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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited December 2023

    Never email since Scarlet is gone. I do receive updates from orders I've placed and pictures from Sandy. Browsers? Who knows- maybe silk? I think it's working on the laptop. Passwords are messed up. The one I selected didn't work so changed it and some work, some don't. One is enough but tablet is more convenient.

    We've never gone to Church on Christmas Eve or Christmas unless it was in Sunday.

    Right now I don't see the P. On laptop it's not there so I click on the lower right margin and it pops up.

    I think I'll try to go in to car shop Wednesday. Looks like it will be warmer. That is if the guy doesn't come to work on the road. If he does I can't get out that way. Guess I could go out by the MH but it's muddy. He'll have to bulldoze the road to level it, then spread the gravel so it will take a while. Wish David was still doing that work. He could spread it with his tailgate. I think Dakota's truck is bigger. He was going to check to make sure he could get under the arch on the gateway.

    Thinking about Chevy Equinox or Trailblazer, may look at the Dodge Hornet. We've had all of those makes with no problems. Maybe they might have a good, late model, one owner, low mileage , preowned car. You never know.

    Making a loaf of bread, not brioche. Still have some of that and french.

    The guy who installed the internet asked if I had a smart phone or TV. Guess those could be connected. Technology is everywhere! I learned to type on a manual typewriter!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Todd just called - Sarah had a seizure about 3 am, came out if it but had another about 5:30 and wasn't coming out if it so he called an ambulance and sent her to the hospital. While we were talking they called to say she was being discharged from the ER. He asked about giving her some nourishment and was told they don't do that in the ER but would check. He's going to call her doctor and see what he can do. No nourishment for about a month and really no meds. Can't keep anything down. She takes meds for seizures but isn't getting it because it won't stay down. She has had seizures since she was very young.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I am sorry for what is happening and can well understand how concerned you are. Once again though; something seems "off" with this information . . . there is seizure medication that can be given to melt between cheek and gum; there is also seizure medication that can be given rectally and if I am recalling correctly; FDA has approved a nasal spray. If a seizure is underway; there are easily applied"emergency" meds to control that. (Anything written here is based on what I read in the Post.)

    Some information on this link re emerency meds when a seizure occurs; but can find a lot more using Google: https://epilepsysociety.org.uk/about-epilepsy/medication-epilepsy/emergency-medication

    As for no nourishment; the TPN is what has been discussed over the last few hospitalzations she has had; something must be stopping that from happening; can you trust what you are being told? TPN is done a lot and very easily ordered when medically necessary for highly compromised patients . . . . doctors by now would be hot on that trail if she is as compromised as she states as labs would show the dire need for such intervention; but this has not happened; the docs would in all likelihood have moved on this already. They do labs and monitor, so it is curious as to why this continues which may possibly indicate labs were not indicating that need . Could she be blocking her own care or perhaps not being accurate? Not saying she is not ill; she is and has been for so much of her life, but she has also not always been accurate in what she has shared. She has also started and then refused psychiatric care. I apologize if I am sounding cruel, but you have had such dynamics happen in the past and this occasion was curious in its dynamics. When she was transported to the ER; if she were highly compromised, AND labs would have been done in the ER; they would have kept her; instead she was sent home as stable. If she were in a critical, crucial or unstable state, they would not have sent her out. Options would be to have kept her in the ER overnght; or to admit her as either an outpatient or inpatient if labs and exam indicated she was seriously compromised. It is a terrible situation and I am sorry for all that is happening.

    Hopefully she is keeping her doctor's appts. and is faithful to treatment plan. Is Home Health still going to the house? If so, good and they can have labs drawn. If HH is not in the home; did Sarah or HH decide they were no longer needed as she seems to continue to need such oversight.

