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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, it's almost over! Just a few more hours. I'll be glad, too. I called Darwin yesterday to wish them a Merry Christmas and he told me they had had company for two days - he said it's 2/3rds over. He was worn out and wishing it was over, too.

    It's been a cloudy, cold day until mid afternoon we did get some sunshine but it's still cold - barely 40. I watched the KC Chiefs football game and it was 38 in KC, too. The game wasn't good - don't know what's happened to the Chiefs the last three games.

    JeriLynn, is your Christmas tree a stalk of cotton with the bolls still on it? It's really cute, never thought of that. I think I posted that one of our social workers went out to the Four Corners area and on the way back they stopped and picked up and brought home tumbleweeds to use for a Christmas tree. Never saw it but bet it was cute. JJ is really pretty - looks like he likes you as much as you like him. Pinto? I had a Pinto when I was growing up - called him Flash. The last horse we had was Buck - lost him a few years ago. Still miss seeing him out with the girls.

    Caro Lynn - glad you decided to join us. We always enjoy having new people join us on the porch. A heifer is a bovine who has never had a calf. You can tell because they look younger and the udder is still small. We still have five or six heifers out of the 30. All the rest are now cows, young ones for sure. Glad you enjoy reading about my mundane life - all there is are the GPs, cats and cows but I enjoy and love each of them.

    I took down the trash this afternoon about 3:30 (they'll run in the morning instead of this morning). On the way down I saw one of the heifers laying down and on the way back she was still laying there so decided I'd drive the Gator down and check on her. It is MUDDY in the area where they're feeding hay. She was up when I got there and was okay. So drove around checking the others. I saw one who has had something happen to her left eye - the eyeball is twice or more as big as it should be and is tearing. Called Mike when I got back to the house so he can check on her in the morning. She probably stuck a stick or briar in it - looked painful. I can empathize because my right eye is bothering me the last couple of days. Everyone else seemed okay.

    After I got back in the house I heard a cow bawl, looked out and one was headed to the barn. All the others had gone up to the hayrings - so, got my boots back on and went out to check. There were two in there this morning and I thought maybe she'd had a calf and left it in the barn. Saw her but didn't see a calf anywhere. Guess she just decided she wanted to stay in where it's a bit warmer. All of them spent last night in the barn. When it begins to rain or snow or is going to storm, they head for the barn.

    JeriLynn, forgot to mention your cat is so pretty - reminds me of one I had a few years ago that I called Peaches. He had a tumor in his ear which Mike removed but it returned and he had to go to sleep. Mike said that was the most difficult surgery he had ever done - getting way down in the ear to remove the tumor. We used to have a cat we called Phoebe (Charles named her) that would actually pose for us when we took her picture. Picked her up out of a box that had three kittens in it at the citywide flea market. She was a wonderful cat.

    Haven't seen anyone today - did talk with Mike early this morning when he was feeding his calves at the clinic. Called Sarah and left a message but haven't heard anything from her. I do hope she can see the doctor this week and he'll have found someone to do the TPN. Iris, how is Simon and your other cats? Nice that they like the scratching pole - I've tried it with ours and seems they'd rather scratch the furniture. The chair I sit in most of the time looks like it has fringe on it. For some reason (thank goodness) they don't scratch the divan - must not like the fabric it's made of. HB, is it Arlington National Cemetery you went to? We passed it when we were in Washington but didn't stop. The one National Cemetery in Oklahoma is about 35 miles from here - just across the road from the cemetery were my folks are. It's a beautiful place. The other cemetery is the oldes one in Oklahoma. It was an Indian Cemetery that was donated to the city. Another beautiful place - overlooks a farm with a pond - always thought it was so appropriate for my parents to be there - same for Charles and I.

    Sandy, enjoyed our visit yesterday - always do. Hope today went well for everyone.

    Guess I'd better stop before I write another book. One more week until we can start writing 2024 - seems almost impossible, doesn't it? See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, Simon is still hanging in; he eats well and is still mobile. I took him downstairs this morning so he could walk around on the grass, he likes to munch on the grass, like a cow. All my cats do. My neighbor, who I have posted about, is 92 years old today. I spent some time with her and her other friend. I gave her a card and some Ghirardelli dark chocolate for a birthday present. We took her around to look at the decorations in our small area. My condo association held a decorating contest and two of our close neighbors tied for second place. I called my cousins and listened to Christmas music all day, along with the Christmas story from the Bible, read by one of the radio stations. After dinner I watched Mariah Carey's Christmas Special at Radio City Music Center, it was a fantastic show. Now it's bedtime. Tomorrow, back to regular life.

