants to do the usual as we always have. Sure wish I could do the big dinners from scratch as I used to always do, however, arthritis has kept me out of the kitchen; but oh, those recipes! Sigh.

    I saw an article about the Homeless Elderly Population which is becoming a large problem issue as shelters are not able to accommodate that population nor are nursing homes, etc. They end up in wheelchairs and with walkers back on the street. Some, but not all of that population have mental health issues and some drug and/or alcohol issues. It is a scandal that needs help. How blessed we are to have a roof over our heads and food in the cupboard and the other bits and pieces in our lives. The feds and states seem to be not in tune with addressing that issue but need to be. I am going to put that article on a new Thread outside this one.

    Gads, I am in danger of going over the allotted permitted characters, so off I go. Be well and be safe and see you again soon.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    WHOOPS! P.S.: Regarding your Advance Directives, HIPAA Waivers, and DOPAs for Healthcare. When you give them to the doctor's office, or when you give them to a hospital for your medical record, do NOT expect them to be there to be able to be found at another time. Even with electronic records.

    Over and over and over again, they were missing at our doctor's offices and at the hospital despite having existing records. I always carried copies with me and provided them when a condition was being addressed and also when admitted to a med center.

    Same happened with my LOs. I got to carrying copies of the Advance Directives and HIPAA Waivers as well as the DPOA for Healthcare in a manila envelope in my car. The folks were frequent fliers to ERs, etc. and every single time, though the paperwork had been provided again and again; it was missing again and again. This happened with paper files AND with paperless electronic files where the items would have been fed in electronically. I have no idea why they could not be found at multiple various sites.

    So; be sure that your agent has a copy of your records and have them with you as much as possible for the doctors and hospitals under important circumstances. I cannot figure out why this happens, but it does at multiple MD offices and at the med centers.

    Lorita, do you think that the Vet, Mike, (is that his name?) would be willing to be your agent to speak on your behalf? Sarah is too ill to do that and it would be necessary to have someone rather than let it lie fallow and have the state make decisions. Just an idea.

    I have sent one of our sons and our daughter, (first agent/executor and secondary agent/executor), copies of our Trust, Wills, HIPPA Waivers, Advance Directives and DPOAs. They now sit in their safes and I am glad they have them. I also spelled out in detail the Advance Directives so they did not have to try and guess under what circumstances they should err on what side.

    I also provided them a typed report on my and my husband's medical histories, allergies, etc., etc., plus what routine meds my husband is on as I do not have any. I also include information about what vaccines we have had. Have to make small adjustments on health histories from time to time, so I always date them.

    NOTE: It is good to have copies of your medical history with you if admitted or if you go to the ER. When I had been admitted to the hospital thru the ER, the ER doc, and after admission, each consultant expressed gratefulness at being given a copy to use in their assessment of history and charting.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Judith, there probably is a way to go back if we need to. I was never good at doing that on the other forum but others were. If 190 drops off, maybe there's a way to get back to it. Are you thinking about the postings we had of what we learned how to do on this new format? I'm not opposed to it at all - what do all of you think?

    I haven't done anything this afternoon - did just now put a chocolate cake in the oven and did do the few dishes so that's done. Just not in the mood to do anything much. Did clean up a little gas can to put diesel in and keep in the PU if I happen to run out. Gas gauge doesn't work.

    You know, Sarah would be the one I would designate as the one to do things but I don't think that would be a good idea in her condition and even if she was still here when I go. I guess a lawyer could do that. Just think, when we were younger there wasn't a thought about things like this but you just never know from day to day. I did get a letter from my credit union (also when I called about something else) they mentioned I didn't have a beneficiary listed on my account and if something happened it would go into probate. I plan to donate everything to charity so probably the lawyer could take care of that - not sure if I will have to designate someone or some thing at the CU or not. Like Ron said, I've saved and have a little so probably should just use it but can't think of anything (other than a car) that I need or want.

    Speaking of the problem the people in Washington are having with the budget I would be out of luck if they failed to make a deal - all of my income is through the VA so probably that would stop for a while. Do remember when I was working - every year they had to do a continuing resolution to keep the Government going - couldn't make a deal by Oct. 1 or 31st. One time they didn't do that and I think we were furloughed for a couple of days but later got paid for those days. I worry about the elderly people who depend completely on their SS from check to check in order to pay for food, medicine and lodging. Those people in Washington don't have to worry about things like that - makes me angry. Maybe everyone of them should be voted out of office and replaced with others - but that would never happen. Alarm is going off so need to stop and check the cake. Before it cools completely I put a thin layer of chocolate icing on top and let it sort of melt in. Wish all of you were here to have a piece with some ice cream with me. I'll be back later. Still seems to be some problems with the new format - but guess there is with everything.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I just put an annoying redundant message on Thread 190 to hopefully stop people from Posting on it.

