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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, never heard of magnetic ones. That would be good. I put my sunglasses back on top of my head a lot and guess I forgot and put my trappers hat over them. If I wear my mask out in the pastures the sunglasses fog up so I'm always taking them off.

    Just got in from checking heifers and our cows. Found Gray Lady and she's okay. Checked the barn and disconnected the hose from that water tank. A heifer had come up to drink so decided I'd fill the tank in the garden so they wouldn't have to walk all the way to the pond or barn. Will have to go out and disconnect it in a minute.

    Went to the mailbox and, of course UPS had left packages at the gate. Can no longer get in touch with them. They think I live in the mailbox, I guess. FedEx just delivered some pop and she was going to leave it outside the yard. Told her two bring it in and she said they weren't supposed to open gates. Told her that was for gates to farms and ranches. New driver.

    Gotta go and turn off the wzater. Enjoy the evening. OU won by 24 points. Total score for both teams was 114. Good game..

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, my mom's tradition was to make delicious turkey soup from the carcass. No one I know makes turkey soup. Sigh, those were the days...

    Today would have been my 29th wedding anniversary. I was so happy and so excited then.

    I hope people are resting up and that the ill folk are healing!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Happy Anniversary, Iris. We have memories.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Iris L.

    My mom used to make turkey rice soup from the carcass. I earned a "free" turkey at the market which I will roast in a couple weeks just so I can make the soup and have sandwiches.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Fedex; Download the FedEx app register your address and it will allow you to write delivery instructions. When we scan the box it will pop up with a message saying what YOU wrote. If the driver is using a newer scanner it will literally say it out loud to us. I would write something along the lines “deliver to front door, walk up driveway; no dogs. Ty”

    I think technically they are not required to open a gate so leave yours open when you are expecting a delivery. NOTE: They will not open a gate if they have ever seen a dog ln the other side.

    Additionally you can track your order online. I have done that.

    Dark day today. AIA guess I will lite a fire and stay inside and work. Still a bunch of sorting to do and things to wrap to send. Then will hop online and start shopping for Christmas gifts. That is always fun.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    edited November 2023

    Im sorry Iris, life isn’t easy sometimes.

    My sister makes soup from the turkey carcass. She always looks forward to it. Think she was going to share some with my mom. I have never done that.

    Another sister works at the post office and dogs are a huge issue. Im not positive, but seems as if she told me they are not required to deliver where a dog is if they don’t trust the dog so it may be the same for the others also. Thank it’s probably their decision about whether they’re comfortable with the dog or not. Seems like I remember her telling me once about a dog who was in the house actually lunged through the glass in the door came through at the mailman that way. I would not make a good delivery boy for sure because I’m afraid of any dog I do not know. As a child, I had to walk down what they called a holler when I was in first and second grade in Kentucky. One of the houses had some dogs chained up and they carried on terrible when we walked by. One day they broke loose and bit a boy. I’ve been fearful of dogs ever since then if I do not know them, I just really don’t trust them.

    I tried a new bread recipe today. You could use it to make rolls or buns. Had no milk or eggs in it but oatmeal, yeast, salt, water, butter, all purpose flour and brown sugar. They are pretty good. Hoping this is a recipe my sister can use because she cannot tolerate milk and can eat very little egg . I did not use my bread machine. I made them totally by hand. It was easy and fun, sort of relaxing. I’ve got much more comfortable with kneading. When you just read about it, it seems kind of strenuous and time-consuming. But in reality, it does not have to be strenuous. I probably will still use the bread machine a bit because takes a lot of the load off for me, specially if it’s a busy day, I can just stick it in there and forget it basically until I have to shape it and bake it. I could totally leave it in there to bake if I’m doing a loaf of bread. I prefer when I shape it and bake it in a loaf pan though.

    It’s very clear and sunny here today but quite cool. I’m going to enjoy it because I see for several days now they’re giving cloudy and dark which we’ve had a lot of this fall.

    Jerilynn I have relatives in Murfreesboro, TN. I’ve been there several times.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning (at least for five more minutes),

    Judith, never have had that happen about the yard gate before. I do have a sign (turned around now) that says "Beware of Dog" but I check my e-mail and know when something's coming so I keep the GPs inside. This morning when I went out I found the girl who delivered last evening didn't close the gate or didn't latch it. The GPs had been outside but guess they didn't realize it was open. It's UPS that gives me the problem with delivery. I've put signs down there to not leave boxes at the gate - bring it to the house and they actually leave the box underneath the sign. They've even left frozen things down there (cookies, Sandy) and yesterday left the crumb cakes. That didn't matter because they're not frozen. I've just decided it is what it is and not to stress out about it. I'll just watch when the delivery is coming and deal with it.

