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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    The storms reportedly killed four people — including an infant girl — in Holdenville, Okla., according to Fox 25 in Oklahoma City. Additional areas are being surveyed in communities west of Oklahoma City and in portions of Texas to confirm if there are more fatalities, the Weather Service said on X.

    Glad to hear rockers in storms path are OK. Beth, that's lots of wind damage.

    Stay safe tonight xo

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    There was a question about my garden as to how long it took to get it going. I think we began this garden in approximately 2006. By 2011, it was "good enough" to be in the Master Gardener Tour.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Beth, so sorry the storms damaged your place and the neighbors. Glad you are all right. There were more tornados in our area today. Some North and three south about 20-30 miles away. Had more rain and it's quiet now. I watched the girls and they graxed through all of it so knew we were all right. Sheena was nervous again.

    So you lost power, Judith? Were the storms bad? I think our power went off after I sent to sleep, after 2a.m. because my alarm clock was flashing. I'll be glad when mid May gets here so the storms will ease off. Watching the last episodes of Streets of Laredo. Used to work with a doctor who transferred in from Laredo. Hope it state quiet tonight so everyone can sleep. See you tomorrow

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Judith, how long was your power off? Just got a short text from Sarah who said theirs had been off and she couldn't call orbtext because no phone charge. Did you have bad storms, and when?

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    It happened again today - I couldn't post anything. So weird and frustrating.

    I'll catch up tomorrow, IF I can post.

    I'm glad my Rocker family is okay.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Beth, I'm sorry for your property damage, but thank God your alright. Bad storms here last night, still heavy rain and thunder, but no damage here. Tornado warnings all around, but just severe storms when it made it here.

    Can't sleep……miss Lou..…..love my wife!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Oh Beth, so thankful you're OK. That is so scary. And also thankful Lorita and Judith are ok. Our weather is supposed to begin tonight. Be safe everyone.

    Ron, thinking of you and Lou. She's where she needs to be for now. Try to rest.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ugh! about the tornado damage.

    It's after 2 am, I'm still up, I stayed up late to get some things done that I couldn't get done earlier because I slept so late.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Beth I'm sorry I misspoke. I thought your house was ok, we are not suppose to assume and i did.

    Thinking of everyone

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Finally going to bed @5 am.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, very foggy here this morning, only quarter mile visibility, they say, but not that much here.

    Ron, I know how much you miss Lou but maybe you can see her this evening. Try to rest. Glad the storms weren't too bad for you.

    The destruction in several n places in Okla. Is awful. It said all the downtown businesses in Sulphur (\south of OKC) were destroyed. Several deaths reported. Hope this week is better. I got almost 8 hr. Sleep last night but feel groggy this morning. I'll be back later. Need my juice.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Beth… those photos look all too familiar. Glad you are OK.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sad for the families who lost loved ones in Oklahoma. One death in Iowa that I am aware of. Our house isn't bad but there are lots that are. Mainly the trees and the debris and the fence down. It is gradually getting taken care of. Volunteers were out Saturday helping, our son helped and neighbors helped. We are grateful to have power but have no internet or tv. I am thankful I can connect to my phone hot spot and get the news and read my websites that I like to frequent: here, instagram, youtube, facebook and twitter. Yes, I know, I spend WAY too much time on social media!

    Ron, get some rest while you can. You did the right thing for Lou and for yourself. You must be exhausted. You're in my prayers.

    Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers. Love you guys!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Fog finally lifted and it's a beautiful day. Weather man said we'll get a two day break from storms, then more bad weather, break, then more.

    Fed the birds and Gray Lady. She's the only cow I've seen and she was in the carport. Was watching TV and went to sleep so went back to bed. I think I slept a little but. Stormy came to the bed and was watching me. Guess he couldn't figure why I was in bed. So, got up.

    Eagle, I typed a post and it disappeared, then came back with words in the wrong place. Seems okay now.

