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Just need to talk to my friends (196)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    A post from David;

    Hi everyone I just got my new cane from the VA and I love it. Now I'm waiting to get my new rollator

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    edited May 11

    You had a time, didn't you? I go out in my robe and gown, too but we never know what will happen when we do. Many times I've driven out in the pastures to check the girls. Don't mention snakes. I've had enough.of them with the ones in the house. I can just see your husband laughing and enjoying the show.

    Iris, it may not be a cold - could be allergies. .My cousin, Patsy, lived in California but when she moved to Okla. and she developed allergies.I never had them until a couple of years ago. In Okla. Spring is terrible for allergies all kinds of trees, grasses and mold. .Mulberry is bad now and we have lots of them. I wear a mask when I go outside.Hope you feel better soon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Thank you for the chuckle JeriLynn

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning—

    Lorita— Good luck with the poison ivy. That's some nasty stuff. I've run into a couple of times and always end up on steroids for a bit.

    Ladyzetta— I hope your home sells quickly and seamlessly. And if there's a bidding war— so much the better. Some places do sell fast. Mom's neighborhood is often sold by a single realty team who has a waiting list of downsizers who want in. About half the time there's not even time for a sign to go up.

    Mint, Caro-lynne and loveskitties— It's difficult being where you are right now. Parents are hard. Fostering that sense of independence in one's home a lot of work behind the scenes. (I always find it irksome when mom brags to her medical teams about living on her own) Parents at a distance ups the degree of difficulty. It was so much easier mentally to have my folks nearby— nothing like getting a phone call from a hospital 1000 miles away that mom is in trouble, and you can't get a flight because it's Presidents Day weekend and there are no open seats to MCO. Or when dad calls and says he can't find the hotel he's supposed to stay at and you can see it right there on Google Street view directly across the street from the ER but he can't follow directions and sleeps in his car instead. And the next day manages to find a Ford dealer and buy a new one with a bigger back seat. It's more work to have mom local, but more time consuming.

    Jerilynn— I do hope FIL clears once the big gun meds exit his system. The behaviors you're seeing are really scary. I hadn't realized hens can be meangirls. I will admit last week DS went out for a walk in the neighborhood around 9pm and got caught a mile away in a thunderstorm, so I ran out in my car to get him sporting my ratty LLBean plaid flannel number and some wicked good slippahs. Quite a look. It was dark, but a neighbor did see me.

    Amazon gift cards are the bomb. It's my husband's favorite gift. That reminds me, I have 2 great nieces who graduate this year and need to order Amazon cards for them and mail them out.

    David— I'm glad you were able to catch up with your niece even if it was under sad circumstances. That's an interesting relationship. My mom had a brother and sister who married a sister and brother— my one cousin had them as an aunt/uncle on both sides.

    Iris— I hope you feel better soon. There's a lot of crud out there plus allergies.

    Beth— You have so many lovely plants. May have a couple old azaleas that aren't performing well taken out when I mulch and am looking for some interesting shrubs for my front foundation. I already have some tidy but ordinary yews as a backdrop. Morning sun, clay soil and ravenous deer— any suggestions?

    We got a letter from the HOA last week about the area along the back fence being cleaned out. My house backs up to a 2-lane county highway not far from the entrance to the subdivision. When the neighborhood was being built, the builder installed landscaping and a fence along the property line. The first 6 years or so while they were still actively selling homes, the builder maintained it. Then they turned it over to the owners— about 10 homes are impacted but my stretch is the longest. I bought the house from my folks when they retired (long, ugly story); they'd been summering at the beach and their landscape idiot didn't stay on top of it so I left it more natural as it helps block the noise and makes it more private. Now the HOA is saying they'll do a one-time 3' wide swath near the fence but the rest is up to me. Oh snap! I can't imagine what this would cost to hire out. It's about 240'— I am not happy. Maybe I can work a side deal with the crew they send out to tidy the whole swath. I already had to clear out the other stretch that formerly backed up to a pumpkin field. A builder started building in 2006, went bust leaving a construction site which was finally finished as 4-story townhouses and sold to the fussiest 55+-ers on the planet. I liked it better before.

    A quiet weekend here. I'll have mom for dinner tomorrow— as a guest, not an entree. The thought of Mother's Day brunch in a restaurant gives me hives. I'm going to check out the fancy Italian gourmet shop and pick up a ready to heat lasagna, salad and bread. Maybe I'll buy her a ready-made basket of flowers for her little porch. The tea outing was her present, but she'll need something to brag about when her friends do. Mom's really leaning into her Lyme Disease and is reporting all manner of symptoms she's read about. I still suspect this is from last summer and am now questioning whether he recent cardiac symptoms may have been related. We see cardiology Monday for a check-in.