    Sara, I love brioche and found a recipe for it to make in the bread machine. My machine can use three cups of flour for dough so I'll do that - when you use the dough setting, do you take it out, shape it and let it rise before you bake it? You don't have to knead it, do you? I've never made bread from scratch but see no reason why I can't. There's a whole book of bread recipes - didn't come with the bread maker but I can use them, I think.

    I found a card when I was looking through the recipe book that Bridget sent to me after I lost Charles- had a picture of a Great Pyrenees on the front. I think she was from New Jersey - wonder what happened to her.

    Never made turkey or chicken soup - I've never cooked a turkey. I used to like turkey - mother cooked them and back then I enjoyed them.

    It's sunny here - all the bad weather is west of us. Weatherman said Tulsa might have a few snow flakes in the morning but only rain here.

    Mike's going to sort the cattle in the morning so if they come up when it rains I'll need to close the corral. I'm not going out in the middle of the night though. He's going to take the bigger calves to get them off the cows - I'll be glad when he does that. I don't get attached to the calves so much unless they're bottle babies - just attach to the cows. He's going to take the one who was injured this spring to what he calls "the hospital" by his clinic where he can feed her every day and she'll have plenty of hay and not have to contend with walking so far. By the time she and a couple of others get to the feed, it's gone, especially if they're half a mile away. I talked to him about that and he's going to talk with Toad to figure out what to do. He's a vet and both of them have cattle so they know what they're doing - it's just that Charles and I did things differently and I'm having to try to adjust. As you all know, I'm not good at changes.

    I was watching QVC a while ago and they had an electric doughnut maker - had to order that. It makes two large doughnuts in five minutes using a recipe or mix. I'm a kitchen gadget person - I have two or three I thought I just had to have and have never used one of them.

    Had a nice visit with Carol earlier today. She just lost a good Church friend this week and it really has her down. He was 84, agile and full of life. He fell and passed away when they got him to the hospital. She said there was lots of blood so probably hit his head when he fell. Good lesson for all of us - DO NOT FALL - it can change our life forever, if we survive.

    Stormy isn't scratching very much so I'm thinking I may not get another allergy shot for him. It's so stressful for him and he's so strong and hard to hold. When we go out to check the heifers the allergans get on him just like they do on me so I'll stop letting him go until we get a good, hard freeze and rain. I sneeze like crazy if I forget to wear my mask.

    I'm beginning to ramble, as usual, so I'll stop - just did the dishes. I really don't mind doing them once I get started - it's just getting started. Hope all of you are well this morning.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Thanksgiving didn't turn out like I hoped, but guess I need to be happy with what I got. Son and his family ended up only staying 3 1/2 hours. When I talked to him over the weekend he informed me that they worked weekend where they could be off Wednesday. Was looking forward to a 4 day weekend! Turned out he worked Wednesday and came around 3pm Thursday and told me he had to work the weekend. He said eta Thursday was around 12:30. I told him to stop on the way and pick up something to eat. Fond out the reason they were late getting here they stopped and ate lunch. They didn't pick anything up, so ended up making Lou a ham sandwich and chips. OK....I've vented my disappoint so will shut up. Just need to realize how things are and stop with the hope.

    Speaking of turkey carcass we would use it in gumbo with sausage.

    Was looking through drawers and found Lou's birth certificate. Since she grew up in Cadiz, Kentucky I always thought she was born there. She was actually born in Golden Ponds, Kentucky and when I saw that the movie automatically came to my mind.

    Her sitter brought some gospel tapes over and they seem to have a calming affect on her.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, sorry your Thanksgiving didn't turn out as you hoped. Ham sandwich and chips sound good. I had a French bread grilled cheese and tomato soup and it was good. Guess we have to take life as it is. Glad Lou is enjoying themusic.

    Barbara, I'm watching Seven Worlds:One Planet on BBC. These are such good shows if you enjoy nature shows. This one is about Australia and how it broke away from other land and has so many animals not found anywhere else. One segment was about the Cassowary and how the male raises the chicks. The food they have is too big for the little ones so their dad cuts it up so they can eat it. Fascinating how animals take care of their babies.

