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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Thanks for the update, Ron. Does Lou seem calm? I.hope so. You're right, you need to rest and take csre of yourself so you can care for her when she comes hone. You'll be able to see her during the day.

    So far storms have been NW of Tulsa but there's some nasty ones with tornado warnings SW of OKC that look to be headed this direction. Then, the big line of storms will form and come through. Probably not much sleep tonight.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    It loo!s like the heavy storms are in or around OKC moving north and east. Probably a couple of hours and they'll be here. Probably no sleep tonight. Storms extend back to the Texas Oklahoma State lines. Heavy rains and may happen again tomorrow afternoon. Judith, hope you are okay.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I had never heard of Crumbl but I checked and there is one near me. I'll check it out one day. I'm like David, I don't need the temptation.

    Everyone in tornado land, please stay safe!

    Ron, you need your rest!

    JeriLynn, Jo C used to post about how she took treats to the staff at various residential facilities. Unfortunately, I don't recall the details. She often posted around the holidays.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    edited April 28

    "I feel guilty about coming home to rest, even though I know I need it, my place should be with her."

    Ron, you must rest if you are to care for Lou. You've had a lot going on with your own health and if you don't take care of YOU, who will take care of Lou? I know you know this and the guilt is real, but you gotta let that go. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Praying for you both this morning.

    Yesterday was just a beautiful day here. We set a minnow trap in the little "creek" that runs the edge of the North pasture. We'll use those to feed the fish in the back pond. I want to buy some fish feed but DH says we have enough to do. One Grandson went back there to fish and called DH to report; "Pa, there's an alligator back here! He's slapping the water and making all kinds of a fuss!"

    No alligator. GS is, let's say "not the most logical" young man. It WAS the great big beaver swimming around. The one that keeps damming up the pond overflow drainage. LOL. To be fair, the GS is not really the outdoors type and the local news has been reporting alligators in some retention ponds around new construction. The gators were brought in years ago farther South of here to help with managing some other kind of critter. As usual, when we encroach on habitat and then try to "fix" it, we usually end up with another kind of problem.

    I continue to sort out my closets. I had 10 pair of "booties" piled in the master bath floor yesterday. DH bagged them up for the donation center. It just about killed me to see those go. I think DH knew that so he got them out of sight. Isn't that silly to mourn shoes? But they are beautiful and $$ pricey. They've served their purpose I guess. So now, maybe someone else can enjoy them. I'd fall flat on my face if I tried. (I did try again, but I held on to a chair; nope, can't keep my balance".

    Well, I'm just rambling on this morning. I hope you each have a good day and take care. Stay safe in the weather. See ya later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    JeriLynn those are pretty wildflowers. Have not seen those here.

    Iris wish lots of people wearing depends etc. would influence my mom but it wouldn’t. Think i would find it comforting and a relief if i needed them. She is so resistant to certain things.

    The killdeer bird does not build a nest and lays their eggs on ground. I looked up what color their eggs are and they’re buff with dark markings. Believe robin eggs are just blue. I don’t know. Will be interesting if you can find out.

    David Im happy for you that your Alzheimer’s didn’t act up while at the wedding.

    Each one take care

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    "The killdeer bird does not build a nest and lays their eggs on ground. I looked up what color their eggs are and they’re buff with dark markings. Believe robin eggs are just blue. I don’t know. Will be interesting if you can find out."

    Mint, DH said that's what they are! I had seen them before just on the concrete or in the pasture without a nest, but this one had a tiny little nest. The eggs were beautiful bluish color with darkish brown fading to a deeper color to the end. If I can sneak a picture, I will. Isn't God's creation just amazing?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning rockers, I hope all in the path of severe weather stayed safe.

