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Just need to talk to my friends (192)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


Hope this works. Maybe we can just go to page 20 and start a new section so we can get to 200. It's sort of rainy here today - had a shower about noon and there's still a little drizzle. Hope we can get more rain later today.

Ron, I hope things are going all right for you. Post and let us know what's happening - at least we can talk about it.

Beth, I had something to say about your last post but forgot what it was. Good luck in cleaning all of your garden for spring. Just remembered - what about fried green tomatoes? They're delicious. Years ago we planted luffa gourds. The blooms were gorgeous - huge and yellow. The gourds tasted just like fried green tomatoes - if you fried them before they started forming the luffa you bathe with.

Went out and checked the heifers this morning - two new babies - one of the Charolais had a baby last night - pretty little gray/white baby and there was a new black angus baby. That makes 15, I think. Tried to count them but they were running everywhere. Came back and got Stormy to go with me to check ours. Saw Gray Lady - I make a point of seeing her every day - she's due to calve in October sometime.

About noon they decided to go to the NE pasture - kept hearing a cow bawl so looked out and she was standing in front of the house close to the gate to the pasture. She'd bawl, then look behind her. I saw a little baby coming down from where they were, slowly. She was patient and waited. When he got close another little calf ran back to him and walked back with him. Guess they were good friends.

Yesterday I put some striped sunflower seeds and peanuts in a Lock n Lock bowl and left it on the porch swing. Thought that would be handy every morning to feed Rusty. This morning the bowl was on it's side - checked and Rusty had chewed one lock (there's four) off and got the bowl open. It still closes but not so airtight. Guess he got hungry during the night. I can't leave any of his food on the porch because he chews into the container to get to the food.

Sara, I found a small container of self-rising flour a while back - don't remember buying it or what I used it for. I'm thinking of making a peach cobbler - probably not today. For some reason one of my earlobes is really sore and bleeding some. I've been wearing little pink studs so guess I laid on it the wrong way. My left knee is also hurting. Seems like all I do anymore is complain about something.

Joan, hope you and Day are continuing to improve from your surgeries. This time last month we were still waiting for the surgery - now you both are up and around and doing well. Hope the rest of you are well today. I'll stop and see if this will post.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Well I can’t find earlier threads so sorry if I miss something. Saw Beth’s earlier today and Ron’s.

    Beth I’m cleaning up too. Don’t have anywhere near what you have though. I only do a couple of hours ranch day so takes me awhile too. On the days it is my turn to deal with mom probably won’t have two hours to work those days but hopefully I can do at least a hour. My days tomorrow and Thursday. The past couple of weeks have been some better and I’m thankful for that.

    Ron you are in my thoughts and prayers for the strength for whatever you are facing.

    Scott thinking of you too.

    I checked on the melon it is still green in between netting. The season may run out we’ll see.

    Lorita so glad Mike keeps cattle there. It is so much company for you. Hope you find the energy to make your peach cobbler.

    My supper may seem a little strange but I enjoyed it and thought it was good. Fixed a tomato sandwich on toast, salad with my own lettuce ( have fall volunteer lettuce), roasted delicata squash and air fryer chicken.

    Have you guys had delicata squash? It is not a squash that lasts all winter, you can eat the rind which is great. My sister and I go to the farm stand on most Friday’s. She has such a limited diet due to migraine headaches. She had never eaten it. She can eat squash and she really liked it. So nice she found something to give her a little more variety. I was introduced to them buying apples one year at the orchard. They were giving them away they had so many in their garden and didn’t want them to ruin as not a squash that stores long term. Told her I don’t know how to fix it, so she told me how and I took it. Glad I did.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    What happened to all of the old posts????????? Recipes/photos all gone!!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, Barbara just posted on 191 - just above this one. I haven't looked for anything on 191 but Jo says it's available.

    Sara, I've never eaten that kind of squash. We really do like acorn squash and there's a little one that we liked - can't recall the name right now (just did - sugar dumpling).. I've bought butternut squash thinking I'd make soup but never got it done.

    Barbara, I'll answer you on 192 - not sure how 191 showed up for you - anyway, sorry about the problems you're having. Seems like most of us are having aches and pains - and more. Maybe it's the change of seasons that bothering us - at least somewhat. I know when I go out in the pastures the allergens are something else. I keep a mask in my pocket and when I get home, I realize I didn't get it on. I did this morning but just now got back and it's still in my pocket. My memory is really not what it used to be either - just now couldn't think of the name of the squash I was telling Sara about. Carol's 86 and she's having the same problems - also says her daughters who are in their 60s are also having problems. I hope your medicine can help so you can get back to writing.

