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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo C. Prayers being sent up for you daily. I don't understand the daily in admission for something that could be a serious as you described. I know last year when I had the pneumonia I was admitted to inpatient through the ER within 2 to 3 hours. I guess it's different with the VA on admitting requirements, but still......something that serious? Daily prayers do work!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jo, I'm so glad your son is doing better- may it continue. What bad news you got from your doctor's visit. Seems like things just don't go well for us as we get older. Prayers will go up for you and David today and each night. I know they do help.

    I never smoked except for just a little when I was young but was around mother who she dif smoke, but not a lot. Charles smoked from the age of 14. Tried and tried to quit but always started again so I was around both of them all my life. Years ago my doctor told me I had some COPD- surprised me. So it's not always what we do but what someone else does. I hope you can get admitted, have the necessary tests and get on the road to recovery soon.

    It's cold and rainy here this morning - 22 degrees colder than yesterday. I went out anyway in the Gator and think I saw all the heifers. Drove up and checked on ours and everyone was up. Before any of that I went to the barn thinking the little cow might be there she wasn't but when I got back to the house she was in the lot along with Penny, Jr. So got to talk to her and tell her how sorry I am. I always talk to them after they lose a baby. It helps me and I think it helps them in their grief.

    When I got back to the porch saw Toad coming to feed the heifers. All of them know the sound of the GMC diesels so ours also came up. Ours still have grass so not feeding them yet, but soon. We're supposed to have a killing freeze this week.

    Iris, such sweet stories about Simon. He's quite the adventurer. So nice to have all those memories and pictures of him when he was in his prime. He looks like a little jewel sitting among the green leaves. I'm so glad he is doing better. He's so lucky to have such a caring person like you to take care of him and he knows it for sure. As I write this one of my three cats is sitting on my lap. Many times all three of them are in the chair with me.

    Take care today. Back later.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Jo my goodness, of course prayers have been sent for David, now I'll include you. I know your mind must be racing.

    Ron I think now that they know what it is, you'll be on the path to mend. Does Lou like music all day? I have a radio on all day, not loud just some background noise. But on rough days I'll put the music that I know DH loves on. Music has such a calming effect.

    We went from the heat to rain, which we need. Since Wed we've had 14 inches!! Believe it or not its just now starting to runoff the lawn. Who knew 14 inches of rain and 60 degrees would be so wonderful?!!! I keep going from window to window just watching. Its lovely.

    Iris I love the stories your sharing. Keep it up.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Eagles 14 inches!!! Did you go out and stand in it? I've often threatened to do that and guess I did this morning when I was out. Enjoy the rain and cool weather. It's cold and wet here, too.

    Ron, glad you've found something that keeps Lou calm. I bet you're getting some rain, too, and cooler weather. I'm not ready for frost or freezing temps yet but we take what we get. Hope your staph improves quickky.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    JoC I’m so very sorry for the stress you’re going through right now. I surely do understand your concerns. You, David , your family, and those caring for you will continue to be in my prayers. I’m very thankful your son is feeling better and I hope progress continues.

    Eagle mom I’m glad you’re getting a rain and that it’s cooled down for you. I forget where you live, but know many areas would be thankful to see rain. Where I live we normally get enough rain, but we do have dry spells now and then. But there have been a couple of years that I can remember where we didn’t get enough rain and I know how blessed you feel when it starts raining.

    sorry about your calf Lorita.

    Ron hope your arm will heal up nicely for you.

    Enjoyed your cat stories Iris .

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    JO...so very sorry you have so much on your plate. We are all next to you with all of the strength we can muster. Please keep us updated!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Dearest Jo C, so glad your son is getting some relief from the treatments. So very worried for you with your breathing issues.

    Mega prayers headed your way and to your son that both of you are on the mend soonest.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, you are in my prayers and so is David.

    Eagle, you are blessed to receive God's good rain! We had 1.6" of rain this week; we continue to be in severe drought (Iowa).

    Take care, everyone.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Jo, good news David is improving. He is on our church prayer chain, and I will add your name too. That does sound scary. I hope and pray it’s something that can be treated easily and you have a quick recovery. You have had too much going on lately. Good luck Monday. I will be praying.

    I am making very slow progress with my back. I still have to use the walker to get around. I can take a few steps with my walking sticks but not many. I’m in physical therapy twice a week. I have several exercises to strengthen my legs and core. Still no back brace. They absolutely do not believe in them here. I still believe it would help me, but can’t fight a losing battle. I think maybe I’m having trouble with one hip, and that it is hampering my ability to walk without aid. I’ll talk to the pt about it next week.