    It is now the old Thread and will indeed fall to the bottom of the page and disappear IF folks stop Posting on it and use this one instead.

    If you want to look up old 190 in the future after it has disappeared, you can use the Search function and find it to get the information you want; but do NOT Post on it then either. ANY old Searched Post that anyone Posts on, drags it up to the top again.

    Let's hope that the Front Porch Members "get it." It is not different from what used to happen on the prior Platform.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I just Posted the message on the old Thread one more time so it is not missed.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Jo, I have often wondered - even if you have an advance directive or living will something could happen and the person who might have it would have no way of knowing something did happen even if it was at the doctor's office or lawyers. Mike is so busy I would hesitate to ask him to do that. If you could have seen how busy he was yesterday, you'd understand. He's up at 5 every morning and it's almost MN before he gets home sometimes. If he didn't love what's he doing, he'd go crazy dealing with the public and problems they have. I know Sarah isn't able to do something like that so guess I'll make an appt. with the attorney and see what he says. Never in my life thought I'd be in this predicament but one never knows what life will bring. The few people left in my family are my age or older. Carol and I often wonder - where did all those years go. While I was just typing a drop down came on saying Jo C. something. I'll check - maybe that means you're posting right now. I remember when Advance Directives and Living Wills came into existance. It was a big thing that Social Work Service dealt with at the VA Hospital so that must have been in the 70s - never once thought I would need one. Cake's out of the oven and looks good. Almost time to frost it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Jo, do you know or can you find out - if 190 drops off the list, is there a way to get back to it? I think that's the concern Judith has - that it might be impossible to find it if we needed to review how to do something. Judith, is this right?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    edited May 2023

    As to how to handle your advanced directive...one you have it done up and person appointed...perhaps you could contact your local rescue to see if they have a means of handling notifications or at least some way of noting where it can be found. Many folks who are alone place a note on bright colored paper on the fridge door explaining where paperwork can be found...usually in kitchen and easily accessible.

    It is also possible to get a medical alert type bracelet which contains a contact number which has pertinent info which can be given to rescue/ or hospital.

    Here is one I found with a quick google search. https://lifeid.health/

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I had to search to find post 191. I put in Lorita as the author and time frame and it didn't come up with anything.

    I finally tried "(191)" in the search and got it to come up. I have bookmarked it now, and left the bookmark on 190 as well so won't miss additions on either.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes


    Pilling cats is a dark art. When my son's himmie was on prednisone, I ground his daily dose up with two spoons and hid it in Gerber Strained Chicken. I feel like strained chicken is a feline equivalent of a PWD's ice cream.

    I could pill the cats, but my husband was never successful. When I'd return home after visiting my parents, my old Persian would have spit out a neat pile of his meds on my pillow as if to mock my poor husband who had bragged that he "had everything under control".


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Lorita, it works just like it did on the prior Platform. We are now Posting on Thread 191. If Judith or anyone wants to recover anything on the older Thread 190, they can simply use the Search prompt and it will come back up as long as they use the exact Title with the number 190. Since you do not change the title to your ongoing Thread, that should not be a problem.

    However; just like on the prior Platform, if anyone writes a Post on the "old" 190 Thread, it will pop up at the top as though it is new; it did that with the prior Platform too.

    So we are good to go with Thread 191 and if needed we can go back and look at or recover something off of Thread 190. Even when we get to Thread 200 (we need a celebration), one can still go back with the Search function and find any earlier numbered Threads.

    Nothing should be lost.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. Thought I better check in. Happy Birthday Jo. It sounds like you had a wonderful day and your special dinner.

    Sara, I’m glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better and will have your surgery done soon. You have had quite the experience. I think of you and will keep you in my prayers.

    Beth, your gardens and flowers are beautiful. Mine are all planted but just getting a good start. The annuals are about four inches tall, so getting started too. We have had a very cool spring. So far, our temps haven’t been out of the 70’s, and nights still dropping to the 40-50 range. It’s probably a good thing so the snow melts slower and we don’t have massive flooding.

    Our local eagles are sitting on the edge of the nest and flapping their wings. Guess they will be strong enough to fly soon. They’re getting big.

    I hung a toilet paper holder in the basement bathroom, so it is officially finished, thoroughly cleaned, and ready for guests. I’ve had to go slow and take my time because it has been hard on my back. I’m still in decompression therapy so I guess I’ll see if it helps. I sure don’t want back surgery,but some days I wonder if I’m headed in that direction. I hope not.

