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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, about Winda's reaction to her covid shot- was it from the same company as her others? Our health dept and WM are only going to have Moderna but in Carol's town the health dept. Will have Pfizer. They say it's okay to mix them so was just wondering.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    it is not hard to drive a new car. You start the motor, put it in gear and press down on the gas pedal. The extras? I like the backup screen and the BLIS system that beeps if a car is in your blind spot. I not use the map or the phone or the radio. II love that I can open /close the trunk with a button. Lorita since your cars are 22 years old automatic windows and door lock may be new for you.

    Dementia Art Class was this morning...always a fun group to lead.

    Winda and I have always had the Moderna. I am getting mine tomorrow. A reaction is better than the disease!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited November 2023

    HB if you go to YouTube and google Bob and Brad and tight hamstrings you will find lots of videos on the subject. I have found many helpful things from these two guys so that’s one resource. They are physical therapists. More than likely the massage gun could help some too. There is a book titled The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Clair Davies. I’ve had this book for many years, and it was just $22 when I bought it and it’s a good size book. But anyways any pain I have I go to this book and looked the pain up and it tells you where to look for the trigger points that’s causing that, and I have found this book to be the best, it’s amazing how he got all this figured out. He never mentions the massage gun in the book. Maybe they weren’t even around then when it was published I’m not sure. Bob and Brad though do talk about the massage gun. He will talk about how to use the Thera cane, a ball, or your hands to work on the trigger points. I do have a few of the things that he talks about though such as the Thera cane, and I have a hard small ball that I use sometimes. There are times when I prefer them over the massage gun but the majority of the time I use the massage gun.

    Lorita I can’t remember exactly when I ordered the last massage gun. You are right about how it works. I have two of them. Because they only run for about 10 minutes and then they stop. They need to cool off if I remember right. So I don’t like to wait to continue so I just have two so when one needs a rest, I go to the other one because some nights I do my entire body. Really relaxes your muscles and it just helps me feel better. The Bob and Brad one is a little bit more expensive than the other brand. I forget what it is. But I like the Bob and Brad one better. It’s more quieter, smoother but the other one works OK and it was quite a bit cheaper. Anyways, I haven’t had an actual massage for several years, but I had them at twice a month for many years while I was working. Wish I knew about the massage gun then because the massage I think was $65 then so in two sessions I have my massage gun paid for and I can use it whenever I want to.

    I do have the back up camera on the car I have now. I really like it and would really miss it if it wasn’t there. It makes backing up so much easier. I don’t have BLIS, but it sounds like that is something I would like also. My car is 11 years old soon to be 12 and I’ve had no problems with my car other than one thing with the transmission. But my regular mechanic sent me to a transmission specialist. They told me what to do. I’ve done it and I’ve had no problems. I hope to get 300,000 miles out of it and if I’m able to do that I’ll probably never have to buy another car wouldn’t that be wonderful, we’ll see. The reason I bought my car was because I saw a lot of very old cars of that make on the road. And the amazing thing is 12 years later I still see a lot of those same car still on the road that caused me to buy mine so that gives me hope that my car will last many more years

    Thinking of each and everyone of you

    Good night

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I only have the PU now and it has the automatic door locks and windows. I will keep it because if yoh live in the country you need a PU and I like it. Bryon said he'd like to buy it when I get rid if it. I will leave it to him -'only has about 70,000 miles on it.

    Sara, I see lots of Mercury Grand Marquise like ours on the road. Wish whatever it was hadn't gone wrong with it. Would be nice to find another one.

    Haven't felt too well today just feel tired. Did get the shutters locked down for the winter. When I feel like this I always think of how I felt with EBV and CMV so it may be that. You always have it and you do get relapses. I'll take it easy for a bit. Laid down on the divan tonight and went to sleep and missed about half of Dolly Parton on 20/20.

