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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, I don't remember the SPAG nebulizer specifically. There is a lot that I don't remember.

    Ron, I'm glad your church is reaching out to you and Lou. Churches used to have a Sick and Shut-in committee, I'm glad it's coming back.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron...people can be wonderful. Enjoy the care...they benefit from the giving so it is not a one way street. It is always a blessing to be the helper.

    No Christmas dinner here either. Hopefully my daughter will make a pot of chili and will make enough to bring some home.

    Packages on their way. Now to wrap what is left to give to neighbors and then family Monday.

    No baking here...no cooking here and I do not like my outside lights. I am going to wait until after the season and order new when they go on sale.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Well, I spent three hours at the car dealership. Looked at several and we test drove three, I think.

    I also had them check the antifreeze, batteries, etc. on the PU. Of course, they found things. There was a huge rat's nest in the box which prevented air from going wherever it's supposed to. Have to get two new batteries. I can't remember when I last got them but they are $340 each and I have to have two. They were still working on things when I was ready to go so asked the manager if I could just drive the car home and come back im the morning to get the PU. So, I did.

    I think I may have found the car I want to buy - that is if the mechanic in the morning says everything's okay. It only has 10,000 miles on it and is still under full factory warranty. It's a local, one owner but he says the privacy act prevents him from telling me their name. Drives really quietly and has get up and go. No play in the steering wheel so will have to get used to that. It's a four door sedan - just about the last of the breed.

    You should have seen Sheena and Stormy when I drove up - they couldn't figure out who in the world it was. I checked and Stormy got right in - Sheena got her feet up on the seat but that was it. Even tried putting a piece of board om a concrete block so she could walk up it - no way was she going to do that. Maybe Mike has an idea.

    It's more than I wanted to pay but it's money not being used so guess I should enjoy it. Forgot to ask if he would accept a personal check. The couple in town bought it a year ago May - traded in a PU. Kept it just a few months, traded it back in for a new PU. All the cars are so small - google a picture of 2022 Dodge Charger - really pretty. This one is dark blue - just like the PU.

    Hate to have to pay that excise tax. If I financed it they could add it to the amount I borrowed but would still have to pay it. I had heard years ago that if you were 100% SC permanent and total you didn't have to pay excise tax but guess that's changed - might have only been for the veteran but I do think it applied to wife or husband for one time. I do get a discount on the tag.

    Does really well on the gravel/dirt road - about the same distance off the ground as the Mercury was. Hope it checks out okay in the morning. Hate to go back into town but needed to get home before dark.

    The salesman, Todd in fact, said all of the techy stuff didn't have to be used. I do need to find out about the AC and heat. It has a push button start which I'm not wild about but all of them did. If I can get him down $3,000 and it checks out I may buy it. He may not go down but doesn't hurt to try. Wish mother was here - she was soooo good at getting them to go down in price.

    Look at the car and see what you all think. When I left home I went another way so I wouldn't have to go by the pasture where Samson was. It's the road directly east of us and Mike says it's really, really bad. Came home the highway except for the last three miles.

    I'm tired - hate doing this sort of thing.Almost backed out on going this morning but, thanks, Marie, for the little push. The weather is going to get bad tomorrow evening. I wore my mask all the time but no one else did. I have worried about being in a car with someone not masked but maybe it'll be okay. Back later.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    edited December 2023


    I am so sorry about Samson. It’s like a little piece of our hearts go with these creatures.

    HB: I’m concerned about your ear with the recent dental work and glad you are seeing the doctor.

    Ron, the church being the hands and feet of Jesus is a wonderful blessing. FWIW: some days I spend cleaning day in my Jammie’s, lol.

    Haystacks: 1 bag chow mein noodles 1 pack butterscotch baking morsels. Melt butterscotch in large glass pan in microwave 2 minutes total. Stir at 1 minute. Stir at 2 minutes to blend completely. Pour noodles onto mixture and GENTLY blend until coated completely. I use 2 forks to lift “stacks” and place on parchment paper to “set”. If it’s humid they take longer to set. Store in airtight container.

    I’m going to take Jo’s suggestion and keep a notepad to respond.. I lose track!!

    I ordered the Fleur de Sel finishing salt and love it. The great granddaughter used it first and was so dainty and ladylike! Lol

    Figured out how to bold by accident, I guess phones are different..

