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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sorry, I think this font is too large but I'll go on anyway.

    Ron, so glad your shower is working right and that you like it. I bought some of those cloths for Sarah and also for me. They're amazing - just a drop or two of water and you have soap galore. I use mine when I'm in a big hurry. I used some sort of no-rinse foam for Charles sometimes but I think these would have worked better.

    I've never had gumbo so can't comment on that but do hear it's really good. If you'll add a splash of vinegar to things you put okra in, it'll take care of the sliminess. We liked to pick the okra pods when they were about 2 or even 3" long and cook them until tender in just a little water - always added a little vinegar in case a pod broke. I grew up eating fried okra. Someone brought some to me this year a couple of times and I really enjoyed it. But, always hated to pick the stuff which was my job. Long sleeves required or you'd itch for a week.

    Nice that you enjoyed your dinner last night. No way could I ever eat venison. I can't imagine how anyone could sit up in a whatever they call it and wait for a deer to come by and then shoot it. None of my family were hunters - I think some of that comes from working with cattle - not sure. But, I do know that the older we get the more we value life so not hunting. I did go out with daddy once to get a rabbit. I shot at it and missed on purpose. If I shot one I'd be depressed for a month.

    Sara, I've wondered about all wheel drive and if it did good in snow and/or mud. My PU is really high up and is 4WD but haven't used it very often. I use the 4WD on the Gator more than anything. The CRVs are really cute and am really glad you like it. I've bought a couple of cars that just came out and without test driving and had no problem with them so I'm thinking about a Dodge Hornet but do need to see one to see if the GPs could/would get in it. I'd like to have bench seats but not sure they make them anymore. I saw the prettiest Mercury yesterday - one of the older kinds. Wish they still made big cars that are heavy. Doubt I'd feel very safe in a light-weight one. I like to sit up high, too, to be able to see what's going on. When I was working one of the people I carpooled with had a VW - felt like I was sitting on the road. She wasn't with us very long.

    Iris, glad your CPAP is working for you. Never used one but I would imagine they're sort of hard to get used to.

    Sara, my Sarah's phone lets her speak to send a text. I get some of the weirdest ones ever - guess it's changing what she says. My tablet does that, too, so have to try to be sure to proofread.

    My arm is kind of sore this morning but not too bad - glad that's over. I'll get the covid shot in a couple of weeks. They say it's best to use your arm after an injection so can't imagine why mine's sore after all the lifting and carrying I did yesterday. Finally got everything put away - except FedEx delivered dog food yesterday. It's still in the boxes on the front porch. I'll have to get that to the utility room at the back of the house - probably tomorrow. Got some of the trash together for late tomorrow. I didn't take it down last week so they'll be quite a lot, probably more than the barrel will hold. Glad I finally decided to take a barrel down - I can put the sacks in it and the boxes beside it so I don't have to go down so early. I dread the time change but will enjoy more daylight in the morning.

    Stormy and I went out to see everyone this morning. Toad had brought another bale of hay for them. I can't get a good count on them when they're all around the hay but I think they're all there. By this afternoon they'll be down in the meadow and I'll be able to count them. Checked all of ours - there was a cow and calf in the NE pasture (think it was the cow who was injured a few months ago - she tends to not walk too much). Finally found Gray Lady - can't leave without seeing her.

    Bedlam football game is this afternoon - I can only imagine how many people are in Stillwater today for the game. Sad that this will be the last one. The first one was in, I think, 1890, years before Statehood. Bedlam, between OU and OSU, and the Red River Rivalry are two of the biggest games in Oklahoma.

    You know, I had wondered about picking up groceries - if they would give you good produce - they do - just like you'd selected it yourself. Even the bananas are perfect.

    I'm going to stop - written too much (what's new). Still wondering about Jo and David. Iris, do you have any idea about how to get in touch with her?

    Joan, hope things are going well for you today. I'll be happy when you're able to get outside for your walks again - know you miss them.

    Barbara, how are things going in Australia - guess you're beginning to have nice, warm weather. Hope your fibro is better. Did you all have a bad flu season this year? Whatever happens to you all effects what happens with our flu shots.