    Haven't read on the other thread to see if Jo posted. Will do that now. Sleep well tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    It took me a short while to get used to driving my RAV4, because it is bigger and higher than my 1995 Maxima was.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    @Sayra Thanks for all the info. I am off to Wirecutter to look for brand suggestion to put on my Christmas list if I don't see one in Costco tomorrow when I make my weekly run. I did run across Bob and Brad after I graduated from my surgeon's at-home post-TKR PT. They're good, but awfully chatty as I recall.

    My quiet day went sideways yesterday. DS fractured a tooth eating peanuts with his lunch. DS is very dentist avoidant and while he does a good job brushing and flossing, I haven't been able to talk him into seeing a dentist in over 10 years. Ugh. I was lucky that my dentist was able to see him. It's a wisdom tooth and it's going to have to come out along with the one above. The new guy suggests removing all 4 so I need to track down an oral surgeon today. There's no active infection but the dentist says he could have one develop in the next month or so, so we need to jump on this. I am told it's "wisdom tooth season"; evidently teenagers often have their extractions scheduled for school breaks so they don't miss time in the classroom.

    I had warned the staff about DS's autism because he comes off weird when stressed and they kind of overdid the special needs protocol. The hygienist kind of treated him like he was a 3-year-old which was odd as the kid has a BA and the 30 additional credits needed to sit the CPA exam. It probably didn't help matters that DS insists on dressing like a teenager with his hair in a ponytail, a Metalica tee and Converse sneakers. It worked though, he agreed to a deep cleaning and twice-yearly checkups going forward. Now if I could just talk him into a nice haircut.

    PT for mom today. She was kind of rocky on Monday. I hope today goes better.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, It's warm and very windy today. There's a cold front out in the panhandle that will get here mid afternoon - not too cold because it will still be in the 60s the next few days.

    Stormy and I went out to check everyone this morning. Evidently Toad came before I got up and gave the heifers a bale of hay - they were all around it - 19 I think so was able to count them and one that was still looking for feed in the feeders and the other ten were grazing - still looking for that last blade of green grass. That didn't take long so decided I'd look for Gray Lady - that set of girls were in the pasture in front of the house. We had to drive around to find her. So sweet to see all the little babies with their mothers having breakfast or just laying in the grass. Can't imagine life without cattle. They look alike for the most apart except for three that have horns, three black white faced and Gray Lady who has some silver on her face. We found her - always glad of that. Sheena was waiting for her walk when we got back so did that and everyone's back inside now.

    The MH is up where they feed the girls and it is windy, windy up there this morning. We lived in the MH for about 27 years. If there was a breath of wind, we had it. Not one tree there when we moved in but there are several now that we planted. I noticed the other day there are two big, black walnut trees. WE planted two pecans but Buck at the top out of one of them. I think we got maybe half a dozen pecans one year.

    While we were out I did see two, big trees that have turned a pretty yellow. They're mixed in with the trees around the first pond west of the house. I saw them from the east side so next time I'm out I'll look at them from the west.

    Iris, Darwin and his wife had a RAV4 several years ago- I think the first time I had shingles. I called to see if Donna wanted to ride over with me to urgent care and both of them were here in five minutes in their RAV4 to take me. It's a really nice vehicle, easy riding and cute. I'd like it, too, because it sits up higher which I'm used to. Isn't there a recall on something about them? Seems like I remember hearing that. It's a Toyota, isn't it?

    HB, many years ago Charles had all four of his wisdom teeth extracted. He went to surgery to have that done. I think mine came out one at a time with a local dentist. Hope you can find a good oral surgeon to do the work.

    Nothing going on here today, I hope. I'm feeling pretty well this morning so will take it easy.

    Just saw that Mattel has made a doll recognizing Wilma Mankiller, first woman Chief of the Cherokees here in Oklahoma. Charles really liked her and it was quite an honor for her to be Chief. I also like the present Principal Chief Hoskins. Seems like our Governor has problems with all the tribes in Oklahoma and he's not putting anything over on them either. Didn't mean to talk about that - just happened to see the doll on our morning show on TV.

    I'll stop for now - hope everyone's okay. Ron, are things all right in Shreveporto - bet it's been pretty warm down there, too.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited November 2023

    About 1/2 of the land in Oklahoma is reservation land and that does present problem to be addressed. Un avoidable. It gives us a very rich culture and we are indebted to the times that one or more has bailed us ut. For example the First FAmilies Museum.