    Oncology appointment for DH is Friday- thank you for your prayers. Hope everyone has a good restful night.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    A new car !!! Lorita, Get someone to take a picture of you in it and post for us!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, I am sorry about Samson. It does hurt when you lose one. Thinking of you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, Thanks Jerilynn for the recipe for thre haystacks. I thought that was how they were made. I've never made them but remember them from a long time ago.

    I get too attached - maybe -to all of our animals. We've raised all of "ours" from the time they were born - now I'm getting attached to the heifers and their babies. So, it does hurt that we've lost Samson. He was a big boy, quiet, easygoing - such a shame to lose him when he was in his prime. On Dr. Pol's show they had a calf with a broken leg and put a cast on and he got well. Would never work with Samson, Mike said, because he's too big. This evening when I got home I saw the cows over where he was again. I went out a while ago and heard a wolf - not a coyote - he was a lone wolf and he was moving. Probably the one me and others have seen - kind of eerie. I hear lots of coyotes and occasionally this wolf.

    Sheena and Stormy have been sound asleep for at least four hours. I bet they didn't sleep a wink while I was gone.

    Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice - first day of winter and it's going to be at least 60. Our weatherman said the first day of spring this year was 60 or 62. Wouldn't it be nice if the winter wouldn't be so cold. Feel so bad for the people in the NE with all the rain and flooding - now the same thing is happening in California. Iris and Jo, hope you all aren't in the area that's flooding.

    Beth, hope the oncology report is a good one. Please let us know.

    See you all tomorrow. Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, we had a few sprinkles today, I didn't even take my umbrella when I went out. Tomorrow we are expecting an atmospheric river. Where do they dream up these terms? I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Marie nice that you and your mom had a good day together.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I'm sorry about Samson, I know they are all just like your children and you hurt when they hurt.

    Received a text from my preacher this morning Informing me of a church couple that was bringing Lou and me lunch Monday. He also said another couple would probably bring food Sunday, but would let me know fir sure.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    edited December 2023

    Sunny and cool here today with rain on the way for the weekend.. Rain for our trip to Ohio, but husband drives and I chatter away lol.

    All gifts are wrapped for the trip, delivered to everyone here and Amazon gifts have been delivered to friends/shut ins far away.

    There is a basket of dry goods to take, a cooler ready to load and a To Do List from my daughter when I get to Ohio.

    We will close early today and re-open Jan 2nd. The mechanics have had meatballs and sauce and treats this week, but today will have smoked meats and fixings from our neighborhood food truck guy. His food is good. And, the boys will get their Christmas Bonus today...

    My husband has decided he has lost all interest in completing the restoration of his 1963 Chevy II Supersport car. So, I will list it for sale while he is in the mood! He's strongly considering RETIREMENT! It would take us a few months to sell the shop building and get everything settled, but that is my prayer for the new year. I have a 26 foot motorhome gathering dust under the shed and I am ready to GO!!

    Well, if we're going to close early, I need to get payroll done. So, be back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    A new car....at last. You may have to lure Sheena in i.e. you get in the back seat with a treat that she can easily get and then move the treat further and further away from her until she had to get in to get it.

    Rat's nest. UGH! Just one more wonderful benefit that comes with living in the country?

    Ron...you are making some wonderful new friends.

    I would not get attached to animals raised for slaughter. It would be way too hard. Maybe do not name them.

    Iris....hopefully today is just your annual Medicare appt. Mine is the 27th.

    Today may be a jammie day for me. Nothing to do outside the house so why not. I will make some red beans and rice. Someone once told me that was the traditional dish to fix on monday because that was laundry day. Anyone else her that?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, how nice that the people in your Church will bring good food to you and Lou. Sounds like a good Church home. Just relax and let them pamper you all. Someone once told that people like to help because at some time they may need help. I try to remember that but so hate to ask for help. Darwin or his daughters usually bring me a plate and some nice desserts.

    Jerilynn, sorry you all will have to travel in the rain. I never really liked to drive in rain - even liked to drive in fog better. Be careful - there will be lots of people on the roads. Retirement - best thing in the world. I've really enjoyed mine - that's been 29 years. I think I've worked harder since retirement - just a different kind of work.

    Judith - no new car - yet. Joe and I just could not get together on the price. I don't feel like paying $34,000 for a two year old car. I did have it checked by a mechanic and he said it was in perfect condition. I just don't consider myself a muscle car driver - did that 50 years ago. It is pretty. The place I had it checked has new ownership and they were oohing and aching over how pretty it is. I did drive a 2023 Jeep Compass for about $2,000 less - 70 miles on it. It's really better for where I live, however, it is a bit higher off the ground but if Sheena won't get into the car, there you go. I'm just going to have to sit on her to trim her nails, I guess.

