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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth those Burrito bowls sound delicious. Going to have to try and remember that and do it. Glad your husband is home and hanging in there. Agree with Iris those fur babies re beautiful.

    We’ve had winters like you are describing Beth. Has been mild so far this year but think someone said we have 63 days to go. We probably got about 3 inches today.

    Agree with HB and others Lorita, better to get that foot looked at sooner than later.

    Beth i do a little shoveling but i mainly push. Much easier on the back. I have something called manplow. It is about 3-4 feet long and maybe 10-12 inches high. As long as snow not over a couple of inches deep can push my drive off pretty quick. Much deeper than that and i snow blow. Im 66, have no chest pain or shortness of breath with it. Think the pushing should be fairly safe with the osteoporosis. The pushing does not bother my back at all. I don’t blame you for hiring someone, you have enough on your plate. I have mom’s plowed.

    Made a loaf of zucchini bread and a one person strawberry crisp this afternoon. Going to put a roast on before I go to bed if the good Lord’s will. My house should smell good in the morning.

    Take care everyone

    oh i ordered a Carey electric pressure canner today - Hope I like it — A lot of YT homesteaders really like it - it only does 4 quarts or 5 pints at a time - think that will suit me — sort of surprised me that so many homesteaders like its smallness, but they seemed to — one mentioned she has two of them so others may have more than one too

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi It's been a cold, cold day and tonight is to be around zero. I looked out a couple of times and none of the girls were in the garden so didn't run water for them. Just now heard a cow bawl and she was coming out of the barn on her way to the hay. Told her to go back to the barn but guess she's hungry.

    Beth, your fur babies are beautiful. Bet they are a lot of company. Do they get along?

    You know I've only shoveled snow once when it was deep and only a little bit. Looks like hard work.

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I did call this morning to talk with the nurse but she wasn't there. They close at noon on Friday.I think I just overdid yesterday. Today I've only been on the porch one time to bring in some things FedEx delivered. Left 40 lbs.of bird feed out there. Hope Rusty doesn't find it.

    If my foot isn't better by Monday I may go in. Supposed to have freezing rain for a little while Monday morning so don't want to get involved in that.

    Iris, staying inside would be great for country people but doesn't always work out if they have animals to care for. In 2021 I had to take care of ours except for hay which Mike did but I fed and cut ice at least twice a day. Cattle and all livestock get fed before people in all kinds of weather.

    I've either laid on divan or sat in my chair all day except for getting something to eat. Tried to keep foot elevated but it's hard to get very high. Makes my knee hurt to keep it straight so have to put a pillow under it at night. Hurt it probably 50 years ago and still bothers me. Seems like all I've done lately is complain-- sorry.

    Enjoy the warm weather if you have it. Heard Philadelphia had 2ft. of snow, hb. Sleep well tonight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, that picture was a Facebook memory from 6 years ago. Last time I got her accordion out, she couldn't even hold it. Her full name is Letha Lou Nell.

    Weird thing about me falling is right after the fall the main pain was the leg that is bruised up. Now it is my shoulder and still a little soreness in my back. Was talking to my youngest son and he had me on speaker. When I told him about falling my daughter in law started in on me; "what was you out walking around the house with it being icee". Oh well, don't have a mother to yell at me anymore so guess the DIL has to take over.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, nice you have someone to yell at you sometimes. Sometimes we just have to.be reminded. Please be careful always and keep your phone with you.

    Talked with Darwin a while ago and he said he got out and walked a mile or so in the cold wind. He's g oing to be 85.and has begun walking. He walks from his house down to the creek and back. I cautioned him to.be sure to keep his phone with him. He had to let his faithful dog her go to sleep a few weeks ago and he said the ice was 6" thick on his water trough. Guess he hadn't had the heart to move it. He was a big dog someone dropped kff. He went everywhere with Darwin and he really misses him. Just.let my GPs back inside. They were out about 10 minutes and that was enough.

