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Just need to talk to my friends (197)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited July 8

    Good morning everyone another day in the 90's. Broke down and put the central air on.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Morning, Hope everyone is well. Darwin has already been over bringong fresh tomatoes from his garden. Was going to bring sweet corn but the last time I saw my doctor he said I should avoid eating corn. I did cut some off that Mike brought to use in soup.I will deseed the tomatoes. His garden is doing great this year. He has about four people he shares with. What a nice man he is.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Ron when I lost my wife it was difficult my kids helped me through and eventually met my current wife who was also a widow neither of us would ever get married again. But it helped us to survive the pain of our loss.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Watching local weather alerts, has several tornadoes in Louisiana. Mostly moving northwest of me, one moving toward Shreveport, but it's about 29miles west of me.

    All part of life in Louisiana!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Heat warnings here today. Rain predicted tomorrow (yes please!)

    This morning’s rainbow was huge but I didn’t get the best picture- I was busy with the chickens 🐓

    I have some white beans done up so will fry some garden cabbage, onions and smoked sausage and fix some cornbread and microwave some corn on the cob for supper.

    DH has been cutting up telephone poles into fence posts and cutting grass. He’s inside cooling off and done for the day.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Forgot to post your rainbows 🌈 for today ❤️

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Beautiful rainbow, JeriLynn! Thanks for sharing!

    I just went for a massage, feeling so relaxed. First time in years. Nice lady, a Christian lady who is 74 years old and as she put it, "more adventurous than ever." We enjoyed talking and she showed me pics from her trip to Kenya.

    Worked in the garden this morning, edging and removing grass growing in my garden beds. Got dirt all over my legs and arms, and a few mosquitos wanted to bite me - they have been bad this year.

    Going to the Farmer's Market soon.

    Ron, prayers for safety. My daughter lives in suburban Houston and fortunately, she didn't lose power (2 million people or households did); only damage they had was one branch down.

    David, glad you found someone to love and share life with after your first wife passed away.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Ron, please be careful. Our weather just showed the radar and there are several tornado warnings in your area.

    We are just beginning to get rain from Beryl. SE Okla. Has already gotten up to 2". I hope we get more. Charles has a niece in Sugarland,close to Houston and it said there were thousands of people out of power in that area. The rainbow pictures are really pretty. JeriLynn. How is the he's eye?


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Tornadoes are about to wrap up for my area and I just heard as of right now we have had 57 🌪 tornado warnings. One touch down just 4 miles from me!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    meeting went well yesterday

    Is tornado season almost over???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    I don't think it's ever over anymore. We had a quarter inch of rain from the hurricane this afternoon. Weather is nice, 77 degrees right near now but back to 100 b y the end if the week. Glad the meeting went well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Mint, are you okay? Only saw the one early morning post from you. Let us know. Maybe you we're just busy yoday.

  • Grandot
    Grandot Member Posts: 7
    First Comment First Anniversary

    This is my first time on this site and it has already been helpful. I needed this today. My husband seems fairly good one day and then blows me away the next. For the last two days we have been dealing with the tv in our bedroom. When he took it off the wall apparently he dropped it and it broke. After buying a new tv today, he texted our son (who had been on FaceTime with us for several hours trying to help us solve the tv problem and saw that it was broken) and offered to give him the old tv. He even said we would drive from Texas to Colorado to give it to him - not remembering it was broken. I was blown away that, after convincing him that is would not work, he didn’t remember.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited July 9

    Always like seeing rainbows. That sounded like a good supper.Jerilynn.

    I just stayed busy yesterday Lorita. I fix my nephew breakfast, and I finished cleaning my house. Then I went to the Mennonites and got some green beans and some corn to preserve. So I froze my mom 8 half pints of green beans. I canned myself some green beans. I hadn’t canned in quite a while, so I got one ring to tight and one not tight enough lol. But other than that it went well. Now today I hope to freeze corn. I hope the corns OK I’m kind of mad with myself for buying it because it doesn’t look that good. But it’s a long trip out there, but not as far as the Amish that’s why I went there and they usually have a good corn. So anyways, I’ll see this morning when I get into it .

    Welcome to the forum Grandot. A lot of craziness goes on in our lives. It’s very hard for us to understand.. all of us on here have been through that or are going through that

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Waiting senior van to take me to my exercise class.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Welcome Grandot!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Another scorcher today. 96F with winds from the south. No rain forecasted until tomorrow and not much then. I am going to need to water my flower beds as even the hardy stuff is looking wilted. DH and I meet friends for Indian food tonight after looking at tile for the bathtub surround. He wants to shop with me even though he said he knows he “has no opinion”. The fixtures are bone which is limiting. I’m not a fan— it just looks kind of dingy to me. In looking at catalogs I saw that Kohler is re-releasing some of their archival MCM-era colors. They’re fun but I don’t think I’d pick them for my own house.