    They said a couple of the tornados were EF 3, especially the ones in Sulphur and Holdenville. Our weather was on for hours and circulations were popping up everywhere. I heard there were about 15 reported. They were pretty much able to keep up with them because of the storm chasers who were scattered everywhere. I'm so glad all of you are allright.but so sad about the damage. Springtime on the plains can be dangerous. Try to enjoy the break we have. Darwin has decided to call me morning and evening or me call him to make sure we're okay. Probably a good idea. Back later.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good afternoon to those on the porch.

    Ron— I know it's hard for so devoted a husband to be restricted around visiting dear Lou. Alas, it is SOP for these sorts of units to assist in settling the distress a PWD has so that they can best trial medications to help her. Logistically speaking, you've described her as a bit of a handful of late and with your regular friend unlikely to be returning to your team anytime soon continued upset may leave the church ladies unwilling to help you.

    I hope you can take this time to get some rest.

    Beth, Lorita and all touched by the storms— my thoughts are with you. Even if you escaped with "minimal" damage, it's hard on the heart to make your way around in a community that sustained loss of life and severe property damage and needs to heal. Thanks for sharing your photos.

    Mint— Does you mom need Depends or is she in that place where a pad would suffice? There are washable incontinence panties from a company called Thinx that look pretty much like regular undies. Perhaps you could try those? They're best for stress or urge incontinence— leaks vs strong gushes. It might be a way to transition her for now. They are ridiculously expensive IMO.

    I bought the animal deterrent spray recommended her. The ingredients are very similar to those in Liquid Fence aside from a couple oils. I sprayed liberally this morning and will see how it goes. Then I made some cheese bread. (I washed my hands first). It came out really nicely as I managed not to crush the bottoms getting them out of the pans before I crisped them up.

    Mom's PCP hasn't reviewed her bloodwork yet. He may be off today. And the Memory Center hasn't called to schedule intake. I last called Thursday; I'll call again tomorrow if I don't hear by end of day.

    She called earlier because she wanted a ride to the tax collector's office so she could pay her property taxes in time to get the discount. I turfed it to DS who wasn't thrilled but didn't have anything more important on his to-do list. He said "Do you want me to leave her there?" Did he think I was rehoming her?

    Chik-Fil-A for dinner tonight. But first I need to stop and pick up some beer for DH.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Glad you are Darwin are doing that Lorita.

    Thank you for your thoughts HB. My mom will not tell you much. She goes to the bathroom frequently to keep accidents from happening. The positive about that is it keeps her moving. My sister and I think it is one of the reasons she doesn’t sleep much at night. It is a constant worry that she will mke a mess. She doesn’t want to do that.

    when my sister was changing sheets she found the mattress cover stained. We have been paying close attention since then and have not found the sheets wet. My sister is ordering some better, more waterproof mattress covers. She may be ordering some pads to. If so hopefully by putting the below sheet she will not fuss.

    Off topic. I will be going to a wedding shower in a few weeks. Has anyone seen a gift given so that everything was usable. I don't want to use gift wrap, bows etc. I am really trying to make less trash. I have an idea but thought maybe you guys had seen something you thought was nice. I’m a fish out of water at things like this. I am a briar hopper through and through. I was hoping they would elope and just have a reception. No such luck.

    Ron thinking of you and Lou.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    To all affected by the storms my prayers go out to you

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers,

    Iam finally home from Arizona. I was almost afraid to see how many messages I have missed from my front porch friends. It was 391, it took me all morning to get caught up and I just briefly read through them.

    Ron, Please don't feel bad about Lou, being where she needs to be. You need to get as much rest as you can so when she comes home you will be ready. Hopefully she is getting rest and doing well with her care givers. Those cow pictures are cute and funny, some look like me.

    Judith, I hope your ear problem has been solved. I think you said you were going to the doctor today.

    Marie. Iam so sorry about Smokey, Iam sure Smokey lived a good life being 17, just think about The Rainbow Bridge, you will see him again someday. I have a lot of my fur babies up there waiting for me.

    Beth. Iam sorry for what property damage you have, but happier that you and your family are safe.

