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Just need to talk to my friends (197)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    edited July 12

    Morning, already been to the vet and back. Stormy had a bad night with his ear so called Mike at ,7 30 and he told me to come in st 9 before his appointments began.

    Managed to get Stormy out of the car and Mike told me to take him into the exam room. He checked ears and the left one was infected. He was in surgery so Sidney flushed his ears and gave him an allergy shot and two antibiotics, also put some antibiotic in his ear, then some wax to hold it in. Wax will go into skin after a few days. I was really impressed with how efficient Sidney was and how good she was with Stormy. Asked him about his loose stools and he suggested changing his food do got some Science Diet. This will be fun making sure he eats it instead of Sheena's.

    I was surprised at how well he did so guess I was right in thinking it was all the people who scared him. It was raining, believe it or not, when we left. Didn't last long. Looked at the collars they had, really expensive, more so than at the feed store but they didn't have any 27" ones. Will check Chewy and WM.

    Gave GL some of her new feed and she lapped it up, if a cow can lap. She was down the driveway in the shade close to the others when we came home. So glad that's done. Stormy is asleep now. We have to go back in ten days for recheck. Enjoy the day.

    Darwin called, had a good night. Said his great granddaughter is coming today. She's going to cook some things for them. He said he might go fishing. I think he was kidding.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    today was Amish store day. My sister who is retiring December 27 went with us to. Before too long, we may have another partner when we go. She’s on vacation this week.

    Got mom and I some green beans to freeze, can and eat. Only bought one ear of corn to eat with my Sunday dinner. To me the Mennonites have a lot better corn, so hopefully Monday after I get done with mom, I can go over there and get some corn and some more green beans. I think they have a better half runner beans at the Mennonites too. But they did not have them when I was there last Monday. That’s what my mom prefers but she eats the others OK because that’s what I’ve been cooking for her and she likes them.

    I got some pickling cucumbers that feel nice and firm so I’m going to try as soon as I get done with my lunch to make pickle relish. Then if I have time I’ll work with beans, we’ll see how it goes. If I can’t get them done today which I may not then I’ll just have to try and do them Monday and then go get stuff at the Mennonites on Tuesday. I will try to take my time and not rush or be overwhelmed.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hello all, it has finally cooled off so much so that my wife and I decided to wash the bedroom windows and put up new mini blinds and wash the curtains what a difference.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good morning. Still no newspaper delivery. I went to the California Science Center yesterday. The new exhibit is about Leonardo da Vinci, about his inventions and artwork. I got a good look at a replica of Mona Lisa. Now I don't have to visit the Louvre in Paris! 😉 The IMAX movie was about cities in the future. Apparently we will be even more densely crowded, and with flying cars and robot deliveries, and with solar electricity. I'm not looking forward to that.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Iris…how wonderful. Is the center a long drive for you?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Iris, are you rested up after your two long trips? I can't imagine what it's like to.live in a big city with so much to do and so close. Judith is in a perfect place with everything so close to her. The closest thing to us is a gas station and little convenience store three miles away and they have very little. Our neighbor does have a meat market there but I won't be going in there.

    Got one 50 lb. Sack of All grain emptied in the tub for Gray Lady. She had some this morning and liked it. Toad sprayed and fertilized the West and NW pasture today. I know he's so tired of being in that truck 12 hours a day. Wish there was something he could spray to get rid of the grasshoppers. I think a Coupke probably hitched a ride to town with me this week. They're eating everything except crab grass. Darwin went fishing late today using grasshoppers for bait.

    Hope everyone is well today. Ron, one thing you can try is keeping busy. I know it's harder for a man that a woman. We can always find some thing in the house to do. Hope you're feeling better today. Goodnight everyone, rest well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited July 13

    Lorita, did you ever have geese or ducks? I think they eat grasshoppers.

