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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited February 10

    Yesterday when I returned from the ER Lou was sitting on the couch with her gown still on and her pants 👖 down to her knees. Sitter said she didn't want to take her gown off and she wasn't able to pull her pants up. I left her along fir a while and with some resistance I finally finished dressing her. Told the sitter if I have trouble with her I would just put her robe on. I've had trouble with her since being home and this morning, don't know if it's harder for me to deal with her since I'm not well or if it's her with the change of me being sick.

    Almost forgot the update: back on ateneoll and HR has been OK, but still have a drop in blood pressure with drinking lots of water. This morning I have had half a bottle of a 16 oz water and two full bottles with electrolyte. One hour later BP was 143/69 HR 75 sitting and 91/60 standing with HR of 91. Just can't figure it out!

    Sorry I haven't acknowledged our new front porch friends. Lorita's porch never gets to small and it holds a great, friendly front porch family.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Morning, It's pretty cool this morning and cloudy. Toad just came and gave the girls hay. I don't think he's feeding grain. When he comes back through the gate to the West pasture and closes the gate I've gotten into the habit of waving at him. That way someone will know I'm still kickin'. Just saw the weather and cold rain tomorrow with snow after midnight is still predicted. Only a dusting to one inch here, then back to the 40s.

    Darwin called for a minute yesterday and I didn't think he sounded too good. I'll call him later today.

    Ron, I think dementia patients go through phases. Lou may be a bit upset that you're gone a little more lately. I wouldn't worry about it, just let her stay in her gown or robe if she wants to. I do that sometimes myself.

    Be careful with drinking a lot of liquid with electrolytes. There may be some guidelines on that but I don't know. We have some medical people on our porch - maybe they will know. Do you take your BP immediately after standing or a few minutes later? Try waiting five minutes and see what it is. Are you standing a couple of minutes after you stand before walking? You say heart rate ,- is that your pulse you take on your wrist? Mine is usually pretty high. I don't know about heart rate or how or where to take it..

    Take it easy this weekend and enjoy the festivities tomorrow. I think it all begins about 10:30 with kick-off not until around 5 p.m. I won't watch all of that for sure.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita glad you are enjoying your new car.

    cloudy here today

    Think next week may be a busy week and today is dark and quiet so just went ahead and cleaned house early. Hopefully will make next week easier.

    Betty we would love to hear from you. My life is fairly boring too but all of us here like to hear from each other.

    For lunch i took some of my frozen cabbage and fried it with onions and a few spices. Chopped some meat i had up in it and mixed all with my Amish homemade noodles. Was pretty good and have leftovers for next week. Made a peach crisp with some of my frozen peaches. Good Lord’s will I’ll have that at supper.

    After I get my mess cleaned up will take Jean her Avocados if nothing happens.

    Good morning JoC. Joan thinking about you too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Sara, you've already had a busy day. How is Jean feeling now?

    It's cold here. Decided I should put my thermals back on and it feels better. Most of the girls are in the garden trying to get a bite of green grass so thought it would be a good time to check on Gray Lady. Found her just as she was laying down. She's okay but told her not to think about having that baby until after Monday. Stopped by and petted a couple of them.

    Saw some netwrap so tried to pull it up but decided I better not so covered it with an empty mineral feeder. Back inside now and I can feel that I've pulled on and lifted something heavy. Getting to be a house plant so when the weather is better I need to get out more.

    Sara, I think I will enjoy driving the car but it seems so different from the pickup. I have to get the excise tax, title and tag before long. You now have 60 days from date of purchase to get that done..

    Thinking about making some vegetable soup this afternoon since it's going to be cold and wet tomorrow. QVC is showing a churn so you can make your own butter. We used to always make our own. Grandma had a churn but I remember shaking the cream in a gallon jar. The butter was so good and so was the buttermilk. I think I still have the paddle grandma used to shape the butter after it was made. When we moved to town for a year I was five and can still remember watching her mix the coloring into oleo.I was fascinated.

    We haven't heard from Joan or Jo in a few days. Hope things are getting better for both.

    JeriLynn, you mentioned the color of the casket liner so checked my paperwork and it's blue crepe. Casket is blue. I guess I thought all liners were white. It's the same model as Charles but his was gray with a white liner. Blue's my favorite color but need to check what shade of blue,- light would be okay.. Also had to check if I requested a vault-I did. Still have to get clothes over there.

