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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    My DH was thinking about the Inspire system, but after reading much more about it, decided against it; while it has been okay when all goes well, there can be some pretty serious negative issues for others. It is inserted surgically under general anesthesia with three incision sites - one being at rib level, neck and mouth . . tongue paralysis is one of the negative which can affect speech and swallow were only some of the issues. About every seven years the recipient must have a procedure with anesthesia to get the batteries changed. And; if the system causes issues, it can be turned off but it is not removed due to the fear that the hypoglossal nerve which controls our speech and swallow can be damaged in a highly negative manner which would be permanent. DH refused his CPAP after only one or two nights try and did not keep it on full night and did not want to try the other lesser methods. He is content as is and so far he has done okay but I still feel concern.

    Lorita, your love for your animals comes through loud and clear. Sweet Pea certainly had a connection and perhaps even a sense of humor! I think of Billy The Bull as very special and so hope he continues happy and content amid the others in his home pastures. If you can find a way to get a photo of him here that would be great. He is a big fellow I am sure and that reminds me of Ferdinand the Bull in that famous cartoon.

    JeriLynne; well that does it - breakfast too! I am coming on down - can't be a mechanic but I sure can be one heck of a good office person. Breakfast AND your delicious meals and the fellowship of all the workers as well as with valued customers; what a great situation. It sounds like a labor of love for both you and your dear husband. That is no small thing in these days we live in.

    So hope the Members who live in Florida are doing okay; just heard some of the winds are at 160 mph. Holy Horse Feathers - that is one dickens of a situation! Sure hope people evacuated as advised and all will be well. Damage of course to structures with losses and flooding; but having everyone safe and sound is the biggest concern.

    I am worried and could use some prayers on our son's behalf. He felt 100% over the COVID virus for about two days and felt fine again - BUT yesterday, he began to have nasal congestion stuffiness which was increasing and feeling "foggy." So hope it is only a small bit that will pass easily and not a full rebound. His blood gases are 97 -99, so that is good. No temp yesterday and so hope not today. I cannot help being worried. We are at the 14 days of incubation period tomorrow and thus far all good as far as our exposure. Poor son kept apologizing but nothing to apologize for, he had no way to know he had been exposed and was getting ill. His wife got it first; probably picked up at work as she deals with the public and he got it after she was ill - had about two to three days before he began to show symptoms after she was already ill. New study done and who knows who was interviewed, but it indicated that only 7% of those interviewed felt that COVID needed to be taken seriously. No plans to mandate masks again by the CDC per their spokesperson; I really got to be far too large a political football which is crazy.

    Lorita! I am truly delighted to hear you are wearing your Helpline device; that is really awesome. I can imagine it is not the favorite thing to do, but it makes me feel much better about your safety. Thank you very much for doing that for yourself!

    Joan and Day both post-op and now on those first difficult days as they head toward recovery. By now, Joan has been up and walking with P.T.; they did that the very first day with DH; went right down the hallway which had me gobsmacked it was so soon, but that is how they do it now with much better outcomes. The usual length of stay in the acute hospital following the spinal laminectomy with fusion is three days discharging on the fourth day. If that is so in Joan's case if all is going well, she will discharge tomorrow to the rehab where her daughter works where she will do the early recovery before going home. Those first days are not easy, but each day will get better.

    Will be happy to hear from both of them.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    Good morning porchies.

    Prayers and warm thoughts for those who are dealing with health issues and those who may be in harm's way due to weather events.

    @Jo C. that story is terrifying. Thank God you weren't physically injured, the emotional upset is bad enough.

    Tonight is a rare Blue Supermoon-- just a warning for those who need to prepare.

    I took mom to PT yesterday. The PT did a 1-month evaluation and mom went into her "Little Engine That Could" mode where she downplays her challenges/symptoms. I find this crazy-making; she told the PT she felt 100% safe moving about her home which is utter BS. I called her on it and we negotiated the answers with the PT. She did throw me under the bus telling the PT that she would never climb on a chair pointing at me and saying "she would kill me". This is why I can't drop her off and run errands.

    We stopped by Talbots on the way to her vaccine appointment. She limited herself to a single linen jacket but did try to talk me into allowing her to buy some pretty wedge dress shoes. She does not need anymore shoes. Not only are the heels a fall-risk when she wears them, her collection of athletic shoes, loafers, sandals, slippers, and dress shoes doesn't fit in her good-sized closet and ca act as a trip hazard. My plan is to engage the PTs in this battle in a month or so. She threw a tantrum the last time I tried to stop her wearing a 2" heel, I caved, and she fell in my foyer.

    After, we got her the RSV vaccine and the new Prevnar 20. Her pulmo thought it was a good idea to re-do the pneumonia vaccine as it's been 20 years since she had the previous versions. There was a piece in the NYT that suggested the RSV provided better coverage if it isn't given with the flu/COVID vaccines.

    I also took her food shopping. This is not my favorite activity. I used to bring her along if I did my own, but she's so distracting I'd get home with entire categories of things on my list missing. Sometimes I'd just forget but sometimes she'd carry my bags into her house. FTR, I put my stuff in the backseat and hers in the trunk and mine are bagged in re-usable bags and this still happens. I did have to pick up a couple things, so we split up and I said I'd catch up with her. I got my stuff and went looking. I found her in the baking goods aisle climbing the shelves like some kind of monkey to reach the BOGO disposable pie plates. I must've looked like a crazy-woman yelling at her to get down from the other end of the aisle. Not an hour before she was assuring the PT that she doesn't do anything dangerous when she can't reach things. Gah. I also noticed that her vision is considerably worse than it had been. She downplayed changes with the retinal specialist earlier this summer which has delayed her getting the new shots for AMD-- doing that "Little Engine That Could" nonsense again. She is having trouble reading boxes that are right in front of her.