    Lou's dr hasn't been around yet, so hopefully I'll be able to talk to him later. Found out that yesterday he had made his rounds right before I came and I was here at 5:30. As for me, perfect example is how organized I was this morning; fixed her a bowl of fruit she likes, put a clean gown and robe in a bag, remembered to bring my phone charger and was so proud of myself for bring so organized. Got halfway to the hospital and remembered I left my phone and turned around to go back home for it.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Finally able to talk to Lou's dr. Medically other than the dementia and gall stones not a lot wrong with her. He gave me the choices of taking her home or keeping her here until a geriatric dr saw her. My heart said take her home, but my common sense said she needed to see the geriatric dr. I hope I'm making the right decision and feel bad that I don't think I can take her home now.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, Lou is in good hands. What were you doing at the hospital at 5:30 am? Did you get any sleep? I awoke at 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep. I'm just resting in bed right now.

    Mint, what does your sister do with two bags of pine needles?


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning all.

    David— I am glad the wedding went well and that you enjoyed the festivities. DS had a wedding photoshoot at work yesterday. It's a historic railroad with an adorable vintage station and depot that is becoming quite popular for wedding pictures and even the odd ceremony.

    Judith, Lorita and all who are in the path of dangerous storms I hope you came through things OK.

    Ron— I hope Lou is weathering her hospital stay calmly so you can recharge your own batteries. It is frustrating when docs round at all hours and you don't get a chance to see them.

    Jerilynn— I had a similar experience at the MCF when I brought dad a meal from McDonalds. I walked into the dining room where he was seated with 3 other men and when the fries came out, they descended on him like seagulls. It was awful. Future treats were enjoyed in his room only.

    My SIL used to keep a well-stocked candy bowl in my MIL's room at the SNF and encouraged staff to come in and grab a snack whenever they wanted. She even asked individual aides which treats they liked best and made sure to keep those on hand. It's a little thing, but it meant MIL got lots of attention from staff popping into her room.

    RIP your "booties". I must have at least a dozen pair to get off the high shelf in my closet and donate. So many pretty things I'll never wear again. I can do a 1" heel and even 1 1/2" if I'll mostly be sitting, but more than that and my knees hate me.

    I've reached out to this doc on the portal before and he always returns the calls to my mom. I do have a HIPAA on file, but for now I think it won't change. If she's confused by what she's told, I'll try the portal and schedule a follow-up if needed.

    DH and I stopped by mom's yesterday to rehang her bedroom curtains. She was fussing mightily about how her cleaner didn't hang them properly or understand what she wanted. They're plain velvet panels hung on clip-on rings which requires some finesse to space equally and zhuzhing into proper folds. I've done these plenty of times and know the tricks so it didn't take long to fix them. Velvet is a particularly unfortunate choice for the cat's favorite window given how much she sheds.

    Dinner with friends tonight. It's going to be pleasant, so we'll sit outside. I can't wait to hear about Fiji as I travel vicariously through them. He's off on his first cruise next month and I'm dying to hear about that. He doesn't have a cruise personality, so it should be interesting.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, I'm up but not very bright eyed and bushytailed. I didn't go to bed until 2 then got up at 7. Napping on tap for today after the morning news shows.

    It took until at least 12:30 for the really bad weather to get here. Many reports of tornados from the many storm chasers and radar. Lots up around the Kansas state line. There was one about 15 miles West of us but it went NE and continued for miles. Forty years ago almost to the day a tornado hit that town and destroyed part.of it. About the same time there was another one south of us that continued for a long way.

    ade the right decisionWe had 3.5" of rain and the ponds are up. I know the road north of us is flooded. Fed Gray Lady and the birds. Darwin called and said they didn't get much sleep either. The storms scared Donna so they were going back to bed. So far, the creek is in its banks. The girls are out grazing. Don't know if Todd can feed or not. Sheena had a bad night with thunder, lightning and the weatherman on so long.

    Ron, I think you made the right decision. I know you had rather have her home but she will be soon. Is she having any trouble with the gallstones? They are very painful I went through that about 26 years ago. Mine acted up because of an 84 lb. Weight loss and drinking lots of water. I'll be back.later.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hi,I'm glad my ALZ did not act up at the wedding. Today is different did not go to church. We were getting ready to go to church but I was getting ready to do my meds (usually do them before we go to church) but the walls in the dinning room started to feel like they were closing in on me and I started to panic and I didn't want to take a chance it would happen in church.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Agree God’s creation is amazing.

