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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    What I do at my classes I try to do the same at home on an average of about 15 to 20 minutes a day at least 4 times a week which gives me about 150 minutes of exercise a week. (This includes the 90 minutes of my exercise classes ) Hopefully everything will help me with my balance.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good Morning Again! Stop number 1 successfully completed. Hearing aid for FIL is repaired! Now on to the Doctor, then (smiles to HB) a little retail therapy 😂😝🥰

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, I've been out in pastures checking on the girls. Stormy went with me. Everything looks okay. Fed GLand went to mailbox. Took Sheena for a short walk. My. back is hurting so I'll be sitting for a while. Haven't read posts yet. Judith, are you up and at 'em?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited April 24

    I'm up, I slept nine hours straight! I'm so happy that I am getting rested! A lot of you get up very early, about 1 am, according to Pacific time.

    HB, don't be too hard on your DM about rescheduling appointments. I left a message at one office to cancel, then got a return call that I had the wrong date. When I spoke with the office in person, it turns out that I did have the right date. So was I confused, or was she?

    When my memory was very bad, before I began my memory meds, I forgot conversations within minutes or even seconds, not just days later. Now I occasionally forget quickly, but mostly I can remember enough for me to be comfortable with conversing with people. I have a lot yo do today. That's the main reason I want to sleep better, so that I can get things done! (Like Lorita! 🙂)


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris, I know exactly what you mean about memory, I gave some if the same problems.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Thanks, Iris,not so much anymore. Glad you're getting more sleep and rest. I sleep. 7-8 hrs most nights. I got 8 hrs. Last night and fell asleep in my chair just now. After going out to check girls my back has hurt so much so maybe that's why. Heard the alarm go off.- it was our mail carrier with two boxes. I ordered three 12 packs of Pepsi three weeks ago and it was just now delivered and all cans were loose in the box so had to deal with that. Didn't help my back.

    Iris, what do you take for your memory? Glad the medicine is helping. Carol and I talk about our short term memory loss, just names and small things. Aggravating.

    Darwin just called to tell me he was headed home. He has worked six days or more getting limbs out of the creek. He has finished and the water can flow through if it rains a lot. He said it sprinkled on him a couple of times and I hear it now.

    Mike called early to see if things were ok. He has had food poisoning and was really sick but worked anyway. Toad has been sick in bed two days with some sort of flu, he thinks. I visited a bit with him Monday as he left feed for Gray Lady. There are sicknesses out there waiting to jump on us. Be careful. I still wear my mask.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    HB…TBF (to be frank?…lol) your mother has memory issues. Please read all you can about the correct protocol for diagnosis so that you can be certain that your mother is correctly taken care of. Do not let the PCP tell you it is just an ageing problem.

    It can be very hard to keep up with appointments and events. Might a white board be helpful? Maybe alert all Drs not to communicate with your mother? Weekly post its?

    Additionally, get info re your concerns to the Dr before the appointment and do sit where you can nod your head yes/no without your mother seeing you.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Gastrologist nurse called and my Dr wants to see me next week where the two of us can set down and go over all my test findings and deside best options.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited April 24

    Ron, your last cartoon hit the spot!

    Lorita, I am using the same memory meds that the PWDs use, although I don't have Alzheimer's Disease; they are Exelon patch and memantine, generic for Namenda. Also, treating the sleep apnea with the CPAP is helping my memory, I can tell.

    Lorita, I suppose you already know that you are lifting too much. Do you try to lift with your legs, not with your back? Do you use a wagon or some sort of cart to carry things? I found a small cart for $5.99 at the 99cents only store and it has been a great help to me for bringing my groceries in from the car.

    Mike had food poisoning? I've been hearing of food recalls. We do have to be careful of what we eat and of how we cook and store food. He works around animals, people can get some animal diseases. Careful HANDWASHING after touching animals and tools and trees and dirt is vital! especially under the nails.