    Lorita. It warmed my heart to see a posting from Jo. Her son lives in Bend, Oregon and that is 20 miles from me. I did offer to help him when he needed help, but I was never given info about him so I could help. If I knew his name, I might be able to track him down.

    I heard on the news about the tornados/winds in Oklahoma, I prayed for you and was happy to see you had no damage. The only western I could find in Arizona was Rifleman. The don't have cable, just some free shows, and Rifleman was it. I do like Rifleman so that was on from the time I got up till she got off of work. Today being Monday I have been watching Wagon Train and Gunsmoke, since 9 this morning.

    I love all the pictures of the flowers you all have been growing.

    I enjoyed my stay in Arizona, their house is really nice I was able to unpack all their stuff and put it away. I even have my own bedroom there so Iam getting ready to make plans and move to Arizona. It could take me a year or so getting there, it seems like I have so much to do to make it happen.

    I have missed all of you, I flew, United discount package so I was limited to how much I could take on the plane, so I left my computer home.

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    edited April 29

    Welcome hone, Zetta. You were missed. I probably have watched enough western for both of us. I see Wyatt Earp's shows will begin soon. Glad you enjoyed your visit and are making plans to move. No more ice and snow for you then!

    Thank you, David and everyone. So stressful when tornados are around. You have to watch for warnings. I have a weather radio and it was kept busy.

    Mint, good you're thinking of doing that. We all need to do think about doing the same thing. Several years ago a neighbor lost their home to fire and moved in a MH. To live in. We knew they needed any and everything. We bought a storage box that would fit under a bed and filled it with all kinds of towels- bath, hand, kitchen and wash clothes and I think we included a set of sheets, maybe a bath rug, don't remember. They could use the storage box for anything. No wrapping paper, maybe a bow, not sure.

    Darwin had been calling me to let me know he was going to be cutting wood and where. Then he would call when he started home. For now he has finished that until it dries up so he suggested we contact each other morning and night. Good idea, too, I think. More storms to come Wednesday through Friday but they're thinking it may not be as bad. I think everyone on the Plains are up storm tired. Know I am.

    The tornado in Marietta was an EF 4 with winds to 135 mph. There was a tornado filmed on Lake Eufaula which is a water spout when overwater. Never made landfall.

    I did not do anything today except feed birds, Gray Lady, Pyrenees and myself. Did go to the mailbox. Tried to take a nap but that didn't work. Early to bed tonight. Enjoy the evening.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    ear report…wax totally covering the canal….Whew

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, I used to have a wax problem. I have been gently cleaning my ear canals with Q-tips, so far, so good! I don't go in far, just to the entrance.

    I had a scare with Simon last night, he was so weak, but he is stronger today. I took him outside to the grass and he liked it.

    I went to the senior center today to see a cute movie with Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse, The Band Wagon. A Hollywood guy gives us a talk about the actors/actresses and the background of the film, it's very entertaining. I'm looking forward to my trip in a couple of days.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Good news!! Judith, did they flush it and can you hear okay now?Bet that was a relief. Only had one ear flushed once and it felt weird but worked. There us a liquid they gave Charles to help GRT the of wax.

    Iris, When are you scheduled to.be in Okla.? There are storms predicted for Wednesday and Thursday and on the weekend, I think. Hope they don't materialize and your trip is goid.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome home, Zetta! Do you think Arizona will be a big difference from Oregon?

    Lorita, we will arrive in Oklahoma on Sunday May 5th, to go to the Vintage Sewing Machine Museum. On Monday we will visit the Will Rogers Memorial Museum, then to the Philbrook Museum of Art. On Tuesday we will travel to Pawhuska, learn about Osage culture, then see the Pioneer Woman Mercantile, them return home. I would like to see the Black Wall Street area. We spend the earlier part of the week at Austin, Waco and Dallas.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    Miss Zetta so good to hear from you and glad you had a nice visit.

    Such good news Judith .

    Got my romaine lettuce, candy onions, cilantro and a foxglove planted. Just a little of each but plenty for me. These things will tolerate cooler weather.

    Ron hope you are ok this morning.