    What I wonder about is - who will know I have prepaid arrangements and where. Guess that would be the attorney when I make my will. But, who would know about him? Pretty hard when there are no relatives to do things afterward. I do have that card for information on the refrigerator. Odd, but necessary things to think about when you get very mature as Jo says.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Think if i was in your shoes i would tell Mike and possibly Toad about both things.

    J is doing ok. She was playing scrabble when i dropped off her avocados. She gets really frustrated when she can’t spit out the word she wants too. The stroke left her with that issue.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    What I wonder about is - who will know I have prepaid arrangements and where. Guess that would be the attorney when I make my will. But, who would know about him? Pretty hard when there are no relatives to do things afterward. I do have that card for information on the refrigerator. Odd, but necessary things to think about when you get very mature as Jo says.-/——————/—————————————————-

    Lorita I’ve thought about you regarding this. ? Maybe Mike? Another friend? A Pastor?

    I’d be more than willing to be a person for you… that probably sounds crazy; but I would!

    DH put up panels in the barn so Boogie and babies can get out in the hall but separate from the dogs (they can still get in the barn and also have other shelter options outside). Jake sat beside me to watch them, Jackson wasn’t interested at all and Lilly looked in but didn’t want to come visit. She knows they’re in there and has been sniffing at their stall door all along. We’re going to take it slow.

    It’s rainy, messy and getting cooler. Supposed to rain all weekend and next week.

    Ron, hopefully you get seen by the cardiologist soon. Be careful going from sitting to standing. Praying for you and Lou.

    We’re taking my daughter and grandkids out for late lunch tomorrow. Driving up to Laurenceberg TN about an hour away to a steakhouse DH likes. It’s a nice little drive

    The Burpee Seed people are blowing up my email 😂 I did get some purple asparagus bulbs today from the feed store. I have about 8 plants in the side flower bed so I’ll add these after Ash Wednesday. Got some flower seeds also for the back patio beds. I’m so ready to dig in the dirt!

    Laundry awaits so off to do that. Peaceful day to you all.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Thank you, JeriLynn, that's sweet of you to offer but way too much distance. I could leave that card on the front door if I'm not well. Also can tell Darwin about the arrangements - he's only a mile away. Or put Carol to notify. I've talked to Mike about finding a home for the GPs, if necessary and he will. Enough of that stuff - I plan to go on for a long time.

    Nice you got things moved around for Boogie and her babies. Sounds like Lilly is interested in them. Bet the babies are growing and trying out their little legs like new calves do. Fun to watch them, isn't ut?

    It's been a chilly day. The sun actually came out about an hour before it went down. I watched a movie made in 1949' Lust for Gold. Invested two hours in it and dozed off and woke up as it went off. Will Google if to find out how it ended. Didn't get the soup made but maybe tomorrow.

    Sara, glad Jean is doing okay. Aggravates me when I can't think of a word, too. Carol says it gets worse..

    Sara, every time I slice bread I wonder if you're still using your bread slicer. I think you said you slice the whole loaf and freeze it. Good idea to keep it fresh.

    Hope everyone has a good night's sleep.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I had used the bread slicer regularly til her lately. The last two times i just did it and have done pretty good.

    Remember Sara and May 2023. Might be a good idea to leave card on door or front of refrigerator all the time. Just a thought.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh my; I ate it. There it sat - a perfect large chocolate cupcake with a loft of creamy white frosting on top - what's that? I do believe it actually was calling my name - down it went and boy, it was GOOOOD! Now I vacillate between knowing it was not a healthy item and wanting another one . . . silly me. There are two left . . . whine!!!!

    Last night was the final episode of the series finale of, "Doc Martin." I really enjoyed that show each season. So; Season 10 was the last and the show will not continue. Too bad; it was a good series and relaxing to watch with good characters that one got to know season after season. Wonder what will come along to be similar - no violence, no cursing, great scripts and characters, etc. Good quality for sure; they did such a great job. Another one bites the dust.

    No more rain; weather a bit cool but not too cold in the daytime. Colder at night, so continue with chenille socks in bed to ward off waking up with cold feet during the night.