    Daddy used to have a blue heeler. I found him - Rowdy - at the animal shelter. He was really a good dog - one blue eye and one black?, I think. Is your weather changing like ours is? We have really warm weather, then the next few days are cool. The Tulsa State Fair begins on the 28th and that's usually when our really cool, wet weather begins. I remember going to it and when we walked across the fairgrounds to the ice capades it was really warm. While we were inside a cold front came through and we almost froze on the way back to the car. I'm ready for cooler weather - but not for snow.

    While I was in the meadow I found a cow who was beginning to calve. Called Mike to tell him - said he'd check her early in the morning. It was so dark I couldn't see her tag number - should have taken a flashlight. I may drive the PU down a little later and check on her. I saw the little white calf that was born last night - up and walking with his mother. All the other little ones were running and playing.

    I hope 192 works all right - guess we can always go back to 191 if it doesn't. Hope you feel better soon, Barbara.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    I posted on 191. Just now I went back to the original page for 'Caring for Partners' and both 191 and 192 were listed there, so I have now moved to 192. Barbara

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, several older threads are still here, you can do a search for them. Are you looking for a particular recipe?

    Sorry, the quote was duplicated.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023








  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thank you, Joydean. I so enjoy being out with the girls and the babies and watching the babies run and play with each other and the interaction with their mothers. I went out early this morning to try to check on the heifer who was beginning to try to calve last night. Probably should have gone out last night again but there's a wide line of trees where she was and who knows what might be in there - I'm chicken, I guess. Anyway, went out early this morning looking for her. Found her and her new baby not far from where she was last night. Baby was up and around so all was well. She was close to half a dozen others, some with babies. I saw all of them this morning, then went over and checked ours - didn't get a good count but they were all up and seemed okay. There's one little guy, probably 3-4 months old who has hurt his leg but I saw him and he was grazing.

    It was raining when I woke up and rained some during the night. We got .7" but places north of us must have gotten a lot more. There were puddles of water around and muddy in places. Hope we get more. I wore jeans, shirt and a jacket I have made of the same material as my fluffy throws - so warm and light weight - and it felt good.

    I'm guilty of posting on 191, too - but I guess if we don't post on it, it will disappear - but can be retrieved. Thanks, Jo, for posting and reminding us. We won't go as long on 192 so it will be easier.

    Day, don't know if you're back to watching QVC yet or Denim & Co. I'm watching a rerun of Sunday's show. I haven't seen Pam, the blond model who was always on when Gary was there. I called Customer Service and they didn't know anything. Seems to me they're gradually getting rid of the tried and true and replacing them with ones I don't care for so much. Maybe that's just me. Tempted to order another pair of jeans but I have pairs I've never worn so guess I'll refrain. Clothes have gotten so much more expensive. Things I've ordered in the past for $39 or thereabouts are now costing $79 and up. Glad I ordered before things went up so much. Guess everything's getting more expensive. This will happen with new and used cars, too, if teh UAW strike continues. When things go up, they never come back down again. I think I put all the jeans I haven't worn in a box and got them out of the drawers - guess I need to find them. They're showing a wide-leg jean now that I really like with front patch pockets - really nice looking.

    Hope everyone's okay or better this morning.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023

    Sayra; hope that melon lasts and is usable/edible; we have been waiting to see how it does; fingers crossed. How is it going with your mother? Do you and your sister alternate days and is she better with that process? I remember some of the time during the "worst of times," when my feet would drag going up to the house knowing what faced me once inside. Not a place for sissies, that is for sure. You have been such a considerate daughter who has stayed as best can be despite the difficulties which have been significant.

    Ron; hope all is going well with Lou and that you are getting some help to find relief, I am sorry for what you have been enduring and so hope that the physicians get on the ball on your behalf. So much delay with the VA it seems.

    Today is Member, Buggsroo's birthday. She is 67; and it is not the best of birthdays. Her husband is in very terminal condition in a SNF and of all things; she was just laid off her job. There is a birthday thread for her today, if any of you see it, feel free to send warm wishes to her. She has had a very hard run of it for so long, but stuck with it beyond what most of us would have done - If you recall; she was the glove and Clorox queen as he used to use sinks and floors to do his "job" in and she spent so much time trying against odds to prevent and then to clean . . . I would have given up long ago, but she managed to go the course until he became a danger issue and she was working from home at the time.

    Daughter made plans to fly in next month; will be good to see her again. She mentioned us cleaning out my walk-in closet - oh me, oh my; best take my vitamins. It is a BIG closet and has so much that needs to go. Guess it will feel good after it is done. Sigh. How in the world does so much stuff collect - seems to do it by itself; but guess I was indeed an accomplice as well as DH finding it a repository for things too. Will donate a lot, that is for sure. My mother, grandmother and all of my aunts have been the most tidy persons, ever. Entire houses. Never a messy closet nor a messy dresser drawer; not ever. How did I get lost out of that loop?