    I have a stack of junk mail to go through - really piles up, probably because I don't do it but once a week. Enjoy the rest of the day - 70 degrees here right now and sunny. This may be what is called "Indian Summer". We've had a killing frost - still some green grass in the pastures but the crab grass in the yard has had it.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello to the Front Porch folks; it has been awhile and things have been a bit complex. I am pretty tired, if you go to the Thread; "Jo C, Thinking Of You Today," I wrote a Post re what has happened and is happening which is not the news I would have wanted to hear.

    Sure glad to be back home, but still problematic as Posted on other Thread. Caught up with everyone but too tired to write much more; so sorry. Do read what is happening and if anyone has any similar experience would be good to hear. For those who have put me into their prayers, thank you so very much; it is deeply needed and deeply appreciated.

    Love to all,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited November 2023

    Please, Lorita, you must get a car that is dependable and if you are going to drive on the country roads with little traffic please be certain your phone works.

    I have driven Volvos for years . My current one is a 2013 XC60. I love it and I have excellent people to work on it. Nothing has been needed except routine stuff. The shop is about 20 minutes away. I usually take it in and pick it up the next day. I can get in and out without a step stool!

    The battery needs charging occasionally because I do not drive enough and when I do set out I rarely leave the plateau.

    I wear my CPAP every night and sleep through about 8 hours. On the occasional night I fall asleep before putting it on I will wake up at least once because I stop breathing.

    Ron...my shower has a seat also. It needs something pn it because it is slippery so I just stand. I only shower when someone else is in the house because of my balance.

    Junk mail is annoying. I throw mine away the moment I get into the house.

    Jo...thank you for the update. You have had a rough time. Glad you are back home.

    Tonight is "bits and pieces" soup. Usually good....always edible.

    Ordering some micro plush sheets for my son who lives in a three story house built in 1880. The boiler is broken...no heat.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Love and prayers still being sent for Jo, C. I read your update and you have been through a lot. Do you have one of those oxy finger monitors? I have one and take my level often! Of course with my problems it's usually between 92 and 94. When I first wake up after sleeping with oxygen it's 97 and when I exert it can drop to 89 but usually goes back up with rest.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jo, read your post on the other thread. So sorry about the fibrosis but hopefully the Prednisone will take care of it if at least help a lot. Glad you're home - that will help you feel better. Also glad your son is improving. Still praying for you both.

    Just talked with Sarah. She's still hanging in there but is in pain.

    Judith, I'm going to work on a new car next week. The dealer in our town has Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler and something else. Last time I was there they had new Jeeps but no new cars in the showroom. Sydney had a jeep and it was really small and was totalled in a 25 mph wreck. Everything has gotten so small and lightweight. Just wish the PU was doing better. It does fine as long as you don't accelerate so it does fine on country roads. I do keep my cell phone with me and am wearing my pendant all the time.

    Well OSU won over OU by three points. This bedlam began in 1904 so been going on a long time.

    Enjoy the rest of the day. Time change tonight!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith and Sayra, I am doing better with CPAP but not great. I long to sleep for eight hours straight.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, maybe tonight's the night! I know it's frustrating to not be able to sleep especially because of breathing problems. Good luvk. .

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Jo...you are "tucked into my pocket" as Leeanne would say.

    New car....loaded with decisions. I hope to not need go down that road but if I do I want one that I can start from inside the house.

    Quiet here. Studying for the new exhibit. Always an enjoyable way to spend the day.

    The 8 hours of sleep is a blessing. I think because of something called REM.

    Soup is good...found some more bits to put in.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Yesterday was a quiet day for me. My nephew came for breakfast, and after he left, it was so dark and gray and I just was very unmotivated. Then I thought Sara after lunch you got to do something. So after lunch, I cleaned up the garage and that made me feel better. I love the garage being clean when I go out there, but winter will soon take care of that if we have very much snow and salt. The bad thing is you can’t clean it out there in the winter it’s just too cold. I’m not that tough.

    Today is one of my days to take care of mom. That gives me something to do because I go in the morning and I go late afternoon. She’s actually been doing just a bit better for several weeks now. I stayed an hour each time and we have a pretty normal conversation. She said some mixed up things but nothing too bad I can just kind of laugh. Only day I dread going is every two weeks when I clean the house but as soon as I’m done cleaning, she goes back to her old self so it’s OK.

