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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Day, I'm sorry sorry you had such a bad fall! That was a bad break. Do you have osteopenia? Please HEAL FAST!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I am sorry to hear of your accident. You poor thing. That must've been painful and scary. I hope you heal quickly and without incident. It's great that you have the Apple Watch; I talked mom into one as she refuses to wear the pendant she bought for just this sort of scenario.


    I hope Sarah's appointment goes well today.


    It's a quiet morning here. I'll be taking mom to PT at 11:30 and then for a haircut at 1:00. She insists she gets a haircut every 5 weeks-- she'd like to do every 4 but I think that's ridiculous.

    My DH eats hominy a couple times a year. It's one of those midwestern/southern things he enjoys once in a while. He mixes it with canned chili, tops with cheese and bakes it. It's one of those things, like canned hash and chipped beef, that I have on hand but don't eat myself.

    Tomorrow, we go to my niece's house for dinner. DH and DS are already whining that it's a long drive and they're worrying that niece will cook rather than her husband. My nephew-in-law is a stellar cook while his wife is not. She tends to deviate from traditional dishes and tries new recipes-- one year she put tahini in the green beans. What was she thinking? And she's not great at multitasking, which means a lot of the food comes to the table after cooling while she waited for something else. She did make great ice cream and the wines will be good (I picked those). I was not asked to cook anything; she bought pies this year from the gourmet farm stand. My contribution will be wine glasses-- Thank you Costco.

    I'm making pizza tonight. Pepperoni for DS and DH and I will split a white pie with San Marzano tomatoes, spinach and garlic. On my run to get wine glasses, I bought myself a new Cuisinart food processor. It replaces my 35-year-old 11-cup model that is on its last legs and too small for some of the things I make. The new one is a beast-- huge and with all manner of attachments. I can't wait to give it a whirl.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    As we near Thanksgiving, I wish each of you a safe and peaceful holiday. Some will be traveling and some will be home, but wherever you are please know that my thoughts are with you.

    For those who are struggling with health issues, may you soon find solutions and recover.

    I am thankful to have been able to be on the front porch with each of you who are so kind and gracious to all who stop in to rock-a-spell.

    Best to all,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Thank you, Marie

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning. It's 30 degrees and barely daylight. Supposed to warm up a little bit. Woke up a little bit early - GPs have already been out and are back inside, cats have been fed and I'm working on my juice while we watch the weather.

    The news said President Kennedy was assinated 60 years ago today. I was at work and Karen called to tell me. I remember when we went to the canteen that afternoon how quiet everyone Iwas. Terrible day.

    Looks like it's going to be clear and calm today. I'll go out and check everyone in a little while and hope all is well. I hear cattle bawling so they probably hear a feed truck somewhere. Those guys get out early.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita that is right. I know I was either in first or second grade when it happened, we still lived in Kentucky. So I can’t remember which grade it was I just know I would have been five or six years old, depending on which grade it was. I knew nothing about a president at that time, nothing about Kennedy, but I knew something big had happened. I have no recall about why I knew something big had happened. It’s like a memory I have with no sharp defined details. It’s just kind of a rather strange blurry memory. It was many years later, probably when Kennedy‘s death was mentioned at some point that I realized what the memory was probably of.

    Ron I know you mentioned that you probably wouldn’t have the traditional Thanksgiving this year. Hope each and everyone of you that are struggling, will be blessed in some small way tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving. It is been kind of an emotional week for me especially when so many others are suffering. Take care

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    I was in 12th grade government class when we learned of the assassination. Quite a discussion about how our government would proceed.

    I remember being home and watching all the footage on tv about what happened. A very sad day for all...and still so many questions.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Update alert about Jo and her son David on the other thread!

    Not good news for either of them. So wish we could help.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Marie, there were several shows on tv this morning about Kennedy and what happened. We'll probably never know for sure. Very sad time for our Country. I'm much.order than you all. I had been out of school three years and working two.

    I don't care for this time of year anymore- too much on tv about hurrying to prepare the feast and family get togethers. Wonderful for those with lots of family and happiness but not for all of us.