    Had lasagna for dinner last night; it was so good; lots of cheese and meat and sauce; and now I do penance for a few days to make up for it. Why in the world are all the most lucious things so bad for us. Temptation often wins out. Can make life a little lovlier here and there. Well; at least we did not have yummy dripping butter garlic bread so that was one less dietary sin.

    I had never heard of Delicata Squash until Sayra brought it up. I had to look it up on the computer and it looks and sounds really good. Easy to fix and skin is thoroughly edible and lots and lots of recipes online, but can also simply be easily sliced and given a little olive oil, salt and pepper and roasted nicely on a lined baking sheet in the oven. I have not seen any in the grocery store, so will have to look more closely.

    Nice temps rest of week in the mid 70's; hope we get one more burst up in the 80's as I want to get family room carpet cleaned and need the warmer temp to easily dry the rug after said cleaning. Should have had it done sooner, but DH was not up to it being post-op; just one thing too much when feeling not so well.

    Good grief; heard on news today - three months until Christmas and some stores are already putting some holiday stuff out. Just not pleasant to see that. Prefer the old-fashioned way when nothing Christmas came out until after Thanksgiving and then one felt the fresh days of Christmas with all the happy anticipation - not the same anymore. Three months - this year seemed to go so fast.

    It is almost 8:30 am here; on my way to some oatmeal with peanut butter on top . . . .


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Joydean nice to visit with you again.

    My sister and I either do one or two days at a time. So one week we do three days and the next week 4. We kind work around things each one of us need to do personally. She has been a bit easier to deal with for a couple of weeks. My sister and I set some boundaries and it was pretty rough a few weeks. I’m cleaning a room at a time, gives me something to do when I’m there and doesn’t feel overwhelming. She will let me sweep the kitchen floor but she won’t let me mop it because I won’t do it her way. That is a boundary I have set, and you guys would agree with the boundary. I’m not going to get into all the crazy details. She keeps telling me she is going to do it but so far hasn’t happened 😂. My sister and I set a boundary about laundry too that we would take it home and do it but we would not do it at her house. She started doing her laundry which is good for her. She wants it hung out on clothes line and we do that. She tells me every time how she wants everything hung, that’s ok. That is one of the reasons my sister and I won’t do the laundry at her house. We would go crazy.

    I roast my delicata with just a little oil and salt.

    Glad you are getting some rain Lorita.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, I'm making another loaf of bread and thought I'd try cinnamon-raisin bread. My bread machine is at least 35-40 years old so doesn't have all the bells and whistles the new ones have. I tried raisin bread once and added the raisins when I added the other ingredients. When it was done you couldn't detect a raisin anywhere - they were pulverized.

    I checked on google and it says to add them at the add-in beep which mine doesn't have. I'm wondering when I should add them - after the first rise? A long time ago I checked the times after starting that certain things happen so I just set my alarm to add the raisins and cinnamon l hr. 50 minutes after it starts. I think that's after the first rise. Do you all think that's the right time?

    Some day when I start to make bread it won't work so I'll have to get a new one. I've used it at least twice weekly for the last three years so it must be a good one. I usually cut a slice off the top when it's still warm and spread on a little bit of either peach or apricot preserves. Have you all ever tried apricot preserves? It's wonderful.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All Front Porch Friends.

    Thanks for asking about me. I have been keeping pretty busy, working 8 hours a day 3 days a week. I like my job at the AL/MC facility but sometimes I do over work myself. They just hired a new cook, so he has taken a lot of pressure off of me. I plan on cutting my hours back this winter, because I will not drive in the snow especially at night.

    Alls well at my house. The weather has been really good it's been in the 70s now this week it's going to be in the 60s so things are starting to cool down.

    I am keeping up with all that is going on, on the front porch, I do read every other day or so. Sometimes if I let a few days go by I have anywhere from 40 to 60 post to catch up on, and that takes another day.

    Joan and Day. You have been in my prayers. Please take care of yourselves while recovering.

    Ron, You and Lou have also been in my prayers, I hope all your test come back with good results.

    Sara. Please take care of yourself and don't let stress get the best of you. It is nice your sister is helping you with the care of your mother. Do you miss the volunteer work you were doing? Iam sure you can go back whenever you want too. I enjoy my little job, at times I really don't want to go, but when I get there all's good. Iam probably going to cut my hours down soon.

    Lorita. As always you have been so busy. I am glad the weather is making it easier for you to get out and enjoy all the girls and the babies. As much as you get out, please make sure you have your guardian on. I still want to get me one I keep looking but I guess Iam not sure what one is best for me.