    Grilled cheese and vegetable soup was supper, delicious.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Is it Sayra or Sara?????

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, frustrating day for me. A little calf, 3-4 months old, has bawled and bawled, yesterday and today. I've driven miles today trying to see if mom was down somewhere. Drove all the fence lines and even walked around in the MH yard, - nothing so guess that's good. Baby is too young for mom to wean her so just don't know. I think she can make UP with feed, grass and hay. After we had done all that a cow came up going south and baby was so happy thinking it might be mom. She ran a little following her but stopped. The cow didn't respond, just kept walking. I really believe it's the cow who lost her baby. Guess there's nothing more I can do. Even checked the heifers pasture. You want to help but feel so helpless.

    Went in the sunroom to hang up some clothes and there wss about a 2x1" hole in the ceiling -' looks like a little piece of drywall fell out. Got some of that drywall paper and some caulk and got that fixed. If also looks like that paper is turning loose along the seams. If it's not one thing, it's two or three.

    Got trash together so will take it down soon.

    Judith, you're so right- so many decisions.Carol said they only had four new cars when they got theirs. Same dealership in two towns. Sort of thinking about a Dodge Hornet but doubt they have one - they're made in England for Dodge. They had several new Jeeps when I was down there a few months ago.

    Glad you're enjoying your studying. When is the show?

    Sara, your supper sounds good. I love grilled cheese sandwiches. When I was in business college, that was my main lunch. Got some brioche last week so that would be good with maybe potato soup. or not.

    Eagle I just watched most of a game between Houston and Tampa Bay. The Texans had about 44 seconds to play and marched down the field for a TD. Their kicker got hurt so had to make a TD. First time I had watched them. Their QB is a rookie but really good.

    Read Jo's post on the other thread. Can't imagine what happened to cause this. Prednisone seems to be helping. We just never know what can happen and when.

    Better get that trash down -dark will come soon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    My name is spelled Sara but my mom pronounced it Sayra. A few of my older relatives call me Sayra. Of course at school and work people called me how they are use to pronouncing it. I answer to either.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited November 2023

    The Hornet is smaller than my Volvo but larger than Winda's Ford Escort which I do not feel safe in at all. Be certain to check ground clearance so you do not have to pack a step stool...lol I do not see how you can even start to buy a car with only one dealership and it looks like they only have a few new cars!

    The Raven show will often 11/10 and be with us for 6 months. I will be with the artist the evening of 11/10. Can hardly wait.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, one of the main things is I have to get a car the GPs will get into. Both of them would get in the Mercury we had but it took a while to get Sheena to the point of getting in. Once when I was able to get Stormy in the PU to go to the vet, after the visit, he jumped in with no trouble. Carol and Geri, cousin's wife, both got Buicks at the dealership owned by the guy in our town. We'll see what they have - maybe a super good car a year or so older and bigger. I like heavy cars that are much safer. That's why I like the PU. Might even consider a half ton pickup that is lower to the ground.. Wherever it is it needs to be easier to get in and out. Hate carshopping.

    Will you be guiding the tours the whole six months?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I think I'm going to have to take a nap before I can watch TV. I'm so sleepy and had at least eight hours sleep last night. I heard there are more strokes and heart attacks the day after this time change than any other day. Sleep well tonight.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    We once had a large dog that we had to "train" to get into the car. Started with one of us just sitting in the back seat reading. Gradually we moved to giving treats inside the car.

    The vet said that it was quite possible that the the dog was fearful of the car.

    Anyway, it worked.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, the Mercury was low to the ground and Sheena did get in after a few tries - no problem with Stormy. She won't even get into the Gator. A couple of times she has put her front feet up on my lap or chair. She is kind of timid. The PU is just too high for her. She has never gotten up on any of the furniture. She has bilateral hygromas so that could be part of the problem with not wanting to get up on anything high. Thanks for the thought. I'm over being sleepy so good to to for Barney Miller. Tablet changed Barney to Harvey -wonder why.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sara, when I was very young, the older people in the south used to say "Sayra" for Sarah.

