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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited February 23

    Judith, there's a gate about 400 ft. From the yard which is too far for me to carry heavy things. If the gate's closed FedEx won't open it and come through. If I leave it open GL will go down the drive and if she went far enough could get out on the road. I thought she wss going to have a calf- must have seen something going on with her and Samson. Not not sure - maybe it didn't take.

    I had my ankle x- rayed about three weeks ago. No fracture, just a grade two sprsin. Just put the sock on and it feels better. Dr. Said it would take several weeks to heal completely.. Carol told me some range of motion exercises she did and I'm doing them.

    So your tulips are up? I need to see if my yellow ones are. Did see a yellow crocus blooming this morning, lots of daffodils blooming and the wild violets are beginning to come up. Are you going to have caladiums this year? Guess it's time to order them. I've had them for over 25 years . Like them because they're so colorful.

    Need to work on getting my tax papers together. It shouldn't take long once I get started. Not much farm deductions this year.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Back from the VA! Hearing has gotten just a little worse and I was encouraged to wear my hearing aids more. I am now scheduled for a VNG/Balancing test March 21st. Never had heard of it, but evidently it is a test to help pinpoint the cause of my dizzyness. I was told to expect to be there for about 2 hours. Not sure what all is involved but something about checking eye movements as o watch something on a screen, some test laying down and blowing air in my ears. I need to Google this!


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Good luck

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sounds awful to me, Ron. Hope it solves the problem.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Now I know what will happen!

    During a VNG test, you'll sit in a dark room wearing special goggles. A camera in the goggles will record your eye movements during these three main parts of the test:

    • Ocular testing. Without moving your head, you will follow moving lights with your eyes and stare at steady lights.
    • Positional testing. You'll be asked to move your head and body into different positions. The provider will also move your head into certain positions. Your eyes will be checked to see if certain movements cause nystagmus.
    • Caloric testing. For this part of the VNG, your ears will be tested one at a time. This can show if the vestibular system in one ear is working better than the other. Cool water or air will be put into your ear. The cool temperature should make your eyes move in specific ways. You will be tested again with warm water or air in the same ear. If your eyes don't move as expected, it may mean you have damage in your inner ear or the part of your brain that controls balance

    Lou has been a angel today! Of course, she did ask me who I was, so that might be why she was so nice. I'll take it anyway I can get it LOL.

    Lorita, taxes has gotten easy for me the last few years, I received x amount and paid out x amount, never have to pay lately.

    This weather has my eyes and nose getting watery. It's been beautiful outside, but can't get Lou to go out. Last summer she loved going for a drive, but I've tried on several nice days and she refuses. Will keep trying, I think it's good for both of us.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    it was a beautiful day. Tomorrow they are saying won’t get out of 20s and a little snow. Made a big pot of beef stew today, will taste good tomorrow.

    Sounds like an interesting test Ron.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, good timing on making the stew. Really will be good tomorrow. Our normal high for this time of year is 56. We've beenn83 yesterday and 60s today. Pollen from Eastern Red Cedar and other trees is high now so drippy noses and itchy eyes are here. Not too bad for me yet ,thank goodness.

    Okla. Has tax on groceries but a bill has been passed to not have state tax but city tax will still be in effect. Taxes really add up.

    Ron, I usually have to pay taxes. Also pay the CPA. Used to do my.own but haven't in years.

    My ankle/foot is bothering me today so guess I've been on it too much. I ordered a swivel cushion for the car thinking it would make it easier to get out but it doesn't do the job. Edges of seat are higher than middle so back it goes.

    Just saw the full moon and sun has just gone down. Go out and look at it- beautiful!!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Front Porch Rockers.

    Lorita. Thanks, for asking about me. I have been busy with all the eye drops I have been putting in my eyes. No more in the left eye but on the last few days of my having to put them in my right eye. I have another eye doctor appt next week, hopefully the last one. My eyes are doing really good, and I am seeing without glasses.

    I had a lot of issues with my nephew living here. He was here for 1.5 years and for the last 6 months he decided to work some nights and spend the days in his room playing computer games and sleeping. His room was a mess he never cleaned it and decided not to help around the house. It finally got more then I wanted to deal with, so I asked him to leave, and he finally did. I have spent that last 5 days cleaning out and up his room. It now looks like my daughter's room. I really tried to give him a better life, but he did not like rules.

