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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth hope your husband is progressing some in his recovery. Know it will take time and patience.

    I do still listen to TWIV. They no longer do the Q&A sessions that they had done in the past and that’s where I really learned a lot of good information about taking vaccines and how vaccines work. But they still have their other programs including infectious disease Doctor who is on the ground and Vincent the virologist who hosts the program every Saturday morning. I listen every Saturday morning to that . They talk about more than just Covid. They talk about any virus, causing any type of disease not just respiratory that they are seeing right now on the ground. The physician has taken every booster, Vincent had two vaccines and one booster. He did not take a booster last year, but he has taken a booster this year. So far I have not heard him say why he took the booster this year. They have both had Covid this year. Vincent had it a while back after going to a conference. The infectious disease doctor had Covid just a few weeks ago and it’s the first time he’s had it also even though he worked in New York City through the worst of it. He’s had all his boosters, but neither as faithful about wearing their masks as they used to be. They have said all along that it will not prevent infection but helps prevent hospitalization and poor outcomes. They both took Paxlovid and they both did well. I do not distrust mRNA vaccines anymore than I distrust any other medicine. No medicine is perfect. Don’t know if there’s any medicine that doesn’t have possibility of a side effect. But I guess it does bother me a little bit to just takes so many different vaccinations close together so that’s kind of why I’ve picked and chosen. Doesn’t mean that I made the right decision so don’t want to influence anybody, was just a decision I made for myself. If I test positive for Covid, I am going to be going to my doctor and getting Paxlovid. I’ve already had the discussion with my doctor about what we are going to do if I get Covid and him and I are on the same page. You cannot believe TWIV and Campbell as they don’t agree. Personally, I felt much more confidence in the people onTWIV than I did Campbell, but that is just me.

    RSV can make adults sick. There are adults hospitalized with it. I agree though you seem to be pretty healthy so it’s probably not going to cause you any issues. The only other thing is you can still transmit it to someone either a baby or a chronically ill adult and it may cause them issues and become hospitalized. I haven’t even really looked into it yet. I don’t know this is something we’re going to be asked to do every year or is it just a one time thing. in the future I may look into it I don’t know? They talk about it on TWIV but I really can’t remember them saying whether it’s a yearly thing or just a one time deal do you know? It seems to be very transmissible whatever population it gets in. The babies were who always overwhelmed us at work though. I dreaded RSV Season. Those little babies really had to work to breathe and it was scary and the parents were anxious, and I understood why. I would just always tell them. This is how it is but they do get better usually. Any child that had other issues we automatically shipped them to a children’s hospital so we only kept the healthy babies. If We would’ve kept the chronically ill children too, I probably would’ve seen deaths from it in the children.

    Beth, there’s several things I do to protect my teeth. I drink the lemon juice after eating to try and help protect my stomach which I’ve done real good with. I brush my teeth after I eat and before I drink the lemon juice. My understanding is that the lemon juice softens the enamel on your tooth, making it more likely that the toothbrush could damage The enamel. If you don’t brush your teeth before you drink the lemon juice, then you need to wait an hour to two hours after drinking the lemon juice before you brush your teeth. I drink the lemon juice through a straw and I stick it as far back in as my mouth as I can and trap straw between my palate and my tongue and kind of make sure my tongue is up against the back of my top teeth, so that the lemon juice don’t even get on my teeth, if it all possible. You need to drink it all at one time not sip around on it. I dilute it in 16 ounces of water. Once I get done drinking it, I just drink a little bit of plain water and kind of make sure it Splish splashes over my teeth. Lastly, I chew some gum because that creates lots of saliva, and that helps to rehardened the enamel if any lemon juice did get on your teeth. When I went to the dentist in September, they told me I show absolutely no signs of acid hurting my teeth. I think I’ve been drinking it about two months at that point. So when I go back in six months, should really be a good indicator. They had no other suggestions for anything else for me to do.

    So good to hear from you, Joan

    JoC don’t know if you’re reading or not but if you are, I think of you frequently and your family.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Tortie the cat

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    edited November 2023

    Tortie is a pretty cat

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    Beth, Torrid s a beautiful cat. She looks happy. Several years ago we had as many as 30 cats in our barn. But, only one tortoise shell. I think they're pretty unusual. Kept me busy giving the kittens Amixicillin and medication for their eyes.