    If not too rainy today may try to plant thyme and oregano.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good Morning. Thunder and lightning here with heavy rain. No severe weather threats as of yet. Hope everyone has a safe day. Prayers for all who need them. I'm headed into town for a mammogram at 7:15.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning. My portion of the porch is gray and foggy. We made it to 87F yesterday, but it should be more reasonable here today.

    Ron— I hope you are getting some real rest and that Lou is improving enough to be home soon. Were you able to visit yesterday?

    Lorita— I hope you were able to catch up on some sleep last night. It's no fun dragging around after a few bad nights.

    Iris— I'm glad Simon rebounded. He seems to be taking the 9 lives thing to heart.

    Judith— I'm so glad the issue was ear wax. It's scary when hearing loss comes on suddenly.

    Jerilynn— Good luck this morning. Mom's PCP offered her a mammogram at her well check which I question, but I did manage to schedule it just before the contrast MRI for her memory issues.

    Mint— Will this be an old-school traditional shower or the newer cool-girl iteration my niece's friends tended to do for one another? The trend here among the late 20s to early 40s for bridal and baby showers has morphed into something different. They either have an all-girl tea party or a coed cocktail party. Gifts are expected but opening them isn't a part of the entertainment. Often the invitation comes with instructions not to wrap the item and even an option to send it to the couple directly ahead of the party.

    I've done a laundry basket with towels rolled up inside. One of my niece's in-laws gave her a basket filled with seasonal/holiday table linens including cloth napkins— fall, Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter and summer. One friend of mine made gift bags for all her Christmas wrap which she reuses yearly.

    Pizza for dinner tonight. We'll take mom along to get her out of the house. Her PCP has seen her bloodwork, so maybe she'll get a call from the office. If she does, I hope the gist of the conversation is in the notes on her electronic chart. I'll call over to the Memory Center and see if I can get through.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, bright and sunny here. Supposed to be in mid 80s today. I ordered a new fan to sit on the chest of drawers in the bedroom but I have to put it together. Seems like you have to do that with everything. I have a taller fan for the living room.

    Girls are grazing up toward the MH and just now fed GL in the lot this time. Grass is wet,wet so didn't have to walk too far to do that.

    Have a couple of things to get to the mailbox so will do that before noon. There's still quite a lot of prickly pears surviving and there' s 3-4 ft. Tall poke among them. There's nine flower spikes on the yucca so it will be pretty when it blooms. I need to set out the butterfly weed today. Guess I may have to transplant the violets in the planters so I can plant the caladiums. Always something to do.

    HB, I Slept well last night so feel more human today.

    Iris, your trip sounds nice. Philbrook is a beautiful place, especially the gardens. We visited the Will Rivers Museum in Claremore but never have been to Pawhuska. Carol went with her daughters to the opening of the Mercantile several years ago. I'm glad Simon is doing better. We worry when they're not well.

    JeriLynn, hope your weather improves today. Good luck with the mammogram. I'm past the age when they say we should get them, thank goodness although I never really minded them.

    Mint, sounds like your green thumb is kicking in. Are you going to have a lot of vegetables this year to can or freeze? Darwin has already planted his garden. He bought a dozen tomato plants and one of his daughters brought more to him. He says he has tomato plants everywhere. How is your mother?

    Ron, how is Lou adjusting with being away from you? Do you have an idea of how long she'll be there?

    If there are weird words in my posts, I'm sorry. My tablet changes words. Just now it changed the word vegetables to buffalo- really weird.

    Darwin just called. He's going into town to get prescriptions filled and wondered if I needed anything. Such a nice man and friend. Enjoy your day.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I just called the Memory Center. They did get my message and I was on the to-be-called list. The scheduling appointments are 12 weeks out and from there it's currently 6 months until an appointment— so 9 months at the moment.

    I know this isn't an emergency and that more information gathered between now and then will be helpful diagnostically but Yikes!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thanks HB

    Lorita i dont plan on planting many vegetables. If it’s Good Lord’s will I hope to put up some things for winter that I buy from Amish, we’ll see

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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