    Sarah is blessed to have your concern and loving support.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jo, all I know is what she and Todd tell me. She told me she only weighs 100 lbs. I can't understand why they don't keep her either. Maybe they will this time if Todd can talk to her doctor. I can tell she is very ill and her voice is all but gone because of the nodules pressing on her vocal cords. Why would anyone pretend being so sick- I don't think she would. She would much rather be able to be up cooking or going to the store. Not sure about home health. Do wish they would get her on hospice but it's their decision- I can only suggest, which I do. I don't think for a minute that you're being cruel --just trying to understand and being supportive. Haven't heard from Todd since about 2 when he was going to the hospital.

    Checked the heifers with Stormy. No new babies. Saw the 4-5 month old calf I need to get up so he can be treated. He was nibbling green grass in the gardens got him up to the lot gate and he got away. Mike thinks his mother may have lost her milk. I will keep trying but doubt I can get him up if he's by himself. Still very cold outside but the wind has laid somewhat.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited December 2023

    I am not medical but do have some legal knowledge and am concerned about your property from that standpoint.

    You have always been worried about your families land. Sarah and Todd are now married...thought they were always married. Todd's name is on the deed to the house they live in so I quess he would become sole owner at the time of Sarah's death.

    If both you and Sarah die what happens to your families land. If you want Mike to end up with the land then now would be the time to make certain that happens. I think any other owner would sell it off,,,not caring much for what happens to it.

    You likely have all of this worked out. I am just sort of thinking out loud.

    Jo has some good insight. I would add that with nothing to eat for a month I would think there would be a weight loss. Why no TPN? Home health still coming? Failure to thrive...why no Hospice or at least palliative care?

    Additionally, when EMSA picks you up they go over all meds...bottle by bottle. At that time they would have noted that the patient was not eating nor able to takes prescribed meds.

    When she gets to the ER they go over the med list for confirmation and see the note about not being able to take the meds for a month.

    Actually there have been Drs appts within that time frame where the med problem would have been discussed. I have to bring all drug bottles with me to all of my Drs. Even my dentist. Every drug is recorded and evaluated. This is routine here.

    Some parts are just not adding up or missing.

    Like Jo said, Sarah is ill. You are worried but you are not in her medical loop. She took you off the list. So maybe all you can do is listen and love on her.

    We in return are always here to listen and love on you!!!

    Above was posted before your responses.

    Added...I have a portal to communicate with my Drs and do so when needed. They always respond within 24 hours.

    Todd can certainly do the same.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I do not think anyone here thinks Sarah is pretending to be ill. She is ill but for some reason does not participate in her own care. I know this is true from being with her at her first post surgical appt with Dr D. and her second with her PCP.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just got a text from Todd. They admitted Sarah to Mercy. Maybe something will be done this time. We can hope.

    I think about the land a lot, Judith. You just can't imagine how hard it will be to sell the land my parents worked so hard to pay for and all the hard work they did after that. Makes me so sad. I'm 81 1/2 and want to live out my life here. Mike and I have talked about it and he knows how I feel. He has said I could have a lifetime estate(think that's it) and stay here as long as I wanted to. I look at the fields and pastures and can see daddy on his tractor working the land, the cotton and corn growing and being harvested. Hurts to the core to think about selling or leaving it. I will probably sell to him and continue to live here. He has it leased now so that's one step done.

    You know I have an aerial picture on the bedroom wall of the farm that shows daddy walking out to the barn probably carrying two five gallon cans of water to a cow or calf he has up. There are memories of my 79 years here everywhere. I did live in town about a year with Cheryl and after Charles and I got married and the one year daddy leased the farm so they could move to town to rest after their hard work and paying off the farm. Just too hard to think about leavibg. If I had to leave and was in my right mind I would grieve myself to death. I know every foot of this place, where the land is sandy or where water stands when it rains, the trees, everything.

    If I feel down, I can go out and be on the land and I feel better. I was born in the front bedroom and I want to pass away here. Just hope I'm found before the dogs or cats eat me. Horrible thought!! I'm so sorry I got into this. It's home and this is where my heart is. As Scarlet said"I'll think about that tomorrow". Maybe it won't be too late. Again, sorry for being so sentimental but you all are friends and know me and how I feel. Thanks for being here when I need to talk. You understand, I'm sure..