    This will be my 9th holiday season without Charles and my 8th one alone. The Thanksgiving after I lost him Scarlet and Logan came and Sarah and Todd came on Christmas. Those visits helped. Now the holidays are just "days". Guess you can call me Scrooge. Thankful for the friendship of all of you on our thread though.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited November 2023

    Just received some beautiful flowers from our Texas granddaughter. You can tell by Lou's face she loves them!

    Jo C, praying that the hospital stay gets you better. At least you will be monitored around the clock.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks for posting the picture of Lou and the flowers. She looks so happy and it made me smile. She's such a sweet looking lady. You and she are a lovely couple. Will you all have company on Thanksgiving?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited November 2023

    Call me odd man out but I like this time of year.

    I love all of the decorations. The lights are fabulous and started going up before Halloween.

    I love that I do not have to cook, I love that I no longer make mounds of decorated christmas cookies and now order narcissis bulbs as gifts.

    I love the desorations I do put up and enjoy looking at those that stay in the box.

    What I do miss are Christmas Cards.

    This year I will again pick from the Salvation Army Christmas tree and shop for someone. I will also serve at the Homeless shelter.

    That said, there are moments of great sadness that flow over me and I am overcome with nostalgia and grief.

    Hopefully our friends in "distress" will be better soon. Day will be OK on the stairs and Jo will get admitted.

    Beautiful day here...all containers have been gone through and the house is almost put back in order. It has been an enjoyable task to go back in time.

    Hugs to Lou.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    My 9th grade class had a substitute teacher and we gave him a hard time. For example, we all began coughing at the same time. And we all dropped a book onto the floor at the same time. And we answered questions with nonsense. Then the principal came on over the PA system and told us the startling news about our president. We all felt bad, it seemed as if our bad behavior had caused our president's demise. Of course that wasn't so, but that tragedy grew us up and we were on our best behavior afterwards, without doing stupid stuff.

    Lou looks great with her flowers and her stuffed raccoon.

    Marie, what a lovely sentiment! I too, wish everyone a nice Thanksgiving Day.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited November 2023

    Hello and wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. My son and his family will be over for lunch (noon meal, big traditional meal). I am making turkey breast, pumpkin pie, dressing, and a tray of crudités. My DIL is bringing green bean casserole, corn casserole, cranberry salad and potatoes and gravy. The pie is baked and the turkey is in the crockpot. I cook it today, and carve it, and tomorrow I will put it in the crockpot with chicken broth. It makes it very moist. Tomorrow I'll vacuum, dust, clean BRs and kitchen, and set up the Christmas tree.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth Judith always says I make her tired. You make me tired lol.

    Lorita wish there was someone close who could invite you to Thanksgiving dinner. We often invite people who are not family.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Friends, I spent the afternoon cooking for tomorrow’s gathering with my husband’s extended family (he helps! ) and found myself thinking of each of you.. and wanting to pack up the car with food to head out to Lorita’s house!! What joy it would be to ride the gator out to see the girls/babies accompanied by Stormy and then to walk Shana.

    We got our golf cart back from the crackhead thief and while damaged (my husband already welded the broken rooftop) it runs and we got the charger back too. Sadly, the thief is a great grandson of a farmer my PawPa knew forever..

    We are returning from Scottsboro now after delivering Thanksgiving dinner to my BIL ..

    I pray for rest, peace and a bit of joy for each of you and thank you greatly for allowing me to join you on the front porch ❤️

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Oldest son and his family are coming for Thanksgiving day only. A little disappointed it's only for one day, but will take what I can get. We will not be having the traditional Thanksgiving dinner; Lou's biggest meal is breakfast and son want be leaving Dallas until late morning. I told him whatever they wanted to eat was OK with me.

    I pray any of my front porch friends that might be traveling stays safe.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, I make myself tired sometimes too! lol Today wasn't just about cooking; I spent 2 hours raking leaves, went to a furniture store and bought a bed for guest room #2, cooked and spent time with hubby. He is still at the rehab center (skilled nursing). Tomorrow will not be restful but it'll be enjoyable to spend time with family. I am sorry for those of you who are going to be alone tomorrow, and those who are not feeling well. Ron, great picture of your beloved Lou!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Thinking of you all today, especially for those who are out-of-sync with the Norman Rockwell version of the day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Hope each one is blessed with a peaceful day wherever you are.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, whether you're alone or with family.