    Her appointment next month can't come soon enough. I have already contacted her specialty pharmacy to determine coverage and steps that need to be taken by the doctor get it covered. I also created an account, so the process should be as streamlined as possible. That was a funny call. Initially they connected me with the commercial pharmacy helpdesk where the nice customer service rep tried to tell me that she could pick up with medication at Rite Aid and the assumption was that the medication would be self-administered. I burst out laughing-- it's an interocular shot. I doubt there are many willing to shoot themselves in the eye as it were.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Another pretty day - cool and nice this morning. I think we have two or three mornings like this, then hot again.

    I've been wondering how Joan and Day are this morning. Maybe we'll hear something today.

    Quiet here this morning - went to the mailbox to pick up the mail and to mail a letter. The little girls were in the west pasture except for the four moms and their babies who were in the meadow - the two bulls were there but far away from them. Our other girls are scattered all over the east pasture.

    I saw Rusty this morning - relief that the hawk didn't get him. He was in one of the holly bushes eating out of the birdfeeder.

    Had hashbrowns, scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast - usually have cereal or toast with peach preserves and peanut butter. This time I bought brown eggs - never did that before but I wanted cage free and this is what they had. No difference in taste but made me feel better. Hate to think of the chickens being in cages all the time.

    Thought about going up to get gas but my right knee (hurt it at least 60 years ago) is bothering me. This past week it's been trying to give way on me - and my right shoulder is bothering me so didn't think it was a good idea. Still have quite a bit in the Gator.

    Had a mix-up on a neck pillow I ordered for Sarah. I put in her address but when I checked yesterday it said it was being shipped to me. Called WM and he said to refuse the one that will be delivered to me and to reorder. Hope she gets it because her put her last name in as Lee but right address and room number.

    Hope all of you are well this morning - hope to hear from Joan and Day. Judith, are you still having problems with the concussion?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Prayers still being sent up for Joan and Day, also Jo C. I hope your son feels better soon and praying for him also.

    I went to DMV for driver license renewal today and waited two hours due to system problems, I finally left and will try again next week. I have also wondered bouts the insure but with my achalasia not sure about it.

    Praying for our friends in the hericans path!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    I wish (or maybe not) y’all could’ve seen me last evening in my nightgown playing female guinea hen calls on my phone trying to get Linus the guinea back to his house with the chickens!!

    He took off like lightning into the cotton field and THEN I noticed the neighbor down the road standing in his driveway watching a crazy lady in her nightgown

    I let Linus do his thing and took myself in the house… he was back on the top of the chicken house this morning.

    Some days you just gotta laugh and go with whatever…

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Been a cool windy day here in my part of Ohio.

    Lorita hope all your aches get straightened out.

    Prayers for everyone on Alzconnected. Seems like a lot of people are having a rough patch. Getting so many, hate to mention names. Afraid I will forget someone.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Prayers for Joan and Day.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    I have no idea what happened but for some reason I didn't see your post, Jo, or yours HB when I posted this morning. Jo, many prayers being sent up for your son - hope he's better soon. HB, what a time you had. Sometimes my mother would downplay things, too. It's frustrating. Good to see your post, Nicole, hope things are going well for you.

    Jo, I'll look - somewhere in my pictures I may have a picture of Billy the Bull. But, you all probably remember my avator - that was Jasper, Billy's dad. So, pretend Jasper is 400-500 lbs. lighter and you'll have Billy - except he holds his head differently because of his vision and his ears sort of stick out straight. There was no way I was going to let Billy be sold and maybe have to leave his home. I know he misses Sweet Pea but he's doing all right until he believes he's still a bull and clashes with Samson.

    Barbara, this afternoon I watched a couple of shows called "Secrets of the Zoo - Down Under". It's amazing how well they take care of all the animals. I wanted to ask you about the fires you all had. Are they still burning? It said a billion animals were lost in the fires. How awful. Koalas were being brought in to be treated after being injured in the fire or losing their mothers. They are the cutest little things. I hope you're doing all right - you may be on vacation - if, so, hope you're enjoying it.

    Shirley, are you and Bill all right? Did you leave Florida or ride it out? Hope you're okay - let us know.

    I've been out on the porch with Stormy looking at the Super Blue Moon. You all east of here have already seen it but if you're west of eastern Okla., please go out and see it. There won't be another one until 2037 - 14 years. I told Stormy to look at the moon because we probably wouldn't be around to see another. It was wonderful out there - I could hear the cows talking to each other and coyotes howling - a helicopter went over, probably taking pictures of the moon. Wish all of you could have been out there with me. The moon is beautiful reflecting in the pond. I've tried to take pictures of the moon before to no avail.

    I'll stop for tonight and go out and look at the moon some more. We have four of those big yellow and black spiders on the front porch so I have to be careful where I walk or sit. Please go look at the moon. Charles and I did.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thank you so much for the prayers for our son, we deeply appreciate them. He indeed has had symptoms of COVID reappear again after his Paxlovid treatment and tests positive. The gist of it is that the body had not yet had full response to the Paxlovid; his wife did. The literature from CDC and Yale Health indicates this can happen, and that the return of symptoms within 2 to 8 days after stopping Paxlovid is usually of shorter duration as well as lighter in effect; I so hope that is true for him.

    They do not re-treat with Paxlovid but treat symptomatically. I will be so relieved when he turns the corner and gets better. He said he felt 100% completely well for two days after he completed the five days of Paxlovid and then the symptoms began to return; this is the typical time frame of 2 to 8 days in the literature.