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Wow, more reading here and enjoyed everyone! I do have to be honest, Christmas is not something I care about this year and have even stayed away from church due to all the holiday activities.

    Had the Chaplain's group meeting today and enjoyed my fellowship, but once again holidays were brought up. The Chaplain did mention a 8 week course on grieving would start January 17th. The class is once a week and it's a step by step process you go through. He said that he had to be trained to teach the course. Sounds like something that might help me and I will try to find a way to attend.

    Suppose to have several fronts coming in starting Friday and rain is in the forecast all weekend.

    Just got Lou to bed, she is sleeping more and more. Guess she figures if I can't sleep she can use my hours.


    Was able to bold some, but when I kept trying the rest my B option would disappear. Will try to figure it out tommorow

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    So being stable and discharged and Todd going to the hosp did not mean she was coming home. Of course they will do something for her.

    I would like to die in my home also. Hopefully in my sleep so that I never know I am leaving.

    My childhood home was torn down. For a while it was so upsetting but then I was glad. That home was ours. It did not need to be lived in by anyone else.

    Ageing brings on a lot of things we would rather not deal with but deal with them we must. I had a hard meeting today fraught with realities. I need some of Jo's cookies...lol.

    Ron...There is a very popular course on grieving. I decided not to join. I think I only grieve in common with those who have lost their partners. I will be interested in your take on the classes.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    He said they kept her because her oxygen level was low and fluctuating. He had not been able to talk with Dr. A but will keep trying. He said she was still pretty much out of it but would respond if he talked to her in a loud voice. The nurse came in while we were talking to start an IV. So hope they can do something for her. Remember she was in the hospital this time last year.

    .Jo, interesting about the seizure med that can dissolve instead of swallowing. I will mention that to him.

    Judith, Carol was raised about four miles south of me. About a month ago she and her sister and their husbands went to that house to relive some memories. Guess we never forget our childhood homes. Mike will tear down the house where was born this winter. Her family moved from there when she was maybe a year old so not many memories there for her. I, on the other hand, have memories of being and playing there with other kids. I will hate to see it go. There is a huge Sycamore tree that was really big when I was playing there. Talked to Mike about it and he had planned to leave it. Glad of that.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, when you put a cow up, where is it going?

    In 2015 I went back east to visit two of my elementary schools and my junior high school. I went inside, but no memories came back. I also visited two of my addresses. I did remember my homes. I wish I could have seen inside, but I did enter the lobbies.

    I don't pine away for the past. I know my life will never be as interesting. But my life can be fulfilling. Today I went to the senior center to see White Christmas, with Bing Crosby. Of course, I know the song, but I never knew the story. It was quite engaging.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @Lorita I've put my home and my land in a Living Trust for my girls. I know they will sell when I am gone as 1 lives in Ohio and it's too much house for my older daughter who is single with grown children.

    In one way it saddens me and I hope the local farmer whose father farmed with my PaPa eventually will buy it. That way at least the land will be used for farming rather than a subdivision. And, the proceeds from the sale will secure the financial futures of my children and grandchildren and maybe even their children.

    Like you, I have many fond memories of following my PaPa all over this place, learning how to drive a tractor, raise a garden, care for animals and so much more. Time marches on for all of us. I do think putting your wishes on paper in a legal document will give you some peace about the land.

    Yesterday was a busy day. Husband finished building the stalls in the new barn and will next start on building a tack/feed room and an office area that will double as a room for medications/storage. I spent the day in the kitchen. Made a HUGE pot of meatballs and sauce, sausage balls, ham salad, haystack cookies and finished wrapping the last of gifts to be delivered before we leave for Ohio and those to go with us. The office in the house looks like a FedEx staging area.

    Husband has two doctor appointments this week. Whild his PET Scan did not show any cancer, he does have bilateral lymph node swelling under his arms: so he has an Oncology appointment to just be safe. AND, the scan did show he has yet another inguinal hernia, so we see the surgeon today for that. I keep telling him he isn't 25 anymore and cannot sling tractor/dozier radiators or lift anything like he once did. He doesn't listen too well... he's a strong, independent country boy who's always worked hard and doesn't like to ask for help.