    You all have been in my thought and prayers. Hugs Zetta

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    edited September 2023

    Good afternoon. I’m having a quiet day today. My back is super tired today and I have no energy so I’m resting more and walking less today. I don’t think I hurt myself, but just having a down day. Sarah said she took days to back off and rest, so I’m going to try that too. Thank you to all for the extra healing prayers. My housekeeper came and cleaned today. It looks and smells so nice.

    Jo, the occupational therapist at the hospital taught me all the things Bill learned at home. Some of them are amazing because they make normal tasks so much easier. She took me to a kitchen and showed me how do do several things without twisting, bending or lifting. I’m winging it with the laundry, but doing small loads so it’s easier to manage.

    I saw the news report on the officer who was shot at the stop light. God bless all our officers these days. It’s a risky job for sure.

    Lorita, how fun to ride around in the tall grass and trees. It must have felt like you were in the middle of a deep forrest. I hope Sara is doing better. Did you hear if she went home? I’m keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.

    Ron, I hope you’re doing ok and getting answers to some of your health issues.

    Judith, I’m hoping you’re feeling better too and will be out and about again soon.

    Barbara, I’m sorry you’re missing your travels, but understand not wanting to sit on a bus that long. I couldn’t do it right now either.

    iris and Jo, thanks for assuring us that our old threads are available fo,r viewing if we wish to do so.

    Hi to everyone. Take care and have a great day. Joan

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    So great to hear from you, Zetta!

    Regarding the recipes on our ongoing posts, I typed up Sara's apple cake recipe and hope to make it soon! It sounds so good. I typed up the amount to make an 8x8, and I added in the directions for all purpose flour (as an alternative to the self rising flour it calls for). I'll copy & paste it on this post for those who are interested.

    Looking forward to some fall recipes - made chili last evening. Yum! I want to make pumpkin bars (like cake) with cream cheese icing soon, and also "World's best brownies" which you can find the recipe for if you go to YouTube and look for "Come Sit at my Table."

    Here is Sara's recipe as adapted for all purpose flour, 8x8 size:

    Apple Cake

    1/2 cup oil

    1 cup sugar

    1 egg

    1/2 tsp vanilla

    1 1/2 cups flour

    1 1/4 tsp baking powder

    3/4 tsp salt

    Scant 1/2 tsp baking soda

    3/4 tsp cinnamon

    1 1/2 cups diced apples

    1/2 cup walnuts

    Mix flour, baking powder, salt, baking soda and cinnamon; set aside.

    Mix oil, sugar and vanilla. Add egg. Add flour and mix.

    Stir in apples and walnuts.

    Bake at 350 in ungreased pan for 40-60 minutes.

    Maple Glaze

    1 1/2 T butter

    1/6 cup maple syrup

    1/4 tsp vanilla

    1/2 - 3/4 cup powdered sugar

    Melt butter. Whisk in maple syrup until melted (still on stove). 

    Remove from heat and whisk in sugar and vanilla until smooth. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Okay, Zetta, it was about time you posted so we'd know you were okay. Don't work too hard - life is too short to do that. Glad that you do enjoy your work though. Isn't 70 degree weather wonderful? We've had some of those days - what a relief after temps up to 115 - and we've had some rain. More to come the next few days. Don't blame you for cutting back on winter hours - not safe to drive in snow or ice. Zetta, try Medical Guardian - that's what I've had for years. I'm wearing mine every day and don't even notice it now - also keep my cell phone with me.

    Joan, sorry you're having a down day - tomorrow will be better. Just be so careful and not overdo. We tend to do that even though we know we shouldn't - just one more weed to pull, one more block to walk, etc. Wish your housekeeper was close to me. I've let the house go - just keep the center of the rooms cleared out and clean. With two big, white dogs there's always tufts of white hair even though I sweep or dustmop every day. But I wouldn't take a million dollars for either of them - or the cats for that matter.

    Thanks, Beth, for posting the recipe - it sounds so good - but if I make a cake, guess who gets to eat it. Guess I could freeze part of it.

    Sara, how wonderful that you have your sister to share caring for your mother. Good idea too just do a few days at one time. I know even that is hard sometimes. I wish I had a clothesline (maybe) because clothes smell so good when they dry in the sun - sheets for sure. We used to have one and in the winter we'd hang out clothes and when we went to get them, they'd be frozen stiff. Those were the good old days

    .Stormy and I went down to see the heifers and the babies. Saw all the moms - guess we got there at supper time because there were several of them having supper. I counted 15 little ones - unless I missed one that was laying down. They are so cute. We stopped and talked with them and they edge up to the Gator - they are so curious. For all the time the heifers have been here, I've talked to them so they're not scared of me and Stormy doesn't bother them - he just rides and watches. There's two from the white heifers - one is mostly white and the last one is mostly gray - so, so cute.