    Hope you're well and enjoying life. I know you're going into summer there as we enter winter. Seems strange to my little brain. Always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand but didn't make it. Nice there are shows I can watch about it. One of my favorite movies is The Man from Snowy River. Such pretty scenery - also like the hats the men down under wear- women, too, I guess.

    Have you seen Ayer's Rock? Called something else now, I believe. Amazing to me. Sort of like Devil's Tower in the US.

    Anymore books in the offing? Stay well and post so we can hear from you.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    "On 15 December 1993, it was renamed "Ayers Rock / Uluru" and became the first official dual-named feature in the Northern Territory."

    Ron...I guess your son took you literally "pick up something to eat". Glad you had something in the house.

    Turkey soup is a tradition here also and it "had to have" a turnip in it. The carcus (sp) did not make it here this year. Yea!

    Lorita...you have to many gates for u s to keep track of. Yard gate, main gate, driveway gate. Also ponds, barn and mobile home. How about drawing a map so that we have some idea where everything is located. Not to scale...just a rough idea with an arrow pointing North.

    All the boxes that came down stairs have been gone through and outgoing is ready to mail. Just a few more upstairs. Only my treasures so everything will linger in my hands and mind as i go through, Surely some things can find their way out of the house.

    Hoping for and update from Jo today.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited November 2023

    Yes Lorita you just shape it and let it rise and then you bake it, that’s right. I used all purpose flour in the bread today, usually you know I’ve use bread flour in the machine. The rolls turned out really soft. I like them so I may try all purpose flour, in some other things.

    Lorita my cousin is in his early 80s, he’s had a lot of back problems during his life, you never see him without his cane. He told me the last thing an older person wants to do is fall. I take my cane with me everywhere.

    Some days I feel like all I do is do dishes, today was one of those days. I cook several things and I don’t like my kitchen to be a mess so I clean up after each thing. Plus a lot of times I need some of the dishes that I used with the last thing. This evening I thought I wonder if I can make just a real small amount of rice so I tried it. I baked just a fourth of a cup, and it turned out real nice. So I mixed it and some leftover turkey and some peas and some pineapple, then made a sauce with some beef broth that I had and poured over it, it’s not bad.

    Ron maybe a thought for future reference is to order you a pre-prepared meal. At least here where I live almost all the grocery stores and restaurants sell pre-prepared traditional meals and people have told me they’re good. In fact, if my mom gets worse, that’s something that we may have to do in the future. you could just get it just for you and Lou unless you knew for sure that they were going to eat with you. Glad you got to see them, sorry it was a little disappointing.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    One time at my cousin's home in VA I took a walk up the block. I heard deep barking and saw a big dog, like a Rottweiler, chained up in the yard, no fence. The dog kept barking, so I decided to turn around and go home. A few moments later I looked back, and the dog was in the middle of the street! I couldn't tell if the chain was still attached. I kept walking. By the grace of God, the dog did not attack me! I made it back to my cousin's home. After that, I never ever went walking around her neighborhood, there are too many potentially dangerous dogs!


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi Lorita and everyone else, from the land of 'Down Under' of cassowarys and platypus, kangaroos and echidna, which like platypus, lay eggs, and then feed the babies ---called puggles--- with milk!

    We just had one really hot day in spring, now back to 'normal', between 70 and 80 degrees each day. Wish it could stay like this all year round. But we can't choose, so just have to put up with it.

    Still feeling well, mostly due to the new pill... called colchine, treatment for pseudogout. Hope it continues.

    Yes Lorita, I am still writing. Have published 5 or 6 clean romances (no sex!), and am just in the process of editing another book. You'd be more interested in this one. Its about a dog that grew up in the outback, was dog-napped and became a TV star, then escaped and walked back to his home. Lots of adventures on the way. Hope to have it for sale in December, as an ideal kid's Christmas present. You can find one of my books here:https://storyoriginapp.com/universalbooklinks/5584ba5e-784a-11ee-8fb0-7be2e46b61f8

    Still have my vegetable garden, now restricted to pots, to save bending down to the ground. Much easier. Now I grow mostly greens -- lettuces, bok choy, silverbeet, spinach, and spring onions. Just enough to keep me supplied. But also gives me exercise.

    Back to my dog -- called Digger. A great name for an Australian dog, its what we called our Australian soldiers during the World Wars.