    When we close the Shop Thursday, we're taking off until Jan 2nd. I'm looking forward to being at home.

    PS... I cannot for the life of me figure out how to bold the type....

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @JeriLynn66 I am praying for your husband's health. Hope you enjoy your trip to see kids and grandkids - such a special time.

    @Lorita Praying for Sarah, I'm so sorry she and Todd and you have to go through this. I know it is very hard on you.

    My plans for today include going to Salvation Army and/or Goodwill to make a donation of items. I might check out what they have in their stores too (like I need to accumulate more 'stuff!'). Also taking dog to get her nails trimmed. She clicks a lot when she walks. I might give her a bath too. I have several phone calls to make as well - checking out w/c rentals for my hubby - thinking he will be home sometime in January. 😊

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn, I had haystack one time in Virginia years ago at a fair, and they were delicious! I never could find a recipe. I'm sure yours are yummy!

    Highlight your text. Then click B for bold on the pop-up. You have to bold one paragraph at a time.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Keep trying to bold type, but my B keeps dropping off before I can click on it.

    It stayed on the first paragraph, but dropped off on second one. Going to try without a new paragraph.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited December 2023

    Hello front porch friends, this is a bold type test. I might be rattling, but I need to discover if I can bold type without new paragraphs. Lou was good yesterday, only problem was dressing her. At times she acts like I'm a stranger trying to do something to her. I sometimes wonder what goes on in her mind, had she been abused in her past, does she have hidden fears, just don't know. I hate it but wish the holidays were over! Sitting around most of the time with little to know companionship is not fun. At least I'm out more than last year. Rock away front porch rockers........Ron

    Didn't work......thank I'm just going to go Into my phone settings and change it from there.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited December 2023

    Ron, if you paragraph like we usually do, the bold stops. I have to type everything, then go back and paragraph. Hope things are better with you today.

    It's sunny, windy and cold here today but supposed to warm up. I was out early to check the heifers and go to the mailbox. I need to go again - just saw something had been delivered - again, to the mailbox. Can't convince them that I don't live in that mailbox. Guess I'll just forget it and keep my blood pressure in the normal limits.

    Iris, when you put a cow or calf "up" it just means you have them confined in the corral or lot. Many people say "lot them". Guess it does sound odd to someone not familiar with what it means.

    Well, that was strange. I signed on, read Ron's post and then I posted - that was from December 15. I don't know, anyway... Still working on getting my gmail set up. I tried yesterday and think I can g-mail from the laptop but not the tablets. I only use it to see when things are delivered or an auto ship is coming up. Found that this morning. Hate to have someone try to tell me what to do over the phone. I don't for the life of me know why things are so hard and why there are so many changes.

    Ron, sorry you're having problems with Lou - we never know why they act like they do - like you said, maybe something from the past that seems so real to them. I'll be glad when the holidays are over, too. To me, it's just another day but you just can't get away from it if you watch TV. I don't watch Christmas shows either - didn't even watch The Sound of Music. Guess I'm not a person who likes musicals.

    Did you all hear that Celine Dion has Stiff body syndrome? I had never heard of that until a few years ago when my SIL's daughter's adopted son began to have it. It sounds awful. There were days when he was as stiff as a board and just could not get up or move. She passed away last year from Covid (my SiL) so don't know how he's doing now. Seems I remember many years ago one of the secretaries at the hospital had something wrong with her muscles that made it hard for her to write or type. Will have to ask Carol if she remembers.

    Got my cards in the mail except for the Russell's anniversary card and Sarah's birthday. I still plan to go in to look at cars tomorrow - hate to go but it needs to be done. After the first of the year I'll go in and see the attorney and get the will made. Do wish Joe was still in business - he was a friend and easy to deal with. The attorney I'll see is from a well known family in town and I've dealt with his company before.