    I tried to work on my punch list between calls from my BFF and niece yesterday. The latter and I were on the phone for over an hour. She lived with me for a time and we’re close but busy so we don’t get to chat often. She’s in the midst of her own bathroom-remodel-from-hell. They did the demolition and discovered some issues with the floor joists in the bathroom which needed some attention before moving forward. She’s waiting on her vanity from Denmark and custom medicine cabinet in the next week and is cutting things close with her tile and design team headed to Belgium to spend August with family. She says doesn’t even want to think about what she’s spending in her teeny-tiny bath (”I could have had a swimming pool at this price”) even after factoring in her plumber husband getting materials at cost and doing much of the work. Needless to say, she had little patience with me whinging on about a $41K remodel or a $12K bathtub swap. She did, however, confirm that the price is in line with current costs. Yikes!

    My BFF is coming along swimmingly. She’s off the OxyContin and got the all clear to drive which is critical for her emotional well being. She’s very hyperactive by nature and less than a year into widowhood, she finds being home alone all day difficult. She did some shopping yesterday and came home and napped for 3 hours which is a whole new experience for her.

    I hope all have a pleasant and safe day in whatever ghastly weather befalls them.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Death Valley temp reached 128 degrees F. A motorcyclist died, others were hospitalized. Helicopters cannot fly when the temp is over 120 degrees, so emergency rescue is limited. Death Valley has no services for 100 miles.

    Parts of LA county reached 115 degrees. Excessive heat is serious! Stay cool and hydrated. Older adults may not experience thirst and may not hydrate. Also they may not perspire. They need to stay in a cool area. Don't go out in the sun.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, nice and cool but will begin to warm up after tomorrow. Guess I'll go early, early tomorrow and pick up my groceries and get some feed for Gray Lady. If all goes well I will be there when the feed store opens at 8, pick up the groceries and be home by 9.

    Glad things are okay with you, Mint. Your canned and frozen vegetables will really be good this winter, won't they?

    The news just said checks are becoming a thing of the past. Guess everything becomes outdated with time.

    Welcome to the porch, Grandot. Lots of good information here so ask anything you want to and someone will have the answer. This thread was my saving grace when I was a caregiver.

    David, hope you have a good day at your exercise class.

    Ron, you really had a bumpy day yesterday with weather. Guess things have calmed down by now. Did you get a lot of rain?

    HB, I would like to have a walk in shower but too old to go into getting it done. Just have to be uber careful getting in and out of the shower.

    Sarah called just as I was going to bed last night. It's pretty hard to understand her. Says the stroke has affected her face and it's hard to talk and eat. She is able to use her right hand a little but is hard to hold her phone. They are trying to find a motorized wheelchair for her. She can't use her arms to use the one she has. I'm glad she finally accepted hospice. I think they can help them a lot. She's really having a hard time and has had for years.

    Zetta, how is the house sale going? Hope things are well with you. Iris, how is Seven? Stormy is still having trouble with his ear. May have to tame him to the vet. For some reason he is scared of Mike and the clinic. Always bas a stress related seizure when there. May need to get sone tranquilizers for him.

    Hope all of you have a good day.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited July 9

    Lorita I always do. It helps me strengthen my legs which I need to strengthen them.

    On Thursday I am starting another one it is for Parkinson but it's supposed to be good anyone .

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good morning

    Hot (again) today with just a touch of rain last night. Scattered storms this afternoon so maybe a little more rain.

    DH is down in the pasture setting fence posts. Hopefully he stops soon and doesn't get too hot. He won't listen (normal behavior).

    Lorita, the hen is doing ok. Her eye is still swollen, tender and draining some. I wash with sterile saline and wipe gently. She's very good to be still while DH holds her for me. I'm feeding her LOTS of goodies while she is in confinement in her little cage. It's big enough that she can move around, I have her a nesting box in there and during the morning I set the cage under the pool deck so she can be on grass for a while. When she's on the patio she has a fan. While feeding the others this morning one of them mistook my red painted toes for a tomato I guess and I got pecked, lol. they all gather around my feet as soon as I go in the run, expecting their breakfast treats. It didn't hurt but I should probably wear real shoes rather than flip flops. Oh well.