    Ron. I made the choice of going without teeth. I still have a few left but I did not like the idea of having to go through everything like what you have to go through. Maybe I will change my mind after they are all gone. Probably not. When I was talking to the denture clinic, they told me I really needed to be decated to making it work. I told them I would think about it and that was 2 years ago. Iam still thinking.

    Mint. I love your new name. That was a good idea if anyone wanted to change their name. Looks like your posts number did not start all over, and I think that's good.

    Jerilynn. That puppy is so precious. I sure hope you can keep it or find a good loving home for her. She needs to be loved. I bet she loves you.

    Iam still trying to get caught up on all the post I keep missing. We are a very busy bunch of rockers.

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    My wife made the best beef stew ever. It was made with all the ingredients that we got from local food pantry that was held at the local senior center.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    David, sounds like your wife is a good cook. Which area of the country do you live? Looks like the northern states are getting cold and snow again while we're having warmer , spring like weather. We always sort of worry when it's warm early because there's always the chance of freezing weather later that can damage fruit trees. Happened last year.

    The trees are getting fuzzy looking so they're beginning to bud. Maples already have big buds. We have one maple that's later so nothing there yet. Nothing so far on the Royal Empress trees so probably won't have spring flowers.

    Zetta, so sorry it worked out like it has. You were so good to him taking him to work and worrying about him. Glad your eyes are doing so well. Take care and let us know how things are.

    Hope everyone is well tonight and can have a good night's rest.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    David let us know a little bit anout you. I am a retired health care worker. My sisters and i care for my mom.

    This morning I'm going to try and make some lower sodium biscuits. We will see how my plan works.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Don't know why.........but this morning I woke up feeling like a good cry, been up 3 hours and haven't cried yet!

    David, like Mint, I would also like to know a little about you. I am 24/7 caregiver of a wife of 56 years with dementia. All of our family lives in different states, but I am lucky to have a great church family. I choose to refer my wife by her name instead of using acronyms where my front porch friends can also feel like family. Lou came from a family that didn't have much, but did have a love for music. Lou played a accordion and even played in a bluegrass band growing up in Kentucky.

    After talking to David about Lou and I, I now no longer feel a need to cry. That's the magic of our front porch friends!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Another beautiful day in store but it was chilly earlier.

    Mint, what about using salt substitute? That way the bread or biscuits would have the same flavor.

    Toad fed so it's quiet again. All the girls had come down to the house but are back to the hay now. GPs are outside in the sun. I was worried about Sheena because she slept most of yesterday but she seems okay this morning.

    Our neighbor to the south is spreading fertilizer or using herbicide on his meadow. I did notice a few ways ago that he had some cattle in there, I guess to get a few blades of grass.

    Joan, how are you! Haven't seen a post lately. Hope the sciatica and back pain have lessened. We also haven't heard from Jo in a while. Hope she feels like posting soon.

    I think it's going to be quiet here today. Maybe a nap this afternoon. Need to do a load of laundry and do dishes this morning. Used my broombi this morning to sweep. For the life of me I don't know where all the dirt comes from, every day.

    Need to finish my tea and get to it. Enjoy your day.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited February 24

    Lorita, I live just outside of Boston. Yes my wife is an extremely good cook. WE have only been married 6 years next August. We were both widows and met at the local senior center. My first wife died in June 2013 and my wife's husband died in 2016 I also knew him. About 12 months later we started dating and married in August 2018. Between us we have 7 children, 8 grandchildren and 4 great grand children. My oldest grand daughter just turned 17 and she was 3 months early and she was not expected to live now she starts college in August she wants to be a Vet.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    edited February 24

    Good Morning Rockers and Rockettes!

    It's a beautiful sunny but cool day here. Hope you all are well.

    HB, it sounds like the birthday celebration went well minus the cake meeting the floor. And glad the Dr. visit went well. You've had some busy days.

    Ron, hoping you feel better soon. And that Lou has better days for you both. Reading about the upcoming tests you have was interesting. I have an appointment Monday with the ENT and Vestibular clinic for vertigo and balance issues.

    Mint, waiting to hear about your biscuits.

    Iris... ??? any pictures to share from NOLA?

    Judith - what kinds of excitement are you up to?

