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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Glad everyone is doing well. Day - so happy to hear the good news that all the tests were negative. Now, you and all of us can breathe a sigh of relief for you.

    Ron, good you got to see your doctor today and have a good talk with her. Charles had a couple of women doctors and really liked them - they seem to listen a bit more than men sometimes do. I sort of miss going to the VA Hospital - I just about grew up there. I'm sure you've noticed, Ron, that you never meet a stranger there as far as patients go - guess that comes from everyone being in the military.

    Glad you all enjoy the stories about the girls - that's all I have to write about. Stormy and I went out early this morning - we drove and drove and counted and counted - I never did come up with the right number of girls and didn't even attempt to count the babies - they were running everywhere. I think Toad must have rolled out a bale of hay for Darwin's girls this morning because ours started bawling and bawling like they do when they hear the feed truck. They came down in the pasture north of the barn, across from the heifers, then went back - except for one baby who got left behind. After we left the heifer's pasture we got behind him with the Gator and pushed him back through the gate and back toward his "family". When he saw them he took off toward them. We were literally exhausted when we got home - just too much driving, shifting, steering and looking. It was nice outside - cloudy and cool. Still cloudy. I think there's rain west of here. We need it desperately.

    Yesterday I put a slow-running water hose on the big elm outside the kitchen window for about five hours - sure don't want to lose that tree - it's very big and very old. The yard is full of leaves, very little grass so between the grasshoppers (still here) and the dry weather, the trees are almost bare.

    My shoulder and upper arm are still hurting, off and on. Steering and shifting really don't help it at all but I can't shift with the left arm.

    I haven't seen any deer down among the trees in the meadow where the heifers are - I know there's some in there but guess they hear the Gator and won't come out. Hate deer season - and dove season. I think I mentioned they found three deer stands in the 30 acres they cleared across from us. I've heard gunshots in that direction and figured that's what was happening. Daddy or Charles were not hunters at all - fishing was what they liked and I'm glad of that.

    Don't know anything to write about except very happy to hear from all of you. Jo, that electric bill was horrible! My summer electric bill runs under $150 - in winter it's higher because I use additional electric heaters. But, in summer we have to have cooling and heating in winter so it's a necessity.

    I think I've missed my nap time today - thought I'd lay down on the divan but Stormy beat me to it. Tried to trim Sheena's toenails. She let me touch and feel of them but when I got the clippers out, that was it. I can trim Stormy's when he's laying in the Gator - need to do that tomorrow. While we were down in the meadow this morning I saw the trash truck run - it was about 7:30 - but, it doesn't get good light here until at least 7 - days are getting much shorter. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    Good morning to the folks on the porch.

    Wonderful news @dayn2nite2.

    I vividly recall where I was on 9/11. It was DS's first day of 2nd grade at the special reading school he attended for 3 years. He was upstairs with his new teachers and I was in the reception area waiting for the owner of the school to give her annual pep talk when another parent came in and announced the second plane had hit. It turns out one of the teachers had a husband and father working in one of the towers and the admin's son was there as well. They dismissed us early and I attempted to call my DH but the circuits were all busy. By the time I got to I-95, the flashing signs warning that bridges and tunnels into Manhattan were closed were already in place. The family members of the school all survived and DS's teacher's therapy dog won an award for her work in the months after as families worked through the identification process with the FBI.

    Today's 9/11 will include a visit to mom's retina specialist. I am hoping to get the clearance to start injections for her AMD/Geographic Atrophy. Her vision is fading. Two weeks ago she nearly bought "gluten-free Triscuits" because she couldn't read the 1" letters on the packaging. The woman who taught the color wheel to 2 generations of students is struggling to identify colors at home which is leading to some odd sartorial combinations for a woman who takes fashion and accessorizing very seriously to say nothing of what she does with her eyebrows each morning. I have verified coverage for the medication; it's just a matter of getting the preauthorization completed.

    My son's horrible rash is clearing slowly. He's stepped down to a mere 30mg of prednisone daily which should improve his disposition. We took him out for dinner last night thinking a pizza would make him happy. It was a major fail-- the place was busy. We held the door for a group of elderly folks who could barely walk-- DH had to help one after a fall-- so we didn't get the seating area and server we prefer and the new person couldn't multitask. She got our beer order wrong (I saw the bartender put a straw in to differentiate which was which and she pulled it and swapped them), DS's pizza took over an hour and was barely cooked and our prime ribs were inedible-- over-cooked and unchewable. DH likes this place, but I'm over it.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Glad you got rain Beth.