    Cheers, Barbara

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    Hi, just one question tonight - will write more tomorrow.My hip is hurting so took a pain pill and think I will go to bed. Do any of you drive a Subaru Oufback? One of Carol's girls bought one, Bryon . said he's been researching them and they seem really well made. 1have been doing the same and they look good. One of Darwin's daughters has one and loves it. They're pretty and she says they do good on country roads. Only problem is nearest dealer is 75 miles away. Sleep well. Good to hear from you, Barbara.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Someone I knew bought a Subaru Forester, she like it better than the Outback, but I couldn't tell you why. One reason I selected my Toyota RAV4 was because the Toyota dealership is not far away, only about 3 miles.

    Congratulations on your new book, Barbara!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    edited November 2023

    Lorita I drove a Forrester before I bought my CRV. It was nice but it was quickly eliminated because like you the dealer was an hour away. And I decided that I did not want that headache if there was recalls etc. I’m not sure who would work on it when I had a problem with it. my regular mechanic who I have used for years and trust would not work on a subaru. So all of that is something you have to take into account as to how you feel about that.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @ronald71111 Ugh. I am so sorry your son's visit was a disappointment. It does sound like what you had there was a failure to communicate. I'm picturing your son muttering that his dad invited him for Thanksgiving but instructed him to eat before he came.

    @Lorita I am sorry for the continued nonsense around your many deliveries. My new letter carrier once told me the USP has a set of written guidelines for delivery around dogs and that violation can result in disciplinary action. Basically, if you know there's a dog and you are bitten, that's on you. I imagine UPS and Fed Ex are similar. In that context, it makes sense that most won't put their jobs on the line to accommodate you. It's unfortunate.

    I had an issue with my previous carrier being "by the book". I live on a typical suburban cul de sac. My unpleasant neighbor's equally unpleasant mom liked to park in front of my mailbox several days a week which means my carrier wouldn't deliver my mail because it would require him to back the vehicle up. He did leave her a note once but left it to me to call the police to address it and, frankly, I don't want to be that person, so I didn't. Finally, DH got so angry about delays in getting books he ordered that he parked DS's ancient Jeep in front of her house fouling both mailbox and her son's basketball net.

    Problem solved. Or so I thought. A few months later the species clematis on my mailbox post came into bloom and the carrier decided it might be full of bees or spiders and declined to deliver my mail. I can appreciate why a delivery person might be anxious around a big dog (I had a St. Bernard who I believed to be good-natured bite someone unprovoked once) but a flowering vine? I was thrilled when he was reassigned.

    Information for All Mail Carriers (usps.com)

    I have a couple friends who adore their Subarus and would drive nothing else. One is on her third Outback-- her son has her first one and her step-daughter now owns the second. I have another friend who is very into cars-- he restores Porsches (his street-legal one only goes out under ideal conditions) as a hobby, drives a lovely BMW as his date night car and his beloved Outback is the one he drives in snow or if he needs something from the grocery store, lumberyard or if he needs to buy metal. He gifted his old one to his favorite nephew who drove it home from Philadelphia to Idaho via San Diego without incident.


    Expecting rain here. Possibly freezing to start. I was planning to do some Christmas decorating for my mom today, but it'll have to wait. I redid her front garden with perennials and small evergreens about 5 years ago and the shrubs are finally big enough to put some lights in. She has an injection appointment with her retina specialist tomorrow afternoon-- maybe I can do the lights before we go.

    She's got PT on Tuesday and Thursday. It's time to reassess her progress. She's making big improvements in strength and stability, but we think she could potentially gain more so I guess we have another month of this. Most of the PTs find her to be "the really cool little old lady" and dote on her. Mom enjoys the attention, so she's very motivated to continue.

    I may make a Costco run before the rain starts. I'm running low on staples and need to figure out meals for the week. A big pot of chili sounds good and there's a baked scrod recipe I want to try if I can keep DH from eating the Ritz crackers I bought to make crumbs.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, It's cold here. I woke up at 5:30,got dressed and went out to see if the girls had gone into the barn. The barn lights still aren't fixed but I shined the flashlight into both doors and saw bright eyes so closed the gates to keep them in. Mike's coming this morning to take the bigger calves back to one of his other pastures to get them off the cows. I feel sort of like I'm contributing to anxiety for the moms and babies. Years ago we sold calves and one of the moms, Sue, stood at the gate and screamed, especially when her baby was loaded and the trailer left. But, it has to be done for the sake of the moms - new babies will be here in a few months. Looks like we had about a quarter inch of rain so it'll be a little muddy where they load. I don't think I want to be out there when he sorts them.