    Sara, all good information. Today I asked about RSV and they were out of the vaccibne. Wonder if there's a valid reason they're talking about it so much. Beth, I'm sort of hesitant about b test driving a car because of covid and being in close quarters with someone I know nothing about. I have bought two cars without one so maybe that would work.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, the condo HOA hires the landscape company; I suppose this company routinely prune trees in the fall.

    Congratulations on your red barn, Jerilynn! But sorry about your stolen golf cart!

    I think I will get my flu shot tomorrow. The pulmonary doctor told me to split Covid and influenza vaccinations to separate times.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    You know, Iris, when you let s man loose with a saw, watch out trees! Just my.opinion- they never know when to stop.

    When I got my flu shot, two weeks ago tomorrow, they asked if I wanted to get my covid vaccine. I didn't want to get.both at once even if they say it's okay. Have you gotten your covid shot yet?

    Can't go to sleep thinking about the babies. A man, big rancher, brush hogged for me a few years ago and he told me a sad story. He was brushhogging -'didn't see a little calf laying in the grass and ran over him. Moms will put their new baby down for hours to let them gain strength. I could tell he was really beating himself up because of it. I know he still remembers that and feels guilty. Anyone who runs cattle has stories like that they'll never get over.

    The vet, Gary, we used to use told me he came home one night and had two cows beginning to calve. He went inside, maybe for supper and when he came out both calves were gone. He Said if he had only checked sooner. You just never get over those things. It's midnight and I have to get up early. I'll check all 17 babies plus ours to make sure they're not getting pneumonia. Wish I had done that day before yesterday but I didn't know pneumonia was happening. Sorry I wrote all this - just needed to, I guess. See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Jerilynn what variety of chickens do you have or varieties?

    now I know why her name is Tortie. I don’t know very much about cats lol.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Because the fun never ends around here.

    The night before last I woke up with a toothache. It started as tenderness but was full-on throbbing by 9am. My dentist is out until Monday, so he prescribed me an antibiotic and gave me his number if things get hairy. It was a real dog'n'pony show getting the prescription. My car was in getting an oil change, so I had to pick that up. The office left a voicemail with CVS and they claimed they couldn't make it out. I had to call the office which had to call the CVS and I had to wait while it was filled. The good news is that the antibiotic seems to be helping.

    While I was waiting on my prescription, the public address system played an announcement about the availability of a non-MRNA COVID vaccine-- probably Novavax. That might be something to consider for those who don't wish to take MRNA. For local COVID numbers, I track the number of people hospitalized locally which the NYT updates weekly.

    I have a med check with my PCP at 1 and DS has a consult with the oral surgeon at 1 as well. DH will go with DS which means I'll drive DS's 5-speed Miata which is a treat on a nice day like today. @Jerrilynn how did your golf cart get stolen? That's awful.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, so sorry about the toothache but glad you got some medicine for it. Sounds like you have a busy day on tap. Drive carefully.

    Jerilynn, how did the golf cart get stolen? Any suspects? I know you miss it like I would miss the Gator.

    It's a messy looking morning. Light wind but a little foggy. Should be better later.

    Early this morning I woke up, turned my head and got that awful dizzy feeling - just for a few seconds but was afraid to move for a little while. That dizziness is terrible' I remember having it many years ago. Had to hold onto the bed to keep from falling off- I tbought. Only lasted a couple of hours. Do not want that again.

    Stormy is scratching so guess I'll see if Mike can stop by when he has time to give him an allergy shot.You would think allergies would be over by now.

    Guess I better change and get outside. Bryon is supposed to come Sunday morning to close the barn door if it's not raining. Irritates me that I can't do it like I always have. This getting old is not fun.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...I have that all the time. It is a vestibular disorder caused by the chrystals in your ear. Nothing to worry about. Just close your eyes and count to 30.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Chickens: we have a Dominique and 2 Olive Eggers.. the Hawk got Prissy the Yellow One.. other than being my favorite, I don’t know what breed she was.

    I plan to get some Silkies this spring.. they look like Phyllis Diller in go-go boots to me😂

    The Golf Cart: had to be someone who knows what’s here. I guess they sashayed up the long driveway and loaded it up. We’ve NEVER had issues before… ordered cameras today.. Neighbors didn’t notice anything amiss.. so anyway?? I filed a homeowners claim today.

    But there’s 2 tractors, a side-by-side, 2 zero turn mowers and a motor home under that shed. My husband moved the mowers to the new barn and will lock the pasture gates.

