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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Ron....Please make certain that the shower floor is lighter in color than the bathroom floor or Lou may fear stepping into a hole. Also pour some water on the floor and seat to see how nonslip the surface actually is.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, I just returned a library book called "Still Distracted After All These Years" which is about ADHD in older women. It presents a lot of accommodations because the ADHD women need a lot of help!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I just returned from my first ENT visit for post nasal drip, a tickle in my throat and slight coughing. It turns out I don't have post nasal drip, but I have acid reflux. I was diagnosed with this years ago, but haven't given it much thought in recent years. I was impressed that the doctor thought of this diagnosis.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Eagle mom hope they were able to maintain your electric. That’s some thing I have a little trouble understanding why are they pushing electric cars and they can’t even produce enough electric for our Household needs. Maybe there’s some thing I do not understand.

    Thank you Beth.

    Lorita glad your ice maker is working. I use very little ice.

    Ron hope things work out for you to get your shower.

    Thought my supper was good. Had some leftover steak, sliced it’s sort of thin and cubed it. Then I fried some potatoes, onions And red peppers in a cast iron skillet. The last five minutes I added the steak. I still have a little more steak left over think I’ll make that again in a day or two it was really good.

    I’m doing OK Lorita. Today, I found time to transplant four perennials into a new bed that I may try to start in the back of the house. Remember, three months ago all I could do was plant out two petunias and I was wore out. Thought about that today as I was doing something much harder and it didn’t tire me at all. Biggest problem I have, and I had it before I was in the hospital, I’m just slower than I used to be. I cannot do as much in the same amount of time as I used to be able to do. I don’t have trouble digging a hole or cutting things. I just can’t get as much done in the same period of time for some reason it’s like I’m slow. I complained about that to my sister when I bought the house I live in now because it took me three months to get it cleaned up. She said you are older than you used to be. Guess that is the answer. I’m not complaining. Think I do well.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    @Iris L.

    I am adding that to mom's Christmas list along with the SPF shirts for my son.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Ron....you absolutely must have a hand held shower. I think one can be added to the main shower head.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    edited September 2023


    It says the last post was from Judith but I don't see it. Don't see any for this morning.

    It's mostly cloudy here this morning and sort of windy and not too hot. There were storms east of here - nothing here.

    Ron, the shower looks nice - bigger would be better if you can swing it - all you mentioned will be nice. On TV it says they can install them in one day - probably two or three.

    Before I got up this morning I discovered, because it hurt, a big area of redness under one of my girls. Luckily I have some medicine my doctor prescribed so it will take care of it but meanwhile - it hurts. It happened all at once - usually I discover it before it gets too bad. Always something.

    Here's another bovine story: last night, just before dark I went out on the porch and saw a little calf, probably 4-5 weeks old, walking between the house and pond. He was bawling - couldn't find mom. He was probably asleep when they went off to graze - woke up and mom was gone. The cow with the new baby was in the lot - the calf saw her and went in so I closed gates so he wouldn't wander off. He kept bawling and I'd hear his mother answer along with others but she never came down. I went to bed at 12:30 (he had stopped bawling), got up at 3 and listened and heard mom bawling. She was across the lot fence from her baby, the new mom and baby were just inside the fence and another cow and her baby had come down with the calf's mother. They do that a lot - for moral support and safety, I guess. I opened the gate, mom went in to her baby and I went to bed. This morning Stormy and I went down very early to see the heifers. Finally got a good count on them and now I think there's 12 new babies. They are so cute - running and playing. One mom had her baby staked out in some tall grass but she was standing guard. Then we checked our girls - I think there's 12 little ones there with several older ones. Couldn't locate Gray Lady for a while so we drove around a while and finally found her. Just now looked out and saw the cow who got hurt last spring making her way to the barn. She's walking very slowly but still up and about. I was worried that she would have a really hard time calving but Mike says the injury was to the outside of the hip so shouldn't be a problem. I need to check to see when that happened so I'd know when she was due. Gray Lady's due next month. Tried to call Sarah - no answer so either she's sleeping, they're cleaning her up or doing another test. I'll wait for her call.

