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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    A lady from church came today, her two children brought a stocking full of goodies and sung Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, Sheena may have hip dysplasis. I knowshe has a hard time getting her back end up when she sits up. Just like me getting up from a low chair. I'll talk to Mike about it. Not sure there's anything to do to help it. I give both of them glucosemine and vitamins. I know that's a big problem for big or giant dogs. Doing dishes and had to sit and rest a bit. Hurts my lower back to stsnd still very long. I also take glucosamine.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, is Sheena getting constipated? I read that pumpkin is good for pet's regularity.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, how sweet of them. Bet Lou enjoyed it. Is that Lou on your big. pretty divan?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, that sort of worried me so took both of them out on their leashes and we walked around in the paddock west of the house and looked at the heifers and all their babies. Some of the girls are laying down and some eating hay. Our girls have been in the NE pasture grazing most of the day but are coming up to the hay now. She went to the bathroom so that's okay but thanks for thinking about it so I could get her outside and check. I've heard that about pumpkin, too.

    I've been in my gown and robe all day along with my jeans. Did drive down to the mailbox and the road is muddy. You know before he cleaned out the nest under the hood I couldn't get any air into the cab - heat or AC. Now I can. Hopefully, that was the problem - guess the engine has to have air to work.

    It's not cold out but it's a dismal day - going to be really foggy tonight - already beginning. I think it's supposed to be rainy. Looks like we've had about a inch so far. Enjoy the rest of the day.

    Iris and Jo, on the news last night they were showing all the rain, floods and mudslides. Hope you all aren't close to that. Found a container of butterbeans I cooked quite some time ago and put them in the refrigerator to thaw. Maybe will have some of those for supper - wish I had some cornbread.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, that flooding is north of us, closer to Santa Barbara, closer to where Oprah lives. The weather is gray and damp but not wet. I don't have to go out until next Wednesday. I enjoy being home. But on Christmas Eve I will drive around to look at lights.

    I buy pumpkin for pets in pouches at PET Express, a pet food store. I also have sprinkled some chia seeds in their food. They have to drink water because the chia seeds expands in the gi tract.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, are the pouches of pumpkin just pureed pumpkin like we can buy in cans to cook with? Might be a good idea to have some. I imagine Chewy would have it. I buy all my cat and dog food from them FedEx delivers it.

    I heard the term Atmospheric River mentioned on our weather today. I guess the storms you're having now is what we'll have Christmas Eve and Day. Going to be in the 60s the next couple of days, then in the 40s. Dread that.

    Covid is around. The oldest sons of two of Carol's daughters have it. Don't know if they were vaccinated. I worried about being inside a car with someone while testdriving. I wore a mask, salesman didn't.

    Hate to belabor this but found a place in a town north of us that has 2023 Chargers for a little less than our town and they deliver. Seems like I posted that already. If I did, sorry.

    Almost time for bed. Sleep well everyone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, the package says just pumpkin and water, I don't know if canned pumpkin has added salt. Here are photos of front and back.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    That picture is everything. Lou looks to be really enjoying her visit from those beautiful children. Your church family is amazing.


    I bet if you take a few days away from the car shopping, the other side will blink as if gets closer to the end of the month/year. LOL, I still think you need a Subaru.


    It's quiet here this morning. I took mom out yesterday to do her final holiday errands as my niece failed miserably when I tasked her with it. We swapped out the Lego kit for a different one. The man who owned the Brick House couldn't have been nicer. He not only refunded her purchase without a receipt-- he walked us around his store to find a replacement for it. There were some teenaged boys buying a few things and he tossed in a couple of extra items for each of them. After that we did her last-minute grocery shopping. She swore she didn't need to shop that she'd do it today instead. Yeah, no. I'm here today let's get this done while I can make sure you have everything you need to spare me your last-minute nonsense. Back when she entertained on a larger scale, she always called me in a panic to pick something up on my way. It got to the point where I bought ice proactively as she never thought of it until she set up the drinks.