    I had been whacked on the lower left calf by the car door; it caused an open wound which has been slow to heal due to the prednisone I am having to take. It is in a place not able to be reached, so Home Health has come out to do wound cleaning and dressing changes. Feels strange having that happen. Gads; I really am falling apart . . .EEEK!! It is finally beginning to heal and I just found out that while Home Health was here, they would have done bedding changes - wish I had thought of that. Big bedding changes with me down for the count on that front and DH with severe back/hip pain, unable to bend and limited with mobility for some time. I had not recalled that very helpful assistance.

    Someone mentioned meatloaf. I love meatloaf; and also left over meatloaf which makes such great sandwiches. I do make a good meatloaf if I do say so myself; I always made a big one as it went fast with meal and sandwiches; usually three pounds.

    To use my laptop, I have to sit on top of the guest room bed legs in front of me - I am short - laptop on my lap and my "Office" is a Rubbermaid "dish pan" beside me which holds my paper, pens, and supplies. I call it my "Boffice" (Bed Office.) So today I had to tidy my Boffice; it tends to collect items that should not be there. Funny how that happens.

    Tomorrow is the big game; we do not watch it, but I sure do like reading the recipes for all the munchie goodies - I love that sort of goody food but have not made anything. Too bad and shucks. I noticed a lot of recall for foods with cheese due to listeria - it is a very large list growing larger by the day. Do look it up and be sure you do not have any of the cheeses or foodstuffs that are affected. Multiple stores have carried the items including good old CostCo.

    Got my mail-in ballot done for the mid election. Sure do find it slim pickins' as the saying goes. Gone are the good old days, or did our parents also feel the same way I wonder. Only one proposition on the ballot and what appeared to be easy was not - as I actually read the entire book (yes, book) regarding the prop, it was soon seen clauses of wolves in sheep's clothing. Gads; manipulate, manipulate, manipulate. Have to be patient and have sharp eyes as the initial offering is usually pretty clever on approach. Most people will not read and the TV commercials thus far have been pretty misleading - lots of money in one side's coffers.

    Lorita, hope Sarah is improving; it has been such a dreadful long haul with her condition; years and years. So wish it would be better, and I know you wish for that for sure.

    Dear Ron; I am sorry for the tribulations with Lou; it has to be exhausting. So hope you can get some breaks even if someone has to be paid to stay with her a few hours a week so you can get some restful time for yourself. Too bad she is not able to get to a daycare setting at least a few days a week so you could get some breathing space. You are amazing in all you do in the midst of your own health needs.

    Sayra; bet your kitchen is smelling really lovely. I am amazed at all you do with cooking and baking and and growing, and want to come sit at your table; I will bring dessert! It is uplifting to know that even with living alone, you continue to do all you do with everything in the kitchen. I am truly impressed big time.

    Talk about making decisions for ourselves; I just finished my personal Advance Directives and boy is it ever detailed and contains SO much more of my wants and wishes than than the usual style of Advance Directives. It will also be very detailed helpful for my family as needs may arise. Actually several pages but my wishes are there for my care including personal care covering several levels. Do not want to leave my family guessing and having guilt after the end.

    Gosh; beans and cornbread sounds good - I even like the canned pork and beans - never met a bean I did not like. Oh boy; butter beans simmered with ham and a bit of onion. Now I am hungry.

    Sure wish I could find the Barbizon style and Vanity Fair style of nightgowns I love - satiny on outside and soft on inside; long sleeves, cut roomy and lovely trim detail on front bodice. Have two gowns left and they are wearing out; would love to find some similar. They just don't make a lot of things like "they used to", and this seems to be one of them. Ah well.

    Forced Air Heat just came on; has to be really chilly in house to do that; husband has thermostat set on 66, so no wonder my nose was cold! Think it is time for my nice hot oatmeal with crunchy peanut butter on top and some sourdough toast and half banana and a nice cup of tea. Spoiled me, I do like my breakfast - it is a happy good morning each day.

    Hope everyone has a good day today and if making goodies for tomorrow's game, tell us about what you are doing so the rest of us can drool and dream.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited February 11

    Jo.C, so good to hear from you and talking about beans has me craving them. I just bought some butterfly pork chops, treemed fat off and froze them. Store had them buy one pack get second pack for a penny. I get to feeling better I'm going to thaw two out and throw them in a pot of baby limas.