    I had a COVID test today as I have been coughing and a small bit of wheezing; it was negative and I test again in 48 hours. It is probably a reaction to dust as I have had that before; but because we were exposed in the three days prior to our son and DIL getting their first symptoms, we have to watch ourselves. The fourteen days of the incubation period is tomorrow; for whatever that is worth. In some of the literature, there was discussion whether the number of days on Paxlovid should be increased. Science is still learning.

    What a beautiful word picture of the night and the moon, Lorita. Wish I had been there to quietly share it with you. I too am hoping for the best for our Florida friends.

    Lady Peewee just wrote that her beloved Peewee has passed. Her writing was beautiful and she enclosed a photo of herself and Peewee taken last Christmas. Tears in my eyes.

    M1 had successful removal of the lung clot and can now breathe much better. The other side of the coin has the physician saying the lesion on the liver is in all probability malignant which is a shock. Possible biopsy tomorrow and then home. It will take about a week to get the actual results. What an awful time in a holding pattern waiting. Lots of prayers and I so hope that it will turn out better than thought. Also hope the doc is wrong and it is a benign condition.

    Geeze the things that happen to us when we have no idea.

    Weather will be in the 100's tomorrow, but then we will begin to go back down to the low 80's which will be ever so much better. We are almost September; this month seemed to whiz past.

    Sayra; how is that melon coming along? Getting to look eatable yet? Our DIL said that the heaven sent Roma tomato plant from her father is doing very well and still putting out tomatoes like mad. They have made sauce, salads, sandwiches, given them away, and still they come. Wonder how they can save the seeds to make new plants next year and how that is done. I looked a bit online, but there was so much "stuff," it was hard to tell what was best or not.

    Lorita, did you hear yet what is going to happen with your refrigerator? Parts or a new one? Hope they have got back to you with the information.

    And Judith, how are you feeling post concussion? And how is the rest of your body after that fall; any sore muscles from that? Sure hope all is well with you.

    On that note,, off I go to brush teeth and get me to bed. My goal was to be tucked in by ten, but am going to be a bit late on that. It is now 9:53 PST.

    Good night and wishes for sweet dreams for everyone,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Body is sore and knee and hand hurt. I am having some visual problems too. Luckily I have scheduled meetings/appointments in the morning. I last until until about mid-afternoon then I go upstairs and stay there until the next day. It is all rather disconcerting.

    The moon was spectacular. Like Jo, I wish I could have been on the porch and seen its' reflection on the pond.

    Marcella Hazen's Classic tomato sauce;

    • 2 pounds ripe tomatoes, blanched, peeled, cored, and roughly chopped (about 4 1/2 cups), or 1 (28-ounce) can imported Italian plum tomatoes (such as San Marzano) (undrained), chopped
    • 1 medium-size (10-ounce) yellow onion, peeled and cut in half lengthwise
    • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter (2 1/2 ounces)
    • 1 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more to taste


    1. Place tomatoes in a medium saucepan; add onion, and stir in butter and salt. Cook over medium-low, uncovered, stirring occasionally and mashing any large pieces of tomato using the back of a wooden spoon, until fat floats free from the tomatoes and is incorporated into the sauce as it slightly thickens, 1 hour to 1 hour and 10 minutes. Season with additional salt to taste. Remove and discard onion.

    OR...you can use an immersion blender at the end....the onion thickens it.

    Still looking for good corn.

    https://crud-cdn.polaris.me/assets/images/00e0ad31-e8af-4e16-b583-a22551400cbc/300 There was an error displaying this embed.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Judith, with a concussion you shouldn't be up doing things until you tire yourself. You should be sitting or laying around and being quiet. You have to have time to heal. Don't be lifting things and don't be reading or watching much TV - have it on and listen to it. Use your package of English peas on the top of your head. I did all of the above and it still took a long time to get better.

    Are you going to make some tomato sauce? We never made sauce but canned lots of tomatoes and made lots of picante sauce or salsa (guess they're about the same).

    The moon was beautiful last night and probably will be again tonight. It was really peaceful just sitting and looking at it. It's always so pretty when the moon reflects in the pond. I think the best time is when we have a Harvest Moon, in October. I don't even have to go out on the porch - just open the front door and there it is.

    Jo, you asked about how to save tomato seeds - this is how it's supposed to be done. I don't remember if we ever did it but probably did. Find a good tomato and take out all the pulp or jelly-like stuff with the seeds. Spread that out on a paper towel, or two, and let it dry. Then you can separate the seeds from the pulp. We always put our seeds in an airtight container in the freezer until we were ready to use them. I still have flower seeds I kept in our freezer. I imagine seeds are pretty expensive now but this is a special tomato you want to keep - try it, hope it works.

    About the refrigerator - still waiting on the new icemaker. I'm in no big hurry as long as I know it's covered from the previous maintenance agreement. It makes ice but still I have to break up the big pieces from the water that leaks and freezes.

    I saw Rusty again this morning - perched on the holly (leafless) and eating from the birdfeeder. I need to put out more feed today.

    I did something this morning that I've been dreading all week. The Gator is almost out of gas so I had to have more. My shoulder is still bothering me when Iifting something so I was afraid it would hurt it more if I lifted the gas cans into the PU bed and into the thing I have in the back to keep the containers from sliding around. The thing is something that gallons of milk are carried in. The PU bed is at least waist high so that's high to lift 16-20 lbs. plus the 8-10" more to get it in the "thing". I thought maybe there might be a man getting gas that could help me. So, this morning I bit the bullet and decided it's now or never. When I got there no one was at the gas pumps but as I stopped a PU with some big machine behind it stopped to get gas. He was gone by the time I got my two containers filled so I decided I'd see what I could do. Turns out it wasn't bad at all. I lifted mostly with my left arm and even was able to get them in the thing to keep them from sliding around. I had another l gallon container but forgot to take it. The ones I had were a 2 gallon and 2.5 gallon. So, worried for nothing.