    Kind of hard to walk away from that car but he's had it on the lot for eight months months and the brand new cost of it was only $4,000 more than he's asking now.

    They're just showing Dick Van *$%& - such a good actor. I loved the Mary Tyler Show. They're showing clips of Mary Poppins. I need to try to watch that. How old is he - 93? Just heard - 98. There's going to be a two hour show about him on December 31.

    Never heard that about red beans and rice and never have fixed them. Do you cook the rice and beans separately. Dried beans or canned?

    I'm glad to be home - don't plan on leaving again for a while except to get Gator gas. Girls on both sides of the driveway have been looking for green grass and are laying down now. Judith, we never sold cattle for slaughter. We never sold cows, only calves to go to new homes. In fact, we sent five or six to the sale in Tulsa years ago and changed our minds - called them and luckily a trucker had just brought in a load and he brought them home. They hit the ground running when he opened the tailgate. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet when Mike sells some. I don't worry so much about calves, even bigger ones - just the cows. One friend told me, since I am a vegetarian, that we were in the wrong business. I don't think so - if we can control it. Guess those days are gone. I'm still in the cattle business - Billy the Bull is still mine.

    Stopped at the Dollar Store and bought some weekly and monthly planners - a few other things and one of those long lighters. Do you know you have to give them your birth date when you buy tho

    se? Joe may come down some on that car after a while. I told him it had been on his lot eight months and he said "it'll go fast". We'll see. Won't break my heart if it does. I asked Todd if he was hard to deal with and he said he was sometimes. I did read a bad review about him on their website but it's gone now. Someone else couldn't deal with him. Guess I'm not alone. Gotta go and get some lunch.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Yes to red bean and rice on Monday!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited December 2023

    Had a rare weekly home health visit for Lou today. Lou was smiling, laughing and even dud some singing. Didn't complain even about taking blood pressure, which is always hard.

    Lou's rare action today really helped me get out of today's blahs. This morning I was listening to Hank Williams song I can't help it if I'm still in love with you and couldn't help crying. Even though the song is about a past love, certain parts touched my heart. A picture from the past came slowly stealing, heaven only knows hiw much I love you and of course I can't help it if I'm still in love with you.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I wrote a long post and it never would post, why I don't know. Maybe too long.

    At any rate did not buy the car. I tnought 34_000 was too much for a two year old car that had been on his lot eight months. Goodness cars and trucks are expensive. The ,3/4 ton, Ram 4x4 diesels are 92_000. When we bought ours they were $35000, granted that wss a long time ago. Monthly payments on those would be ,$2200,. Did drive a Jeep Compass, two thousand less than the Dodge.

    Started raining here about 3pm, supposed to rain most of night. Guess I won't check girls tonight. Guess I had better stop.

    Jerilynn, you all be careful on your trip- highways will be busy!

    Glad your Church members are bringing food to you and Loy, Ron. Goid people.

    Judith, red beans and rice on Monday's never heard that. Do you use dried beans and cook them with the rice?.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Forgot to mention after they got rid of the rat's nest that was in the box preventing air from getting wherever it wss supposed yo go, the PU ran fine. Came home on the highway at 55-60 mph, the speed limit, without cutting out. Hope that took care of it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, another benefit of living in the country-- last night, after darj, I went out to do something and I heard a wolf howl. He was moving and I heard him twice more. There is a big wolf around here. I've seen him and so have others when they were coming up our driveway.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, you may want to take your rifle with you when you go out to check the herd...just in case that big wolf comes close.

    Sorry that the car didn't work out...yes they are awfully expensive, and I am sure your local dealer has to have a pretty good mark up to stay in business.

    My suggestion is to get what suits you and the GP's and do monthly payments if you can get little or no interest rate for 5 years. If you pay it off, great, otherwise your estate will pay it off and it will be an asset to either donate or leave to someone. I got my little Rogue 5 years ago at the end of this month...end of month and end of year, they seem to want to make good deals. Granted it was 1 year old since the next year models were already out...but it was brand new. (You might want to check with your bank to see how good a loan you can get there).