    North Louisiana weather, it hadn't got to me, but it's close. A friend sent me this picture of the hail storm in our area.


    Here's another friend's post that lives close. I have been lucky so far and glad I bought a carport.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Morning, Ron, what a weird looking hailstone. When did they have hail?

    The rain is almost here,- sprinkling now.Went out early to find Gray Lady ' found her laying down. Most of the girls were grazing behind the barn. Came across the young calf Mike had treated a while back. Felt so sorry for him. He's always by himself and walks so s!owly. G.L.came up and is north of the house. Missed seeing her get up so she's where I can watch her. The little calf laid down by the water and later saw him north of pond. That's when I closed three gates thinking I might get him up. Walked down and guided him up to the gste. He would not go through and was going to fight with me. Finally got him through. When I came in it was sprinkling and windy. I'll call Mike later and see if he wants to take the calf yo the clinic. A week or so ago he said he would.

    Stormy and Sheena wanted out about 1 am and stayed out until 6. Guess they heard wolves. Gave Sheena the last of her medicines.Stormy has one more tablet.

    Ron, hope you feel better soon. I know how you like to cook and not feeling well makes it so much harder. Sounds like you may not make it to Church today. Wish you all lived closer and I'd be happy to stay with Lou while you rested. I always tell Darwin to let me know if I can stay with Donna when he needs to go somewhere.

    Jo, so good to hear from you. I know we miss your posts. I watched Doc Martin Thursday night. Did not know this was the last season. I will miss watching it. I used to watch "As time Goes By" and so hated when they took if off.

    Chocolate cupcakes sound delicious. Have you ever made a mug cake? I have so many recipes but seldom make one. I did bake some David's cookies (from QVC) and I think I have one left. Need to bake more.

    Jo, I don't know what's going to happen with Sarah. So sad for both she and Todd. Amazing that she has kept going for almost 14 months when they thought we'd lose her in a few days. I do wish there was something I could do.

    Take care of yourself and rest all you can. How is your son? Hope he's better. Post when you feel like it. Watch the Super Bowl, everyone.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I live in eastern Mass and I am married to my current wife for 6 years, my first wife died 11 years ago, I met my current wife ,who was a widow, in 2016 at the local Council on Aging. Together we have 7 children,7 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. I thank God for my current wife who is helping me with my diagnosis, she is helping me to try to take it one day at a time which is easier said than done. When I am down she knows exactly what to do or say to calm me down. One example is the other night I woke up in a panic because I did not recognize our bedroom and she calmed me down I said I thanked God for being here and she said that is why I hear to help you through this disease and I gave her a big hug

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Barrsalem, so glad you joined the porch. I haven't been on the porch too long and love it here. I live in SE Florida and am caregiver to my ex partner.

    Sounds you are very lucky to have such a supportive and caring wife. Do you mind saying when you were diagnosed?

    Caro xo

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Nice to meet you @14Barrsalem

    I'm originally from the area and still have an aunt and a couple cousins in the area. Last night I told my husband I would kill for a good bowl of chowder and a proper lobster roll.

    @Jo C.

    That fabric is called Cuddleskin. I remember it well. I wasn't a fan, it tended to develop pilling and static electricity but they sure were pretty. Vermont Country store offers one that might meet your criteria.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi JoC sounds like you are having some good meals too. Hitting your leg with a car door does not feel good. Have done that a time or two.

    We have returned to winter temperatures here too. If I counted right it is 29 days til spring. See just the tips of some daffodil blooms poking their nose through the ground.

    Barrsalem so nice to see you back on porch. That must be really difficult. You probably have read on here about using a CELA to get affairs in order for you and your wife to make things easier down the road. Are you very close to the ocean?

    Our hail her usually looks like the hail in the dish with the quarter.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I've never seen hail like the first picture, unless it was a lot of golf ball size close together and they started melting together when she picked it up. Ones I've seen is like in the second picture, sometimes larger.

    Blood pressure still going lower when standing, mainly stenosis pressure and it has gone down from 133 to 90. No tachycardia since going back on my ateneoll! I know I'm not dehydrated now with all the drinking I've been doing since the ER visit and wasn't dehydrated much when I went.

