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Just need to talk to my friends (197)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, how old is your grandson?

    More insomnia-awake all night, I'm so tired but I can't sleep.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    edited July 14

    This grandchild is 28. He is the cowboy. Yes, he mostly misses the horses.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello My Front Porch Friends.

    I have been trying to keep up with all your news. Not much time to respond.

    Iam 5 days away from the closing on my house, I am waiting for something to go wrong. Iam not a positive thinker more of a negative one. My house has been through so many inspections, with a few things that I had to tend too, like a plumbing issue, that was the biggest problem. The buyer is getting a VA loan, so the VA did their inspection 10 days ago. Is it normal for them to take this long? with the results? I guess no news is good news????

    Iam all packed and ready to go. I will be so glad when this is all over, at this point if it doesn't close, I will be happy staying in my home.

    You have all been in my thought and prayers as I have been reading your post.

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, got up early and Stormy and I took down the trash so we wouldn't have to this evening when it would be hotter. Checked the pasture where the girls were grazing. They need to be moved, they're really just scraping now.

    Iris, how is Seven? I normally don't behave trouble sleeping but if I do I find if I can move one finger at a steady rate it puts me to sleep. Guess it's the repetition.

    Mint, I remember now that mother used half water and half vinegar on the cucumbers and onions. .The RV in the cemetery is odd but guess there us an explanation.

    For some reason my dry eyes are really bothering me these past few days. I bought the microwave thing to use for dry eyes so guess I will try it.

    I need to get into the closet and take out things I won't/can't wear so it won't be so crowded. I wore a LeChute suit the other day to town that's at least 30 years old. I love LeChute material and don't know why they're not making clothes out of it anymore. I have a couple of suits and one pair of pants still in the pond from when I got stuck in the mud years ago. Another favorite fabric I don't see anymore is double knit. I made lots of clothes out of that material in the late 60s and 7Os. I have begin to ramble so will sign off for now. Back later.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Good morning, all, had breakfast at home put one load of laundry in washer. Then went to church. After church went out to lunch my wife had salmon and I had chicken pot pie (there was a mistake on the menu it said that the price for the chicken was "$167.00") it was only $17.00 my wife and I and the waitress had a good laugh over the price. I said that it better be extremely good for $176.00. and it was very good. Now at home my wife is knitting, and I am going to read.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited July 14

    Lorita, I think Seven is okay, she only got about 1/3 or so of her antibiotic because she wouldn't eat the food after I had crushed the medication into it. She is more active and eating again, so I just have to hope that some medication is enough. I purchased some "Bladder Support" containing cranberry extract hor her, I hope I can get her to take it and it helps prevent more UTIs.

    Simon is still holding his own, he sleeps about 23 hours, but when he is awake he is interested in eating, and once in a while can find the litter box on his own. Mostly I carry him when I am awake, and I put down pee pads for the night. He has become incontinent at night. I don't think he is really incontinent, but he cannot stand up to make it to the litter box during the night, he has sarcopenia and his back legs are very weak. Surprisingly, his front legs seem to be strong. I keep the light on all night even though he is blind, he might be able to see some light.

    Yesterday I took him downstairs to walk on the grass for a few minutes, he liked that and he was able to walk around without stumbling, but his gait does show weakness. This month makes two years since he was diagnosed either hyperthyroidism, apparently a common cat disorder.

    After being awake all night, I fell asleep at 5:30 am and slept until 11 am. Why can I sleep so easily in the morning but not at night? Why? Why? Why?

    I have some sleep inducing tactics but nothing worked this time. I'll add your finger tapping to my slerp repertoire. The sleep doctor gave me gabapentin, I had not started it yet. I'll try to start it tonight. I really don't like to have to take medication for sleep, but I need to be able to sleep at night at a decent hour! This is my life. When I sleep poorly, I drag around the next day. I'm dragging today.

    Zetta, hang in there! In just a few more days, your sale will be completed and you can go to the next step!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    My girls are happy tonight! Talked to Mike about opening three gates to let them into two new pastures. I checked where they were this morning and there was hardly any grass in the 40 acres where they have been five weeks.

    Went out just now and washed out the water tank to fill so they could get water without going to the pond. They had already checked it out because there were tracks around it.

    Gray Lady is wanting in the yard to eat the crab grass so will have to figure that out. I just realized I didn'tsee any grasshoppers in the pasture this morning but they are thick in the yard.

    Iris, so glad Seven is better. It is so hard to get meds into cats. When we had 35 or 40 cats at the barn I was always having to medicate them. Mike told me to get a piece of screen or something their claws would get stuck in and stand them up and get their claws in it, then open their mouth. They will be standing on back feet with front claws in the screen. It works!

    I will be right back, alarm to turn off water is going off. Just made it as water was going over the sides of the tank.