    All this talk about food! Reminds me that Mother is going to make some Shoo Fly cookies. We haven't had them in years. My dad used to belong to a group of hunters...they had a trailer on some private property that they would over night in. He and the guys loved those cookies...he had to lock them in the trunk of the car and ration them out to have enough for the hunt week! The cookies are made with flour, lots of brown sugar, butter, eggs and probably a few other things I don't remember now. You rolled out logs and refrigerated them before cutting. Could make them soft and chewy or harder and crunchy depending on how long you baked them. Were always a hit!

    Wishing all better health and good days!


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Lorita, my Chrysler 300 was $27,000 and its a 2023 with 230 miles when I bought it.

    Hope you have a great Christmas and Happy New Year. While we were at the VA for doctor visit.

    We stayed longer and got to see our kids and grandkids. My daughter in law lost her mother and father one week apart.(86/83) very sad but she said they are not suffering now.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Shirley, I asked about the Chrysler 300 and they didn't have kne. He said they sell them as soon as they come. That was a really good price you paid. I would have paid 29 or 30 thousand for the Dodge. I will check back or try their auto group in another town.

    Sorry about you daughter in law. How hard that must have been for her but she was right - no more suffering. I hope that both you and Bill are doing okay. Will you all be in F!orida for Christmas probably so. Have a good one. Good to hear from you.

    Do you still like your car?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Marie, I have heard of shoo-fly pie from the Amish country, but never heard of shoo-fly cookies. I'll bet they are yummy!

    Safe travels, JeriLynn!


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Yes, we just got back to Florida. Had to go to Doctors in SC and visit with kids and grandkids.

    All sick with flu and colds going around in family with young children. Had to visit from a distance.

    Yes, I still love my car.😍, the trip was about 600 miles and it drove so easy and very comfortable.

    I don't know how much longer we will be able to be in Fla! Bill is not doing good and he can not walk without my help. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    has warmed up a little bit this morning.

    Shirley will you have to move to be near family? Seems like you take such good care of Bill . Sorry to hear that things are getting tougher.

    Lorita I’m kind of glad that you didn’t get the charger. I worried that you would not be satisfied with it. Like I said, see a lot of them around here and they don’t really remind me of a country car, I think you know what I mean. You’ve mentioned several times requirements for a car being out in the country. Hope you find something that suits you soon so that can be done and over with.

    Take care

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I know cars are commanding higher prices these days. The dealer has been hassling my recently widowed friend to sell him back her husband's minivan or trade in both cars for a newer one for herself. She doesn't drive the van much, but she likes being able to easily haul things like bird seed or plants and as a base from which to serve meals to the food insecure with her church weekly. The van is about 2 1/2 and he'd buy it for what they paid.

    My MIL lived very small town/rural and always paid more for things like cars and appliances as there's way less competition where she lives. Her older brother thought it was because she was the little old lady who didn't haggle, so he went with her once to buy her last Cutlas and wasn't able to do better there. They wouldn't price-match the dealer in Indianapolis. It was about $400 difference back in 1995. I wonder if that's what's happening.

    I have friends who have bought cars online and had them delivered.

    How to Buy a Car From Home - Consumer Reports


    I have a last minute round of things to do today. I was really stressed about getting the last big tree done, so DS did it for me. It didn't turn out as I would have done it but that's OK. It was interesting to see which ornaments he deemed worthy of front-and-center. I love his spin on it.

    I'm taking my mom out to wrap up her shopping and get veggies for Christmas Eve dinner. My niece took her out a few evenings ago to do this and "help me out". They're the ADHD twins-- I should have sent a responsible grownup along. Mom and Gillian went to a special Lego store to get DS a "fancy" set. DS, my niece and her husband are all adult Lego enthusiasts. They decided on a crocodile train and called me later to brag about how clever they are. LOL, my niece and her husband bought him the exact same one 2 years ago. The completed one sits on an end table in my living room next to the couch where mom sits when she's here. So, it has to go back. They also spent an inordinate amount of time shopping for lingerie and enjoying a lovely steak dinner. Ugh. They had 1 job.

    I saw my PCP yesterday. She's agreed to untweak my BP meds for now, but I have to repeat my bloodwork next week as my sodium tanked on the current med which has a mild diuretic in it. I would prefer to stay on this and not try something different. She gave me a Medrol pack to try to hasten my ear drying out. She says my "good" ear has more fluid than the "bad" one. She's wondering if it's a TMJ issue. I'm sure my new dentist would have been all over that-- he'd like me to do braces. I think he's lost his mind. I'm 66. BTDT.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, rainy and foggy this morning. Glad it was today instead of yesterday. Toad and Mike just came and fed. I could hear how bad the road was when they were on it. I can imagine how my driveway must look after two big, heavy trucks made two trips over it. All of that will have to dry out before the road work can be done. We're supposed to have up to two inches the next couple of days.