    When we got back ours were changing pastures - I saw three little ones, all together walking up to the south pasture. Just now three cows came through with three little ones running among them. They spend the night in the south pasture, then over to the east pasture early, early, then mid morning they go to the NE pasture - late in the evening back to the south pasture. I could set my watch by what they do - same with the heifers. Creatures of habit just like us.

    I have the front door open and a cow just came up bawling, looking for her baby - seemed to be looking in the NE pasture so I went out to check. Another cow and three babies came up to come through. Didn't see a baby anywhere but when I came back the three babies came back through and one was her baby. They started south, then the baby stopped her so he could have supper.

    I did make the loaf of bread. Guess I was so intent on deciding when to add the raisins that I forgot to add the yeast. I opened the bread maker door and the dough was there, not rising. Quickly added the yeast and started it from the first. The loaf turned out really well - without raisins.

    I did something this afternoon I probably shouldn't have. I was looking at the documents on the laptop I've saved. Found one about Charles' last days. I read it and it was just like reliving it again. Some of the things I had forgotten but it really got to me. So hard to believe it's been over eight and a half years. Reading that just brought back all of it - lots of tears here this afternoon.

    I cut Stormy's toenails while we were sitting down in the meadow. Got one too short because he flinched and when I closed the gate I saw some blood on his foot. I put alcohol on it when we got home. I need one of those sticks men use to stop bleeding when they cut themselves shaving. Thought I might try Sheena but I touched one foot and she jerked it away. I started trimming Stormy's when he was a puppy and Sheena's previous owner never did that with her.

    I've written way too much - as always - so I'll stop and wish that all of you have a good night's sleep.

    Ron, I hope things are better for you today. If you share, maybe we can help a little bit - at least make you feel better by getting it out of your system.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited September 2023

    Lorita, Alcohol burns tissues, use it only on intact skin. My cats are sensitive too, I just clip the tip of each claw so as not to frighten or upset them.

    This may help, I did a search for styptic pencil and this came up.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited September 2023

    Lorita, thanks for caring and asking about me! Guess I'm just tired and worn out and feel like I shouldn't be talking about me all the time.

    Here goes.......poor circulation in my legs; dr unable to get a good pulse from feet and consultation was put in two weeks ago for test with care in the community. Still waiting on call to set up appointment! Speech therapist appointment yesterday and test showed concern for reflux due to achalasia and consultation will be put in for barium swallowing test. Unfortunately the area they used for the test is undergoing remodeling and consult will be care in the community. Finally received results of sleep study with lowest ixygen saturation level of 79%, Apap machine recommended. Oldest son that lives in Texas had been working two jobs for the last 15 years to help support his family and pay alimony to first wife. First part of summer he had a lawyer to take her back to court and have the alimony stopped or at the least reduced. Could not find her to serve papers and judge ruled in his favor and garnishment was stopped. Two weeks ago she filed for a new hearing which was granted and Monday she won and son was ordered to resume payments until meditation. Youngest son fell Sunday and broke 4 ribs. Sons are 51 and 55 and it still hurts to hear of their pains and trouble which adds to my problems. Was able to get Lou back to church last Sunday; everything went smooth, she seemed anxious to go, no problems with bathing and getting her ready. During church service she starts that throat noise she always does that iratates me and I couldn't enjoy the sermon. I like for her to be with me, but I don't enjoy the service when she is.

    Now aren't you sorry you asked for me to share!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023

    Hello Joan; what you are experiencing is what my husband has also experienced in his recovery. It takes awhile . . . . though far less, he still, three months later (this Friday), has times he feels tired and that his back is very tired. He simply sits down and rests a bit and then up again. It is much better than it had been, and understands this is part of the process. When his back is feeling tired or sore because of who knows what or overdoing, I notice the brace is on; it does help. He mostly is able to do without it and he has not used a walker in quite some time, but that helped when he was earlier in his post-op recovery period. Your physician knows best; but Joan; that much walking so early and at a more "mature" age may be a bit much at this point. A quarter mile so soon and no brace to support sounds a bit like it may have been a bit much too early? Don't know; but your body will tell you when it needs a bit more rest and ease and when it is good to go. That laundry does not do itself; DH wanted to do some after the first few weeks and he was using the grabber to put things in and take things out of both washer and dryer. I bit my tongue and did not say anything; it was working for him. Bless him; he has worked to try and be independent and I laud him for all of that. I do not think I would have been so quick.

    Zetta; good to hear from you and I am so glad you have made the decision to err on the side of safety for the winter snows; you get a lot up there and it is very wise of you. Am glad to hear that you are still enjoying the work contact and that a chef is now in place making things easier.

