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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, good that your mom's appointment and injection went well. Always makes things easier for both of you.

    Joan, those pictures are gorgeous, especially the first one with all the orange trees. That road in the second is really winding - what a beautiful drive that would be. Reminds me of the winding highway from I-40 in Arkansas up to Eureka Springs. Is the third one taken from your balcony? Hope you're doing well today.

    Ron, I'm going to have to look up that word. Glad the barium swallow is over for you. How did it go this month regarding the full moon? I didn't realize if was full - maybe because of the clouds.

    Mike and Sidney came about 5:30 and treated the cow and calf. I do wish I could have gotten the other one up to be treated. He checked the growth on Stormy's chest. Said it was a fatty growth and will be ok as long as it stays soft. He has a small one on his neck and another on his back. I remember that Barclee had those. For some reason Stormy is afraid of Mike so I have to try to control him. He's very strong or I'm getting weaker. He brought mineral feed tubs for the girls. Soon he'll move the bigger calves to wean them and get the cows up to treat them, if needed.

    I've spent a lot of time out in the pastures today so sort of tired so will probably sleep good. See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Joan thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Ron your frustrations continue.

    Iris, I’m glad that the CPAP seems to be working out for you.

    Woke up to a very small snow this morning. It’s the beautiful kind it just barely has the grass covered. Nothing on the driveway or road.

    continue to think of each and everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, "high resolution manometry is the gold standard for diagnosing achalasia, based on the lack of peristalis and a impaired or absent relaxation of the LES in response to swallowing. "

    Freeze warning was out for this morning, but hasn't made it yet, only 33 now. One more cold night and warm up coming again, turn heat on.....turn air on.....turn heat on.....turn air on, never know which one is next in Louisiana.

    Appointment with sleep study Dr tomorrow, still can't use cpap and don't know if I ever will since this is my 3rd try at it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Ron, it's 25 here this morning. Supposed to be in the 60s the next few days. It's up and down this time of year but, thankfully not much wind. It's pretty and sunny. Thanks for the information about the test. Hope your appointment tomorrow helps with using the cpap.

    Sara, is it usual for you to have snow this early? Girls are standing in the sun to warm up.

    I hear cows bawling so Toad must be feeding north of here. When I was getting dressed this morning I wondered how in the world I got up every morning, got dressed and drove 30'miles to work by 8 am for over 33'years. Youth is the answer, I guess. I retired when I was 52 so still had energy to begin ranching. Wonder where that energy went - all used up, I guess.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Not real unusual Lorita. Sun is beautiful today, but cold.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, CCRS??

    Back hurts this morning. Guess all that walking in boots and mud getting the cow up about did me in. When we got through the first gate she headed toward another one so had to run? A few steps to make sure it was closed. Running is a past thing for me. I remember mother used to tell me to be careful lifting things when I was young. Said if you hurt your back lifting then, you always have back trouble. Guess I lifted too much, then and now. Just ordered month's supply of dog food from Chewy and had him be sure " put boxes on front porch" was on address label. We'll see.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Take it easy today Lorita.

    thinking of all of you

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I started the day with a scam.

    A number I didn't recognize called. Sometimes people from mom's many doctors' office call from their own phones with messages, so I did answer. It was a riff on the "Grandson in Trouble" scam. A young man on the other end was sniffling with a teary voice said "Mom, it's me. I'm not doing good. I'm in trouble." Suspecting this is a scam and that my own son was in the other room, I told him he had the wrong number. He was back at it " Is this the Buzzed residence? It's me he said". I directed a few expletives into the phone and he hung up on me.

    I guess this officially makes me old.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I had one of those. It was a lawyer calling about my grandson in jail.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I've had the Grandson scam and ended up messing with the guys head. When he called he said Grandpa I'm in trouble and need help where I don't go to jail. I asked which Grandson was this and he said Grandpa don't you recognize me. I asked was this john and he said yes. I asked which one I had 3 John's. He said your favorite John for which I replied; I sit on my favorite john and take a .... just like this call is a bunch of (you no what I said.)