    The Animal Planet Update from Walnut Grove (my place):

    • The puppy is still with us and he is So SMART! He's taught himself to use the doggie door and he thinks he's the STUFF now. Also, sitting for treats, using the puppy pad at night. Granddaughter texted last nite to see if she could "puppysit" today so she will be picking him up while we are at the Shop furiously working to get stuff out of here. (I'm drowning and overwhelmed but that is another story.
    • Boogie and babies are well. Maybe today we can get them out of the barn and into the pasture for supervised visit with Jake and Lilly the Great Pyrenees.
    • We have twin BABY LAMBS at the Huntland House!!!! One girl and one who knows because it ran to Mama. The girl is spotted white and light brown. The other one is chocolate. Huntland granddaughter informed me she has named spotted one Bambi.... ok... but I was going to call her MayLee... buy Bambi it is.
    • I decided to call the puppy BEAR. Because that's what he looks like.
    • We looked again today for his possible owners to no avail. Then DH says, "well, if they didn't watch after him enough to keep him from wandering to the highway, it's just as well we didn't find them, You'll just have to keep looking for him a new home". Umm, ok he's been here a week and I'm getting really attached DH - do you have any suggestions??? Crickets.....

    Seems Father in law has adjusted well and is now taking lunch and dinner in the main dining room on first floor. He will start physical and occupational therapy Monday _ not sure they will keep him for a full episode/period of care but it can't hurt.

    • A very sweet special Resident/friend to me from the Independent Living floor passed away this week. Went to her Visitation last night. Several from the Facility were there. Some came on the facility bus, some by family member transport. I didn't even tell FIL since he cannot remember names only recognizes people by sight, except for me. I didn't see the sense in trying to explain or to have him feel badly.

    Gotta run, got packing to do and folks are here to "shop" around for any tools DH doesn't want to keep. Busy day again.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn, more new babies!! How fun that is. Love to see new babies exploring everything and moms trying to keep up with them. I like the name Bear. I think we had a dog named Bear,- a big, black one- one of the seven I found in the ditch on a dry, hot, summer day. Pyrenees puppies remind me of Polar Bears. I saw a show on tv the other night and they had some black or really dark gray Great Pyrenees. They're pretty but I like the white ones better. I do hope you keep Bear. He's used to you and he's found a good home. Always room for one more.

    The daffodils are so pretty and bright. Need to get up to the MH to pick some of the King Alfred? Ones we planted across the front of the yard. I transplanted as many of them as I could get dug - some were too deep.

    I need to look at the Big Bear Eagle Cam. Shouldn't be too long until Jackie and Shadow have babies. Hope it happens this year.

    David, I lost my husband of almost 44 years to Vascular Dementia over nine years ago. I was his sole caregiver for seven years. I still live in the house where I was born, still have cattle all around me but no longer have to feed. I sold them to our vet a couple of years ago. Just didn't think I could continue caring for them but they're still here and I can go out and sit and talk to them. Best of both worlds! Mike may move Gray Lady this weekend. Really hate to see her.leave her home. Dryer is calling so I'll go for now.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Greetings all.

    I went back to the library, and it turns out the pearl stud was mine. I am so happy. I did a little research to price out a replacement for my "freebie" earrings and nearly fell off my chair. To match size and quality is $710. Yikes-- there's a steep increase between 6x6.5mm and 6.5x7mm. I need to get some locking backs for them and my other favorites. I have ridiculously sensitive ears so I only ever wear gold, platinum or silver which is pricy to replace.

    DH pulled something in his back lifting a basket of bath towels. I have him set up with a heating pad (he said no to ice) and some ibuprofen. I hope he's feeling better-- I better go check.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I looked into the salt substitute you mentioned and think i will try it. Certain people shouldn’t use it but looks like it should be ok for me. I might enjoy that. Thank you for suggesting it, caused me to look into it.

    Jerilynn hope the clinic is able to help you.

    We had a light snow this morning. The sun came out quickly, still cold, but it melted all the snow off driveways and roads

    The biscuits turned out nice. Made my own self rising flour with sodium free baking powder and 1/4 t salt. Recipe calls for milk but i have always used buttermilk. It came to me that you can sub regular milk and vinegar for buttermilk. I looked that up and used that. Buttermilk has three times the sodium of regular milk. They raised nicely and i will be using these two. Udeas from now on.