    I may just sit inside the RV with my shotgun.. I’m halfway kidding. Halfway.

    I know it’s just “stuff”, but it’s stuff we worked hard for and need …

    On a happier note: the barn is gorgeous and we will build stalls for Mama Goats/Babies to birth and bond in the dry.. and more fencing to be able to start a second herd…

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I thought about you and the dizziness you had/have. Do you still have that? It's been ok today. I think my pillow was too flat. I can't sleep without one so may have to use two now.

    Finally got some sun midafternoon. Just came in from checking cows and calves - not an easy thing to do. There is 30 head of cows and two bulls and 17 little ones. This morning everyone was in the meadow so no problem.

    This evening they were scattered around mineral tubs, hayrings and grazing. That pasture has two ponds and several little grazing areas. Toad has cleared some but I have to drive around to see them. I saw another little one laying by the water in the other pond - that makes four.

    I closely checked all the calves this morning for pneumonia and they were fine. Hate losing babies!

    Jerrilynn I I think it's awful that people steal. You were probably lucky more things weren't stolen. Your chickens sound nice - do you get eggs? Years ago Charles and I bought 150 day old chicks, half hens and half roosters- how they tell I don't know when they're little. We had the rosters dressed for the freezer (that sounds weird, doesn't it?). Gave those to my parents- we couldn't eat them.. We sold eggs at the VA when the hens began to lay. Jumbo eggs for 50 cents a dozen. That was a lot of work.

    Glad your barn is finished. Was if just like the barn raising we see on TV?

    World news is on so I'll stop for now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, which is the mRNA covid vaccine you mentioned.in the other thread?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    The husband of one of my friends had a small RV in the mountains that he used for a monthly camping trip. A thief stole the whole RV! After he got a replacement, he had to tow it back and forth, about 100 miles each way. Thievery is getting out of hand!

    I had an appointment today for a neuro test on the computer, but it had to be rescheduled. My appointment with the neurologist won't be until mid-April, five months away. These doctors are seriously backed up!

    I had planned to get my flu shot after the neuro appointment, but while I was in the waiting room I began to feel unwell, sort of nauseous. I did some grocery shopping but felt worse, so I came home and lay down for a couple of hours. I feel fine now. I have no idea what affected me, it wasn't bad food.

    Jo C I posted on the thread, "thinking about you, Jo C", about the pulmonary doctor that I see.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, when you have your vestibular disorder, do you also feel nauseous? I usually get a nausea spell about once a year or so, and it passes on a few hours without treatment, but it does bring me down for a few hours. I don't like to be away from home when nausea hits me!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    HB hope you are feeling better this morning.

    Jerilynn I had not heard of Dominique variety. I looked them up. They’re a very pretty chicken. I did not notice, though what color of eggs they lay. I am familiar with silkies.

    made my second attempt at the pumpkin roll this morning, and it turned out nicely this time, no cracks. I found a new set of instructions, and they were much more accurate.

    We got.a little over an inch of rain yesterday which was much needed and I’m thankful for that.

    Josie, if you’re reading, thinking of you and keeping you in prayer. All of the rest of you also.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...I think that is the technicalname for the current Moderna vac.

    Iris...no nausea. I do get the feeling of blacking out when lying down and turning my head. It is unpleasant but knowing what it is helps. The first "Attack" was terrible and yes, I did throw up all over the EMSA person when they asked me to turn over to get on the stretcher. I was in the hospital for 3 nights.

    The attic remains clean but oh, what a mess my home still is. I will work hard on it this weekend.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Remind me, please -- had No just had her Moderna booster before she got sick?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    The illness discussed was 5+ years ago. I still have some problems with the dizziness. Does that come close to answering your question?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I made a typo -I was asking about Jo's present illness. Hard to believe it was five years ago when you went through those treatments. Time goes so fast.

    Beautiful day here. Guess it's the calm before the storm. Just finished watching OU play BYU. OU won but our QB, Dillon Gabriel was injured. Hope it doesn't hurt his chances for the Heisman.

    Need to take some David's cookies over to Darwin and his wife. They're frozen, unbaked. Sandy, finally got some that weren't thawed.

  • Vince607
    Vince607 Member Posts: 9
    5 Care Reactions First Comment

    This is one of the most down to earth posts I have ever seen.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited November 2023

    It is down to earth and moves fast....notepad at hand is a good thing aand copy paste for the recipies.