    She's making a prime rib and Yorkshire pudding Christmas Eve. I may go over early and make sure she's up for it. This is a big ask for an 85 year-old-woman and she'll feel awful if it doesn't turn out well.

    Once I get my email sorted out, I'll post a picture of the Barbie tree some asked to see. I was part of the Comcast hack. Ugh.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited December 2023

    Cloudy wet day looks like they’re giving that for several days.

    My sister wanted me to make an apple torte. So I got that made this morning. I will try to take care of mom tomorrow and the first half of Monday so thought it was best if I got it done. It’s not that mom is so much work but it just really breaks up your day.

    Thinking of all of you

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, wet and cloudy here, too, Sara. We're supposed to have rain the next two or three days. Already muddy so it will be a loblolly. All the girls are out grazing. Guess the rain and warmer weather made grass grow some.

    Not in the mood to do much today so probably so probably won't.. Think I'll make the peach cobbler tomorrow. Haven't had one in a long time.

    Sara, is everyone coming to your house or are you going somewhere?

    HB, I would like to test drive a Subaru but the nearest dealer is about 70 miles away in a busy town. If I bought one that would be too far to go for repairs or maintenance.

    The weather mentioned central northern Okla. Might have a few snow flurries. Hope the warm weather isn't gone for good. It's been nice. Hope everyone is well today. Hard to believe the year is almost over.

    Sort of a sad time for me remembering that we spent the last three Christmases before I lost Charles in the hospital. Guess there are sad times all during the year. I miss seeing the red holly berries on the bushes this year, also the clusters of red berries on the Heavenly Bamboo. Only a few leaves are there. But, I drove down the driveway a little way this morning and the leaves on the Bradford Pear trees are a beautiful red. Also one in the garden and some on the pond dam. Guess that's my decorations. Bought two new bird feeders and have them hanging on the porch. Gotta feed the birds..

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good afternoon. I haven’t been so active in here lately. I’m in physical therapy, trying to get strong enough to walk without my walker. I have something going on with a muscle and tendon. So am going to set up deep tissue massage after Christmas to see if that helps. My daughter and her family are coming over to cook and celebrate Christmas Day. It will be small and quiet, but nice. Prime rib, twice baked potatoes, asparagus, salad, dinner rolls, and cherry pie will be our menu.

    Iris and Jo, we’re getting the storms from California today and tomorrow. It has been snowing here but not sticking to the roads or sidewalks yet. It’s been very warm here, expected to cool off this next week and then more warm weather coming in. So far, the high mountains are getting a lot of snow, but not much in the lower valleys. January-March are our biggest snowfall times.

    Jo, I hope you are feeling better. I am so sorry for your and your son’s struggles lately. When it rains, it pours. I keep you all in my prayers. I will never take the simple task of walking for granted. It seems so easy until you can’t master it. Is your daughter coming for a visit around Christmas? I know she was a joy for you when she was helping after your dh has back surgery.

    Lorita, I have a Subaru Outback and absolutely love it. The last three cars I’ve had have been Subaru’s. They are very low maintenance, get good gas mileage and are great to drive in the snow. It’s too bad you don’t have a dealership near you so you could test drive one.

    Ron, I bet Lou loved the kids. She looks very cozy on the couch. Thursday afternoon, I had two little girls ring the doorbell and sing to me. They were so cute.

    Merry Christmas to all the regulars, and welcome and Merry Christmas to all the new posters. I do read mist days, but haven’t been posting. I hope I do better after the holidays. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Joan, I'm so glad to see your post. I think of you often, especially at night when I pray for your speedy recovery. Good to know you're going to try the deep muscle massage therapy - so hope it helps. Can you walk at all without the walker and do you still have the pain you had before surgery? I'm glad your daughter and family are coming for Christmas. The menu sounds wonderful. I love twice baked potatoes but haven't made them for years. When I was working the chef in the canteen would make them occasionally and always told us the day before so we could have lunch early and have one before they were all gone.

