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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning.

    I'm catching up on some laundry this morning. I need to shower and go vote as it's primary day here.

    I've got some pathological avoidance going on around communicating my concerns about mom's memory and emotional state to her PCP who we see Friday. I know I need to do it. I would encourage a friend with the same concerns to do it. But I am not having an easy time with it. I just need to put on my big girl panties and deal.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited April 23

    I'm up and dressed, fed the cats, now making my breakfast.

    HB, have you reviewed the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's on alz.org? This list might help you gather your thoughts about what to convey.

    Lorita, I appreciate your efforts in warming up the temperature! I'll let my fellow travelers know it'll be warmer!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Psalms 4:8 has always comforted me.

    We may go plant shopping this Saturday. Don’t think we have ever went in April before. Last year we were going to go May 6 and as you know I wasn’t able to go and my sisters didn’t get to go either. So it will be a very special day if we all get to go Saturday. Hope it’s warm enough that I can wear my sepsis awareness T-shirt. It’s early for here but we can’t wait till the end of May to go or there will be nothing to get. The first three weekends in May are tied up for a lot of us already so we’re going to go Saturday if it works out. I’m going to get my tables out on my closed in porch and just keep them until we can plant.

    it’s partially cloudy and windy here today but not terrible. My sister has a cold so I told her don’t come to moms until she’s better. I don’t want mom to get a cold. I had to get my sister to take me yesterday to pick up my car from the mechanics so I wore a mask over to moms this morning and I hope to continue to remember to do that for a few days till I make sure I’m not getting it. My sister is anti-mask. So even if I get a cold, I’ll keep going and wearing my mask. As always, I’m thankful for my mask.

    I am very close to having the mulching done at my house. I didn’t have to do a whole lot. So my sister got all the roses pruned in the front bed of the house where mom lives. I have it at least probably half weeded. I hope to be able to do some more this evening. I also think I’m not going to ask my mom I am just going to put mulch down. As you know, she’s always throwed a fit about that. But I’m doing all this work and if I don’t get some mulch down, it’ll be in the same condition that it is now in a week or two and I cannot keep doing this over and over. My mom seems to be coming more subdued in general. But at times she can still be a little bit feisty, but that even sort of seems less so I think I’ll try it. She has not been coming to the door and trying to tell me how to do things for the most part. Maybe just once or twice where is before the door was just constantly opening and closing.

    David hope the balance classes work for you. Where are you taking them at? A lady just yesterday requested prayer for strength and courage as she so fears falling. I suggested to her seeing PT for balance and strengthening exercises. Know that is scary.

    How is Lorita feeling this morning?
    How is Joan doing?

    Hope everyone’s plants do well.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I am taking 2 balance classes at the Salem senior center one on Tuesday and a different one on Thursday I have been doing this for about one month. I was also taking one at a local college for about 4 months but it got to be to time consuming (it was a half-hour drive round trip) and expensive that is why I started going to the senior center and it only 10 minutes round trip. My wife says that she can see a some improvement in my gate.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    David…I find that a cane is helpful….it creates a third point of balance for me….all it takes it a light touch to create this,,,no leaning,

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Mint, do hope you and your sisters get to go plant shopping. I -love to do that. Maybe you can get your mulching done so you can rest.

    Thank you, Mint, for asking. I'm feeling okay. No pain yesterday or today. Trying to do my dead level best to not lean on the chair arm.

    Just got caught up on making my monthly donations. Had let it stack up a few days and won't do that again.

    Darwin made it to town and back. He called when he got home. Said he stopped by another friend we have who runs a feed and fertilizer place. He's about my age and Darwin says he looks bad, probably only weighs 120 and he was fairly heavy when I last saw him. But, he ways he feels well. His wife is something else. I've seen her driving a huge truck spreading fertilizer and loading things with a fork lift. Truly a farm wife.

    I need to set out those plants and get my caladiums in the ground. Hopefully, we'll get rain this week.