    Ron, a fall jars us so much and it takes a few days for soreness to begin everywhere. Are you bruised? Be careful!! This applies to all of you. You're down before you know it.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Well, another day of below freezing temperatures and wind chill below zero. 😱 I’ve culled and sorted thru all the kitchen drawers, the office, the bathroom vanities and started on closets yesterday. Will finish those today. I really want to finish the garage but it’s just too cold.

    Daughter, Granddaughters and Great Granddaughter (she’s 5) came over yesterday. She pulled all her toys out to the living room and “served tea and cakes” from her dishes. She wanted to make cupcakes but we already have cake, pie and banana bread so her Mama didn’t allow that. They’re coming back today so I’m thinking maybe we can make meatballs. She loves to be in the kitchen with me ( I kinda love it too).

    I don’t think I’ve told you all about our neighbor at the Shop. He’s been coming to the Shop every day since he lost his wife 6 years ago. Customers think he works there LOL. He’s one reason I make desserts every week. Well, he’s been diagnosed with cancer and had to be hospitalized yesterday. Not doing well. One of the reasons my DH is considering retirement is he says he just can’t think about going to the Shop without William being there. We’re praying for a merciful ending for our friend.

    No baby goats yet. Boogie is eating well but she wants out of her stall. I guess she’s weather stir crazy like the rest of us.

    Well this was long winded.. guess I’ll get up and get busy. Have a good day and stay safe everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Jerilynne your husband’s shoppe sounds a lot like the mechanic shop I’ve used for years . It is out in the country and owned by an individual. The guy running it now is the son of the guy running it when i started there. His father and him worked together for a period of time but his father died fairly young. I miss him and sure his son misses him more. There was an older guy who obviously had health problems that stayed there a lot. They often had fast food so no one probably cooked for them I’m guessing. 🙏🏻for William

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    "YT homesteaders"???

    If you fall outside in the country in this kind of weather I think your main enemy is frostbite. Your phone will let you call someone but how long before they reach you???

    Jo...Check to see if your new computer keyboard is on "back light". It is a great feature if you want to work in a dark room but a nightmare otherwise.

    Hopefully Oklahoma City will escape the dreaded ice coming soon. Lortia and Ron look to be in for a direct hit.

    Please post baby goat pics when they come.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron,whenever the picture was from it was beautiful. I used to love to get out in the snow and take pictures. I remember one year Eric (Sarah's brother) left a gate open and his horse got out and walked more than half a mile from home in deep snow. Charles and I walked over and found where he was and made Eric walk over and bring him back (maybe taught him a lesson). Now, I don't care much about snow - do like to see big flakes fall. When it snowed here I had just hurt my ankle and didn't even get up to look at it.

    JeriLynn, you've been busy. I don't like to do anything when it's cold like this and it seems like everything gets out of place - still is here.

    Sounds like you're having a good time with your grands. That's so sweet. Thank you for bolding - really makes it easier to read.

    Toad came this morning and fed the heifers - not sure about our cows - guess he broke the ice but some were out in the garden and even to the barn looking for water so I've made two trips out to hook up the water. Not easy because I'm trying to use a quad cane.

    It's supposed to be about 29 here today and about 36 tomorrow, then warmer next week but rainy. I had thought I'd go to urgent care. today but don't feel good - my doctor is an Osteopath so I think he'd know more about what to do with my ankle than a doctor at UC.

    I slept all right - with the cats last night - little Lilly had to get under the cover with me this morning. She's the sweetest little cat (that's the one Darwin found trying to live among the big bales of hay in winter).

    I fed the birds out by the water tank but haven't fed the ones on the porch yet.

    I'm going to try to stay off my feet as much as I can today. Don't know what I'll wear when I go to the doctor - can't get a shoe on so maybe a cabin sock. Love those things - that's one thing I usually give our mailcarrier at Christmas time. Hope she likes them.

    It's about time to go back out and turn off the water so I'll stop for now. Anxious to see Boogie's little one or ones. I bet she's ready for them to get here, too. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    What have you been wearing when you go outside????????