    Edit: The FDA found bird flu virus in pasteurized milk, but they state the virus is inactivated. Be aware and be careful, everyone!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, that cartoon is right on for me! Keep I'em comin'. Glad you have a time appointed to sit down with your doctor to find out what's what.

    Iris, I have sort of a wheelbarrow type cart, not as big and has two wheels, that I use for everything. Bought it at K Mart probably 35 Yeats ago. Backed halfway over it with the PU years ago and cracked the bottom a little so now it doesn't hold water which is good.

    I don't lift nearly as much as previously. When I was feeding the girls I lifted the 5O lb. Sacks of feed. Now I do good to walk a 40 lb. Sack of cat food into the house from the porch. This reminds me I have a sack of that in the PU. The sack is torn open so have to figure out how to get it inside. I think part of my problem is I lift and turn while lifting so it twists my back and waist. My doctor and I have talked about that. When I saw him last week he said all it part of my upper hip pain is sciatica. It hurt years ago and I took glucosamine religiously and it improved. I still take it when I remember.

    FedEx just delivered so I need to open the gate so GL can get water and close the main gate to keep her on the farm if she goes down that far. Judith, gates and more fates. Can't live without them.

    Iris, Mike doesn't eat much, if any, breakfast and works through lunch. He got some tacos at a place in town for supper and he thinks it was the lettuce. He says there's been several lettuce recalls lately. Guess we just can't rely on everything being good for us.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    For those following my saga.

    I went to mom's at noon to discuss my concerns, but first I took care of changing her voter registration for her. She was an Independent which prevented her voting in PA primaries. Then I trouble shot her kitchen TV and got the cable to work for her. After I went through her cable bill and was able to cobble a plan to tweak channel line-ups to save her $40/month. I took her to the new Wegman's where she stocked up on a couple prepared meals and fruit. And before I could mention that I planned to alert the PCP to her issues, she mentioned them. She'd been holding back not wanting to burden me having been through this once before with dad.

    We had a good discussion about this being really early days and drafted a message together about getting a quick screening tomorrow and asking the doc to look at the bloodwork from her last 2 ER visits. His assistant has already gotten back to us that we'll discuss this at the appointment tomorrow. It went better than I expected.

    @Iris The appointment mix-ups have been 3 in the last 2 weeks. I do share a calendar on her phone, but she doesn't think to look. She thought one office called that didn't. She can't tell me which office called. It's sad because she's anxious by nature. She is constantly asking about her next appointments— when does she see the cardiologist, have an eye injection, her psychiatrist. Funny, she doesn't forget her hair appointments. It runs in her family; I grew up thinking it was normal for adult woman to roam the house checking door locks at all hours of the night based on her many sisters. She's also got some significant ADHD traits which cloud things— she's always been scattered and a wee bit unfiltered.

    @Judith I would be shocked if the PCP tries to blow this off. If he does, I can appeal to her psychiatrist if needed. And there's always Penn's Memory Center where dad was diagnosed. The PCP was surprising knowledgeable about dementia when dad was alive. And he's already used to reading my non-verbal signals when a parent is giving a history. LOL, the one time I didn't go with her, he asked her where I was. I know she is having significant memory issues— so far her finances look fine, the cat is well cared for, her medication trays are properly set up and current.

    @Ron— I'm glad you're going to have an appointment to review the results of all this testing and get some context around all of it.

    Off to enjoy a hot soak in the tub and maybe a glass of Chardonnay later.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    HB, I'm glad the talk went well with Mom. How relieved you both must be. I'll be praying for you and your Mama. 💖

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, you young people are so into technology, with calendars on your phone. I am younger than your mom, but I'm not comfortable with phone calendar, I check my wall calendar morning and night. I enjoy looking at it, it is familiar. I know you say your mom is a bit OCD. But if she is like me, and she may be, the world moves so fast nowadays, that there is a feeling of unease about missing something. Not FOMO, but, did I forget to do something? I have this feeling, I don't know how many others my age feel like this.