    My friend who will be having her colectomy the end of next month got a call from the genetic counselor with test results yesterday. She let it go to voicemail because she was having her IVIG infusion and was loopy from the Benadryl. When she called back, they'd left for the day and now she has the weekend to stew about it. Her treatment doesn't vary, but if this is a FAP (Familial adenomatous polyposis) then her daughter will need testing and potentially the same treatment. Her kid is not an emotionally robust individual and my friend already dreads sharing the surgery piece of it with her.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, I forgot to watch for the northern lights last night. Completely forgot. This morning on our local news they were showing pictures people had sent in of them. Beautiful, mostly reddish. I'll try to remember tonight. Couldn't get the tv turned off last night. First couldn't get the volumn adjusted. Still can't and it is a little loud. Changed the batteries in the remote which didn't seem to help. I think I need a new remote. Couldn't turn it on this morning but finally found the little button on the side of the tv and got if on.

    Darwin called and he isn't too well. He said he's dizzy. He worked cutting and burning limbs for five hours yesterday. I tried to convince him to rest today but says he feels worse staying in the house.

    I'm going to spray the poison ivy with straight vinegar today. May not work but worth a try. If not, Roundup is next. Got a new bottle and vinegar yesterday. WInd is calm so may tackle the weeds in the lot later. The Thunder plays the Mavericks at 2:30 so want to watch that.

    I parked the car in a different place last evening and this morning and when Stormy looked out he warned me that someone was out there. Nothing goes on that he doesn't see or know about. Time for juice and breakfast. Enjoy your day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    edited May 11

    I will check in again to try to get 196 back up on top

    HB hope you find someone to help you with that trimming, no way could I do that. Made more of your granola yesterday.

    Didn’t forget about the Northern lights, but I was sleeping. Doubt if I could’ve seen him anyways because of where I live.

    very dark here today and raining calmly. I’m very thankful for the calmness. I made some corn tortillas and fixed some tostadas for lunch. I had my own green onion, cilantro, and lettuce. I also made cream of chicken soup from scratch. It was very easy, so I’m gonna try to cook some chicken here soon and make me some shredded chicken sandwiches.

    My friends mom is at the nursing home now, so I’m going to try to go see her this afternoon if nothing happens. My sister’s caring for mom today.

    Hopefully, 196 can stay up on top now

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    I want to see what Judith posted on 192 and 194 but don't want to bring them up.

    You know spraying the weeds would not have phased me even five tears ago. Sad that as we get older we are more hesitant to do things we used to not even think about doing. I hate that but it is reality. HB, I bet you feel the same. Mint,, we're having a six star day weather wise and after at least two weeks of violent weather it is well deserved. Do you all still need rain? I've never made chicken soup but used to like it. I'm enjoying the vegetable soup I made. I put a spoonful of cottage cheese in it and some hot sauce. I may freeze one container for later - it made a dutch oven 3/4ths full.

    I did spray the poison ivy with vinegar and dish soap as a surfactant. It is everywhere around that tree. No idea where it came from. May have to give up and spray it. I've salvaged a lot of violets but they do so well there. I might be able to dig up a couple of clumps without getting the ivy on me.. It's all around one of the e'big planters that's filled with violets.

    Darwin called at 8 to tell me he was dizzy when got up. He worked outside five hours yesterday so I think he overdid. Called later saying he was better and was going out again. Felt bad for him but understood when he said it he's out working it gets his surgery and Donna"s condition off his mind. I'll be so glad when his surgery is over and he"s back home. I imagine his daughter in Ark. Will stay with Donna while he's in the hospital.

    Guess I better go spray before the wind gets stronger.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm up. Darwin may have gotten dehydrated from five hours of hard eork. He needs to take breaks and hydrate.

    I slept most of the night and didn't cough much. My sore throat is better, but still coughing this morning. I had chicken soup for dinner last night. I'm going to rest some more. I'm sure it's not allergies, because I don't feel sick with my allergies, but I am feeling sick now, because my antiviral immune system has been activated.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    edited May 11


    Lorita…all I did was post that 192 and 195 had ended and to go to 196

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Thanks, Judith, curiosity was getting the best of me.

    Glad you slept pretty well, Iris. Take it easy and feel better. He may have gotten dehydrated. He's back down there again. I called and he said he was going to work another hour. It's getting hot but he said he was in the shade.