    I stopped watching football a long time ago when it became to hard to watch a game and tend to Lou. I also don't like the way football had become more political than a sport.

    Those that watch.....enjoy!


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I had gotten my affairs in order after my first wife died. I readjusted everything when I married my current wife, Yes we live less than one mile from the ocean

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    My daffodils are fully open with more budding. It’s raining steadily and cold so I didn’t go looking for the tulips. Boogie and babies escaped the barn, but just as we had come outside the house.

    The dogs ignored them but with the rain and cold we put them back in their stalls.

    Lunch in Tennessee was good and then home for Great Granddaughter to play with her new teas set. She served real orange cinnamon tea and playdoh hot dogs lol

    I got up at 3:15 am so this girl is off to get a hot bath and bedtime. Have a fun Super Bowl night

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    edited February 12

    Hi everyone. I’m sorry I haven’t been better about posting. I’ve been working through back issues and sciatic pain. I have another appointment with the spine center tomorrow. So far I haven’t noticed any relief after the injection, so it didn’t do anything. I’m taking ibuprofen now and that helps the pain for a while. I can walk around the kitchen and dining area with my hiking poles when it’s not hurting, so I’m hopeful I can walk unassisted if I can resolve the sciatic pain. I’ll be doing more therapy to gain strength in my back and to feel more balanced. Thanks for the good thoughts and concern, and encouragement to keep posting. It is so appreciated, and I am so thankful.

    Jo, sorry you’re dealing with a wound too. As if you didn’t already have enough going on. I hope you are getting your strength back and feeling better overall. Has Bill gone back to the spine doctor about his pain? It must be a common issue with back surgery. If he’s like me, he’s getting so tired of the setbacks and that darn pain. I’m praying for your son and you and Bill. Please take care.

    zetta, I’m going back to the surgeon in March to set up a time for cataract surgery on my other eye. It is so easy and I was shocked how bright everything is after the surgery. The place I go to combined all drops into one bottle, and it is used for the duration before and after. It sure beats using two or three different drops. I’m happy for you that you’re getting along fine. It makes such a difference in your eyesight. I was shocked.

    Sara, your cabbage dinner sounds so good. I like cabbage raw or cooked, added ingredients or plain. Your bread sounds good. I love bread, so have to be careful not to eat too much. I would do that if I had homemade bread. I used to make homemade cinnamon/caramel rolls and cinnamon rolls frosted. They are so time consuming, and don’t taste any better than a good bakery roll. It was fun when I was into making them. With four kids, they went fast. Thanks for saying hi in the mornings. That’s so nice.

    Lorita, I’m so happy you are having fun with your new car. I bet it is fun to get around in and glad it does well on your roads. Poor Sarah. I’m still praying for her and Todd. They have so much to worry about. She is pretty strong to endure what she has gone through and continues to go through. I hope maybe she will call hospice too so she can be comfortable. I hope your ankle is feeling stronger. It took months to heal my foot sprain. Hang in there.

    Ron, I’m sorry you are going through so much. I don’t know much about heart problems, so I’m praying for you and praying Lou settles down so you can rest. It’s great you have good help. Please take care of yourself. I have pork chops. I’ll get some butter beans and make your dish. It sounds good.

    Judith, I was on a roll cleaning this house out and getting rid of things. I’m not able to lift and carry much, but am ready to finish up what I started. I am not a saver and I like everything neat and tidy. It’s been hard to let things go and letting the cleaning lady take care of them. I’ll get my daughter up here to help me this spring so I can look for a smaller house with fewer stairs.

    welcome to all you new posters. This is a fun place to read and post. I’m not a huge poster, but do keep up reading.

    Hi to Beth and Harsh. Betty, it is so nice to hear from you. Beth, I am anxious to see your beautiful gardens this year.

    Jerilynn, I’m sorry you lost your little dog.

    For the newbies: I live in Western Colorado. I took care of my dh from 2004 until 2019 when he passed. He was able to stay at home until the last four years when he lost mobility and I physically couldn’t take care of him.

    Enjoy the Super Bowl if you are watching.

    Take care everyone. Have a nice evening. Joan

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Joan, it's good hearing from you! Years and years and years ago, (that's a lo g time) I had surgery at L5 S1. 4 or t years later, started having problems at L4. They gave me a percision injection and still have some back pain, but it's not as bad.