    Had a call this morning from my BIL. He'll be 94 two days after I'm 82. Living alone now but he has two daughters near by. Still driving and buying his own groceries. So, talked to my two favorite men today.

    Carol called and we had a nice visit. She's having balance problems, too, David. She can't walk anywhere without being able to see something nearby or touching her husband's shirt sleeve. I .hope your balance treatments help. My gait is somewhat different, too, probably from the Mortons.

    Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night and hope you are well today. Very windy here today. Jerry said it is in the Texas Panhandle, too. Guess it is that time of year.

    Enjoy your day, everyone.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited April 23

    I will keep you up on progress on my balance. Right now I'm working on sit to stand without using the arms on the chair. i can stand to sit at the foot of the bed 3 times then it gets difficult. So if I can do it from the bed eventually I should be able to do it from a chair.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I know a cane helps but I'm almost 7 ft tall and I lean on my cane and rollator so I'm going to the VA to see if they can get one that's taller for me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    David, when Charles was in the VA Hospital they had a rollator type thing that you could stand upright and use. I've seen those advertised on TV, too.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I'm hoping that the VA can help me in getting one for me. I'm going on May 3rd to see what they can do for me I will let you know what's up.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Sorry David. I forgot that you needed a tall cane. Would a staff help???

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Lorita…yes, Florida Boys. White Christmas as always. 70 large ordered.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank you for the suggestion but I don't know Iwith my balance problems I would be more apt to fall.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, that is a lot of bulbs to plant. Will your grandson help? I like to have one ot two white ones mixed in with the red Don't know how these will come out because they were all in one bag.

    It has gotten really cloudy here so hope we get some rain. I think I'll wait until we get some to plant. I received a few basil seeds in a letter a few days ago but won't plant them - don't care for basil but would like to get some parsley and oregano for hanging baskets.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    It is a lot. They go all along the white fence in the from of the front walk. You know me, I could never mix two colors…lol.

    I like basil and spearment. Spearment was the original Wrigley flavor. Learned that on the Food Thet Built America last Sunday. A very interesting program. Anyone else watch that?

    Just read again that snakes are attracted to bird poop. Everyone needs to place their feeders away from their house.

    Interesting day in court today. The law is truly fascinating.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    edited April 23

    Never watched that show but since I changed packages and don't get as many channels I might try it.

    I remember you posted a picture some years ago of your White Christmas caladiums, They were gorgeous.

    I have three bird feeders hanging on the front porch along with a bowl I put sunflower seeds and peanuts in for Rusty. Guess I better watch out...Don't want any more trouble with snakes.

    I made a peach cobbler a while ago so cobbler and ice cream on the front porch. Everyone welcome! I tested it- pretty good. Anyone ever made a quick cobbler?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Pink moon tonight;

    The name of April's Full Pink Moon is believed to come a pink flower known as the ground phlox, which commonly blooms in North America around this time. Other names for the celestial event include the Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon and Fish Moon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    II knew it was light out last night but didn't realize the full moon was today. Interesting how they're named. I can understand sprouting grass. Wonder how egg moon came about —time for eggs to hatch?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Finally made a call to Gastrologist nurse to voice my concerns about not knowing what's going on I my esophagus. I mentioned to her about the prior two upper endoscopy procedures and didn't understand the reason for a third. I also mentioned that I didn't even see the dr after procedure and all I knew was he told my driver "everything went well ". She was very nice and spent probably at least 15 minutes going over notes from the two different Dr's talking back and forth about what my problem was and different ideas. One thing she did mention was my last endoscopy done ladt week showed something that she said usually meant a ulcer. She is sending my Gastrologist a note with my concerns and questions and said if she didn't call me by tommorow for me to call her.

    David, I also have a balance problem and have a cane for support provided by the VA. They also mentioned a walker might be need at some point. I can see it now, me helping my wife to the bathroom on her walker and me trying to figure out how to help with me using a walker.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, it looks like the VA has a great nurse advice system. I hope she can get you an answer.