    FYI...Just Got my flu shot....she said to wait 2 weeks before getting the Covid. She also suggested not changing brands.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Glad you got your flu shot, Judith. Hope it doesn't bother you. I'm going to wait until late next week before I get my covid shot, too, although they say you can get both at one time. Everyone I've asked or read says it is okay to mix brands. One said it might give you more protection if you do. Kind of bothers me but guess I'll have to since every place in town will only have Moderna.

    I called our electric coop this morning about internet. My carrier is going to discontinue e-mail at the end of the year. It will be 4-6 weeks before they can install it for me. A couple of years ago they ran the necessary lines so it's maybe 200 ft. From the house. They'll run the line to the house and later replace inside equipnent. They use all their own equipment with $100 installation cost. This just bought a new router a few months ago so wish they could use it.

    Also called the car dealer and talked with a salesman. He said they ordered a lot of new cars about eight months ago and they coming in now so they should gave a good selection of Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler and Chevrolet. I'll go in and look at them the day I get my shot.

    Thought I would take a nap but couldn't go to sleep. Darwin called while he was out cutting wood. He said the biggest tree on his place died - a huge, very old Hackberry. He said he had lost seven or eight of them. His daughter called the extension office and they said it was because of our dry weather. He had a young one by his porch and watered it but says it's dying, too. Hate to lose those beautiful trees.

    I checked and it was Oct. 2016 when I had those viruses. Doctor said to take 2000 units of B-12 so will increase that - already take 1000 when I remember.

    Sarah, are you all right today?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Bob and Brad can be a bit chatty, I found their knowledge useful.

    Very windy here today also Lorita, definitely not warm though it was a bitter, cold wind.

    Seems like my days fly by so fast. I’m able to get all the necessary things done like shopping housecleaning, etc. but seems like I never hardly have time to do extra things. The next two days are mine to care for mom and so even less time on those days.

    Take care everyone and hope you each get a good nights rest

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I have had a very busy and frenetic early November. I've been searching for a specic paper from my old employer regarding my pension from last March. I finally found it, after searching through months and months of unfiled envelopes and other papers. I am exhausted! This paper has been on my mind for months. But now, I believe I can try to get back to my normal routine. And catch up on reading what you all have been posting.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    @Iris L. , I feel ya regarding frenetic activity; September, October and now November have been like a runaway train! I haven’t been posting much but I check in here everyday.

    We went camping and to a bluegrass festival and I had a severe allergic reaction to a medication and spent most of my time in bed.

    We tried to go camping with family and my DH’s niece had a devastating house fire. Thank God no one was injured. The next weekend my FIL got COVID at his facility. Again, thanking God it was fairly mild and he has recovered.

    In October we had a trip for my birthday and our anniversary; I got sick again. Now it’s November and there is another family issue that is terribly upsetting and unpleasant. It’s complicated. The stress has been almost overwhelming.

    So, yesterday I decided to take the advice I see here so often: Take Care of Yourself!

    So I went for a massage. Today I’m getting my hair done. Friday we’re taking my Sister in Law out for her birthday and then I’m gonna get a manicure. And I’m setting new boundaries around all the Holiday madness!

    My dogs, goats, cat, bird are fine. Barn building is underway and we are looking for 2 trail horses for DH and me.

    “Boundaries” has become our new mantra. We’ve been married only a year and spend so much of our time dealing with “issues” resulting from the poor decisions of others… BOUNDARIES !

    Sorry for ranting.. I pray everyday for each member here and value the wisdom I find in your words..

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    Lorita, I just bought a Chrysler 300 S car. I had a Ford fusion for 7 years with 37,000 miles.

    It was going to need an oil leak fix that would take 3 wks, I would be without transportation.