    Guess I won’t complain about my electric bill.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    edited September 2023


    We had rain! Last evening, just before dark it started to sprinkle. Guess it scared some of the girls because they headed for the barn, bawling. Shows us how long it had been since it had rained. It sprinkled all evening and when I woke up during the night it was still sprinkling. When I got up and went out to check the rain gauge, there was water standing and it looked muddy. Looked at the rain gauge and it said 1.6" - could hardly believe it. It was still misty and very cool.

    Stormy and I checked the heifers - found all of them on the first count - there's 12 little babies down there. Then, over to check the others - everyone looked fine - 14 babies, at least, over there. The last baby was south of the house so drove up to check she and her mother - they were okay. When I got back to the house, noticed there were probably a dozen up close to the mom and her baby. I heard a calf bawling and bawling and when I started down to check the heifers I saw a calf behind the barn, in the corral. We have a corral all around the barn with gate that close at the corners of the barn - they had blown closed and trapped the calf in the back corral. He must have gone in there while it was raining. Opened the gate and he came out and took off. I never know what I'll find when I go out in the mornings.

    A few days ago when I was ordering from Chewy I felt bad because I didn't have any toys for the cats so I ordered a couple of little plastic balls that light up when you roll them across the floor or move them. The cats don't even seem to notice them but they fascinate me. When I roll them, they watch and that's all. Guess I'm easily fascinated.

    Lots of things on TV yesterday about 9/11. Awful time for our Country but it really brought us all together. I checked and it happened on a Tuesday morning. Charles and I were must have been on leave because we saw it on the morning news show. Guess it's like the day President Kennedy was assinated, we'll always remember where we were when it happened.

    Hope everyone's doing well this morning. Joan, haven't seen a post from you in a few days - hope things are going well with you.

    Haven't heard from Sarah in a couple of days. Don't know what's going on - she doesn't answer her phone and even though I leave a message she doesn't return the call. Odd, because up until a few days ago she was calling me every day. Maybe she's just not feeling up to talking.

    I'll be back later. Enjoy your day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    edited September 2023

    No answer on the head count for adults or the gates but 26 calves. When will they be sold?

    9/11...I was watching the news. They were showing the first plane hit when the second hit came on live. It went from horrible to knowing it was a terrorist attack. Unforgetable.....

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Cool, dark and misty day in my part of Ohio.

    Made some buns today. Found stuff to do to keep me busy. Miss my connection with the outside. My financial planner has presentations several times a year. I have never went. Going to one tomorrow just to have something different. Going by myself. We’ll see.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Nice in Louisiana today, expecting rain later. Went to the grocery this morning and VA radiology called. They wanted to schedule a follow up ct scan of the lung xray I had yesterday. Scheduled for the 20th, always something with this old man. Wonder if they will also look at the esophgus that my primary care wanted a ct scan on.

    Just want to sit back in my designated rocker on Lorita's front porch and relax! TIRED!!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

    Judith, 18 heifers, 2 bulls in one pasture. One bull, one steer and probably 60 head in the other pastures which includes bigger calves. I don't know when he sells calves - we always sold in January. These little ones won't be sold for months and months - the bigger ones sooner. I saw the cow with the last new calf up by herself in the pasture so drove up, got close to the baby and he jumped up and went to her. They've gone down to the notheast pasture now. As I was coming back to the house saw they had stopped and he was nursing.

    Just talked with Sarah - they're discharging her today. I cannot believe that. I talked with the case worker and the nurse on the floor. As Judith says they're as dumb as dirt - at least to me comparing them with the way our social workers and hospital did things. They sending her home with home health to contact her to do an assessment - and for her to make an appt. with PT and a neurosurgeon. One of them told me home health supplies equipment - not sure about that. Also said she could talk to home health about hospice. I talked to her about that - at least she'd be provided medicine and equipment that she needs. There's no way she can make it at home. She won't even be able to get to the bathroom. She has no feeling in her feet and the stroke has affected her right arm so she can't use it very much, if any. Her left arm is weak because of the CP. Todd won't even be home all the time so she'll be alone. Can a person refuse to leave the hospital?