    I will be glad when I feel like cooking again! Not only do I want the pork chops cooked in my beans, but I also have a rump roast I cut up into stew meat in the freezer. A big pot of soup with cabbage and all the other goodies would be good.

    Still no tachycardia but still dizzy when I stand. Top reading still drops 20 to 30 points, but bottom number stays steady.

    Hopefully all rocker friends have a good week.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @ronald71111 That top picture looks like some sort of marine creature dragged up in a net.

    @telinde I'm sorry your injection doesn't seem to have been successful in bringing relief from the pain. My mom generally got excellent outcomes with one particular doctor; a dear friend tried several shots and got no relief at all. Mom's doctor in FL didn't get as good a result so she'd fly up when she needed a shot. Mom's doctor left the practice in Philadelphia and it took me several years to find him at a rival hospital system's Princeton site. She cried happy tears when I located him and he was happy to see her as well.

    @Lorita I trust you enjoyed the game. Congratulation on your win.


    Good morning fellow rockers.

    I have a quiet day today. DH and I snuck out for a pre-Valentine's dinner. Our original destination was closed, so we drove upriver and splurged on crab gratin. I'll have to get my mashed potato pizza some other evening.

    Tomorrow I am supposed to drive Mother for bloodwork and an echo. There's been a storm in the forecast for several day that is supposed to bring precipitation overnight into noon tomorrow. Initially it was snow, yesterday it was changed to rain where we are. This morning my phone is forecasting rain and temperatures in the mid to upper 30s in the 10-Day but 5" in the Tuesday forecast. My car isn't great in snow; it's times like this I miss my old Cherokee. And I sure don't want mom walking about of slippery sidewalks so I'll reschedule if needed. The worst part will be my husband fussing at me about the weather- this is a source of stress. He watches TWC which, IMO, is entertainment while I rely on a local meteorology service with a better track record. My guys are saying a coating to 1".

    I stopped by to have tea with mom yesterday and drop off some stew I made last week. It was my best version ever-- I tossed a 5 small tabasco peppers from a jar of Texas Pete. They brought a lot of the party. It reminded me a bit of Mississippi Pot Roast.

    I've been trying to get her to talk about end-of-life wishes since before COVID. It's been a bust. Her nurse navigator gave her some tools to create a 3-Wishes AD but we haven't had time to set aside to complete it. In light of her recent worsening heart issues (which don't seem that life limiting at the moment) I didn't push thinking it might freak her out-- she's one who ascribes motives at the drop of a hat.

    We talked a bit yesterday. I suggested she read Being Mortal. I think everyone should read Being Mortal. I need to get a copy for her. She's weirdly ignorant of all things medical but she came up with one yesterday that was just stunning. Hanging around here, we talk a lot about hospice. I thought I'd heard just about every kind of misinformation about hospice over the years but mom came up with a new one.

    To be far, dad never went on hospice so mom never personally experienced it. In her own family, she was the baby and living away from the rest so never involved in the care of her aging parents nor her widowed sisters. She didn't even engage in the care of my sister as she was dying because mom was busy caring for my sister's kids who were struggling with it all. Because he was oddly conversational and ambulatory, we didn't know he was silently aspirating until he developed the pneumonia that killed him. The DON at the MCF spoke to me about having an evaluation which we scheduled for the next morning. Alas, dad died a few hours later.

    So, we were talking about various things that could potentially happen in her situation-- a stroke, a broken hip, end stage COPD or CHF and opting for hospice to manage care instead of aggressive treatment in the context of poor quality of life. She said she wasn't sure. I explained the benefits of care at home, chaplain support, etc. She looked at me and said "Yes, but they don't let you eat when you're on hospice". I have no idea who put the notion in her head, but there you are. SMH


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Morning Friends! Still raining with more on the way with possible tornado risk. Creeks are already flooding and ? possible snow Tuesday?

    I’m hoping for a peaceful week at the Shop. Lots to do there and also final check at my FIL’s place for packing up for an unknown move date. I’m a fairly organized person so the “unknown” throws me out into a Tizzy. I just keep repeating “I can do ALL things thru Christ who strengthens me”.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Color me odd, but I am only concerned about my care while I am still alive. When I die my children will put me where they want to come and bring flowers, have a laugh or shed a tear. I do have an old sleeping tee shirt the boys gave me. It is well worn, has holes and is really comfortable. Maybe I will mention that to my daughter.