    Judith, the various senior centers and the county have a program called On the Move which introduces older adults to public transportation. We go in a group to ride the metro to places in Los Angeles. We can take the bus to places where the metro doesn't go. We even rode the Aquabus, which is like a small ferry. The trips are planned for once or twice a month, and is a way for seniors to get out and about safely, in a group, and to see the sites of our interesting area. Yesterday we went to the Science Center.


    Transportation is 35 cents for seniors between 9 am and 3 pm, so it's very inexpensive. Sometimes they plan longer trips into the next county by bus or MetroLink railroad, which is a bit more expensive, but still at the senior rate. It's very nice.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    that’s nice Iris that your area shows interest in senior citizens. If anything goes on like that here, I don’t know about it, and I kind of doubt it.

    yes Lorita I agree staying busy is one of the best things you can do for your mind. Know sometimes if I have a day where I’m feeling blue if I get into something it’s definitely helpful.

    I did get four half pints of relish made and 2 pints of sweet and sour refrigerator pickles. That’ll be all I need for the year.
    I got all the beans mine and mom broke up. I am hoping that when I get back from the lake today that I’ll have the energy to cook moms and take to her tomorrow. So all that leaves me to do is freeze my garlic and I bought some peaches. I’m hoping to make a peach cobbler with them.

    All my sisters and I are going to the lake today if nothing happens. My sister’s friend is going to be on call for mom. That’s very nice of her. Before her father-in-law died my sister covered for her for a week once so she and hubby could go on vacation so that’s nice of her, very kind.

    Take care everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    I've been catching up this morning. We went to the Lake early yesterday and had a nice time with just the two of us. Until… the boat motor made a noise and I said to DH "uh oh"… yep - threw a rod. Dead in the water. Not too far from the dock and two nice ladies pulled us in. DH immediately got on the phone to a marina to ask about motors. So we loaded up and drove 1 1/2 hours up there. New boat motor $4,900. Used but low number of hours with a warranty. So we left the boat and finally got back home after 5 pm.

    Since we were gone all day, I didn't get my Friday house cleaning done. I usually give it a " lick and a promise" on Fridays to get ready for all the company we usually have on the weekend and then clean thoroughly on Mondays. But, the plans for company fell thru and that is A-OK with me. I will clean today, go to Church tomorrow and get back to the Estate on Monday. Lord willing.

    Finally got some eye medicine for my chicken. Although, the eye is looking better with just flushing it twice daily. She sure is getting spoiled being on the patio. I move her to the shady grass early in the morning, then move her again when the shade moves. She gets extra protein (worms) and gatoraid during the day. I think she likes the red better than the blue gatoraid. lol

    DH wants to take the jet skis out Sunday after church. I'm not a jet ski girl but the grandkids enjoy so I guess we will go. Maybe.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Morning front porch visitors

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning all.

    Today is the last in a short string of not-so-hot days between oppressive heat. I need to food shop; perhaps I'll drop mom off at her pool for a couple hours.

    Iris- I wish my mom could find some nice daily excursions for seniors— that would be wonderful for her. Alas the township senior center is on the other side of town, and she won't take the initiative to check it out. She's always been passive in that way.

    Seniors here ride transportation for free all day. Our transit agency, SEPTA, has some of the highest pricing anywhere and after years of paying massive amounts to commute to college and go into town for various reasons. A one-way ticket on regional rail from my neck-of-the-woods is $8 ($10 if you buy it on the train) but you can buy a $13 daily pass to ride everything all day. I feel I have well and truly earned my freebie rides.

    Mint- I hope you get to the lake today. You certainly are next level industrious in the kitchen. Peach cobbler sounds amazing. The peaches here should be ready soon. I want to make a pie or a tart, but I want local fruit.

    Jerilynn- I'm glad you were rescued so quickly. As a teen we once ran out of fuel out in Ipswitch Bay and waited hours for a tow. This was back when I used to hang with my 4-years-older cousin who was a bit of a rebel— we were constantly in trouble. My parents shipped me off to hang with my younger boring horse-girl instead. The great irony is the hoodlum is a now an upstanding citizen and the only of my mom's family to visit her regularly. Goodie-two-shoes spent 5 years in jail for dealing drugs and is known to have run a puppymill. I love to tease my mom about what a poor judge of character she was.