    Lorita, I suppose you don't bottle feed.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, in the past we've had lots of bottle babies but not since I sold the girls. At one time I had three little girls on the bottle. I can handle two but not three so got bottle holders. You attach them to a fence- I put them on a board in the pen, then put the bottle in. It holds it for the baby to nurse. A calf this big would be hard to get used to the bottle - maybe a bucket though. I was able to sell the three little girls to the same person. Mike almost always has to feed. He has at least one bottle baby and he has a nurse cow who can take care of two babies.

    I remember one winter we had two on the bottle. Our power went off so we put the milk in front of the heating stove to warm. When it was time to feed it was warm enough. I put the bottles in an insulated bag to take to the barn to feed the two babies.. Gets hairy out here sometimes.

    Time to go check the girls.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited November 2023

    What you said is interesting Iris. I am originally from Kentucky. My name was not pronounced correctly a lot by people there. Got called Suri some and wouldn’t know how to spell what my one grandpa called me. As I said, it don’t really matter to me I answer to anything, but I do like it when people call me Sayra because that truly is what I was named. Wish my mom would’ve spelled it that way.

    My dad raised beef cattle. He would get baby calves from neighboring dairies. I can’t remember if we ever fed with a bottle or not, I think so. Know that we feed a lot of them with buckets and a nipple. Always enjoyed feeding them so did one of my sisters.

    My uncle who is 88 or 89 called me today asking for advice on some pain that he’s having. He must’ve called me because I’m the one that turned him onto the massage gun. I wish he would call his other family members. He has physicians and nurse, practitioners &/or physician assistants in his immediate family. Anyways, it was sad because he told me that he is starting to have some issues with his memory. It’s interesting because several years ago when I was down there visiting with them I noticed that his driving skills were not what they used to be. I said something to my sisters and they didn’t agree with me. I also noticed that his wife kind of kept an eye on him and she would say things sort of directing him. He told me that in June he was out driving and I forget exactly what happened but he got turned around. He said I had no idea where I was at and he is driven many miles in his life . He felt something was wrong, he says you know how much I’ve driven in my life. So he approached his physician about this, so he has to go back pretty soon and be tested again. No I have not noticed anything else, he was there when I went down to Kentucky in August. The only time I’ve ever noticed anything was when I was riding in the car with him, I’m not around him very often. He frequently passes along to me pictures, and videos of his great grandchildren. like today talking to him on the phone I would never feel anything was wrong. He just talks and acts like his normal self so we’ll just have to wait and see. I’ve known quite a few older people who had to quit driving, but really I didn’t see much progression beyond that so we’ll see. My aunt had mentioned to one of my sisters that he wasn’t I guess you would say as motivated, that he just sat around quite a bit. But my gosh he’s almost 90 and she is 90. And I know this past month he’s been out working in his blueberry bushes so we’ll see, but it’s sad. He’s been a very kind uncle. He’s been there when times were good and when times were bad, the only one I have left.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    Sara, your uncle sounds like a great guy. Is he still driving at 90? It's so sad when people who were so vibrant and active start to decline. But, we're like plants or flowers - we start out as a seed, then a small person who grows toward maturity just like flowers. We bloom at the height of our life and then slowly lose our bloom and start our downward trend. It happens to everything living but is sad.

    My grandma's name was Sarah. My great niece was named after her. Many ways to spell it depending on location. Got the dishes and a load of laundry just finished. I'll put it in the dryer and start another one. Need to put away the dishes aid dried.

    Need to put the vegetables in containers. They're in refrigerator but need to be out of their plastic bags. Steamed carrots, cauliflower and broccoli sounds good. I often Fixed that for Charles with mashed potatoes. Bought ten pounds of russets. They look good but we'll see. I put them in a basket so they can get air circulation along with Fresh Paper. That really helps keep vegetables fresh longer.

    It's a very warm, sunny day. To be 90 in Guymon in the panhandler mid 8Os here.. Has the time change bothered you all?


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...we had a dog with that. What are you doing for treatment? I remember getting special bedding for her and put them in places where she slept. I did not affect her mobility in the least.

    Sayra....thank you, What is a massage gun?