    A propo your hot soak: Do you remember this, "Calgon, take me away!"

    Lorita, I am suspicious of lettuce.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Me, too, Iris, and those salads you buy in bags that say they are prewashed. Guess we need to grow our own. I like Buttercrunch and Iceberg.

    I am not into technology in the least. All I care about is being able to make and receive calls and store contacts and a little texting. I don't know about streaming on TV either. I also use my wall calendars to record appointments and things I want to remember. Also use my daily journaling for these things.

    I'm watching a show about the loss of our coral reefs and how they're trying to restore them. If you watch these nature show it seems like we're on the verge of losing so many animal and plant species dud to climate change. Those people who don't believe in climate change should watch and learn. If something isn't done soon to change what's happening, we'll lose our planet and home. Very sad to watch but some people are trying to help which is encouraging. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox for now.

    HB, glad you have the appt. For your mother. I remember when Charles would have appointments the doctors always wanted me to be there. Good luck tomorrow.

    Sleep well tonight, everyone!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited April 25

    I don't have my own yard to have a garden, but I did buy a grow light. If I have the energy I might try to grow some lettuce in the summer on my balcony.

    Simon was a bit stronger today. He's eating the special geriatric cat food that I got him.

    I don't usually pay attention to the news, but there are FOUR major news stories going on right now in Los Angeles and they are on my mind. 😕


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Morning !


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good Morning. I've been up since 2:30 but reading. I don't know what's up with my sleep schedule but I'm trying to just roll with it. By 6pm I'm wiped out for the day.

    If my calendar is correct, (I use a big paper desk calendar) today is surgery day for @SDianeL. I know we all pray her well.

    Mint, when I was falling asleep last night, I remembered your mulching project. I'm grateful it went well.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Thinking of you HB.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, some rain notth.of here. Had some hail. Not big, about 30 miles north. Nothing now.

    Iris, there is so much going on now in the news,, most of it not good. Glad they finally got the aid bill through for Ukraine.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Thank you Jerrilynn. Hope I can finish that up today and tomorrow. Now she is telling me flowers she wants laugh out loud . Told her I was making no promises. She is wanting lobelia . Told her if it works our I will try and put out those supertunias as they are so easy to care for. Told her i would plant a small group of lobelia where she can see them if I'm able.

    My sister and I have started buying her a small bunch of cut flowers now and then. We have to care for them. I thought maybe she would enjoy taking care of them as it would be easy. Doesn’t seem to be the case.

    Hope you get to sleeping better. After i retired i found myself rushing. One day i thought I don’t have to rush anymore. So try to slow down when i find myself doing that. Feel it is better for me physically and mentally. It also decreases my chance of falling a lot I feel. It is hard to get out of that habit when you have rushed for so many years. It’s a hard habit to break but feel Ive made some progress.

    Hello everybody

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Mint, I like to buy a six pack of Liberia and make a hanging basket. Maybe that would be easier for your mom. I put some water I er NY caladium bulbs so I can get them planted before the heavy rain in the morning. Will wait to plant the butterfly plants so they won't get beaten down. Final!y changed out of my rover gotta do dishes,Sandy.

    Darwin has been working on his chain saws this morning. Went to town for parts and they gave him the wrong ones so had to go back. He got it done so will rest and work some more. Very energetic for an 85 year old. I haven't done anything except feed cats and birds.