    The dreaded 6 inches of snow turned into 1/2 inch but. Honestly, where I was growing up there was never ever a snow day!

    We did have snow tires and chains to use but we never stopped.

    What a game that was last night. I only watch the ends of game since they take so looooong. Last nights' was certainly spectacular.

    Ron...you need to get Plan B in place if it is not already.

    Zeeta...the world does become really bright and colorful again.

    Back people....so very sorry. Back trouble is difficult to live with.

    Jo...glad to see the author in you again. Do you have one of those hospital bed trays that roll over your bed?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Ron I can’t remember if you have a cardiologist appointment in your near future but if you don’t it would probably be your best route in dealing with your BP issue. That is just my opinion and i might not be right. It is what i would be trying to do if it was me.

    Hope the weather stays doable for you tomorrow HB. Understand dealing with parent and end of life thing. My mom has made things difficult for me in this area. Have to trust God to pave the path for me.

    Daffodils blooming aye! Think it will be awhile here.

    Guess Im colored odd too.

    pretty, sunny day but quite cold. Got my taxes to CPA this morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Morning, Glad the Chiefs won but their first half was dreadful. Glad someone(Andy) got things straightened out for the second half. That was a good half and OT. Did not enjoy halftime. Didn't know any of the singers or songs. I did enjoy Reba's National Anthem. Wonder what that big belt buckle was. I waited the whole game to see a commercial I liked which was the one with the Clydesdale horses. I thought all the others were weird or maybe I'm weird. They surely dwelled on Taylor Swift, didn't they? My goodness, I sound like an old stick in the mud- maybe I am.

    Joan, so sorry to hear the injections haven't helped much. Patsy, my cousin, had back problems - something with her neck and discs. I took her three times to get injections and it took all three for her to get relief. Hope yours take effect soon. Have you seen the TV ad for the belt- like thing you wrap around your leg just below the knee? It has something that presses on a spot that relieves sciatica. Just be uber careful and don't fall.

    We had snow last inight sometime after MN. Still on this morning but it's all gone now. Up near the Kansas line they had 6" of snow. Can't seem to get going this miorning. My foot is bothering me, guess I walked too much yesterday getting the calf up and sparring with him. Mike and Toad came and Mike said that was the calf that was on the ice. I think that one and the one I've been concerned about is one in the same. Beth, how nice to gave daffodils blooming. One of my favorite flowers! Yesterday I noticed the Naked Ladies are also up about 6". Also discovered the really bug, Maple tree on the south side if the house has bug buds. The other Maple is later. The tree guy said it was some kind of Maple. It was growing right next to an elm so maybe it sort of crossed.

    Wonder if the Chiefs can have a threepeat? Judith, you miss a lot of excitement in not watching the whole game. It was really a noisy game and halftime. Bet there's a lot of headaches this morning. Worst headache I ever had was after a Chiefs and Tampa Bay game in KC. Enjoy your Monday.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited February 12

    Lorita, I bet Reba's big belt buckle had something to o with her rodeo days. She use to barrel race and win!

    Gloomy day here, it's been drizzling most of the day with a cold wind. Lou started being better last night and it's been the same today. This us what I look forward to and keeps me going, especially when she smiles and tells me she loves me.

    I wrote earlier that vitals was looking better except for the top number. I decided after my home health pulmonary reabilitation to check my sitting/standing pressure. Sitting it was 136/73 (happy) standing 89/60 (confused). Sent the therapist the information and he told me he sent it to my case manager and for me to notify my primary care. ER last week put in a consult fir cardiologist, but I haven't heard anything. Just when it looks like I'm getting a little better something else happens.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Ron...what is your pressure after you have been standing for a bit???

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited February 12

    Last time I checked everything was OK again123/81 standing. I just corrected previous post. I had sitting twice.

    Just checking ked it after standing awhile and it was 111/76. Sit down for a couple of minutes and its 135/74. Go figure!


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    edited February 12

    Dixie, your Christmas card arrived today. It’s postmarked December 18. We’ll…thank you!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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