    I just checked the radar and the rain is in the Texas Panhandle now. I went to the mailbox and thought I might go up and get some Gator gas but the roads were already terrible. A couple of days ago they put something on a stretch of the road - looks like blacktop or something so I don't know how that's working out. When I was in school the bus would get crossways on that part of the road and have to go back and forth to finally get out. Lately it hasn't been bad. I wonder if that stuff came from the guy who stopped by here trying to sell some. I was worried that it might be really slick and surely didn't want to get the PU stuck - so I came home.

    Was able to see the heifers on the way back and our girls are going to the south pasture to graze - saw them as they passed the yard. Not as brave on these roads as I was when I was younger.

    I wish there was a Subaru dealer nearby, too. I really liked the looks of the one Darwin's daughter was driving. But, I don't want to have to drive 70 miles into all that traffic to get it serviced - not sure if they'd accept service from another place - might check on that after Christmas. One good thing - after the work they did on the PU it does start better and I can get air for the AC or heater. Darned rats anyway - no telling how long it had been there. I asked them if they saw any when they cleaned it out - they didn't.

    I hate for it to rain again - so muddy now. The trucks are making hash out of the driveway and it will have to dry out before it can be levelled and graveled - but we have no say when it rains or snows. Also hate for it to turn colder. It's 64 degrees right now. We've had a beautiful fall weatherwise. The Bradford Pear trees are prettier or as pretty as they've been all fall - such pretty red leaves and some yellow.

    Again, so glad to see your post, Joan. Do hope the deep muscle massage will work wonders for you. I know you want to be able to get out and go for your walks when the weather gets warmer - I'm sure you will because you're determined. Have a Merry Christmas.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Christmas spirit never stops! A couple from church stopped by and brought supper that could be frozen or cooked now. In two cute little trays. Also brought a small basket of cookies. I heated one of the dinners for us tonight and froze the other.

    I've been typing all day! My brother started a site for future generations to know about us. I had posted several memories but today desided to write about my Vietnam experence. A nephew is the site manager and I sent it to him to pretty it up. Turned out to be more like a book instead of memory.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited December 2023

    Lorita I may go to my sisters tomorrow evening. She always has like a little get together and she is having soup and bratwurst. Then all of us bring in some cookies or dip or something of that sort. That’s from like 2 to 7, so I’ll have to go to check on mom during that period but she actually lives close to my sister so that’ll work. Her and her husband are around my age, and her stepson and his wife come for breakfast at their house on Christmas. So they’re like me they don’t like staying up real late either. My youngest sister told me we can come over to her house when we leave there if we want to. Told her I’ll have to wait and see how I feel. I may be ready to come home and hit the hay, so we’ll see. Then that younger sister will have a Christmas dinner at her house around one. She invites her family and her husband‘s family. Neither family is that big and it’s nice seeing them because I like my brother-in-law‘s family.

    My sister that’s close to my age is not feeling well. This is the third year in a row that this time of year she has lost her voice. I wish she would just cancel it but knowing my sister that will not happen. I’ll wear my mask and hopefully can find a way to distance myself a bit when I eat just in case. A friend just had this and she tested herself twice for Covid and she was negative. It lasted about two weeks. My sister has lasted three weeks the last two years.

    Beth, a few weeks ago you asked about TWIV and I told you that the host had taken a booster this year which surprised me but I wasn’t aware of why yet. I didn’t hear him say this, but a comment said that he has found out he has some type of an auto immune disease and that’s why he took a booster this winter, which I can understand that. So that makes me still comfortable with not taking one at this time as this was a personal change for him.

    Nice to hear from you, Joan. You’ve had a tough long-haul for sure. I’ve heard of twice baked potatoes many times, but I don’t believe I’ve ever had them. I don’t really know what they are. Sounds like a nice simple menu.

    Lorita guess the question is how do you keep the rats from doing this again? Think that would be my concern.