    I wish Stormy could have gone but he won't get into the PU. One time I did get him in to take him to the vet and when we came out he was in the cab in no time flat so he can if he wants to - doubt Sheena could.

    The girls looked okay this morning - didn't drive out to check but I will later today. All the heifers were in the west pasture where I couldn't see them but did see four in the meadow.

    The boys at our school were out on the football field practicing when I went by. When I went to school there we didn't have a football team - only basketball and baseball - softball for the girls. Probably will be nice for football games tonight and tomorrow night.

    I think I'll fry the okra today and cook some squash and onions - don't know what to do with the bell peppers. He brought some of the cutest tomatoes - they're long-shaped and not too big and there's some little yellow ones that look like a snowman - the body and head. Never saw those before. I imagine the small tomatoes are the only ones that have tomatoes now - they bloom in the hot weather but don't set fruit until it gets cooler.

    Wish we could hear something from Joan and Day - maybe later this week. This is the last day of August and I'm overjoyed. I do not like July and August. I much prefer cold weather. At least you can put on more clothes in the winter but you can't take off enough in the summer.

    Jerilynn, when I typed that I remembered your post about being outside in your gown. Many times I've gone out in the pasture in my gown to check the girls - after 8 a.m. there's not much chance of someone being around - before 8 it could be Mike or Toad for some reason. I'm glad your little guinea came back. We used to have guineas and they were busy little bees - nothing happened they didn't know about, especially when someone would come. We called them watch guineas.

    I would love to see cotton growing again. I've said so many times when I'd start a new segment of our thread that it was like starting out with an empty cotton sack. I know you probably know how that is. Ours were long and daddy would tie a green cotton boll in one corner to make it pull right. I still have daddy's cotton scales and pea. He'd hang it from something and when you got your sack full you'd "weigh up" - fastened your sack to the scales and somehow used the pea to weigh it. Carol said her goal was to pick 100 lbs. of cotton - never made it - but did pull 100 lb. of bolls (that's the burr and cotton combined). Now, don't you all feel like you've been in the cotton patch this morning? I had a little boyfriend once who picked cotton to get money to take me to the county fair. I don't remember getting paid to pick cotton but probably did. Enough cotton talk. Jerilynn, I'll look forward to seeing the picture sof the cotton when it's ready to pick.

    Hope everyone's well this morning. Judith, DO NOT do anything today. Lay on your bed and be quiet.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Everybody talking about picking cotton brings back memories. Not being on a farm except to visiting relatives, cotton picking wssnt the norm for me. Mom and Dad did feel that we needed to share the experiences they grew up with so, yes I've picked cotton. Didn't like the experence one bit! There was a cotton mill close to my house and a friend and I use to sneak in on weekends thru a loose board and played in the mountain of cotton they had piled up. Guess they discovered someone was getting in and the board was fixed. Shame on me!

    Went to the dentist today for a yearly checkup. They understood that the esophageal nodule was foremost on my mind and told me to just call when I was ready for he lower implant and they would set it up.

    Still praying for the sick and also our friends in the path of the herican.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    I certainly enjoy catching up with my front porch friends. I've had a somewhat exciting and busy several days.

    A couple of nights ago I made the comment something was off in the garage. Don just looked at me. In the morning a shelf had been knocked down. I cleaned it up and said again, somethings off in here. We looked around and that was it. Then in the middle of the night I heard something - woke me up and one of the dogs. Flashlight in hand while holding a dog I ever so slowly open the door to the garage - looking back at me was a opossum. I slammed the door & figured I'd deal with it in the morning. He was busy during the night knocking two shelves off. I couldn't find him, but now the garage needed a healthy spray of Lysol - it smelled like rodent, yuck. We finally found him squeezed into a corner we couldn't get to. I finally started calling to have a "pest" person remove it. Apparently in TX you have to have a Wildlife license to remove a opossum - which really means it will cost four times as much! So the Opossum Whisper comes - he can't get him out either. So he leaves a cage with sardine's in it to catch the darn thing. The garage now smells like sick opossum and old sardines!!! Its over 112 degrees out - of course its going to not smell good. The Whisper comes in the morning and yes the opossum is in the cage, except he's dead and had fleas. (You can't make this stuff up) Mr Whispers says again to me the opossum is dead. I agree. Then he says I'm going to have to charge you a disposal fee. I looked at him and very politely said I don't think so, I've paid you an exorbendent amount of money to remove the opossum. That was our agreement. Please take the cage and go. Poor guy looked at me then the cage and yes ma'am. I then treated the garage for fleas!!!

    Yesterday I looked out the dining room window and saw water running down the driveway. Ugh. Yes, the hot water heater had decided to develop a leak during the night. I was able to turn off the water and start draining it. Of course water was everywhere in the garage. Thankfully the garage isn't packed full, but there is some "stuff" in there. This morning very expensive plumber installed a new hot water heater. The city inspector is expected anytime, then we'll be set.

    Don's comment was the garage sure does smell better!!! And he's almost correct, I think it smells a tiny bit damp. Next time I'm running errands I'll get one of those things that gets rid of that odor. Frankly anything smells better than sick opossum and sardines!!

    Now, to put the garage back together. At least its just 100, not 109!

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Hi all,

    Yes, Lorita we left Florida and went to our house in SC. We are going to stay for at least 2 weeks for all the road and low line area to drain. We only had heavy rain at my house in SC.

    I have to be careful with Bill because so many travelers come to Florida with viruses. Covid, RSV and pneumonia. He stays most of the time only on our screen porch. Most of the people in the park understand that Bill has several diseases.