    Just back from my cpap follow up appointment. I could not use the cpap machine and he discussed my options. They have a surgical procedure where they run a wire up your chest to the mouth which I'm not a candidate for. What he suggested and sending recommendations to the VA is a mouth appliance and follow up with another sleep study in 4 to 6 months.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron...just in case all of this was not discussed;

    I can’t tolerate CPAP, what can I do? - Harvard Health

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, that must be a scam that's used a lot. Carol had it pulled on them several months ago. Also a supposed grandson calling because he was in trouble. She said it sounded exactly like their grandson. Luckily they figured out it was a scam before it was too late. I think it's a crying shame things have come to the point you can hardly trust anyone. I don't answer any call when I don't recognize the number. I figure if it's important they will leave a message. Rarely that happens.

    Have an appt. tomorrow afternoon to get my flu shot. I have a little drippy nose but probably from allergies. I read it's okay to get it unless you gave a moderate to severe cold. A doctor I used to work with said the only way to get a cold is from a oerson. He was stationed in Alaska and said they never had colds until a supply ship came in. I haven't been around anyone except Darwin, Mike and Sidney and was outside and I had on a mask.

    They have Moderna covid shots but don't think I want to get both at one time. Will get that in a week or so. I've only had Pfizer vaccines - would rather have it. Carol says their health dept. will have Prizes later. Looks like it would be the same with all health depts. It's a pretty, sunny day but was chilly when I was out earlier. I put a box over my rose bush two nights and it looks okay. But,, it had two buds and I knocked one off putting on the box. Oh, well, maybe the remaining one will bloom.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Those scam calls simply make me furious. I could get on my soap box but I won't. It's best to not answer if you don't know the number.

    Those pictures, the colors are stunning. One year we went to CO the middle of Oct just to see the changing leaves. Then we road the Durango train - it was cold and beautiful. What a wonderful memory.

    Not sure if any of you are baseball fan, but our TX Rangers certainly pulled it off last night. Pretty awesome, our coach is the mastermind, IMO. Even though it was an away game we had friends whom went to the stadium to watch it on the big jumbotron. She said it was quite the loud party. The sports store stayed open until 3:00am selling World Series items!!

    Beautiful day here - fall is in the air and my allergies are awful!!But I'll take allergies over the heat of the summer anytime. Time to get busy - I'm working on closets this week. I don't know why I ever started but now I'm in the middle of it and can't stop. I'll check in on everyone later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Eaglemom, my Dallas son was bragging through all the playoffs. Never can remember him this excited!


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Eagle, one of the pictures was from southern Colorado. The colors were beautiful this year.

    I was cheering for Texas last night. I’m thrilled for them, especially since they have never won the series. Good game.

    I’m worn out from PT, but still need to do exercises again and get a short walk in. My core is extremely weak, so focusing on that.

    Lorita. I hope you rested today.

    Judith. The Raven exhibit looks awesome. Very interesting video.

    I hope everyone is having a good day. Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, your response to the scammer was a hoot! Smart thinking!

    I've been using my CPAP for about 3 weeks. I am sleeping about 4-5 hours at night with CPAP. But then I wake up and can't get back to sleep. I do feel a bit more energized, nevertheless. I had to make adjustments, working with the technician at the company. Ron, I don't remember, what exactly was your discomfort with the CPAP?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Eagle, congratulations to the Rangers and to you and all Texans. You all waited a long time for this.

    Joan, take it easy when you walk. Do you use a cane or walker? I've rested today after I got back in this morning so feel lazy. Feels like I either strained my left chest or it's the costo. I can feel it in my back like the costo- need to lean against the heating pad.

    Seems like I get so many calls I don't recognize. How do they get cellphone numbers anyway?

    I have so many things on my list for WM pickup - maybe should cut it in half. I stock up when I shop, maybe too much but that way I don't have to go back so soon.

    Almost time to go check everyone again. I think our girls are in the NE pasture and I see some of the heifers around the hay.

    Are you all ready for the time change? I really am because I like more daylight in the mornings.

    Ron, I bet that scammer was surprised at what you said to him. Good for you!.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    About time to go to bed but just wondering if you're getting snow tonight,Sara. The weather said Ohio but not sure which part. Sleep well, everyone. Wish we could hear from Jo.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    No snow here Lorita. It’s 39F this morning which is the warmest. It’s been in several days. I think they’re giving it to get up in the 50s today.