    Tours...The docents are ready to guide through everything in the museum. Exhibits are always changing. The big exhibits stay up for from 4-6 months. A request will be made for a tour. We will make contact with the person requesting and tailor make the experience. Every tour is different...we have to be on our toes thus the constant learning a planning. My goal is to have my guests want to come back to the museum.

    Cars....grandson took about 30 minutes to explain "missing". I mentioned the Hornet and he said it ws made in Italy and is kin to the Alpha Romeo. Dick drove and loved Alpha's but it was always a problem getting work done on them. Lorita you might google and also check parts availability for the future.

    Soup was good.

    Weather is excellent.

    Minor foot "surgery: has stopped hurtiing. Head continues to get better and that is my health report.

    Oh, Winda got her Covid booster and it put her under. She had no reaction to previous shots.

    Bulky trash pickup Wednesday. Need to decide what can go to the curb. Last month it was a lot of limbs.

    Watching the news today. Interesting legal lessons to be had.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Hi all,

    I'm still reading all of your posts, just busy with "retired" life. Hubby and I did some much needed traveling. I really don't think he will ever retire he loves his job and the men/women who work with him. I'm ok with that.

    The 2nd anniversary of my uncle's death is coming up so my husband told me to pick a place I wanted to go to this year. I chose the Virgin Islands. So my best friend and I will be there for the the week of Thanksgiving (thanks to my generous husband who paid for my best friend to go with me since he can't go this time.)

    Thinking of you all.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sara, you talking about Kentucky reminded me of when I was stationed at Fort Campbell. After Lou and I were married we lived in Hopkinsville which was 20 to 30 miles from the Fort. Don't know hat part of Kentucky you were from, but I use to put snow chains on my tires going to the Provost Marshall Office where I worked and take them off in the evening when I headed home. Also the morning we left Kentucky it started a pretty good snow and my mustang pulling a little U Hall trailer had to be careful.

    Kept adding stuff to my vegetable beef soup over the weekend and ended up having to start another pot to keep it from boiling over. That's how it works with me, I add the normal ingredients and keep adding other items I like to make it better. Had so much I fixed a big container for Lou's sitter. I also finally made the Red Lobster biscuits, they were OK but wished I would have made cornbread.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I saw a video on YouTube of about a dozen baby animals being fed from bottles in a board on a fence. I think they were lambs or maybe piglets.

    Enjoy your trip, Nicole.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Nicole, good to hear from you and things are going well. Have a good time in your trip.

    Judith, no special treatment for Sheena's hygromas. I have big beds for both of them and she uses them quite a lot. I think she may have some arthritis so give both of them glucosamine and a daily pet tab. She's doing better since they trimmed her nails. She's almost ten and gets up like I do -- slowly. Mike said to watch her hygromas to make sure they don't enlarge and get sore. If surgery is needed it's quite major. He said it's unusual to have them bilaterally.

    Just took a sort of virtual test drive for the Hornet. Guess you xan see test drives on all of them.Not sure I would like it so may think, again, about Jeeps. I have to have something that does well on rough roads and mud. There's just too much technology anymore and certainly don't want to have trouble getting them worked on. I want a car I can get in, start it and drive without all the settings, etc. Don't they make them anymore? Guess what I want is a new, 15 year old car! We've had so many different kinds but none like they are now. My pickup is 22 years old and so was the Mercury. My cousin's wide got a new Buick Encore and she didn't have trouble learning to drive it. Carol got a new Buick, a little bigger than Geri's and her husband is still learning about it. In

    Got everything done -'last load of clothes are dry- covers for furniture. Sounds windy because I hear windchimes. I read somewhere that old people like to gave wind chimes and dream catchers. I have them everywhere so guess I'm old. Judith, glad you enjoy your work at the museum. Sounds really interesting. I think you said it's closeby, too.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Think he still drives a little. He no longer takes trips. His daughter or grandson take them when they go on a trip. He looks 90 but does not act 90. My Aunt does not look 90. She is very sharp but my uncle is still pretty sharp too.

    i fixed the previous message i entered here. I thought i proof read it, but must not of.