    Got the spraying done in the west lot and sprayed the poke and had a little left so also sprayed the poison ivy. If I can't get UT eradicated it is going to take over.Didn't get any on me except my left hand when I was trying to adjust the nozzle. Don't know how it got in my glove. Couldn't get the nozxle adjusted like I wanted so will ask Darwin. Charles and I used to get our cows in the lot and spray them for flies using the pump sprayers but we could adjust them to a spray instead of a stream. We'll see if it works. I have more Round Up in case. The sun is really hot. Could get a sunburn without trying. Today is the Strawberry Festival in Stilwell, Italian Festival in McAlester and May Fest in Tulsa. Lots of suburns. I bet.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good morning. Ron; the photo of you and Lou on your wedding day is lovely - so young; so new. Love to look back. In fact, guess getting long in the tooth has my brain sending up many old memories when I am not engaged in something. Life has had many problem issues to spin my way, but there have been far more wonderful, lovely memories of life from early childhood on to the present. How blessed all of that has been and grateful for the wonderful, warm memories.

    I am having to use a nasal cannula with very low O2 to assist the fibrosis issue, but it appears I am allergic to the nasal cannula. Going to have to find one that is made of a different substance. The ones I have now have irritated my face and it is all red and a bit bumpy across the cheeks. Bad enough to have to have such a condition pop up when I never smoked a cigarette in my life, but it is unsightly and it itches. Just me whining. Sorry.

    Zetta; it is going to be strange to think of you no longer in Oregon. I can picture you there in my mind's eye so easily. I will now have to get that adjusted to Arizona. You will certainly have far easier winters!

    JeriLynn, your vignette regarding you, the chickens and the open robe had me laughing out loud - I can only imagine. You are lucky your husband did not have a camera in hand!

    Mr. Ron; I can well understand your feelings about your lovely wife being away from you and the dynamics in all of that; I hear how much you miss her and I am sorry. So hope all improves very soon. Take care of you too and perhaps time to catch up on some rest for yourself.

    Mint and JeriLynn, I can easily imagine how things are going. My experience with my mother had me thinking of her condition like a light rheostat. Some days it slid to the top and things were kinder and easier; other days the rheostat slipped downward and oh my; so much harder to the max.

    I was thinking the other day about the "rotted food in the refrigerator." Untrue to the max. Mother's refrigerator had all fresh items in it, but her belief was that ALL the food in the fridge was rotten and inedible. She was dramatic and relentless about it. SO . . . . I finally decided to change the tape that was playing in her head. I told her that I was going to throw out all the food that was rotten and then would go to the grocery store and get new and fresh to replace it. I proceeded to take some plastic grocery sacks she saved for trash, put some of the refrigerator items into multiples of them . . . put on my coat, and off I went to, "the store." Of course I did not go the store. I went out of the line of sight, waited about 20 minutes, went on a full clip back into the house talking rather rapidly carrying the same grocery sacks - told her that I trashed the old items and went to the market and bought new. I proceeded to put the same items back into the refrigerator and she was then content; happy to have the "new" groceries. Worth the dynamics to have her no longer stuck on the "rotten food" button, being upset and unable to rest.

    We enter their world much of the time for their peace which of course also enhances our peace. Not always easy though.

    Mother's Day tomorrow. I am readying my ear for the telephone - all four adult children and grandchildren live distantly, so I shall be getting calls. I will remind myself to be patient and very heartfelt grateful.

    Sure do need another haircut - it seems that overnight it just exploded into a big poof! With hair gone white, I look like a huge dandelion gone to seed!

    Hope everyone has a good day and a wonderful Mother's Day whether a mother or not - it is a day to remember our mothers and/or the mothers of others we knew/know who have been lovingly awesome during our lives.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Going afternoon everyone, I was going to take my wife out for Mother's Day (I already had reservations), when one of my step daughters suggested a picnic at the local beach we were excited then the weather looked like it might rain. So my wife suggested we have a get together on our screened in porch. So we spent the day getting the porch ready and we don't mind doing it. It's so rare to have everyone together. Hopefully everyone shows up there will be 8 plus the 2 of us.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    JoC if you go to Amazon and google oxygen tubing padding you will possibly find something to help.

    David hope you have a nice day.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank you I think we will have a blast remembering the past

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers,

    Lorita, I agree TV and remotes can be a problem. I have a TV the remoter will turn it on and change the channels, but it doesn't work on the volume or to turn it off. Its good you keep track of Darwin, so many things could happen with him working all by himself.

    Iris, I hope you're getting a lot of rest and feeling better. You may have just worn yourself out on the trip. You are so lucky to be able to travel the way you do.