    She said the nurse who was on duty last night said she didn't see how she could go home not being able to swallow (she has a little bit of ice now) and tube feedings not working. Her regular doctor who has been seeing her hasn't been there the last two days - he hadn't mentioned discharge. They also mentioned NH but her SS would go to them for payment which is okay. I've talked and talked to them about getting insurance. She's on Sooner Care and I imagine or was told this is part of the problem - low payments. He'll have to mortgage their home and fine someone to stay with her - only thing I can think of. Any suggestions?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, it's a shame Sarah doesn't have better care. As for home health I do know that they can order what ever is needed to make her comfortable. I know one time here they ordered Lou some gauze and wound care even though I had already bought some. Also, on the assessment, hopefully that will be a step that they can report her needs are greater than they can give and other arraignments will be made.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    edited September 2023

    Lorita....the big problem is will Sarah participate. Will she answer her phone. Will she answer the door. Will she let someone in.

    If no then nothing can be done.

    If yes then my first call would be to Hospice. They will at least know what home health provides.

    Getting a morgage is not ideal right now. They are hard to get and the interest rates are sky high. The interest on my flip is now 9%.

    Unfortunately a hospital can not keep someone unless they are receiving medical care. Same goes for rehab

    .Has Todd refused to take her home???? I hope so.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    edited September 2023

    Possibly S is to the point where she is stable as they can get her and insurance is saying she needs discharged. The hospital may not be doing anything that couldn’t be done somewhere else. S has a lot of hard things going on but most of them are pretty chronic. Have they told her they have done all they are able to do? Have they offered her other discharge options she has chosen not to accept. If so that is possibly why she is being discharged to home. Have seen this happen many times when people were not willing to accept discharge plans to any place other than home. They are sent home because hospital has no other option as patient has refused anything else offered to them. Just a thought, don’t know the circumstances.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    So sorry to hear about Sarah's status and the fact that she will be sent home. I know when my Dad was in hospital and had severely declined while there they said they had to send him home as there was no treatment. I talked till I was blue in the face that he could not go home to my mother's care as she would not be able to see to his needs. I had to find a MC facility with a bed and decent in about 48 hours.

    If we had not gotten him another place, it would have been personal pay as Medicare and other insurance said they would not pay if no treatment.

    Have you talked to Todd? Sounds like Sarah needs skilled nursing facility given how much special care she will need. Even hospice will not be enough since they are not constant care unless in their facility.

    Lorita, I know you have been a wonderful advocate for her thru all this, but if she and Todd are not wanting any option other than to go home, you can't do much more.

    If she is sent home, I suspect they will be calling 911 soon and another trip to the ER.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. I’m doing pretty well at home. Today is a hard day and I don’t know why. Everything aches. I feel like the bones in my feet even hurt. I got up and we just finished my second walk outside just now. It helps to relax a little bit. My daughters have been so helpful. Tara got me through the first week and therapy. Nicole came Saturday and has me settled at home. She’s making all sorts of good things to eat and freezing in individual portions. I’ll have food for a month or longer. She leaves on Sunday, so hope I can do this on my own by then. Im doing great on the stairs and can shower and dress myself, so I am making progress.

    Day, what good news. Im thrilled you are cancer free. I hope you’re getting around and enjoying yourself. Pamper yourself while you heal.

    Im trying to keep ahead on all the news here. Good luck to everyone needing medical treatment. Im. Praying for all of us. I hope Sarah can find a place to stay and get the help she needs.

    I’ll check in tomorrow and hopefully I’ll feel better so I can chat more. Thanks again for the good thoughts and prayers. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, that's what the case worker told me - that she was stable. They did keep her alive and I think they tried to think what they could do to help with her conditions but I doubt she's well enough to undergo surgery so they're discharging her. I imagine Medicaid has a lot to do with the discharge.

    I agree, Marie, I doubt it will be long before she goes back to a hospital. I asked her how she'll get nourishment and she said she'd have to push it through the tube and endure the pain. I won't go into all the details but I just don't see how she can make it at home, mostly alone.

    Joan, so happy to see your post and to know you're home. Are you actually walking up and down stairs? That's incredible to me. How nice of your daughter to cook all that food and have it frozen ready for you to heat up when you need it. Take it easy and be very careful. Please post everyday, if you feel like it, so we'll know how you are.