    It's a beautiful day here, chilly but will warm up to the 50s later. I've been out already to check the heifers - didn't take Stormy but when I got back took Sheena and Stormy for a walk.

    They haven't come to feed yet and the girls are really tellin' it. I imagine Mike is helping Toad this morning and they're involved in getting things set up to begin feeding everyone this weekend.

    Last evening we went out to check before I ate something and also forgot my sunglasses. I've had laser surgery for narrow angles which lets more light in plus cataracts which does the same. The sun was low and I had a hard time finding everyone so that bothered my eyes. Then got hypoglycemic which wasn't good. Got something in my throat(wasn't wearing my mask) and coughed until I gagged and lost my breath. Thought I was going to die. Got back to the house for water, went back and found everyone. Laid around all evening and am okay this morning.

    Before I went out this morning I couldn't find my sunglasses so got another pair to wear. When I cane back took off my hat and there they were on top of my head. Guess I will depend on you all to let me know when I've gone around the bend. Started to watch the parade but all they were doing was talking so I'm watching MASH.

    Girls seem quiet so maybe they fed. You haven't heard anything until you hear over a hundred head of cows bawling.

    Enjoy the day. Cowboys and Indians play football later. Used to be the Redskins, now Commanders. Why that name I don't know.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    edited November 2023

    No, I actually have better than average bone quality, it was just the height and the way I fell that caused this.

    Had my orthopedist visit. No surgery, full non-weightbearing for at least 8 weeks. Going back in 3 weeks to assess how I'm healing. They showed me the images so now I understand why it's so unstable. It's going to be extremely important that I don't rush activity because I don't want to cause further damage. Back to work tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!

    My game is the Lions today - I have my Lions shirt on. This year is a good one for us. Ron, Lou looks so happy with her flowers!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    It’s a beautiful sunny day here, in the upper 50s with periodic wind: the big dogs are happily jumping and playing!

    The dressing is oven ready, potato salad is done, just pies to plate and then on to Huntland TN we go.

    The next few days will be for building barn stalls..

    Happy Thanksgiving 🍁

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    It's here and I have sent out texts to all children that the parade is on. I think I am the only one who watches it but I know in my heart of hearts I believe that they expect the heads up.

    Next on the list is to make the dressing then to the drawing board. Dinner at daughters. Last piece of pie on the porch with my friends here.

    Parade text replies coming in....at least one tradition is in place...lol. This year to message went to St Louis, Manhattan, Chicago, Miami and Tokyo.

    Gobble, gobble everyone!!!!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Happy Thanksgiving to all front porch friends! All that have/is dealing with health problems, I am sending healing prayers 🙏. All others, stay safe and don't overeat!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Do not overeat????? Is it not a requirement?????

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I just finished watching the replay of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I love to watch all the performers, especially Cher and the Rockettes and Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus! I also love to watch the Kennel Club Dog Show. Now for my smoked salmon, corn and sweet potato dinner, and mango cheesecake for dessert. I hope everyone was able to enjoy the day and have some respite from daily life.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita I’ve been knowing a few times to be looking for my glasses while I was wearing them. We all have our moments.

    Quiet day, hope to not have to go out. Made a vegetable soup with leftover chicken and turkey. Made a small pot of chili.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sounds good, Sara. Have a bowl for me! It's cold here but sunny. Went out early to see girls. Watching football now. OU playing TCU and is ahead 42 to 13.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I hear you on the glasses.

    My glasses have magnetic "sunnies" that snap on when they get near the frames. My mom has a different version made by the same company. Hers are cats eye and burgundy, mine are a tortie schoolboy style. I stopped to pick her up for an appointment last month and laid my clip-ons down next to my car keys. When it was time to leave, I couldn't find them. I traced my steps all over the house looking when mom walked in wearing mine which don't fit properly. Ugh.

    Last week I had my glasses acting as a headband and distracted, I kind of tossed the clip-ons in the direction of my eyes only to have them land in my lap.

    My nephew-in-law sent me home with delicious turkey, stuffing, mashed and gravy. I'm calling it dinner.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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