    Thanks, everyone for the input about the Subaru. I'll look at the test drives again online and can probably order one over the phone and they'll deliver. Guess if I decided on an Outback I should check with our local dealer (not Subaru) to see if they can work on them or if it's possible for them to do so and still not have to pay as long as it's on warranty. From what I saw yesterday the GPs can get inside and Lisa said it does well on dirt roads. I don't want to have to drive that far to have work done on it if it's needed.

    Yesterday afternoon the driveway alarm went off and a car (the Subaru) I didn't recognize drove up and three women got out. I went out on the porch and one of them yelled "hi" at me. I did not recognize any of them. Then Lisa said "we're Darwin's kids". It was Lisa, the doctor whom I'd met about 12 years ago and her daughter and another sister. They had brought food. They didn't go to Darwin's on Thanksgiving so decided they would yesterday. They brought a big container with a meal and a tin full of desserts. I had the GPs inside so we visited a bit on the front porch (wasn't cold). I thought that was really nice of them.

    Sara, I made a loaf of bread a while back with AP flour and it turned out great - the texture was good and I think it was softer than the ones I make with bread flour. Haven't made any in about three weeks. When I went to town I got a loaf of french bread and one of Brioche (both are almost gone so I'll be making bread this week. The oat bread sounds good. I have a couple of recipes for that in my bread cookbook but none of them call for brown sugar - bet that would be good.

    HB, your mother is so lucky you're close by to help her with her appointments - I know she appreciates that. Hopefully she continues to do well with her PT.

    Sounds silly that the carrier would be afraid of a vine but he had probably been stung before. When I know there's going to be a delivery I keep the gps inside so that's no problem. There's no reason they can't bring things to the house (UPS that is) I think it's just that they have so many deliveries they think it'll save time to leave the things at the gate. By the time they stop, get out and walk the things up to the place they leave them, get back in the truck and leave takes as much time as it would to drive that quarter mile. A year or so ago I called our local (30 miles) UPS place so often I got to be friends with the woman who answered. She told me they have a big turnover and have a lot of trouble with their drivers. So many of them live in town and aren't familiar with driving on country roads, especially when it's muddy.

    I've almost stopped ordering from Amazon (they use UPS) but so does QVC but most of their things are delivered by UPS to USPS for delivery. Guess I'll just deal with it.

    I've been watching for a buffalo checked vest and finally found one yesterday. I had received a Woman Within catalog and they had a buffalo check fleece vest that's longer than the usual ones that only go just below the waist. Pretty good price, too. I think I've ordered from that catalog before and was satisfied.

    Again, thanks to all of you for your information about Subarus. Do wish that dealership was closer. At my age I don't want to have to be driving that far - nothing farther than 25 miles now. I commuted for so long with no real problems so was lucky. My cars were so used to that drive I could probably have taken a nap and gotten there safely.

    Barbara, is your new book on Kindle yet? I need to finish the second one - got side-tracked with other things. What's the name of your new one? Glad you're doing well on your new medicine and hope it continues. Also hope your summer isn't too hot just like I hope our winter isn't too cold. But, we take what we get.

    This is interesting - there was just an advertisement on TV about Subaru Outbacks.

    It's daylight - not sure when he'll be here. I talked to him about an allergy shot for Stormy but he's not scratching too much and he'll be so busy with the cattle I think I'll put it off and just keep Stormy out of the pastures. He's going to start feeding with Toad so he'll be around every couple of days.

    Better go and finish my juice and get some hot tea. Hope all of you have a good Sunday. Thanks again for all the good information.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jufith, did you have snow? Our news showed a picture of snow that I think was in OKC. Tulsa had some light snow about 3:30 this morning. None here but it is cold!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    No snow amd the only cold here is in my head. Had to cancel a tour. Hate to do that.

    Re cars...I would have suggested Suburu but no dealer near you. They are very popular here where you almost never see an "American" car. Toyota is also very popular. The exception is the grandsos who has a large Ford pickup.

    Eufala probably has more dealer options.

    I agree that the mechanic is vital. That is one reason IA drive a Volvo. My mevhanic is almost 20 minutes away but I have total trust in him and have for almost 20 years. He found my used 2013 XC in Illinois for me.