    Thanks, everyone for the suggestions. I've told Sarah to talk to home health (if she will) about hospice. I know she doesn't want that so I can't do anything about it as much as I want to. She does need skilled NH care because of the feeding tube and all the other things. She called me a while ago and they were at WM getting her prescriptions filled (she was in the PU) - they didn't have the morphine they ordered for her and wouldn't have it until Thursday. She was going to call the hospital and see if they could send it to another pharmacy.

    I drove out in the pasture and watched the girls changing pastures. Just had to get out in nature (that's the only thing that helps me). So sweet to watch the cows coming up with their babies running beside or behind them. They can't keep up with the cow so they fall back, then run to catch up. Saw Billy and talked with him a while. Samson (the bull) was laying down away from the girls. I talk to him and he just looks at me. Some day one of them will answer me and I'll faint. I feel better since I came back in. Stormy was pouting because I didn't let him go.

    I'm so sorry to drop all of this on you all - I've done it for years but there's no one else. I did call Carol and talk with her. She recently lost her nephew (53 yr. old) to bone cancer so she understands. He was in a hospice facility in Chicago.

    I'll talk with you all tomorrow. Sleep well and thanks again.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Lorita I’m glad we are here for you. It’s hard when you don’t have any one.

    Another cool damp day. Went outside to work a bit and did not stay out long.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    It sounds like Sarah is not going to avail herself to available care.

    Rain again. Maybe the grass will green up after all.

    Had a good visit with opthamologist. Computer use/Netflix not a problem. I will go in for my annual in two weeks. Whew...

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    So many of us on the porch with heavy hearts worrying about others. Many battling sicknesses we may or may not even know about. I do think about everyone and wish I had a magic wand to wave to ease everyone's pain. My point being, we are each other's extended 'family' and are here for one another. To me that truly is a beautiful thing. Thank you for being there for me.

    The wonderful news is our horrid heat cycle has broken and we've had rain. Not a lot of rain but any is appreciated and temps in the low 90's feel wonderful. It has changed peoples attitudes, that's for sure. Bring on fall.

    Dealing with a sick dog here. I knew she was sick, but was shocked with what all the vet told me. Yes, she's 14, but she's playful and no one believes she's that age. After ton's of blood work, etc he 'gave me the talk.' I just looked at him and said she's coming home with me, I'm not making that decision now. He gave her 2 injections to feel better and cautioned me what 'could' happen. I've had dogs my entire life I know what can happen - I just strongly felt / feel now's not her time to go. She eating chicken & eggs, drinking water, walks around the house following me, asks to goes outside all normal things. Yes she's sleeping more and moving slower but she's happy and not in pain. She'll tell me when and I'll honor it. Don't be upset with the vet, anyone who would see her blood work would wonder how she's holding on. He was tender with me, but honest. We've been down this road with him before. He wants what is best for all of us. He was sweet in saying Don could call him and he'd go over everything or show him the bloodwork if that would help him understand. I do give him points for that. Right now she just had some chicken and is napping in a sunbeam.

    I've noticed I'm really having troubles getting on the message board. I usually have to sign in multiple times, which frankly is annoying. Then the page is blank, so I sign out and back in to get everything working properly.

    As my mom used to say - its time to get off one and on two! I've got to get busy here. Have a save good day everyone.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023

    Joan, it is so good to hear from you and I am delighted to hear that you are back home again. That first week is a difficult one, but here you are already going upstairs! What dear daughters you have, that is wonderful. If you feel a bit "iffy" about a few things for the next couple of weeks, it is also an option to have someone come in for a few hours or so during the day to do the bigger challenges. I hope that your healing continues rapidly; DH is doing almost everything now after his similar surgery, but overdoing sometimes causing a bit of a sore back. Cannot program him to be more cautious. His significant change to the better was about at six weeks post-op where he could really feel the improvement. I so hope that you continue to blossom and gain good benefits from your surgery very quickly.

    Lorita, I am truly sorry for the deep concern you are feeling for Sarah. The largest hindrance to ongoing care at the appropriate level appear to be the barriers that come from Sarah herself and possibly Todd by enabling her and not managing well. There is nothing you can do about that as much as you have tried; I am very sorry and understand how much this worries you.