    When I first looked at your feeders (before my tea), I thought your silo was some sort of newfangled squirrel baffle. And I can't unsee it.

    Lorita- I'm glad Sidney was able to so deftly manage Stormy's care. An unhappy pup that size isn't always easy to wrangle.

    David- Funny how freshly laundered curtains make so huge a difference. I should do the ones in my living room soon but I dread ironing them as they're a heavy cotton twill. I need to make new ones for the dining room as one panel got stained by DS's wet lunch tote. Grrr. The print is no longer made, and I haven't found anything that speaks to me.

    I hope everyone has a pleasant day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, nice morning but will be100 today with high heat jndex. I am going to stay in. By the end of the week it will be cooler, if it's ever cooler in our summers.
    Stormy slept well last nught, shook his head once this morning . JeriLynn, the same thing happened to Charles and I many years ago. We had a little boat and went across one part of the lake, stopped at the shore and when we left the motor died, not too far from the labd. Someone pulled us in. For the life of me don't remember how we got back to the starting point Do know I was scared , little boat, big lake and I can't swim.
    Mint, how many sisters do you have? I had one and she got married when I was five. Have fun at the lake today.
    . HB, Sheena and I had a pulling match last night. I wanted her to go out and she didn't want tob- she won. I think she weighs more than Stormy. She has the prettiest fluffy, White hair.
    Fed Gray Lady- she was waiting for me. Now she's off to graze a little, then lay in the shade. Hate this hot weather for the girls and babies. Back later.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning all. Hot and windy heat with an oppressive heat warning. So, that means we'll be inside for the foreseeable future.

    Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited July 13

    I posted a lot and lost it. I'll have to write again later.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hi HB, This the first time that my wife and I have done the windows and curtains since we have been married (we will be married 6 years on August 4 we were both widows and met at the Senior Center) but like you said clean windows and curtains make a big difference. We were lucky after we washed the curtains, they looked so good that we did not have to iron them. This was the last room we had to do. We started around ST. Patrick's Day and took our time doing each room. I forgot to tell you that we also bought new mini blinds for all the rooms we were surprised how easy it was to put up the blinds

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    David, I washed our windows a couple of weeks ago. Had to work to get cat and dog noses off of them. I love mini blinds, user to have them but when we had new windows installed , they were too wide for the windows. I used to hang lace curtains in the summer- made it feel like we were outside but now have insulated drapes I keep up all the time.

    Just cooked farfalle to have for the next few days. I like it with parmesan cheese and dry ranch dressing. Usually have it with green beans or English peas and cottage cheese

    Iris, I've posted before and lost it. Hate when that happens. That just happened and when I logged in again, it was there , not posted.

    I just saw that the 5th season of Yellowstone begins November 10. Will be the last season. Looks ing forward to that and the weather will be cooler.

    I have an auto ship with QVC for crumb cakes. Tried to postpone the last shipment but was too late. They shipped on the,9th and were supposed to be delivered the 11th. UPS told them it was the wrong address but delivered them the 12th which would be four days. They advised me not to eat them and credited my account. Didn't have room in the freezer anyway but was going to give them to Darwin and Donna. Have done that before and they love them. I still have a few frozen but since I'm losing weight won't eat them yet.

    Joan and Zetta, haven't heard from you all lately. Hope things are okay. How is your weather? I think I saw a few days ago that Denver wss going to hit 100! Too hot!!

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Lorita,This is the first time since we have been married (6yrs in August) that we have cleaned the windows do to our health my wife has had brest cancer and I have been diagnosed with ALZ/Dementia so its been a Rollercoaster of a time for us. But we said we have to do something so we started cleaning the rooms around St. Patrick's day and finally finished them all. Now we are trying to find our next project.We are thing of getting new curtains.

    I hoe that you got all the animals prints off the windows..