    HB, Thank you for the info about home sells. Iam being real careful cause Iam in no hurry to sell. Iam looking forward to living with my daughter, but not so much on selling. Sorry your having problems with your HOA, I have heard at times they can be a problem. Your making nice plans for your mother on Mother's Day. Iam sure she will enjoy the dinner it sounds really good.

    Iam in the process of getting rid of things I have no use for, so when the move time comes it will make things easier.

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Zetta, this tv remote is the Directv one. It woldn't turn it off last night or on this morning and the volume won't work. Haven't tried turning it off today. I've had to get them to send a new one or two in the past. I'm just glad the volume is about right for me. Glad I found that little square button on the side of the back. I have another remote for the bedroom tv but doesn't seem to work on thus one.

    The weeds are looking like they don't feel good so maybe the round up will work on the ivy, too.

    I had three 13 oz. Cans of Pedigree country stew so gave each Just let him outside so he can run aroundPyrenees one and a half can. Stormy ate his this morning and ate Sheena's this afternoon. That's 39 oz. Checked online and it said one who is 6' yr. and up can have 4-6 cups. So what he ate is within that number. He probably weighs 80 lbs. Scared me. Just let him outside so he can run around.

    Darwin worked at least four hours on his trees today. Called on his way home and said he was going home and lay down. His preop appt.. Is Tuesday and I think his surgery is the 17th. So hope he does well.

    Zetta, I need to get rid of things, too. Just can't get started.

    Jo, happy to see your post and see you are doing pretty well. Hope you can find a suitable cannula. Take it easy and rest all you can. I know you're looking forward to the phone calls tomorrow. Post when you feel like it.

    Ron, how is Lou today?

    Sleep well, everyone. Watch for the northern lights!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lou's back in emergency room! Urinary track infection, poor bladder function, high blood sugar and high heart rate.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Oh, no, poor Lou! I hope they are able to find the right antibiotic.

    Lorita, I hope Darwin knows that people can become dehydrated in the shade.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Ron, so sorry about Lou. Are you with her now? Hope they do find the right med to take care of it. Please let us know.

    Iris, he says he drinks lots of water at home so I told him to take some with.him. Said he would. He told me a while ago that he forgot to wear his back brace this afternoon and has a terrible backache. Didn't know he wore one. He said he wears it when he lifts things, which he has been doing. Hope you feel better and can rest tonight. Watch for the northern lights!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Morning. Ron, praying for Lou. And for you.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Put Lou in a room last night, having my coffee and about to go back. Slept a couple of hours, but restless!

    Happy Mothers day to all my rocking Mothers!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning

    Prayers for you and Lou, Ron.

    it is suppose to be sunny today. Hoping to get mom’s flowers planted. Hope i am not doing it too early.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Thank you for the Mother's Day wish, Ron. I hope Lou will be improving.

    I've been awake all night, coughing. I'm do tired!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Ron, hope Lou is better this morning. You need to get some rest today. Maybe check on her and visit a little while,come home and sleep some. You can't afford to get sick.

    Iris, also hope you can sleep some today and feel better.

    Zetta, last night when I started to go to bed, everything worked on the remote. This morning I can change channels, period. Happy Mothers Day to all you moms.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Happy Mother's Day to all.

    Jo C.— my mom's had the odd dermatitis from tubing. We found wrapping it in some moleskin where it touches the face is an easy fix. The soft flannel is gentler on her skin that the cloth tape I tried initially. As Mint said, there are ready-made options for this as well.

    Ron— I am sorry to hear Lou is back to the hospital. I hope she is on the mend and home with her handsome groom soon.

    David— your Mother's Day on the porch sounds lovely. The idea of overworked staff and crowds doesn't appeal to me. My niece was going to take my mom and her sister out for brunch, but I talked her out of it. She was a server in grad school, so it was easy to convince her. They'll bring fancy pastries and coffees, but mom would absolutely have preferred to go out. She doesn't need the exposure to crowds with new strains of COVID out there. The other option was doing something next weekend, but that wasn't doable for some reason.

    Lorita— It must be worrisome to watch Darwin put himself in harm's way. I'm sure the stress he's under is terrific. I hope things go well for him on the 27th. That seems so far away.

    Jeilynn—I hope your FIL is improving.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    HB, it does worry me. He does everything at home and then goes out to work to get things off his mind.. He had planned to come over this morning to show me the medicine he got for Donna for I don't know if it's chafing or what. He didn't call at 8, as usual, so I called. He said he wasn't doing too well this morning, didn't sleep. I told him to go.back to bed and rest today. He forgot to wear his back brace yesterday so back is hurting. He's overdoing. He bets his preops the 14th, sees the doctor on the 16th, I think and surgery the 17th. Hope you and your mother have a nice day.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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