    Stay safe all


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I've been praying for all of the sick and injured for speedy recoveries!

    I missed the Blue Moon last night. I will try to look tonight.

    I was riding in a car with my cousin in North Carolina many years ago and saw a funny looking bird with chicks on the side of the road. I asked, "what's that?" She said, "it's a guinea hen!" I've never seen any more since.

    I saw an opossum by the lake. When I approached it, it passed out! I thought it had died of fright! It certainly looked dead. But after I walked away, the possum got up and walked away. They really do "play possum!"

    There will be a tribute to Bob Barker tonight at 8 pm. They will show episodes from his time on The Price is Right. He was a fervent supporter of animals.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, I am so sorry for that concussion and all the ouches and vision issues. Lovely Judith, did you ever see a doctor after the fall and hitting your head? If not, and even if so, with ongoing vision issues, best to make contact with the doctor for the first time or again. Can take awhile for a concussion to heal. Can Winda come in a bit more to do some of the heavier things needing doing for awhile?

    I think we need to have you wearing a helmet, knee pads, shin guards, wrist supports and hand protection. Along with your walker of course. You could be a New-"Age" cover for Vogue! Of course where would I be without a link . . . .? The following is the most complete I have seen re concussions; good information and covers both older adults as well as children depending on which category one would like be placed in . . . . (grin) Other sites recommend limiting reading, computers, TV watching, etc. for a bit of time. If you saw a physician, did he/she recommend staying away from aspirin or Advil type meds for a period of time? No matter what, I so hope all that discomfort goes away soon.


    Lorita, I'll bet that beautiful bright moon was amazing out there where there are no city lights to diminish it; and seeing it reflect in the pond must have seemed magical. Lovely and comforting. Enjoy your fried Okra; I know you said it was a favorite for you. I have never had it; only Okra this northerner gal has had was in soup and it was slimy . . . not done right I'll bet. Thank you for the advice re the tomato seeds; I will send that on to my DIL. Really glad you did not hurt yourself with the gas cans; you are one strong and mighty woman for your maturity. Glad Rusty is still doing well at Lorita's Cafe; bet he is really cute.

    Son still feeling ill, coughing and very, very tired and fatigued. Tending to sleep a lot. I am saying prayers for him and of course being a bit worried. No matter how old they get, they are still one's children and the wanting to protect rears up when things happen. He is a dear and loving person and a good son. His wife cleared of COVID within about four days and was back to her well self which is surprisingly positive as she is a diabetic. He is not.

    Really thinking of Joan and Day and so hoping all is going well. It is Joan's third post-op day; if all is well, she may be discharging in transfer to rehab tomorrow. Day only two days post-op. I feel sure we will hear from them when they are more comfortable and feeling up to it.

    DH almost pretty much back to normal as long as he does not bend which is sometimes a near miss as one forgets. He still gets a sore back now and then if he does too much, but it clears with a bit of sitting down rest. Still in recovery mode. He goes to outpt. P.T. twice a week for another nine visits. Not his favorite thing, but he is doing it. He said his legs are now perfect in function and freedom from pain and his back is near free of any discomfort. LONG back incision to heal from.

    Gosh; nothing good to watch evenings on TV. Fall will bring some new things on PBS which will be good. I did watch a movie, "To Be Or Not To Be," with Mel Brooks and his wife, Anne Bancroft. Thought it would be not so good, but actually it was nicely entertaining. He is one marvel of an entertainer and certainly has an immeasurable amount of talent in multiple ways. She was really beautiful.

    I like to watch House Hunters International on occasion. Especially interesting to see houses and apartments in Europe that people are looking at. No matter the country, it costs a small fortune; mostly being in the $3,000 (and more) or so range to rent a basic place per month on the average. Buying is expensive everywhere too. Exception is in some of the Asian countries but there are trade-offs. I'd never make it in Holland; the stairs in most two story places of which there are many, are very steep and each step very narrow and they rise mightily. Hardy people with strong legs I guess. And not that many cars; but an astonishing massive array of bicycles everywhere. Yep; strong legs. Must be hard on those with limits or disabilities. So many countries that they show; it is interesting. Scotland's small villages intrigues me. Bless our kitchens, bathrooms and BIG refrigerators. Paris? Like living in a tiny postage stamp apartment in the city areas for anything near "affordable," but still way pricey. I am easily entertained.

    Chicken for dinner tonight with small baked potatoes and broccoli I think. Just want something easy and kind of bland. Had spiral pasta with chunky sausage meat sauce last night; it was good but that is it for awhile for me. Lunch time - yogurt and an apple sounds good and of course, easy, which is always good; so going to go and get me some.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I saw the super blue moon, It was beautiful, Thank you for mentioning it. Have one of those yellow garden spiders in my flower bed.

    JoC have attached two pictures of the Canteloupe. It is growing nicely so far but not ripe yet.

    Judith that tomato sauce sounds good. Don’t think I will have time to try it as my mom is taking up a lot more of my time now. Have felt pushed, so today I resigned from my volunteer job. I’ve cried several times. I so enjoyed helping people. Have been freezing my tomatoes, all I have had time for. My dad had a concussion once from a fall and it took him awhile to get past it.

    Oh my Eaglemom you had a time.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Whoops! I missed Ron, Myra, Shirley and Iris. Hello there - Myra wins the prize for the most OH NO, OMIGOSH Post. Dead opossum, dead sardines, shelving messes on the garage floor a flood, a dead water heater and fleas! Calgon take me away! (Remember that commercial?) Myra, what a dreadful last month or so between the blast furnace hot weather, critters, stink and water heaters. Of course after you had bought some art not expecting the dreadfuls to happen. Mercy! So hope that is all for the duration.