    Once Sarah has reached the maximum that can be done at the ACUTE hospital level, it is time to discharge. I am willing to bet options were offered, but refused. Going to physical rehab would have been an option to strengthen her and to continue to progress her tube feedings and wound care and managing pain with her learning more. Not chosen. Another thing that can be done with prior approval is to be cared for at a specialty Long Term Acute Hospital. That would take special approval and is saved for those with extremely complex cases needing care at an acute or near acute level for a long length of time. Whether she would fit criteria would have had to be seen, but was perhaps an option. Oklahoma City has several of these settings. She can also opt for Hospice; better pain management as she depends upon that, an RN for necessary visits and at least once per week and an aide for bathing two to three times a week; BUT no returns to the acute hospital. Not chosen. SoonerCare also covers Long Term SNF level of care where she would have 24 hour care, but it was not chosen as an option.

    Sooner Care has a broad menu of care items including care at home. The following link has a bit about covered services and also has a page of phone numbers for direct contact with them. Wonder if Sooner Care itself has RNs or Social Workers or RN Case Managers that can go into a person's home and assess them for at-home needs which would keep the person out of the acute hospital. Some insurances will provide this as it saves them a lot of money by keeping the person out of acute hospitals as much as possible. As mentioned, SoonerCare also has coverage for Long Term Care Settings.


    This appears to possibly be one more time with things being the very same which in all probability will carry the same outcome of going back to the hospital again and again. She really needs a Long Term Care Manager; however, based on prior history would she permit that. I do feel concern on her behalf from historical behaviors where she will not answer the phone or the door when it is Home Health. You are doing all you can and are kind and loving emotional support for her; that is the gift you are giving.

    So glad to hear the hades heat has broken, Myra. I am sorry to hear of your beloved dog's health issues. That is hard; she has your love, your care and is happy and secure in her feelings; a blessing for her for sure. Our son and DIL have had that set of circumstances too and they took the same course with their little ones until it reached that absolute point of not being able to go on. Breaks one's heart.

    Sayra; how is it going with your mother at this point? So hoping that perhaps there has been at least a little easing, but from experience in such circumstances it can be a toss up minute by minute. Don't forget to take care of you too.

    I had to look up the word, "heifer' again because I could not recall what that referred to: a cow that has not had a baby. I will endeavor to remember that.

    Got some new carpets for the long hall bathroom floor in front of the long sink/counter. They are nicely staying right where placed and do not move or slip. Hurray for that. Tummy better but now Rosacea riled up again; that is a new "thing" that I have not had before the last couple of months. Drats! Seems parts are wearing out here, there and everywhere. Goodness me; never that that would happen, but turns out I am like everyone else who is, "maturing." I need a tuneup and lube. Call the Tin Man!

    Have to get going and contact a Hospice re making a donation. A friend's husband was diagnosed with brain/lung cancer in April and died in August; so sad. It was a shock as you can imagine. Rather than sending flowers, etc., I would rather make a donation and Hospices are such wonderful services, that is often one of my favorite choices.

    Take good care, be well,


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Joan, so great to hear from you. I know that bone-weariness feeling, it still is hitting me when I do too much, like to go the store.

    Lorita, I will tell you that the state of health care is quite poor. I didn't go into it, but my hospital stay was very poor, mostly because nursing staff (and they were RNs and APRNs along with PAs, would look at me and ask me why I was still there. I would respond "my doctor said I needed to be here and I know as much as you."

    I understood that the low BP and the fact that I wasn't in my room until 8:00 p.m. caused me to be there overnight. During overnight shift they were absolutely STINGY with the Gas-X and my shoulders/collarbone were killing me from the gas, they put oxygen on me because my pulse oximeter was not secure and when I would move my finger it would read in the 70s, and if I moved my finger again it would go back to 97. Okay, fine, I'll wear the oxygen.

    After breakfast, around noon, my surgeon came by and said I'd be moving to the regular GYN floor because I couldn't stay in the step-down unit any longer. Okay. At 3 pm they moved me and a whole new flock of nurses and aides were asking why I was there, I gave the same response and asked if I should order dinner because they stopped taking orders at 6:30. I was told "no, you'll be going home, we know you want to go home and we've texted the doctor." Okay.

    At 4:30, I walked to the nurses' station to ask if there was any news and they said no, and asked if I'd ordered dinner. I said no, I was told not to. They said "you'd better order dinner." I was on the phone with my sister-in-law and she said if I felt okay and wanted to leave she would help me get out of there. I tried to order dinner and there was a long wait, so I hung up the phone. Then I walked again over to the nurses' station and told them I was going to leave AMA (against medical advice) because there seemed to be no purpose in me being there. I was also put into a room with a lady who was on the phone with all her relatives and she also was telling them there seemed to be no plan for her and she had no idea when she might get to go home. She was constantly on her phone telling her family this and my anxiety picked up due to that, along with the fact that I had no peace at all - she had complaints about the food, the care, the lack of a plan for her (I had no idea why she was there), etc. Far different from the previous private room where I could at least sleep if I wanted to.