    Beth, hope your husband is getting along all right. I know how you must miss him - will be so nice when he comes home next month. I need to get Sheena in to get her nails trimmed again, too - she clicks when she walks on the floor so I know it hurts her toes. She does much better when she's outside. She won't let me trim hers - should have started with that when she came to live with me - she was a year old so it would have worked. I got Stormy when he was about eight weeks old and started trimming his. Now he gets in the Gator, lays down and I trim them. Hard to get down on the floor or bend down to trim them. When they came and trimmed Sheena's nails he put her up in the back of the Gator and he held her and I held her head while Sidney trimmed her nails.

    Charles and I always liked to go to Goodwill to check things out. I like glassware - pitchers and bowls and could always find something- we can always use more stuff, can't we?

    Jerilynn, don't know if your family ran cattle or not but if they did, did you ever ride your bicycle in the cow trails? They're perfect for that - just the right width and smooth. Sounds like your new barn is coming along great. It sounds like you have a wooden floor - like a horse barn? We never had that - just the dirt floor with I think there were six stalls in the old barn. I loved to play in the hay loft. Still like to be in the barn, smells or not.

    Haystack cookies - are they the ones made with chinese noodles and butterscotch morsels? How about the recipe when you have time. I love cookies of all kinds.

    Gosh, I am so sorry. That long post from yesterday has letters that are huge - guess I got it on something besides H2 and H4. Can't really tell when I'm typing.

    I better stop and go to the mailbox. I had ordered some chocolates and I saw they were delivered this morning. Guess they won't be melted though because it's pretty chilly.

    Haven't heard from Todd. Did call the hospital and, of course, the nurse wouldn't tell me anything at all because I didn't have the code. Called Sarah and she answered but didn't get to talk to her because the doctor came and shortly after that she called me and I missed the call. Now I can't get her at all.

    Enjoy the rest of the day. Hope all of you are well this morning. Now to go back and paragraph. Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good evening ,we got a small snow last night.

    It’s a cold day, and I’ve been able to stay in all day, nice. My nephew had requested peanut blossom cookies, which I think I might’ve told you guys I made them the other day. Had quite a few of the Hershey kisses left over so I decided to just go ahead and make another batch. Then I made some meatloaf for lunch. Just kind of messed around all day.

    Hope each one has a peaceful evening, and a good nights rest😔

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, the cookies sound good - love peanut butter and those kisses but have never made them. Is it hard to do?

    Went to the mailbox and checked the heifers. Saw someone laying down up by the hayrngs so went up and it was Samson, the big bull. Had his right back leg stretched out behind him and couldn't a feeder or it forward to get up. I tried to move it but too heavy. Mike told me yesterday he had hurt his leg but was up walking. Guess he laid down and couldn't get up. Called Mike and told him. He said he thinks he may have broken it. Said he or someone would be out. I don't know/think there's anything to do for that but we've never had this happen. I'm afraid of what they may have to do. I told him it was Samson and he asked if it was his. I name them so guess he forgot what I call him. Can't imagine what happened unless he got his leg caught in a feeder or hayring. Hate when something like this happens.

    Sara, is your snow still on? Nice you were able to stay inside. It's sunny here but cold and the south wind isn't helping.

    Talked with Joe at the car dealership. He has a Dodge Charger , one owner with only 10,000 miles. Says it's a sedan. We had a Charger years ago and it was an SUV- good vehicle.

    Sarah was discharged.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, the anti seizure meds can be given rectally in suppository form and some are given nasally. Her physicians are well aware of this. My guess is Home Health is no longer in the home and probably has not been for quite a bit of time. Otherwise, things would have been handled very differently. As said, my take on this comes from the Posts.

    That Sarah refuses to have you on her list for LOs able to obtain information says a lot. She controls what you know . . . you are at a far distance, not in eyeball view; you depend on what she tells you as truth and my guess is that forgive me; you may possibly be being manipulated some of the time.

    My guess is, that if you were with her in person each day, you would find much that is different and problematic. You are at a disadvantage being isolated far from her and it may possibly be to her advantage to have that distance. You are doing your very best and she is blessed to have you in her life.