    Shirley; so glad all is okay; you take such good care of your husband and think of every detail. Hope everything settles soon.

    Ron; I can just imagine you playing in the mountain of cotton; boys being boys - what fun that must have been. Wonder what your mother's thought what happened to your clothes!

    Iris; it may be that the moon will be better from your vantage point nearer the ocean. We are in solid housing territory with all the strong city lights; just not the same and sometimes cannot see the moon for the two story homes all around. Love to be in the country in the dark of night; so many stars so bright. And the moon; it makes me recall all the childhood verses re that orb.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Lorita, thanks for thinking of me here in Australia.

    As we are just coming out of winter - today is Sept 1st, the first day of Spring, - we have not had to worry about fires much for the last few months. But we had a winter that was warmer and wetter than usual, and are now facing a summer that is predicted to be hot and dry, so the fires will be back. Horrible days ahead.

    I don't think my planned holiday will eventuate, at least this year. I was due to fly out on Sept 17th, but the last 3 weeks or more, I have been having a flare-up of my inflammatory arthritis. The only name the specialists can give it is fibomyalgia, as the drugs that are supposed to control all the other names just don't work for me. Whatever its name, the pain is constant, and as I said to a friend the other day, the only thing that doesn't hurt are my elbows -- and my hair! The back is the worst, low back can get up to 7-8 out of 10 pain level. I could dope up on opiates, but am trying to manage without them, most of the time.

    I do use a wheat bag that I heat in the microwave. Yesterday, I found one of them had several burn holes in it. Thankfully I was watching, and stopped it before it actually caught fire.

    Anyway, the idea of sitting in a bus for 6 days, just does not appeal at the moment. Maybe next year. Just hope I can get my money back.

    Sending love and healing thoughts to everyone who needs them, - or would just like them.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited September 2023

    Barbara, if you can get to a warm water pool and just float, that might ease your back pain--it helped me a lot!

    Jo C, I hope your son is resting and taking it easy and allowing his body to heal.

    I'm just picturing Ron and the boys jumping on the cotton! What a sight! What a cleanup for his mom!

    Did anyone catch the Bob Barker tribute tonight? I thought it was wonderful. I actually went on his show a few years ago.

    I want to go check the moon now. Good night!


    I saw the moon, it was big and so bright, even behind some clouds!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning front porch rockers! Days have been more to my liking the last few days but they say the heat will be returning toward the end of next week.

    I pray all that has been sick are feeling better and those in the path of the tornado didn't have much damage.

    Lou's sitter will be out of town for a few days; going to her granddaughter's wedding. I will watch her little Yorkie while she's gone. The dog is a sweet loving little girl and want be any trouble at all.

    Having pain between my shoulder bladeagain, on the right side. Everytime I turn around its something else. I guess when you abused your lungs for years your body pays you back.

    Let's have a ice cream social on Lorita's front porch. I'll take the first turn at the cranking (that's the easiest turning). Looking forward to vanilla, peach, banana, pineapple and any other flavors you all want. It's not the "we eat what we can and sell the rest", it's the eat what we can and freeze the rest for later.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Ron, manys the day in the summer when at grandparents' house we all took turns turning the ice cream. There were so many of us, that it took 2 or 3 churns to feed everyone.

    Let's add strawberry to the list!

    Also remember making dressing for coleslaw with cream. No problem when the milk came with the cream on top, but when they started homogenizing it would have to make sure we bought just cream. Then along came mayo which we used as a substitute for the cream.

    Another fond food memory was my grandmother making clover rolls from scratch. She was in the hot kitchen for hours and had a hard time keeping folks from grabbing up the rolls hot out of the oven so there were some left for meal time. Of course there was home churned butter as they had milk cows. That was another crank operation for the separation and then the churning.

    I am grateful that I grew up in a time when huge gardens were where you got the most of your food instead of the store...nothing like fresh from the garden!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited September 2023

    Anybody ever have a bore a hole biscuit? I remember growing up a biscuit right out of the oven, we would bore a hole in it with our finger, put butter and sugar in it. Delicious! Sometimes pour honey in it.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sometimes it is stranger than strange how the Posts process through on this new Platform. I did not even see Sayra's Post and photos and some of the other Posts until later today. Wonderful looking melon, Sayra as it sits in its melon bra. It looks a nice size too; you have nurtured it well.

    I am truly very sorry you found it necessary to have to leave your volunteer job; I know you enjoyed being there and helping people which is so part of your nature. Sometimes necessity has us having to make unhappy choices.

    And Barbara; I am also very sorry for that fibromyalgia that has reared up and is keeping you from your happily expected trip. That has got to be a disappointment for sure. I see you are using wheat bags in the microwave to apply to your back. Do you think that having a modern heating pad would be better for administering and holding heat without the microwave being involved? The newer modern one are very nice with all sorts of features. Iris is on spot regarding using a pool for back therapy and support. The water does offer relief and buoys one's parts up - it is actually part of recommended physical therapy for the back with fibromyalgia. Did the doctor's prescribe Physical Therapy for you to provide some comfort application? They could even come to the house if you cannot get out. In any way; I so hope you find relief soon to bring you comfort. Let us know how you are doing; we care.

    Iris, I am glad you enjoyed the Bob Barker Special. It is indeed going to be repeated Monday morning; Labor Day, on CBS at 8:00 am Eastern time and 10:00 am PST. You mention you were on one of his shows; you will have to tell us about that experience. You are a star to us in your own right; but you did have a moment on TV - that must have been interesting.

    Ron; I am coming over for some of those biscuits with sugar and butter - they sound happy yummy. I can imagine that little Yorkie is going to be a very happy little dog being cared for by you till her person comes back. They are such sweet little creatures and often act like they think they are big Dobermans. My DIL had her little Yorkie and she was not only teensy and cute as could be, but was fearless.