    Hope you can sleep tonight, Iris. Charles took Tables tin but I thought it was for pain. Good luck with it.

    See you all tomirrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    Lorita glad you were able to get your cattle on to some happier pasture. That would’ve bothered me too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, girls are grazing and happy this morning, Mint. Gray Lad was at the yard gate for her feed when I went out on the porch. There is a good breeze and hope it continues because it's going to. be really hot the next two or three days. .

    Iris, I just read the end of my last post. My tablet changed Gabapentin to some weird word. Do hope it works for you.

    I left the bedroom door open last night and the cats woke us up early running and jumping on the bed. They got us up and are quiet now. I found a cut place last night behind one of Sheena's ears. I think it happened when I pulled her collar over her head trying to get her to go outside. Put on Neosporin last night but will spray with Hexa Caine today.

    Time for juice

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Good morning all

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I remember us talking about this one time, but don't remember if receipe was shared.


    Stewed Potatoes (not potato soup)
    If you were raised in the South, you grew up eating stewed potatoes at least a couple of times a month, if not every week. Served with cornbread and blackeyed peas, stewed potatoes were a real treat from any proper old Southerner's childhood.
    6-8 large potatoes (peeled and cubed, about 1-inch cubes)
    salt and pepper
    2 tablespoons bacon grease (optional)
    1 pinch onion flakes
    2 tablespoons flour
    ½ cup water
    ½ cup milk
    3 tablespoons butter
    Peel and cube the potatoes, put in a medium pot and fill with water until it's about 2 inches above potatoes.
    Bring to a boil (you want the potatoes cooked so they are just fork tender, not falling apart).
    After the potatoes are done, keep them in the same water you cooked them in and reduce to a low heat.
    Put the flour and half cup of water in a bowl and blend with a whisk until the flour is dissolved.
    Stirring constantly, but carefully, add the dissolved flour and water into the pot with the potatoes and water. Allow a few minutes to cook on simmer so that it can thicken.
    Add more flour if you want it thicker, or more water if you want it thinner.
    Add milk, salt, pepper, onion flakes and butter or bacon grease (if desired - it's fine without the bacon grease). Season to taste.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited July 15

    Thank you for sharing that Ron. I think you shared it once before. But I took a screenshot of it and maybe I’ll try your version sometime.. ours are kind of a lot more plainer.
    I just heat a tablespoon of butter in a pan til melted. Then I sauté some onion. Then I add 2 cups of cube potatoes and some salt and pepper to taste and a teaspoon of parsley, then I add 3/4 a cup of boiling water and I cook them about 20 minutes till they’re tender with the lid on. They sort of thicken from the potatoes and you kinda have to keep an eye on it once in a while i have to add a little water, not very often. My mom really likes them . As a child We had them quite a bit, but my mom would chop up leftover roast beef into it and add some celery and that was good also.

    Got to cut down a little bit more of the weeds in the garden. I hope by fall I can have it all cut down. It’s very hot and humid here today so only worked probably around 45 minutes. There’s was was. no breeze it was still. I see a little breeze has picked up now.

    then I went to the Mennonites and got beans for me and mom and two more dozen of corn. When I can the last beans it worked out great nothing buckled, nothing siphoned. It’s quite easy to do just takes time for the process.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    been working with the alarm guy this morning…he changed out all batteries and showed me how to work the phone app.

    I should be good to go for over a year now.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I was just wondering what the "Table tin" was, LOL. I didn't try the gabapentin last night because I read it causes weight gain. I am working on losing weight. I slept okay last night but I awoke at 4 am, got up at 4:30 am.

    Ron and Mint, I never heard of stewed potatoes. They sound tasty.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    That made me giggle, Iris. I proofread but missed that one. Ron, we usually had those potatoes in the spring using new potatoes. Think we called them thickened potatoes. I still make them occasionally. I like potatoes any way. Ron, sounds like you might feel a bit better, sure hope so.

    It's hot, only 94 but heat index is 105 but we do have a good breeze. Just drove down in the Gator to get the mail and open the gate for FedEx. They will deliver dog food from Chewy and don't want it left down there. Watered Gray Lady again and watered the caladiums. Saved the lives of three grasshoppers who had gotten in the water (don't want anything to drown). Had a headache when I left and really have one now.

    Judith my WM Caladiums are doing well but not very tall. Colors are ptetty- solid white with green edges, dark red with some green and speckled pink ones. Have wild violets mixed in with them. Think I might take a nap. Iris, I doubt one pill at night would make you gain weight. I'm losing, too, about 24 lbs. So far. Got started when I had diverticulitis and thought it was a good time to continue. Thought I was going to starve when I was on liquids, but I didn't. Stay inside everyone,, when you can. Mint, please be careful working outside.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good afternoon Porch Rockers! It's been a good day here so far. Went to a gathering of "girls" from the class of '73 about an hour away. There were about 10 of us there. We had lunch (potluck) and lots of good conversation! My graduating class was small, 48 or so. Not sure how many were girls and how many were boys.