    That sounds like a good meal Lorita. I was in the sandwich club this evening . Had grilled sunbutter sandwich and a bowl of sweet potato chowder.

    This is my massage gun Judith. It massages your muscles and i love it.

    Ron i was born in north eastern Kentucky, about a hour east of Lexington.

    Lorita i wonder if I ever have to buy another car will I even know how to drive it lol. I will have to be reeducated i think.

    Continue to remember all those having it a little rough. Hope each one of us gets a good nights rest.

    good night

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Lucky you. I could use an island about now. Which island(s) will you be visiting? I always wanted to go to the BVI as I like a quieter island. St. Thomas is pretty with great resorts and beaches but seems very busy and more American than other islands.


    My niece just bought a new car. Several dealers told her that it was becoming increasingly hard for them to get in actual cars without all the premium packages. This drives up costs and sometimes feels like one more complicated thing to need service.


    Thanks for the explanation of the massage gun. I try to exercise most days doing a mix of functional strength, Pilates and Barre-inspired workouts along with moves to support my knees in an attempt to postpone needing TKR on my left. Mostly I recover pretty well, but my hamstrings seem chronically tight even with regular and targeted stretching. Would a massage gun be a worthwhile tool for that?

    It's quiet here today. DS already voted; DH and I usually swing by around lunchtime.

    I took mom for a pedi and to PT yesterday. I treated myself to a pedi, too. Nail color is one of the few choices mom makes that doesn't mirror mine. She picked Coca Cola Red while I brought a pale sheer pink that the nail tech warned me wouldn't "show" which was kind of my point.

    She didn't have a good day with PT. She seemed shakier than usual and her O2 continues to be a problem. Mom's got terrible lungs-- not just COPD but also stress-induced asthma. The PTs (June, Rachel and Amanda) and I have noticed that she doesn't breathe when she is concentrating on going through her exercises which drops her levels to around 82 which stresses her out and makes her breath rapidly in a dysfunctional pattern that doesn't effectively empty her lungs.

    June asked if mom had a rescue inhaler (to help her expel air) and mom said she did in her bag in the trunk of my car. I asked mom if she wanted to get it and she said "no". I turned to the PT and asked if she wanted me to get it and she said yes. I ran out to parking lot and rifled through the bag-- she'd didn't have it. She changed handbags to match the day's outfit and must've missed it. I snagged a spare to carry in my bag when I dropped her at home. I already carry a single day supply of her meds in case we end up headed to the ER around the time she needs them, an extra Poise pad, her credit card, a printout of her current medication list and model and serial numbers of her heart valve. All I need is a Ziplok filled with Goldfish crackers and my purse will officially be a diaper bag.

    Pizza tonight. I seem to be out of "00" flour and will need to make do with King Arthur Bread instead which makes it harder to roll out a thin crust. Meantime, laundry.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, sounds like you had quite a day. Hopefully, today will be quieter for you. Showing my ignorance, I guess, but what is 00 flour? I just know about self rising, bread and AP. A couple of weeks ago I ordered flour and somehow along with my 5 lb . of bread flour I ordered 10 lb. Of King Arthur bread flour. When it arrived you could see flour dusting out of the box. Somehow the sack got torn and the flour was all in the box. The 5 lb. I ordered had been wrapped in plastic and was fine. Never know what will happen.

    Sara, is that the massager you ordered last year? I've seen them on TV- think the end of it pulses against you, is that right? Seems like it would make you sore. Glad it helps you.

    HB, when Carol got her new car she said the dealer only had four new ones. When I was at our dealer about three months ago they had six or seven new Jeeps, not sure of other makes. I bet if you had to custom order one it would take a long time to get it. I've done that years ago and even then it took a while..

    Sara, I probably won't know how to drive a new one either. Why do we need all of that technology anyway?

    Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night. Always love to talk with you. Hope you have a good day.

    Better find something for breakfast. Toad just fed the heifers - I had just started down to check them and figured he was feeding west of us because they kept bawling. Pretty day but windy.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    "00" is a finer texture-- almost like talcum powder and lower in protein than bread flour. It's best for pastries and a more delicate puffy pizza crust. King Arthur makes one which is pretty good, but I buy an Italian brand when I can find it.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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