    Our son is still ill; that COVID is no joke and I am worried about him. News today states a continuing climb of known cases of COVID in our county. Each week seems to double and the sewer water is teeming. We are already in an uptick that was not expected at this level until later this year. The worst cases and outcomes once again of course, are for those age 65 and older. One more "thing" for the Golden Years.

    Hoping Myra has not had any more opossum activity; what a bloomin' mess! They are usually involved with more than one and they carry some very bad diseases. Do check the property for droppings for their presence since the are not seen daytime as they are nocturnal. They are happiest if there is a source of food and/or water. Our eldest son had a passel of them with babies that got into his attic in his former house. They are as Myra mentioned, protected and it was quite a tribulation.

    Our neighbor has fruit trees; a few years ago, we had an instance with opossums that did indeed travel the block walls across the yards to get to their source of food from the trees and another food source being our next door neighbor who fed feral cats. She kept cat food outside at night for the ferals; BUT the opossums found the smorgasbord and happily traveled to the cat cafe each night. The neighbor finally had to cease and desist her feral feeding which is illegal in city statutes and the fruit tree neighbor was asked to keep the fruit off of the ground until the problem abated and he did as he did not want opossums either. One is also supposed to keep shrubs trimmed back and especially; especially, to trim all trees with branches near the house so the critters do not get onto the roof or into the attic. If an attic vent is damaged, loose or gone, they will have an easy access point and make themselves a home which is how they got into our son's attic; through a loose vent. Myra; you have had all the bad luck negatives at once; here's hoping you will now have cooler weather and only good things happening at your home with no more nasty critters or other house bits needing attention.

    When we saw an opossum running along the block wall in our back yard some years ago, the Animal Control folks told us to saturate rags with ammonia and place them on each end of the block wall running across the yard - we did that and the opossum did not cross the ammonia laden rags which was a surprise that could work. If it ain't the opossums; it is ants or termites or cockroaches or mosquitoes or something else nature has made obnoxious. CROCODILES!!

    A three day weekend is upon us. Every day is a weekend when retired, but I so remember how I cherished those rare three day weekends when working; so happy the first night after work and dragging feet on the last night before returning even though I loved my job.

    Here's hoping for a good weekend for everyone; see you on the Front Porch again soon,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    i take a bowl of any of those flavors, thank you Ron. Never had a bore a hole biscuit, sounds good.

    Barbara hope things turn around for you soon, and your son too JoC.

    Today was a reminder of why I can no longer volunteer at the present time.

    take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Well, I just wrote a long post and lost it. No idea what all I wrote so forgive me if I don't try to get it all back down again.

    I will enjoy the homemade ice cream - all flavors. Also my job to turn the crank.

    Barbara, so sorry about the fibromyalgia. My friend had that when she was working - her's was from stress. When she retired it went away. I hope you can get some relief soon.

    Shirley, glad you and Bill are safe. I imagine the drive to SC was not a lot of fun. Glad you posted to let us know you're safe.

    Ron, there used to be cotton gins in all the little towns when I was growing up. I remember riding on the cotton in the wagon when daddy was taking it to the gin. I doubt there's a gin within 100 miles of us now - no cotton to gin.

    Jo, so hope you son improves soon. You're right, I doubt if we'll ever know all there is to know about that virus. Guess we'll just have to take the vaccines when they tell us to.

    Iris, I saw the tribute to Bob Barker - it was wonderful. He was my favorite game show host. I didn't realize he was 99. I watch Match Game, another old game show, and last week he was on it - looked so young. I haven't been watching that show lately.

    Sara, what's going on that you're feeling so down - I imagine it's trouble with your mother. Sorry it's happening because I know you enjoyed volunteering so much. Maybe you can return to it soon.

    I saw the moon again last night - still beautiful. I missed seeing the reflection in the pond but still pretty. I'll watch again tonight.

    Last week I ordered Moravian cinnamon sugar coffee cakes for D and his wife and a set for me. They got theirs first and when he brought over the vegetables he brought some - not at all what I expected. I know it was in transit for several days and it ruined it. I got mine yesterday and it was like it should be. This morning I took the ones I received over to them. When I got there both of them were sitting on their front porch. Asked them why and he said he had put off another flea bomb so they were just sitting outside enjoying the cool weather. He had the house sprayed about seven days ago but the fleas are still there - so will have to have it done again. They're a cute couple - so bad that she has Alz. but she seems to be doing pretty well. He's almost 85 and she's in her 70s.

    I had fried okra for supper - so good - brings back so many childhood memories. Iris and Jo, do they have okra in your stores? Guess maybe it's just a Southern vegetable. Some people don't like it but it's not slimy when fried, tossed in meal, or if you cook it in a little water (small pods) you have to add a little vinegar in case a pod breaks - then it won't be slimy. I've never eaten it any other way - never had gumbo so no idea about that. Eagle, that opossum just wanted in out of the heat. They are not a pretty animal. I see them occasionally. I think I mentioned that last summer when Tom and Jerry were still here, Bryon and his cousin were doing something to my PU and this big,fat opossum walked into the carport and started eating the catfood - we were may 15 feet away and he didn't care at all. There was one by the Gator a few weeks ago that I thought was dead but he disappeared so either something got him or he was playing opossum (they're really good at that). Glad you were able to get rid of yours.

    I know I've missed someone - sorry - but better get this posted before I lose it.

    Mike just called - he and Sidney are doing surgeries - said they have five to do tonight before they can quit. She's been such a big help to him. The girl who used to help him got a different job but I don't think she helped as much as Sidney does.