    We have had rain and snow for a few days. A huge front is going through tonight. So far, my area hasn’t had much snow, but a lot of rain.

    Iris, Simon is a cat with a great story. You could write a book about him. What a cutie he is.

    Lorita, you’ve had a few sad days lately. I’m sorry you lost a couple of calves. That’s always sad. I got my Covid and flu vaccine at the same time. I had one in each arm, and had no reaction and no sore arms. I hope you have the same. I did not get the RSV.

    Hi to everyone reading. I hope we all have a peaceful Sunday Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, ask your doctors about laryngpharngealreflux. It can cause aspiration and asthma-like symptoms. Dr. Jamie Koufman wrote a book, "The Chronic Cough Enigma" and has a website, jamiekoufman.com. I recently discovered that my chronic "tickle in my throat" and chronic throat congestion is due to acid reflux. This has been bothering me for years, even decades! Of course your doctors will check everything.

    I'm so glad David is recovering!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Joan, will the doctor not let you use a brace? Seems like it would give you extra support that would help. You and Zetta, already having snow. I like snow but it's too hard on ranchers feeding cattle and on the cattle. Ours are spoiled (and that's okay) when it starts to rain or snow they head for the barn. I found the young cow who lost her baby in the barn twice today so got to talk with her. It'll take a while for both of the cows to get over the loss.

    I made some Bear Creek potato soup today. It's supposed to cook on medium for 15 minutes but I had to get out and check everyone so it cooked about 30 minutes, at least. It was nice and thick which I really like. I diced a couple of small potatoes and microwaved them and added them to the soup. It makes about ten cups with the added potatoes so I have soup for a while.

    We had just shy of an inch of rain today and .8 day before yesterday. It's muddy but that's okay for now. All the persimmon seeds have a spoon in them so we may have a lot of snow this winter_- hope not.

    Jo, I hope you're feeling some better tonight and that your son is better, too. Maybe you can get a good nights sleep.

    Got out my winter gowns, robes and winter tops and pants today but still have to put some in the drawers. Guess it was time. See you all tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, hope everyone is up and at 'em. Miserable morning here rainy and cold. Went out to check barn and cattle. Glad I wore a raincoat because it was raining by the time I got back. Heifers were close to fence in meadow except three so saw all of them. They had left three little ones close to the house. Ours were scattered but looked okay. . They headed back to the barn when rain began.

    Ron, I heard the new Speaker of the House is from Shreveport. Do you know much about him?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited October 2023


    ☁️ ☔️ this morning.

    Was going to turn my gas logs on and pilot light was out. My BIL is going to come look at it for me . I’m always afraid to mess with pilot lights as I have no common sense about them or gas. Not a good thing. Glad I discovered this before a power outage.

    Judith had pizza and salad for family last night. Made the apple torte again, it was popular. Thank you for teaching me about them. Would never have tried it on my own.

    Joan had been thinking about you. All of you on my mind and in my prayers.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Jo C.

    I am so pleased to hear of David's strong response to the steroids and plan to be treated outpatient. That is awesome news. Good luck tomorrow.

    It's a quiet day here. I am catching up on laundry. It is astounding, at times, how much laundry 3 continent adults can generate in a couple of days. DS was riding with the steam locomotive yesterday, so his stuff is extra grimy. Tonight, he's riding with the trick-or-treat trains and then the haunted rides, so it'll be a late night for him.

    My cousin and her husband left mom's this morning. They kept mom busy all week touring local sites, gambling at the casino (more something they enjoy than she does), shopping at thrift shops and dining out. We took them out on Thursday night for dinner. My cousin did help mom cut her fried chicken after it jumped off the plate when she tried to cut it herself; maybe mom does need more assistance than I provide. LOL. They were stressed about their son and grandson heading up to the family's camp out in the woods some 20 miles north of Lewiston. The husband was trying to sell me on Life 360 so I can track my mom, husband and son and they can know where I am at all times. I have no interest although I do track mom's phone with my "Find Me" app.

    Tomorrow is the 1st eye injection. I do hope it provides the slowed progression on AMD as promised and that she doesn't have any side effects.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, glad you checked before it was really needed. I haven't lit my propane stove either. Max jumps up on it to look out the window so will need to check for leaks. I thought I would need a new one last year but it worked all right. It's the only heater we have in the house.

    Years ago there was a leak under the house. We were having our tank filled every week when the propane company caught it and found the leak. Up until then there were outlets in all the rooms and we had several stoves. When they put in new pipes we only kept three outlets. When I had the bedroom floor replaced I had them take that one out so all I have is the one in the living room. Use electric heater in bathroom and bedroom. The company we had gotten them from went out of business so hard to find what I want. Bought one last year and never could figure UT output even with instructions. Now can't even find them. It barely takes off the chill. Nasty day out raining now. An hour ago all the girls started bawlibg. Couldn't figure out why. It was like they were feeding but never saw the truck.