    After I told them I was leaving and I got changed, suddenly discharge papers appeared and aides came to take my IV out. They took me down in the wheelchair and I got out of there. I regard this as a great hospital. The problem is there is a disconnect between the doctors and the nursing staff and the patients are left hanging on a limb and there is no plan.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    All quiet on the old homestead today. Still pretty cool. It was so foggy this morning we couldn't see the cattle so had to wait until almost 8 a.m. to go check.

    Thanks, Sara, I'm glad you all are here to listen when I have troubles. Sometimes it is hard to be alone and not have someone to talk with who will answer. When I worked at the VAH we'd occasionally have a patient who didn't have a next of kin to notify if need be. I always felt sorry for them but never once thought I'd be in that position. I have a cousin and a cousin's wife and another cousin I seldom talk with plus Sarah and her brother - and that's it. Odd how some families get smaller and others get larger. Guess that's life.

    Thanks, Jo, for the information. Hope all of you are well today. Joan, take it easy going up and down the stairs. Sara, I know you miss volunteering. Maybe in time you'll be able to return to it.

    Talked briefly with Darwin today. They're both all right. Told him if he needed help with anything to call me. He always tells me that. He reminds me so much of another wonderful neighbor we used to have. A person is lucky if they have a good neighbor to call on for help and to help if needed.

    Enjoy the rest of your day. See you tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

    Day, we must have been posting at the same time. Glad you're doing all right but sounds like you had a rough, disconnected, time at the hospital. I'm a very lucky person - the only time I've ever been in the hospital (not overnight) was when I had the cholecystectomy. Got there early ,early and was home by mid to late afternoon. This was in the late 90s so I know things have changed by now. It just seems like they don't listen (Sarah told me this) and if you ask questions, sometimes you get answers and sometimes not. I know you were glad to get home.

    Eagle, I'm sorry when I posted before I neglected to tell you how sorry I am about your little fur baby. It's so very hard to let them go - but, you'll know when it's time. We get used to their behavior and can tell when something's off. I had to let Susie go a few years ago (after I got the GPs) and I was a mess. Her kidneys had failed and Mike showed me the x-rays and told me what would happen. I couldn't make the decision so he had to. They gave her the first shot and she was laying by my feet and went to sleep with her head on my feet. I had to get out of there before the final shot was given- was crying so hard I had to wait a while before I could drive. We've been through that so many times and it never gets easier. I'm glad she's still eating and seems happy and not in pain. Good for you for taking her home with you.

    Went to the mailbox just before dark and was able to see all the heifers and new moms - they were scattered all over that 35 acres. I told Stormy we'd go early in the morning. I didn't let him go this morning and he has felt hurt all day. Every time I move he raises his head and watches until I sit down again.

    Watching In The Kitchen with David, Day. Are you back to watching QVC again? I'm still missing Carolyn but do enjoy Jane being with Gary on Tuesdays. They seem to like each other and have fun. See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Day, be glad that you were able to leave the hospital soon after your surgery. There is a huge disconnect. My cousin was supposed to stay for two days after knee surgery, now she has been hospitalized for five weeks! Hopefully she will finally be ready to be discharged tomorrow in a stable condition. I didn't have much pain after my own surgery, but I did have a lot of flatulence. Other than that, I healed pretty quickly.

    Eagle, do you think your little guy might have a turn-around? My cat Simon was at death's door last year at age 17 years; I discovered he has hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure (systolic BP of 200) and kidney disease. I have to give him two medications twice a day. He is supposed to be on a kidney diet, but he doesn't like it. So far, he is holding his own. He still likes to walk around the yard and he can eat and use the litter box. He sleeps a lot. What is new is that he wants me to hold him in my arms like he's a baby, he doesn't want me to put him down. I hope your little guy can hang on longer, if he is not suffering.

    Lorita, I have a lot of cousins but none live near me. The ones my age are all sickly themselves. The next generation are either busy with their work and families or are sickly also. The next generation under them don't really know me. I have accepted that I am alone as far as taking care of myself goes. My priority is not to become a burden to any of my relatives. You are one of my role models! Keep posting, so I can learn from you.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    Good morning Porch Dwellers.