    Doing some hoiday shopping online. Some good bargains.

    Re deliveries....if you are expecting one open the gates.

    Anyone baking yet? The giant Kitchenaid is drasticly marked down.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I drove behind a fairly new Outback this morning and it looked small to me. Do you want both Great Pyranees to be able to fit comfortably inside?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Iris, There are times when I would. I've only seen the one yesterday and wasn't too close to it. The dealership in the town not too far from me is Dodge Jeep and Chevrolet. Today have been looking at the Chevy Trailblazer. It has good ratings and is heavier. If I don't get a car soon I'm going to drive all of us crazy.

    Judith, the problem isn't closed gates. The main gate is almost always open and the one nearer the house is open except when I have a cow up. It's closed tonight for that reason.

    I've spent the entire day fooling with cows,- from 5:30 this morning until two hours ago. The day didn't go as planned for Mike so it didn't work out here. Had the girls up and he was going to sort them and take the bigger calves and a couple of thin cows. But, he had two early emergency c- sections this morning, then a couple of farm calls and two more co sections this afternoon. So I let the girls out of lot and kept the two thin ones. Was trying to get the calves out and the cows went through the barn and got out. Got one back up this evening and will get the other one or two tomorrow - I hope. Best laid plans! Maybe he can get it done this week or weekend.

    Finally found all the heifers. There are allergens out there still. Have quit taking Stormy with me because it makes him itchy. I'm trying to wear my mask. If I don't I have sneezing fits.

    Discovered a forming ganglion on my left wrist. Not bothering me so hope it doesn't get bigger. I had one years ago and one of the doctor s hit it with a book -didn't work so had it aspirated. That was 35 or 40 years ago. Always something.

    Tired tonight. Hope everyone is well and can have a good night's rest. See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I’ve had one of those cysts in my wrist for a long time. It hasn’t gotten bigger in my case if anything it doesn’t seem as noticeable maybe I just got used to it.

    Little patches of snow here and there this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be really frigid. Hope I can stay in the house.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Speaking of snow, we got 2" overnight Saturday into Sunday and it is quite cold, 18 this a.m. A warm front is supposed to come in this week and give us highs in the 40s and 50s.

    @dayn2nite2 I was so sorry to hear of your fall. I hope you aren't in too much pain and that you will have a quick and full recovery. I'm glad you have people to help you with things and dog walking.

    @jfkoc I enjoy reading about your many and varied interests and how active and giving you are. Glad you are getting things cleaned out. We all probably need to do that. My basement looks awful right now. There is shelving but in cleaning up fall, and getting out Christmas, it's just messy. I would like to take things out of my cupboards and drawers and wipe them all down. Wait, let me re-phrase that: I NEED to remove items from my cupboards and drawers and wipe them all down. Will I get around to it? ???????? (I'll let you know!)

    @Iris L. I hope your kitties are doing well. And you, also.

    @JeriLynn66 It seems you have a very busy life. Glad you got your golf cart back but sorry it was damaged. Is your new barn up? What kind of animals do you have, and does your husband farm in addition to his auto mechanic shop?

    @Sayra One of your recent posts has me thinking it's time to make chili. Sounds so good in this cold weather. My turkey leftovers went home with my son and wife and kids (4 of them) but I kept the carcass with generous amounts of skin and some meat for making bone broth. I now have 2 chicken carcasses and 1 full turkey carcass and 1 turkey breast carcass. Should be enough to make 2 batches. I place the carcasses in the freezer till I'm ready to make it. For those wondering, here's a recipe for making bone broth in the slow cooker: https://www.platingsandpairings.com/slow-cooker-bone-broth/#recipe

    @harshedbuzz I am so inspired by your willingness to be there, in a huge way, for your mother. You are truly selfless. You do keep busy for sure!

    @Lorita I hope you find the car that works for you. You really need a dependable vehicle, with living so far out from town. I hope Sarah is feeling better. What a struggle she has endured. Sad.

    @ronald71111 I am sorry Thanksgiving was disappointing for you. Life can be really hard at times.

    @Sayra I think you are an excellent cook! I can tell you really enjoy it, too. I don't especially enjoy cooking but I do like eating, so.....gotta cook! In the past I loved to bake: cookies, bread, pie, cake. I have even entered contests at the state fair - won a few ribbons, none blue, however.