    Ron; never apologize for sharing difficulties. We are Front Porch Friends and that is what we do. I am so sorry to hear about all of the issues you are having to deal with. Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to stop with the VA and simply move into the community with Medicare and supplement. I am sorry you are also having to deal with the staff and delays on top of everything else. I understand about the "kids." We too worry about our adult children. Our youngest son is recovering from a horrible bout of COVID which lasted about three weeks with a relapse, I was certainly a concerned Mom and tried not to show it.

    As for Lou at church. I wonder if that is not something that you save for yourself for a period of free time and connection with the congregation and service as long as you have someone to be with Lou. I know how much you love and care for her, but it seems as if that is a small thing to gift yourself for a bit of time away and to be with others.

    Beth; thank you for putting Sayra's recipe forward as you did. Going to ask a silly question. If I am going to make this cake, I would probably peel the apples; do you peel yours? Seems like if peel was left on, it would not do well with baking in a batter. Just checking.

    Sayra; I am embarrassed. I had the information for the face masks you gave and put it in a special place and now that our old supply of disliked masks is getting very low, I was going to order the ones you mentioned; I think the brand started with a "B." But guess what, I cannot find the special place I put the written information in; or perhaps accidentally threw it away with something else. Can you give the name again? They really seemed to fit the face well. Cannot recall if they were black or not, but it seems they may have been. Thank you for your kindness.

    Lorita, the herd sounds wonderful; especially with all the babies. I really enjoy hearing about them. It sounds like such a relaxing time to drive amongst them seeing what is up and watching the babies play.

    Gosh; it's already Thursday, the week has gone by fast. DH brought home some very small, mini cinnamon churros and they are so good. I had some two days in a row and realized I had enough to know the flavor and I was eating a few more than I usually would, so I decided enough was enough. I know what they taste like and I am done. I do love new flavors and am a push over with not enough "won't" power sometimes. Guess once I know what something tastes like, I am better able to put the naughty item away from my temptation. A little treat now and then is very satisfying.

    I had to smile at the thought of hanging out laundry in the winter. I so remember how we kids used to laugh when our mother or grandmother brought in full body long johns frozen solid, standing up by themselves until they thawed. In the winter in the U.P. of Michigan, that was something we saw a lot of as no clothes dryers back then. Lots of laundry racks or lines in a kitchen warmed by the stove. Kids today will not know those experiences; so many unique memories when one is more "mature."


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    N95 3M Aura 9205+ are white, KF94 BOTN they come in black, KF94 POSH comes in all kinds of colors- Beth uses these, Aaron Collins is considered the mask nerd and says any N95 or KF94 are ok just which one you find most comfortable and get best seal. It’s all about the seL as you know.

    Zetta so good to see you again . Do you miss my volunteer job Zetta. I enjoyed seeing people, talking with them and having normal conversations but it is much better for me. I’m not having as many palpitations and I’m not feeling rushed and I still can’t get everything done 😊.

    Beth thank you for reposting recipe. Would like to fix an apple crisp if I can find the time. Probably not today or tomorrow for sure. We’ll see.

    Lorita Glad your bread turned out OK, Laugh out loud. I probably would’ve thrown it all out instead of adding yeast and trying again. I’ll have to remember that. I’ve never had apricot preserves, but I like apricots, so I probably would.

    Hope to see you later

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning F.P. Friends

    Looks like we might get some rain today. I like rain. It's cold enough outside I will be turning my heater on soon. I have a little electric fireplace I love its warming my front room right now.

    Ron. I agree with Jo, going to church by yourself and enjoying the sermon and being around others is a good idea. You need some time to yourself. It sounds like your church family is there for you. Please don't feel bad about taking care of yourself. Maybe leave her a coffee cake to share with her caregiver. Please don't feel bad about sharing your problems with us, we are all friends and want to help in any way we can.

    Joan. I hope you back is feeling better. When mine hurts I lean against a heating pad, and it sure feels good. I bet your also doing that. Please don't rush the healing. Get lots of rest.

    Sara. I am glad your finding time for yourself and not have so many things to keep you busy. Your mother is so lucky to have you and your sister taking care of her. I enjoy my job but at times I miss not staying home and being lazy. Iam totally being lazy today because I start my 3-day work week tomorrow.

    Lorita. Every time you talk about making bread it makes me wish I had a bread machine. But I afraid if I invested in getting one, I probably would not use it. My daughter has one and she used it often, Iam not sure if she even uses it anymore. I'm not really good in the kitchen I am lazy that way.

    Iam sending you all wishes for a good day. Hugs Zetta

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited September 2023

    What a wonderful group we are. Always listening, supporting and looking stuff up!

    Our vet said to use a nail grinder on the dogs nails. Always worked well and we "ground" at least once a month.

    Fall...a great time for apple anything. Crisp is my favorite or a torte if I feel like fussing in the kitchen.