    Having a hard time about the aborted baby this morning. Poor little cow was taking care of her baby for six or seven months. Then for some reason a cow butted her in the side , broke something and then she went for a day before it being born. Sometimes I think it would be better to never have pets or any animals but then look what we would miss. Just too hard to lose them. Just too softhearted, I guess.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    and anyone else using OTC eye drops for dry eyes. This is a list of the most recent recalls.

    FDA warns consumers not to purchase or use certain eye drops from several major brands due to risk of eye infection | FDA

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks HB, good to know. I use Refresh,TheraTears and Systane so guess they're all right to use. My grandma was almost blind having had something wrong when she was young. She kept a jar of boric acid water in the refrigerator all the time to bathe her eyes with. Also used Arygrol which made her sclera dark. Wish I could remember how she made the boric acid solution.

    Put on my big girl pants and checked out the propane stove to make sure there were no leaks. Took a while for the propane to get to the pilot but it did and lit. It has a thermostat and just now went off. Took a little while for the fuzz on the grates to burn off.

    Girls have gone to the barn. Wish I had closed the back door (only opened.one this summer) and the shutters. There will be some digging involved so may wait and get Bryon to help me.

    Sandy, the Chiefs play the Broncos this afternoon so will watch for your friend's daughter to ride her horse when the Broncos score. Hope you're well today.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    My sleep is getting better with the CPAP. The weather where I am is mild without wind. Nevertheless, today is the beginning of Santa Ana winds, which increase fire risk. No rain in sight.

    Jo, I'm praying for good results from your hospital stay and for continued healing for David.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    HB, both my parents had AMD and got shots (stopped Dad's in his last 30 days).

    The only reaction my mother ever had was some "pain" after and they always gave drops to use at home. One dose and some closed eye time did the trick. Biggest thing was to avoid cooking, lifting, and bending over for first 24 hrs.

    Mother goes every 6 weeks for check-up and has not needed the shot for last 6 appointments. While the shots have not improved what was lost, at least there has been no further loss.

    Hope your Mother does ok with her's.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Thanks for the reassurance. I really appreciate you taking the time to post.

    I am a bit concerned because this is a new medication that was approved in the spring for severe geographic atrophy which is different that "wet" AMD. My aunt's been getting shots for those and has had results much as you describe you mom's. This is different and there have been some glitches with the roll out with some adverse effects potentially tied to the syringe used to draw the medication that is supposedly been corrected.

    That's interesting about the precautions the first 24 hours. Her doc didn't mention this when I asked if the injection would require her to pause or postpone ongoing PT we're doing for balance.

    Getting the PT in has been a challenge. It took over a month to get an evaluation appointment and schedule set up to start the program. Mom had a fall the night before the first appointment, so we had to be cleared by ortho before starting which put us into the next week. She did PT for a week and then went on vacation with my niece. She did another 2 weeks before having to take a 2 week pause for a skin cancer excision, then we got 3 weeks before a second skin cancer excision followed by another 2 week pause. She got one day in but then developed a UTI with elevated BP and mental status change which meant 10 days off until her PCP cleared her. We're on a 3-week roll, but last week she had a one-off day where her O2 was dropping into the low 80s with exertion. That hasn't happened since but the PT is spooked-- it is the same one who had her the day of the HBP and UTI scare. This 3 month PT program I scheduled in late May is dragging into December.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    My 52yo sister has macular degeneration. It was caught very early, she was still in her 40s. Her physician put her on some type of eye supplement. She also has some type of eye chart thing that she checks for some certain change in her vision every day I think. She is suppose to call him if any change noticed. So far she hasn’t had to have the shots.

    Just dropping in quick. Thinking of everyone. My day has taken a side road so not sure what time I will get back this evening.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    84 yesterday and not suppose to get over the mid 50s today and down in the 30s tonight. Louisiana weather! They say if you don't like the weather today just wait a few days, it'll change!!

    Sitter couldn't make it today, rainy and cold and she didn't feel well. My appointment for the modified barium swallow test is tommorow. Don't know what they can do since I already know both sphincter muscles don't work. My main concern is medicine staying in my esophagus to long. Don't believe I shared this but I'll attach a picture of a capsule I took one night and came back up the next day. It was trying to break down but didn't quiet make it.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited October 2023

    Ron, can you open up the capsule and swallow the medication with applesauce? Followed by sips of water? Check with the pharmacist.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited October 2023

    Or.., it may be possible to get liquid.