    I hope the cow with the bad eye is able to be helped.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    JJ is a Halflinger, maybe spotted roan color? and belongs to my daughter Jennifer. She has 2. I had just given him some medicine in Gatorade.. fed him the last bit from my hand.They got Christmas Mash treats as a 🎁. All of our animals are spoiled I guess lol 😂. The “Christmas Tree “ is indeed cotton stalks before picking began. I dried them in the garage.

    We’re headed home now and had a Great visit. My oldest daughter lives 3 miles from me, I wish both my girls and granddaughters were there. But, we are still close in spirit. I count every blessing ❤️

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning to the denizens of @Lorita's magical front porch.

    It's nice to meet you @Caro_Lynne. Caregiving for a former partner is next-level generosity of spirit.

    @JeriLynn66 your animals are handsome creatures. Your little orange gentleman looks very dignified. My son informs me that the male orange cats of the world share a single brain cell. I hope that's not true.

    @Iris L. I'm glad your cats like their new scratching post. My mom adopted her cat from my niece's friend who was relocating to Hawaii for her husband's job. She's a bit of a nomad; in the last 5 years she's moved from NC to HI to Central FL back to HI to DE and is now in St. Augustine near her mom. The cat weirdly is the like her "birth mom" in terms of her neediness and devotion to "person". She's been wonderful for my mom but is opinionated. She's kind of a jerk. When mom redecorated, she replaced Sugar's beat up old scratching post with one that is identical but matches mom's pale gray color scheme. It took almost 4 years to get the cat to agree to use the new one which meant mom had to live with a ratty old brown one in her living room which offended her design aesthetic.

    Lorita I hope they are able to put together a treatment plan to improve dear Sarah's quality of life. The situation as it stands now seems dire and anxiety provoking all around.


    We had a pleasant evening last night after having done the "big" (relatively-- we were 7 because we included my niece's long-time friend who sometimes drives and hangs with my mom) family celebration. I collected mom around 3pm and we went to the cemetery (@Iris L. I think it's considered a branch of Arlington as all the National Cemeteries are. This one is Washington Crossing and only 4 miles from where Washington crossed to march on Trenton. It was a good choice as it's not far from the soldier's graves in the historic park. The is one known captain and an unknown number of "unknowns" buried there. It's a poignant spot.

    Mom set the table and hung with me while I prepped a simple spiral ham, biscuits, mac'n'cheese and broccoli dinner. I got out my ridiculous Christmas China, fancy crystal and silver so she made a lovely table for us. She made a great apple pie, and we had a really nice albeit quieter evening. DS drove mom home so I was able to handwash everything and stack it to stow away for the year.

    I plan to enjoy a day in which I have nothing to do except pick up a prescription before it gets returned to stock. I feel like I have been chasing around for days. Maybe I'll set up my iPad, maybe I'll read one of the books DH gave me. I might even take a nap.

    Tomorrow, I have to get my stiches from the extraction removed. They're driving me nuts and are so ugly. I even lost one the other night. I'm sure I could pop them out myself, but I am trying to resist. My mom's neighbor's husband died last week. He's had cardiac issues for years but was fairly stable and doing well until about 2 weeks ago. They brought in hospice and he passed after a 4-day vigil with his family bedside. Their family seems to be one of those rare clans who all get along and all participate in helping their parents. There's one granddaughter who is about 25 and takes her grandmom shopping and out from lunch at least weekly-- they garden together and seem to really enjoy each other. There is a visitation and funeral tomorrow morning, and mom wants to attend. She and the wife are pretty friendly, sharing tea and conversation every week or so. The wife is very nice: she always asks after mom if she doesn't see her for a couple days. I do hope she gets to stay in her home; she doesn't want to leave. She's pretty independent and walks to and from the shopping district to pick up a few groceries or get a hair cut. I fear the divorced daughter may insist on having her move in. I hope not.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Good morning!

    It poured here early morning and is now about 75 degrees. I'm in southeast Florida so 75 is a nice break from the heat. Supposed to go down to mid 50's and 60's later this week, brrrrr!

    My oldest DS and family (DIL and 3 grands 7,19 & 20) are coming up to go to late lunch/dinner. This is the second year I have not been able to attend Christmas eve with him and extended family. For over 20 years his in-laws have hosted the dinner for 20+ family/friends so it's been sad for me not to be able to attend. They live about an hour and a half away in a suburb of Miami and LO cannot be in car ride that long. So we've had to make adjustments.