    Sara, I know you were so glad to be able to move those plants without being worn out. You're improving but take it easy.

    Hope that both Joan and Day are doing well this morning - also everyone else who's having health problems.

    Judith, after I posted this and looked again, there was your post. You're right, one can be added to the showerhead. I added one to ours - not hard at all.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, the shower is much bigger, the picture I posted was just a showroom shower. Wow things are expensive now days! I went on and bit the bullet and bought it. This is mainly for me since I can't get Lou near water anymore. I have to use the waterless cloths and spray shampoo with her. Just thought it was time to spoil myself and get a shower I'm more comfortable in. I did get the retractable shower head and a seat. This way I can sit down and bath my legs, not very flexible anymore. I will also have a long bar installed to help me get up. No slip base and sliding door to get in and out. Takes about six weeks from time of order till instalation and instalation is only one day. The advertising is a little misleading, they make it sound like one day and it's done, fail to consider the ordering then the custom make and shipping.

    Can't believe I wrote so much on just a shower!

    My past few days haven't been good, Lou was hateful with me when I was getting her ready for bed last night. I couldn't go right to sleep with the agravation, when I finally got to sleep around 10 I woke up needing to go to the bathroom. Layed back down and couldn't go back to sleep and was up at 2. Lo got up for bathroom around 6 and layed back down and after half a hour I desided to try to get some sleep in myself. Wasn't 20 minutes and she was sitting on the edge of bed. I asked if she was ready to get up and she sayedno, I helped her back under cover and stayed up. No rest for the wicked!

    I have a pcp visit coming up Monday have a whole list of questions. Main two is how a nodule seen on ct and pet scan a week apart showed the nodule but was gone when they look to biopsy it. The other is since the scope .y achalasia with trouble swallowing and regulations has got worse.

    Hope all on the porch and myself have a good weekend.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    You may be surprised about Lou and the shower. Warm bathroom...walk in...sit down...no water on face or head...fluffy robe and slippers...reward following completion.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, I am slow, too! But it's okay, we don't have punch a time clock!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita you have lots of new babies to keep you busy. Hope things are feeling a little better today.


    Today is cloudy. Cleaned kitchen and bathrooms this morning, fed my nephew breakfast, then canned a little tomato sauce. Had a lot of tomatoes on counter. Didn’t want them to go to waste. Have been blessed with more tomatoes than I have ever had from the volunteer plants that were provided for me. Got 3 1/2 pints today. Few days ago I made 1 1/2 pints of spaghetti sauce, froze it. That doesn’t sound like much but for me a single person it is quite a few meals. Still have more setting on and ripening, depends on how long season lasts. Cantaloupe still doing ok. Gradually getting less green, we’ll see if season lasts long enough for it. Hope I can work a little in yard this afternoon. Take care everyone. Thinking of all on this whole forum.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, I'm slow, too - more so than I was a year ago or even six months.Iris is right, no time clock to punch or meetings to get to.

    Things are okay today - slept until a little after 7 - just didn't want to get up - but did. Stormy and I checked everyone - seemed okay. Sara, the little ones were running around everywhere - they have so much energy - wish I had that much, or even half that much. The newest baby in our herd was laying by himself - there were some cows around so wasn't sure who mom was. They drifted off after a bit but about an hour ago I saw a cow down by the pond - working her way back to baby. Later saw she had taken him to a shade and he was nursing. Not sure where they are now.

    Just now I was sitting in the living room and looked at the window that opens onto the porch and something was crawling across the screen. Realized it was Rusty. I hadn't fed him today so guess he did that so I'd remember. Got some food and he was sitting on the porch but ran out in the yard and onto a tree trunk while I fed him. Looked out just now and he was eating the sunflower seeds and peanuts. Need to order some more sunflower seeds. So, if I don't remember to feed, guess they'll come and remind me. You are so busy and I now you enjoy what you're doing.

    Just think how good that tomato sauce will be this winter. Glad the cantaloupe is still doing well.