    Good evening JoC and Joan

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited February 26

    Hello every one I live just outside of Boston. Here is a brief description of my life. After high school I entered the seminary to study to be a priest after 2 years I knew that it was not f or me. After leaving the seminary I entered the U.S.NAVY. I was originally stationed in Florida and My last duty station was the Pentagon. After the navy I married my first wife (whom I had grown up with) she passed away after 40 years of marriage and we had one son and one daughter and 3 grandchildren. I also worked as a mailman I am now a retired mailman (37 years) retiring 16 years ago. After my first wife died in 2013 I met my current wife at the local senior center ( she too was a widow) we got married in 2018

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm still trying to catch up on all the posts, the front porch has grown so much. I'll try to post so New Orleans pics later.

    I moticed something strange this morning with my 19 year old cat Simon, who has been blind for about six months after his stroke. Usually his pupils are dilated and murky. But this morning, his pupils were smallesnand I could see his blue eyes for the first time in six months! I shined the light in his eyes and the pupils did constrict, and it seemed as if the light bothered him, whereas he showed no reaction to strong light before. I don't know how his eyes got better. He still is blind, but perhaps he can see a bit more??


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    That's great news for Simon and for you, Iris. Do hope he'll be able to see some.

    Sandy, I just watched two hours about the Bee Geez on PBS. I remembered that you said Rich really liked them. Good music. Now if they'd have a show with a Yanni concert. Hope you're well.

    Good night, everyone.

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    edited February 25

    Hello there everyone - It is middle of the night, wee hours of the morning for me here. Often up at night with DH. Changing him, occasionally getting him up on his feet to stretch his legs, and usually sitting him up a little straighter so he can stop wheezing (asthma). If it is bad, I may have to give a nebulizer breathing treatment after only a couple hours of shut-eye. He is able to get back to sleep easily. Me, not so much. So, if I were one of the 7 dwarves, most days I would be "Sleepy"!

    I will need to start chatting with Barbara down under, if this keeps up. I think it is daytime there. Or maybe I should keep a journal or writing paper and pencil nearby so I can write a little when I'm awake. What do you authors do? If I open the laptop I end up here (not a bad thing but I can spend hours reading and posting and remembering), or checking emails, or even watching part of a gardening or tiny house or renovation show on Hulu or Prime or maybe YouTube. More tempting to stay awake much longer than I otherwise would I think, when I have to wake up with DH every couple of hours. I want to start writing this year so I am open to ideas to establish this new habit.

    A bit of good news - it seemed like so many things were breaking down or in need a replacement or repair. I had an HVAC quote for $15k recently, to replace boiler and hot water heater (which I knew was way too high). Well, after having 2 separate repairmen out in the last month, the first one tried the intimidation factor of "No hope- has to all be replaced - and this, that and so forth done blah blah. Sent him packing). Yesterday finally got a hold of the HVAC guy I've been trying to get due to his great recommendations (so he stays very busy). New thermostat, new coil on hot water heater, flushed and tightened some giant parts on the boiler and voila. All is fixed, he says probably for another 3-4 years on these appliances. And the best part was the bill. $200. That's way better than 15 thousand (which I did not have anyway)! Yay!

    Lorita and Sandy, I always loved the Bee Gees' harmonies.

    Mint, biscuits sound so good and your avoiding extra salt or sodium is something I might learn to do.

    Iris, looking forward to your NOLA pix. You inspire me with the travel bug. Thought DH and I would be doing more travel right about now, but AD caught up with us and changed the game. I do watch some of the travel shows like house hunters international or one of the food exploration programs to travel vicariously for now. Seeing food always makes me hungry though!

    I made a big pan of roasted root veggies yesterday sprinkled with bouillon and just a little salt for seasoning and loved it! Beets, carrots, potatoes, big scallions, and also cabbage wedges. Even DH's was so good and also pretty when pureed. I added ramen noodles with an egg cooked in them for extra protein as a side dish. With a little chopped cilantro. DH's all went in the blender. The beets made it such a nice color. He ate about 3 cups worth. I feel like I should measure his portions better somehow.

    HB, I was so hoping you found your pearl earring- how great! I hope everyone else is having peaceful rest or productive days right now.

    OK - waving see you later to the front porch crew. Time for me to get a little shut-eye again. May the weather hold wherever you are, and any fur babies or family members be healthy and happy.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @ronald71111 I am not a dr; I am a retired nurse. I "think" your dizziness is from one of two things:

    1) Postural orthostatic hypotension (POTS) - This is when your change of posture (sit to stand) makes your BP drop. My DIL has this and there are some ways to treat it - google it for further information. (A tilt table test is one way to diagnose this.)

    2) Ear crystals - I don't know much about these but have two friends who have had this. They benefit from specific exercises, prescribed by Physical Therapy (and you can also find these on YouTube. Anyway, best of luck to you!