    Sara you do a great job taking care of your mom! Thanks for the welcome Iris. xo

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good to hear from everybody this morning.

    Thinking of those i haven’t heard from too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, good to hear from everyone. This font may be too big. Things don't seem to be working right this morning. It's cold and partly cloudy.

    Caro Lynn, we've been so happy having 50s and 6Os this month. We're in the 30s and 40s this week. There was a thin sheet of ice on the water tank this morning. Sounds windy now.

    Mike and Toad fed and I reminded Mike about the little cow. Darwin came while they were here so didn't get to hear about her. They weren't here long so he didn't do anything.

    Darwin was so happy that Christmas is over and he and wife are alone. There were people there for three days, lots yesterday. He said she stayed in her room all day and he'd check on her every few minutes. We all know how anything different affects people with dementia. If I moved furniture around to sweep it upset Charles. JeriLynn, I had never heard of that kind of horse-- he's beautiful.

    Have that right sided forehead headache again today. My doctor told me I have huge sinus cavities. I had hit my head again and he x-rayed it and saw the sinuses. So guess that right one is acting up. I used to have a lot of problems with headaches. I'm sure the dry eyes aren't helping.

    HB, are you near Westchester? I think that's where QVC is. If so, have you ever been there? Just watched Denim &Co. Lots of pretty clothes but I didn't order anything.

    Sara, how did your mother make it through the holiday? Hope things have settled down for her. Not going to do anything today -maybe make a loaf of bread.

    I went out to the barn as soon as I got up to see if the cow was still in there. She wasn't so guess she just wanted in a warmer place for a bit. I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, about the rats nesting in the PU again -- they have something you put under the hood that emits a noise at intervals that's supposed to scare them away. No idea how it's hooked up or if it goes off when you drive. Need to look into it.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, I rubbed catnip on the scratching post. They were very attracted yesterday, but today they seem to be ignoring it. But I know they will like it eventually.

    CaroLynne, one of my dearest friend's took her ex in after he had a bad heart attack. He was a diabetisnand functionally illiterate, so he could not understand how to follow the instructions given to him or deal with his medications. She had always told me about how mean he was, but after she took him in, he was not mean, in fact, he seemed to be quite nice.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @Lorita Amazon has the rodent repellent device that attaches to your car battery for about $29 but unless you’re savvy under the hood you should have your mechanic put it on for you. I wish we were closer so my husband could do that for you. There are also sprays you can get but you will have to re-apply periodically.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I wrote a long reply, JeriLynn but it won't post. Second time this has happened. Thanks, I saw those things. I'll look into getting one and have it put on. Saw the little cow this evening. Her eye is white so all ornmost of her vision is gone. She seems okay except for that. Probably got a stick in her eye. Years ago pinkeye got nto our cattle and several lost most of their vision but they were used to this place and did okay. Thst's why Billy the Bull is still here. While his mom, Sweet Pea, was here she watched ouft for him. Okat, I'll see if this will post. See you all tomorrow.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I live on the opposite side of Philadelphia from West Chester. I'm midway between Philadelphia and Princeton NJ. My niece and her husband live just outside of West Chester; they sometimes pop into West Chester for date night. It's a very cute town with a state university that seems to produce nearly all the PE teachers I ever met.

    I did lose my last remaining suture at lunch yesterday. We had beer and cheese soup which surely met the criteria for soft food. I hope it's OK that they came out as they were meant to keep bone grafting material in place to hasten healing ahead of the implant placement. I am so not looking forward to that part. It was supposed to be done at the same time as the extraction but there was bone loss from infection in spite of my proactive steps to deal with this.

    DS was back to the PCP because his rash is back. Last time it was a reaction to the inactive ingredients in a new brand of sunscreen which was designed for babies and children. We got that under control with steroids and all hypoallergenic soaps and detergents and now it's back. I wonder if he's developed some food allergy. He had been that rare person on spectrum without a lot of food and gut sensitivities. He's supposed to see a dermatologist which could take some time to make happen. I see mine in a couple weeks, I wonder if he could take that appointment.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I saw this piece in the NYT and thought of you. I don't know if she's one of your favorites or one you-love-to-hate.


    This should be a gifted link.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, JeriLynn. I saw those but didn't realize how they worked until now. I've jump started the PU lots of times but don't think I'd do this. I think I've found a new mechanic. The place we used to take our vehicles went out business but a new guy bought it. He's the one who checked out the car for me - no charge - just asked I'd bring our vehicles in there for oil changes.