    So my son, that is a mechanic, took me to the dealer to get a new car. I really like it. I checked out

    SUV's but I am short and it is hard for me to get in them and to get Bill in also.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    It has been very busy here. First, my husband fell off a ladder and broke his back (L1), tailbone, left ankle and right humerus. He had a spinal fusion, left ankle repair and right humerus repair. He has been in the hospital rehab unit the past 3 weeks and will go to a skilled nursing facility today for further rehab. A lot of people have been praying for him and I am thankful to God...when this first happened I wondered if he would ever walk again...he will. He is limited by being nonweightbearing on the left leg but once he gets the go ahead for that, I think he'll take right off. It was my choice to bring him home and have therapies and maybe an aide periodically, or to send him to skilled care. He is not able to walk now, just using wheelchair (he can transfer himself to shower bench, bed, car etc) but our house is not handicap accessible so he's going to skilled rehab till he can walk. (He does not have dementia, I am here because of my now deceased mother).

    On a happier note, I am right in my element with lawn and garden care. I got the plants all cut back. I put out MANY bags for yard waste and composted in my own compost what I could. Now the leaves are falling. I have raked the back yard - not much to fall back there yet. I will run the mulching mower over what little remains back there. Our neighbors have a huge oak tree that gives us leaves in the front yard. It is always slow to lose its leaves. There are some out there on our lawn, but many, many more to fall yet. Other gardening/lawn tasks will be to give everything a good drink before the ground freezes. We are in severe drought and I want my lawn, garden, and trees to survive and be healthy. Also going to apply compost to my raised beds (I grow vegetables there.) Also to an area where I annually plant 500 zinnia seeds. While I would love to compost the whole garden, it's too large. I don't have and cannot see purchasing that much compost. However, we mulch with wood chips every spring and as they decompose they enrich the soil so I think we are good on that.

    33 degrees this am. It's going to get up to 50. 2 days ago it was unseasonably warm at 71. Still praying for rain.

    I must get moving. I have a husband to transport to a facility; not sure what time yet but I'm going to get showered and dressed and be at the ready.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth I’m so sorry, seems like everyone on here is getting a turn. You are a strong lady, 500 zinnias alone would overwhelm me plus all the other stuff. Hope his rehab goes smoothly and progresses well.

    Jerilynn had been wondering about you. I have had to learn to put others in gods hands, my worry does no good, but harms me. I pray for them, and I try to leave it there. Holidays I celebrate simply.

    So good to hear from you again Shirley.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Iris...there is an unexplainable feeling of happiness/relief when a lost item is found.

    Beth.... what a horrible fall. Was he cleaning the gutters? 500 Zinnia seeds? In one area? We need a pic next year.

    Jerilynn... people arehappy to let you do the lifting to the point that nobody else is doing anything.

    Sayra...you need to stop all of that cleaning. It is making me feel lazy and I know my baseboards need a washing as does my front porch.

    Cars...remember when you bought one because it looked pretty? Now we have a check off list.

    I have decided not to go to the lecture Friday evening. Too many people...too many germs.

    Cox cable is out again!!!!!!!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    @Sayra I found Bob and Brad when I was still experiencing significant pain in my operative knee and not in the best of moods. LOL. I should check them out again.

    @JeriLynn66 I'm sorry for all the trauma in your life right now. I completely agree-- boundaries are a girl's best friend.

    @BethL I am sorry to here about all you and your DH have been through. A rehab stay is probably the best option; he'll get more PT in a facility than he'd get at home which will mean a better outcome.

    I'm glad you're enjoying the gardening. I'm off to Costco later for lawn bags. I'll mow/mulch the leaves which are about 75% fallen in my yards. Leaves are great for building soil. My parents built this house and dad had a fight with the subcontractor who graded the lot. Ironically this was a rare instance where dad was right (The man had backed into his vintage '66 Chrysler convertible and left the scene-- mom got his plate number as he fled-- and the man ended up being sued by the insurance company to recover the cost of repairs). The guy recognized dad's car and scraped all the topsoil into my neighbors' yards. Their yards are lush; I have rocks mostly. It makes me crazy when my neighbors hire lawn crews to collect the leaves with noisy blowers and then have them spray Lord-only-knows-what to "feed" their lawns. I also hate that my one neighbor still has his broke-@ss ugly Bradford pear which drops all over my yard in late December, when it's cold, with leathery leaves that don't break down and need cleaning in spring.