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I have an old pair of rubber like mules I've had for years. Even the cabin socks will sort of fit. It's not far out to the water tank so works ok.

    What is your weather like? Did you have snow? I can still see snow along the sides of the road north of here where it drifted. Ponds still frozen along with about 6" of ice on the water tank but it's floating. I couldn't get it out because it's almost the size of the tank.

    What are you going to plant for summer instead of caladiums?

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    Hi I have been away for awhile. Is my chair on the porch still open?? Hope all my friends on the porch are doing well. I made banana pudding. DH had the rest of his teeth pulled. He is doing well sneaking food that is to hard to eat. I saw the dentist few days ago. It didn’t go well. I have three teeth infected and I need partial on top and bottom. I get my teeth pulled on the January 30th. I think tonight I will make lasagna. We had beef stew earlier last week. Didn’t do any homemade rolls. Maybe salmon patties later this week. My mom she always did white gravy over the salmon patties, I will have to call or text her.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    I heard really good things about the DASH diet. Bluebird I am supposed to be on low carb diet because of my cholesterol. So far I don’t need medication. But that can change at 51.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mimi,good to hear fromnyou. Your chair on the porch is always there waiting for you. I love banana pudding. We had those a lot when I was growing up. Mother usually put meringue on top.. I tried it once with not good results.

    My cholesterol has always been high, too. Probably need to start taking meds for it again.

    It is so cold feeling for me today. High was 28 and sunny. After Monday we're supposed to be about normal in the 40s.

    There used to be a microwave egg cooker- eggie? I think. About the only time I boil eggs is when they're getting kind of old and I boil them for the GPs.

    Good luck with your extractions and hope your husband gets along after his.

    Had some of the vegetable soup I made and it warmed me up. I think soup is always better after the first day. Probably will have more for supper.

    Everyone stay inside and be warm.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Well I’m back in this kitchen where there’s so much stuff almost no room to work! The Great Granddaughter went home today as the roads cleared. So I don’t have my little helper.

    Finished the re-organizing projects. Husband cooked food for his brother for us to take tomorrow. Church has been canceled since it’s still icy up there in the country.

    So: now I’m making sausage quiche and millionaire bacon for supper. Have fresh spinach for salad and making a frozen cream cheese fruit salad for desserts this week. DH had a couple xtra chicken breast so I put on some white beans to make chicken chili for the Shop. Will add smoked sausage to that. My fridge at the Shop decided to act up so William’s daughter got the meat out and took it to Williams house just in case- didn’t want to lose all my stuff if the fridge died.

    DH says Boogie’s udder is really filling out today.. I hope she kids in the daytime before we have to go back to work. Hate for her to be alone. DH thinks I’m silly over these things but I just want to be here for her. Oh well, it is what it is..

    Time to get the quiche and of the oven. Restful sleep tonight 💤 .

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn, like you, I always wanted to be with the girls when they calved. I kept track of when they were due and put them in the corral a few days before. Always checked and counted them at least once daily. I feel like I'm deserting them. I think they liked to be watched over. Charles was the same way I was.

    We had a 2200 lb. Brangus bull, Jasper, and he threw big calves but then our cows were also Brangus and big. Now, all the younger ones are Angus and they do calve easier. Good for them, and me, too, I guess. I still have contact and talk to them and they put their noses in my hand.

    Just fed the birds and Rusty and friend on the porch. Checked the pond(\from the porch) to be sure no one was around it. Scares me that a calf or cow might get on the ice and break through. Has happened before. Weather does not sound good for tomorrow night and Monday. Says we might have up to half an inch of freezing rain. Hate freezing rain and this cold weather.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    You tube homesteaders, sorry Judith.

    Mimi has been wondering about you and about Bluebird.

    Jerilynn Thad’s how my kitchen looked yesterday morning. Think it means it is well used.

    ended up snow blowing yesterday. Was just a little too much to push. We did not get any snow last night. They have plowed moms drive twice. I’m so thankful for their service. It really takes a burden off of me.