    It really seems nice now to turn on the heater or AC and get air - guess it was really stopped up. Thank you,wish you were closer, too, always good to have a good friend and mechanic close by.

    Went down to check the heifers this afternoon - scattered everywhere but as luck would have it I saw a cow and calf coming up toward the hay and it was #51, the little cow with the bad eye. It's turned white so she has no vision in it. She probably stuck a stick or hay in it. Feel so sorry for her. Years ago when we had mostly Angus cattle they got pink eye and many lost their vision. We had it treated but many were too far gone. They still got around okay. That's one reason I wanted to keep Billy - he only has vision in one eye and he knows this place and wouldn't know where everything was if he was moved. His mother, Sweet Pea, always watched out for him until we lost her. I'm watching the Dick Van *$%& Special celebrating his years in showbusiness. He's 98 years old, can you all believe that? I'll stop and finish watching it.

    It's supposed to be about 20 degrees tonight.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Iris, Is your friend still caring for her ex? My LO has always had a kind heart and was very good to me. We decided we were better friends than mates. Neither of us had an interest in being in another relationship so we remained living in our house. Much happier having my doggies in my life :-) I'm glad I can be here for him. Not always fun or easy, but what in life is!

    Hope everyone has a good Wednesday! xo

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I feel sorry for the cow that lost her eye too.

    Caro_lynne I also have a friend who’s been taking care of her ex-husband for years. I think she really loved him and things happened that were out of his control which made it impossible to live with him she felt. She cleans his house, washes his clothes, cooks for him, sees to all his medical needs, and when she goes on vacation, she takes him along. She said I want him to have the best life he can have under the circumstances, and I think he does, she said. One day I told her how much I respected her for doing that and she said to me I do it for my boys. She loves her children and I’ve always felt she loved him.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HI, It is so cold here today and windy. Sun is out but looks like it will turn cloudy. I really slept in this morning so didn't check the girls so feel guilty.

    HB, Shawn is okay but my favorite was always Carolyn Gracie.but she's been gone almost a year. I like Jayne Brown and Mary Beth Roe.

    Got some paperwork done. This year I am going to try to get my taxes in early. I still have that right sided headache -it must be the weather. I need to get dressed,(still in my robe, Iris).

    Did see some of our girls. They were down here at the house. Guess they were hoping it was feed day.

    Sara, I just hope the cow isn't in pain but it looks painful because she can't blink.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Welcome Caro _Lynne, plenty of room on the front porch and some of the best friends you can find.

    I need to catch up on my reading and see what's happening on the porch. I was down during the holidays and then uplifted by a church family. No family around for Christmas and Lou is declining faster and being more difficult at times. I was uplifted by the church family when they brought Christmas dinner over and visited some. I need the fellowship more than anything else!

    Went to the VA this morning for my prostate cancer follow up. Psa is great and best news is no more harmone shots. Keep taking my medicine and come back for another psa check in 6 months.

    I did mention to the Dr about radiologists seeing a 2cm nodule at the gastroesophageal junction and Gastrologist not finding it during scope with ultrasound, but did see a hernia. Also followup pet scan still seeing it a couple of weeks ago. I asked if the radiologists could have mistaken the hernia for a nodule. He said he didn't thank so but he's not a expert. I asked but to see a nodule twice and he said it was highly unlikely that the radiologists was wrong. Still waiting on call for another gastrology visit, so guess the new year will start with still no answers.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    edited December 2023

    Well today is the last sunny day this week and rain begins with much colder temps. Yuk.

    Husband found a deal on more lumber and some pasture gates. Next up is building floors for a tack room and an office/medication room. He plans to cross fence the north pasture so we can rotate goats and also get an easy access in/out with equipment without penning animals up. Just making things easier but a lot of work.

    I’m rearranging the pantry , doing laundry and putting away all the holiday dishes/items. We’ll have a simple supper of burgers and fries.

    Off I go to finish the pantry 🙄

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Sara, your friend sounds like an amazing person and as you said still has much love for him. I have no kids with LO, my two boys are from previous marriages (yes plural) lol.

    Ron, good news about your psa. My LO has enlarged prostate which causes him frequent urination; one of the reasons can't drive to my son's in Miami :-( What a blessing you received from your church family!

    Lorita, poor little cow, must hurt your heart to see her. I too am trying to do my taxes early next year and not file for extension. Hoping to get done as soon as receive tax docs. BTW did you get your gmail set up?