    It's a pleasant morning weather-wise here in in the Delaware Valley. It's not overly hot or raining, so I will take that as a win.

    I am sorry for all those dealing sickness and with sorrow. @dayn2nite2 that sounds like a miserable hospital stay. I have friends reporting serious dissatisfaction with hospital care-- my bestie's husband spent all of July in a formerly good hospital where the right hand didn't seem to know what the left was doing. Information between specialists didn't seem shared and the nursing teams were charged with more patients than they could manage. He didn't do well at home and ended up readmitted for another 2 weeks, and it was more of the same until he went to palliative care and passed. He's gone and I don't think my friend has a sense of why he died. On Monday my niece took her life-long bud to what is supposed to be the most highly regarded hospital in my state for a mastectomy for triple-negative breast cancer and reports it was an awful experience.

    @Jo C. I chuckled when you said you looked up heifer. In the parlance of the youngs it is a derogatory term for a woman of size.

    @Lorita I am so sorry for what Sarah has to deal with and how her decisions weigh on your loving heart.

    Locally, they finally caught the jailbreak fugitive. I have a very neurotic friend who lives less than a mile from one of his Ring doorbell sightings who has been struggling. I'm pleased this is over for her.

    Trigger Warning:

    There was a murder suicide last night nearby. A 93-year-old husband-caregiver shot his 94-year-old wife with dementia before turning the gun on himself. So sad.

    93-year-old man Stanley Brown shoots, kills his wife Florence before killing himself in Montgomery County murder-suicide - 6abc Philadelphia

    I'm taking mom to her PT this afternoon. I figure I'll do sheet pan nachos for dinner as I can throw that together quickly.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited September 2023

    Things about the same with mom JoC.

    Very sad about the older couple. Understand why it happens though, no where to get help or turn to. Can be an overwhelming, isolated feeling.

    Have received a lot of medical care this past year. I received good care during my hospitalization, felt like I met a lot of new friends. There were a few glitches but I worked through them and very happy with my care in the big picture. All my other issues and visits have been great except for one emergency room visit. That visit the doctor was clueless and did not care. Then I got a bill from him for $1600 that I had to pay out of pocket as I was still on Obamacare then. That was a disappointment. The nurse knew what was wrong and my sister laugh out loud. Anyways I’m thankful for the many kind, caring people I have met the past year and that I got through the other regardless of the doctor.Learned a lesson from that, I hope, don’t think it will pass go see your PCP.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood - sort of chilly when Stormy and I checked the girls this morning. Wasn't able to count the 30 head of heifers and the two bulls - we got out late (I didn't want to get up) so some of them had gone back into the pasture that isn't open enough to see them. Did check the pond and it looks okay this morning - glad of that. We counted what we could, then came back to see ours (I'm still calling them ours even though they're really not). Some were going to another pasture but saw one cow standing up close to the MH by herself. Went up to check and it was Gray Lady. Stopped and talked with her. She's one of our elderly girls, very friendly - she lets me pet her on the nose. She was okay, just watching the others, I guess. Came back and then took Sheena for her walk. We met Gray Lady coming down and she got after Sheena and it scared her. They're not used to those big, white dogs being out in the pasture.

    I'm worried about how I'm going to get Sheena's toenails trimmed. She won't let me do it - the last time I had it done I had the car and was able to get her in it. I held her head while two of the girls trimmed her nails. I can't get her in the PU so guess it'll have to wait until I get a vehicle I can get her in. Everyone has had their vitamins (me included) and had breakfast.

    Talking about awful hospital stays: my friend, Karen and her husband were going to KC at Christmas time years ago. He felt like he was going to pass out and pulled off the highway, misjudged distances and hit a culvert and the car rolled down an embankment several times. It broke several of Karen's bones. She was hospitalized in Joplin before transfer back to the hospital in her town. She improved to the point she was able to walk between bars. One morning a young girl came in to get her up for her PT, got her out of bed and dropped her to the floor. Karen never walked again. They should have had two people to get her up. If you're hospitalized you really need someone to be there with you all the time to see that things are done the right way.