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Judith, better late than never lol xo

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I picked 4 cucumbers, 2 "batches" of green beans and 2 tomatoes yesterday. We ate some of the green beans at lunch time. Here's one way I make my cucumber salad: Peel, slice, add salt, pepper, dill weed and mayo and stir. I don't measure the ingredients.

    Hot here too. I can work outside in the morning but not the afternoon.

    Keep safe/stay cool!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Beth, that sounds good. When I was growing up(seems like I say that a lot) we never had a meal, except breakfast, without a bowl of sliced cucumbers and onions in vinegar on the table. Mother always made lots of pivkles, sweet and delicIous, dill and bread and butter. Carol remembers thst, too. Maybe it was a country thing. Charles liked them in salads, not so much for me but seemed like I always got a few slices. I think by this time of year msny things in Oklahoma gardens have gone by.

    I just checked and the Porter Peach Festival is coming up soon. They have the best peache. I ths ever but I haven't heard about their crop this year. Many times we have a killing freeze when the trees are in bloom.

    I think I'm going to have a baked sweet potato for supper so. Better get going.

    Where have you been, Judith?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    edited July 13


  • FTDCaregiver1
    FTDCaregiver1 Member Posts: 106
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    whoosh, the heat & humidity is tough, but at least I have a bumper crop of cucumbers this year!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited July 13

    The volunteer plant in my compost is a white pumpkin!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Gorgeous! What color is the inside of a white pumpkin?

    Judith, does your grandson miss working with livestock? I know.both Darwin and I miss working with our cattle. Everyone does. after they have to quit.

    Excessive heat warning for us tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    edited July 14

    good evening

    LOL I had trouble with the hummingbird feeder at first too. Guess I wasn’t the only one having trouble with my eyes. I thought it looked like a pleated water filter and thought they had made a hummingbird feeder out of a water filter someway. Then I saw the top and realized no it’s a silo.

    Lorita I had four sisters three are still living. My sister that helps me is three years younger than me, my sister that passed away was five years younger than me, and then the last two are 10 and 14 years younger than me. We had a very nice day. It was 77° by the lake with a very nice breeze and there were no bugs. That is definitely a bonus some years they have been really bad.

    Beth my sister was just telling me the other day how well she likes sour cream and fresh dill, and then she likes to eat it with Frito scoops. She no longer can eat it because it’s is one of the things that gives her headaches. But I have fresh dill so I should try it. But I think about it maybe I can try it tomorrow. I dried quite a bit of dill already. I see one of my big tomatoes is starting to turn red tonight. I’m getting quite a few Sungold cherry tomatoes now. And I’m getting bell peppers. It’s probably the best green pepper crop I’ve ever had for sure.

    Judith isn’t it wonderful to talk to young people? I like talking with young people because they’ve not been handed so many curves yet.

    FTD I have never had great success raising cucumbers. I get a few, but didn’t feel it was worth the effort I guess I just buy them at the Amish market now. What do you do with your cucumbers? I like sort of a simple salad. I just cut up a little bit of tomato, cucumber and onion with salt and pepper and just a little bit of vinegar. My mom used to just cut up cucumbers and onion and she would put it in a mixture that I think was half-and-half of water and vinegar. And I always like that too and she let it marinate for a while before supper.

    Beth did you have a white pumpkin last year or was this just a total gift from nature? Last year the Amish had lots of colors of pumpkins, and I think one of my favorite ones was the yellow one.

    got back home too late and was too tired to fix mom‘s green beans. So I’m hoping that I can get up early in the morning and get them fixed to take to her in the morning. I I fixed her stupid potatoes this morning and I’ve got her some fresh tomatoes so she’ll have a good things to eat for two or three days. My sister was going to make her a cobbler. I don’t know if she got that done or not. I’m hoping maybe I can make mine tomorrow.

    all of you with the excessive heat. Please be careful and take care of yourselves. I know my back sure enjoyed the break today. I wish it was a little closer so I could drive over there by myself frequently.

    good night everyone😴💤

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    FTD, welcome to the front porch. How long have you been a caregiver? I was a caregiver for my husband who had vascular dementia for seven years. He has been gone for nine and a half years. Tell us a little about yourself.