    Went out and checked all the girls this morning - with Stormy. Saw four little ones with the heifers. He just told me there's 28 heifers and two bulls in there. Beth, I asked him about the breed - White Park. He said he sees them occasionally - in fact, there's a woman in a town about 30 miles south of us who has some of them. He said the three white ones in our pasture are Charolais mix - very prerty cattle - white with quite a bit of gray and the baby is precious.

    I better stop. I'll try to paragraph this without losing it. See you all tomorrow. Rest well.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Had a longer stay in the hospital than originally planned - they told me not to take my blood pressure medication the morning of surgery, so I didn't, but then they gave me some just prior to being put under. Well, that sure did work because my pressure went down to 70/50 at the tail end of the surgery and I had to be given something to bring it up.

    Because it was 8 p.m. they put me in a surgical step-down unit overnight and I also had low potassium and magnesium afterward, so was supplemented that. By morning I was more stable and not in any pain, just needed to be up in a chair or walking around to get all the gas they pump into your belly moving around. By afternoon they moved me to a regular floor but there really didn't seem to be any point to me being there, my labs were stable and I felt fine, so I came home Wednesday night around 6 p.m.

    The pelvic washings have come back as no malignant cells, so that's good. The pathology on the organs and the lymph nodes isn't back yet. They only took a couple of nodes from the right side, which is also a good indication that perhaps this is all I needed in the way of treatment. I am up and walking daily, no lifting, no driving for a week, my postop appointment is Sept 15 and I go back to work the day after so I will be getting the rest I need.

    I'm about to take Chucky out for his walk so I'll come back and update another time.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Day, I'm so glad you posted. I'd been wondering how things were with you. Sounds like things are going to plan except the drop in BP - glad they took care of that. Do you normally have hypertension that you take the medication for? Take it easy and don't overdo. Will be glad when the path report comes back but sounds like everything's okay. I bet Chucky was glad to see you - and that you're able to take him for a walk. Be carefull and get plenty of rest. Glad you posted.

    Stormy and I just had a long ride. We drove down to the pasture where the heifers are and when I opened the gate one of the heifers took off at a fast pace with dust flying - so I knew she had a baby staked out. Sure enough we found the baby where she had put it down in the snow on the mountain. Baby got up and is fine. There were five others with their moms --- so we have six in that pasture - four black angus and one charolais mix. Checked out everyone - there's 28 heifers and two bulls so there will be babies galore. We drove all over the 35 acres and enjoyed every minute of it - so did Stormy. Then went to the mailbox and saw all the other girls -- there about 14 little ones in there under a month old and almost that many that are older - babies everywhere. Some of the girls are still in the south pasture so checked them, too. Stormy is worn out and was asleep five minutes after we got home. Had that fried okra - so good. I made muffins today and just froze all but two that I'll have for breakfast. Finally it'll be Saturday - it's seemed like Friday to me all week. I know all of us are glad to hear from Day and to know she's doing all right - now to get a post from Joan.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023

    Good to hear from you Day and that you are doing well post-op; Chucky sounds happy too! Will wait to hear about your reports.

    I bet Joan will contact us as soon as she is comfortable enough. The first days into the first week is rough after that particular surgery requiring staying medicated, so she is probably managing all of that including the P.T. that she will be in the process of doing. I am glad she is where her daughter works and that she will be getting good rehab care.

    Hope that Judith is doing okay and not hurting as much; healing may be slow, but Judith never misses a beat on doing what needs to be.

    Dearest Sayra, I sense things may possibly have been perhaps sliding somewhat sideways for you and I am concerned on your behalf. Wonder if it is your mother ramped up or other family concerns or if it is your tummy or perhaps a combination of such things. Like Lorita, I too sense that you do not sound like your usual self and we sure do care a lot about you. Please take good care of you as a priority. We are here and we hold you close in heart and thought. Truly. (((Sayra)))

    Goodness Lorita, babies everywhere! Busy place for sure. It is sweet how much Stormy loves driving around with you. I can almost see the canine smile. Glad you enjoyed your Okra; as for your question, I do not recall seeing fresh Okra in the produce section of our supermarkets, but then again, I was not looking for it.

    Had onset of severe tummy issue today. Abrupt onset of significant green apple two step and slight lightheadedness, passing queasiness, a bit of chill and just feel like UGH! No temp. Haven't been out anywhere for last couple of weeks. Am past COVID incubation period from light exposure and I did do two COVID tests 48 hours apart; one two days ago and one today; both negative. Exposure was being in the presence of son and DIL three days prior to the onset of their first symptoms, (which was 16 days ago), along with one other son, daughter and husband also being present; none of us has developed COVID which is good. None of us were much closer for exposure than about six feet away from one another, no protracted close hugging, so that is good; I am usually a hugger, so I am glad I did not indulge myself that day.

    Goodness, it is 8:30 pm, time to sign off.

    Good night, and may all dreams be sweet,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Day, it's great news that you are back home with Chucky and that your initial pathologies showed no malignancy. I'm praying for additional negative results for you.

    Sayra, I'm sorry you had to resign your volunteer job. Perhaps it's a bit too soon after your medical crisis. I think we mature folk need to focus on healing and taking all the time that's necessary. In years past we had farm-fresh or garden fresh food to aid our healing. We don't have that now.

    My mouth is watering for hot rolls with butter and homemade ice cream! Yum!

    Lorita, I love gumbo. I don't eat okra unless it's in gumbo. It's supposed to be slimy, but when it's in gumbo, I don't notice it.

    Ron, I had shoulder trouble but it was from doing push-ups. Are you doing push-ups?

    Jo C, is your son's fever down yet? I hope he is still recuperating. I was in the audience on The Price is Right, I didn't "come on down!"


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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