    Granddaughter Ellaree qualified for State golf playoffs, so I’ll get to watch her next week. The state meet is in Aspen this year, so only about 45 minutes drive to get there.

    Lorita, I bet the little calves are precious. They’re so fun to watch. Will they mow your hay and bale it this year, or are they using it for grazing. I’m waiting with Judith on the porch for chocolate cake and ice cream.

    Ron, sorry Lou is resisting social outings. I remember those days. You have no choice but to get them back in the car and home where they feel comfortable. Maybe you can hire your neighbor once in awhile to stay with Lou and enjoy a lunch with your church friends. I hope you are feeling better too. Keeping you on my prayer list. Take care.

    Hi to everyone on this site. I don’t post often, but so love to read daily and keep up with you all. Have a nice evening. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, Thanks, everyone - all the information is being kept in the back of my mind - such as it is - but will be able to find it when I do something. Good to know we can find things if we need to on other numbered threads.

    Joan, how great your granddaughter, Ellaree will be in the State Golf playoffs - hope she does well. What is the other granddaughter's name - Ashlyn? I think their names are so pretty.

    I think he's going to graze the meadow - he will have about 600 acres across from us to bale - but, goodness, he feeds thousands of bales each winter. He has about 30 head on the meadow and west pasture now - mostly heifers and a couple of bulls so there will be babies there. I watched when the girls came out of the barn this evening - mom and Clifford came out together so guess he'll stay with her. I waited quite a while, then went out to check on the newest one and his mom. Susie, Samson and another cow or two and a couple of other calves were still in there. After a bit, they came out one by one, then the new mother came out, stopped and looked back, then went on to graze a while. I won't go back out there - always I'll scare one of the little ones and they'll take off. I love to watch the little ones - they think they're as big as the cows and Samson.

    Sounds like you're having good weather, Joan - and you have the basement officially finished. Are you going to use it for company when they come? That will be so nice for them.

    I planted those little flower seeds but so far nothing has come up. I have five roses blooming and three clematis and that's it. Oh, we have tiny, yellow buttercups everywhere - acres of them. I think they're pretty but no one will eat them. I need to have the yard mowed and some more shrubs taken out that have died but this is Memorial Day weekend so I'll wait until the next week to call Bryan.

    Susie and Penny are doing well - keeping up with the others. I worry (of course) that Susie will try to walk too fast and hurt her hip but maybe not. She has improved so much. I'm wondering if the hip injury will interfer with calving - hope not.

    HB, giving the GPs their Prednisone is no problem - just wrap it in some cheese but the cats are a different thing. I crush them and add a few drops of warm water and let them thoroughly melt, then suck the liquid up in a syringe and "try" to squirt it in their mouths. Lilly is a pill to give medicine, too. She also has a dropperful of Amox to take. Had to wrap her in a towel this morning. When we had so many barn cats and I had to give them medicine Mike said to get a piece of screen and lean it up against something and let them get their claws in it - haven't done that yet but have used the faucet in the kitchen sink - works okay. I'll be giving that m]]]edicine for probably ten more days but if it works, it's worth it.

    Just found another tick on my shoulder - darn things are plentiful this year. This afternoon I sat on the porch quite a while enjoying the cooler weather before it gets hot and muggy. I have a DynaTrap so decided I'd clean it. Got it apart and the bottom which is about 4" deep and 5" across was completely packed with dead bugs. Finally got them all out and cleaned the rest of it, rehung it and the light came on but no motor. Took it apart again and there was one big bug (dead, of course) in the part where the fan blades were - finally got him out and it works now. You'd be amazed at how many bugs are attracted to that thing and get inside and can't get out. I've had one for years - had a bigger one that finally quit working and have had this one for two or three years. Do wish it'd work on ticks. I've gotten probably a dozen off me this spring and one or two on the GPs. Guess I need to wear a tick and flea collar. I typed another paragraph but somehow lost it so I won't try to repeat it. I did have a piece of the chocolate cake - no ice cream that time. Do wish all of you were here to help me enjoy it. Joan, glad you posted and happy you read when you don't. Everyone who may be having problems, please take it easy and don't overdo - I'll include myself in that. Didn't get the barn doors open today - will tomorrow. Today I haven't taken off my gown and caftan and enjoyed it. If I repeated something, sorry. I'll see you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    JoC I always want to be one step ahead and prevent things too. Was especially a goal of mine when I was working. Have been a worrier my whole life though, not a good thing. Hope now with this experience I just went through, it willhelp me change that for the better.

    Laugh out loud Beth, I planted 2 bubble gum petunias today and What a huge wisteria vine.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Sharing a few of my recent projects:

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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