    Mint, how great to have three sisters. I had only one and she was ten years older. Glad you had a good time today and it was cool!

    I started Stormy on Science Diet dog food and it's expensive $60 for 15 lbs. But I can get 3O lbs. For 77. From Chewy. Thought I would give it to Stormy and Sheena could eat the regular food. Worked for a little while but turned my head for a minute and Sheena was eating the Science Diet and Stormy was eating the Beneful. Guess I'll let both of then have Science Diet and take the unopened Beneful to the shelter close to us. I keep dry food down for them all the time so guess I'll stop that, maybe not. Ordered canned Science Diet from Chewy and it should be here Monday.

    Hope all of you get a good night's sleep.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited July 14

    good morning everyone

    have mom’s green beans cooking. They are half runners and they have lots of shelled beans in them so mom will be very happy with these probably. Also have my peach cobbler in the oven. Hopefully when I get back home, then I’ll cook my self a mess of my green beans if I have time. I also hope to can a few of them if I get the time.

    yesterday close to where we were at there is like an RV park next to the lake, then there’s a fairly good sized cemetery between there and the road. The most interesting thing was there was an RV camper in the cemetery. Was very interesting.

    I wondered if other people driving by noticed that, it just looked so odd

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't "see" the silo. Peach cobbler sounds so good. NYT cooking had a mango cobbler recipe this morning which sounds amazing.

    There's a story in that picture. It's probably overflow parking for the lake or perhaps a "family reunion".


    I love the white pumpkins and always buy one for my foyer in the fall.

    That recipe for cukes is similar to the new one I am making. It's also from NYT Cooking/Ali Slagle. I've done it with white wine or cider vinegar and once with smaller regular cukes. It's pretty forgiving.


    Yield:4 servings

    • 1pound cucumbers (about 6 Persian or mini seedless, or 1 English)
    • Salt
    • 3tablespoons vinegar (red or white wine, rice or Sherry)
    • 1½teaspoons honey or granulated sugar
    • ½small red onion, thinly sliced and rinsed under cold water
    • 2tablespoons chopped dill
    • Black pepper

    • Step 1
    • Peel the cucumbers in alternating strips and trim ends. If desired, halve lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Thinly slice, then transfer to a colander set in the sink. Toss with 1 teaspoon Diamond Crystal kosher salt or ½ teaspoon fine sea salt and set aside to drain at least 5 minutes or up to 30.
    • In a medium bowl, stir together the vinegar and honey until the honey is dissolved. Shake the cucumbers in the colander to get rid of any moisture, then transfer the cucumbers, red onion and dill to the bowl. Stir to combine, then season to taste with salt and pepper.


      I feel your pain on the prescription diet. My last cat was on a low allergen duck/pea diet that was expensive and not always easy to find. DH and I once made an emergency dash to Penn's vet school to buy some dry food after failing to find any locally. And I didn't have a paper copy of the prescription, so my vet had to fax one. It's insanity. I finally started making his food from scratch which was disgusting but which he liked a lot better.

      My BFF has 5 cats and seems to always have one on a special diet which prevents her from free feeding. She has a hall bath that serves as a feeding station for the one on prescription food while the others are in the kitchen. This one goes to his bowl agreeably, that last one was a pain about it.


      I went to the tile store yesterday. This place was roughly the size of a Costco. It was overwhelming. Evidently, the thing I am seeking is so passe that they no longer carry it. I need a plain bone subway tile that has a bullnose tile available. No such animal there. And when I asked the assistant about a bullnose specifically, he looked at me as if I had asked for the supplies to put an outhouse in the yard. He informed me "they don't really do those anymore" and introduced me to schluters and pencils. TBH, I'm not sure I like the look of either.

      Be safe out there today.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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