    Iris we mulch with the pine needles.

    David hope you are feeling better. Know that is a hard feeling.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Got out and checked all the girls. Had to hunt for Billy the Bull. He doesn't stay too close to the others. Always stop and talk to him. Took down the trash and closed that gate. Should have taken Stormy with me but didn't know what all I was going to do. I went through a lot of water in the pastures. They won't have to come to a pond to drink. The road north of here has water over itfor about half a mile or more. I'll have to go somewhere and take Stormy later.

    JeriLynn, your story about the beaver reminded me- years ago Charles and his brother who was visiting, went to fish in a pond west of here(not on our farm) for a while. They were in waders fishing and all at once they heard this loud noise. Scared both of them because they didn't know anything was around. They discovered it was either a muskrat or beaver hitting the water with his big tail. I had no idea there were beavers around here until Mike told me there were dozens of them on the section east of us. We've had muskrats but not beavers.

    More storms for this evening. Judith, did you have storms? I think there was some damage in Norman around OU.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I am feeling better and I know that what is happing to not only me but anyone who has ALZ is all part of God's plan. Thank God that I have a wife who really love me and that she can put up with the way I act at times do to my ALZ. I don't think that I would be alive if it wasn't for her.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank you for you concern I am feeling much better. I hate to have the feeling of not knowing when the ALZ might act up.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    If I did not believe in God I do not know how I would survive.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lou will be transfered to a behavioral hospital this afternoon! This is where she will have futher evaluation.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    ron….thinking of you and Lou

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, is the behavioral hospital close to the hospital that Lou is in right now?

    Mint, I see now about using the pine needles as mulchn that must smell so nice. I had visions of pine needle craft projects.

    I was awake for most of the night, fell back asleep around 7 am until 11:20 am. I'm not happy with this sleep pattern.

    I hope the thunderstorms and tornados are winding down now.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    The behavioral hospital was only 10 minutes from where she was. The hardest part of this for me is visitation is limited to between 6pm and 6:45pm. I can call anytime of the day or night, but limited to seeing her.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Ron i hope things go well for Lou and that you will be able to rest a little better.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    edited April 28

    HB, I have struggled on how to spell zhuzhing. I hear that word on QVC so often. Thanks for the spelling.

    We made it through last night's storms okay but one was pretty close. Oneof the storm chasers was in that town and somehow power lines fell on his truck. He stayed inside and called emergency services and they cut the power so he could move. Power poles were broken off and lines were down.

    We're having rain again. Severe T-storm warning is south of us. Don't know the direction of the storms. Never did get that nap. I laid down and couldn't go to sleep. Carol called to see if I was okay so got up. She said The storm that was close to us went just north of them. Weatherman just said there's rotation about 60 miles south of us moving NE. The GPs have slept a lot today. It thundered a while ago so Sheena is wide awake now.

    Judith, are you okay?

    Ron, I know how hard it must be for you to not be with Lou but she is being cared for so now is the time for you to rest and feel better yourself. Will she talk to you on the phone?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Just watched the news. There were at least ten tornados in our State last night. It showed the destruction in several of the towns that were hit. Two fatalities; a four month.old and another person. Looks like Sulphur was really hard hit. Looks like it was almost destroyed. The Governor has declared 12 counties as emergency but the County near us where there was destruction was not included. Just Said there's rotation about 30 miles south of us where a tornado formed last night. Looks like another rocky night on tap.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Here….severe storms at our place Friday night. We are ok and so is the house. No internet or cable x 48 hrs. More later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Beth i had been wondering about you. Glad you checked in. Thankful looks as if your house was spared.

    Lorita thinking of you and all the others in Oklahoma.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Looks like Beth fared the worst….we were fine here…bad storms…thankful for my generator.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    We lost 4 trees and our fence. Some gutters and siding damage. Otherwise ok! Thankful!

    The following pics are from OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTIES

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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