    @harshedbuzz I am so glad you found your earring. That is a pricey one indeed. My MIL had some real pearls (necklace) which I got when she moved to a nursing home and we cleaned out her house. To be quite honest, I cannot tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones. In fact, I gave a strand of pearls to my daughter and I do not know if I gave her real ones I had or fake ones. (Just me, not too knowledgeable about jewelry obviously. Please don't take offense. I am happy for you.) I mainly wear costume jewelry other than my diamond ring, emerald ring and ruby ring.

    My son, DIL and 4 kids were over Saturday night. I made homemade lasagna, garlic bread, salad and almond bars. The almond bars contain 8 oz of almond paste and some almond flavoring and are SO good. They remind me of Dutch letters - anyone familiar with those? Dutch letters are a flaky pastry shaped like an 'S' and filled with almond flavoring/paste. I might try to make some of those sometime. I use gluten free flour, so not sure how that will work...

    Catholic church fish fries for Lent are in full swing on Friday nights now. We've been twice.

    Well, you all must think I speak of nothing but food...not a foodie but I do like to eat!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Butterfly hope you were able to get a little more sleep. You wonder some times are they just trying to take you or are they really that inept?

    Never heard of Dutch letters Beth. Nice how you and your family get to eat together quite a bit.

    Made taco meat today and added a jar of the pinto beans i canned last weekend. It was good, so now i can try and keep some handy to use.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Bright and cold here today; the rest of the week should be considerably warmer hitting unseasonably highs in the 50s and 60s. I can't wait. The boys have agreed on hotdogs steamed in beer for dinner; I'll griddle mine as I don't think the beer brings anything to the party. I'll need to run out for some baked beans and something as a side. Maybe I'll make a dessert as today is one of DS's so-called cheat days.

    @ButterflyWings I'm sorry about the sleep disturbances. That's hard stuff. It's wonderful news about the boiler. It's funny. Our old house had an oil furnace that was pre-WW II and worked just fine. It was on the first floor which had flooded a number of times. We'd let it dry out, have a tech come in to clean if it was completely submerged and relight it. It was a beast. Not like the newer ones.

    @BethL That's funny. I can tell my good pearls from my mom's not-so-great ones (dad was not as generous with mom as she deserved) if we both have them on. Otherwise, all bets are off. Mine have a lot of undertone colors in them.

    Speaking of not knowing the difference. When my auntie died, her guardian had the girls in the family pick jewelry that had been hers. Guardian aunt went first and took her diamond eternity band, mom took her 60th anniversary ring which was a decent sized sapphire flanked by 2 half carat diamonds and so on. I suggested mom insure the ring-- I was guessing based on the size that it could be worth over $10,000. I found a jeweler who can appraise colored stones and we brought her stuff in. The man runs a very high-end custom design shop and we were shown in and seated with him at a beautiful desk with comfy chairs and offered coffees while we waited for the gentleman to come in. I felt kind of shabby in my jeans that day. While we were waiting mom even asked me if I minded her leaving it to my niece instead of me because my engagement ring is a similar sapphire and I don't need two.

    The man came in and started looking at the pieces mom brought in for appraisal and when he got to the sapphire ring he looked very uncomfortable. Turns out the ring was all crystal-- not even CZs-- set in 18K gold. Mom and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. I mean, it's still a very pretty ring. Although she feels funny wearing it now. I'm guessing the that my uncle had the stones swapped out when my auntie started showing signs of dementia. They were very private people and I suspect he chose not to share this information even on his deathbed as he begged my aunt to look after her sister. At the end of the day the joke was on me. Mom decided to treat herself to another sapphire ring in the shop that was on sale. They sized it for her and when we went back to pick it up she spied a gold and pearl brooch on the way out that she needed to have.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    🌻Rockers and Rockettes, I love this and wish I'd thought of it. Its an absolutely glorious day here in TX. Beautiful blue sky without a cloud in site, temp is 78. That's warm for this time of year, but I'll take it. I plan on planting my backside in a chair in the yard and soaking in some vitamin D this afternoon. DH likes, no, loves watching Nasar so he'll be watching that. (Little does he realize he'll be taking a short walk prior to sitting and watching a car race!)