    Housecleaning for mom went a little easier this week. If someone who didn’t know would’ve just observed they’d probably thought it was pretty bad. In reality it was way better than two weeks ago. Maybe I’m just learning to deal with it a little bit better. Someone over on the caring for a parent site just this week was talking about when they clean house, wash the dishes, etc. how it sets their mother off. That’s kind of sad because you’re just trying to help them but they don’t take it that way at all. It’s pretty sad. You would like for her to feel good about it but so far that’s just not going to happen.

    Thinking of each and everyone hope that today is a little bit better than yesterday. Take care.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Chilly here right now but sunny and supposed to be near 70 today. Went out to check girls and Toad was coming to feed so left the heifers to him and checked the others.

    Got all my things ordered from Wal-Mart to pick up between 1 and 2 today. To get flu shot at 1:30. I have sniffles and low grade temp off and on. I think it's allergies because I'm out in weeds every day. Forget to wear my mask sometimes. If I wear sunglasses and mask the sunglasses fog up. Everything I read says it's okay to take the shot if you have a mild cold. I hate to put it off longer. What do you all think?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I'm bushed!! Gor my flu shot, then went by and picked up my groceries at WM. That pickup option is the best thing since sliced bread. The only problem is you still have to get it inside and put away. I'm almost finished but still have a few things to bring in.

    I cleaned all the shelves in the refrigerator before I put things in - should game have done that yesterday - another reason my back hurts. The best thing in the world to clean refrigerator shelves without even taking them out is the Scrub Daddy!

    I went through the country to within half a mile of town but decided to come back the highway. The pickup missed even with the additives I put in. So I have to get a reliable vehicle. We've bought several used ones and were lucky but don't think I'll do that again.

    I was watching cars go by before they brought out my groceries and they are so tiny- but cute. I want a car like they had in the 70s and 80s, even 90s before they got so small. Mike calls them tin cans. Wish I had my Pontiac back. I was only gone an hour and half but Stormy and Sheena said it seemed like two days. Health department may not get RSV vaccines and only will have Moderns civic vaccine. I'll get that in a couple of weeks. I was the onl person there until another woman came in as I was leaving. So much better than getting them at WM.

    Is everyone okay today?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita glad you had a good experience picking up your groceries. I did that through the whole pandemic, and it worked very nicely . well in reality we’re still in the pandemic, but you know what I mean.

    Have you thought about getting an SUV? I have a small SUV, Honda CRV, it’s the best car I’ve ever had. I know people have the Toyota RAV and they’re very happy with that also. There may be other good ones out there too, There probably are. Maybe if some others have one they like they could mention it. To me I feel like I have a truck. I can put a couple of bales of straw in the back easy and still have my seats up. It sets up high even my small one. Just a thought.

    made a couple of soups today, so I’ll have something besides sandwiches to eat quickly. I made a sweet potato chowder and some vegetable soup. Tomorrow, good Lord’s, will I hope to make some zucchini either bread or muffins.

    We had several really big freezes this week in the mornings, so wasn’t sure what would be at the farmstand today. They still had quite a bit of stuff and it was in good condition. They must know how to store it. Got some eggs, sweet potatoes, and a tomato. The tomato felt firm but was definitely ripe and so I didn’t know how it would taste. But it was really good. Hard to believe I was eating a tomato that tasted that good in November.

    Continue to think about and pray for each one of you.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Waiting on a lady from church to stay with Lou before I go to the church's monthly mens supper and bible study.

    I have everything I need so tommorow I will be making vegetable beef soup, might even make it stew instead of soup, will figure it out when I start.

    In the 70s today and suppose to be back in the 80s next week. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I have a 2018 Toyota RAV4 XLE and I like it a lot. It sits higher up so I can see traffic better. Michael Ellenbogen got a RAV4 the same time that I got mine, but he said his was fully loaded. If I had to do it again, I would get fully loaded. I would like heated seats and heated steering wheel, also surround camera. But I don't anticipate buying a new car any time soon.

    Since I have been sleeping a bit better with the CPAP, I have been able to accomplish errands. I did a load of laundry, went to the library and the post office, and to two markets. I'm beginning to feel like a normal person again.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good for you, Iris. I think we have to get up and get moving so we don't lose the ability to do things. I've been sitting too much since I haven't been feeding. When I get out I feel better. Carol told me she was trying her best to not walk like an old woman. I better do the same.

    I appreciate the information about the vehicles you all have. I have to think about getting a vehicle the GPs will get in and also have it high enough off the ground so I can get out in bad weather. Darwin had a RAV4. I've ridden in it and it was nice. I think he onkly has a PU now. Most everyone has a pickup or flatbed truck.if in this area.