    I tried a new tack with mom's PT yesterday. I insisted that she use her Aerobika to clean her lungs out and then use her rescue inhaler to optimize her breathing before heading into PT. She has stress-induced asthma and was puffing like a steam train when I got there because she was on the phone with my deadbeat niece. DBN was telling mom some ridiculous tale about needing money to replace IDs her dad lost so she can get a passport. Mom wasn't biting but I can tell it pains her to listen to listen to her nonsense. The breathing was bad-- real bad. The O2 was a lot better this time. The PT and I also figured out that her O2 is routinely higher on her left hand than the right. Mom's got pretty significant carpal tunnel issues and the PT says this can happen. I am very relieved about that.

    I can't tell if DBN is having some psychosis or conflating or just garden-variety making stuff up. It can be hard to tell. This time it had a very conflated feeling to it. She was telling my mom about how the time she and her successful older sister worked at the same hair salon together before she became a master stylist and how she was a stylist assistant and her sister was "only a shampoo girl". Reality is they both worked at salons but different ones and separated by about 4 years. The older sister was a shampoo/phone person at a small salon for a couple years while she was in college before she found a nannying gig where she got paid to sleep over 3 nights a week. DBN worked at a different, trendier salon after one of her early rehab stays. She did finally earn her GED during her last incarceration but has never been to beauty school much less put in the time to achieve master-status. On some level she has to know that mom knows none of this is true or does she. She is about 10 years out from an HIV diagnosis. She has not been reliably compliant with meds in that time and has continued to use IV drugs in a series of rehabs and painful relapses. I am beginning to wonder if she is developing an HIV related dementia at the age of 40.

    When her mom had AIDS 30 years ago, she had dementia the last 6 months or so before she died. This is, sadly, not my first rodeo. She conflated a lot and on very similar themes. I was very pregnant and overseeing a major construction project at home the summer before she died. She was hospitalized for sepsis and most afternoons, I got cleaned up, bought her some ice cream and cigarettes and visited for an hour or so. One afternoon a new nurse asked about my pregnancy and the other shot her a look like "don't go there". The new nurse took her out for a smoke and I asked the nurse about it. Seems my sister told these women that I was an unwed woman with an intellectual disability who was raped by someone in a group home and would not be allowed to keep the child. They were much relieved to find out none of that was true, but it explained why they kind of treated me as they did.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    A large area of zinnias - I did plant 500 seeds here and others elsewhere. Ignore that link at the top/it's the same picture/I tried to upload it from the paper clip instead of the images. Hubby was in the garage, getting into the garage attic when ladder slipped and down he went, flat on his back.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    No flowers here anymore except I might have one lonely hellebore in bloom (supposed to bloom in late winter).

    Judith, did I tell you I went to the Van Gogh immersion event? It was FANTASTIC! Other "art" news for me: My grandfather served in WW2 and Grant Wood was in his unit. Grant Wood did two pencil sketches of my grandpa. I have one, my sister has one.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    @BethL OMG. That is incredible. Lucky you.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Love the flowers!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Love the flowers. Zinnias, marigolds and cosmos are really the best flowers to grow here. They're pretty, do well in bouquets and can pretty much withstand the hot, Oklahoma summers. I'll write more later. Laptop is charging and tablet is about to go off.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Beth...sketches of your grandfather by Grant Wood...what treasures.

    How long do the Zinnia blossoms last???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, finally got charged up - I've been comparing cars yesterday and this morning so it ran down fast. Shirley, thanks for the reminder about Chryslers. We've never had one but a dear friend had one years ago - beautiful, luxurious car - hers was white with a maroon interior. The dealer in our area has them so I'll check for sure. They look sort of like our Mercury did. I just watched a test drive on the internet and the guy didn't have one bad thing to say about it - said it had a comfortable, smooth ride, good acceleration and wasn't noisy. I'll certainly look into it - it's more than I wanted to pay but the money in the bank does no good if it's just sitting there. Glad you got a car you can depend on - you really need it with Bill. The only thing is the ground clearance is between 4.4 and 6". The Mercury's was 5" so had to be careful to not get into loose gravel or ruts.