    Gray Lady came up and got in the carport and girls are in the barn. Stormy is asleep on the divan and Sheena is sleeping under the ho!ly. I have one holly that has a few leaves but nothing on the others.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm up! Ron, thanks to my meds and my CPAP, I'm not as tired as I used to be!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Mint, you are right, I need to slow down. But my whole house, garage, shed, barn; EVERYTHING is so disorganized and that makes a crazy. I can't find anything. It's a frustrating result of combining households, closing the Shop, a DH that hoards tools and equipment and my own OCD about having things in order. It'll either pass or I'll just learn to live with it I guess. 😕🙃😂

    On the upside: got a calla lilly and more in the ground; 2 Buddleia/butterfly bushes, more herbs and 2 mexican heather plants at the pathway to the pool. Fed the dogs, cat, bird, wild birds, watered everything and cleaned the kitchen. Spent an hour on the phone with TriCare/Express Scripts for my FIL. Rode the 4 wheeler to the back 40 to look at DH's handiwork of yesterday: cleaning scrub brush from the fenceline. Spray painted some wrought iron plant hangers to put up on the patio wall for the petunia seed that @BethL showed us. Paid bills and filled the fire pit with papers to burn.

    Now, I'm gonna take a break for the midday news and a bowl of cereal. 🤤

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    JeriLynn, what did you do in your spare time this morning? Just kidding. You have been one busy lady. I just checked my four tall planters where I plant the caladiums. All but one is filled with wild violets not blooming now. The other one needs more dirt. Now I'm not sure where to put the bulbs. After the rain guess I could transplant the violets to the south side of the house. One planter is next to the big Elm and now there's poison ivy growing up the tree and among the violets. Never had it there before. Always a problem to deal with.

    Need to find something to put in the bathtub - finds does well with some Dusty Miller along the sides. Used to buy plants at Lowes but haven't been there lately. I need a Gerbera Daisy or two. Love those.

    Very windy so just took down the flag. Storms predicted for early in morning. GL had to have a scoop of feed while I was out there. JeriLynn, you'll learn to slow down after a while. I still eat too fast because sometimes I would run errands on lunch break and ate as I drove. Takes time to adjust.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Spent the morning watching a split screen…Trump trial and Supreme court hearing. One based on fraud, the other on immunity. Hard to follow but really interesting.

    Got the icemaker replaced on my ancient Subzero…no ice. They will be back tomorrow….no charge. No room in the freezer for a bag of ice is the problem at hand…Not a very serious problem.

    Caladium bulbs are o n their way, I will not plant in wet soil but will water in throughly once they are in.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning everyone. Busy here this morning. Went to the bank, picked up a prescription, got groceries and then went to Olive Garden for lunch. Ate soup, salad and bread sticks. "Dessert" involved a side trip for Crumbl cookies. Have you had Crumbl cookies? They are large, tasty and expensive (nearly $4 each) but a nice occasional treat. I noted at one time their serving size calorie count was about 200 calories. Then read the fine print and a serving size is 1/4 cookie!

    Much outside work to do. Yesterday I edged the garden and planted elephant ears. This afternoon I plan to move/remove some plants. My Solomon's Seal is pretty but spreads too vigorously so will dig some out. Same way with the "Naked Ladies." I need to get my garden art out too.

    We expect rain tomorrow, and possibly thunderstorms.

    Mint, you are doing great for your Mom. You have a lot of patience and show compassion.

    Have a good day, rockers!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lou's sitter is recovering from her operation, but has some type if infectious disease they are trying to figure out. Also, the colon cancer hasspread to her liver and they are going to biopsy it. The good news is she is off all monitors and walking around some, and her white blup. count is up.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Ron, I am sorry to hear about Lou's sitter. Not a good situation. I'll keep her in my prayers.

    Photos from the garden today: Solomon's Seal (which I was thinning), Trillium, Crabapple 'Snowdrift' and Lathyrus Vernus (type of perennial sweetpea

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Beth. Your flowers are beautiful. Looks like you have something in bloom all the time. How long did it take for you to get your garden established to the way it is now?

    Ron, so sorry to hear about Lou's sitter. What will you do until she is better?

    Weatherman says we'll have storms and rain in the morning and worse ones Saturday afternoon. Up to possibly 7" of rain the next ten days.

    Iris, it was near 80 today and will before the next week. Looks like summer is here.n Had to order a new fan for the bedroom. I keep the AC on low and the fan on to circulate the air.

    Hope everyone had a good night's rest.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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