    I do not know about Jo and her vac's.

    You need to chat with your PCP about when and if to get another shot. My PCP says yes and I have asthma.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    Hi again, Ron, how are things with you and Lou today? I imagine the weather down there is beautiful. It was gorgeous here today but big changes are coming beginning tomorrow.Hope you get to go to Church tomorrow and enjoy it. Vince, this thread is just a bunch of good friends visiting. We've been through thick and thin together over the years.

    There's a new show, second week, on at 7'our time'(central)Planet Earth111 on BBC America with John Attenborough. I so enjoy his shows about nature - watching one now. OU and OSU both won their games today -good football.

    Hope everyone is all right today. Sleep well - will see you tomorrow.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Hey my porch friends. Just a brief check in and PSA. Most everyone knows both of us are down with Covid and this isn't what I'd call lite cases. Anyway, I don't want to step on anyone's toes, offend anyone, etc. but IF your one to wear a mask & use hand sanitizer please do it.

    We are both fairly healthy, except for DH's asthma and dementia those are his only medical issues. I have high cholesterol and have had multiple surgeries on my knees - that's it. I can see where is someone had several other medical issues where catching Covid could be devastating. The constant coughing only makes the fatigue worse. I'm glad we aren't worse than we are, but I'd hate for anyone else to get this nonsense.

    Time for more cough medicine and back to bed. I'll go back and catch up later. Please do be safe.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Eagle,I hope you and your husband feel better soon. Glad your cases are not severe buf I know they're bad enough. I have never stopped wearing my mask when around anyone and give them one to wear if in the house most of the time, then spray disinfectant where they may have touched. I keep hand sanitizer in mg purse and wipes in the pickup. Still wipe down everything before bringing it in the house and spray my mail and bring it in the next day. Did you all take the latest covicd vaccine? If so, was it the same brand you took before? You both are in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    I wonder if the perps were "kids"? It seems almost like a joy-ride kind of crime. Is it gasoline powered or electric? I can't help but wonder if it might be found when it runs dry either way.


    I hope you and your DH feel better soon. I am seeing more people in masks generally-- especially older folks. It's funny, at my appointment Friday, the receptionist and pregnant med tech were both wearing procedure masks, but my PCP did not. I explained that I had a known exposure a week prior but was symptom-free and had tested negative on days 3, 5 and just before coming to the appointment. She said she's seeing patients who have symptoms but haven't tested. I can't even with that nonsense. It really does seem to be a complete crapshoot in terms of how an exposure plays out.

    Speaking of exposure. Y'all recall how I was exposed a little over a week ago and how I avoided my 85-year-old mom with COPD, asthma and heart disease for 8 days? Well, it turns out the friend I deputized in my absence to drive mom to PT and assist with her closet project has COVID. DF saw mom on Monday and was supposed to drive Wednesday but called saying she didn't feel well. DF is just coming off chemo for triple-negative breast cancer and is being treated with antibiotics for appendicitis. I feel so badly she has this on top of everything else.

    I had to go over yesterday and tell/test mom. She's negative but she had a very chesty cough yesterday. She blamed it on "allergies" to something in the wine store, wind in Lands End (I gave her 10 minutes to look around as I had to get home, and she spent $140 with everything 40% off- the woman is a shopping fiend) and cold weather in my heated car. I'm going to test her again tomorrow before PT. She will be devasted if she has to take a break from PT, misses her hair appointment and/or Thanksgiving at my niece's house.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    @harshedbuzz it’s electric and they stole the charger too 😢. Given that nothing else was taken, we agree whoever stole it came specifically for the cart, and we’re rearranging the garage today so we can park the replacement inside

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    That's terrible.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    cool sunny day here in my part of Ohio.

    Hope each one of you that are dealing with Covid get to feeling better quickly.

    My sister told me she took my mom eight eggs yesterday. Well when I get there this morning, she has four. I came home and fixed some eggs to take back this evening. I’m glad she’s eating them though because it’s caused her to just eat a very reasonable amount of bananas. She’s only eating about two a day now. She definitely is stronger, though. I doubt she would admit it. I took a long a piece of pumpkin roll just in case she would except it. She surprised me she took it. She’s also started eating some pork and beans which that’s a better also then bananas all the time.

    Our place got broken into several times when we lived on a small farm.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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