    BTW...Trader's has a Kringle and the price is less than if you bought it from O H in Racine WI.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    We had .2" of rain last night. The rain gauge was so dirty you could hardly see where the water was so took it down and cleaned it. It's old and most of the top that guides the water in is broken so probably need a new one. The ground is good and damp and the grass is growing again so all is good for now. We're supposed to have some severe weather tonight and tomorrow - can do without that but need more rain to fill the ponds before winter. Gosh, I sound like a country girl, don't I talking about grass and ponds.

    Went out a bit later this morning to see the heifers. Found another new baby. Most of them were already in the west pasture so didn't get a good count - will tonight. Saw one of the white cows and when she saw me she started back toward the meadow. I knew what was up but followed and sat and watched her. She got to some tall grass and just stood there. That's where she had put her baby down while she went to graze. She left and I drove by - not too close - and there was the sweet baby laying down. While I was down there I heard our cows bawling like crazy, then saw a truck going down our driveway. The phone rang and it was Mike - he had brought some more Gator gas so told him about the new baby. That makes 16 with 12 more to go. I could see our cows from the road so didn't have to drive down the.

    Finished my Cologuard test this morning so am waiting for UPS pickup - glad that's done. My battery is low so I'll stop and charge it and post more later. Ron, I'm glad you posted - we all care and want to help.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Judith I have never eaten a torte. Looked it up , simple enough. I do not have a springform pan. Do any of you have one you really like and if you do what brand is it? Does any one have an easy caramel icing recipe? Would like to put that on top of my next apple cake. That is what I was looking for when I came across the one with maple syrup.

    Scott hope you are doing ok?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, take a look at behealthyusa.net The BOTN and the Posh masks are available there. The BOTN is what Sara uses; I use the Posh. Both are KF94. The Posh come in many designs/colors.

    We went to a cross country meet for our granddaughter today. We had a good time. She did well. She is in 8th grade.

    Jo, you could peel or not peel the apples for the cake. For a pie I would definitely peel them. For the cake, I think either way would work. If leaving the peel on, be sure to wash it well.

    We got 1.6" of rain on Tuesday; so grateful for it. We are in severe drought. We had our lawn aerated last week. In addition to the aeration, they overseeded so we are having to keep the lawn moist so the seed can germinate. Thankfully, we did not need to water on Tuesday, Wednesday or today because of the rain. Probably back to watering tomorrow.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited September 2023

    Hi, back again. Joan, before I forget - you asked about Sarah and if she had gone home. She was discharged, without much of a plan, if any, last Tuesday. There was a problem with getting her morphine for pain - WM didn't have it and wouldn't have it until Thursday. I talked briefly with her Thursday and she said the home health nurse was trying to help with getting it. That's the last time I've talked with her. She doesn't answer her phone. I've left messages a couple of times but no reply. So, I'll wait until she calls. I have no idea what's going on with her. But, as Jo said - communication with her waxes and wanes. Just hope everything's okay.

    Ron, I'm glad you posted and let us know how things are with you. You have so much on your plate - mostly things you can't do anything about. I know you love to take Lou with you to Church but if it disrupts your concentration to the point you can't enjoy the sermon, it might be better to go alone and enjoy the time. I do hope the VA can get on the ball and get your appointments made. This afternoon Carol and I talked about how much the VA seems to have changed - seemingly not for the better. But I guess nothing stays the same. We were trying to think what you call care in the community used to be called. We couldn't - I just now thought of it - it was called Fee Basis and it worked really well. Charles was on fee basis to a podiatrist in Tulsa when our VA didn't have one - worked like a dream. I hope you get the appointments soon.

    Sara, I used to have a spring-form pan. I used it but don't remember for what. I haven't seen it in years. I think if you make a lot of cheesecakes that would be the thing to use. I never have made a baked cheesecake but I did buy a mix that you don't cook - haven't used it yet.

    I saw the cutest thing this afternoon (another Rusty story) - I fed him his sunflower seeds and a few peanuts this morning. This afternoon I saw him climbing up the LR screen (it opens onto the porch) so I went out and he was sitting on the banister on the north end of the porch. I had some food by the front door so opened the door slowly, talking to him, and spread it on the banister by the steps. Went back inside and watched. In no time flat he was at the seeds, eating them. After he had eaten a while, he laid down flat on the banister and continued eating. He was so cute - had his big tail spread out behind him and almost had his chin on the banister. I know I'm silly talking about a squirrel but I'm not used to them being here. I think I've made friends with him - always talk to him and he seldom runs away.

    Stormy and I went down to check the girls late this afternoon - wore jeans and a shirt and it was hot. There was rain south of us and I think we've missed it- again. But, today I did see a few leaves on a knock-out rose and three or four of the wild violets are greening up in a planter. I'm worried about our trees but guess I'll have to wait until spring to see if they've survived.