    Mint, my daughter from Ohio is coming soon for a visit. Wish you could hitch a ride with her and come visit! Beth, you asked if there was property involved with the Estate. There isn't. Just a ton of investment and insurance and the VA to deal with. Also, to make arrangements for Arlington. My late MIL is already entombed there, so it's just uploading documents and spending hours on the phone. (Judith could knock this out with no sweat) I just get so frustrated. But, I'm slogging thru.

    Hope everyone stays in the cool today. Drink lots. I'm giving the chickens some electrolyte solution to help with the heat. Y'all be safe.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'm glad yesterday is over and it's moved on out.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Stormy has a other hot spot! He has Bern scratching g. Saw wet spot on his side and there it wss. Called the clinic and she said I could bring him at 1 today and be worked in or in the morning at 8 and be worked in. Only appt. Is st 10:30. I could take him st 8 and be worked in after he castrates calves. It's fairly cool.now but might be cooler in the morning. Can't decide which would be better. He always has a seizure when I take him and I hate thst.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    here…off to meat market to get some quiche, bread, hot dogs, cold soup and a slice of chocolate bourbon pie

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    That pie sounds good, Judith! Did you buy enough to share on the porch? lol

    Ron, glad you are safe.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good evening

    did get the corn frozen. I did all but three ears and I saved them back to eat. I had one with supper and it was excellent despite what it look like on the outside so now I’m so glad I bought it and that I didn’t waste my money because it was 6.50 a dozen. I think six dozen is the most I’ve ever paid before. But I know corn seed is very expensive and so is everything else they use and so they work hard and I don’t begrudge them. They usually comes down sometimes a couple of dollars as the season progresses.

    thought my supper turned out really good so I’m glad despite being very tired I pushed and made it. I still have to go out and water my plants cause I got my grocery shopping done this afternoon except for Jean. Anyway, imcut my pork chop up in to strips like for stir frying and mixed it with just a little oil, salt and pepper and I air fried it. I had made rice this morning and put in the refrigerator and I set a few pieces of pineapple out to thaw out. So then I just chopped up some potato, cabbage, onion and zucchini. I seasoned them up a little bit and I sautéed them. Toward the end, I added my rice and pineapple and a little bit of pineapple juice that was in the bowl. Then I put some of the pineapple jam I get at the Amish place on it. They have very good pineapple jam. They could put Smuckers out of business definitely. Was really tasty. I will definitely make that often. I think I could do chicken the same way.

    OK I have to get going because I have to finish up my dishes and then I need to water my plants because we did not get rain today and I’m not sure we will get it tomorrow and tomorrow I have to clean house for mom so I’m gonna get that done. I don’t want it to go till tomorrow afternoon in case we don’t get rain. Would like to get jeans grocery shopping done tomorrow if I can too. I’m trying to get everything caught up because my sister invited me to go to the lake with her Saturday. Saturday is always my day off and it’s kind of the day I get everything caught up but I really enjoy going to the lake and I think I need that.

    take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Mint, your meal sounds delightful! We also had some sweet corn this week. We bought it at a roadside stand. I may freeze some later. I did last year and it was really good. Do you freeze it on the cob, or cut it off?

    Enjoy your day at the lake Saturday. That will be fun!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth I cut it off until last year, I had always cut it off then scrape the cob, put some butter and the corn in a heavy bottomed pan, put it on a very low heat bring it to a simmer, stirring frequently. Once it got to a simmer, I let it cook three minutes and then I would transfer it into a new bowl that was cold and put it in some ice water and cool it and then freeze it. It was delicious. I took it to work one year and one the guy said to me this did not come out of a can.

    year my sister told me she liked it just as well to cut it off scrape the cob and then just freeze it that way. That’s what I did last year but I did not like it near as well. That being said the corn wasn’t really the type of corn I like. I like a really sweet corn and this wasn’t. So today I froze it without cooking it because I know this corn is very sweet and good so I’ll see what I think. Later on I hope to be able to fix some of the old way too so I know I have at least some I think it’s really good.

    you frozen it on the cob? If you have, did you like it I would like to try that if I knew someway that worked well, and if I have room in my freezer lol.

    picture of my datura - I think it has such a pretty shape - I thought I got all the dead blooms off before I took the picture but I see I missed one LOL - and see they’re not totally bloomed out but they were getting there and that was about 9 PM, which was about 40 minutes ago-

    Discovered my first watermelon today. If I get one, I’ll be happy.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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