    Lorita take care of your self, every one else too

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    The 2" we were supposed to get? They brough 4 of their friends last I looked. It's at least 6". But at least it's powdery and lightweight. DS and I knocked out the drive way and front walk in about 15 minutes. The plowed mess at the bottom of the driveway was the hardest part. I live at the rear of a cul de sac and newbie plow drivers tend to dump the largest amounts in front of our driveway. We were fortunate to have Anthony from the landscape company. He went to school with DS and is extra careful to not bury us in.


  • Bluebird
    Bluebird Member Posts: 44
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    edited January 21

    Hi everyone. Hope everyone has been well. I’ve been busy trying to help my daughter with her wedding plans. She decided to do a 80-100 person wedding. She is having the wedding near us, so her dad can attend. She wants to have the wedding in the next 3-6 months, so hopefully her dad’s Alzheimer’s hasn’t progressed too much. He does seem to be one of those people whose progression is very slow. She is hoping to have the wedding less than a 20 minute drive from our house so that if her dad can’t handle all the excitement someone can bring him home and come back to the wedding. He is still early stages and is able to stay on his own. Because our daughter lives out of state most of the wedding planning is falling on me.

    Between working, wedding planning and keeping an eye on my husband my plate is pretty full right now. I’ve been reading everyone’s posts I just haven’t taken the time to comment.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Another chilly, no, cold morning here. Like Lorita and Ron, were are in the pathway of the ice storm this afternoon. Ugh, just ugh. Hopefully it won't be much, but you don't need much ice to cause a huge mess. I bet the grocery stores are packed with people already.

    DH aspirated during the night, I so hate that for him. The bed is/was tilted as high as is possible & it still happened. He didn't eat anything for hours prior to bed either. He's coughing nonstop and said he feels like he has bronchitis starting. All from the reflux. He's on medication for reflux both in the morning & at bedtime. Looks like a trip to the PCP in the morning for us. I won't take him if there is ice.

    Everyone be safe. I'll be watching him & keeping him calm today, waiting for our KC Chief's to play this evening.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    I hate freezing rain and hope you stay safe and warm. Having calf fall through the ice wound be big concern. I don't blame you for being worried since it has happened before.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    I am doing and hope Bluebird is doing well to.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    You are awful busy. Wedding planning and working also your DH to worry about. My husband is in the ES with dementia. I am glad that your daughter is having the wedding so close by for you and your husband to be there.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning. Cold and cloudy here. Going to make a concerted effort to stay off my ankle and keep it elevated. How do you get your foot higher than your head?

    Who aspirated? Must have missed that. Charles had aspiration pneumonia a couple of times.

    Today is my sister's birthday. She would have been 92 so that means in five months I'll be 82. Where does the time go? Using my tablet and about out of power. Back later.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    @Lorita use pillows to prop your leg up and more pillows for your foot. Needs to be above the level of your heart. Try to stay off your feet and please stay INSIDE . I know it’s hard but you have to take care, especially in the ice ❤️❤️❤️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, JeriLynn. I need to get another pillow,- next time when I get up. Mike called three times between his other phone calls and picking up a new baby to take back to the clinuc. A young heifer had a calf this morning and he went back to see if if had nursed. If hadn't so he's taking it in to give it colostrum.. he has seven bottle babies.

    He hurt his ankle years ago and still has trouble with it sonetines. He said if my ankle was broken I couldn't walk on it. I thought so but him telling me makes me feel better. I soaked it in Epsom saits water yesterday and he said to do that 2-3 times a day to get the swelling down.

    I didn't see the weather this morning but guess we may still get ice tonight and in the morning. Hate having ice but thankful for the generator. Wish we'd had it many years ago. They cut ice on all the ponds every day and says it's still about an inch thick each time.

    Two good football gamesi on today so you know that's what I'll be doing. If it's not icy tomorrow guess I'll go in and see my doctor. If ir's still swollen.