    Quiet day here - FedEx is supposed to deliver from Chewy today - so will have to order the sunflower seeds from Amazon. Got my ColoGuard kit yesterday - UPS actually brought it to the porch.

    I wanted to watch the University of Okla. football game this evening but it's on ESPN Plus and Directv doesn't carry that channel so guess I won't. OSU plays so will watch them.

    I was putting receipts away this morning and checked the CU statement and it had an entry I do not remember. Seems like I remember the amount but no idea what it was for - no entry in the checkbook. Of course they're closed today so will have to wait until Monday - hate when that happens.

    Don't have to cook today so that's a plus. It's hot outside - supposed to be in the 70s and low 80s next week. I'm so ready for fall - can probably multiple that wish by ten for Eagle and anyone in Texas. It has been a bad summer for the south central part of the USA.

    Ron, last night I saw an advertisement from Jacuzzi showing a shower - it was really pretty. You'll be so glad when that gets installed. Wish I had one - stepping over into the bathtub could be a scary thing.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I wish the shower was already here! I feel a little guilty spending that much money for mainly me, but I don't have anything else that I spend for just me. Lou will not use it since about a year ago I started having trouble bathing her. It got to where she would not get in the shower even after I bought a seat. I started bathing her at bedside with a washcloth and still problems. I finally realized she just didn't want water on her and I started using the waterless cloths that after using you just towel dry, no rinsing and a foam shampoo in her hair that you just comb.

    Another sleepless night last night, once again I thought I would try to lay down after giving her medicine at 7:30 this morning. She always lays back down and gets up between 9 and 10. Guess what, this morning she decided she wanted to stay up.

    Maybe I can sleep in church tomorrow! Just joking.......somebody would probably thump me with the song book.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Ron, Don't feel guilty. You deserve the new shower. You do so much for Lou, it's time you do something for yourself. And, as Judith said, Lou might fool you and like the shower- we just never know how they'll be. Like with Lou getting up this morning instead of sleeping a while longer. Charles used to sleep late which gave me my "me" time early but sometimes not.

    I sat on the porch this evening just before and after dusk - reminded me of when I was growing up. We always sat out there - cool breeze and so peaceful. After mother got older and daddy was gone, she said dusk or just before was the worst time for her - too many memories of all who had sat on the porch during her lifetime here on the farm and now being alone in the house. If I let myself, I'd feel the same - did tonight.

    I checked our temperature about an hour ago and it was 82. Okla. State plays in Tempe, Arizona just about now and it was 108 there. Too hot to play or even sit in the stands to watch (at least for me). I'll sign off and watch the game. Hope everyone's okay today or at least feeling better.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I am in northern CA attending my cousin's son's wedding. I sat next to a woman who raised Holstein dairy cows. She had over 1,000. Her daughter now runs the farm. Question: does the word "cattle" have a different meaning from cows?


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, you can't eat money. Don't feel guilty, in fact, feel glad that you can spend it to make your life easier.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Hope each of you are getting a good day of rest.

  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hi, My sign in is Bundy and I have been on Lorita's discussion for a few years ,My husband passed away last December but I have stayed on this group anyway. I read every day but have not posted for long time and I am wondering if the site is trying to drop me .as I have not seen any posts since Friday. Lorita still remembers me anyway and I was wondering if there were posts Saturday and today. I did just see a post from Sayra checking in but still want to see if anything is wrong. Thank you

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Bundy, good to see your posts. There's some sort of glitch in this new format - sometimes posts appear and sometimes not. I just checked and there were several yesterday, the 9th. Check again and they might show up. I remember you for sure and hope you're doing well. I know the first year is hard - too many firsts. Not sure, either, if it gets better. Glad you're reading - post and let us know how you're doing. We'd never drop anyone - we enjoy hearing on a regular basis from everyone.

    Iris, cattle includes cows, heifers, calves, steers and bulls - cows are just bovine who have calved. I think people use the terms interchangeably. That lady must have one big dairy - can't imagine what else she'd be doing with Holsteins.