    Iris...Simon is soooo beautiful.

    It is cold today but still too warm for ice skating.

    Lovely few days of light rain. The lawn is a glorious shade of green. Fall continues at a very slow pace. No pretty leaves to discuss.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited October 2023

    Judith, the green grass won't last long. Killing freeze later this week. We have a grove of trees and a couple in the west tree line that have been beautiful. But that's all. We have new leaves on all our trees. Have some white and purple altheas and a rose blooming. All this in the last month.

    I have had a drippy nose so maybe a freeze will get rid of pollen allergies, if that's what it is. Glad I got the stove going yesterday. North wind is bad and cold but Stormy and I checked girls after Toad fed heifers this morning. Then went for a walk with Sheena and Stormy. Little cow still hasn't passed all of the after birth so will find her and check this evening.

    Were there not any pretty leaves in OKC? They showed some beautiful ones in Tulsa and NE Okla. Grass in the pastures is really pretty so hate to have a freeze which means five months of haying and feeding until it greens up again. We had 2.6" of rain last week!

    Thinking of flu shot and WM pickup Thursday or Friday - supposed to be in the 60s.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good evening

    Looks like it has been a very quiet day here.

    We had a huge frost this morning and quite cool. They say there’s a possibility of snow this evening with less than half of an inch though. Well, another day supposed to start warming up again around 50 so won’t be bad.

    Thinking of everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Where is everyone today? Hope everyone's okay.

    I've had a busy day - seemed like I was out in the pastures the majority of the day. When I went out early it looked like it had snowed - heavy, heavy frost. Looked and looked for the little cow who lost her baby to see if she'd cleaned. Finally found her halfway to the road - about a quarter mile. Left the Gator and walked behind her trying to guide her to the barn - finally got there - I had opened a gate but couldn't get her to go through. So, opened the one to the driveway and she went through there and then through the first gate north of the house.

    Toad fed this morning and all the cows went through except one four or five month old. Checked her and she was thin and had a bad case of scours - got her into the lot. Did this before getting the cow up. Felt like I was half frozen when I got back inside.

    Just now got back in from checking the heifers - of course, was one short but finally located her. One of our two or three month old calves has bawled a good part of the day - can't find his mother. I've looked in the south pasture and didn't see her. Can't imagine where she could be. Just not an easy day.

    There were lots of big berry vines in the chute so got those cut out and moved so it would be easier for the cow and Mike to get in. I don't know how the calf got through a few days ago. Hate those berry vines - they stick to everything.

    I haven't read the thread hb starte for Jo - hope things are okay for her.

    I covered the rose bush (had two big buds about to open) and the pot on the steps that has something coming up in it (no idea what it is but I planted it because there's about six of them and they're spaced out). I'll cover them again tonight. The grass is still green today but there will be a killing freeze tonight so guess it's about done for. Mike will be out after the clinic closes to check the cow and calf.

    I'm going to stop and relax a little while and watch the news (probably not very relaxing to do that though). May be back later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    HB, I wrote a post on your thread for Jo but it wouldn’t post, so I’ll post here. Also sending a picture of the Colorado colors this year. I did not take the pictures so am just sharing them. I did take the last one off of my deck. Joan

    Hi Jo

    Prayers and special thoughts for you, David, and Bill. Joan

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Those pictures are stunning. That's quite a view you have there.

    Mom's eye injection went well yesterday. She'll have an evaluation in 4 weeks and if she's tolerating it well, they'll do the other eye. Assuming all goes well, they'll be able to do both eyes at the same appointment after that. I don't know how often she'll be having the injections-- maybe monthly or every 6 weeks once we have both eyes synched up. The appointments take about 2 hours with testing and dilation ahead of the actual injection. This office is near several high end CCRCs and some days it's like a fashion show-- yesterday I saw a pair of Yeezy Cloud Runners (picture $350 Crocs but uglier) and a Birkin bag (it was lovely). Next time I'm printing off some Hallmark Christmas Movie Bingo cards as we spend a lot of time in between tests watching Christmas movies which is just ridiculous.

    We've had a few kids turn up for Trick or Treat. Our neighborhood has a new crop of adorable preschoolers who seem to recognize Oreos as well as some very polite middle schoolers who are always happy to find someone giving out Trident.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Praying that Jo. C. Is receiving the care and results she deserves.

    Was disappointed in my modified barium swallow test today. I thought they would look at the entire esophagus which really isn't that long, but all they looked at was the top part of swallowing process. Guess it's just a waiting game now to see what's next. I did hear the radiologists mention something about a manometry.

    Happy Halloween rockets!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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