    JeriLynn, no babies yet?

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Happy New Year to everyone. I’m sorry I’ve been lax in keeping up here. I’ve kept busy with physical therapy and at home exercising. I have sciatic pain on one side now, so will have a mri tomorrow and go back to spine center Tuesday for the results. The massage therapy hasn’t helped the pain, and I’m having difficulty walking very far, even with the walker. I should be walking on my own by now, but I can’t. I also found out I’m anemic, probably from blood loss during surgery, so I’m taking iron and hoping i get over feeling tired

    Jo, I hope you’re hanging in there. I hope your lungs take a turn and heal so you can get off the oxygen and feel better. It’s crazy how health problems appear without warning, and we’re stuck dealing with them. I’m praying for you and you are on the prayer chain from my church. I hope Bill is slowing down so he doesn’t over work his back and end up laid up. That would be sad after all the hard work he has done getting his strength back

    Lorita, I hope your ankle heals quickly. I swear, the swelling lasts for a long time. Elevating with pillows works well. We have about three feet of snow now. That last storm was Hugh. It snowed for a little while this morning, but has stopped, and it’s trying to clear here. I’m thankful for the snow and also thankful the western side of the state avoided a week of terribly cold temps.

    I need to hire you ladies to cook for me. I love to bake, and do cook, but I’m not creative in making some of the great food you talk about here. The soup sounds wonderful.

    Zetta, isn’t cataracts surgery easy? Everything still looks so bright out of the eye I had done. I’m about ready to make an appointment to get my other eye done soon. The place I went to had a compounded eye drop that included everything needed in one bottle. It was so much easier than having to use two or three different drops. Good luck with your next surgery

    Jerilyn , send pictures when you have a baby goat. My granddaughter’s 4-H pig just had 14 piglets. Three of them didn’t make it, but the other 11 are as cute as can be. It was her first litter, so she did well.

    Thanks to everyone on here asking about me. It means a lot that everyone cares so much. I’m hoping to feel better soon. Just knowing what’s going on should make me less anxious. At least I’ll know what I’m dealing with. I’m enjoying seeing what you’re all up to and read almost every day. The Tylenol has started working, so I’m going to get moving and get a few things done today. Yea! Football tonight. Have a great day. Joan

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Baby cows, baby goats and piglets. Life is good!

    Waiting for the weather to turn bad. I picked up the phone to call daughter to warn her about the impending ice on I 35 from here to Dallas. Had a message asking if I wanted to come for dinner so I guess they decided to stay in town. Whew...

    Finished 2 more dressers and found a whole drawer of CPAP supplies that need to be delt with.

    Ron...this is my CPAP;

    AirFit N30 Mask System – Easy Breathe

    It can be used with water and attached to oxygen. I do not even know it is on. On the rare occasion I forget to put it on I wake up several times during the night. I guess that is when I stop breathing!

    Lorita. to get your foot elevated higher that your head (really your heart) you start by lying down. You can use a pillow under your head;

    How to Recover From a Foot Injury (with Pictures) - wikiHow

    Still eating out of the freezer. Down to my last container of Oklahoma Golosh. It will be good to get to the meat market Tuesday to get some chicken and a roast.

    Anyone here have info about a salt cured ham???

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Oh snap.

    My niece made plans with my mom to bring her to dinner at a friend's house where she could spend some time with my younger niece who she's not seen in about 7 years. I don't have anything to do with the younger one for a host of reasons but I refuse to "forbid" my mom from seeing her. In the past I have taken my mom to restaurants where she can treat the niece to lunch so she could see her. I don't love this, but I can appreciate my mother hasn't been through all I have with her and still has a soft spot for her.

    The older niece called me to tell me she tested positive for COVID. Again. This means, she managed to expose 3 of the most medically vulnerable people she knows-- her sister who has HIV, her oldest friend who is being treated for cancer and her 86-year-old grandmother who has heart disease and COPD. Ugh. Here's hoping she dodges infection, but it's been 4 months since her last jab.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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