    Shirley, so sorry to hear that Bill is not doing well. I know that's hard for you. Glad you still like your car and it made the trip more comfortabke. Hope your Christmas is good.

    HB, sorry about your ear. Hope it gets better soon. Sometimes I can gear fluid in my left ear. My hearing in the right ear is almost nil. Can't even hear a dial tone. I attribute some of it to answering and talking on the phone so much in my work . My dad had some kind of deformity in one of his ears and had surgery on uit. He said it was terrible. I went to the same doctor and I have the same thing he had. Really good hearing in the left ear but it's hard to tell the direction sounds come from.

    Sara, the car is similar to the other two muscle, sporty cars I had when I was in my twenties but at my age maybe I'm too old for that kind of car and it's sort of hard to get out of it.. Jeep is easier. I did read that Jeeps are made of plastic and some other light weight metal. This car is made of steel.

    Sort of worried about Sheena, just lays around. Had to put on her leash and walk her around the yard to get her to go to the bathroom. I need an elevated place like a mound of dirt to get her on and into the PU.

    I'm going to stop and drink my tea. Back later.,

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, Just had a call from Joe. Sounds like he's going to "try" to come down to $32,000 out the door on the Charger. He has a brand new , white one for 35,000 with rear wheel drive. I told him he had only come down a thousand and I would have to go up $3000. I like the Jeep but seems really narrow inside. Wanted me to come in today to drive the 2023 but told him it was too muddy to go anywhere today. We'll see what shakes out. My luck would be someone comes in and buys it after eight months!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...if the pickup is no longer a problem why would you bother with the expense of two vehicles?

    How old is Sheena? Does she have dysplasia?

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, from what I see on-line, the pricing of the 2022 Dodge Charger is all over the place depending on the "extras" and the style type.

    If it has the options you want and you like it, and he comes down on the price...go for it.

    Does he know you want to pay cash and not finance it? The reason I ask is that I was able to get a better deal by financing for $0 down and 0 interest rate for 5 years...of course that was 5 years ago...and they were wanting to clear out that model year inventory.

    Wishing you best luck!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I can't get Sheena in the PU and I'm not sure if it's dependable enough. It did all right yesterday so maybe.

    Sheena is ten and Stormy is 9. She has hygromas on both front knees that bother her, I'm sure. She comes up the front steps all right and a time or two has put her front feet on my knees when I was sitting down. On the car she got her front feet up on the seat but would not get in. She's heavier than he is so maybe that has something to do with it.

    . I don't care if a person has four or five vehicles, there will be a time when none work - has happened to us in the past, years ago. It's getting harder for me to get in and out of the PU even though I use a stool to get in don't always have it with me. I just miss having a car.

    Marie, I talked with a salesman from Jim Glover Dodge in Owasso and they have 2023 Dodge Chargers, XST with rear wheel drive for $32,800 which is less than the one Joe has. I know AWD costs more than rear wheel drive. We'll see what he does. The one in Owasso could be delivered at no cost.

    Just talked with Sarah - she sounds like she is so congested. Todd has been working on building a storage building in their back yard and yesterday he was on the roof working on it and fell off. Didn't break anything but feels like he's been run over with a truck. I know how I felt just falling down - not off of anything. She says Dr. A. is working on finding someone who will do the TPN so right now she has no nourishment whatsoever. She has seizure medication (a pill). Told her to have Todd call the pharmacy to see if she can let it dissolve instead of swallowing the pill.

    This is their first wedding anniversary. A year ago today they didn't think she'd live very long but she's made it a whole year - has not been easy and just gets harder. I don't know how she does it.

    I'm getting tired of talking with salesmen about cars - need to take a break, I think. I've bought cars, sight unseen - Mustang and Cougar that were just being made - and they were both fine. Had to have the Cougar wheels changed because they sat out too far and kicked gravel up on the car but that was the only thing. Do you all know they aren't putting spares at all in some cars - Jeep for instance - just the pump-up thing.

    Still dark and cloudy here but the rain has stopped for now.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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