    As for the land; Judith is spot on. You love that land and want to protect it and have it be used for what it is now being used for. To protect it, why not get to that lawyer asap and get the land under control for Mike who will respect the land. If something happens to you unexpectedly; and things do happen as I am finding out; then the land is up for grabs and in all likelihood sold to whoever for whatever use. So; loving the land and getting lifetime use is probably something to think seriously about.

    If lifetime use, be sure that even if you are in a nursing home, that you still fall under lifetime use until the time of your actual death. Gets so darned complicated.

    As for Hospice or Palliative care re Sarah, a doctor's order is NOT needed. The patient herself can request that and the organization will go to the house and do an intake and assess for their services. My guess is that Sarah is not ready for that AND she has per prior Posts, always dumped professionals coming to the house to help her. This is not the first tme she has done that. She is ill; but she is also her own enemy in her dysfunction and she seems to manipulate others by what she is willng to share and Todd, the poor guy, seems to be in the midst of it all and may be unintentonally enabling things due to being overwhelmed. Is he no longer working? If not, wonder how they are managing to keep themselves going.

    As Judith said; nothing can be done; just love on her and let go of all the rest. Sarah is not a kid; she is middle aged and she has control over herself and will do what she wants and what has been for years and years. the dynamics do not seem to change.

    How terrible to be so ill and have such a poor quality of life; truly sad. She will do what she will do for herself, but she is still blessed to have your caring kindness.

    Just got news that my DIL and son have been exposed to RSV through her work; several co-workers ae ill and have tested positive for RSV. Ten day incubation period; and the darned stuff not only passes in breathing, coughing, etc., it can also be transmitted from solid surfaces and even clothing and can live up to six hours on said surfaces. Geeze! Masking and gloving and LOTS of hand washing . . . . we need force fields around us that nothing can get through. Just one more thing that we do not need.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I have a will, a health directive and a revocable trust (living trust). Lorita, tomorrow tell your attorney what you want to happen to the land when you die. He/she will tell you the best way to make what you want happen.

    We will all breathe easier when you have a reliable driving machine. One that you can get in and out of as you age. I know a sedan would be too low for me. Plus getting stuff in and out of the truck would not work

    Ron...no need for Lou to get dressed every day. Why not leave her in her jammies some days and others just put something very casual on her. Why upset her.

    Never heard of a haystack cookie. Will someone please post a recipe.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I need that recipe, too. Our Mercury was a sedan and it worked but I don't know how low to the ground this one might be. Our Jeep was a hatchback and we really liked that. Will have to see how it looks Not seeing the attorney tomorrow - that will be either next week or the one after.

    The section Mike bought east of us had a lifetime estate for someone and they had to hunt that person down in another state before he could buy it.

    FedEx finally delivered the things I ordered four days ago. GPs are really curious about what's in the boxes.

    Need to stop and get something to eat - stomach is growling.

    Ron, I agree with Judith. No need to stress both you and Lou out about dressing. Charles would sometimes sleep in his clothes - no problem for me. I used to go out in the pastures with my gown on in the mornings. That was before I sold them and no one was expected.

    Sleep well tonight, everyone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry to learn about Samson. I'm afraid to think if what might happen to him.

    I had to take my cat Seven to the vet today, it seems she has a UTI. She was incontinent one time, so I took her in. Otherwise she didn't seem sick, so even cats can have a silent UTI. I named her Seven because she has polydactyly and has seven toes on her front paws.

    I heard about Celine Dion but I had never heard of Stiff Body Syndrome, it's very painful. She looks emaciated.

    My young male neighbor has a Dodge Charger, it looks like a sporty car.

    I used to have a lot of infant RSV patients, I had never heard of RSV in adults until recently. It's strange how these viruses are becoming prominent nowadays.