    @littleme Hello Barbara and congratulations on your new books coming out!

    @loveskitties Hello Marie, making any afghans lately? Do you crochet Christmas gifts?

    Update on my husband is that he remains in skilled nursing for rehab. We are coming close to Day 20 there (he had 6 wks in the hospital). Day 21 begins us having a $200 per day copay. Ouch. Why is he still there and not home? He is wheelchair dependent. He cannot use crutches or walker (yet). He has spinal cord injury with weakness, balance issues but no paralysis. He has a Pilon fracture of the left ankle and is non weight bearing still. He has a right humerus fracture that is, we think, mostly healed but limited range of motion. Anyway, he gets OT and PT daily and our house is not handicap accessible. He can't get into the bathroom with a wheelchair. This experience has been and still is overwhelming for me. I've had to troubleshoot plumbing issues, washer issue, dryer issue, lawn mowing, leaf raking etc. I needed to update one of our guest bedrooms so was at the furniture store last week and new bed arrives Weds. Anyway, lots going on here but God is helping us get through it.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    @BethL the barn is up! But husband is building stalls inside. We piddle around with a few goats and sheep. Adding a couple of horses this spring we hope. DH keeps the pastures and 3 acre “yard” cut and groomed. We’ll add more goats in spring. We do stay busy, I’m trying to get him to retire, lol

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth, your temperature sound like our temperatures. Yes I know you have a heavy load right now, A lot of unknowns. God does make away. I use to wonder what I would do when my dad was gone for help. Dad‘s been gone i think it’ll be 22 years in a few days and my needs have always been supplied.

    Thank you for the link and maybe someday I’ll get to try it. I do enjoy cooking because I enjoy eating like you. For the most part a lot of restaurant food is not that good and pre-prepared stuff at the store isn’t either. I also like being able to control the oils I use and how much salt I use.

    $200/day will add up. It is surely hard being sick sometimes. So much to keep up with when you don’t really feel like it or may not even be able to do it. He’s blessed he has you like I was blessed I had my sisters and my brother-in-law‘s had no problem with them helping me. I remember when I first came home It was a major task for me to pay a bill. Kind of hard to believe but it wore me out. But I kept doing it I wouldn’t give in and in a few weeks it got easier.

    Take your time Lorita until you are comfortable with your decision.That was something dad had always helped me with. Understand it being a hard decision.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    It’s sunny but COLD today.. so, after errands I made a big pot of red beans with smoked sausage and fixed rice; so that’s going to the Shop tomorrow. Also made a corn salad.

    I’m not doing a Christmas tree this year as we are traveling to my Ohio daughter for the holiday. I do have a huge vase of cotton stalks and will decorate that for a “tree” and put the gifts around it.. the great granddaughter will love that.. she’s just had her 5th birthday so lots of fun to have around..

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited November 2023

    Good news - I found out that the $200 copayment per day with Medicare - will be paid by the supplemental insurance. So glad to hear that.

    And, I have chili going in the crockpot for dinner tonight!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Beth, great news about the co-pay! Where are you that you have 2" of snow already? I'm in SoCal, still with nice fall weather, no rain.

    JeriLynn, what will you do with the goats? Milk?

    I went to a showing of Roman Holiday, preceded by a talk about the making of that delightful movie. It was at one of the senior centers. Apparently they show a classic movie every month. I put my name on the mailing list for future viewings, because I like classic movies.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Evening, Beth, so glad your insurance will pay th $200- that would really add up. Surely hope your husband gets along all right.

    Iris, I like old movies - there was a plot and no bad language.

    Been a busy day here dealing with cattle again and will be for a while until they get straightened out. Just went out and closed one gate and opened another so the three girls I have up can get out of the lot and north of the house.

    The moon is full tonight. It's the Beaver Moon. It's almost light enough outside to not need a flashlight. Ron, hope this full moon isn't bothering Lou too much.

    I will, Sara. I've been watching test drives of different cars on the internet. Was thinking about a Chevy Trax but the test drive changed my mind. Wish I had my Mercury Grand Marquis back and running. I always missed our old cars when we got different ones.

    Got another harness today for Stormy. Tried it on Sheena and it barely fit- had to let it out as much as I could and it was XL. It should fit him, too, but it's just straps. Another one is coming and maybe it will be better.

    Joan, did you get a lot of snow out of this storm? Hope you're still improving and getting stronger each day.

    Sleep tight, everyone.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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