    Beth, take it careful when you're doing yard work - even if it is cooler. The drought in southern Kansas and far northern Oklahoma has been really bad this year - right now we're not in a drough. It's been a dreary, cloudy, chilly day. There was rain south of us but not here. Right now we don't need any - there's still water I drive through in the meadow and pastures - but we take what we get.

    I'm taking it easy today - took my B-12 and D-3 and will take a nap in a few minutes. I didn't have to go far to check girls this morning - just to the gate to the meadow - they were all down in the north end of the meadow but I could see all of them and saw ours as they were changing pastures - made a good day for me.

    Judith, here the zinnias bloom all summer .Years ago I planted a little patch of the thumbalina zinnias where I got out of the car every day - so I enjoyed them every day.

    Jerilynn, sorry you've been ill - hope you are better soon.

    Beth, how awful that your husband fell and got hurt so badly. Probably a good idea for him to go to a rehab center for a while. Like Sara said, seems like we've all been having our health problems for ourselves or our loved ones.

    HB, glad you figured out something to help with your mother's shortness of breath - know that made her feel better.

    Iris, I know what you mean about papers. I have tax returns from probably 20 years back that I need to get rid of. It would take forever to shred them and it's too scary to burn them - so there they sit. Sometimes I think of something I need to find and seems like it takes forever. Like yesterday I was trying to think when I had EBV before - I've kept a daily journal since 1977 and one that I write in every so often. Luckily I found it was 2016 - wanted to find what the doctor told me to do. So many times those journals have come in handy. That's probably something else I need to get rid of - at least the old ones - I have a couple of boxes of them.

    I enjoy Bob and Brad. A while back I found a video they did on Morton's Neuroma. Keep thinking I need to watch that to see if they can suggest something to help.

    I know I've missed replying to something I wanted to but I sort of fell behind in reading. There's been a lot of posting today. Now, we need to hear from Joan and Barbara. Good to hear from everyone.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Judith, the zinnias bloom continuously until frost. Each bloom does not last the whole time; they keep putting out new flowers if you deadhead the spent ones.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita. You are so right there has been a lot of posting. Iam having a hard time keeping up with all of them. It seems like each time I come on Iam 15 behind. It's nice to see so many people posting. You're all in my prayers.

    The last car I bought was a 2018 Toyota, Corola. I really like it only problem is that it sits lower to the ground then what Iam used to. Now I have the problem of making sure I don't turn to close to a curb if I do, I will go right up on the curb.

    Jo. Iam hoping that all the prayers have been answered and you and David are starting to feel better. Please let us know how your doctor appt went.

    Iam still working at the care facility. I cut the 4/ 8-hour days down to 2/6-hour days. It seems like the more I did the more I was asked to do. I'm too old for that type of work. They were very pleased as well as I that I offered to work the weekends. Right now, the facility, AL and MC are both shut down due to covid. No visitors and the residents are all having meals brought to their rooms. It seems like each time they get closer to opening back up, another covid case has appeared so the shut down time starts all over again. A lot of the employees have also come down with covid, so the staff has been really short. Each of us have to wear the face mask, and they have given them too us, so we are all waring the right kind. Every time one of us employees say they don't feel good, or they are looking tired we are given the covid test. They gave me one last week and I was negative. It's kind of scary being around so much covid. It's cute in a way, because in AL they are not supposed to leave their rooms. And they are always having to escort residents back to their rooms, they keep forgetting why they need to stay in the rooms. I go back Saturday after being gone for 5 days so I will be given another covid test before I start work.

    I read daily but it just takes me a few days to get caught up and respond. You're all in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs Zetta 🙏

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Zetta, glad you got your hours cut down. With winter on the way with bad roads you don't need to be out driving on them. Didn't realize Covid was that bad already. I've never stopped wearing my mask when I'm around anyone, inside or out - and I won't. Have you gotten your covid booster for this year? I imagine they're giving them to residents.