    I forgot to mention one big thing about Alaska. I flew a plane! The base had a flying club and offered instruction. We were enticed to join by allowing us to fly a plane for $10. The pilot took me up in a single engine plane, and when we reached altitude, turned the controls over to me. He told me how to rise and descend and how to keep the plane level, also how to turn. It was amazing! Of course, he took the controls again when it was time to land. Unfortunately, I was too busy with my medical work to devote the attention I needed to get my learner's permit.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning everyone! My preacher came by yesterday to check on us and had a nice visit with him. Of course Lou slept through the entire visit. He asked me if I would be offended if a church couple came by Friday with a care package. He said they asked fir 3 or 4 names of members that would be alone for Christmas. They wanted to bring them a gift and the couple and two girls would sing Christmas carols. Also, some of the church ladies always cook to much fir their Christmas dinner and would like to bring Lou and I a dinner. Almost had me in tears!

    Lou use to sometimes sleep in her clothes before she got sick, so I might try it at times. I mainly just don't want her to get in bed with wet depends on. Days when I have changed them early enough, I will keep her clothes on and hopefully she want wake me up in the middle of night.

    Time for another cup of coffee!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited December 2023

    Our snow is still on Lorita, it’s pretty cold. It is supposed to start warming back up so it’ll go away then.

    The peanut butter blossom cookies are very easy to make. I just googled a recipe. You just make the cookie dough up like you would any cookie dough. Then you bake the little balls about seven minutes you take them out of the oven, you put the kiss in the middle, and as you push it down when you start seeing them crack a little bit you stop, that’s what makes them kind of pretty. Then you put them in the oven for two more minutes and then you let them cool. Once they got cool, the kisses were still a little bit soft, so I just stuck them in the freezer for an hour on a pan to make that quicker . I read that suggestion. I have never made haystacks. Don’t believe I’ve ever eaten them.

    Hope Samson doesn’t have to suffer too long.

    Ron it looks like you have been provided for😊. That makes me happy.

    I had the same thought process, Iris, the charger is a sporty car. They are pretty popular here.

    Iris, I took care of older people with RSV years ago. As you know it is very transmissible. Most people probably don’t even go to the doctor with it that are adults. They just think they have the cold or flu or something. You know how it used to be before the pandemic. My cousins in Kentucky who are all adults got it last winter except for one. My cousins wife is a renal failure patient who has had a transplant so of course she went to the doctor and that’s how they found out they all had RSV. There’s just a lot more focus right now on these respiratory types of issues due to the pandemic I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, maybe a little of both. You may remember the first vaccine for RSV was a bust. That made the drug companies a little gun shy about coming out with another vaccine for RSV, so it took a while . Hope it is successful as it will relieve babies, parents and healthcare workers from a lot of stress. It’s hard watching those babies. Breathe like that. Do you remember the Spag unit? It was fairly early in my career, it was a unit they used to deliver a nebulizer medication. I forget the name of the medication. They came out with it to treat RSV. I think it was mainly meant for children at high risk. But we had a young pulmonologist, and he decided to give it to an old guy. We didn’t keep high Risk children. They would always be sent to a children’s hospital. But you had to use this unit to nebulize the medication and it went into a mist tent. Bet you remember Mist tents. I wasn’t impressed and he never tried it again so he must’ve not been impressed either. Think it was the only time this bag unit was ever used at our facility. That patient was in ICU. Oh well so much for the memories.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Ron - what a wonderful loving church you belong to - I am deeply touched by their love and care of others. It w!ill be a lovely day made for you and Lou.

    Nothing wrong with Lou sleeping in her clothing if that is what makes her feel better. As long as she is not wet for a long period, it may be comforting for her.

    Iris even flew a plane - so much adventure; it must have all been so awesome.

    Lorita, when doing a Trust, there will also be a Will and DPOAs done at the same time as part of the Trust. We did our Revocable Trust and it was really easy - atty does it all and sends copies for reviewing and then for completion. So glad we did that; puts our minds at ease and also avoids all that government involvement with loss of assets to them. WIse of you to begin to do that; it will probably be a big relief for you.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning Porch People.

    @ronald71111 You certainly have a loving church family. How kind of them to help where they can.