    You sound busy, busy JeriLynn! Always something to do around the house.

    Hope all are well. xo


    PS I remembered to bold this time.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    CaroLynne, my friend passed away in the mid-1990s, she was 88.

    Simon vomited twice today. Other than that, he still is alert and active. I gave him some Gerber's baby food turkey and he lapped it up, then ate the other cats' cat food. He doesn't act sick.

    JeriLynn, did you say you raise goats?


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    That's a good sign Iris. He's eating and happy. You will know when the time is right. My almost 13 year old chi (she rescued me when she was two) had a mast cell tumor, vet could not remove it all because it was wrapped around her femoral artery. That was about four years ago. She has an ultrasound and can't think of the name of the scan, every year and so far it has not spread and she is healthy and happy. I switched my doggies to farmer's dog food about a year ago and I can tell the difference in their health.

    God bless your friend xo

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @Iris L. yes, we have a very small herd of goats and a few sheep. My husband had many more until his late wife became so ill. Most of the animals are still at his home/mini farm in Tennessee, about 20 miles from my home that we share since we married. We have a billy and a nanny here with the 2 Great Pyrenees/Anatolian shepherds. We plan to move the rest here as soon as we complete the barn and fencing projects.

    The Tennessee animals are looked over by his grandchildren. While my husband never had children of his own, his late wife had several. Some were unfortunately not very good parents so my husband/late wife raised some grandchildren and were very involved with all. There are 2 living children that decided NOT to continue relationship with him when we married. But they live 3 hours away. There are 22 Grands and Great grandchildren nearby and they have all graciously accepted me into the fold. I have to keep a spreadsheet of birthdays, lol. We’re close to each and it’s always busy..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It's so cold this morning and cloudy with just a little sunshine off and on. Toad just fed - Mike wasn't with him so must have had an emergency. All the girls had been waiting an hour or more. I miss feeding the girls and the interaction with them.

    JeriLynn, several years ago I was at the feedstore and a man came in with a trailer. Kept hearing noises so while they loaded the PU I went over and he had mostly baby goats in it. They were soo cute. I'd love to have a couple but they wouldn't last out here unless I kept them penned up. Our neighbor to the south tried raising sheep a few years ago and coyotes or wolves got the babies, however, we had a neighbor who moved up from Texas with sheep and I never heard them mention having problems - that was probably 70+ years ago. Goodness, sounds awful to type that.

    Glad your husband is making headway with your new barn - be sure you have lots of gates. I think there's 13 or 14 in our corral and I can think of a couple more places I'd like to have one. Our corral goes all the way around the barn with several different places where we can confine a cow if we need to.

    Someone asked about whether I had the g-mail figured out (sorry, can't remember who right now). I think so. At the moment I have e-mail and g-mail. I've sent each to the other and it seems to work. I'll have e-mail until the 31st. Sort of will be nice to not have all those junk e-mails from places I've ordered from in the past. Just need it for Chewy, WM, Amazon and a few other places.

    Laptop just said battery is low so I'll stop for now. Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited December 2023

    Just took the trash can out on curb for pickup and still shivering. Oh well, one thing about louisiana, it be warmer by the weekend.

    Called care in the community yesterday to find out if they were doing anything with the referral to gastrology that was sent on the 11th. Received a call from the gastrology clinic this morning setting up a appointment in two weeks. It's a shame I have to make a call, UT at least it's moving along now.

    Also found out that there is a military and veteran caregiver network I'm checking to see what is offered. Looks like it's similar to the alzconnected, but I believe offers more local support and one on one counseling.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Had a call from the car dealer. We talked about a Chevrolet Equinox. They only have one that's sold but located a 2024 they can get in a few hours. Going in tomorrow to see the one they have. If any of you have one, do you like it or are you having problems with it? Would like to know before I go down there. Bryon's friend said he used to have one and he liked it. The one they can get is a LT1.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    My son has an Equinox and he really likes it. Has had no issues that I am aware of.

    Hope it turns out well for you Lorita and you can start the new year with new transportation!

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi Lorita. My daughter and her husband have an Equinox and love it. No major problems that I’m aware of. Have fun checking it out.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    I believe that I'm finally caught up, again!! I'm sorry to have been missing for a bit. I ended up having two leg procedures that I hadn't planned on. That has thrown my schedule off - or that's the excuse I'm using. Both legs are healing so that's good. Now, to get caught up.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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