    Got the apple torte made. The hard part is that first crust, but I got it done. I had a back up plan. If it didn’t work I have a frozen pumpkin roll.

    wishing each one a good nights rest

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning from the damp gray suburbs of Philadelphia.

    I finally feel caught up here and ready to take on the festivities. I need to pack my son his lunch; he's riding the Santa Steam train today which ought to be crazy. He's not sure if he'll be conductor, photographer or overseeing the printers. He's the railroad's archivist and wrote the scripts for the trip narrations and station announcements so he's great at answering fellow train enthusiast's questions about the history of the line and engines. He's also pretty good with a camera and is known as the printer-whisperer so who knows what he'll end up doing today aside from interfering with the family's timeline for dinner.

    I'm headed to mom's later to make sure she's ready to host tonight. I gave her a recipe to follow for the prime rib and she's already messed up-- it needs an overnight dry-rub-- I had to call her last night to remind her. I'm very invested in the meat as it set me back almost $140. It would be so much easier to do it myself, but she really wants to have people over. When we were both younger, she hosted a Christmas brunch for 50 or so people with ease each year. I made a pear and almond tart last night. It gave me a hard time as it's been a while, but it came out looking bakery worthy. I'm picking up my "Happy Birthday Baby Jesus" cake. When I ordered it, the clerk asked me "how do you spell Jesus?". The lady behind me was rolling her eyes so hard I could hear them. One year, the icer did kind of botch the job spelling it "Pesuz"-- no idea who he is.

    My niece and I are giving mom a Toto Washlet for Christmas. What do you give the woman who has everything? She covets the one her sister has. This is the aunt who hoarded toilet paper early in the pandemic-- her entire bedroom wall was lined in Kirkland TP floor-to-ceiling. Begs the question what she's using the bidet for. It's not in yet, so my niece crafted a mockup to present her this evening.

    @Sayra I think we're enjoying the same weather. Your baking sounds amazing.

    @ronald71111 It's great you took the time to record your experiences in Viet Nam. That's important to share. My husband has letters his brothers wrote him from their time there. His older brother was a doctor attached to Marines during Tet. His younger one was with Air America later in the war. He later worked as an advocate with the VA and his PhD thesis was about PTSD related to Viet Nam.

    @telinde I do hope you see improvement with the work you're doing in PT and that the deep pressure message helps with that. My mom's graduating from PT

    @Lorita It's a pity the Subaru dealer is so far away. I'm glad your rat problem was solved. My friend who lives in Philadelphia proper had automotive rat problems. She lives near the agricultural high school and a large park, so wildlife is a thing for her. Sometimes livestock is, too. Every now and then a cow or sheep turns up on her street because one of the students didn't secure a gate. The rats who were attracted to her birdfeeders nested in the minivan and ate the wiring which disabled the car. The claim went through their auto comprehensive policy which replaced the entire wiring system. A month later, they came back and did it a second time. They're a menace.

    As promised, here's Barbie's tree. I'm getting 2 new ornaments this year. A Midge and the 2023 Holiday Barbie. I'm going to need a bigger tree.

    LOL, that me photobombing in the window' reflection. I look like the Ghost of Christmas Past.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited December 2023

    @harshedbuzz Your tree is stunning! I love it! My first Barbie was the one with the black and white striped swimsuit, and a brunette with a ponytail, circa 1960. I'm sure one of those in good condition would be worth a pretty penny today. Mine was in poor condition/very much played with and I no longer have it.

    Merry Christmas!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, I also hoarded toilet paper during the pandemic, I had 6 month's worth.

    Where do you keep your Barbies when they are not on the tree? Do you display them?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Merry Christmas to all our front porch friends . I hope everyone's well.

    It's been rainy here all day and part of the night, still raining lightly. It is so muddy. No idea how much rain we've had. I took down the rain gauge afraid it might freeze. Very quiet day since they fed,- guess everyone's eating hay. Enjoy the rest of the day.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    edited December 2023

    Merry Christmas,

    I promise to get better with checking in next year ( I guess this could be my New Years resolution for 2024)


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sounds good, Nicole. Merry Christmas.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    I'm watching It's a Wonderful Life. I look forward to watching it every year.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Merry Christmas to all.