    I finished all of my over zealous yearend totals of categories prior to getting our taxes ready. I was blown away that our 2023 year end total grocery cost was just over $2400 more than the prior year. We didn't eat more, its just the two of us, how ridiculous is that? I will say I did go to the framers market frequently for fresh vegetables and fruit, and that's more expensive than the grocery store. Clearly I need to be more mindful in this area.

    My shoulder was getting better, but dang it, it woke me up last night and it really bothering me. Ugh. I'm so over this. I'm still doing treatments, but I'd hoped to be much better by now. This is a slow process for sure.

    Time to stop typing. Have a safe and wonderful Sunday my friends.😍

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Eagle, it's beautiful there in eastern Oklahoma, too. Alexa tells me it's 75. Supposed to be in the 8Os next two days, then one day in the 49s. Stormy and I just took down the trash and saw all the girls laying in the sun. Sorry about the !omg healing process for your shoulder. I'm still going through the same thing with my ankle.

    Groceries are so high here, too. I dib',t buy tgem often but neverbget by under $75.They've passed a no tax grocery bill so that will help at least with the State tax. Guess people are going to have to have gardens again.. Yesterday Darwin was getting his ready and his daughter was doing the same thing the day before.

    HB, used to like hot dogs with chili, onions and cheese. Haven't had one in at least 25 years. When I worked here was a little famous bot dog stand down the hill from the hospital and we often went down there for lunch. Carol tells me it's still there.

    Haven't heard from Sarah in a few days. Just left a message for her so maybe she'll text me after while.

    Butterfly, hope you were able to get a good, long nap today. I thought I'd get in the habit of an afternoon nap - only lasted one day- guess I enjoy watching Wagon Train too much-Zetta.

    Mint, I keep thinking about cooking some pintos but haven't yet. Thus time I want to soak them.overnight first. I need to make some cornbread. I always make my buttermilk for cooking with milk and a little vinegar but also use sour milk in cornbread.

    Beth, I don't know about Dutch Letters either. What are they?

    Jo, I watched Doc Martin Thursday night and they decided not to move to London. Do wish it wasn't the last of the show. Hope you are feeling better. How is your son? Looking forward to a post from you.

    Joan, how are things with you? Hopefully your weather is getting warmer and you'll be able to get our and enjoy in it.

    Ron, were you able to get to Church today? Hope so.

    Sandy, hope things are going well with you. How are all the horses and mules? We'll talk soon. I'm hoping Mike will change his mind about moving Gray Lady. She seems to be doing well.

    Enjoy the rest of your day. Forgot to look at the full moon last night -will tonight.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    edited February 25

    @harshedbuzz Thanks for sharing your jewelry stories! I did google how to tell if pearls are real and I think the ones I kept are fake. I must have given the real ones to my daughter, which is a good thing. I got to thinking also that my dad was in Hawaii when he was in the navy (did not fight in the war), and he brought back pearls to his mother, my grandmother, from Hawaii. I don't know what happened with those but suspect my sister has them.

    @Lorita Dutch letters are large, about 6-8" long, a pastry shaped like the letter S (for Sinterklaas, the Dutch Santa). Inside the pastry is almond filling.

    63 degrees here today. So nice! I am going to the back yard to dig up a few little clumps of grass to transplant to a bare area in the front. I have seed there, but the grass clumps will work more quickly.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Hi to Butterflywings from Aus.

    I started writing many many years ago, but just for my own enjoyment. Then when dh started to show signs of ALZ I kept a diary, to keep track of what was happening (About the time I joined the 'porch' --a veranda in our terms). Then after he was placed in a NH in 2016, I did have more time, and wrote a bit more. I published my first novel in 2018, and have kept writing since then. I did pay to have my memoir published, but ever since then I self-publish on Amazon. You can find all my books there. I am shocked when I see how many there are --now 10!

    I usually write in the mornings, and try to get about 1000 words while I am at it. But there are many days when life gets in the way, and I write nothing.

    I do wish you luck getting started. Perhaps start with a journal, just to get into the habit. It's a good way to unload the angst of being a carer!


  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    Thank you for the tips and encouragement, Barbara! I am excited to start. I like the goal of a certain number of words a day. And also your point about just getting in the habit. Amazing that you have 10 books already! I love it!

    Lorita, I wonder if WMT or Costco has veggie hot dogs you could order? I don't know the brand used at our local restaurants that carry them, but I feel they are really good (and taste just like the "real deal" to me).

    Have a wonderful day dear veranda - front porch friends! Just got a full change of clothes for a wet DH, and heading back to sleep!😌

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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