    Someone we do business with has free tickets, right behind home plate, for the Triple A BB team and I called and requested some for 7/28. Going to take the 2 grandsons who are local, ages 10 and 9. Anyway she sent me the tickets digitally and I kept trying to add them to my digital Apple wallet, but I can't seem to do that. Maybe my DIL can help me do it, or I can just print them on paper.

    95 degrees this afternoon. Storms, maybe severe, coming in tonight. Hoping and praying we get rain only.

    Prime Days tomorrow and the next day, perhaps we can find good deals.

    Enjoy your week! Beth

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I just celebrated 61yrs out of the local Catholic high school we had 205 graduates. We had about 100 for the 25th and about 50 the 50th. We did not have a 60th because the class president did not want one.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Congratulations, David. That's quite a milestone. Are you in touch with any of your former classmates? I know of Only two I graduated with. I did go to the 10th reunion but that's all.

    FedEx just delivered the dogfood. The driver told me I had a cow out -Gray Lady and asked if I would like for him to close the gate. Twice he has done this,- he's a supervisor and is very nice. Been a very hot day. We have one more to go, then below normal temps for a week or so. I am ready!

    I hope everyone is well and can have a restful evening and night.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited July 16

    Lorita,There are 2 that I have I have seen over the years (other than at the reunions) the last time I saw Jim was when I went to his mother's funeral The other one is an electrician and he has done a quite bit of work on my house over the years. The last time I saw him (I met him in 1959 at school) was maybe 2 years ago at his wife's funeral (with whom I grew up with).

    Let me give you a little bit of my life, after graduation I entered the seminary to study to be a priest. After 2 years I left the seminary and joined the NAVY and after the NAVY I got married for the first time to a woman I knew since I was 10 years old, and we had a boy and a girl. She died in 2013 and in 2016 I met my current wife we met at the senior center (she was also a widow) and we got married in 2018.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    nice you got to meet with old classmates Beth. Can’t help you though with your Apple wallet problems because I don’t know anything about that at all.

    I have no car this morning because I dropped it off to have the transmission serviced last evening. Nothings wrong I just have it serviced every two years. In a way I miss it but in a way, it’s a sense of freedom not to have it that may be hard for some to understand. I got all the green beans broke up before I went to bed so now hopefully I can get mom’s frozen today and mine canned. Hope I can get the corn frozen today too. We’ll see cause at some point I have to go pick up the car.

    hope each one has a good day

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Happy Prime Day to those who observe.

    Ron— Thanks for the recipe share. It reminds me a bit of the lone casserole my mom made when we were younger. Basically, your potatoes with sliced white onion in lieu of flakes with pieces of smoked ham throughout and baked. I haven't had it in years, but I recall enjoying it.

    Lady Z— Continued good luck on your sale. It'll be great to have this all behind you.

    David— That's quite a turnout for a reunion. My mom's 70th should be next year, but I think they decided against it as they're down to a handful of classmates. She's very disappointed but keeps in touch with at least one of her old friends. Her 60th was a luncheon and she still complains that it wasn't a dinner dance. I ended up attending with her which got weird when one of her old classmates tried to hit on me.

    Lorita— What is this Le Chute of which you speak? A quick google search tells me it's a polyester know for stain and wrinkle resistance which makes me wonder if it's similar to Milliken's old "Visa". There's an Amish fabric store in Lancaster that supposedly still sells Le Chute. Maybe it's what some of the less strict Amish girls that work the farmers market make their dresses from.

    Iris— I hope the gabapentin helped you sleep. Did I ever tell the story of mom's "scrubbed" TKR? Because of her age, the surgeon wanted her in the big downtown hospital. Her report time was late enough that we took the commuter rail as it's easier than rush hour on I-95 which is perennially under construction. They got her prepped including a pre-op cocktail that included a hefty dose of gabapentin. The assistant came into check on her an noticed she'd had a potentially precancerous lesion on her knee frozen days before and cancelled the surgery. Ugh. This left me to somehow wrangle her semi-awake 6 blocks to the station and get her on the train home. The trains were super crowded as half the rolling stock was out of commission for a safety concern, so I wedged her between two younger men. She kind of slumped snoring on the one and might have drooled on his nice suit. I'm sure anyone who saw her assumed she was drunk. It was not a good day.

    Beth— How nice that your group was able to get together. That's a tiny graduating class. My peak Boomer high school class had 1400+ kids. Crazy.