    May each of you have a restful day, good spirits and better health.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Iris L.

    They're ornaments, so they live in their original Hallmark boxes packed in 3 boxes with that's tree's accessory pieces. I have small pink baubles and pink garland, but this tree is running out of room. I live near a couple of tree farms but coming by a sparsely branched 5-footer has gotten harder and more expensive, so I jumped on this 4' pre-let for $20 at Costco. I'm trying to justify the purchase of a 5' pre-let pink one from Balsam Hill and just can't pull the trigger. If I do, I could put 2 identical trees in my dining room on the sides of my breakfront which would be crazy but stunning.


    I hope all who observe, have a peaceful day.

    Dinner turned out great. The last train of the day wrapped up faster than expected-- The length of the trip is set to allow Santa to have a nice chat with each family. When the trains are packed, that can be 2 hours. The last train was at 25% capacity, so they were back in 50 minutes. DS peeled onto mom's street just as we were arriving. I spent a couple hours helping her lay the table, prep the veggies, put together a cheese platter and babysit the roast. Good thing we were all over the roast; it came to its target temp 2 hours earlier than the recipe said it would. We got it out just in time, reverse seared it just before serving and it was a prefect rare and so tender. I'll snag leftovers when I pick her up later. I may even try my hand at Yorkshire pudding; she doesn't allow me to do it because mine is flat for some reason. She's still got the touch.

    My little family is still asleep. We'll have a quiet morning and then I'll bring mom over for a much simpler feast. On the way here we'll stop by the National Cemetary so she can visit dad's grave. She likes to visit occasionally but we always feel a little awkward-- maybe it should be private for her, but she insists I stay. A few years ago we dropped by on his birthday in the midst of a terrible heatwave. Mom patted the top of his stone and asked him "Is it hot where you are too?". I burst out laughing which is terrible.

    Yet another tree. It's very sparkly IRL. Better than candles on the table.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Wising everyone a peaceful day and hope for the new year. We’re cooking and baking and playing with animals here in Ohio!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Merry Christmas to everyone. HB and Jerilynn, the trees are beautiful. It's not raining this morning but is colder. Better get out and check the girls.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Merry Christmas! Finally decided to join the porch after just reading and enjoying all of your posts. Lorita, I live vicariously through your stories and experiences on the farm. I love to read about how you love your cattle and GP's. I can almost picture it in my mind the way you write about it. BTW, how do you know which ones are heifers? So sorry about Sampson.

    Jo, I pray you and David are doing better as well as all else who are dealing with health issues.

    Ron, I was so happy to read how your church family came together to share the Christmas spirit with you and Lou.

    Me, I am 24/7 caregiver to my ex. We've known each other for 25+ years, together for about 10+ and have always lived together. When he had his devasting vascular stroke and craniotomy almost two years ago it exacerbated his cognitive decline. He went from a 1 to 5-6 overnight. His only brother has advance alz and he has no children; I promised him long ago that I would always take care of him. So here we are.

    Good to be here among friends xo

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    This is JJ blowing me kisses 😘

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, you are creative with trees. Your mom can still pull together a big dinner, good for her! "Is it hot where you are too?" LOL!

    JeriLynn, your cotton ball tree is most original! Do you give the horses presents? I got my cats a new scratching post, they loved it and wanted to use it all at the same time.

    Ron, how nice for the children to serenade you and Lou with the carols.

    Welcome, CaroLynne. Yes, it is nice to read everyone's stories, especially about animals.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Caro_Lynne nice to see you on the porch. I live in north central Ohio as you may already know. Try to take care of my mom.

    Jerilynn does JJ live with you or your daughter? He's beautiful

    Was warm here today and the sun shined.

    Went to my sister’s early and helped her cook, she really appreciated it. I enjoyed helping her.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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