    Stormy and I had a time seeing all the heifers this morning - couldn't even get a good count on the babies. They're running and playing everywhere so lots of moving around. Some morning we're just going to sit and watch them play. Our girls were okay - not counting them - not even sure of how many there are now.

    It's been a warm day but it's supposed to really change tomorrow - fall weather or a taste of fall.

    Ron, did you make it to Church this morning and were you able to stay awake?

    I haven't done much of anything today - just got up from a nap and got the trash ready to take down - not much of it this time. Got new leashes yesterday for the GPs from Chewy. I don't know why I ordered 6 ft. long ones - guess I got the big eye. When Stormy rides in the Gator I put the hand loop over the gear shift - if he fell or jumped out a 6 ft. long one wouldn't keep him inside. I'll figure out a way to use them or donate them to our animal shelter and order more. Also need to get new collars for them.

    I hope everyone is well today. Tomorrow is the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 - hard to believe it's been that long. Time is really going by fast.

    Better stop and get the trash down. Thought I'd need to go up and get Gator gas this week but Mike came by this morning and brought two cans. He filled it up and there's still one can left. He "borrowed" it to check the grass in the section east of us. The grass is growing but really needs rain - thinks he'll be able to get a second cutting on at least part of it. He said the big bales are selling for $80-100 each. I can remember many years ago my parents bought a bale from our neighbor when they weren't able to feed the small bales because of weather and it was $20 - and we thought that was high. Glad I don't have to worry about finding a custom baler and hoping they can get to bale it at the right time - then worrying about hauling it up to the house - but, I still miss working with the girls although I see them everyday. Darwin says he misses his,too, even though they're still on his place, too. Don't know - why I wandered off in that direction- just thinking, I guess.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, yes I made it to church and didn't fall asleep. Good preacher and good sermon kept me awake!

    I was wondering if I would make it this morning with all my aches and pains! I've been hurting real bad in my back right below the shoulder blades and both leg calfs. Real bad in the left where they found the blood clot, but ladt time they looked it was OK. I've also been having a lot of esophgus problems with heartburn and regurgitation. I haven't had heartburn for years since being on medication for it, but since the scope last July it's came back. At least I have primary care appointment tomorrow and can unload on her. Wednesday is also a follow-up with my radiology oncologist.

    Hope everyone had a good day and im still praying for the sick.


  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thank you Lorita for sending me a note. I did not want to lose out on this group but thought maybe they would cancel someone if they didn't write very often. I so enjoy hearing about your love for animals as that has always been just the way I am. My husband and I lived in a place once that had a woody area behind our house and I fed every animal that came up to the house . Your story about Rusty reminded me of the squirrel that came to our house . I fixed him a plate of seeds and my little dog had a pad on a chair by the window where he could lay and watch him and bark..I do enjoy hearing from all your friends and didn't want to lose youall. I live in Fishers, Indiana which is right above Indianapolis so I am not too far from Sayra.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    edited September 2023

    The surgical pathology showed no residual cancer in any of the tissues and none in the lymph nodes sampled so I am clear. I also have had endometriosis and 4 fibroids in the specimen, so that was interesting. I will see the doctor on Friday and will go back to work Saturday. I shouldn't need any additional treatment.

    I encourage anybody again - do not put off being seen because you're caught up in caring for someone else or because of a hectic life. Keep up with your physicals/testing and if anything feels/seems out of the ordinary, get it checked!

    Lorita, I do normally have hypertension but they had told me not to take my BP medication the morning of surgery, but they gave me some just prior to me going into the operating room at about 4:00 p.m. By 6:30 p.m. I was getting the low BP readings.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Day, glad to hear your results came back clear and ready to go back to work.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited September 2023

    Day, what wonderful news to be CANCER-FREE! Yes, regular screenings are important. In addition to having caregiving duties, many people, including myself, neglected their health during the covid lockdowns. We have to get back on track!

    Welcome back, Bundy. I know what you mean about your location. I used to live in Kokomo, at the north edge of town, and I could see deer stepping out of the woods, early in the mornings. This was a treat for me, a city girl! We enjoy Lorita's stories about her "critters". Does anyone remember Elly Mae and her "critters" from the Beverly Hillbillies?