    I just called Sarah - when she was discharged they electronically sent scripts to WM. They went to pick them up and was told they were out of Morphine and wouldn't have it until Thursday (this was Tuesday and she needs it because of the pain she has). She called the hospital and for some reason they couldn't reissue the prescription to another pharmacy. This morning she was waiting for a call from either the home health nurse or hospital. Now, WM is telling her they won't have the medicine until Tuesday. The nurse is trying to work out something with her PCP. I don't see why they can't void the original prescription and send another one to a pharmacy that has the medicine. She needs the medicine - just another wrinkle in her care. Hopefully, this can be worked out - I don't see how she can wait that long. They had her on Morphine every four hours at the hospital. Seems like she has so much trouble with getting prescriptions filled. I've tried to get her to use another pharmacy but to no avail. I don't like to use WM for prescriptions - you have to stand in line with other people who are sick and sometimes have to wait half an hour to get the medicine. I use a small pharmacy next to Urgent Care. They even have a thing like banks have so you don't even have to go in. Just pull up to this little building, send in your prescription - they fill it and send it out to you.

    Sara - have you ever made cinnamon rolls? I think I might want to try making some - never have - I was thinking I could make the dough in the bread machine, then go from there. I'm wondering if I can use the same dough I use to make bread for the cinnamon rolls? The driveway alarm just went off -it was our mailcarrier bringing a package to me that wouldn't fit in the mailbox. It was from Amazon and had come open and someone along the way had retaped it. I get lots of them like that. She had covid a couple of years ago but didn't have to be hospitalized. She and Sarah went to school together - same age.

    I'll stop for now - almost lost the post and I see that Sara has posted again so will read that. Hope everyone is doing well this morning.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Hospice would have morphine in the house within 24 hours.

    Cinnimon rolls.....I think the dough is different but you can certainly use the bread machine to mix. Don;t forget the frosting!

    Day going AMA. Good thinking and a solution to remember.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Judith, I can see the benefits of hospice but I'm not the one to make the decision. Maybe the home health nurse will make her understand the benefits of hospice. There is a stigma attached to hospice - people tend to think it's the very end of life but from being on this forum I know it isn't. I've tried to make Sarah understand this. I hope the nurse can get some kidn fo pain meds for her today.

    I've looked up recipes for the cinnamon roll dough - it has milk and eggs in it but it says you can use frozen bread dough so the bread dough would probably suffice. I didn't get around to doing anything with that today - after being out I've mainly done nothing except watch TV.

    They're having Gourmet Holiday on QVC right now - things are really tempting but I've learned frozen food does not arrive from them still frozen. The cinnamon things I ordered for my neighbors were in transit for six days - it wasn't frozen but the weather was so hot it just collapsed.

    Had a delivery from Amazon just now - haven't opened it but there's some new binoculars in it. One of the eyepieces fell off my old pair. I have another pair that makes everything green - don't know what that's about.

    Are you all getting rain every day? From what our weatherman says it looks like you are. We must have had a shower early this morning because the ground looked darker and there was water on the Gator's windshield. The ragweed is the main source of allergens right now so when I go out in the mornings I'm wearing a mask, otherwise, it really gets to me. I keep one in my pocket all the time if I'm not wearing it. Are people in OKC wearing masks?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'm so sorry to hear about all the trouble Sarah is having. I don't understand her medicine not being able to transfer to another pharmacy unless it's because of what it is. I know from past experence that medicine can be transfered by the pharmacy. I have had a medicine transfered by the pharmacy themselves!

    Having bad nights lately, noting to do with Lou. Since my scope I've had more problems with achalasia. Heartburn and regurgitation was extremely bad last night. I even regurgitated one of my pills I take before bed. Don't know what they will do, I already take two pantoprazole, one in morning and one in evening.

    Lou has gotten to where she is confused about eating. For some time finger foid has been easier for her. Last night we had pizza and a salad for a change. She was trying to use a fork on the pizza and picking pieces of the salad with her fingers. I would have her look at me and show her how to puck the pizza up and she would be fine. Main thing she's still eating and if I have to eventually feed her, that's OK


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited September 2023

    Ron feel bad for you. You may have already tried this, but just in case you haven’t I’m going to mention it. Years ago, I heard a nurse tell a patient that was having trouble with these type of issues to try lying on his left side when he lays down. Also, I believe sometimes elevating the head of the bed helps some people. Guess it’s worth a try if you haven’t tried these things already. The many different stresses you are dealing with doesn’t help either, I’m sure.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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