    @Lorita I am sorry to hear about Sansom's injury. Adults can get RSV. My mom spent a week in the hospital after she caught it from her great-grandson. He was about 3 and has cerebral palsy so it was extra risky for him, too. Poor little guy spent almost 2 weeks in the children's hospital. I understand from a friend who is a pediatric NP that the kids' version of the vaccine has been harder to get than the one for older adults.


    It's a chilly but bright morning here today. I am wrapping presents and doing an inventory to make sure I don't short-change anybody. Yesterday the last of my neighbors did a little outdoor lighting leaving me to be the only Grinch on the cul de sac. DS is home today so perhaps we'll string a few strands on the shrubs around the front door.

    My PCP wants me to change BP meds again. My sodium dropped with even a low dose diuretic, so we're off to something else. She wants me to re-do the fasting bloodwork again in a week. Fasting bloodwork is such a PITA. I'm going to see her tomorrow about my clogged ear. I worry it's getting infected and I still can't hear. DS and I are recovering from our extractions. I kind of feel sorry for DH because the pair of us are on soft food for now, so he is too.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, It's cloudy, windy and pretty cold. Not going to be much better later today.

    Ron, so happy you're back with your Church so they can help you when you need it. Now you won't have to think about what to cook for that day.

    Thanks to you all for the kind words about Samson. Toad and Mike just fed and while he was moving hay, after they fed, he called - he said Toad went down to check on him yesterday evening after I called and his right, back leg is broken - he can't get up. He took feed down to him when they last fed. When I was up with him yesterday he tried so hard to get up - so hard to see him struggle like that. He and I had gotten to be friends. Every time I saw him closeby I'd talk to him and he'd listen. He never made one questionable move toward me - just watched me when I'd go by. There's nothing they can do for the broken leg - with a little calf they can put on a splint or cast and it will eventually heal. But, Samson is a big boy and it can't be done. Toad didn't have him rifle with him yesterday but he'll come back this morning and take care of him, then take him over to a farm east of us.

    Mike said he was about five or six years old. He's been here two years and there have been no calving problems. Really hate this happened. He said it probably happened when he was breeding - came down wrong on his leg or stepped in a hole or one of the other smaller bulls hurt him. We'll never know. There are two or three smaller bulls in with the heifers and he's going to move one of them in with the cows. Sad things happen when you run cattle - but it's a bad thing.

    Iris, you flew a plane! How exciting that must have been. Do you think you'd ever like to do that again?

    HB, sorry about the ear problem you're having - hope it gets resolved soon. Bet your husband will be happy when you and your son get over the extractions so he can have something other than soft foods.

    I just saw the weather and it's supposed to rain tomorrow night and Friday, then get cold on Christmas and just after. I'll look at the weather again - and if it's not going to be too bad I may wait until next week to go car shopping. Just can't think about cars and be happy. I guess I get too attached and it's just really hard to lose one. Better go and find something for breakfast.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Looked out a while ago and it looked like all the girls were down where Samson was. Toad may have already been back and they gathered for the funeral. They do that every time we lose one. I don't want to see Toad take him away.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    edited December 2023

    I am so very sorry Lorita about Samson. I know how much love you have given him.

    Yesterday was a trip to Mother's. She had come across some small red stockings that I had put family members names on over 20 years ago! She wanted me to update them to include additions! Was able to find similar ones and get names on...we now have 22 which includes my dad and sister who have passed. We attached them to ribbon and put on the mantle...turned out better than one might expect given the time lapse! We did some "shopping" in her basement for items for the Christmas feast...dessert plates, plastic ware, etc. That woman has just a mountain of "things" stored there. Then we went to lunch and one store. Was a good day.

    Lorita, don't put off the car shopping as the weather can turn bad any time....and you will need someone to go with you or take you...can't drive both the PU and a new car home by yourself!

    Ron, am so very glad that your church reached out to you and Lou for Christmas. The true spirit of the holiday.

    Wishing all better health and much happiness. Hugs.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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