    Ron, hope the sitter came so you could go to the dinner. I know you enjoy a men's night out. Is your shower fixed and do you like it? Does Lou like it, too?

    Sara, glad the farmer's market is still going with good things. Your tomato story reminded me that years ago on one of our trips to NW Arkansas we passed a vegetable stand and stopped. They had lots of green tomatoes so we bought a quite a few- love fried, green tomatoes. They weren't dark green so would be good to fry. I put then in a three-tiered hanging basket between the kitchen and dining room and sort of forgot about them. I walked by one day and they were red! They were not so green that they didn't ripen.

    Do you grow turnips up north? It's a good fall crop here. We always had turnips. When it got cold, before freezinvg, we'd pull them, cut off the toops, dig a hole in the ground, line it with hay and put in the turnips. We'd cover them with a layer of hay with tow sack and cover it with dirt. When we wanted turnips we'd go out, uncover them and have delicious, sweet turnips I liked to peel and slice them about half an inch thick and cook them just until tender. Charles liked his cooked until they were almost mushy. Just shows that families have certain ways of cooking the same things.

    I've seen pictures of the CRV and they're pretty. Sounds like they have good room, too.

    I've been watching Planet Earth on BBC- very good nature show. A new series, Planet Earth 111, begins tomorrow night. David Attenborough narrates.

    Tomorrow is Bedlam in Oklahoma. University of Okla. plays Okla. State. This will be the last one because OU is leaving the Big 12 to go to the SEC. Not a good thing for Oklahoma football.

    Didn't mean to write so much tonight. My arm is a little sore from the injection and also from the injury. Glad I got the vaccine though. Sleep well tonight. Has anyone heard from Jo?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, when I was reading your post about how Charles liked his turnips almost mushy reminded me of my mom's okra in gumbo. With chicken and sausage gumbo she added whole okra and when cooked they were always slimy. I didn't like it, but it did add flavor to the gumbo. I always add cut up okra to my soup, but not my gumbo.

    Yes, I did make the mens supper and bible study and enjoyed the fellowship. The supper was Deer meat, which I'm not a fan of, so mainly ate the side dishes. I use to hunt in my younger days, but as I got older killing animals turns me off.

    I love my walk in shower, it is so nice to sit down, pull the shower head down and wash my legs and feet without worrying about falling. Lou dies not like water on her and use to get real agitated when bathing. I tried the sponge baths, but rinsing was hard. I finally started using the rinse free bath cloth. You just run a little water on them to get it soapy and towel dry. I use the waterless spray can on her hair!

    Lou had to get up and go to the bathroom at 2:45 and I couldn't go back to sleep so just stayed up.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I'm so glad your shower is working correctly now, and that you can enjoy it!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Iris, I’m so happy for you that your CPAP is working. The big majority of people who are able to wear it feel way better. I have had a few people who wore it every night and said they really couldn’t tell that much difference but that’s not the case for most people. It also helps some people with their high blood pressure or atrial fibrillation.

    I think you can grow turnips here I believe I remember my mom raising them one year. They’re not popular here though. I remember eating them raw with my grandpa in Kentucky as a child and it was sort of a treat. But I’ve not really cared for them when I’ve had them cooked. I can eat them that’s no problem but there’s a lot of other vegetables I would rather have.

    my CRV is an all-wheel-drive, that is why I got it. It gets around really good for me here in the snow. I don’t drive on any gravel type roads, so I’m not sure how it would do out on your country roads because I don’t have to deal with that. Here even most of the country roads are what they call chip and seal. When we lived on our small farm, we had a dirt gravel road at first but at some point they started chipping and sealing it, there were some dairies on our road, and when the dairy truck went down the road, I can remember how that dust just made a cloud. Our house set quite a ways off the road but it’s still reached our house. It made the windows dirty.

    I fixed loaf of zucchini bread with lemon zest this morning

    JoC thinking of you and David and all the others on here that are struggling with health issues. Praying for each and everyone that God will provide you the strength and help you need for whatever struggles you are facing.

    I turned off the auto correction on my iPhone& ipad. So far I have not missed it. I like dictating instead of typing too, but you have to be really careful about that because sometimes it way misinterprets what you say.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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