    I went to pick up my neighbor who had moved downtown. Her parked car was hit and totaled by a drunk driver last year, so she is without transportation, so I offer to drive her if she needs to go someplace. We drove around and went to Ross, also stopped by the ocean to watch the people doing beach yoga.

    It's a beautiful day today, not hot, just pleasant. Even though I was in the car all day, I still got tired. But I am not exhausted, like I used to be.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    HB I understand that feeling. Sorry this is happening. Remember when i first joined here ones that had been around for a while, telling me that’s what I had to do. At that time I wasn’t able but several years later I’m getting to that point where I feel a little more like the parent.

    David i respect how you try and put forth effort to help yourself. Hope you can find a cane for your height. My cousin in his 80s always has his cane because he does not want to fall. I plan on using a cane or walker if i need to. Increases your independence.

    Shirley was thinking about you today. Hope you are doing ok.

    I got some mulch today. When i got to mom’s I just started doing it. I don’t know probably 10-15 minutes went by and I heard her rapping on the window and I thought oh no. So I looked up and there she was this great big, pretty smile and waving at me. Then in a little bit, she came to the door and told me it was very pretty. That made my day. I don’t think they’re giving rain tomorrow but I think they’re giving it kind of cool and windy. So not sure if I can get any more done tomorrow or not but I think they’re giving it nice Thursday and Friday. I have to get J’s groceries at some point so if it’s kind of nasty tomorrow I might do that tomorrow and just go ahead and pick up the mulch so I’ll already have it for Thursday. I only pick up five bags at a time because that’s way easier on me, in fact, I’ve been doing pretty good with that.

    Hope each one gets a good night of rest😴🌕 I saw the beautiful moon

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    HB, I'm sorry you are having to deal with memory issues with your mother. You have been through so much with your dad and of course you hope to not have to go through this again. We also hope you don't have to! We are here if you need to vent. Many of us have been there, in some way or another.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I'm glad since you got a cane from the VA I can get one also. I also have a rollater soI maybe they get me one too.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good Morning.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Morning rockers!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning.

    Thanks for the kind words about mom.

    Iris— That's a great idea. It never hurts to revisit the basics. Mostly what I'm seeing is straight up memory glitches. My birthday was over the weekend and I'd made reservations for brunch earlier this month. About 10 days ago, mom was asking if I had plans to celebrate. The girl has serious FOMO ("fear of missing out" for you Judith). I said something along the lines of "Oh yes, we're all going to brunch so niece and nephew-in-law can come too) Last Wednesday, she started hinting around again. I reminded her about the brunch and we even discussed who would be driving her and said we'd firm that part up on Friday when we saw niece. On Friday, we talked about it at length— about the new garden center *$%& cafe, the locally sourced menu, what niece had when she ate there and about niece driving mom. Two days later she called again to wish me a happy birthday and asked what I was doing to celebrate.

    Yesterday she called to tell me her PCP is today. I had it as Thursday in my phone, so I checked the portal and it was Thursday. Then she told me some story about rescheduling until Monday. TBF, she does have a lot of appointments and routinely has specialist appointments moved as some are schedule 6 months out and things change. I'll call to confirm when the office opens.

    Mint— The mask thing must be frustrating given your professional background. I mean if she were having surgery, surely she'd want the team masked. Earlier in COVID-times, I had mom at the pulmonologist whose waiting room tends to be full of very sick people. There was a woman in a wheelchair complaining mightily about not being able to breathe in her procedure mask. Her companion was trying to calm her but she finally ripped it off to reveal the nasal canula supplying her O2. Crazy.

    David— Good for you addressing the balance stuff. I work balance into my at-home standing Pilates and Yoga though it didn't save me Saturday. Mom did a 3-month balance program with a PT— it was a lot of the same leg, hip and core strengthening as I do. It has been really useful for her— she had muscles weakness (especially laterally), poor vision and is easily distracted which is an unholy trinity given her osteoporosis. There are lots of decent balance work videos on You Tube if you want to do more at home.

    Be well.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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