    Ron, I was out of town at a wedding this weekend, and of course, ate food that I wouldn't ordinarily eat, also wine snd champagne. I had my first noticeable episode of heartburn and regurgitation at the wedding dinner. It startled me. I have to get back to my usual eating! I hope your doctor can give you some answers and some relief tomorrow. Is this a g-i doctor?

    When I was at airport TSA, I asked if I could leave my shoes on at age 70. No, the age is 75. So I had to bend down to unfasten my shoes, and immediately got a cramp In my right calf. I had to massage it for a few moments to get to where I could remove my shoes and proceed.

    The airport had a red, white and blue floral arrangement in the form of a flag in front of the terminal, in memoriam of 9-11-2001. It is hard to believe it was 22 years ago. Air travel is so standard now, it's almost like riding a bus. Line up, get on, get off at your destination an hour or so later. That's how it was for me this weekend. But I will never forget that day and the days that followed.

    This format has strange autocorrection.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    edited September 2023

    Bundy we do live fairly close.

    Thankful for the good news you got Day.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Day, congrats on the wonderful news of being cancer free! Don't over do it...surgical recovery can take a while.

    Iris, it is hard to believe it has been 22 years since that awful day. At the time I was living in Florida, but all my family lived just a few miles from the Pentagon. A terrifying few hours connecting with each of them to insure they were ok. So many innocents lost that day, and even the years after for those who went into the rubble to try to save folks. May they all rest in peace.

    Lorita, love to hear your adventures with your beloved animals...you are a great guardian of them all.

    Ron, I sure hope your doctor is able to help you find relief from your various issues. Glad you were feeling up to going to church.

    Hi Bundy, I am in Virginia. This amazing front porch always has room for another rocker...glad you felt like coming back.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Day, so glad your biopsies were clear!

    We got an inch of rain overnight which was much needed. I'm grateful. Planning to go to a cross country meet for our granddaughter this afternoon.

    Have a good day, everyone!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Day! That is the best news, ever! I am delighted for you. I am also wondering how our dear Joan is doing; so hope that she is improving.

    Hot today in the 90's with very high humidity, so AC it is. We do not keep our house overly cool, but it is a two story and our electric bill last month was $700! Oh boy. Our AC works well; but it is many years old now, we are going to look into replacing it this winter. Our son in Oregon replaced his this year and his electric bill went way, way down.

    I have noticed some blips in the platform. The pages are a challenge; sometimes it comes in at other numbered pages other than what I have chosen and it can hiccup. Guess not used to this many pages in its digestion. Also noticed that I will type, go back and read and all is well; BUT then after typing some more and checking again, parts of words, etc. are missing that weren't before. Other blips too, but the page numbers are the most annoying.

    Glad your ice maker is doing a very good job, Lorita. That is great. And Bundy; it is good to see you again.

    Hope Ron is given some good intervention and plan of treatment at his Dr's. appt. today. Will keep fingers crossed on his behalf.

    Today; the 11th, it is hard to believe that it has been 22 years. How swift those years have passed, but the memory will always be. Pepperdine University has 3,000 full sized flags on their hills; one for each life lost in the 9/11 attack. Very touching.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Long day at the VA! Was 30 minutes late on my primary care seeing me. Spent a lot if time with her myself also, so guess her next appointment was even later. Was told oncologist had already entered in the system for another pet scan; evidently they have to wait six months between test. My primary care couldn't find a pulse in my feet and put in or a test for PAD. She also ordered a ct scan to review the nodule they was previously seen. Also entered in the system for a barium swallowing test to check food going through the esophgus. We know due to achalasia y swallowing has problems, but it has gotten worse. Did have a chest xray today to check the pain below my shoulder blades. Now just waiting on phone calls for scheduling all the test.

    Good news........I'm still alive!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Cow count question again. How many cows did Mike bring in? How many have been born? Why are you still counting and why do you open and shut the gates all the time???????

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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