    Judith, you're so right - this is a wonderful thread made that way because of all the people who post and truly do care about each other. We're like a distant family.

    I've seen those grinders but I doubt they'd work for Stormy and for sure not for Sheena. Doesn't it take a long time to grind the nails? Stormy's nails don't click when he walks on the floor but Sheena's really do.

    UPS didn't pick up today so guess they will tomorrow - they have until 8 p.m. tomorrow to do so.

    Sara, I've never made caramel. My mother made caramel dumplings that were sooo good. We had them with cream or rich milk over them. I've never made them but I'll look for the recipe and post it. She made hers in an iron skillet. I think it's just sugar, melted, then add hot water and later butter but I'm not sure. Always seemed complicated to me. I haven't made that peach cobbler yet but may tomorrow. I need to lose weight and having that around won't help.

    The babies were so cute this evening - in both pasture. Just now saw all of "our" cows going to the south pasture - they walk one behind the other with babies running with them. Occasionally you'll hear a mom call her baby or the baby answer.I saw the little gray baby tonight. She was laying down and when we got close, she got up and ran toward some other cows with her mom right behind. I saw one baby standing by the fence between the meadow and pasture. Drove over and there was another one across the fence - so he was staying with his buddy. So cute how they make friends and stay together - just like little kids.

    I'd better stop - Zetta so good to hear from you. Take it easy at work.

    Beth, glad you got some rain. We're in a drought, too, even though we've gotten some rain. Looks like the whole center of the Country is in drought. We've had 26.1" this year which is 4-5" below normal. I think our normal rainfall is about 40". Seems like the rain goes south or north of us - looks like they had a good one east of us tonight.

    I'll go and let someone else post. See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I don't think I would like to eat an apple cake with the peel on, it would be too chewy.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    I’ve been a little under the weather with an allergic reaction to medication but keeping up with all the Front Porch doing’s… a bite of banana pudding goes well with recovery ❤️‍🩹.

    Lorita, the cotton is beginning to “pop” so I’ll have pictures for you soon.. just recently I gave my Great Granddaughter my “cotton picking” sack. My Grandmother made me an apron because I was so little that I couldn’t really “help” pick cotton: but she wanted me to “feel” like I was helping… such wonderful memories.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning porch people.

    @JeriLynn66 DH just walked by my monitor and is now making noises about banana pudding. You nailed it. Banana pudding is one of his favorites. I often make if for Christmas Eve dinner because it's fairly simple if you use box pudding and vanilla wafers. Christmas Eve is my stab at the cuisine of my DH's midwestern/southern childhood. I draw the line at Cool Whip, though. My very New England mother does not approve although she generally puts down a healthy portion every year and remarks that it tastes better than she expected.

    DS, DH and I got our flu and COVID shots Wednesday night.

    DS was dragging this morning but has perked up. DH has napped twice. The vaccines are kicking my butt. 24 hours post injection and I still had a fever. I seem to have a robust-- or maybe cranky-- immune system. That said, when DS picked up COVID on the Christmas trains last year I had a faint positive once while the rest of my crew got sick. DS always brings home some disease we've come to call the "Christmas crud" working the trains packed with young families singing.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited September 2023

    @JeriLynn66 Your banana pudding looks fabulous! I've never made it; I think it is kind of a "Southern" thing. I have made banana cream pie. I have a pie cookbook, "Ms. American Pie: Buttery Good Pie Recipes and Bold Tales from the American Gothic House" with many, many pie recipes. I've made over 20 of them! My favorites would include Sour Cream Raisin pie, cherry pie, peach pie, rhubarb custard pie, chocolate chess pie, French silk pie. Hubby is a big fan of apple. You must live in the south as I see you raise cotton on your ranch. I live in Iowa.

    @Lorita I hope you get your rain. We have it in the forecast the next 4 days. I looked up our "stats." Our yearly normal precipitation is 35" and we have received 21." Despite that, the cornfields have been looking good and farmers are hard at work harvesting corn and soybeans.

    The garden still has color although it is way past its peak. Our Rose of Sharon has bloomed for weeks now. Also blooming are goldenrod, black-eyed Susans, zinnias, phlox, verbena bonariensis, balsam, petunias, roses, marigolds, clematis, hardy hibiscus, hydrangeas, Kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate, flowering tobacco and mums. I'll attach a couple of photos. It still looks pretty to me!

    Sorry about the font. When I copied and pasted the name of the pie cookbook, it made that paragraph large. ???

    Springform pans are for cheesecake. My cousin won cooking class of cakes and cheesecakes at the Iowa State Fair this year with her Bailey's cheesecake.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @BethL what a FABULOUS garden!! This weekend is bed cleaning work for us.. Banana pudding is an old and easy Southern favorite ❤️

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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