    I was sort of tired today so laid down to nap a bit (already went to sleep in my chair) at 2 p.m. Woke up at 4:30 so had to hurry and check the girls. Ours were changing pastures and getting a drink in the lot and the heifers were around the hay ring but I think there were 14 out in the west pasture. Finally saw all of them and got back in the house before 5 so didn't take too long. It was misting - not a nice night out.

    Shirley, when I was watching that test drive of the Chrysler 300 it showed that it didn't have a gear shift but a dial to put it in gear. I was just reading that they'd had a lot of trouble (not recently) with the shifting. Do you find that hard to do - I guess after driving it a while it becomes a normal thing to do. Does your car have a bench back seat or bucket ones? Also read it has a remote start (Judith) remember she said she wanted one she could start from inside the house. Tomorrow I'll call the salesman and ask if they have some of them in stock. I imagine to order one would take a long time. It looks so much like our Mercury did.

    My BIL and I were talking about cars and when I told him I wanted one - like a new "old" car, he said they were out there - just had to look. You sat "down" in the Mercury and had to hold onto something to help get out. They have a thing that fits into the doorlock that helps (saw that on Shark Tank).

    TV is just showing the first baby Emperor Penguine hatched in the US - her name is Pearl and she's eight weeks old - so cute.

    Hope I can find something good to watch on TV tonight. Guess I'll break down and get another TV for the bedroom. The bedroom is in the south side of the house so is warmer in winter so will probably spend quite a bit of time in there. I've ordered them before and they were delivered (in a pickup) not the standard FedEx van so don't know if that's what they usually do or not. Will have to have Directv come out and check the receiver and get it started. It was working until the mishap with the electric company power lines knocked it out. I've written enough so will stop for tonight - really enjoyed reading all the posts today.

    Sarah had an appt. today to get some CT scans but haven't heard from her. They were also going to deliver another oxygen machine so she could go into the LR instead of stayin the bedroom (don't understand this) and CDC was going to come and do some tests to try to find out what's wrong with her (pustules all over and they don't know why). Hope all of that got done today. She's in such pain - I can tell by the way she talks. It's amazing that almost eleven months ago we didn't know if she'd make it another week. She's asking for prayers from you all. I've gotten into the habit of praying for everyone on the forum and thread - we all need help. See you all tomorrow.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi cobbers

    Our first very hot day today, 40+ degrees C which converts to about 104 F. Very early, first time recorded in Novemnber. Thankfully will cool down this evening, back to about the mid 70s, which is what is usual. Just washed my winter quilt cover, and brought out the summer bedspread. Now have airconditioner running as I type. Horrible bush fires already in Queensland, very close to my old home town. No relatives affected, as far as I know.

    Had a birthday last weekend and DD took me to a 'High tea' lunch, (finger food) in a lovely old chalet-type building in the bush nearby. There is a permanent waterfall close by -- in the driest state in the driest continent (except for Antarctia, of course.) I did well climbing stairs up to the chalet, which is about 30 feet above the carpark. This new pill I am on for PseudoGout must be working.

    Here are a couple of photos from last weekend. Enjoy. Barbara

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Happy Belated Birthday,Barbara. The pictures are gorgeous. What a lovely place that is - and all those steps to get up to it. Don't know that I could have made it. The waterfall is beautiful - what feeds it? Seems awfully hot for you all this early and we had colder than normal temps last week. Weather all over is weird. Sounds like you had a nice birthday. Very glad to hear from you. Keep that AC on - while we're using heat. Boggles my mind that it's so different for you all and us. Glad you posted - we like to hear from you and know what's going on with you and Australia.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    This is my car, I can start it from inside my house. As long as the key is in my pocket the doors has a button that will unlock door or lock it. I have black leather seats. The front seat is a bucket seat.

    I like the dial gear shift. No key push button start. Sirius maps and directions. My son is a certified

    Mechanic. 10 year warranty.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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