    Mint— I know what you mean about being "stuck" at home. It's a nice excuse to putter around and either get to things you can't otherwise or just veg out.

    It's a busy day at Chez Buzz. The new microwave is supposed to be here between 10am-2pm. They send a tracker by text so you can keep tabs in real time. It's so much better than an all-day window. The MIA asphalt guy is coming at the end of the day to deliver his equipment to start the driveway recap tomorrow which means I'll need to blaze a path into the house through the garden at some point. Did I mention it's the hottest day of the year? Yuck.

    Yesterday was mom's eye injection. The medication is only supposed to slow the progression of her AMD/GA but she's been saying it's improving her vision. I've not tried to dissuade her; it's great if she believes that. Her vision does change a bit day-to-day but she's been reading more. Yesterday when she did her vision test it was surprisingly better in both eyes. The one with the damaged optic nerve went from 20/200 to 20/100 with a larger field (she often misses the right letter on the charts) and the "good" eye improved from 20/80 to 20/60.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good morning.

    Another hot day with rain all around us but none here in my little world. Heat index 105 today.

    The hen has been returned to the flock. Her eye isn't completely open but it isn't worse so I figure she'll be happier with her friends. I'll keep watch over her. We think Hoochie of the pair Hoochie - Mama…we think she's a he. Starting to display some behaviors and he's much bigger than Mama. We did not want a rooster. But, I can't give him away. I would be sad. I guess I'd best research rooster behavior modification, lol.

    DH is pulling fence wire in the cooler morning part of the day. Then he takes up lawn mower repair in the afternoon. Will not rest. He has his shoulder MRI this Saturday. Then we return to the Neurosurgeon to see which body part may need surgery. I'll be glad to get something done. He is in pain everyday and still just keeps on working. I think he's just built that way. They were very poor growing up, his Father passed away when we were in 8th grade. Then his DW had all these needy children who produced needy grandchildren and he raised half of them. The good part is we have the grandkids and great grands very much in our lives. The not good part is some of them did not "catch" the work hard gene by osmosis. They're not "his blood" but they ARE his heart and he worries.

    I made maple glazed salmon filets, green beans, smashed red potatoes with parmesan and a salad for dinner last night. It was good. I like salmon.

    I guess I'll get up from here and go get busy. Have a good day everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, going to be uber hot today, then cooler. Can't wait. I got up early to check on a !little baby. Last evening before dark I saw the new baby down by the edge of the pond, alone. He would stand up a while, then lay down. His mother must have staked him out by the water so he would be cooler while she grazed. I drove up but couldn't locate him. Normally if you ask a cow where her baby is, she will look toward him or go to him. No one did. So,got up early to Check on him.. Drove up and found both little babies together with their mothers. . . She probably went to him just after dark. If a cow puts her baby down there is no way he will move unless something scares him.

    Sounds like everyone is going to be busy today. JeriLynn, glad the rooster is better and back with the others. Hope your husband is keeping well hydrated. . The heat sneaks up on you. Heat I detail be up to 110 today. I hope to stay inside. Stay cool everyone..

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, what a story about your mom and gabapentin going home on the train! I have not begun the gabapentin yet.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited July 16

    Hi all, just got back from the senior center from my exercise class had lunch at home that included BBQ Ribs, homemade coleslaw, and beets. Then went to Reike at senior. Nand now watching the soaps.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Just got up from my 2 1/2 hr. Nap. Didn't mean to sleep so long.. Must have slept on my left side because left ribs hurt and do does mg head. Had some applesauce and am getting ready to watch Wagon Train.

    Zetta, how are you? How is the forthcoming move going? Ron, haven't seen a post from you in a day or so. Are you staying in side where it's cool? Too hot to be outside .

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Hi, had a lot of yroub II e getting on the websitr.. Nothing to write, just thought I would read but no one has posted.

    HB, what a hard time you had with your mother and the Gabapentin. Bet you felt like kissing the ground when you all got home.

    Hope everyone has a good night. See you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good night Lorita

    canned beans today for myself, got moms froze. Got my corn shucked and clean so tomorrow I will freeze it if able. Just got in from watering and deadheading. Pick some oregano and have it in the dehydrator and a few cherry tomatoes. I’ve been watering in the evening it’s a lot more comfortable

    See you in the morning if it’s a good Lord’s will.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hi, harshedbuzz I almost did not get to go my 25th in May 1988 my wife said that I should go but I said not if you do not go. She finally gave in and a good time she knew my best friend of 50 years and she also knew his wife (whom we had grown up with and she also knew the principal). In 2013 my wife was not feeling too good, so I went by myself. About one month later I went to my monthly union meeting The meeting was running late so i called home and told my son that I would be home late. When I got home my wife was coughing up blood, so I called 919 and she died about 2 hours later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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